def iter_over_groups(data, group,features, key): row_num = 0 for x in group: if row_num == 0: data_1 = data[data[key]==x] for i in features: data_1['avg_10' + i.lower() + '_'+ key[0].lower()] = pd.rolling_mean(data_1[i], 7).shift(+1) data_1['sum_15' + i.lower() + '_'+ key[0].lower()] = pd.rolling_mean(data_1[i], 10).shift(+1) data_1['avg_3' + i.lower() + '_'+ key[0].lower()] = pd.rolling_mean(data_1[i], 3).shift(+1) data_1['expand' + i.lower() + '_'+ key[0].lower()] = pd.expanding_mean(data_1[i]).shift(+1) data_1['expand_sum' + i.lower() + '_'+ key[0].lower()] = pd.expanding_sum(data_1[i]).shift(+1) else: data_2 = data[data[key]==x] for i in features: data_2['avg_10' + i.lower() + '_' + key[0].lower()] = pd.rolling_mean(data_2[i], 7).shift(+1) data_2['sum_15' + i.lower() + '_' + key[0].lower()] = pd.rolling_mean(data_2[i], 10).shift(+1) data_2['avg_3' + i.lower() + '_' + key[0].lower()] = pd.rolling_mean(data_2[i],3).shift(+1) data_2['expand' + i.lower() + '_'+ key[0].lower()] = pd.expanding_mean(data_1[i]).shift(+1) data_2['expand_sum' + i.lower() + '_'+ key[0].lower()] = pd.expanding_sum(data_1[i]).shift(+1) data_1 = data_1.append(data_2, ignore_index = True) row_num += 1 return data_1
def analyse(self): # Logger.log(logging.INFO, "Analyse Strategy", {"scope":__name__, "Rule 1":self._rule1, "Rule 2":self._rule2, "Rule 3":self._rule3, "Type":self._type}) connection = sqlite3.connect(pyswing.database.pySwingDatabase) query = self.analyseStrategySql % (self._rule1, self._rule2, self._rule3, self._exit, self._type) self._strategyData = read_sql_query(query, connection, 'Date') self._strategyData['ExitValueAfterCosts'] = self._strategyData['ExitValue'] - 0.2 connection.close() exitValueDataFrame = self._strategyData.ix[:,'ExitValueAfterCosts'] mean = exitValueDataFrame.mean() median = exitValueDataFrame.median() sum = exitValueDataFrame.sum() count = exitValueDataFrame.count() tradesPerYear = count / 10 sharpeRatio = sqrt(tradesPerYear) * exitValueDataFrame.mean() / exitValueDataFrame.std() self._strategyData["Sum"] = expanding_sum(exitValueDataFrame) self._strategyData["Max"] = expanding_max(self._strategyData["Sum"]) self._strategyData["Min"] = expanding_min(self._strategyData["Sum"]) self._strategyData["DD"] = self._strategyData["Max"] - self._strategyData["Min"] runningSum = expanding_sum(exitValueDataFrame) max2here = expanding_max(runningSum) dd2here = runningSum - max2here drawDown = dd2here.min() Logger.log(logging.INFO, "Analysing Strategy", {"scope":__name__, "Rule 1":self._rule1, "Rule 2":self._rule2, "Rule 3":self._rule3, "Exit":self._exit, "Type":self._type, "Mean":str(mean), "Median":str(median), "Sum":str(sum), "Count":str(count), "SharpeRatio":str(sharpeRatio), "DrawDown":str(drawDown)}) connection = sqlite3.connect(pyswing.database.pySwingDatabase) c = connection.cursor() deleteSql = self.deleteStrategySql % (pyswing.globals.pySwingStrategy, self._rule1, self._rule2, self._rule3, self._exit, self._type) c.executescript(deleteSql) connection.commit() insertSql = self.insertStrategySql % (pyswing.globals.pySwingStrategy, self._rule1, self._rule2, self._rule3, self._exit, self._type, str(mean), str(median), str(sum), str(count), str(sharpeRatio), str(drawDown)) c.executescript(insertSql) connection.commit() c.close() connection.close()
def all_dd(df): df.reset_index(level=0, inplace=True) df['start'] = pd.NaT; df['end'] = pd.NaT; df['valley'] = pd.NaT; df['length_of_dd'] = np.nan; df['dd'] = np.nan; df['max_dd'] = np.nan for x in df.index[2:]: test = df.ix[x-1:x, 'indd'] if (test.notnull()[x] and test.isnull()[x-1]): df.ix[x,'start'] = df.ix[x, 'Date'] if (test.notnull()[x-1] and test.isnull()[x]): s = df.ix[:x,'start'].last_valid_index() df.ix[s:x-1,'end'] = df.ix[x-1, 'Date'] #find valley v = df.ix[s:x-1,'vami'].idxmin() df.ix[s:x-1, 'valley'] = df.ix[v,'Date'] df.ix[x-1,'length_of_dd'] = len(df[s:x-1])+1 #need to sum ror's here df.ix[s:x-1, 'dd'] = pd.expanding_sum(df.ix[s:x-1,'ror']) df.ix[x-1, 'max_dd'] = np.exp(df.ix[s:v,'ror'].sum()) if (x == len(df)-1 and test.notnull()[x]): s = df.ix[:x,'start'].last_valid_index() df.ix[s:x,'end'] = df.ix[x, 'Date'] #find valley v = df.ix[s:x,'vami'].idxmin() df.ix[s:x, 'valley'] = df.ix[v,'Date'] df.ix[x,'length_of_dd'] = len(df[s:x])+1 #need to sum ror's here df.ix[s:x, 'dd'] = pd.expanding_sum(df.ix[s:x,'ror']) df.ix[x, 'max_dd'] = np.exp(df.ix[s:v,'ror'].sum()) #forward fill the start df['start'] = df['start'][df['indd'].notnull()].fillna(method='ffill') return df
def expanding_smoother(self, data, stype='rolling_mean', min_periods=None, freq=None): """ Perform a expanding smooting on the data for a complete help refer to :param data: pandas dataframe input data :param stype: soothing type :param min_periods: periods :param freq: frequence smoothing types: expanding_count Number of non-null observations expanding_sum Sum of values expanding_mean Mean of values expanding_median Arithmetic median of values expanding_min Minimum expanding_max Maximum expandingg_std Unbiased standard deviation expanding_var Unbiased variance expanding_skew Unbiased skewness (3rd moment) expanding_kurt Unbiased kurtosis (4th moment) """ if stype == 'count': newy = pd.expanding_count(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq) if stype == 'sum': newy = pd.expanding_sum(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq) if stype == 'mean': newy = pd.expanding_mean(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq) if stype == 'median': newy = pd.expanding_median(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq) if stype == 'min': newy = pd.expanding_min(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq) if stype == 'max': newy = pd.expanding_max(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq) if stype == 'std': newy = pd.expanding_std(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq) if stype == 'var': newy = pd.expanding_var(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq) if stype == 'skew': newy = pd.expanding_skew(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq) if stype == 'kurt': newy = pd.expanding_kurt(data, min_periods=min_periods, freq=freq) return newy
def load_volume_profile(uni_df, start, end, freq='30Min'): date = start result_dfs = list() while (date < end): dateStr = date.strftime('%Y%m%d') year = dateStr[0:4] price_dir = PRICE_BASE_DIR + year volume_file = price_dir + "/" + dateStr + ".equ_volume_profiles_20d.rev.csv" print "Loading {}".format(volume_file) try: volume_df = pd.read_csv(volume_file, header=0, index_col=['sid']) except IOError: print "File not found: {}".format(volume_file) date += timedelta(days=1) continue print "stacking..." volume_df = volume_df.stack() volume_df = volume_df.reset_index() volume_df = volume_df[ (volume_df['level_1'] != 'med_open_volume') & (volume_df['level_1'] != 'med_close_volume') & (volume_df['level_1'] != 'med_cum_pre_mkt_volume') & (volume_df['level_1'] != 'med_cum_post_mkt_volume')] timemap = dict() print "parsing dates..." for rawtime in volume_df['level_1'].unique(): val = None try: val = dateparser.parse(dateStr + " " + rawtime[:-2] + ":" + rawtime[-2:]) except: pass timemap[rawtime] = val print "mapping dates..." volume_df['iclose_ts'] = volume_df['level_1'].apply( lambda x: timemap[x]) volume_df['date'] = date volume_df.set_index(keys=['date', 'sid'], inplace=True) print "merging..." volume_df = pd.merge(uni_df, volume_df, how='inner', left_index=True, right_index=True, sort=True, suffixes=['', '_dead']) volume_df.reset_index(inplace=True) grouped = volume_df.groupby('sid') print "accumulating volumes..." for name, group in grouped: group['med_cum_volume'] = pd.expanding_sum(group[0]) del group[0] group['sid'] = name group = group.reset_index() # print group.head() group.set_index('iclose_ts', inplace=True) group_df = group.resample(freq, how='last', closed='right', label='right') # print group_df.head() result_dfs.append(group_df) date += timedelta(days=1) result_df = pd.concat(result_dfs) result_df = result_df.reset_index() print result_df.head() result_df['iclose_ts'] = result_df['level_0'] del result_df['level_0'] result_df.set_index(keys=['iclose_ts', 'sid'], inplace=True) result_df = remove_dup_cols(result_df) return result_df
df # <headingcell level=3> # Generate a Linear Regression of the data # <codecell> from datetime import timedelta tdf = df.groupby(['Patient', 'Visit'], as_index=False).first() date_based = pd.pivot_table(tdf[tdf['Date'].notnull()], rows = 'Date', cols = 'Prediction', values = 'Patient', aggfunc = 'count') date_cum = pd.expanding_sum(date_based)['2013-10':] date_cum['Total'] = date_cum.sum(axis=1) td = date_cum[['Total']].reset_index() td['dDate'] = (td['Date'] - pd.to_datetime('2013-7-1')).apply(lambda x: x / timedelta64(1, 'D')) m, b, r, p, e = linregress(td['dDate'], td['Total']) num_days = (len(tdf)-b)/m nd = pd.DataFrame({ 'Date':pd.date_range(start = '2013-7-1', freq = 'M', periods = np.ceil(num_days/30)) }) nd['dDate'] = (nd['Date'] - pd.to_datetime('2013-7-1')).apply(lambda x: x / timedelta64(1, 'D')) nd['GuessNum'] = m*nd['dDate'] + b nd = nd.set_index('Date')
# Difference functions allow us to identify seasonal changes when we see repeated up or downswings. # An example from FiveThirtyEight: # ''' Pandas Expanding Functions In addition to the set of rolling_* functions, Pandas also provides a similar collection of expanding_* functions, which, instead of using a window of N values, uses all values up until that time. ''' pd.expanding_mean(daily_store_sales) # average date from first till last date specified pd.expanding_sum(daily_store_sales) # sum of average sales per store until that date ''' EXERCISES 1. Plot the distribution of sales by month and compare the effect of promotions. hint: try using hue in sns 2. Are sales more correlated with the prior date, a similar date last year, or a similar date last month? 3. Plot the 15 day rolling mean of customers in the stores. 4. Identify the date with largest drop in sales from the same date in the previous week. 5. Compute the total sales up until Dec. 2014. 6. When were the largest differences between 15-day moving/rolling averages? HINT: Using rolling_mean and diff ''' # Plot the distribution of sales by month and compare the effect of promotions sns.factorplot(
from pyswing.AskHorse import askHorse args = "-n asx".split() askHorse(args) from pyswing.AnalyseStrategies import analyseStrategies args = "-n ftse -s v1.2 -r 0.4 -t 500".split analyseStrategies(args) # Run me to populate (emptying to begin with) the historic trades table using the strategies in active strategies (which must be put in there manually)... from pyswing.GenerateHistoricTradesForActiveStrategies import generateHistoricTradesForActiveStrategies args = "-n ftse".split() generateHistoricTradesForActiveStrategies(args) # Run me to chart the (distinct) results in active strategy import pyswing.database import sqlite3 from import read_sql_query from pandas import expanding_sum connection = sqlite3.connect(pyswing.database.pySwingDatabase) query = ("select t.matchDate as Date, t.code as Code, t.type as Type, t.ExitValue as ExitValue from ( select distinct matchDate, Code, type, exitValue from historicTrades order by matchDate asc) t") cbaEquityData = read_sql_query(query, connection, 'Date') connection.close() cbaEquityData['ExitValueAfterCosts'] = cbaEquityData['ExitValue'] - 0.2 exitValueDataFrame = cbaEquityData.ix[:,'ExitValueAfterCosts'] cbaEquityData["Sum"] = expanding_sum(exitValueDataFrame) cbaEquityData.query("Date > '2005-01-01 00:00:00'").plot(y=['Sum'], title='v1.4')
df=pd.concat(l,axis=0) df.to_csv("/Users/juju/Dropbox/Sent_to_STR_ZHU/miami_aggby_post_month.csv") #### In excel, arrange the column names df = pd.read_csv("/Users/juju/Dropbox/Sent_to_STR_ZHU/chicago_aggby_post_month.csv",sep=',',header=0,infer_datetime_format=True,parse_dates=['review_month']) df["review_month"] = df["review_month"].dt.to_period("M") l=[] g = df.groupby("shareid") for name,group in g: group["accum_rating"] = pd.expanding_mean(group["month_rating_mean"]) group["num_of_reviews"] = pd.expanding_sum(group["monthly_reviews"]) group["num_of_responses"] = pd.expanding_sum(group["monthly_hotel_response"]) group["num_of_partnerships"] = pd.expanding_sum(group["partnerships"]) group["num_of_solo"] = pd.expanding_sum(group["solo"]) group["num_of_couple"] = pd.expanding_sum(group["couple"]) group["num_of_family"] = pd.expanding_sum(group["family"]) group["num_of_business"] = pd.expanding_sum(group["business"]) group["shareid"]=name l.append(group) df_2= pd.concat(l,axis=0) df_2.to_csv("/Users/juju/Dropbox/Sent_to_STR_ZHU/chicago_aggby_post_month_2.csv", index = False) # Aggregate by stayed month
y=['Close', 'SMA_200'], title='Testing') from pyswing.AskHorse import askHorse args = "-n asx".split() askHorse(args) from pyswing.AnalyseStrategies import analyseStrategies args = "-n ftse -s v1.2 -r 0.4 -t 500".split analyseStrategies(args) # Run me to populate (emptying to begin with) the historic trades table using the strategies in active strategies (which must be put in there manually)... from pyswing.GenerateHistoricTradesForActiveStrategies import generateHistoricTradesForActiveStrategies args = "-n ftse".split() generateHistoricTradesForActiveStrategies(args) # Run me to chart the (distinct) results in active strategy import pyswing.database import sqlite3 from import read_sql_query from pandas import expanding_sum connection = sqlite3.connect(pyswing.database.pySwingDatabase) query = ( "select t.matchDate as Date, t.code as Code, t.type as Type, t.ExitValue as ExitValue from ( select distinct matchDate, Code, type, exitValue from historicTrades order by matchDate asc) t" ) cbaEquityData = read_sql_query(query, connection, 'Date') connection.close() cbaEquityData['ExitValueAfterCosts'] = cbaEquityData['ExitValue'] - 0.2 exitValueDataFrame = cbaEquityData.ix[:, 'ExitValueAfterCosts'] cbaEquityData["Sum"] = expanding_sum(exitValueDataFrame) cbaEquityData.query("Date > '2005-01-01 00:00:00'").plot(y=['Sum'], title='v1.4')
def analyse(self): # Logger.log(logging.INFO, "Analyse Strategy", {"scope":__name__, "Rule 1":self._rule1, "Rule 2":self._rule2, "Rule 3":self._rule3, "Type":self._type}) connection = sqlite3.connect(pyswing.database.pySwingDatabase) query = self.analyseStrategySql % (self._rule1, self._rule2, self._rule3, self._exit, self._type) self._strategyData = read_sql_query(query, connection, 'Date') self._strategyData[ 'ExitValueAfterCosts'] = self._strategyData['ExitValue'] - 0.2 connection.close() exitValueDataFrame = self._strategyData.ix[:, 'ExitValueAfterCosts'] mean = exitValueDataFrame.mean() median = exitValueDataFrame.median() sum = exitValueDataFrame.sum() count = exitValueDataFrame.count() tradesPerYear = count / 10 sharpeRatio = sqrt(tradesPerYear) * exitValueDataFrame.mean( ) / exitValueDataFrame.std() self._strategyData["Sum"] = expanding_sum(exitValueDataFrame) self._strategyData["Max"] = expanding_max(self._strategyData["Sum"]) self._strategyData["Min"] = expanding_min(self._strategyData["Sum"]) self._strategyData[ "DD"] = self._strategyData["Max"] - self._strategyData["Min"] runningSum = expanding_sum(exitValueDataFrame) max2here = expanding_max(runningSum) dd2here = runningSum - max2here drawDown = dd2here.min() Logger.log( logging.INFO, "Analysing Strategy", { "scope": __name__, "Rule 1": self._rule1, "Rule 2": self._rule2, "Rule 3": self._rule3, "Exit": self._exit, "Type": self._type, "Mean": str(mean), "Median": str(median), "Sum": str(sum), "Count": str(count), "SharpeRatio": str(sharpeRatio), "DrawDown": str(drawDown) }) connection = sqlite3.connect(pyswing.database.pySwingDatabase) c = connection.cursor() deleteSql = self.deleteStrategySql % ( pyswing.globals.pySwingStrategy, self._rule1, self._rule2, self._rule3, self._exit, self._type) c.executescript(deleteSql) connection.commit() insertSql = self.insertStrategySql % ( pyswing.globals.pySwingStrategy, self._rule1, self._rule2, self._rule3, self._exit, self._type, str(mean), str(median), str(sum), str(count), str(sharpeRatio), str(drawDown)) c.executescript(insertSql) connection.commit() c.close() connection.close()
def prepare_data(kind): if kind == 'f': # If fall putList, takeList = fall_df_list, fall_list else: # If ADL putList, takeList = adl_df_list, adl_list start = time.time() # Timer for testing for i in range(0, len( takeList)): # Iterate through the takeList (fall_list or adl_list) my_df = takeList[i].copy() # copy dataframe from list new_df = pd.DataFrame() # placeholder for trial in trials: # Iterate through trials (1-5) # Get relevant trial data trial_df = my_df[my_df['trial'] == trial] tempdf = pd.DataFrame() # dataframe for putting into filter # Low Pass Buttersworth Filter and remove bias tempdf['ax'], tempdf['ay'], tempdf['az'] = trial_df[ 'x1'], trial_df['y1'], trial_df['z1'] tempdf = tempdf.reset_index(drop=True) tempdf['fx'] = pd.Series( butter_lowpass_filter(trial_df['x1'], cutoff, fs, order)) tempdf['fy'] = pd.Series( butter_lowpass_filter(trial_df['y1'], cutoff, fs, order)) tempdf['fz'] = pd.Series( butter_lowpass_filter(trial_df['z1'], cutoff, fs, order)) tempdf['bx'] = tempdf['fx'].diff() tempdf['by'] = tempdf['fy'].diff() tempdf['bz'] = tempdf['fz'].diff() tempdf = tempdf.reset_index(drop=True) trial_df = trial_df.reset_index(drop=True) tempdf['gx'], tempdf['gy'], tempdf['gz'] = trial_df[ 'x2'], trial_df['y2'], trial_df['z2'] # Rolling averages tempdf['y_roll'] = pd.Series(tempdf['by'].rolling(200).mean()) tempdf['fy_roll'] = pd.Series(tempdf['fy'].rolling(200).mean()) tempdf['gy_roll'] = pd.Series(tempdf['by'].rolling(200).mean()) # Rolling standard deviations tempdf['bx_std'] = tempdf['bx'].rolling(200).std() tempdf['by_std'] = tempdf['by'].rolling(200).std() tempdf['bz_std'] = tempdf['bz'].rolling(200).std() tempdf['fx_std'] = tempdf['fx'].rolling(200).std() tempdf['fy_std'] = tempdf['fy'].rolling(200).std() tempdf['fz_std'] = tempdf['fz'].rolling(200).std() tempdf['gx_std'] = tempdf['fx'].rolling(200).std() tempdf['gy_std'] = tempdf['fy'].rolling(200).std() tempdf['gz_std'] = tempdf['fz'].rolling(200).std() # Integral stuff tempdf['xsum'] = pd.expanding_sum( ((abs(tempdf['ax']).rolling(2).sum() / 2) * (1 / 200)).fillna(0)) tempdf['ysum'] = pd.expanding_sum( ((abs(tempdf['ay']).rolling(2).sum() / 2) * (1 / 200)).fillna(0)) tempdf['zsum'] = pd.expanding_sum( ((abs(tempdf['az']).rolling(2).sum() / 2) * (1 / 200)).fillna(0)) tempdf['time'] = 1 / 200 tempdf['time'] = pd.expanding_sum(tempdf['time']) # C10 Signal Magnitude Area tempdf['SigMagArea'] = (tempdf['xsum'] + tempdf['ysum'] + tempdf['zsum']) / tempdf['time'] # C11 tempdf['HorizSigMagArea'] = (tempdf['xsum'] + tempdf['zsum']) / tempdf['time'] # Sum vector magnitude tempdf['vm'] = np.sqrt(tempdf['fx']**2 + tempdf['fy']**2 + tempdf['fz']**2) # Maximum peak to peak acceleration amplitude tempdf['Amax'] = (tempdf['vm'].rolling(200).max()) tempdf['Amin'] = (tempdf['vm'].rolling(200).min()) # C3 tempdf['peak_diff'] = tempdf['Amax'] - tempdf['Amin'] # Angle from horizontal to z-axis tempdf['angle_from_horiz'] = np.arctan2( np.sqrt(tempdf['fx']**2 + tempdf['fz']**2), -tempdf['fy']) * 180 / np.pi tempdf['angle_std'] = pd.rolling_std(tempdf['angle_from_horiz'], 200) # had to make versions of this to put into sliding window, will change once I # confirm they're the same as the others below tempdf['horiz_std_mag9'] = np.sqrt(tempdf['fx_std']**2 + tempdf['fz_std']**2) tempdf['horiz_vector_mag9'] = np.sqrt(tempdf['fx']**2 + tempdf['fz']**2) tempdf['std_mag9'] = np.sqrt(tempdf['fx_std']**2 + tempdf['fy_std']**2 + tempdf['fz_std']**2) tempdf['diff_std_mag9'] = np.sqrt(tempdf['bx_std']**2 + tempdf['by_std']**2 + tempdf['bz_std']**2) tempdf['horiz_mag2'] = np.sqrt(tempdf['bx']**2 + tempdf['bz']**2) tempdf['horiz_std_mag2'] = np.sqrt(tempdf['bx_std']**2 + tempdf['bz_std']**2) tempdf['vector_mag2'] = np.sqrt(tempdf['bx']**2 + tempdf['by']**2 + tempdf['bz']**2) tempdf['gyro_horiz_std_mag'] = np.sqrt(tempdf['gx_std']**2 + tempdf['gz_std']**2) tempdf['gyro_vector_mag'] = np.sqrt(tempdf['gx']**2 + tempdf['gy']**2 + tempdf['gz']**2) tempdf['gyro_horiz_mag'] = np.sqrt(tempdf['gx']**2 + tempdf['gz']**2) tempdf['gyro_std_mag'] = np.sqrt(tempdf['gx_std']**2 + tempdf['gy_std']**2 + tempdf['gz_std']**2) tempdf = pd.concat([ tempdf.reset_index(drop=True), trial_df[[ 'activity', 'subject', 'trial' ]].reset_index(drop=True) ], axis=1) new_df = pd.concat([new_df.reset_index(drop=True), tempdf]) sliding_window(tempdf, kind) # differential vector mag new_df['vector_mag'] = np.sqrt(new_df['fx']**2 + new_df['fy']**2 + new_df['fz']**2) # C2 new_df['horiz_mag'] = np.sqrt(new_df['fx']**2 + new_df['fz']**2) # new_df['vert'] = new_df['by'] - new_df['y_roll'] new_df['vert2'] = new_df['ay'] - new_df['y_roll'] new_df['vert3'] = new_df['fy'] - new_df['fy_roll'] # C9 new_df['std_mag2'] = np.sqrt(new_df['bx_std']**2 + new_df['by_std']**2 + new_df['bz_std']**2) putList.append(new_df.fillna(0)) print('Completed... It took', time.time() - start, 'seconds.')
def SUM(self, param): if param[1] == 0: return pd.expanding_sum(param[0]) return pd.rolling_sum(param[0], param[1])