Example #1
File: tank.py Project: cpcloud/span
    def _read_tsq(self, event_name):
        """Read the metadata (TSQ) file of a TDT Tank.

        b : pandas.DataFrame
            Recording metadata
        # create the path name
        tsq_name = self.path + os.extsep + self.header_ext

        # read in the raw data as a numpy rec array and convert to DataFrame
        b = DataFrame(np.fromfile(tsq_name, dtype=self.tsq_dtype))

        # zero based indexing
        b.channel -= 1
        b.channel = b.channel.astype(f8)

        # -1s are invalid
        b.channel[b.channel == -1] = np.nan

        b.type = EventTypes[b.type].reset_index(drop=True)
        b.format = DataTypes[b.format].reset_index(drop=True)

        b.timestamp[np.logical_not(b.timestamp)] = np.nan
        b.fs[np.logical_not(b.fs)] = np.nan

        # fragile subtraction (i.e., what if TDT changes this value?)
        b.size -= 10

        # create some new indices based on the electrode array
        srt = Indexer.sort('channel').reset_index(drop=True)
        shank = srt.shank[b.channel].reset_index(drop=True)

        tsq = b.join(shank)

        # convert the event_name to a number
        name = name2num(event_name)

        # get the row of the metadata where its value equals the name-number
        row = tsq.name == name

        # make sure there's at least one event
        assert row.any(), 'no event named %s in tank: %s' % (event_name,

        # get all the metadata for those events
        tsq = tsq[row]

        # convert to integer where possible
        tsq.channel = tsq.channel.astype(int)
        tsq.shank = tsq.shank.astype(int)

        return tsq, row