Example #1
    def test_with_tz(self, tz):
        # just want it to work
        start = datetime(2011, 3, 12, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
        dr = bdate_range(start, periods=50, freq=pd.offsets.Hour())
        assert dr.tz is pytz.utc

        # DateRange with naive datetimes
        dr = bdate_range('1/1/2005', '1/1/2009', tz=pytz.utc)
        dr = bdate_range('1/1/2005', '1/1/2009', tz=tz)

        # normalized
        central = dr.tz_convert(tz)
        assert central.tz is tz
        naive = central[0].to_pydatetime().replace(tzinfo=None)
        comp = conversion.localize_pydatetime(naive, tz).tzinfo
        assert central[0].tz is comp

        # compare vs a localized tz
        naive = dr[0].to_pydatetime().replace(tzinfo=None)
        comp = conversion.localize_pydatetime(naive, tz).tzinfo
        assert central[0].tz is comp

        # datetimes with tzinfo set
        dr = bdate_range(datetime(2005, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc),
                         datetime(2009, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc))
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            bdate_range(datetime(2005, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc), '1/1/2009',
Example #2
    def test_with_tz(self, tz):
        # just want it to work
        start = datetime(2011, 3, 12, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
        dr = bdate_range(start, periods=50, freq=pd.offsets.Hour())
        assert dr.tz is pytz.utc

        # DateRange with naive datetimes
        dr = bdate_range("1/1/2005", "1/1/2009", tz=pytz.utc)
        dr = bdate_range("1/1/2005", "1/1/2009", tz=tz)

        # normalized
        central = dr.tz_convert(tz)
        assert central.tz is tz
        naive = central[0].to_pydatetime().replace(tzinfo=None)
        comp = conversion.localize_pydatetime(naive, tz).tzinfo
        assert central[0].tz is comp

        # compare vs a localized tz
        naive = dr[0].to_pydatetime().replace(tzinfo=None)
        comp = conversion.localize_pydatetime(naive, tz).tzinfo
        assert central[0].tz is comp

        # datetimes with tzinfo set
        dr = bdate_range(datetime(2005, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc),
                         datetime(2009, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc))
        msg = "Start and end cannot both be tz-aware with different timezones"
        with pytest.raises(Exception, match=msg):
            bdate_range(datetime(2005, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc),
Example #3
    def test_with_tz(self, tz):
        # just want it to work
        start = datetime(2011, 3, 12, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
        dr = bdate_range(start, periods=50, freq=pd.offsets.Hour())
        assert dr.tz is pytz.utc

        # DateRange with naive datetimes
        dr = bdate_range('1/1/2005', '1/1/2009', tz=pytz.utc)
        dr = bdate_range('1/1/2005', '1/1/2009', tz=tz)

        # normalized
        central = dr.tz_convert(tz)
        assert central.tz is tz
        naive = central[0].to_pydatetime().replace(tzinfo=None)
        comp = conversion.localize_pydatetime(naive, tz).tzinfo
        assert central[0].tz is comp

        # compare vs a localized tz
        naive = dr[0].to_pydatetime().replace(tzinfo=None)
        comp = conversion.localize_pydatetime(naive, tz).tzinfo
        assert central[0].tz is comp

        # datetimes with tzinfo set
        dr = bdate_range(datetime(2005, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc),
                         datetime(2009, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc))
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            bdate_range(datetime(2005, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc),
def test_infer_tz(eastern, localize):
    utc = pytz.utc

    start_naive = datetime(2001, 1, 1)
    end_naive = datetime(2009, 1, 1)

    start = localize(eastern, start_naive)
    end = localize(eastern, end_naive)

    assert (timezones.infer_tzinfo(start, end) is
            conversion.localize_pydatetime(start_naive, eastern).tzinfo)
    assert (timezones.infer_tzinfo(start, None) is
            conversion.localize_pydatetime(start_naive, eastern).tzinfo)
    assert (timezones.infer_tzinfo(None, end) is
            conversion.localize_pydatetime(end_naive, eastern).tzinfo)

    start = utc.localize(start_naive)
    end = utc.localize(end_naive)
    assert timezones.infer_tzinfo(start, end) is utc

    end = conversion.localize_pydatetime(end_naive, eastern)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        timezones.infer_tzinfo(start, end)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        timezones.infer_tzinfo(end, start)
Example #5
def test_infer_tz(eastern, localize):
    utc = pytz.utc

    start_naive = datetime(2001, 1, 1)
    end_naive = datetime(2009, 1, 1)

    start = localize(eastern, start_naive)
    end = localize(eastern, end_naive)

    assert (timezones.infer_tzinfo(start, end) is
            conversion.localize_pydatetime(start_naive, eastern).tzinfo)
    assert (timezones.infer_tzinfo(start, None) is
            conversion.localize_pydatetime(start_naive, eastern).tzinfo)
    assert (timezones.infer_tzinfo(None, end) is
            conversion.localize_pydatetime(end_naive, eastern).tzinfo)

    start = utc.localize(start_naive)
    end = utc.localize(end_naive)
    assert timezones.infer_tzinfo(start, end) is utc

    end = conversion.localize_pydatetime(end_naive, eastern)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        timezones.infer_tzinfo(start, end)
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        timezones.infer_tzinfo(end, start)
def test_infer_tz_compat(infer_setup):
    eastern, _, start, end, start_naive, end_naive = infer_setup

    assert (timezones.infer_tzinfo(start, end) is
            conversion.localize_pydatetime(start_naive, eastern).tzinfo)
    assert (timezones.infer_tzinfo(start, None) is
            conversion.localize_pydatetime(start_naive, eastern).tzinfo)
    assert (timezones.infer_tzinfo(None, end) is
            conversion.localize_pydatetime(end_naive, eastern).tzinfo)
Example #7
def test_infer_tz_compat(infer_setup):
    eastern, _, start, end, start_naive, end_naive = infer_setup

    assert (timezones.infer_tzinfo(start, end) is
            conversion.localize_pydatetime(start_naive, eastern).tzinfo)
    assert (timezones.infer_tzinfo(start, None) is
            conversion.localize_pydatetime(start_naive, eastern).tzinfo)
    assert (timezones.infer_tzinfo(None, end) is
            conversion.localize_pydatetime(end_naive, eastern).tzinfo)
    def apply(self, other):
        current = self.holiday(other.year).to_pydate()
        current = datetime(current.year, current.month, current.day)
        current = localize_pydatetime(current, other.tzinfo)

        n = self.n
        if n >= 0 and other < current:
            n -= 1
        elif n < 0 and other > current:
            n += 1
        # TODO: Why does this handle the 0 case the opposite of others?

        # NOTE: self.holiday a dates.GregorianDate so we have to convert to
        # type of other
        new = self.holiday(other.year + n).to_pydate()
        new = datetime(
        return new
Example #9
    def test_dti_cmp_datetimelike(self, other, tz_naive_fixture):
        tz = tz_naive_fixture
        dti = pd.date_range('2016-01-01', periods=2, tz=tz)
        if tz is not None:
            if isinstance(other, np.datetime64):
                # no tzaware version available
            other = localize_pydatetime(other, dti.tzinfo)

        result = dti == other
        expected = np.array([True, False])
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        result = dti > other
        expected = np.array([False, True])
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        result = dti >= other
        expected = np.array([True, True])
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        result = dti < other
        expected = np.array([False, False])
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        result = dti <= other
        expected = np.array([True, False])
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)
Example #10
    def test_dti_cmp_datetimelike(self, other, tz_naive_fixture):
        tz = tz_naive_fixture
        dti = pd.date_range('2016-01-01', periods=2, tz=tz)
        if tz is not None:
            if isinstance(other, np.datetime64):
                # no tzaware version available
            other = localize_pydatetime(other, dti.tzinfo)

        result = dti == other
        expected = np.array([True, False])
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        result = dti > other
        expected = np.array([False, True])
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        result = dti >= other
        expected = np.array([True, True])
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        result = dti < other
        expected = np.array([False, False])
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)

        result = dti <= other
        expected = np.array([True, False])
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)
Example #11
    def test_getitem_pydatetime_tz(self, tzstr):
        tz = timezones.maybe_get_tz(tzstr)

        index = date_range(start='2012-12-24 16:00', end='2012-12-24 18:00',
                           freq='H', tz=tzstr)
        ts = Series(index=index, data=index.hour)
        time_pandas = Timestamp('2012-12-24 17:00', tz=tzstr)

        dt = datetime(2012, 12, 24, 17, 0)
        time_datetime = conversion.localize_pydatetime(dt, tz)
        assert ts[time_pandas] == ts[time_datetime]
Example #12
    def test_getitem_pydatetime_tz(self, tzstr):
        tz = timezones.maybe_get_tz(tzstr)

        index = date_range(start='2012-12-24 16:00', end='2012-12-24 18:00',
                           freq='H', tz=tzstr)
        ts = Series(index=index, data=index.hour)
        time_pandas = Timestamp('2012-12-24 17:00', tz=tzstr)

        dt = datetime(2012, 12, 24, 17, 0)
        time_datetime = conversion.localize_pydatetime(dt, tz)
        assert ts[time_pandas] == ts[time_datetime]
Example #13
    def test_dti_convert_tz_aware_datetime_datetime(self, tz):
        # GH#1581
        dates = [datetime(2000, 1, 1), datetime(2000, 1, 2), datetime(2000, 1, 3)]

        dates_aware = [conversion.localize_pydatetime(x, tz) for x in dates]
        result = DatetimeIndex(dates_aware)
        assert timezones.tz_compare(result.tz, tz)

        converted = to_datetime(dates_aware, utc=True)
        ex_vals = np.array([Timestamp(x).value for x in dates_aware])
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(converted.asi8, ex_vals)
        assert converted.tz is pytz.utc
Example #14
def test_infer_tz_mismatch(infer_setup, ordered):
    eastern, _, _, _, start_naive, end_naive = infer_setup
    msg = "Inputs must both have the same timezone"

    utc = pytz.utc
    start = utc.localize(start_naive)
    end = conversion.localize_pydatetime(end_naive, eastern)

    args = (start, end) if ordered else (end, start)

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match=msg):
Example #15
def test_infer_tz_mismatch(infer_setup, ordered):
    eastern, _, _, _, start_naive, end_naive = infer_setup
    msg = "Inputs must both have the same timezone"

    utc = pytz.utc
    start = utc.localize(start_naive)
    end = conversion.localize_pydatetime(end_naive, eastern)

    args = (start, end) if ordered else (end, start)

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError, match=msg):
Example #16
    def test_dti_convert_tz_aware_datetime_datetime(self, tz):
        # GH#1581
        dates = [datetime(2000, 1, 1), datetime(2000, 1, 2),
                 datetime(2000, 1, 3)]

        dates_aware = [conversion.localize_pydatetime(x, tz) for x in dates]
        result = DatetimeIndex(dates_aware)
        assert timezones.tz_compare(result.tz, tz)

        converted = to_datetime(dates_aware, utc=True)
        ex_vals = np.array([Timestamp(x).value for x in dates_aware])
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(converted.asi8, ex_vals)
        assert converted.tz is pytz.utc
Example #17
    def test_replace_across_dst(self, tz, normalize):
        # GH#18319 check that 1) timezone is correctly normalized and
        # 2) that hour is not incorrectly changed by this normalization
        ts_naive = Timestamp("2017-12-03 16:03:30")
        ts_aware = conversion.localize_pydatetime(ts_naive, tz)

        # Preliminary sanity-check
        assert ts_aware == normalize(ts_aware)

        # Replace across DST boundary
        ts2 = ts_aware.replace(month=6)

        # Check that `replace` preserves hour literal
        assert (ts2.hour, ts2.minute) == (ts_aware.hour, ts_aware.minute)

        # Check that post-replace object is appropriately normalized
        ts2b = normalize(ts2)
        assert ts2 == ts2b
Example #18
    def test_replace_across_dst(self, tz, normalize):
        # GH#18319 check that 1) timezone is correctly normalized and
        # 2) that hour is not incorrectly changed by this normalization
        ts_naive = Timestamp('2017-12-03 16:03:30')
        ts_aware = conversion.localize_pydatetime(ts_naive, tz)

        # Preliminary sanity-check
        assert ts_aware == normalize(ts_aware)

        # Replace across DST boundary
        ts2 = ts_aware.replace(month=6)

        # Check that `replace` preserves hour literal
        assert (ts2.hour, ts2.minute) == (ts_aware.hour, ts_aware.minute)

        # Check that post-replace object is appropriately normalized
        ts2b = normalize(ts2)
        assert ts2 == ts2b
Example #19
def test_localize_pydatetime_dt_types(dt, expected):
    # GH 25851
    # ensure that subclassed datetime works with
    # localize_pydatetime
    result = conversion.localize_pydatetime(dt, UTC)
    assert result == expected
Example #20
    def _check_offsetfunc_works(self,

        if normalize and issubclass(offset, Tick):
            # normalize=True disallowed for Tick subclasses GH#21427

        offset_s = self._get_offset(offset, normalize=normalize)
        func = getattr(offset_s, funcname)

        result = func(dt)
        assert isinstance(result, Timestamp)
        assert result == expected

        result = func(Timestamp(dt))
        assert isinstance(result, Timestamp)
        assert result == expected

        # see gh-14101
        exp_warning = None
        ts = Timestamp(dt) + Nano(5)

        if (type(offset_s).__name__ == "DateOffset"
                and (funcname in ["apply", "_apply"] or normalize)
                and ts.nanosecond > 0):
            exp_warning = UserWarning

        # test nanosecond is preserved
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(exp_warning):
            result = func(ts)

        if exp_warning is None and funcname == "_apply":
            # GH#44522
            # Check in this particular case to avoid headaches with
            #  testing for multiple warnings produced by the same call.
            with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning,
                                            match="apply is deprecated"):
                res2 = offset_s.apply(ts)

            assert type(res2) is type(result)
            assert res2 == result

        assert isinstance(result, Timestamp)
        if normalize is False:
            assert result == expected + Nano(5)
            assert result == expected

        if isinstance(dt, np.datetime64):
            # test tz when input is datetime or Timestamp

        for tz in self.timezones:
            expected_localize = expected.tz_localize(tz)
            tz_obj = timezones.maybe_get_tz(tz)
            dt_tz = conversion.localize_pydatetime(dt, tz_obj)

            result = func(dt_tz)
            assert isinstance(result, Timestamp)
            assert result == expected_localize

            result = func(Timestamp(dt, tz=tz))
            assert isinstance(result, Timestamp)
            assert result == expected_localize

            # see gh-14101
            exp_warning = None
            ts = Timestamp(dt, tz=tz) + Nano(5)

            if (type(offset_s).__name__ == "DateOffset"
                    and (funcname in ["apply", "_apply"] or normalize)
                    and ts.nanosecond > 0):
                exp_warning = UserWarning

            # test nanosecond is preserved
            with tm.assert_produces_warning(exp_warning):
                result = func(ts)
            assert isinstance(result, Timestamp)
            if normalize is False:
                assert result == expected_localize + Nano(5)
                assert result == expected_localize
Example #21
    def _check_offsetfunc_works(self,

        if normalize and issubclass(offset, Tick):
            # normalize=True disallowed for Tick subclasses GH#21427

        offset_s = self._get_offset(offset, normalize=normalize)
        func = getattr(offset_s, funcname)

        result = func(dt)
        assert isinstance(result, Timestamp)
        assert result == expected

        result = func(Timestamp(dt))
        assert isinstance(result, Timestamp)
        assert result == expected

        # see gh-14101
        exp_warning = None
        ts = Timestamp(dt) + Nano(5)

        if (type(offset_s).__name__ == "DateOffset"
                and (funcname == "apply" or normalize) and ts.nanosecond > 0):
            exp_warning = UserWarning

        # test nanosecond is preserved
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(exp_warning):
            result = func(ts)
        assert isinstance(result, Timestamp)
        if normalize is False:
            assert result == expected + Nano(5)
            assert result == expected

        if isinstance(dt, np.datetime64):
            # test tz when input is datetime or Timestamp

        for tz in self.timezones:
            expected_localize = expected.tz_localize(tz)
            tz_obj = timezones.maybe_get_tz(tz)
            dt_tz = conversion.localize_pydatetime(dt, tz_obj)

            result = func(dt_tz)
            assert isinstance(result, Timestamp)
            assert result == expected_localize

            result = func(Timestamp(dt, tz=tz))
            assert isinstance(result, Timestamp)
            assert result == expected_localize

            # see gh-14101
            exp_warning = None
            ts = Timestamp(dt, tz=tz) + Nano(5)

            if (type(offset_s).__name__ == "DateOffset"
                    and (funcname == "apply" or normalize)
                    and ts.nanosecond > 0):
                exp_warning = UserWarning

            # test nanosecond is preserved
            with tm.assert_produces_warning(exp_warning):
                result = func(ts)
            assert isinstance(result, Timestamp)
            if normalize is False:
                assert result == expected_localize + Nano(5)
                assert result == expected_localize
Example #22
def test_localize_pydatetime_dt_types(dt, expected):
    # GH 25851
    # ensure that subclassed datetime works with
    # localize_pydatetime
    result = conversion.localize_pydatetime(dt, UTC)
    assert result == expected