Example #1
    def checkDiffRot(self, rot1, rot2):

        :return:if the two pos the pos and quration is the same.
        author: jiayao
        date: 20170817
        print rot1, rot2
        #diffrot = pg.v3ToNp(rot1)-pg.v3ToNp(rot2)

        diffrot1 = pg.mat3ToNp(rot1)
        print rot2
        diffrot2 = pg.mat3ToNp(rot2)
        print diffrot1, diffrot2
        diffrot = diffrot1 - diffrot2
        diff = (np.trace(np.dot(diffrot, diffrot)))**0.5
        print "diffrot", diff
        #haven't finished
        # diffrot.get()
        return diff
Example #2
    def __loadGripsToBuildGraph(self, armname = "rgt"):
        load tabletopgrips
        retraction distance are also loaded from database

        :param robot: an robot defined in robotsim.hrp5 or robotsim.nextage
        :param gdb: an object of the database.GraspDB class
        :param idarm: value = 1 "lft" or 2 "rgt", which arm to use

        author: weiwei
        date: 20170112

        # load idarm
        idarm = self.gdb.loadIdArm(armname)
        idhand = self.gdb.loadIdHand(self.handname)

        # get the global grip ids
        # and prepare the global edges
        # for each globalgripid, find all its tabletopids (pertaining to placements)
        globalidsedges = {}
        sql = "SELECT idfreeairgrip FROM freeairgrip,object WHERE freeairgrip.idobject=object.idobject AND \
                object.name LIKE '%s' AND freeairgrip.idhand = %d" % (self.dbobjname, idhand)
        # sql = "SELECT dropfreegrip.iddropfreegrip FROM dropfreegrip,object WHERE dropfreegrip.idobject=object.idobject AND \
        #    object.name LIKE '%s' AND dropfreegrip.idhand = %d" % (self.dbobjname, idhand)
        # sql = "SELECT dropworkcellgrip.iddropworkcellgrip FROM dropworkcellgrip,object WHERE dropworkcellgrip.idobject=object.idobject AND \
        #             object.name LIKE '%s' AND dropworkcellgrip.idhand = %d" % (self.dbobjname, idhand)

        result = self.gdb.execute(sql)

        if len(result) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Plan freeairgrip first!")
        for ggid in result:
            globalidsedges[str(ggid[0])] = []

        sql = "SELECT dropstablepos.iddropstablepos,dropstablepos.rot,dropstablepos.pos,angle_drop.value FROM \
                       dropstablepos,object,angle_drop WHERE \
                       dropstablepos.idobject=object.idobject AND \
                       object.name LIKE '%s' "  % self.dbobjname
        result = self.gdb.execute(sql)

        if len(result) != 0:
            tpsrows = np.array(result)
            #self.angles = list([0.0])
            self.angles = list(set(map(float, tpsrows[:, 3])))

            # for plotting
            self.fttpsids = list(set(map(int, tpsrows[:, 0])))
            self.nfttps = len(self.fttpsids)

            idrobot = self.gdb.loadIdRobot(self.robot)

            for i, idtps in enumerate(tpsrows[:,0]):
                sql = "SELECT dropworkcellgrip.iddropworkcellgrip, dropworkcellgrip.contactpnt0, dropworkcellgrip.contactpnt1, \
                                                       dropworkcellgrip.rotmat, dropworkcellgrip.jawwidth ,dropworkcellgrip.idfreeairgrip\
                                                       FROM dropworkcellgrip,dropfreegrip,freeairgrip,ik_drop\
                                                       WHERE \
                                                        dropworkcellgrip.iddropstablepos = %d  \
                                                        AND dropworkcellgrip.iddropworkcellgrip=ik_drop.iddropworkcellgrip AND ik_drop.idrobot=%d AND ik_drop.idarm = %d AND\
                                                        ik_drop.feasibility='True' AND ik_drop.feasibility_handx='True' AND ik_drop.feasibility_handxworldz='True' \
                                                        AND ik_drop.feasibility_worlda='True' AND ik_drop.feasibility_worldaworldz='True'   \
                                                        AND dropworkcellgrip.idfreeairgrip = freeairgrip.idfreeairgrip  \
                                                        AND dropworkcellgrip.idhand = % d AND dropworkcellgrip.iddropfreegrip = dropfreegrip.iddropfreegrip " \
                                                                % (int(idtps),idrobot, idarm, idhand)

                resultttgs = self.gdb.execute(sql)
                if len(resultttgs)==0:
                    print "no result"
                localidedges = []
                for ttgsrow in resultttgs:
                    ttgsid = int(ttgsrow[0])
                    ttgscct0 = dc.strToV3(ttgsrow[1])
                    ttgscct1 = dc.strToV3(ttgsrow[2])
                    ttgsrotmat = dc.strToMat4(ttgsrow[3])
                    ttgsjawwidth = float(ttgsrow[4])
                    ttgsidfreeair = int(ttgsrow[5])
                    ttgsfgrcenter = (ttgscct0+ttgscct1)/2
                    handx = ttgsrotmat.getRow3(0)
                    ttgsfgrcenterhandx = ttgsfgrcenter + handx*self.rethandx
                    ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz = ttgsfgrcenterhandx + self.worldz*self.retworldz
                    ttgsfgrcenterworlda = ttgsfgrcenter + self.worlda*self.retworlda
                    ttgsfgrcenterworldaworldz = ttgsfgrcenterworlda+ self.worldz*self.retworldz
                    ttgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenter)

                    ttgsfgrcenternp_handx = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandx)
                    ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz)
                    ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworlda)
                    ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworldaworldz)
                    ttgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(ttgsrotmat.getUpper3())

                    objrotmat4 = pg.npToMat4(np.transpose(pg.mat3ToNp(dc.strToMat3(tpsrows[:, 1][i]))),
                                             pg.v3ToNp(dc.strToV3(tpsrows[:, 2][i])))

                    objrotmat4worlda = Mat4(objrotmat4)
                    objrotmat4worlda.setRow(3, objrotmat4.getRow3(3)+self.worlda*self.retworlda)
                    objrotmat4worldaworldz = Mat4(objrotmat4worlda)
                    objrotmat4worldaworldz.setRow(3, objrotmat4worlda.getRow3(3)+self.worldz*self.retworldz)

                    self.regg.add_node('mid' + str(ttgsid), fgrcenter=ttgsfgrcenternp,
                                       fgrcenterhandx = ttgsfgrcenternp_handx,
                                       fgrcenterhandxworldz = ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz,
                                       fgrcenterworlda = ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda,
                                       fgrcenterworldaworldz = ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz,
                                       jawwidth=ttgsjawwidth, hndrotmat3np=ttgsrotmat3np,
                                       globalgripid = ttgsidfreeair,
                                       #freetabletopplacementid = int(tpsrows[:,2][i]),
                                       freetabletopplacementid=int(tpsrows[:, 0][i]),
                                       tabletopplacementrotmat = objrotmat4,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmathandx = objrotmat4,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmathandxworldz = objrotmat4,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmatworlda = objrotmat4worlda,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmatworldaworldz = objrotmat4worldaworldz,
                                       angle = float(tpsrows[:,3][i]),
                                       tabletopposition = dc.strToV3(tpsrows[:,2][i]))

                    print "str(ttgsidfreeair),str(ttgsid)",str(ttgsidfreeair),str(ttgsid)

                    globalidsedges[str(ttgsidfreeair)].append('mid' + str(ttgsid))
                    localidedges.append('mid' + str(ttgsid))

                for edge in list(itertools.combinations(localidedges, 2)):
                    self.regg.add_edge(*edge, weight=1, edgetype = 'transit')

                #toc = time.clock()
                #print "(toc - tic2)", (toc - tic)

            if len(globalidsedges) == 0:
                raise ValueError("Plan tabletopgrips first!")

            #tic = time.clock()
            for globalidedgesid in globalidsedges:
                for edge in list(itertools.combinations(globalidsedges[globalidedgesid], 2)):
                    self.regg.add_edge(*edge, weight=1, edgetype = 'transfer')
            #toc = time.clock()
            #print "(toc - tic3)", (toc - tic)
            print ('No placements planned!')
            assert('No placements planned!')
Example #3
    def updateDBwithIK(self, robot):
        compute the IK feasible grasps of each pose


        # load idrobot
        idrobot = self.gdb.loadIdRobot(robot)

        self.assgikfeas0 = []
        self.assgikfeas0_retassdir = []
        self.assgikfeas1= []
        self.assgikfeas1_retassdir = []
        tic = time.time()
        for fpid, apmat in enumerate(self.gridsfloatingposemat4s):
            assdir1to0 = apmat.xformVec(self.assDirect1to0)
            assdir0to1 = apmat.xformVec(-self.assDirect1to0)
            toc = time.time()
            if fpid != 0:
                print("remaining time", (toc-tic)*len(self.gridsfloatingposemat4s)/fpid-(toc-tic))
            print(fpid, len(self.gridsfloatingposemat4s))
            ### right hand # rgt = 0
            armname = 'rgt'
            assgikfeas0 = []
            assgikfeas0_retassdir = []
            for i, hndrotmat4 in enumerate(self.icoass0griprotmat4s[fpid]):
                assgsfgrcenter = (self.icoass0gripcontacts[fpid][i][0]+self.icoass0gripcontacts[fpid][i][1])/2
                assgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(assgsfgrcenter)
                assgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(hndrotmat4.getUpper3())
                handx =  hndrotmat4.getRow3(0)
                # check the angle between handx and minus y
                minusworldy = Vec3(0,-1,0)
                if Vec3(handx).angleDeg(minusworldy) < 60:
                    assgsfgrcenternp_retassdir = pg.v3ToNp(assgsfgrcenter+assdir1to0)
                    if robot.numik(assgsfgrcenternp, assgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                        assgikfeas0[i] = 'True'
                    if robot.numik(assgsfgrcenternp_retassdir, assgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                        assgikfeas0_retassdir[i] = 'True'
            ### left hand
            armname = 'lft'
            assgikfeas1 = []
            assgikfeas1_retassdir = []
            for i, hndrotmat4 in enumerate(self.icoass1griprotmat4s[fpid]):
                assgsfgrcenter = (self.icoass1gripcontacts[fpid][i][0]+self.icoass1gripcontacts[fpid][i][1])/2
                assgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(assgsfgrcenter)
                assgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(hndrotmat4.getUpper3())
                handx =  hndrotmat4.getRow3(0)
                # check the angle between handx and minus y
                plusworldy = Vec3(0,1,0)
                if Vec3(handx).angleDeg(plusworldy) < 60:
                    assgsfgrcenternp_retassdir = pg.v3ToNp(assgsfgrcenter+assdir0to1)
                    if robot.numik(assgsfgrcenternp, assgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                        assgikfeas1[i] = 'True'
                    if robot.numik(assgsfgrcenternp_retassdir, assgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                        assgikfeas1_retassdir[i] = 'True'

Example #4
    def updateDBwithIK(self, robot):
        compute the IK feasible grasps of each pose


        # load retraction distances
        rethandx, retworldz, retworlda, worldz = self.gdb.loadIKRet()
        # load idrobot
        idrobot = self.gdb.loadIdRobot(robot)

        self.floatinggripikfeas_rgt = []
        self.floatinggripikfeas_handx_rgt = []
        self.floatinggripikfeas_lft = []
        self.floatinggripikfeas_handx_lft = []
        tic = time.clock()
        for fpid in range(len(self.gridsfloatingposemat4s)):
            toc = time.clock()
            print toc-tic
            if fpid != 0:
                print "remaining time", (toc-tic)*len(self.gridsfloatingposemat4s)/fpid-(toc-tic)
            print fpid, len(self.gridsfloatingposemat4s)
            ### right hand
            armname = 'rgt'
            feasibility = []
            feasibility_handx = []
            for i, hndrotmat4 in enumerate(self.floatinggripmat4s[fpid]):
                fpgsfgrcenter = (self.floatinggripcontacts[fpid][i][0]+self.floatinggripcontacts[fpid][i][1])/2
                fpgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(fpgsfgrcenter)
                fpgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(hndrotmat4.getUpper3())
                handx =  hndrotmat4.getRow3(0)
                # check the angle between handx and minus y
                minusworldy = Vec3(0,-1,0)
                if Vec3(handx).angleDeg(minusworldy) < 60:
                    fpgsfgrcenternp_handx = pg.v3ToNp(fpgsfgrcenter+handx*rethandx)
                    if robot.numik(fpgsfgrcenternp, fpgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                        feasibility[i] = 'True'
                    if robot.numik(fpgsfgrcenternp_handx, fpgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                        feasibility_handx[i] = 'True'
            ### left hand
            armname = 'lft'
            feasibility = []
            feasibility_handx = []
            for i, hndrotmat4 in enumerate(self.floatinggripmat4s[fpid]):
                fpgsfgrcenter = (self.floatinggripcontacts[fpid][i][0]+self.floatinggripcontacts[fpid][i][1])/2
                fpgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(fpgsfgrcenter)
                fpgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(hndrotmat4.getUpper3())
                handx =  hndrotmat4.getRow3(0)
                # check the angle between handx and minus y
                plusworldy = Vec3(0,1,0)
                if Vec3(handx).angleDeg(plusworldy) < 60:
                    fpgsfgrcenternp_handx = pg.v3ToNp(fpgsfgrcenter+handx*rethandx)
                    if robot.numik(fpgsfgrcenternp, fpgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                        feasibility[i] = 'True'
                    if robot.numik(fpgsfgrcenternp_handx, fpgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                        feasibility_handx[i] = 'True'

Example #5
    def updateDBwithIK(self, robot):
        compute the IK feasible grasps of each pose


        # load idrobot
        idrobot = self.gdb.loadIdRobot(robot)

        self.assgikfeas0 = []
        self.assgikfeas0_retassdir = []
        self.assgikfeas1= []
        self.assgikfeas1_retassdir = []
        tic = time.clock()
        for fpid, apmat in enumerate(self.gridsfloatingposemat4s):
            assdir1to0 = apmat.xformVec(self.assDirect1to0)
            assdir0to1 = apmat.xformVec(-self.assDirect1to0)
            toc = time.clock()
            print toc-tic
            if fpid != 0:
                print "remaining time", (toc-tic)*len(self.gridsfloatingposemat4s)/fpid-(toc-tic)
            print fpid, len(self.gridsfloatingposemat4s)
            ### right hand # rgt = 0
            armname = 'rgt'
            assgikfeas0 = []
            assgikfeas0_retassdir = []
            for i, hndrotmat4 in enumerate(self.icoass0griprotmat4s[fpid]):
                assgsfgrcenter = (self.icoass0gripcontacts[fpid][i][0]+self.icoass0gripcontacts[fpid][i][1])/2
                assgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(assgsfgrcenter)
                assgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(hndrotmat4.getUpper3())
                handx =  hndrotmat4.getRow3(0)
                # check the angle between handx and minus y
                minusworldy = Vec3(0,-1,0)
                if Vec3(handx).angleDeg(minusworldy) < 60:
                    assgsfgrcenternp_retassdir = pg.v3ToNp(assgsfgrcenter+assdir1to0)
                    if robot.numik(assgsfgrcenternp, assgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                        assgikfeas0[i] = 'True'
                    if robot.numik(assgsfgrcenternp_retassdir, assgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                        assgikfeas0_retassdir[i] = 'True'
            ### left hand
            armname = 'lft'
            assgikfeas1 = []
            assgikfeas1_retassdir = []
            for i, hndrotmat4 in enumerate(self.icoass1griprotmat4s[fpid]):
                assgsfgrcenter = (self.icoass1gripcontacts[fpid][i][0]+self.icoass1gripcontacts[fpid][i][1])/2
                assgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(assgsfgrcenter)
                assgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(hndrotmat4.getUpper3())
                handx =  hndrotmat4.getRow3(0)
                # check the angle between handx and minus y
                plusworldy = Vec3(0,1,0)
                if Vec3(handx).angleDeg(plusworldy) < 60:
                    assgsfgrcenternp_retassdir = pg.v3ToNp(assgsfgrcenter+assdir0to1)
                    if robot.numik(assgsfgrcenternp, assgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                        assgikfeas1[i] = 'True'
                    if robot.numik(assgsfgrcenternp_retassdir, assgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                        assgikfeas1_retassdir[i] = 'True'

Example #6
    def savegoalik(self, goalrotmat4, goalid, base):
        ### goal
        # the node id of a globalgripid in goalnode, for quick setting up edges
        nodeidofglobalidingoal = {}
        # the goalnodeids is also for quick access
        self.goalnodeids = []
        for j, rotmat in enumerate(self.freegriprotmats):
            # print j, len(self.freegriprotmats)
            ttgsrotmat = rotmat * goalrotmat4
            # for collision detection, we move the object back to x=0,y=0
            ttgsrotmatx0y0 = Mat4(goalrotmat4)
            ttgsrotmatx0y0.setCell(3, 0, 0)
            ttgsrotmatx0y0.setCell(3, 1, 0)
            ttgsrotmatx0y0 = rotmat * ttgsrotmatx0y0
            # check if the hand collide with tabletop
            tmphnd = self.robothand
            initmat = tmphnd.getMat()
            initjawwidth = tmphnd.jawwidth
            # add hand model to bulletworld
            hndbullnode = cd.genCollisionMeshMultiNp(tmphnd.handnp)
            result = self.bulletworld.contactTest(hndbullnode)
            if not result.getNumContacts():
                ttgscct0 = goalrotmat4.xformPoint(self.freegripcontacts[j][0])
                ttgscct1 = goalrotmat4.xformPoint(self.freegripcontacts[j][1])
                ttgsfgrcenter = (ttgscct0 + ttgscct1) / 2
                handx = ttgsrotmat.getRow3(0)
                ttgsfgrcenterhandx = ttgsfgrcenter + handx * self.rethandx
                ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz = ttgsfgrcenterhandx + self.worldz * self.retworldz
                ttgsfgrcenterworlda = ttgsfgrcenter + self.worlda * self.retworlda
                ttgsfgrcenterworldaworldz = ttgsfgrcenterworlda + self.worldz * self.retworldz
                ttgsjawwidth = self.freegripjawwidth[j]
                ttgsidfreeair = self.freegripid[j]
                ttgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenter)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_handx = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandx)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz = pg.v3ToNp(
                ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworlda)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz = pg.v3ToNp(
                ttgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(ttgsrotmat.getUpper3())
                # print "solving goal iks"
                ikc = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikcx = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_handx, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikcxz = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz,
                ikca = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikcaz = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz,

                feasibility = {}
                feasibility_handx = {}
                feasibility_handxworldz = {}
                feasibility_worlda = {}
                feasibility_worldaworldz = {}

                if ikc is not None:
                    feasibility[j] = 'True'
                    feasibility[j] = 'False'
                if ikcx is not None:
                    feasibility_handx[j] = 'True'
                    feasibility_handx[j] = 'False'
                if ikcxz is not None:
                    feasibility_handxworldz[j] = 'True'
                    feasibility_handxworldz[j] = 'False'
                if ikca is not None:
                    feasibility_worlda[j] = 'True'
                    feasibility_worlda[j] = 'False'
                if ikcaz is not None:
                    feasibility_worldaworldz[j] = 'True'
                    feasibility_worldaworldz[j] = 'False'

                sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO ik_goal(idgoal,idfreeairgrip, feasibility, feasibility_handx, feasibility_handxworldz, \
                                                            feasibility_worlda, feasibility_worldaworldz) VALUES (%d,%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')"                                                                                                                                                        % \
                      (goalid, j, feasibility[j], feasibility_handx[j], \
                       feasibility_handxworldz[j], \
                       feasibility_worlda[j], feasibility_worldaworldz[j])
Example #7
    def updateDBwithIK(self, robot):
        compute the IK feasible grasps of each pose


        # load retraction distances
        rethandx, retworldz, retworlda, worldz = self.gdb.loadIKRet()
        # load idrobot
        idrobot = self.gdb.loadIdRobot(robot)

        self.floatinggripikfeas_rgt = []
        self.floatinggripikfeas_handx_rgt = []
        self.floatinggripikfeas_lft = []
        self.floatinggripikfeas_handx_lft = []
        tic = time.clock()
        for fpid in range(len(self.gridsfloatingposemat4s)):
            toc = time.clock()
            if fpid != 0:
                print("remaining time", (toc-tic)*len(self.gridsfloatingposemat4s)/fpid-(toc-tic))
            print(fpid, len(self.gridsfloatingposemat4s))
            ### right hand
            armname = 'rgt'
            feasibility = []
            feasibility_handx = []
            for i, hndrotmat4 in enumerate(self.floatinggripmat4s[fpid]):
                fpgsfgrcenter = (self.floatinggripcontacts[fpid][i][0]+self.floatinggripcontacts[fpid][i][1])/2
                fpgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(fpgsfgrcenter)
                fpgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(hndrotmat4.getUpper3())
                handx =  hndrotmat4.getRow3(0)
                # check the angle between handx and minus y
                minusworldy = Vec3(0,-1,0)
                if Vec3(handx).angleDeg(minusworldy) < 60:
                    fpgsfgrcenternp_handx = pg.v3ToNp(fpgsfgrcenter+handx*rethandx)
                    if robot.numik(fpgsfgrcenternp, fpgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                        feasibility[i] = 'True'
                    if robot.numik(fpgsfgrcenternp_handx, fpgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                        feasibility_handx[i] = 'True'
            ### left hand
            armname = 'lft'
            feasibility = []
            feasibility_handx = []
            for i, hndrotmat4 in enumerate(self.floatinggripmat4s[fpid]):
                fpgsfgrcenter = (self.floatinggripcontacts[fpid][i][0]+self.floatinggripcontacts[fpid][i][1])/2
                fpgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(fpgsfgrcenter)
                fpgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(hndrotmat4.getUpper3())
                handx =  hndrotmat4.getRow3(0)
                # check the angle between handx and minus y
                plusworldy = Vec3(0,1,0)
                if Vec3(handx).angleDeg(plusworldy) < 60:
                    fpgsfgrcenternp_handx = pg.v3ToNp(fpgsfgrcenter+handx*rethandx)
                    if robot.numik(fpgsfgrcenternp, fpgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                        feasibility[i] = 'True'
                    if robot.numik(fpgsfgrcenternp_handx, fpgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                        feasibility_handx[i] = 'True'

    def __loadGripsToBuildGraph(self, armname="rgt"):
        load tabletopgrips
        retraction distance are also loaded from database

        :param robot: an robot defined in robotsim.hrp5 or robotsim.nextage
        :param gdb: an object of the database.GraspDB class
        :param idarm: value = 1 "lft" or 2 "rgt", which arm to use

        author: weiwei
        date: 20170112

        # load idarm
        idarm = gdb.loadIdArm(armname)

        # get the global grip ids
        # and prepare the global edges
        # for each globalgripid, find all its tabletopids (pertaining to placements)
        globalidsedges = {}
        sql = "SELECT idfreeairgrip FROM freeairgrip,object WHERE freeairgrip.idobject=object.idobject AND \
                object.name LIKE '%s'" % self.dbobjname
        result = self.gdb.execute(sql)
        if len(result) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Plan freeairgrip first!")
        for ggid in result:
            globalidsedges[str(ggid[0])] = []
        sql = "SELECT tabletopplacements.idtabletopplacements, angle.value, \
                tabletopplacements.idfreetabletopplacement, tabletopplacements.tabletopposition, \
                tabletopplacements.rotmat FROM \
                tabletopplacements,freetabletopplacement,angle,object WHERE \
                tabletopplacements.idangle=angle.idangle AND \
                tabletopplacements.idfreetabletopplacement=freetabletopplacement.idfreetabletopplacement AND \
                freetabletopplacement.idobject=object.idobject AND \
                object.name LIKE '%s' AND angle.value IN (0.0, 45.0, 90.0, 135.0, 180.0, 225.0, 270.0, 315.0)" \
                % self.dbobjname
        result = self.gdb.execute(sql)
        if len(result) != 0:
            tpsrows = np.array(result)
            # nubmer of discreted rotation
            self.angles = list(set(map(float, tpsrows[:, 1])))
            # for plotting
            self.fttpsids = list(set(map(int, tpsrows[:, 2])))
            self.nfttps = len(self.fttpsids)

            idrobot = self.gdb.loadIdRobot(self.robot)
            for i, idtps in enumerate(tpsrows[:, 0]):
                sql = "SELECT tabletopgrips.idtabletopgrips, tabletopgrips.contactpnt0, tabletopgrips.contactpnt1, \
                       tabletopgrips.rotmat, tabletopgrips.jawwidth, tabletopgrips.idfreeairgrip \
                       FROM tabletopgrips,ik,freeairgrip,hand WHERE tabletopgrips.idfreeairgrip = freeairgrip.idfreeairgrip AND \
                       freeairgrip.idhand = hand.idhand AND\
                       tabletopgrips.idtabletopgrips=ik.idtabletopgrips AND \
                       tabletopgrips.idtabletopplacements = %d AND ik.idrobot=%d AND \
                       ik.feasibility='True' AND ik.feasibility_handx='True' AND ik.feasibility_handxworldz='True' \
                       AND ik.feasibility_worlda='True' AND ik.feasibility_worldaworldz='True' AND ik.idarm = %d \
                       AND hand.name LIKE '%s'" \
                      % (int(idtps), idrobot, idarm, self.handpkg.getHandName())
                resultttgs = self.gdb.execute(sql)
                if len(resultttgs) == 0:
                localidedges = []
                for ttgsrow in resultttgs:
                    ttgsid = int(ttgsrow[0])
                    ttgscct0 = dc.strToV3(ttgsrow[1])
                    ttgscct1 = dc.strToV3(ttgsrow[2])
                    ttgsrotmat = dc.strToMat4(ttgsrow[3])
                    ttgsjawwidth = float(ttgsrow[4])
                    ttgsidfreeair = int(ttgsrow[5])
                    ttgsfgrcenter = (ttgscct0 + ttgscct1) / 2
                    handx = ttgsrotmat.getRow3(0)
                    ttgsfgrcenterhandx = ttgsfgrcenter + handx * self.rethandx
                    ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz = ttgsfgrcenterhandx + self.worldz * self.retworldz
                    ttgsfgrcenterworlda = ttgsfgrcenter + self.worlda * self.retworlda
                    ttgsfgrcenterworldaworldz = ttgsfgrcenterworlda + self.worldz * self.retworldz
                    ttgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenter)
                    ttgsfgrcenternp_handx = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandx)
                    ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz = pg.v3ToNp(
                    ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworlda)
                    ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz = pg.v3ToNp(
                    ttgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(ttgsrotmat.getUpper3())
                    objrotmat4 = dc.strToMat4(tpsrows[:, 4][i])
                    objrotmat4worlda = Mat4(objrotmat4)
                        objrotmat4.getRow3(3) + self.worlda * self.retworlda)
                    objrotmat4worldaworldz = Mat4(objrotmat4worlda)
                        objrotmat4worlda.getRow3(3) +
                        self.worldz * self.retworldz)
                        armname + str(ttgsid),
                        freetabletopplacementid=int(tpsrows[:, 2][i]),
                        angle=float(tpsrows[:, 1][i]),
                        tabletopposition=dc.strToV3(tpsrows[:, 3][i]))
                    globalidsedges[str(ttgsidfreeair)].append(armname +
                    localidedges.append(armname + str(ttgsid))
                # print list(itertools.combinations(ttgrows[:,0], 2))
                for edge in list(itertools.combinations(localidedges, 2)):
                    self.regg.add_edge(*edge, weight=1, edgetype='transit')
            if len(globalidsedges) == 0:
                raise ValueError("Plan tabletopgrips first!")
            for globalidedgesid in globalidsedges:
                for edge in list(
                    self.regg.add_edge(*edge, weight=1, edgetype='transfer')

        # gen plot pos
        # biggest circle: grips; big circle: rotation; small circle: placements
        radiusplacement = 30
        radiusrot = 6
        radiusgrip = 1
        xyplacementspos = {}
        xydiscreterotspos = {}
        xyzglobalgrippos = {}
        for i, ttpsid in enumerate(self.fttpsids):
            xydiscreterotspos[ttpsid] = {}
            xyzglobalgrippos[ttpsid] = {}
            xypos = [
                radiusplacement * math.cos(2 * math.pi / self.nfttps * i),
                radiusplacement * math.sin(2 * math.pi / self.nfttps * i)
            xyplacementspos[ttpsid] = xypos
            for j, anglevalue in enumerate(self.angles):
                xyzglobalgrippos[ttpsid][anglevalue] = {}
                xypos = [
                    radiusrot * math.cos(anglevalue),
                    radiusrot * math.sin(anglevalue)
                xydiscreterotspos[ttpsid][anglevalue] = \
                    [xyplacementspos[ttpsid][0] + xypos[0], xyplacementspos[ttpsid][1] + xypos[1]]
                for k, globalgripid in enumerate(self.globalgripids):
                    xypos = [
                        radiusgrip *
                        math.cos(2 * math.pi / len(self.globalgripids) * k),
                        radiusgrip *
                        math.sin(2 * math.pi / len(self.globalgripids) * k)
                    xyzglobalgrippos[ttpsid][anglevalue][globalgripid] = \
                        [xydiscreterotspos[ttpsid][anglevalue][0] + xypos[0],
                         xydiscreterotspos[ttpsid][anglevalue][1] + xypos[1], 0]
        for nid in self.regg.nodes():
            fttpid = self.regg.node[nid]['freetabletopplacementid']
            anglevalue = self.regg.node[nid]['angle']
            ggid = self.regg.node[nid]['globalgripid']
            tabletopposition = self.regg.node[nid]['tabletopposition']
            xyzpos = map(add, xyzglobalgrippos[fttpid][anglevalue][ggid], [
                tabletopposition[0], tabletopposition[1], tabletopposition[2]
            self.gnodesplotpos[nid] = xyzpos[:2]
Example #9
def freegripRotMove(objname,handname):

    :param objname:
        for each dropstablepos
        caculate its grips after rot and move
        and save to database dropfreegrip to remove the hand around workcell next
        mention that the dropstablepos rot,pos
    gdb = db.GraspDB()

    idhand = gdb.loadIdHand(handname)

    sql = "SELECT dropstablepos.iddropstablepos\
                               FROM dropstablepos, object \
                          WHERE dropstablepos.idobject = object.idobject AND object.name like '%s'" % (objname)

    result = gdb.execute(sql)
    print result
    if len(result) == 0:
        print "no DropStablePos select"
        return None

    for idfree in result:
        idfree = int(idfree[0])
        sql = "SELECT dropstablepos.iddropstablepos, \
                                      dropstablepos.pos, dropstablepos.rot,\
                                      freeairgrip.contactpnt0, freeairgrip.contactpnt1, \
                                      freeairgrip.contactnormal0, freeairgrip.contactnormal1, \
                                      freeairgrip.rotmat, freeairgrip.jawwidth, freeairgrip.idfreeairgrip \
                                      FROM dropstablepos,freeairgrip WHERE \
                                          freeairgrip.idhand = %d AND \
                                          dropstablepos.iddropstablepos = %d" % (idhand, idfree)
        result1 = gdb.execute(sql)
        if len(result1) == 0:
            print "no free air grasp availalbe"
        if len(result1) > 20000:
            result1 = result1[0::int(len(result1) / 20000.0)]
        result1 = np.asarray(result1)
        idtabletopplacementslist = [int(x) for x in result1[:, 0]]
        tabletoppositionlist = [dc.strToV3(x) for x in result1[:, 1]]
        #rotanglelist = [float(x) for x in result1[:, 2]]
        rotanglelist = [dc.strToMat3(x) for x in result1[:, 2]]

        freegripcontactpoint0list = [dc.strToV3(x) for x in result1[:, 3]]
        freegripcontactpoint1list = [dc.strToV3(x) for x in result1[:, 4]]
        freegripcontactnormal0list = [dc.strToV3(x) for x in result1[:, 5]]
        freegripcontactnormal1list = [dc.strToV3(x) for x in result1[:, 6]]
        freegriprotmatlist = [dc.strToMat4(x) for x in result1[:, 7]]
        freegripjawwidthlist = [float(x) for x in result1[:, 8]]
        freegripidlist = [int(x) for x in result1[:, 9]]
        for idtabletopplacements, ttoppos, rotangle, cct0, cct1, cctn0, cctn1, \
            freegriprotmat, jawwidth, idfreegrip in zip(idtabletopplacementslist, \
                                                        tabletoppositionlist, rotanglelist, \
                                                        freegripcontactpoint0list, freegripcontactpoint1list, \
                                                        freegripcontactnormal0list, freegripcontactnormal1list,
                                                        freegriprotmatlist, freegripjawwidthlist, \

            rotmat4=pg.npToMat4(np.transpose(pg.mat3ToNp(rotangle)), ttoppos)

            ttpcct0 = rotmat4.xformPoint(cct0)
            ttpcct1 = rotmat4.xformPoint(cct1)
            ttpcctn0 = rotmat4.xformVec(cctn0)
            ttpcctn1 = rotmat4.xformVec(cctn1)
            ttpgriprotmat = freegriprotmat * rotmat4
            #ttpgriprotmat =  rotmat4*freegriprotmat

            sql = "INSERT INTO dropfreegrip(contactpnt0, contactpnt1, contactnormal0, contactnormal1, \
                                          rotmat, jawwidth, idfreeairgrip, iddropstablepos,idhand,idobject) VALUES \
                                          ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d,%d,%d) " % \
                  (dc.v3ToStr(ttpcct0), dc.v3ToStr(ttpcct1), dc.v3ToStr(ttpcctn0), dc.v3ToStr(ttpcctn1), \
                   dc.mat4ToStr(ttpgriprotmat), str(jawwidth), idfreegrip, idtabletopplacements, idhand, idobject)
    def updateDBwithIK(self, gdb, robot, armname = 'rgt'):

        :param gdb:
        :param robot:
        :param armname: the name of the arm used rgt or lft

        author: weiwei
        date: 20170111
        # load idarm
        idarm = gdb.loadIdArm(armname)

        # load retraction distances
        rethanda, retworlda, worlda = gdb.loadIKRet()

        # select idrobot
        idrobot = gdb.loadIdRobot(robot)

        feasibility = {}
        feasibility_handa = {}
        feasibility_worlda = {}
        jnts = {}
        jnts_handa = {}
        jnts_worlda = {}

        isttg, ttgresult = self.__getTtg(gdb)
        if not isttg:
            raise ValueError("Plan the tabletopgrips first!")
            for resultrow in ttgresult:
                ttgsid = int(resultrow[0])
                sql = "SELECT * FROM iktabletopgrips WHERE iktabletopgrips.idrobot = %d AND idarm = %d \
                       AND idtabletopgrips = %d" % (idrobot, idarm, ttgsid)
                result = gdb.execute(sql)
                if len(result) != 0:
                    print("IK for the "+armname+" arm is already updated!")
                    isredo = input("Do you want to overwrite the database? (Y/N)")
                    if isredo != "Y" and isredo != "y":
                        print("Updating IK is aborted.")
                        for resultrow in ttgresult:
                            ttgsid = int(resultrow[0])
                            sql = "DELETE FROM iktabletopgrips WHERE iktabletopgrips.idrobot = %d AND idarm = %d \
                                   AND idtabletopgrips = %d" % (idrobot, idarm, ttgsid)
                            print("Old tabletopplacements are being deleted!")
                        print("Old tabletopplacements have been deleted!")

        idcounter = 0
        tic = time.time()
        for resultrow in ttgresult:
            toc = time.time()
            print("Arm: ", armname, "    Finished: ",  "%.2f" % (idcounter*1.0/len(ttgresult)*100.0)+"%",
                  "    Time past: ", "%.2f" % (toc-tic), "s",
                  "    Expected remaining time: ", "%.2f" % ((toc-tic)/(idcounter*1.0/len(ttgresult)+1e-4)-(toc-tic)), "s")
            idcounter += 1
            ttgsid = int(resultrow[0])
            ttgscct0 = dc.strToV3(resultrow[1])
            ttgscct1 = dc.strToV3(resultrow[2])
            ttgsrotmat = dc.strToMat4(resultrow[3])
            ttgsfgrcenter = (ttgscct0 + ttgscct1) / 2.0
            handa = -ttgsrotmat.getRow3(2)
            ttgsfgrcenterhanda = ttgsfgrcenter + handa*rethanda
            ttgsfgrcenterworlda = ttgsfgrcenter + worlda*retworlda

            ttgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenter)
            ttgsfgrcenternp_handa = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhanda)
            ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworlda)
            ttgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(ttgsrotmat.getUpper3())

            msc = robot.numik(ttgsfgrcenternp, ttgsrotmat3np, armname)
            if msc is not None:
                feasibility[ttgsid] = 'True'
                jnts[ttgsid] = dc.listToStr(msc)
                msc_handa = robot.numikmsc(ttgsfgrcenternp_handa, ttgsrotmat3np, msc, armname)
                if msc_handa is not None:
                    feasibility_handa[ttgsid] = 'True'
                    jnts_handa[ttgsid] = dc.listToStr(msc_handa)
                    feasibility_handa[ttgsid] = 'False'
                    jnts_handa[ttgsid] = dc.listToStr([])
                msc_worlda = robot.numikmsc(ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda, ttgsrotmat3np, msc, armname)
                if msc_worlda is not None:
                    feasibility_worlda[ttgsid] = 'True'
                    jnts_worlda[ttgsid] = dc.listToStr(msc_worlda)
                    feasibility_worlda[ttgsid] = 'False'
                    jnts_worlda[ttgsid] = dc.listToStr([])
                feasibility[ttgsid] = 'False'
                feasibility_handa[ttgsid] = 'False'
                feasibility_worlda[ttgsid] = 'False'
                jnts[ttgsid] = dc.listToStr([])
                jnts_handa[ttgsid] = dc.listToStr([])
                jnts_worlda[ttgsid] = dc.listToStr([])
            # insert ik table
            sql = "INSERT INTO iktabletopgrips(idrobot, idarm, idtabletopgrips, feasibility, feasibility_handa, \
                    feasibility_worlda, jnts, jnts_handa, jnts_worlda) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % \
                    (idrobot, idarm, ttgsid, feasibility[ttgsid], feasibility_handa[ttgsid], feasibility_worlda[ttgsid], \
                     jnts[ttgsid], jnts_handa[ttgsid], jnts_worlda[ttgsid])
        print("IK updated!")
Example #11
    def __addstartgoal(self, startrotmat4, goalrotmat4, base):
        add start and goal for the regg

        :param startrotmat4 and goalrotmat4: both are 4by4 panda3d matrix

        author: weiwei
        date: 20161216, sapporo

        ### start
        # the node id of a globalgripid in startnode
        nodeidofglobalidinstart= {}
        # the startnodeids is also for quick access
        self.startnodeids = []
        for j, rotmat in enumerate(self.freegriprotmats):
            print j, len(self.freegriprotmats)
            # print rotmat
            ttgsrotmat = rotmat * startrotmat4
            # for collision detection, we move the object back to x=0,y=0
            ttgsrotmatx0y0 = Mat4(startrotmat4)
            ttgsrotmatx0y0 = rotmat * ttgsrotmatx0y0
            # check if the hand collide with tabletop
            # tmphnd = self.robothand
            tmphnd = self.handpkg.newHandNM(hndcolor=[1, 0, 0, .1])
            initmat = tmphnd.getMat()
            initjawwidth = tmphnd.jawwidth
            # set jawwidth to 80 to avoid collision with surrounding obstacles
            # set to gripping with is unnecessary
            # add hand model to bulletworld
            hndbullnode = cd.genCollisionMeshMultiNp(tmphnd.handnp)
            result = self.bulletworld.contactTest(hndbullnode)
            # tmphnd.setMat(ttgsrotmat)
            # tmphnd.reparentTo(base.render)
            # if j > 3:
            #     base.run()
            if not result.getNumContacts():
                ttgsfgrcenter = (ttgscct0+ttgscct1)/2
                handx = ttgsrotmat.getRow3(0)
                ttgsfgrcenterhandx = ttgsfgrcenter + handx*self.rethandx
                # handxworldz is not necessary for start
                # ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz = ttgsfgrcenterhandx + self.worldz*self.retworldz
                ttgsfgrcenterworlda = ttgsfgrcenter + self.worlda*self.retworlda
                ttgsfgrcenterworldaworldz = ttgsfgrcenterworlda+ self.worldz*self.retworldz
                ttgsjawwidth = self.freegripjawwidth[j]
                ttgsidfreeair = self.freegripid[j]
                ttgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenter)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_handx = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandx)
                # handxworldz is not necessary for start
                # ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworlda)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworldaworldz)
                ttgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(ttgsrotmat.getUpper3())
                print "solving starting iks"
                ikc = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikcx = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_handx, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikca = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikcaz = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz, ttgsrotmat3np)
                if (ikc is not None) and (ikcx is not None) and (ikca is not None) and (ikcaz is not None):
                    # note the tabletopposition here is not the contact for the intermediate states
                    # it is the zero pos
                    tabletopposition = startrotmat4.getRow3(3)
                    startrotmat4worlda = Mat4(startrotmat4)
                    startrotmat4worlda.setRow(3, startrotmat4.getRow3(3)+self.worlda*self.retworlda)
                    startrotmat4worldaworldz = Mat4(startrotmat4worlda)
                    startrotmat4worldaworldz.setRow(3, startrotmat4worlda.getRow3(3)+self.worldz*self.retworldz)
                    self.regg.add_node('start'+str(j), fgrcenter=ttgsfgrcenternp,
                                       fgrcenterhandx = ttgsfgrcenternp_handx,
                                       fgrcenterhandxworldz = 'na',
                                       fgrcenterworlda = ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda,
                                       fgrcenterworldaworldz = ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz,
                                       jawwidth=ttgsjawwidth, hndrotmat3np=ttgsrotmat3np,
                                       globalgripid = ttgsidfreeair, freetabletopplacementid = 'na',
                                       tabletopplacementrotmat = startrotmat4,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmathandx = startrotmat4,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmathandxworldz = 'na',
                                       tabletopplacementrotmatworlda = startrotmat4worlda,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmatworldaworldz = startrotmat4worldaworldz,
                                       angle = 'na', tabletopposition = tabletopposition)
                    # tmprtq85.reparentTo(base.render)

        if len(self.startnodeids) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No available starting grip!")

        # add start transit edge
        for edge in list(itertools.combinations(self.startnodeids, 2)):
            self.regg.add_edge(*edge, weight = 1, edgetype = 'starttransit')
        # add start transfer edge
        for reggnode, reggnodedata in self.regg.nodes(data=True):
            if reggnode.startswith('mid'):
                globalgripid = reggnodedata['globalgripid']
                if globalgripid in nodeidofglobalidinstart.keys():
                    startnodeid = nodeidofglobalidinstart[globalgripid]
                    self.regg.add_edge(startnodeid, reggnode, weight=1, edgetype = 'starttransfer')

        ### goal
        # the node id of a globalgripid in goalnode, for quick setting up edges
        nodeidofglobalidingoal= {}
        # the goalnodeids is also for quick access
        self.goalnodeids = []
        for j, rotmat in enumerate(self.freegriprotmats):
            print j, len(self.freegriprotmats)
            ttgsrotmat = rotmat * goalrotmat4
            # for collision detection, we move the object back to x=0,y=0
            ttgsrotmatx0y0 = Mat4(goalrotmat4)
            ttgsrotmatx0y0 = rotmat * ttgsrotmatx0y0
            # check if the hand collide with tabletop
            tmphnd = self.robothand
            initmat = tmphnd.getMat()
            initjawwidth = tmphnd.jawwidth
            # add hand model to bulletworld
            hndbullnode = cd.genCollisionMeshMultiNp(tmphnd.handnp)
            result = self.bulletworld.contactTest(hndbullnode)
            if not result.getNumContacts():
                ttgsfgrcenter = (ttgscct0+ttgscct1)/2
                handx =  ttgsrotmat.getRow3(0)
                ttgsfgrcenterhandx = ttgsfgrcenter + handx*self.rethandx
                ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz = ttgsfgrcenterhandx + self.worldz*self.retworldz
                ttgsfgrcenterworlda = ttgsfgrcenter + self.worlda*self.retworlda
                ttgsfgrcenterworldaworldz = ttgsfgrcenterworlda+ self.worldz*self.retworldz
                ttgsjawwidth = self.freegripjawwidth[j]
                ttgsidfreeair = self.freegripid[j]
                ttgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenter)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_handx = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandx)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworlda)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworldaworldz)
                ttgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(ttgsrotmat.getUpper3())
                print "solving goal iks"
                ikc = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikcx = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_handx, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikcxz = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikca = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikcaz = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz, ttgsrotmat3np)
                if (ikc is not None) and (ikcx is not None) and (ikcxz is not None) \
                        and (ikca is not None) and (ikcaz is not None):
                    # note the tabletopposition here is not the contact for the intermediate states
                    # it is the zero pos
                    tabletopposition = goalrotmat4.getRow3(3)
                    goalrotmat4worlda = Mat4(goalrotmat4)
                    goalrotmat4worlda.setRow(3, goalrotmat4.getRow3(3)+self.worlda*self.retworlda)
                    goalrotmat4worldaworldz = Mat4(goalrotmat4worlda)
                    goalrotmat4worldaworldz.setRow(3, goalrotmat4worlda.getRow3(3)+self.worldz*self.retworldz)
                    self.regg.add_node('goal'+str(j), fgrcenter=ttgsfgrcenternp,
                                       fgrcenterhandx = ttgsfgrcenternp_handx,
                                       fgrcenterhandxworldz = ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz,
                                       fgrcenterworlda = ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda,
                                       fgrcenterworldaworldz = ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz,
                                       jawwidth=ttgsjawwidth, hndrotmat3np=ttgsrotmat3np,
                                       globalgripid = ttgsidfreeair, freetabletopplacementid = 'na',
                                       tabletopplacementrotmat = goalrotmat4,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmathandx = goalrotmat4,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmathandxworldz = goalrotmat4,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmatworlda = goalrotmat4worlda,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmatworldaworldz = goalrotmat4worldaworldz,
                                       angleid = 'na', tabletopposition = tabletopposition)

        if len(self.goalnodeids) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No available goal grip!")

        # add goal transit edges
        for edge in list(itertools.combinations(self.goalnodeids, 2)):
            self.regg.add_edge(*edge, weight = 1, edgetype = 'goaltransit')
        # add goal transfer edge
        for reggnode, reggnodedata in self.regg.nodes(data=True):
            if reggnode.startswith('mid'):
                globalgripid = reggnodedata['globalgripid']
                if globalgripid in nodeidofglobalidingoal.keys():
                    goalnodeid = nodeidofglobalidingoal[globalgripid]
                    self.regg.add_edge(goalnodeid, reggnode, weight=1, edgetype = 'goaltransfer')

        # add start to goal direct edges
        for startnodeid in self.startnodeids:
            for goalnodeid in self.goalnodeids:
                # startnodeggid = start node global grip id
                startnodeggid = self.regg.node[startnodeid]['globalgripid']
                goalnodeggid = self.regg.node[goalnodeid]['globalgripid']
                if startnodeggid == goalnodeggid:
                    self.regg.add_edge(startnodeid, goalnodeid, weight=1, edgetype = 'startgoaltransfer')
Example #12
    def updateDBwithIK(self, gdb, robot, armname = 'rgt'):

        :param gdb:
        :param robot:
        :param armname: the name of the arm used rgt or lft
        :param rethandx: the distance of retract along handx direction, default 50mm
        :param retworldz: the distance of retract along worldz direction, default 50mm
        :param retworlda: the distance of retract along assembly/approaching direction in the world, default 50mm

        author: weiwei
        date: 20170111

        # load idarm
        idarm = gdb.loadIdArm(armname)

        # load retraction distances
        rethandx, retworldz, retworlda, worldz = gdb.loadIKRet()
        # worlda is default for the general grasps on table top
        # for assembly at start and goal, worlda is computed by assembly planner
        worlda = Vec3(0,0,1)

        # select idrobot
        idrobot = gdb.loadIdRobot(robot)

        feasibility = {}
        feasibility_handx = {}
        feasibility_handxworldz = {}
        feasibility_worlda = {}
        feasibility_worldaworldz = {}

        sql = "SELECT tabletopgrips.idtabletopgrips, tabletopgrips.contactpnt0, tabletopgrips.contactpnt1, \
                tabletopgrips.rotmat FROM tabletopgrips, tabletopplacements, freetabletopplacement, object WHERE \
                 tabletopgrips.idtabletopplacements = tabletopplacements.idtabletopplacements AND \
                  tabletopplacements.idfreetabletopplacement = freetabletopplacement.idfreetabletopplacement AND \
                   freetabletopplacement.idobject = object.idobject AND object.name LIKE '%s'" % self.dbobjname
        result = gdb.execute(sql)
        if len(result) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Plan the tabletopgrips first!")
        idcounter = 0
        tic = time.clock()
        for resultrow in result:
            print idcounter*1.0/len(result)
            idcounter += 1
            toc = time.clock()
            print toc-tic
            ttgsid = int(resultrow[0])
            ttgscct0 = dc.strToV3(resultrow[1])
            ttgscct1 = dc.strToV3(resultrow[2])
            ttgsrotmat = dc.strToMat4(resultrow[3])
            ttgsfgrcenter = (ttgscct0 + ttgscct1) / 2
            handx =  ttgsrotmat.getRow3(0)
            ttgsfgrcenterhandx = ttgsfgrcenter + handx*rethandx
            ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz = ttgsfgrcenterhandx + worldz*retworldz
            ttgsfgrcenterworlda = ttgsfgrcenter + worlda*retworlda
            ttgsfgrcenterworldaworldz = ttgsfgrcenterworlda+ worldz*retworldz

            ttgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenter)
            ttgsfgrcenternp_handx = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandx)
            ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz)
            ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworlda)
            ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworldaworldz)
            ttgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(ttgsrotmat.getUpper3())

            if robot.numik(ttgsfgrcenternp, ttgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                feasibility[ttgsid] = 'True'
                feasibility[ttgsid] = 'False'
            if robot.numik(ttgsfgrcenternp_handx, ttgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                feasibility_handx[ttgsid] = 'True'
                feasibility_handx[ttgsid] = 'False'
            if robot.numik(ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz, ttgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                feasibility_handxworldz[ttgsid] = 'True'
                feasibility_handxworldz[ttgsid] = 'False'
            if robot.numik(ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda, ttgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                feasibility_worlda[ttgsid] = 'True'
                feasibility_worlda[ttgsid] = 'False'
            if robot.numik(ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz, ttgsrotmat3np, armname) is not None:
                feasibility_worldaworldz[ttgsid] = 'True'
                feasibility_worldaworldz[ttgsid] = 'False'

            # insert ik table
            sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO ik(idrobot, idarm, idtabletopgrips, feasibility, feasibility_handx, feasibility_handxworldz, \
                    feasibility_worlda, feasibility_worldaworldz) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')" % \
                    (idrobot, idarm, ttgsid, feasibility[ttgsid], feasibility_handx[ttgsid], feasibility_handxworldz[ttgsid], \
                     feasibility_worlda[ttgsid], feasibility_worldaworldz[ttgsid])
Example #13
 def __addAssNodes(self, armname='rgt'):
     iele = 0
     if armname == 'lft':
         iele = 1
     freeairidontpp = {}
     # for plot
     radiusgrip = self.regghalf[iele].radiusgrip
     for nid in self.regghalf[iele].graphtpp.regg.nodes():
         dictind = str(
         if dictind in freeairidontpp:
             freeairidontpp[dictind] = []
     # add floatingposes
     freeairidonass = {}
     for asspind, assprotmat4 in enumerate(
         retass = assprotmat4.xformVec(self.retass[iele])
         for pairind, hndrotmat4pair in enumerate(
             assgid = self.toass.icoassgrippairsids[asspind][pairind][iele]
             assgidfreeair = self.toass.icoassgrippairsidfreeairs[asspind][
             ccts = self.toass.icoassgrippairscontacts[asspind][pairind][
             hndrotmat4 = hndrotmat4pair[iele]
             asspgfgrcenter = (Vec3(ccts[0][0], ccts[0][1], ccts[0][2]) +
                               Vec3(ccts[1][0], ccts[1][1], ccts[1][2])) / 2
             asspgfgrcenter_retass = asspgfgrcenter + retass
             asspgfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(asspgfgrcenter)
             asspgfgrcenter_retassnp = pg.v3ToNp(asspgfgrcenter_retass)
             jawwidth = self.toass.icoassgrippairsjawwidths[asspind][
             hndrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(hndrotmat4.getUpper3())
             objrotmat4 = self.objrotmat4s[iele] * assprotmat4
             objrotmat4retass = Mat4(objrotmat4)
                                     objrotmat4retass.getRow3(3) + retass)
             self.regg.add_node('ass' + armname + str(assgid),
             if str(assgidfreeair) in freeairidonass:
                 freeairidonass[str(assgidfreeair)].append('ass' + armname +
                 freeairidonass[str(assgidfreeair)] = []
     for freeairidontppkey in freeairidontpp.keys():
             for edge in list(
                 self.regg.add_edge(*edge, weight=1, edgetype='asstransfer')
     # plot pos
     nfp = len(self.toass.gridsfloatingposemat4s)
     xdist = 10
     x = range(300, 501, xdist)
     y = range(-50, 50, 100 * xdist / nfp)
     for nid in self.regg.nodes():
         if nid.startswith('ass'):
             asspind = self.regg.node[nid]['assposeind']
             assgind = self.regg.node[nid]['icoassgrippairsid']
             nassg = len(self.toass.icoassgrippairshndmat4s[asspind])
             xpos = x[asspind % len(x)]
             ypos = y[asspind / len(x)]
             xyzpos = [
                 radiusgrip * math.cos(2 * math.pi / nassg * assgind) +
                 radiusgrip * math.sin(2 * math.pi / nassg * assgind) +
                 ypos, 0
             self.gnodesplotpos[nid] = xyzpos[:2]
             if nid.startswith('assrgt'):
                     1] = self.gnodesplotpos[nid][1] - 100
             elif nid.startswith('asslft'):
                     1] = self.gnodesplotpos[nid][1] + 100
Example #14
    def __addstartgoal(self, startrotmat4, goalrotmat4, base):
        add start and goal for the regg

        :param startrotmat4 and goalrotmat4: both are 4by4 panda3d matrix

        author: weiwei
        date: 20161216, sapporo

        ### start
        # the node id of a globalgripid in startnode

        nodeidofglobalidinstart= {}
        # the startnodeids is also for quick access
        self.startnodeids = []
        for j, rotmat in enumerate(self.freegriprotmats1):
            #print j, len(self.freegriprotmats)
            # print rotmat
            ttgsrotmat = rotmat * startrotmat4
            # for collision detection, we move the object back to x=0,y=0
            ttgsrotmatx0y0 = Mat4(startrotmat4)
            ttgsrotmatx0y0 = rotmat * ttgsrotmatx0y0
            # check if the hand collide with tabletop
            # tmphnd = self.robothand
            tmphnd = self.handpkg.newHandNM(hndcolor=[1, 0, 0, .1])
            initmat = tmphnd.getMat()
            initjawwidth = tmphnd.jawwidth
            # set jawwidth to 80 to avoid collision with surrounding obstacles
            # set to gripping with is unnecessary
            # add hand model to bulletworld
            hndbullnode = cd.genCollisionMeshMultiNp(tmphnd.handnp)

            result = self.bulletworld.contactTest(hndbullnode)

            # tmphnd.setMat(ttgsrotmat)
            # tmphnd.reparentTo(base.render)
            # if j > 3:
            #     base.run()
            if not result.getNumContacts():
                ttgsfgrcenter = (ttgscct0+ttgscct1)/2
                handx = ttgsrotmat.getRow3(0)
                ttgsfgrcenterhandx = ttgsfgrcenter + handx*self.rethandx
                # handxworldz is not necessary for start
                # ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz = ttgsfgrcenterhandx + self.worldz*self.retworldz
                ttgsfgrcenterworlda = ttgsfgrcenter + self.worlda*self.retworlda
                ttgsfgrcenterworldaworldz = ttgsfgrcenterworlda+ self.worldz*self.retworldz
                ttgsjawwidth = self.freegripjawwidth1[j]
                ttgsidfreeair = self.freegripid1[j]
                ttgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenter)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_handx = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandx)
                # handxworldz is not necessary for start
                # ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworlda)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworldaworldz)
                ttgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(ttgsrotmat.getUpper3())
                #print "solving starting iks"
                ikc = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikcx = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_handx, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikca = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikcaz = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz, ttgsrotmat3np)
                if (ikc is not None) and (ikcx is not None) and (ikca is not None) and (ikcaz is not None):
                    # note the tabletopposition here is not the contact for the intermediate states
                    # it is the zero pos
                    tabletopposition = startrotmat4.getRow3(3)
                    startrotmat4worlda = Mat4(startrotmat4)
                    startrotmat4worlda.setRow(3, startrotmat4.getRow3(3)+self.worlda*self.retworlda)
                    startrotmat4worldaworldz = Mat4(startrotmat4worlda)
                    startrotmat4worldaworldz.setRow(3, startrotmat4worlda.getRow3(3)+self.worldz*self.retworldz)
                    self.regg.add_node('start'+str(j), fgrcenter=ttgsfgrcenternp,
                                       fgrcenterhandx = ttgsfgrcenternp_handx,
                                       fgrcenterhandxworldz = 'na',
                                       fgrcenterworlda = ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda,
                                       fgrcenterworldaworldz = ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz,
                                       jawwidth=ttgsjawwidth, hndrotmat3np=ttgsrotmat3np,
                                       globalgripid = ttgsidfreeair, freetabletopplacementid = 'na',
                                       tabletopplacementrotmat = startrotmat4,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmathandx = startrotmat4,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmathandxworldz = 'na',
                                       tabletopplacementrotmatworlda = startrotmat4worlda,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmatworldaworldz = startrotmat4worldaworldz,
                                       angle = 'na', tabletopposition = tabletopposition)
                    # tmprtq85.reparentTo(base.render)

        if len(self.startnodeids) == 0:
            #raise ValueError("No available starting grip!")
            print ("No available start grip!")
            return False

        # add start transit edge
        for edge in list(itertools.combinations(self.startnodeids, 2)):
            self.regg.add_edge(*edge, weight = 1, edgetype = 'starttransit')
        # add start transfer edge
        for reggnode, reggnodedata in self.regg.nodes(data=True):
            if reggnode.startswith('mid'):
                globalgripid = reggnodedata['globalgripid']
                if globalgripid in nodeidofglobalidinstart.keys():
                    startnodeid = nodeidofglobalidinstart[globalgripid]
                    self.regg.add_edge(startnodeid, reggnode, weight=1, edgetype = 'starttransfer')

        ### goal
        # the node id of a globalgripid in goalnode, for quick setting up edges
        nodeidofglobalidingoal= {}
        # the goalnodeids is also for quick access
        self.goalnodeids = []
        for j, rotmat in enumerate(self.freegriprotmats1):
            #print j, len(self.freegriprotmats)

            ttgsrotmat = rotmat * goalrotmat4
            # for collision detection, we move the object back to x=0,y=0
            ttgsrotmatx0y0 = Mat4(goalrotmat4)
            ttgsrotmatx0y0 = rotmat * ttgsrotmatx0y0
            # check if the hand collide with tabletop
            tmphnd = self.robothand
            initmat = tmphnd.getMat()
            initjawwidth = tmphnd.jawwidth
            # add hand model to bulletworld
            hndbullnode = cd.genCollisionMeshMultiNp(tmphnd.handnp)
            result = self.bulletworld.contactTest(hndbullnode)
            if not result.getNumContacts():
                ttgsfgrcenter = (ttgscct0+ttgscct1)/2
                handx =  ttgsrotmat.getRow3(0)
                ttgsfgrcenterhandx = ttgsfgrcenter + handx*self.rethandx
                ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz = ttgsfgrcenterhandx + self.worldz*self.retworldz
                ttgsfgrcenterworlda = ttgsfgrcenter + self.worlda*self.retworlda
                ttgsfgrcenterworldaworldz = ttgsfgrcenterworlda+ self.worldz*self.retworldz
                ttgsjawwidth = self.freegripjawwidth1[j]
                ttgsidfreeair = self.freegripid1[j]
                ttgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenter)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_handx = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandx)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworlda)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworldaworldz)
                ttgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(ttgsrotmat.getUpper3())
                #print "solving goal iks"
                ikc = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikcx = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_handx, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikcxz = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikca = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikcaz = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz, ttgsrotmat3np)
                if (ikc is not None) and (ikcx is not None) and (ikcxz is not None) \
                        and (ikca is not None) and (ikcaz is not None):
                    # note the tabletopposition here is not the contact for the intermediate states
                    # it is the zero pos
                    tabletopposition = goalrotmat4.getRow3(3)
                    goalrotmat4worlda = Mat4(goalrotmat4)
                    goalrotmat4worlda.setRow(3, goalrotmat4.getRow3(3)+self.worlda*self.retworlda)
                    goalrotmat4worldaworldz = Mat4(goalrotmat4worlda)
                    goalrotmat4worldaworldz.setRow(3, goalrotmat4worlda.getRow3(3)+self.worldz*self.retworldz)
                    self.regg.add_node('goal'+str(j), fgrcenter=ttgsfgrcenternp,
                                       fgrcenterhandx = ttgsfgrcenternp_handx,
                                       fgrcenterhandxworldz = ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz,
                                       fgrcenterworlda = ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda,
                                       fgrcenterworldaworldz = ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz,
                                       jawwidth=ttgsjawwidth, hndrotmat3np=ttgsrotmat3np,
                                       globalgripid = ttgsidfreeair, freetabletopplacementid = 'na',
                                       tabletopplacementrotmat = goalrotmat4,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmathandx = goalrotmat4,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmathandxworldz = goalrotmat4,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmatworlda = goalrotmat4worlda,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmatworldaworldz = goalrotmat4worldaworldz,
                                       angleid = 'na', tabletopposition = tabletopposition)

        if len(self.goalnodeids) == 0:
            #raise ValueError("No available goal grip!")
            print ("No available goal grip!")
            return False

        # add goal transit edges
        for edge in list(itertools.combinations(self.goalnodeids, 2)):
            self.regg.add_edge(*edge, weight = 1, edgetype = 'goaltransit')
        # add goal transfer edge
        for reggnode, reggnodedata in self.regg.nodes(data=True):
            if reggnode.startswith('mid'):
                globalgripid = reggnodedata['globalgripid']
                if globalgripid in nodeidofglobalidingoal.keys():
                    goalnodeid = nodeidofglobalidingoal[globalgripid]
                    self.regg.add_edge(goalnodeid, reggnode, weight=1, edgetype = 'goaltransfer')

        # add start to goal direct edges
        for startnodeid in self.startnodeids:
            for goalnodeid in self.goalnodeids:
                # startnodeggid = start node global grip id
                startnodeggid = self.regg.node[startnodeid]['globalgripid']
                goalnodeggid = self.regg.node[goalnodeid]['globalgripid']
                if startnodeggid == goalnodeggid:
                    self.regg.add_edge(startnodeid, goalnodeid, weight=1, edgetype = 'startgoaltransfer')
        return True
Example #15
 def __addAssNodes(self, armname = 'rgt'):
     iele = 0
     if armname == 'lft':
         iele = 1
     freeairidontpp = {}
     # for plot
     radiusgrip = self.regghalf[iele].radiusgrip
     for nid in self.regghalf[iele].graphtpp.regg.nodes():
         dictind = str(self.regghalf[iele].graphtpp.regg.node[nid]['globalgripid'])
         if dictind in freeairidontpp:
             freeairidontpp[dictind] = []
     # add floatingposes
     freeairidonass = {}
     for asspind, assprotmat4 in enumerate(self.toass.gridsfloatingposemat4s):
         retass = assprotmat4.xformVec(self.retass[iele])
         for pairind, hndrotmat4pair in enumerate(self.toass.icoassgrippairshndmat4s[asspind]):
             assgid = self.toass.icoassgrippairsids[asspind][pairind][iele]
             assgidfreeair = self.toass.icoassgrippairsidfreeairs[asspind][pairind][iele]
             ccts = self.toass.icoassgrippairscontacts[asspind][pairind][iele]
             hndrotmat4 = hndrotmat4pair[iele]
             asspgfgrcenter = (Vec3(ccts[0][0], ccts[0][1], ccts[0][2]) + Vec3(ccts[1][0], ccts[1][1], ccts[1][2])) / 2
             asspgfgrcenter_retass = asspgfgrcenter + retass
             asspgfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(asspgfgrcenter)
             asspgfgrcenter_retassnp = pg.v3ToNp(asspgfgrcenter_retass)
             jawwidth = self.toass.icoassgrippairsjawwidths[asspind][pairind][iele]
             hndrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(hndrotmat4.getUpper3())
             objrotmat4 = self.objrotmat4s[iele]*assprotmat4
             objrotmat4retass = Mat4(objrotmat4)
             objrotmat4retass.setRow(3, objrotmat4retass.getRow3(3)+retass)
             self.regg.add_node('ass' + armname + str(assgid), fgrcenter=asspgfgrcenternp,
                                fgrcenterretass=asspgfgrcenter_retassnp, jawwidth=jawwidth,
                                hndrotmat3np=hndrotmat3np, assposerotmat4=objrotmat4,
                                assposerotmat4retass=objrotmat4retass, assposeind=asspind,
                                icoassgrippairsid=pairind, globalgripid=assgidfreeair)
             if str(assgidfreeair) in freeairidonass:
                 freeairidonass[str(assgidfreeair)].append('ass' + armname + str(assgid))
                 freeairidonass[str(assgidfreeair)] = []
     for freeairidontppkey in freeairidontpp.keys():
             for edge in list(itertools.product(freeairidontpp[freeairidontppkey], freeairidonass[freeairidontppkey])):
                 self.regg.add_edge(*edge, weight=1, edgetype='asstransfer')
     # plot pos
     nfp = len(self.toass.gridsfloatingposemat4s)
     xdist = 10
     x = range(300,501,xdist)
     y = range(-50,50,100*xdist/nfp)
     for nid in self.regg.nodes():
         if nid.startswith('ass'):
             asspind = self.regg.node[nid]['assposeind']
             assgind = self.regg.node[nid]['icoassgrippairsid']
             nassg = len(self.toass.icoassgrippairshndmat4s[asspind])
             xpos = x[asspind % len(x)]
             ypos = y[asspind/len(x)]
             xyzpos = [radiusgrip * math.cos(2 * math.pi / nassg * assgind)+xpos,
                      radiusgrip * math.sin(2 * math.pi / nassg * assgind)+ypos, 0]
             self.gnodesplotpos[nid] = xyzpos[:2]
             if nid.startswith('assrgt'):
                 self.gnodesplotpos[nid][1] = self.gnodesplotpos[nid][1] - 100
             elif nid.startswith('asslft'):
                 self.gnodesplotpos[nid][1] = self.gnodesplotpos[nid][1] + 100
    def addEnds(self, rotmat4, armname):
        # the node id of a globalgripid in end
        nodeidofglobalidinend = {}
        # the endnodeids is also for quick access
        self.endnodeids[armname] = []
        for j, rotmat in enumerate(self.freegriprotmats):
            assgsrotmat = rotmat * rotmat4
            # for collision detection, we move the object back to x=0,y=0
            assgsrotmatx0y0 = Mat4(rotmat4)
            assgsrotmatx0y0.setCell(3, 0, 0)
            assgsrotmatx0y0.setCell(3, 1, 0)
            assgsrotmatx0y0 = rotmat * assgsrotmatx0y0
            # check if the hand collide with tabletop
            tmphand = self.hand
            initmat = tmphand.getMat()
            initjawwidth = tmphand.jawwidth
            # set jawwidth to 80 to avoid collision with surrounding obstacles
            # set to gripping with is unnecessary
            # tmphand.setJawwidth(self.freegripjawwidth[j])
            # add hand model to bulletworld
            hndbullnode = cd.genCollisionMeshMultiNp(tmphand.handnp)
            result = self.bulletworld.contactTest(hndbullnode)
            if not result.getNumContacts():
                assgscct0 = rotmat4.xformPoint(self.freegripcontacts[j][0])
                assgscct1 = rotmat4.xformPoint(self.freegripcontacts[j][1])
                assgsfgrcenter = (assgscct0 + assgscct1) / 2
                handx = assgsrotmat.getRow3(0)
                assgsfgrcenterhandx = assgsfgrcenter + handx * self.rethandx
                # handxworldz is not necessary for start
                # assgsfgrcenterhandxworldz = assgsfgrcenterhandx + self.worldz*self.retworldz
                assgsfgrcenterworlda = assgsfgrcenter + self.worlda * self.retworlda
                assgsfgrcenterworldaworldz = assgsfgrcenterworlda + self.worldz * self.retworldz
                assgsjawwidth = self.freegripjawwidth[j]
                assgsidfreeair = self.freegripid[j]
                assgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(assgsfgrcenter)
                assgsfgrcenternp_handx = pg.v3ToNp(assgsfgrcenterhandx)
                # handxworldz is not necessary for start
                # assgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz = pg.v3ToNp(assgsfgrcenterhandxworldz)
                assgsfgrcenternp_worlda = pg.v3ToNp(assgsfgrcenterworlda)
                assgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz = pg.v3ToNp(
                assgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(assgsrotmat.getUpper3())
                ikc = self.robot.numikr(assgsfgrcenternp, assgsrotmat3np)
                ikcx = self.robot.numikr(assgsfgrcenternp_handx,
                ikca = self.robot.numikr(assgsfgrcenternp_worlda,
                ikcaz = self.robot.numikr(assgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz,
                if (ikc is not None) and (ikcx is not None) and (
                        ikca is not None) and (ikcaz is not None):
                    # note the tabletopposition here is not the contact for the intermediate states
                    # it is the zero pos
                    tabletopposition = rotmat4.getRow3(3)
                    startrotmat4worlda = Mat4(rotmat4)
                        rotmat4.getRow3(3) + self.worlda * self.retworlda)
                    startrotmat4worldaworldz = Mat4(startrotmat4worlda)
                        startrotmat4worlda.getRow3(3) +
                        self.worldz * self.retworldz)
                        'end' + armname + str(j),
                    nodeidofglobalidinend[assgsidfreeair] = 'start' + str(j)
                    self.endnodeids[armname].append('start' + str(j))

        if len(self.endnodeids[armname]) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No available end grip at " + armname)

        # add start transit edge
        for edge in list(itertools.combinations(self.endnodeids[armname], 2)):
            self.graphtpp.regg.add_edge(*edge, weight=1, edgetype='endtransit')
        # add start transfer edge
        for reggnode, reggnodedata in self.graphtpp.regg.nodes(data=True):
            if reggnode.startswith(self.armname):
                globalgripid = reggnodedata['globalgripid']
                if globalgripid in nodeidofglobalidinend.keys():
                    endnodeid = nodeidofglobalidinend[globalgripid]

        for nid in self.graphtpp.regg.nodes():
            if nid.startswith('end'):
                ggid = self.graphtpp.regg.node[nid]['globalgripid']
                tabletopposition = self.graphtpp.regg.node[nid][
                xyzpos = map(add, self.__xyzglobalgrippos_startgoal[ggid], [
                    tabletopposition[0], tabletopposition[1],
                self.gnodesplotpos[nid] = xyzpos[:2]
Example #17
    def addEnds(self, rotmat4, armname):
        # the node id of a globalgripid in end
        nodeidofglobalidinend = {}
        # the endnodeids is also for quick access
        self.endnodeids[armname] = []
        for j, rotmat in enumerate(self.freegriprotmats):
            assgsrotmat = rotmat * rotmat4
            # for collision detection, we move the object back to x=0,y=0
            assgsrotmatx0y0 = Mat4(rotmat4)
            assgsrotmatx0y0 = rotmat * assgsrotmatx0y0
            # check if the hand collide with tabletop
            tmphand = self.hand
            initmat = tmphand.getMat()
            initjawwidth = tmphand.jawwidth
            # set jawwidth to 80 to avoid collision with surrounding obstacles
            # set to gripping with is unnecessary
            # tmphand.setJawwidth(self.freegripjawwidth[j])
            # add hand model to bulletworld
            hndbullnode = cd.genCollisionMeshMultiNp(tmphand.handnp)
            result = self.bulletworld.contactTest(hndbullnode)
            if not result.getNumContacts():
                assgsfgrcenter = (assgscct0+assgscct1)/2
                handx = assgsrotmat.getRow3(0)
                assgsfgrcenterhandx = assgsfgrcenter + handx*self.rethandx
                # handxworldz is not necessary for start
                # assgsfgrcenterhandxworldz = assgsfgrcenterhandx + self.worldz*self.retworldz
                assgsfgrcenterworlda = assgsfgrcenter + self.worlda*self.retworlda
                assgsfgrcenterworldaworldz = assgsfgrcenterworlda+ self.worldz*self.retworldz
                assgsjawwidth = self.freegripjawwidth[j]
                assgsidfreeair = self.freegripid[j]
                assgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(assgsfgrcenter)
                assgsfgrcenternp_handx = pg.v3ToNp(assgsfgrcenterhandx)
                # handxworldz is not necessary for start
                # assgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz = pg.v3ToNp(assgsfgrcenterhandxworldz)
                assgsfgrcenternp_worlda = pg.v3ToNp(assgsfgrcenterworlda)
                assgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz = pg.v3ToNp(assgsfgrcenterworldaworldz)
                assgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(assgsrotmat.getUpper3())
                ikc = self.robot.numikr(assgsfgrcenternp, assgsrotmat3np)
                ikcx = self.robot.numikr(assgsfgrcenternp_handx, assgsrotmat3np)
                ikca = self.robot.numikr(assgsfgrcenternp_worlda, assgsrotmat3np)
                ikcaz = self.robot.numikr(assgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz, assgsrotmat3np)
                if (ikc is not None) and (ikcx is not None) and (ikca is not None) and (ikcaz is not None):
                    # note the tabletopposition here is not the contact for the intermediate states
                    # it is the zero pos
                    tabletopposition = rotmat4.getRow3(3)
                    startrotmat4worlda = Mat4(rotmat4)
                    startrotmat4worlda.setRow(3, rotmat4.getRow3(3)+self.worlda*self.retworlda)
                    startrotmat4worldaworldz = Mat4(startrotmat4worlda)
                    startrotmat4worldaworldz.setRow(3, startrotmat4worlda.getRow3(3)+self.worldz*self.retworldz)
                    self.graphtpp.regg.add_node('end'+armname+str(j), fgrcenter=assgsfgrcenternp,
                                       fgrcenterhandx = assgsfgrcenternp_handx,
                                       fgrcenterhandxworldz = 'na',
                                       fgrcenterworlda = assgsfgrcenternp_worlda,
                                       fgrcenterworldaworldz = assgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz,
                                       jawwidth=assgsjawwidth, hndrotmat3np=assgsrotmat3np,
                                       globalgripid = assgsidfreeair, freetabletopplacementid = 'na',
                                       tabletopplacementrotmat = rotmat4,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmathandx = rotmat4,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmathandxworldz = 'na',
                                       tabletopplacementrotmatworlda = startrotmat4worlda,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmatworldaworldz = startrotmat4worldaworldz,
                                       angle = 'na', tabletopposition = tabletopposition)

        if len(self.endnodeids[armname]) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No available end grip at " + armname)

        # add start transit edge
        for edge in list(itertools.combinations(self.endnodeids[armname], 2)):
            self.graphtpp.regg.add_edge(*edge, weight = 1, edgetype = 'endtransit')
        # add start transfer edge
        for reggnode, reggnodedata in self.graphtpp.regg.nodes(data=True):
            if reggnode.startswith(self.armname):
                globalgripid = reggnodedata['globalgripid']
                if globalgripid in nodeidofglobalidinend.keys():
                    endnodeid = nodeidofglobalidinend[globalgripid]
                    self.graphtpp.regg.add_edge(endnodeid, reggnode, weight=1, edgetype = 'endtransfer')

        for nid in self.graphtpp.regg.nodes():
            if nid.startswith('end'):
                ggid = self.graphtpp.regg.node[nid]['globalgripid']
                tabletopposition = self.graphtpp.regg.node[nid]['tabletopposition']
                xyzpos = map(add, self.__xyzglobalgrippos_startgoal[ggid],
                              [tabletopposition[0], tabletopposition[1], tabletopposition[2]])
                self.gnodesplotpos[nid] = xyzpos[:2]
Example #18
    def updateDBwithIK(self, gdb, robot, armname='rgt'):

        :param gdb:
        :param robot:
        :param armname: the name of the arm used rgt or lft
        :param rethandx: the distance of retract along handx direction, default 50mm
        :param retworldz: the distance of retract along worldz direction, default 50mm
        :param retworlda: the distance of retract along assembly/approaching direction in the world, default 50mm

        author: weiwei
        date: 20170111

        # load idarm
        idarm = gdb.loadIdArm(armname)

        # load retraction distances
        rethandx, retworldz, retworlda, worldz = gdb.loadIKRet()
        # worlda is default for the general grasps on table top
        # for assembly at start and goal, worlda is computed by assembly planner
        worlda = Vec3(0, 0, 1)

        # select idrobot
        idrobot = gdb.loadIdRobot(robot)

        feasibility = {}
        feasibility_handx = {}
        feasibility_handxworldz = {}
        feasibility_worlda = {}
        feasibility_worldaworldz = {}

        sql = "SELECT tabletopgrips.idtabletopgrips, tabletopgrips.contactpnt0, tabletopgrips.contactpnt1, \
                tabletopgrips.rotmat FROM tabletopgrips, tabletopplacements, freetabletopplacement, object WHERE \
                 tabletopgrips.idtabletopplacements = tabletopplacements.idtabletopplacements AND \
                  tabletopplacements.idfreetabletopplacement = freetabletopplacement.idfreetabletopplacement AND \
                   freetabletopplacement.idobject = object.idobject AND object.name LIKE '%s'" % self.dbobjname
        result = gdb.execute(sql)
        if len(result) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Plan the tabletopgrips first!")
        idcounter = 0
        tic = time.clock()
        for resultrow in result:
            print idcounter * 1.0 / len(result)
            idcounter += 1
            toc = time.clock()
            print toc - tic
            ttgsid = int(resultrow[0])
            ttgscct0 = dc.strToV3(resultrow[1])
            ttgscct1 = dc.strToV3(resultrow[2])
            ttgsrotmat = dc.strToMat4(resultrow[3])
            ttgsfgrcenter = (ttgscct0 + ttgscct1) / 2
            handx = ttgsrotmat.getRow3(0)
            ttgsfgrcenterhandx = ttgsfgrcenter + handx * rethandx
            ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz = ttgsfgrcenterhandx + worldz * retworldz
            ttgsfgrcenterworlda = ttgsfgrcenter + worlda * retworlda
            ttgsfgrcenterworldaworldz = ttgsfgrcenterworlda + worldz * retworldz

            ttgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenter)
            ttgsfgrcenternp_handx = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandx)
            ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz)
            ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworlda)
            ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworldaworldz)
            ttgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(ttgsrotmat.getUpper3())

            if robot.numik(ttgsfgrcenternp, ttgsrotmat3np,
                           armname) is not None:
                feasibility[ttgsid] = 'True'
                feasibility[ttgsid] = 'False'
            if robot.numik(ttgsfgrcenternp_handx, ttgsrotmat3np,
                           armname) is not None:
                feasibility_handx[ttgsid] = 'True'
                feasibility_handx[ttgsid] = 'False'
            if robot.numik(ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz, ttgsrotmat3np,
                           armname) is not None:
                feasibility_handxworldz[ttgsid] = 'True'
                feasibility_handxworldz[ttgsid] = 'False'
            if robot.numik(ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda, ttgsrotmat3np,
                           armname) is not None:
                feasibility_worlda[ttgsid] = 'True'
                feasibility_worlda[ttgsid] = 'False'
            if robot.numik(ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz, ttgsrotmat3np,
                           armname) is not None:
                feasibility_worldaworldz[ttgsid] = 'True'
                feasibility_worldaworldz[ttgsid] = 'False'

            # insert ik table
            sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO ik(idrobot, idarm, idtabletopgrips, feasibility, feasibility_handx, feasibility_handxworldz, \
                    feasibility_worlda, feasibility_worldaworldz) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')"                                                                                                                     % \
                    (idrobot, idarm, ttgsid, feasibility[ttgsid], feasibility_handx[ttgsid], feasibility_handxworldz[ttgsid], \
                     feasibility_worlda[ttgsid], feasibility_worldaworldz[ttgsid])
Example #19
    def __loadGripsToBuildGraph(self, armname = "rgt"):
        load tabletopgrips
        retraction distance are also loaded from database

        :param robot: an robot defined in robotsim.hrp5 or robotsim.nextage
        :param gdb: an object of the database.GraspDB class
        :param idarm: value = 1 "lft" or 2 "rgt", which arm to use

        author: weiwei
        date: 20170112

        # load idarm
        idarm = gdb.loadIdArm(armname)

        # get the global grip ids
        # and prepare the global edges
        # for each globalgripid, find all its tabletopids (pertaining to placements)
        globalidsedges = {}
        sql = "SELECT idfreeairgrip FROM freeairgrip,object WHERE freeairgrip.idobject=object.idobject AND \
                object.name LIKE '%s'" % self.dbobjname
        result = self.gdb.execute(sql)
        if len(result) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Plan freeairgrip first!")
        for ggid in result:
            globalidsedges[str(ggid[0])] = []
        sql = "SELECT tabletopplacements.idtabletopplacements, angle.value, \
                tabletopplacements.idfreetabletopplacement, tabletopplacements.tabletopposition, \
                tabletopplacements.rotmat FROM \
                tabletopplacements,freetabletopplacement,angle,object WHERE \
                tabletopplacements.idangle=angle.idangle AND \
                tabletopplacements.idfreetabletopplacement=freetabletopplacement.idfreetabletopplacement AND \
                freetabletopplacement.idobject=object.idobject AND \
                object.name LIKE '%s' AND angle.value IN (0.0, 45.0, 90.0, 135.0, 180.0, 225.0, 270.0, 315.0)" \
                % self.dbobjname
        result = self.gdb.execute(sql)
        if len(result) != 0:
            tpsrows = np.array(result)
            # nubmer of discreted rotation
            self.angles = list(set(map(float, tpsrows[:,1])))
            # for plotting
            self.fttpsids = list(set(map(int, tpsrows[:,2])))
            self.nfttps = len(self.fttpsids)

            idrobot = self.gdb.loadIdRobot(self.robot)
            for i, idtps in enumerate(tpsrows[:,0]):
                sql = "SELECT tabletopgrips.idtabletopgrips, tabletopgrips.contactpnt0, tabletopgrips.contactpnt1, \
                       tabletopgrips.rotmat, tabletopgrips.jawwidth, tabletopgrips.idfreeairgrip \
                       FROM tabletopgrips,ik,freeairgrip,hand WHERE tabletopgrips.idfreeairgrip = freeairgrip.idfreeairgrip AND \
                       freeairgrip.idhand = hand.idhand AND\
                       tabletopgrips.idtabletopgrips=ik.idtabletopgrips AND \
                       tabletopgrips.idtabletopplacements = %d AND ik.idrobot=%d AND \
                       ik.feasibility='True' AND ik.feasibility_handx='True' AND ik.feasibility_handxworldz='True' \
                       AND ik.feasibility_worlda='True' AND ik.feasibility_worldaworldz='True' AND ik.idarm = %d \
                       AND hand.name LIKE '%s'" \
                      % (int(idtps), idrobot, idarm, self.handpkg.getHandName())
                resultttgs = self.gdb.execute(sql)
                if len(resultttgs)==0:
                localidedges = []
                for ttgsrow in resultttgs:
                    ttgsid = int(ttgsrow[0])
                    ttgscct0 = dc.strToV3(ttgsrow[1])
                    ttgscct1 = dc.strToV3(ttgsrow[2])
                    ttgsrotmat = dc.strToMat4(ttgsrow[3])
                    ttgsjawwidth = float(ttgsrow[4])
                    ttgsidfreeair = int(ttgsrow[5])
                    ttgsfgrcenter = (ttgscct0+ttgscct1)/2
                    handx = ttgsrotmat.getRow3(0)
                    ttgsfgrcenterhandx = ttgsfgrcenter + handx*self.rethandx
                    ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz = ttgsfgrcenterhandx + self.worldz*self.retworldz
                    ttgsfgrcenterworlda = ttgsfgrcenter + self.worlda*self.retworlda
                    ttgsfgrcenterworldaworldz = ttgsfgrcenterworlda+ self.worldz*self.retworldz
                    ttgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenter)
                    ttgsfgrcenternp_handx = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandx)
                    ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz)
                    ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworlda)
                    ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworldaworldz)
                    ttgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(ttgsrotmat.getUpper3())
                    objrotmat4 = dc.strToMat4(tpsrows[:,4][i])
                    objrotmat4worlda = Mat4(objrotmat4)
                    objrotmat4worlda.setRow(3, objrotmat4.getRow3(3)+self.worlda*self.retworlda)
                    objrotmat4worldaworldz = Mat4(objrotmat4worlda)
                    objrotmat4worldaworldz.setRow(3, objrotmat4worlda.getRow3(3)+self.worldz*self.retworldz)
                    self.regg.add_node(armname+str(ttgsid), fgrcenter=ttgsfgrcenternp,
                                       fgrcenterhandx = ttgsfgrcenternp_handx,
                                       fgrcenterhandxworldz = ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz,
                                       fgrcenterworlda = ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda,
                                       fgrcenterworldaworldz = ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz,
                                       jawwidth=ttgsjawwidth, hndrotmat3np=ttgsrotmat3np,
                                       globalgripid = ttgsidfreeair, freetabletopplacementid = int(tpsrows[:,2][i]),
                                       tabletopplacementrotmat = objrotmat4,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmathandx = objrotmat4,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmathandxworldz = objrotmat4,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmatworlda = objrotmat4worlda,
                                       tabletopplacementrotmatworldaworldz = objrotmat4worldaworldz,
                                       angle = float(tpsrows[:,1][i]), tabletopposition = dc.strToV3(tpsrows[:,3][i]))
                # print list(itertools.combinations(ttgrows[:,0], 2))
                for edge in list(itertools.combinations(localidedges, 2)):
                    self.regg.add_edge(*edge, weight=1, edgetype = 'transit')
            if len(globalidsedges) == 0:
                raise ValueError("Plan tabletopgrips first!")
            for globalidedgesid in globalidsedges:
                for edge in list(itertools.combinations(globalidsedges[globalidedgesid], 2)):
                    self.regg.add_edge(*edge, weight=1, edgetype = 'transfer')

        # gen plot pos
        # biggest circle: grips; big circle: rotation; small circle: placements
        radiusplacement = 30
        radiusrot = 6
        radiusgrip = 1
        xyplacementspos = {}
        xydiscreterotspos = {}
        xyzglobalgrippos = {}
        for i, ttpsid in enumerate(self.fttpsids):
            xydiscreterotspos[ttpsid] = {}
            xyzglobalgrippos[ttpsid] = {}
            xypos = [radiusplacement * math.cos(2 * math.pi / self.nfttps * i),
                     radiusplacement * math.sin(2 * math.pi / self.nfttps * i)]
            xyplacementspos[ttpsid] = xypos
            for j, anglevalue in enumerate(self.angles):
                xyzglobalgrippos[ttpsid][anglevalue] = {}
                xypos = [radiusrot * math.cos(anglevalue), radiusrot * math.sin(anglevalue)]
                xydiscreterotspos[ttpsid][anglevalue] = \
                    [xyplacementspos[ttpsid][0] + xypos[0], xyplacementspos[ttpsid][1] + xypos[1]]
                for k, globalgripid in enumerate(self.globalgripids):
                    xypos = [radiusgrip * math.cos(2 * math.pi / len(self.globalgripids) * k),
                             radiusgrip * math.sin(2 * math.pi / len(self.globalgripids) * k)]
                    xyzglobalgrippos[ttpsid][anglevalue][globalgripid] = \
                        [xydiscreterotspos[ttpsid][anglevalue][0] + xypos[0],
                         xydiscreterotspos[ttpsid][anglevalue][1] + xypos[1], 0]
        for nid in self.regg.nodes():
            fttpid = self.regg.node[nid]['freetabletopplacementid']
            anglevalue = self.regg.node[nid]['angle']
            ggid = self.regg.node[nid]['globalgripid']
            tabletopposition = self.regg.node[nid]['tabletopposition']
            xyzpos = map(add, xyzglobalgrippos[fttpid][anglevalue][ggid],
                          [tabletopposition[0], tabletopposition[1], tabletopposition[2]])
            self.gnodesplotpos[nid] = xyzpos[:2]
Example #20
    handpkg = hrp5threenm
    handpkg = rtq85nm
    hrp5nmeshgen = hrp5nmesh.Hrp5NMesh(handpkg)
    hrp5nmnp = hrp5nmeshgen.genmnp(hrp5nrobot)

    objpos = np.array([500, -400, 305])
    objrot = np.array([[-1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, -1]])

    objrot = np.array([[0.125178158283, 0.00399381108582, 0.992126166821],
                       [0.98617619276, -0.109927728772, -0.123984932899],
                       [0.108567006886, 0.993931531906, -0.0176991540939]]).T
    objrot = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]])
    objrotmat4 = pg.npToMat4(objrot)
    objrotmat4 = objrotmat4 * Mat4.rotateMat(30, Vec3(1, 0, 0))
    objrot = pg.mat3ToNp(objrotmat4.getUpper3())
    objpos = np.array([401.67913818, -644.12841797, 0])
    objrot = np.array([[1.93558640e-06, -8.36298645e-01, 5.48274219e-01],
                       [1.93560686e-06, -5.48274219e-01, -8.36298645e-01],
                       [1.00000000e+00, 2.67997166e-06, 5.57513317e-07]])
    # lfthnd
    # objpos = np.array([180,130,100])
    # objrot = np.array([[0,0,-1],[1,0,0],[0,-1,0]])
    armid = "rgt"
    armjntsgoal = hrp5nrobot.numikr(objpos, objrot, armid)
    if armjntsgoal is not None:
        hrp5nrobot.movearmfkr(armjntsgoal, armid)
        hrp5nmnp = hrp5nmeshgen.genmnp(hrp5nrobot)
        # hrp5nmnp.reparentTo(base.render)

    startrotmat4 = Mat4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0,
Example #21
    def savestartik(self, startrotmat4, startid, base):
        nodeidofglobalidinstart = {}
        # the startnodeids is also for quick access
        self.startnodeids = []
        for j, rotmat in enumerate(self.freegriprotmats):
            # print j, len(self.freegriprotmats)
            # # print rotmat
            ttgsrotmat = rotmat * startrotmat4
            # for collision detection, we move the object back to x=0,y=0
            ttgsrotmatx0y0 = Mat4(startrotmat4)
            ttgsrotmatx0y0.setCell(3, 0, 0)
            ttgsrotmatx0y0.setCell(3, 1, 0)
            ttgsrotmatx0y0 = rotmat * ttgsrotmatx0y0
            # check if the hand collide with tabletop
            # tmphnd = self.robothand
            tmphnd = self.handpkg.newHandNM(hndcolor=[1, 0, 0, .1])
            initmat = tmphnd.getMat()
            initjawwidth = tmphnd.jawwidth
            # set jawwidth to 80 to avoid collision with surrounding obstacles
            # set to gripping with is unnecessary
            # add hand model to bulletworld
            hndbullnode = cd.genCollisionMeshMultiNp(tmphnd.handnp)
            result = self.bulletworld.contactTest(hndbullnode)

            if not result.getNumContacts():
                ttgscct0 = startrotmat4.xformPoint(self.freegripcontacts[j][0])
                ttgscct1 = startrotmat4.xformPoint(self.freegripcontacts[j][1])
                ttgsfgrcenter = (ttgscct0 + ttgscct1) / 2
                handx = ttgsrotmat.getRow3(0)
                ttgsfgrcenterhandx = ttgsfgrcenter + handx * self.rethandx
                # handxworldz is not necessary for start
                # ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz = ttgsfgrcenterhandx + self.worldz*self.retworldz
                ttgsfgrcenterworlda = ttgsfgrcenter + self.worlda * self.retworlda
                ttgsfgrcenterworldaworldz = ttgsfgrcenterworlda + self.worldz * self.retworldz
                ttgsjawwidth = self.freegripjawwidth[j]
                ttgsidfreeair = self.freegripid[j]
                ttgsfgrcenternp = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenter)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_handx = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandx)
                # handxworldz is not necessary for start
                # ttgsfgrcenternp_handxworldz = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterhandxworldz)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda = pg.v3ToNp(ttgsfgrcenterworlda)
                ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz = pg.v3ToNp(
                ttgsrotmat3np = pg.mat3ToNp(ttgsrotmat.getUpper3())
                # print "solving starting iks"
                ikc = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikcx = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_handx, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikca = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_worlda, ttgsrotmat3np)
                ikcaz = self.robot.numikr(ttgsfgrcenternp_worldaworldz,

                feasibility = {}
                feasibility_handx = {}
                #feasibility_handxworldz = {}
                feasibility_worlda = {}
                feasibility_worldaworldz = {}

                if ikc is not None:
                    feasibility[j] = 'True'
                    feasibility[j] = 'False'
                if ikcx is not None:
                    feasibility_handx[j] = 'True'
                    feasibility_handx[j] = 'False'

                if ikca is not None:
                    feasibility_worlda[j] = 'True'
                    feasibility_worlda[j] = 'False'
                if ikcaz is not None:
                    feasibility_worldaworldz[j] = 'True'
                    feasibility_worldaworldz[j] = 'False'

                sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO ik_start(idstart,idfreeairgrip, feasibility, feasibility_handx,  \
                                              feasibility_worlda, feasibility_worldaworldz) VALUES (%d,%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')"                                                                                                                                    % \
                      (startid, j, feasibility[j], feasibility_handx[j],\
                       feasibility_worlda[j], feasibility_worldaworldz[j])