Example #1
    def freshenFile(self, host, fileSpec, localPathname):
        """ Ensures that the localPathname is the most current version
        of the file defined by fileSpec, as offered by host.  If not,
        it downloads a new version on-the-spot.  Returns true on
        success, false on failure. """

        if fileSpec.quickVerify(pathname=localPathname):
            # It's good, keep it.
            return True

        assert self.http

        # It's stale, get a new one.
        doc = None
        if self.superMirrorUrl:
            # Use the "super mirror" first.
            url = core.URLSpec(self.superMirrorUrl + fileSpec.filename)
            self.notify.info("Freshening %s" % (url))
            doc = self.http.getDocument(url)

        if not doc or not doc.isValid():
            # Failing the super mirror, contact the actual host.
            url = core.URLSpec(host.hostUrlPrefix + fileSpec.filename)
            self.notify.info("Freshening %s" % (url))
            doc = self.http.getDocument(url)
            if not doc.isValid():
                return False

        file = Filename.temporary('', 'p3d_')
        if not doc.downloadToFile(file):
            # Failed to download.
            return False

        # Successfully downloaded!
        if not file.renameTo(localPathname):
            # Couldn't move it into place.
            return False

        if not fileSpec.fullVerify(pathname=localPathname, notify=self.notify):
            # No good after download.
            self.notify.info("%s is still no good after downloading." % (url))
            return False

        return True
Example #2
    def setP3DFilename(self,
        """ Called by the browser to specify the p3d file that
        contains the application itself, along with the web tokens
        and/or command-line arguments.  Once this method has been
        called, the application is effectively started. """

        # One day we will have support for multiple instances within a
        # Python session.  Against that day, we save the instance ID
        # for this instance.
        self.instanceId = instanceId

        self.tokens = tokens
        self.argv = argv

        # We build up a token dictionary with care, so that if a given
        # token appears twice in the token list, we record only the
        # first value, not the second or later.  This is consistent
        # with the internal behavior of the core API.
        self.tokenDict = {}
        for token, keyword in tokens:
            self.tokenDict.setdefault(token, keyword)

        # Also store the arguments on sys, for applications that
        # aren't instance-ready.
        sys.argv = argv

        # That means we now know the altHost in effect.
        self.altHost = self.tokenDict.get('alt_host', None)

        # Tell the browser that Python is up and running, and ready to
        # respond to queries.

        # Now go load the applet.
        fname = Filename.fromOsSpecific(p3dFilename)
        vfs = VirtualFileSystem.getGlobalPtr()

        if not vfs.exists(fname):
            raise ArgumentError, "No such file: %s" % (p3dFilename)

        mf = Multifile()
        if p3dOffset == 0:
            if not mf.openRead(fname):
                raise ArgumentError, "Not a Panda3D application: %s" % (
            if not mf.openRead(fname, p3dOffset):
                raise ArgumentError, "Not a Panda3D application: %s at offset: %s" % (
                    p3dFilename, p3dOffset)

        # Now load the p3dInfo file.
        self.p3dInfo = None
        self.p3dPackage = None
        self.p3dConfig = None
        self.allowPythonDev = False

        i = mf.findSubfile('p3d_info.xml')
        if i >= 0 and hasattr(core, 'readXmlStream'):
            stream = mf.openReadSubfile(i)
            self.p3dInfo = core.readXmlStream(stream)
        if self.p3dInfo:
            self.p3dPackage = self.p3dInfo.FirstChildElement('package')
        if self.p3dPackage:
            self.p3dConfig = self.p3dPackage.FirstChildElement('config')

            xhost = self.p3dPackage.FirstChildElement('host')
            while xhost:
                xhost = xhost.NextSiblingElement('host')

        if self.p3dConfig:
            allowPythonDev = self.p3dConfig.Attribute('allow_python_dev')
            if allowPythonDev:
                self.allowPythonDev = int(allowPythonDev)
            guiApp = self.p3dConfig.Attribute('gui_app')
            if guiApp:
                self.guiApp = int(guiApp)

            trueFileIO = self.p3dConfig.Attribute('true_file_io')
            if trueFileIO:
                self.trueFileIO = int(trueFileIO)

        # The interactiveConsole flag can only be set true if the
        # application has allow_python_dev set.
        if not self.allowPythonDev and interactiveConsole:
            raise StandardError, "Impossible, interactive_console set without allow_python_dev."
        self.interactiveConsole = interactiveConsole

        if self.allowPythonDev:
            # Set the fps text to remind the user that
            # allow_python_dev is enabled.
                'allow_python_dev %0.1f fps')

        if self.guiApp:


        # Mount the Multifile under self.multifileRoot.
        vfs.mount(mf, self.multifileRoot, vfs.MFReadOnly)
        self.p3dMultifile = mf

        self.loadMultifilePrcFiles(mf, self.multifileRoot)
        self.gotP3DFilename = True
        self.p3dFilename = fname
        if p3dUrl:
            # The url from which the p3d file was downloaded is
            # provided if available.  It is only for documentation
            # purposes; the actual p3d file has already been
            # downloaded to p3dFilename.
            self.p3dUrl = core.URLSpec(p3dUrl)

        # Send this call to the main thread; don't call it directly.
        messenger.send('AppRunner_startIfReady', taskChain='default')