def drawLeaf( nodePath, vdata, pos=LVector3(0, 0, 0), vecList=[LVector3(0, 0, 1), LVector3(1, 0, 0), LVector3(0, -1, 0)], scale=0.125): # use the vectors that describe the direction the branch grows to make the right # rotation matrix newCs = LMatrix4(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) newCs.setRow(0, vecList[2]) # right newCs.setRow(1, vecList[1]) # up newCs.setRow(2, vecList[0]) # forward newCs.setRow(3, (0, 0, 0)) newCs.setCol(3, (0, 0, 0, 1)) axisAdj = LMatrix4.scaleMat(scale) * newCs * LMatrix4.translateMat(pos) # orginlly made the leaf out of geometry but that didnt look good # I also think there should be a better way to handle the leaf texture other than # hardcoding the filename leafModel = loader.loadModel('models/shrubbery') leafTexture = loader.loadTexture('models/material-10-cl.png') leafModel.reparentTo(nodePath) leafModel.setTexture(leafTexture, 1) leafModel.setTransform(TransformState.makeMat(axisAdj))
def get_bone_transform_mat(self, bone_transform_array, bone_index): """ Returns the transform related to the given bone. The transform is returned as a 4-dimensions transform matrix. bone_transform_array : Array containing all the bones transformations bone_index : Index of the bone transformation to retrieve. """ if bone_index < len(bone_transform_array): bone_transform = bone_transform_array[bone_index] if bone_transform is not None: position = bone_transform.position orientation = bone_transform.orientation transform_mat = LMatrix4() compose_matrix(transform_mat, LVector3(1), LVector3(0), self.convert_quaternion(orientation).get_hpr(), self.convert_vector(position).get_xyz()) return self.coord_mat_inv * transform_mat * self.coord_mat else: print( "ERROR: No transform data for bone {}".format(bone_index)) else: print("ERROR: Invalid bone index {}".format(bone_index)) return LMatrix4.ident_mat()
def start(self): # The maze model also has a locator in it for where to start the ball # To access it we use the find command #startPos = self.maze.find("**/start").getPos() startPos = (MAZES_START_POS[self.maze_i][0], MAZES_START_POS[self.maze_i][1], MAZE_HEIGHT + BALL_OFFSET) self.ballRoot.setPos(startPos) if not self.ready_to_solve: self.ballRoot.hide() = pid(startPos[0], startPos[1]) # INICIALITZAR A* AMB LABERINT HARDCODEJAT, S'HA DE CANVIAR # ----------- self.path_matrix, self.path = self.aStar.a_star(laberint, 26, 10, 465, 448, 89, 461) ----------------- self.indexPuntActual = 0 self.ballV = LVector3(0, 0, 0) # Initial velocity is 0 self.accelV = LVector3(0, 0, 0) # Initial acceleration is 0 # Create the movement task, but first make sure it is not already # running taskMgr.remove("rollTask") self.mainLoop = taskMgr.add(self.rollTask, "rollTask")
def update_instance(self, camera_pos, orientation): body = self.parent if body.is_emissive() and (not body.resolved or isinstance(body, DeepSpaceObject)): if body.scene_position != None: self.instance.setPos(*body.scene_position) scale = abs( * body.get_label_size() * body.scene_distance) else: scale = 0.0 else: offset = body.get_apparent_radius() * 1.01 rel_front_pos = body.rel_position - orientation.xform(LPoint3d(0, offset, 0)) vector_to_obs = LVector3d(-rel_front_pos) distance_to_obs = vector_to_obs.length() vector_to_obs /= distance_to_obs position, distance, scale_factor = self.get_real_pos_rel(rel_front_pos, distance_to_obs, vector_to_obs) self.instance.setPos(*position) scale = abs( * body.get_label_size() * distance) color = body.get_label_color() * self.fade self.look_at.set_pos(LVector3(*(orientation.xform(LVector3d.forward())))) self.label_instance.look_at(self.look_at, LVector3(), LVector3(*(orientation.xform(LVector3d.up())))) color[3] = 1.0 self.label.setTextColor(color) if scale < 1e-7: print("Label too far", self.get_name()) scale = 1e-7 self.instance.setScale(scale)
def makeFractalTree(bodydata, nodePath, length, pos=LVector3(0, 0, 0), numIterations=11, numCopies=4, vecList=[LVector3(0, 0, 1), LVector3(1, 0, 0), LVector3(0, -1, 0)]): if numIterations > 0: drawBody(nodePath, bodydata, pos, vecList, length.getX()) # move foward along the right axis newPos = pos + vecList[0] * length.length() # only branch every third level (sorta) if numIterations % 3 == 0: # decrease dimensions when we branch length = LVector3( length.getX() / 2, length.getY() / 2, length.getZ() / 1.1) for i in range(numCopies): makeFractalTree(bodydata, nodePath, length, newPos, numIterations - 1, numCopies, randomAxis(vecList)) else: # just make another branch connected to this one with a small # variation in direction makeFractalTree(bodydata, nodePath, length, newPos, numIterations - 1, numCopies, smallRandomAxis(vecList)) else: drawBody(nodePath, bodydata, pos, vecList, length.getX(), False) drawLeaf(nodePath, bodydata, pos, vecList)
def setup(self): self.worldNP = render.attach_new_node('World') # World self.debugNP = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(BulletDebugNode('Debug')) self.debugNP.node().show_wireframe(True) self.debugNP.node().show_constraints(True) self.debugNP.node().show_bounding_boxes(False) self.debugNP.node().show_normals(False) = BulletWorld(), 0, -9.81)) # Box A shape = BulletBoxShape(LVector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) bodyA = BulletRigidBodyNode('Box A') bodyNP = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(bodyA) bodyNP.node().add_shape(shape) bodyNP.set_collide_mask(BitMask32.all_on()) bodyNP.set_pos(-3, 0, 4) visNP = loader.load_model('models/box.egg') visNP.clear_model_nodes() visNP.reparent_to(bodyNP) # Box B shape = BulletBoxShape(LVector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) bodyB = BulletRigidBodyNode('Box B') bodyNP = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(bodyB) bodyNP.node().add_shape(shape) bodyNP.node().set_mass(1.0) bodyNP.node().set_deactivation_enabled(False) bodyNP.set_collide_mask(BitMask32.all_on()) bodyNP.set_pos(0, 0, 0) visNP = loader.load_model('models/box.egg') visNP.clear_model_nodes() visNP.reparent_to(bodyNP) # Slider frameA = TransformState.make_pos_hpr(LPoint3(2, 0, 0), LVector3(0, 0, 45)) frameB = TransformState.make_pos_hpr(LPoint3(0, -3, 0), LVector3(0, 0, 0)) slider = BulletSliderConstraint(bodyA, bodyB, frameA, frameB, True) slider.set_debug_draw_size(2.0) slider.set_lower_linear_limit(0) slider.set_upper_linear_limit(6) slider.set_lower_angular_limit(-60) slider.set_upper_angular_limit(60)
def setup_world_lightning(self): """ Sets up the ambient and specular lighting of the world :return: """ ambientLight = AmbientLight("ambientLight") ambientLight.setColor((2, 2, 2, 1)) directionalLight = DirectionalLight("directionalLight") directionalLight.setShadowCaster(True) directionalLight.setDirection(LVector3(-1, -1, -1)) directionalLight.setColor((.5, .5, .5, 1)) dir_light_node = self.render.attachNewNode(directionalLight) # dir_light_node.setPos(10, 2, 7) # dir_light_node.lookAt(2, 2, 0) self.render.setLight(dir_light_node) self.render.setLight(self.render.attachNewNode(ambientLight)) spot = Spotlight("Spot") spot.setColorTemperature(9000) spot.setColor(LVector3(1, 1, 1)) light = self.render.attachNewNode(spot) light.node().setScene(self.render) light.node().setShadowCaster(True) # light.node().showFrustum() light.node().getLens().setFov(40) light.node().getLens().setNearFar(2, 100) # light.setPos(10, 2, 7) light.setPos(10, 20, 20) light.lookAt(2, 2, 0) self.render.setLight(light)
def start(self): #startPos = self.maze.find("**/start").getPos() #self.ballRoot.setPos(0.5, 0, 0) #self.ballV = LVector3(0, 0.5, 0) # Initial velocity is 0 #self.accelV = LVector3(0, 0, 0) # Initial acceleration is 0 self.ballVs = [] self.accelVs = [] for ballIndex in xrange(len(self.balls)): self.ballVs.append(LVector3(0, 0, 0)) self.accelVs.append(LVector3(0, 0, 0)) continue self.ballRoots[0].setPos(0.2, 1.05, -0.1) #self.ballVs[0] = LVector3(0, 0.0, 0) self.ballRoots[1].setPos(0.32, 1.2, -0.1) #self.ballRoots[2].setHpr(0, 0, 90) self.ballRoots[2].setPos(-0.4, 1.1, 0.4) axis = LVector3.up() prevRot = LRotationf(self.balls[2].getQuat()) newRot = LRotationf(axis, 90) self.balls[2].setQuat(prevRot * newRot) # Create the movement task, but first make sure it is not already # running taskMgr.remove("rollTask") #taskMgr.remove("mouseTask") self.mainLoop = taskMgr.add(self.rollTask, "rollTask") #self.mainLoop = taskMgr.add(self.mouseTask, "mouseTask") return
def addLight(self, id, parent, attenuation, position, color, specular, stroboscopic, spot, lookat): if spot: slight = Spotlight(id) slight.setColor(VBase4(1, 1, 1, 1)) lens = PerspectiveLens() slight.setLens(lens) light = render.attachNewNode(slight) light.setPos(LVector3(position[0], position[1], position[2])) if lookat == None: light.lookAt(parent) else: light.lookAt(render.find("**/" + lookat)) else: light = parent.attachNewNode(PointLight(id)) light.node().setAttenuation(attenuation) light.setPos(LVector3(position[0], position[1], position[2])) light.node().setColor(color) light.node().setSpecularColor(specular) render.setLight(light) self.light_elements[id] = light if stroboscopic: self.stroboscopic_lights.append(id) if id: self.nodes_by_id[id] = light return light
def cardmaker_debug(self): for node in render2d.find_all_matches("pfm"): node.remove_node() for text in base.a2dBottomLeft.find_all_matches("*"): text.remove_node() width = 0.2 # render2d coordinates range: [-1..1] # Pseudo-normalize our PfmFile for better contrast. normalized_pfm = PfmFile(self.RotorPFM) max_p = LVector3() normalized_pfm.calc_min_max(LVector3(), max_p) normalized_pfm *= 1.0 / max_p.x # Put it in a texture tex = Texture() tex.load(normalized_pfm) # Apply the texture to a quad and put it in the lower left corner. cm = CardMaker("pfm") cm.set_frame(0, width, 0, width / normalized_pfm.get_x_size() * normalized_pfm.get_y_size()) card = base.render2d.attach_new_node(cm.generate()) card.set_pos(-1, 0, -1) card.set_texture(tex) # Display max value text self.genLabelText(-3, "Max value: {:.3f} == {:.2f}m".format(max_p.x, max_p.x * self.terrain_scale.z), parent="a2dBottomLeft")
def set_light_angle(self, angle): self.light_angle = angle self.light_quat.setFromAxisAngleRad(angle * pi / 180, LVector3.forward()) self.light_dir = self.light_quat.xform(LVector3.up()) cosA = self.vector_to_star = self.light_dir if self.shadow_caster is not None: self.shadow_caster.set_direction(-self.light_dir) if self.directionalLight is not None: self.directionalLight.setDirection(-self.light_dir) if cosA >= 0: coef = sqrt(cosA) self.light_color = (1, coef, coef, 1) self.directionalLight.setColor(self.light_color) new_sky_color = self.skybox_color * cosA new_sky_color[3] = 1.0 self.skybox.setColor(new_sky_color) if self.fog is not None: self.fog.fog_color = self.skybox_color * cosA self.fog.sun_color = self.sun_color * cosA else: self.light_color = (0, 0, 0, 1) self.directionalLight.setColor(self.light_color) self.skybox.setColor(self.light_color) if self.fog is not None: self.fog.fog_color = self.skybox_color * 0 self.fog.sun_color = self.sun_color * 0 self.terrain.update_shader()
def update_action(self): # Get the time that elapsed since last frame. We multiply this with # the desired speed in order to find out with which distance to move # in order to achieve that desired speed. dt = globalClock.getDt() # If a move-button is pressed, move in the specified direction. click_data, device_path = self.get_digital_action_state( self.action_trackpad_click) analog_data, device_path = self.get_analog_action_value( self.action_trackpad_pos) if click_data and analog_data is not None: x, y = analog_data.x, analog_data.y if x < -0.4: self.tracking_space.setH(self.tracking_space.getH() + 60 * dt) if x > 0.4: self.tracking_space.setH(self.tracking_space.getH() - 60 * dt) if y > 0.1: orientation = self.hmd_anchor.get_quat(render) vector = orientation.xform(LVector3(0, 1, 0)) vector[2] = 0 vector.normalize() self.tracking_space.setPos(self.tracking_space.getPos() + vector * (5 * dt)) if y < -0.1: orientation = self.hmd_anchor.get_quat() vector = orientation.xform(LVector3(0, 1, 0)) vector[2] = 0 vector.normalize() self.tracking_space.setPos(self.tracking_space, vector * (-5 * dt))
def __init__(self, pos=Point3(0), face=None): MapWritable.__init__(self, base.document) self.uv = LTexCoord(0, 0) self.tangent = LVector3(1, 0, 0) self.binormal = LVector3(0, 0, 1) self.pos = pos self.face = face
def lettuce_leaf_pair(baby, direction, showBase): x, y = direction leaf1 = LettuceLeaf(baby, showBase) leaf1.start_position = LVector3(x, y, random() * 3 + 2) * .001 leaf2 = LettuceLeaf(baby, showBase) leaf2.start_position = LVector3(-x, -y, random() * 3 + 2) * .001 return [leaf1, leaf2]
def start(self): startPos = self.maze.find("**/start").getPos() self.ballRoot.setPos(startPos) self.ballV = LVector3(0, 0, 0) self.accelV = LVector3(0, 0, 0) taskMgr.remove("roolTask") self.mainLoop = taskMgr.add(self.rollTask, "rollTask")
def reset_vehicle(self): reset_pos = self.vehicleNP.get_pos() reset_pos.z += 3 self.vehicleNP.node().clear_forces() self.vehicleNP.node().set_linear_velocity(LVector3(0)) self.vehicleNP.node().set_angular_velocity(LVector3(0)) self.vehicleNP.set_pos(reset_pos) self.vehicleNP.set_hpr(LVector3(0))
def get_scale(self): if self.scale is not None: scale = self.scale elif self.oblateness is not None: scale = LVector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0 - self.oblateness) * self.radius else: scale = LVector3(self.radius, self.radius, self.radius) return scale
def start(self): startPos = Point3(self.start_pos[0], self.start_pos[1], 2) self.ballRoot.setPos(startPos) self.ballV = LVector3(0, 0, 0) # Initial velocity is 0 self.accelV = LVector3(0, 0, 0) # Initial acceleration is 0 taskMgr.remove("rollTask") self.mainLoop = taskMgr.add(self.rollTask, "rollTask")
def setup(self): self.worldNP = render.attach_new_node('World') # World self.debugNP = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(BulletDebugNode('Debug')) = BulletWorld(), 0, -9.81)) # Ground shape = BulletPlaneShape(LVector3(0, 0, 1), 0) #img = PNMImage(Filename('models/elevation.png')) #shape = BulletHeightfieldShape(img, 1.0, ZUp) np = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(BulletRigidBodyNode('Ground')) np.node().add_shape(shape) np.set_pos(0, 0, -1) np.set_collide_mask(BitMask32.all_on()) # Box shape = BulletBoxShape(LVector3(1.0, 3.0, 0.3)) np = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(BulletRigidBodyNode('Box')) np.node().set_mass(10.0) np.node().add_shape(shape) np.set_pos(3, 0, 4) np.setH(20.0) np.set_collide_mask(BitMask32.all_on()) # Character self.crouching = False h = 1.75 w = 0.4 shape = BulletCapsuleShape(w, h - 2 * w, ZUp) self.character = BulletCharacterControllerNode(shape, 0.4, 'Player') self.characterNP = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(self.character) self.characterNP.set_pos(-2, 0, 14) self.characterNP.set_h(45) self.characterNP.set_collide_mask(BitMask32.all_on()) self.actorNP = Actor( 'samples/roaming-ralph/models/ralph.egg.pz', { 'run': 'samples/roaming-ralph/models/ralph-run.egg.pz', 'walk': 'samples/roaming-ralph/models/ralph-walk.egg.pz' }) self.actorNP.reparent_to(self.characterNP) self.actorNP.set_scale(0.3048) # 1ft = 0.3048m self.actorNP.setH(180) self.actorNP.set_pos(0, 0, -1)
def setup(self): self.worldNP = render.attach_new_node('World') # World self.debugNP = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(BulletDebugNode('Debug')) self.debugNP.node().show_wireframe(True) self.debugNP.node().show_constraints(True) self.debugNP.node().show_bounding_boxes(False) self.debugNP.node().show_normals(False) = BulletWorld(), 0, -9.81)) # Box A shape = BulletBoxShape(LVector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) bodyA = BulletRigidBodyNode('Box A') bodyNP = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(bodyA) bodyNP.node().add_shape(shape) bodyNP.set_collide_mask(BitMask32.all_on()) bodyNP.set_pos(-2, 0, 1) visNP = loader.load_model('models/box.egg') visNP.clear_model_nodes() visNP.reparent_to(bodyNP) # Box B shape = BulletBoxShape(LVector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) bodyB = BulletRigidBodyNode('Box B') bodyNP = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(bodyB) bodyNP.node().add_shape(shape) bodyNP.node().set_mass(1.0) bodyNP.node().set_deactivation_enabled(False) bodyNP.set_collide_mask(BitMask32.all_on()) bodyNP.set_pos(2, 0, 1) visNP = loader.load_model('models/box.egg') visNP.clear_model_nodes() visNP.reparent_to(bodyNP) # Hinge pivotA = LPoint3(2, 0, 0) pivotB = LPoint3(-4, 0, 0) axisA = LVector3(0, 0, 1) axisB = LVector3(0, 0, 1) hinge = BulletHingeConstraint(bodyA, bodyB, pivotA, pivotB, axisA, axisB, True) hinge.set_debug_draw_size(2.0) hinge.set_limit(-90, 120, softness=0.9, bias=0.3, relaxation=1.0)
def setupLights(self, direc=(0, 45, -45), point=(0,0,0), color=(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1)): # This function sets up some default lighting ambientLight = AmbientLight("ambientLight") ambientLight.setColor((.8, .8, .8, 1)) directionalLight = DirectionalLight("directionalLight") directionalLight.setDirection(LVector3(direc)) directionalLight.setPoint(LVector3(point)) directionalLight.setColor(color) render.setLight(render.attachNewNode(directionalLight)) render.setLight(render.attachNewNode(ambientLight))
def setup(self): self.worldNP = render.attach_new_node('World') # World self.debugNP = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(BulletDebugNode('Debug')) self.debugNP.node().show_wireframe(True) self.debugNP.node().show_constraints(True) self.debugNP.node().show_bounding_boxes(False) self.debugNP.node().show_normals(False) = BulletWorld(), 0, -9.81)) # Box A shape = BulletBoxShape(LVector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) bodyA = BulletRigidBodyNode('Box A') bodyNP = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(bodyA) bodyNP.node().add_shape(shape) bodyNP.set_collide_mask(BitMask32.all_on()) bodyNP.set_pos(-2, 0, 4) visNP = loader.load_model('models/box.egg') visNP.clear_model_nodes() visNP.reparent_to(bodyNP) # Box B shape = BulletBoxShape(LVector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) bodyB = BulletRigidBodyNode('Box B') bodyNP = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(bodyB) bodyNP.node().add_shape(shape) bodyNP.node().set_mass(1.0) bodyNP.node().set_deactivation_enabled(False) bodyNP.set_collide_mask(BitMask32.all_on()) bodyNP.set_pos(0, 0, 0) visNP = loader.load_model('models/box.egg') visNP.clear_model_nodes() visNP.reparent_to(bodyNP) # Cone frameA = TransformState.make_pos_hpr(LPoint3(0, 0, -2), LVector3(0, 0, 90)) frameB = TransformState.make_pos_hpr(LPoint3(-5, 0, 0), LVector3(0, 0, 0)) cone = BulletConeTwistConstraint(bodyA, bodyB, frameA, frameB) cone.set_debug_draw_size(2.0) cone.set_limit(30, 45, 170, softness=1.0, bias=0.3, relaxation=8.0)
def setup(self): self.worldNP = render.attach_new_node('World') # World self.debugNP = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(BulletDebugNode('Debug')) = BulletWorld(), 0, -9.81)) # Ground shape = BulletPlaneShape(LVector3(0, 0, 1), 0) np = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(BulletRigidBodyNode('Ground')) np.node().add_shape(shape) np.set_pos(0, 0, 0) np.set_collide_mask(BitMask32(0x0f)) # Box shape = BulletBoxShape(LVector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) np = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(BulletRigidBodyNode('Box')) np.node().set_mass(1.0) np.node().add_shape(shape) np.set_pos(0, 0, 4) np.set_collide_mask(BitMask32(0x0f)) self.boxNP = np visualNP = loader.load_model('models/box.egg') visualNP.reparent_to(self.boxNP) # Sphere shape = BulletSphereShape(0.6) np = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(BulletRigidBodyNode('Sphere')) np.node().set_mass(1.0) np.node().add_shape(shape) np.set_pos(3, 0, 4) np.set_collide_mask(BitMask32(0x0f)) # Cone shape = BulletConeShape(0.6, 1.0) np = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(BulletRigidBodyNode('Cone')) np.node().set_mass(1.0) np.node().add_shape(shape) np.set_pos(6, 0, 4) np.set_collide_mask(BitMask32(0x0f))
def update(self): radius = self.body.get_extend() / settings.scale self.shadow_caster.get_lens().set_film_size(radius * 2.1, radius * 2.1) #The shadow frustum origin is at the light center which is one radius away from the object #So the near plane is 0 to coincide with the boundary of the object self.shadow_caster.get_lens().setNear(0) self.shadow_caster.get_lens().setFar(radius * 2) self.shadow_caster.get_lens().set_view_vector( LVector3(*-self.body.vector_to_star), LVector3.up())
def update(self): radius = self.body.get_extend() / settings.scale self.shadow_caster.get_lens().set_film_size(radius * 2.1, radius * 2.1) self.shadow_caster.get_lens().setNear( self.shadow_caster.get_lens().setFar( self.shadow_caster.get_lens().set_view_vector( LVector3(*-self.body.vector_to_star), LVector3.up())
def setup(self): self.worldNP = render.attach_new_node('World') # World self.debugNP = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(BulletDebugNode('Debug')) self.debugNP.node().show_wireframe(True) self.debugNP.node().show_constraints(True) self.debugNP.node().show_bounding_boxes(False) self.debugNP.node().show_normals(False) = BulletWorld(), 0, -9.81)) # Box A shape = BulletBoxShape(LVector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) bodyA = BulletRigidBodyNode('Box A') bodyNP = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(bodyA) bodyNP.node().add_shape(shape) bodyNP.set_collide_mask(BitMask32.all_on()) bodyNP.set_pos(-1, 0, 4) visNP = loader.load_model('models/box.egg') visNP.clear_model_nodes() visNP.reparent_to(bodyNP) # Box B shape = BulletBoxShape(LVector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) bodyB = BulletRigidBodyNode('Box B') bodyNP = self.worldNP.attach_new_node(bodyB) bodyNP.node().add_shape(shape) bodyNP.node().set_mass(1.0) bodyNP.node().set_deactivation_enabled(False) bodyNP.node().setLinearDamping(0.6) bodyNP.node().setAngularDamping(0.6) bodyNP.set_collide_mask(BitMask32.all_on()) bodyNP.set_pos(2, 0, 0) visNP = loader.load_model('models/box.egg') visNP.clear_model_nodes() visNP.reparent_to(bodyNP) # Spherical Constraint pivotA = LPoint3(2, 0, 0) pivotB = LPoint3(0, 0, 4) joint = BulletSphericalConstraint(bodyA, bodyB, pivotA, pivotB) joint.set_debug_draw_size(2.0)
def __init__(self, showbase, usersData, gameData): DirectObject.__init__(self) self.showbase = showbase self.usersData = usersData self.gameData = gameData random.seed(self.gameData.randSeed) # Initialize the collision traverser. self.cTrav = CollisionTraverser() # Initialize the handler. self.collHandEvent = CollisionHandlerEvent() self.collHandEvent.addInPattern('into-%in') = World(showbase) self.ambientLight = showbase.render.attachNewNode( AmbientLight("ambientLight")) # Set the color of the ambient light self.ambientLight.node().setColor((.1, .1, .1, 1)) # add the newly created light to the lightAttrib # showbase.render.setLight(self.ambientLight) self.spotlight = None numberOfPlayers = len(self.usersData) for index, user in enumerate(self.usersData): user.centipede = Centipede(showbase, index, numberOfPlayers, self.addToCollisions) if user.thisPlayer: self.centipede = user.centipede self.centipede.attachRing(showbase) self.spotlight = self.centipede.head.attachNewNode( PointLight("playerSpotlight")) self.spotlight.setPos(LVector3(0, 0, 8)) # Now we create a spotlight. Spotlights light objects in a given cone # They are good for simulating things like flashlights self.spotlight.node().setAttenuation( LVector3(.025, 0.0005, 0.0001)) self.spotlight.node().setColor((0.35, 0.35, .35, 1)) self.spotlight.node().setSpecularColor((0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1)) showbase.render.setLight(self.spotlight) self.perPixelEnabled = True self.shadowsEnabled = True #if self.spotlight: # self.spotlight.node().setShadowCaster(True, 512, 512) showbase.render.setShaderAuto() self.foods = [] for i in range(self.gameData.maxFoods): self.foods.append(Food(self.showbase, i, self.addToCollisions))
def regenTree(self): forest = render.findAllMatches("Tree Holder") forest.detach() bodydata = GeomVertexData("body vertices", self.format, Geom.UHStatic) treeNodePath = NodePath("Tree Holder") makeFractalTree(bodydata, treeNodePath, LVector3(4, 4, 7), LVector3(0, 0, 0), self.numIterations, self.numCopies) treeNodePath.setTexture(self.barkTexture, 1) treeNodePath.reparentTo(render)
def configure_shape(self): if self.scale is not None: scale = self.scale elif self.oblateness is not None: scale = LVector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0 - self.oblateness) * self.radius else: scale = LVector3(self.radius, self.radius, self.radius) #TODO: should be done on all components if self.surface is not None: self.surface.set_scale(scale) if self.clouds is not None: self.clouds.set_scale(scale)
def Square(self): format = GeomVertexFormat.getV3n3cpt2() vdata = GeomVertexData('cube', format, Geom.UHDynamic) vertex = GeomVertexWriter(vdata, 'vertex') ################################ # # FACE 1 # ################################ vert1 = LVector3(self.pos.getX(), self.pos.getY(), self.pos.getZ()) vert2 = LVector3(vert1.getX() + self.len, vert1.getY(), vert1.getZ()) vert3 = LVector3(vert2.getX(), vert2.getY() + self.wid, vert2.getZ()) vert4 = LVector3(vert1.getX(), vert1.getY() + self.wid, vert1.getZ()) vertex.addData3(vert1) vertex.addData3(vert2) vertex.addData3(vert3) vertex.addData3(vert4) normal = GeomVertexWriter(vdata, 'normal') norm = (vert4 - vert1).cross(vert2 - vert1) norm.normalize() normal.addData3(norm) normal.addData3(norm) normal.addData3(norm) normal.addData3(norm) color = GeomVertexWriter(vdata, 'color') color.addData4f(self.color) color.addData4f(self.color) color.addData4f(self.color) color.addData4f(self.color) texcoord = GeomVertexWriter(vdata, 'texcoord') texcoord.addData2f(1, 0) texcoord.addData2f(1, 1) texcoord.addData2f(0, 1) texcoord.addData2f(0, 0) tris = GeomTriangles(Geom.UHDynamic) tris.addVertices(0, 3, 1) tris.addVertices(1, 3, 2) square = Geom(vdata) square.addPrimitive(tris) self.prim = square self.model = GeomNode( self.model.addGeom(self.prim)
def set_perspective_lens(self, fov, near_plane, far_plane, pos, direction): transform_mat = Mat4.translate_mat(-pos) temp_lens = PerspectiveLens(fov, fov) temp_lens.set_film_offset(0, 0) temp_lens.set_near_far(near_plane, far_plane) temp_lens.set_view_vector(direction, LVector3.up()) self.set_matrix_lens(transform_mat * temp_lens.get_projection_mat())
def __init__(self): # Initialize the ShowBase class from which we inherit, which will # create a window and set up everything we need for rendering into it. ShowBase.__init__(self) # This code puts the standard title and instruction text on screen self.title = OnscreenText(text="Panda3D: Tutorial - Tasks", parent=base.a2dBottomRight, scale=.07, align=TextNode.ARight, pos=(-0.1, 0.1), fg=(1, 1, 1, 1), shadow=(0, 0, 0, 0.5)) self.escapeText = genLabelText("ESC: Quit", 0) self.leftkeyText = genLabelText("[Left Arrow]: Turn Left (CCW)", 1) self.rightkeyText = genLabelText("[Right Arrow]: Turn Right (CW)", 2) self.upkeyText = genLabelText("[Up Arrow]: Accelerate", 3) self.spacekeyText = genLabelText("[Space Bar]: Fire", 4) # Disable default mouse-based camera control. This is a method on the # ShowBase class from which we inherit. self.disableMouse() # Load the background starfield. self.setBackgroundColor((0, 0, 0, 1)) = loadObject("stars.jpg", scale=146, depth=200, transparency=False) # Load the ship and set its initial velocity. self.ship = loadObject("ship.png") self.setVelocity(self.ship, # A dictionary of what keys are currently being pressed # The key events update this list, and our task will query it as input self.keys = {"turnLeft": 0, "turnRight": 0, "accel": 0, "fire": 0} self.accept("escape", sys.exit) # Escape quits # Other keys events set the appropriate value in our key dictionary self.accept("arrow_left", self.setKey, ["turnLeft", 1]) self.accept("arrow_left-up", self.setKey, ["turnLeft", 0]) self.accept("arrow_right", self.setKey, ["turnRight", 1]) self.accept("arrow_right-up", self.setKey, ["turnRight", 0]) self.accept("arrow_up", self.setKey, ["accel", 1]) self.accept("arrow_up-up", self.setKey, ["accel", 0]) self.accept("space", self.setKey, ["fire", 1]) # Now we create the task. taskMgr is the task manager that actually # calls the function each frame. The add method creates a new task. # The first argument is the function to be called, and the second # argument is the name for the task. It returns a task object which # is passed to the function each frame. self.gameTask = taskMgr.add(self.gameLoop, "gameLoop") # Stores the time at which the next bullet may be fired. self.nextBullet = 0.0 # This list will stored fired bullets. self.bullets = [] # Complete initialization by spawning the asteroids. self.spawnAsteroids()
def set_perspective_lens(self, fov, near_plane, far_plane, pos, direction): transform_mat = Mat4.translate_mat(-pos) temp_lens = PerspectiveLens(fov, fov) temp_lens.set_film_offset(0, 0) temp_lens.set_near_far(near_plane, far_plane) temp_lens.set_view_vector(direction, LVector3.up()) self.set_matrix_lens(transform_mat * temp_lens.get_projection_mat()) hexahedron = temp_lens.make_bounds() center = (hexahedron.get_min() + hexahedron.get_max()) * 0.5 self._bounds = BoundingSphere(pos + center, (hexahedron.get_max() - center).length())
def __init__(self, game): = game self.cells = {} self.cells_by_collider = {} self.cell_picker_world = NodePath('cell_picker_world') self.ray = CollisionRay() self.ray.setDirection(LVector3.down()) cnode = CollisionNode('cell_raycast_cnode') self.ray_nodepath = self.cell_picker_world.attachNewNode(cnode) self.ray_nodepath.node().addSolid(self.ray) self.ray_nodepath.node().setIntoCollideMask(0) # not for colliding into self.ray_nodepath.node().setFromCollideMask(1) self.traverser = CollisionTraverser('traverser') self.last_known_cell = None