Example #1
def read_sas(filepath_or_buffer, format=None, index=None, encoding=None,
             chunksize=None, iterator=False):
    Read SAS files stored as either XPORT or SAS7BDAT format files.

    filepath_or_buffer : string or file-like object
        Path to the SAS file.
    format : string {'xport', 'sas7bdat'} or None
        If None, file format is inferred from file extension. If 'xport' or
        'sas7bdat', uses the corresponding format.
    index : identifier of index column, defaults to None
        Identifier of column that should be used as index of the DataFrame.
    encoding : string, default is None
        Encoding for text data.  If None, text data are stored as raw bytes.
    chunksize : int
        Read file `chunksize` lines at a time, returns iterator.
    iterator : bool, defaults to False
        If True, returns an iterator for reading the file incrementally.

    DataFrame if iterator=False and chunksize=None, else SAS7BDATReader
    or XportReader
    if format is None:
        buffer_error_msg = ("If this is a buffer object rather "
                            "than a string name, you must specify "
                            "a format string")
        filepath_or_buffer = _stringify_path(filepath_or_buffer)
        if not isinstance(filepath_or_buffer, compat.string_types):
            raise ValueError(buffer_error_msg)
        fname = filepath_or_buffer.lower()
        if fname.endswith(".xpt"):
            format = "xport"
        elif fname.endswith(".sas7bdat"):
            format = "sas7bdat"
            raise ValueError("unable to infer format of SAS file")

    if format.lower() == 'xport':
        from pandas.io.sas.sas_xport import XportReader
        reader = XportReader(filepath_or_buffer, index=index,
    elif format.lower() == 'sas7bdat':
        from pandas.io.sas.sas7bdat import SAS7BDATReader
        reader = SAS7BDATReader(filepath_or_buffer, index=index,
        raise ValueError('unknown SAS format')

    if iterator or chunksize:
        return reader

    data = reader.read()
    return data
Example #2
def test_encoding_options(datapath):
    fname = datapath("io", "sas", "data", "test1.sas7bdat")
    df1 = pd.read_sas(fname)
    df2 = pd.read_sas(fname, encoding='utf-8')
    for col in df1.columns:
            df1[col] = df1[col].str.decode('utf-8')
        except AttributeError:
    tm.assert_frame_equal(df1, df2)

    from pandas.io.sas.sas7bdat import SAS7BDATReader
    rdr = SAS7BDATReader(fname, convert_header_text=False)
    df3 = rdr.read()
    for x, y in zip(df1.columns, df3.columns):
        assert (x == y.decode())
Example #3
def load(filepath, cols):
    # Irritatingly, have to use SAS7BDATReader instead of more natural pd.read_sas()
    # ...because of an issue with converting SAS dates that causes the read to fail.
    # pd.read_sas() is just a thin wrapper that checks SAS datafile type from file extension.
    # For '.sas7bdat' files, it then creates a SAS7BDATReader anyway...
    # ...but pd.read_csv() doesn't expose SAS7BDATReader's "convert_dates=False"
    # ...so only way out is to just directly create the SAS7BDATReader!
    print("load " + str(filepath))
    in_reader = SAS7BDATReader(filepath,

    # This creates a pd.DataFrame from the SAS7BDATReader object.
    # Can specify a number of rows inside read() - empty () means read all the rows!
    data = in_reader.read()
    data = data[cols]

    return data
Example #4
def read_sas(
    filepath_or_buffer: FilePathOrBuffer,
    format: Optional[str] = None,
    index: Optional[Label] = None,
    encoding: Optional[str] = None,
    chunksize: Optional[int] = None,
    iterator: bool = False,
) -> Union["DataFrame", ReaderBase]:
    Read SAS files stored as either XPORT or SAS7BDAT format files.

    filepath_or_buffer : str, path object or file-like object
        Any valid string path is acceptable. The string could be a URL. Valid
        URL schemes include http, ftp, s3, and file. For file URLs, a host is
        expected. A local file could be:

        If you want to pass in a path object, pandas accepts any

        By file-like object, we refer to objects with a ``read()`` method,
        such as a file handle (e.g. via builtin ``open`` function)
        or ``StringIO``.
    format : str {'xport', 'sas7bdat'} or None
        If None, file format is inferred from file extension. If 'xport' or
        'sas7bdat', uses the corresponding format.
    index : identifier of index column, defaults to None
        Identifier of column that should be used as index of the DataFrame.
    encoding : str, default is None
        Encoding for text data.  If None, text data are stored as raw bytes.
    chunksize : int
        Read file `chunksize` lines at a time, returns iterator.
    iterator : bool, defaults to False
        If True, returns an iterator for reading the file incrementally.

    DataFrame if iterator=False and chunksize=None, else SAS7BDATReader
    or XportReader
    if format is None:
        buffer_error_msg = (
            "If this is a buffer object rather "
            "than a string name, you must specify a format string")
        filepath_or_buffer = stringify_path(filepath_or_buffer)
        if not isinstance(filepath_or_buffer, str):
            raise ValueError(buffer_error_msg)
        fname = filepath_or_buffer.lower()
        if fname.endswith(".xpt"):
            format = "xport"
        elif fname.endswith(".sas7bdat"):
            format = "sas7bdat"
            raise ValueError("unable to infer format of SAS file")

    reader: ReaderBase
    if format.lower() == "xport":
        from pandas.io.sas.sas_xport import XportReader

        reader = XportReader(
    elif format.lower() == "sas7bdat":
        from pandas.io.sas.sas7bdat import SAS7BDATReader

        reader = SAS7BDATReader(
        raise ValueError("unknown SAS format")

    if iterator or chunksize:
        return reader

    return reader.read()
Example #5
def read_sas(
    filepath_or_buffer: FilePath | ReadBuffer[bytes],
    format: str | None = None,
    index: Hashable | None = None,
    encoding: str | None = None,
    chunksize: int | None = None,
    iterator: bool = False,
    compression: CompressionOptions = "infer",
) -> DataFrame | ReaderBase:
    Read SAS files stored as either XPORT or SAS7BDAT format files.

    filepath_or_buffer : str, path object, or file-like object
        String, path object (implementing ``os.PathLike[str]``), or file-like
        object implementing a binary ``read()`` function. The string could be a URL.
        Valid URL schemes include http, ftp, s3, and file. For file URLs, a host is
        expected. A local file could be:
    format : str {{'xport', 'sas7bdat'}} or None
        If None, file format is inferred from file extension. If 'xport' or
        'sas7bdat', uses the corresponding format.
    index : identifier of index column, defaults to None
        Identifier of column that should be used as index of the DataFrame.
    encoding : str, default is None
        Encoding for text data.  If None, text data are stored as raw bytes.
    chunksize : int
        Read file `chunksize` lines at a time, returns iterator.

        .. versionchanged:: 1.2

            ``TextFileReader`` is a context manager.
    iterator : bool, defaults to False
        If True, returns an iterator for reading the file incrementally.

        .. versionchanged:: 1.2

            ``TextFileReader`` is a context manager.

    DataFrame if iterator=False and chunksize=None, else SAS7BDATReader
    or XportReader
    if format is None:
        buffer_error_msg = (
            "If this is a buffer object rather "
            "than a string name, you must specify a format string")
        filepath_or_buffer = stringify_path(filepath_or_buffer)
        if not isinstance(filepath_or_buffer, str):
            raise ValueError(buffer_error_msg)
        fname = filepath_or_buffer.lower()
        if ".xpt" in fname:
            format = "xport"
        elif ".sas7bdat" in fname:
            format = "sas7bdat"
            raise ValueError(
                f"unable to infer format of SAS file from filename: {repr(fname)}"

    reader: ReaderBase
    if format.lower() == "xport":
        from pandas.io.sas.sas_xport import XportReader

        reader = XportReader(
    elif format.lower() == "sas7bdat":
        from pandas.io.sas.sas7bdat import SAS7BDATReader

        reader = SAS7BDATReader(
        raise ValueError("unknown SAS format")

    if iterator or chunksize:
        return reader

    with reader:
        return reader.read()