Example #1
    def wrapper(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, Period):
            func = getattr(self._values, opname)
            other_base, _ = _gfc(other.freq)
            if other.freq != self.freq:
                msg = _DIFFERENT_FREQ_INDEX.format(self.freqstr, other.freqstr)
                raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)

            result = func(other.ordinal)
        elif isinstance(other, PeriodIndex):
            if other.freq != self.freq:
                msg = _DIFFERENT_FREQ_INDEX.format(self.freqstr, other.freqstr)
                raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)

            result = getattr(self._values, opname)(other._values)

            mask = self._isnan | other._isnan
            if mask.any():
                result[mask] = nat_result

            return result
        elif other is tslib.NaT:
            result = np.empty(len(self._values), dtype=bool)
            other = Period(other, freq=self.freq)
            func = getattr(self._values, opname)
            result = func(other.ordinal)

        if self.hasnans:
            result[self._isnan] = nat_result

        return result
Example #2
 def _maybe_convert_timedelta(self, other):
     if isinstance(other, (timedelta, np.timedelta64, offsets.Tick)):
         offset = frequencies.to_offset(self.freq.rule_code)
         if isinstance(offset, offsets.Tick):
             nanos = tslib._delta_to_nanoseconds(other)
             offset_nanos = tslib._delta_to_nanoseconds(offset)
             if nanos % offset_nanos == 0:
                 return nanos // offset_nanos
     elif isinstance(other, offsets.DateOffset):
         freqstr = other.rule_code
         base = frequencies.get_base_alias(freqstr)
         if base == self.freq.rule_code:
             return other.n
         msg = _DIFFERENT_FREQ_INDEX.format(self.freqstr, other.freqstr)
         raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)
     elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray):
         if is_integer_dtype(other):
             return other
         elif is_timedelta64_dtype(other):
             offset = frequencies.to_offset(self.freq)
             if isinstance(offset, offsets.Tick):
                 nanos = tslib._delta_to_nanoseconds(other)
                 offset_nanos = tslib._delta_to_nanoseconds(offset)
                 if (nanos % offset_nanos).all() == 0:
                     return nanos // offset_nanos
     elif is_integer(other):
         # integer is passed to .shift via
         # _add_datetimelike_methods basically
         # but ufunc may pass integer to _add_delta
         return other
     # raise when input doesn't have freq
     msg = "Input has different freq from PeriodIndex(freq={0})"
     raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg.format(self.freqstr))
Example #3
    def _downsample(self, how, **kwargs):
        Downsample the cython defined function

        how : string / cython mapped function
        **kwargs : kw args passed to how function

        # we may need to actually resample as if we are timestamps
        if self.kind == 'timestamp':
            return super(PeriodIndexResampler, self)._downsample(how, **kwargs)

        how = self._is_cython_func(how) or how
        ax = self.ax

        if is_subperiod(ax.freq, self.freq):
            # Downsampling
            return self._groupby_and_aggregate(how, grouper=self.grouper)
        elif is_superperiod(ax.freq, self.freq):
            if how == 'ohlc':
                # GH #13083
                # upsampling to subperiods is handled as an asfreq, which works
                # for pure aggregating/reducing methods
                # OHLC reduces along the time dimension, but creates multiple
                # values for each period -> handle by _groupby_and_aggregate()
                return self._groupby_and_aggregate(how, grouper=self.grouper)
            return self.asfreq()
        elif ax.freq == self.freq:
            return self.asfreq()

        raise IncompatibleFrequency(
            'Frequency {} cannot be resampled to {}, as they are not '
            'sub or super periods'.format(ax.freq, self.freq))
Example #4
    def _assert_can_do_setop(self, other):
        super(PeriodIndex, self)._assert_can_do_setop(other)

        if not isinstance(other, PeriodIndex):
            raise ValueError('can only call with other PeriodIndex-ed objects')

        if self.freq != other.freq:
            msg = _DIFFERENT_FREQ_INDEX.format(self.freqstr, other.freqstr)
            raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)
Example #5
    def searchsorted(self, value, side='left', sorter=None):
        if isinstance(value, Period):
            if value.freq != self.freq:
                msg = _DIFFERENT_FREQ_INDEX.format(self.freqstr, value.freqstr)
                raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)
            value = value.ordinal
        elif isinstance(value, compat.string_types):
            value = Period(value, freq=self.freq).ordinal

        return self._values.searchsorted(value, side=side, sorter=sorter)
Example #6
    def _sub_period(self, other):
        if self.freq != other.freq:
            msg = _DIFFERENT_FREQ_INDEX.format(self.freqstr, other.freqstr)
            raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)

        asi8 = self.asi8
        new_data = asi8 - other.ordinal

        if self.hasnans:
            new_data = new_data.astype(np.float64)
            new_data[self._isnan] = np.nan
        # result must be Int64Index or Float64Index
        return Index(new_data, name=self.name)
Example #7
    def get_indexer(self, target, method=None, limit=None, tolerance=None):
        target = _ensure_index(target)

        if hasattr(target, 'freq') and target.freq != self.freq:
            msg = _DIFFERENT_FREQ_INDEX.format(self.freqstr, target.freqstr)
            raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)

        if isinstance(target, PeriodIndex):
            target = target.asi8

        if tolerance is not None:
            tolerance = self._convert_tolerance(tolerance, target)
        return Index.get_indexer(self._int64index, target, method, limit,
Example #8
    def _downsample(self, how, **kwargs):
        Downsample the cython defined function

        how : string / cython mapped function
        **kwargs : kw args passed to how function

        # we may need to actually resample as if we are timestamps
        if self.kind == 'timestamp':
            return super(PeriodIndexResampler, self)._downsample(how, **kwargs)

        how = self._is_cython_func(how) or how
        ax = self.ax

        new_index = self._get_new_index()

        # Start vs. end of period
        memb = ax.asfreq(self.freq, how=self.convention)

        if is_subperiod(ax.freq, self.freq):
            # Downsampling
            if len(new_index) == 0:
                bins = []
                i8 = memb.asi8
                rng = np.arange(i8[0], i8[-1] + 1)
                bins = memb.searchsorted(rng, side='right')
            grouper = BinGrouper(bins, new_index)
            return self._groupby_and_aggregate(how, grouper=grouper)
        elif is_superperiod(ax.freq, self.freq):
            return self.asfreq()
        elif ax.freq == self.freq:
            return self.asfreq()

        raise IncompatibleFrequency(
            'Frequency {} cannot be resampled to {}, as they are not '
            'sub or super periods'.format(ax.freq, self.freq))
Example #9
    def __new__(cls,

        if periods is not None:
            if is_float(periods):
                periods = int(periods)
            elif not is_integer(periods):
                msg = 'periods must be a number, got {periods}'
                raise TypeError(msg.format(periods=periods))

        if name is None and hasattr(data, 'name'):
            name = data.name

        if dtype is not None:
            dtype = pandas_dtype(dtype)
            if not is_period_dtype(dtype):
                raise ValueError('dtype must be PeriodDtype')
            if freq is None:
                freq = dtype.freq
            elif freq != dtype.freq:
                msg = 'specified freq and dtype are different'
                raise IncompatibleFrequency(msg)

        # coerce freq to freq object, otherwise it can be coerced elementwise
        # which is slow
        if freq:
            freq = Period._maybe_convert_freq(freq)

        if data is None:
            if ordinal is not None:
                data = np.asarray(ordinal, dtype=np.int64)
                data, freq = cls._generate_range(start, end, periods, freq,
            return cls._from_ordinals(data, name=name, freq=freq)

        if isinstance(data, PeriodIndex):
            if freq is None or freq == data.freq:  # no freq change
                freq = data.freq
                data = data._values
                base1, _ = _gfc(data.freq)
                base2, _ = _gfc(freq)
                data = period.period_asfreq_arr(data._values, base1, base2, 1)
            return cls._simple_new(data, name=name, freq=freq)

        # not array / index
        if not isinstance(
                data, (np.ndarray, PeriodIndex, DatetimeIndex, Int64Index)):
            if is_scalar(data) or isinstance(data, Period):

            # other iterable of some kind
            if not isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
                data = list(data)

            data = np.asarray(data)

        # datetime other than period
        if is_datetime64_dtype(data.dtype):
            data = dt64arr_to_periodarr(data, freq, tz)
            return cls._from_ordinals(data, name=name, freq=freq)

        # check not floats
        if infer_dtype(data) == 'floating' and len(data) > 0:
            raise TypeError("PeriodIndex does not allow "
                            "floating point in construction")

        # anything else, likely an array of strings or periods
        data = _ensure_object(data)
        freq = freq or period.extract_freq(data)
        data = period.extract_ordinals(data, freq)
        return cls._from_ordinals(data, name=name, freq=freq)