Example #1
    def __init__(
        join: str = "outer",
        ignore_index: bool = False,
        verify_integrity: bool = False,
        copy: bool = True,
        if isinstance(objs, (NDFrame, str)):
            raise TypeError(
                "first argument must be an iterable of pandas "
                f'objects, you passed an object of type "{type(objs).__name__}"'

        if join == "outer":
            self.intersect = False
        elif join == "inner":
            self.intersect = True
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError(
                "Only can inner (intersect) or outer (union) join the other axis"

        if isinstance(objs, abc.Mapping):
            if keys is None:
                keys = list(objs.keys())
            objs = [objs[k] for k in keys]
            objs = list(objs)

        if len(objs) == 0:
            raise ValueError("No objects to concatenate")

        if keys is None:
            objs = list(com.not_none(*objs))
            # #1649
            clean_keys = []
            clean_objs = []
            for k, v in zip(keys, objs):
                if v is None:
            objs = clean_objs
            name = getattr(keys, "name", None)
            keys = Index(clean_keys, name=name)

        if len(objs) == 0:
            raise ValueError("All objects passed were None")

        # consolidate data & figure out what our result ndim is going to be
        ndims = set()
        for obj in objs:
            if not isinstance(obj, (Series, DataFrame)):
                msg = (
                    f"cannot concatenate object of type '{type(obj)}'; "
                    "only Series and DataFrame objs are valid"
                raise TypeError(msg)

            # consolidate

        # get the sample
        # want the highest ndim that we have, and must be non-empty
        # unless all objs are empty
        sample = None
        if len(ndims) > 1:
            max_ndim = max(ndims)
            for obj in objs:
                if obj.ndim == max_ndim and np.sum(obj.shape):
                    sample = obj

            # filter out the empties if we have not multi-index possibilities
            # note to keep empty Series as it affect to result columns / name
            non_empties = [
                obj for obj in objs if sum(obj.shape) > 0 or isinstance(obj, Series)

            if len(non_empties) and (
                keys is None and names is None and levels is None and not self.intersect
                objs = non_empties
                sample = objs[0]

        if sample is None:
            sample = objs[0]
        self.objs = objs

        # Standardize axis parameter to int
        if isinstance(sample, Series):
            axis = DataFrame._get_axis_number(axis)
            axis = sample._get_axis_number(axis)

        # Need to flip BlockManager axis in the DataFrame special case
        self._is_frame = isinstance(sample, ABCDataFrame)
        if self._is_frame:
            axis = 1 if axis == 0 else 0

        self._is_series = isinstance(sample, ABCSeries)
        if not 0 <= axis <= sample.ndim:
            raise AssertionError(
                f"axis must be between 0 and {sample.ndim}, input was {axis}"

        # if we have mixed ndims, then convert to highest ndim
        # creating column numbers as needed
        if len(ndims) > 1:
            current_column = 0
            max_ndim = sample.ndim
            self.objs, objs = [], self.objs
            for obj in objs:

                ndim = obj.ndim
                if ndim == max_ndim:

                elif ndim != max_ndim - 1:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "cannot concatenate unaligned mixed "
                        "dimensional NDFrame objects"

                    name = getattr(obj, "name", None)
                    if ignore_index or name is None:
                        name = current_column
                        current_column += 1

                    # doing a row-wise concatenation so need everything
                    # to line up
                    if self._is_frame and axis == 1:
                        name = 0
                    obj = sample._constructor({name: obj})


        # note: this is the BlockManager axis (since DataFrame is transposed)
        self.axis = axis
        self.keys = keys
        self.names = names or getattr(keys, "names", None)
        self.levels = levels
        self.sort = sort

        self.ignore_index = ignore_index
        self.verify_integrity = verify_integrity
        self.copy = copy

        self.new_axes = self._get_new_axes()
Example #2
        Series(pd.date_range("20130101", periods=3, tz="US/Eastern")),
def test_hash_pandas_object_diff_index_non_empty(obj):
    a = hash_pandas_object(obj, index=True)
    b = hash_pandas_object(obj, index=False)
    assert not (a == b).all()

        Index([1, 2, 3]),
        Index([True, False, True]),
            range(5), ["foo", "bar", "baz"],
            pd.date_range("20130101", periods=2)
def test_hash_pandas_index(obj, index):
    a = hash_pandas_object(obj, index=index)
    b = hash_pandas_object(obj, index=index)
    tm.assert_series_equal(a, b)
Example #3
    def test_insert(self):
        idx = DatetimeIndex(
            ['2000-01-04', '2000-01-01', '2000-01-02'], name='idx')

        result = idx.insert(2, datetime(2000, 1, 5))
        exp = DatetimeIndex(['2000-01-04', '2000-01-01', '2000-01-05',
                             '2000-01-02'], name='idx')
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, exp)

        # insertion of non-datetime should coerce to object index
        result = idx.insert(1, 'inserted')
        expected = Index([datetime(2000, 1, 4), 'inserted',
                          datetime(2000, 1, 1),
                          datetime(2000, 1, 2)], name='idx')
        assert not isinstance(result, DatetimeIndex)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
        assert result.name == expected.name

        idx = date_range('1/1/2000', periods=3, freq='M', name='idx')

        # preserve freq
        expected_0 = DatetimeIndex(['1999-12-31', '2000-01-31', '2000-02-29',
                                    '2000-03-31'], name='idx', freq='M')
        expected_3 = DatetimeIndex(['2000-01-31', '2000-02-29', '2000-03-31',
                                    '2000-04-30'], name='idx', freq='M')

        # reset freq to None
        expected_1_nofreq = DatetimeIndex(['2000-01-31', '2000-01-31',
                                           '2000-03-31'], name='idx',
        expected_3_nofreq = DatetimeIndex(['2000-01-31', '2000-02-29',
                                           '2000-01-02'], name='idx',

        cases = [(0, datetime(1999, 12, 31), expected_0),
                 (-3, datetime(1999, 12, 31), expected_0),
                 (3, datetime(2000, 4, 30), expected_3),
                 (1, datetime(2000, 1, 31), expected_1_nofreq),
                 (3, datetime(2000, 1, 2), expected_3_nofreq)]

        for n, d, expected in cases:
            result = idx.insert(n, d)
            tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
            assert result.name == expected.name
            assert result.freq == expected.freq

        # reset freq to None
        result = idx.insert(3, datetime(2000, 1, 2))
        expected = DatetimeIndex(['2000-01-31', '2000-02-29', '2000-03-31',
                                  '2000-01-02'], name='idx', freq=None)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
        assert result.name == expected.name
        assert result.freq is None

        # see gh-7299
        idx = date_range('1/1/2000', periods=3, freq='D', tz='Asia/Tokyo',
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            idx.insert(3, pd.Timestamp('2000-01-04'))
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            idx.insert(3, datetime(2000, 1, 4))
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            idx.insert(3, pd.Timestamp('2000-01-04', tz='US/Eastern'))
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            idx.insert(3, datetime(2000, 1, 4,

        for tz in ['US/Pacific', 'Asia/Singapore']:
            idx = date_range('1/1/2000 09:00', periods=6, freq='H', tz=tz,
            # preserve freq
            expected = date_range('1/1/2000 09:00', periods=7, freq='H', tz=tz,
            for d in [pd.Timestamp('2000-01-01 15:00', tz=tz),
                      pytz.timezone(tz).localize(datetime(2000, 1, 1, 15))]:

                result = idx.insert(6, d)
                tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
                assert result.name == expected.name
                assert result.freq == expected.freq
                assert result.tz == expected.tz

            expected = DatetimeIndex(['2000-01-01 09:00', '2000-01-01 10:00',
                                      '2000-01-01 11:00',
                                      '2000-01-01 12:00', '2000-01-01 13:00',
                                      '2000-01-01 14:00',
                                      '2000-01-01 10:00'], name='idx',
                                     tz=tz, freq=None)
            # reset freq to None
            for d in [pd.Timestamp('2000-01-01 10:00', tz=tz),
                      pytz.timezone(tz).localize(datetime(2000, 1, 1, 10))]:
                result = idx.insert(6, d)
                tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
                assert result.name == expected.name
                assert result.tz == expected.tz
                assert result.freq is None
Example #4
    def test_nanops(self):
        # GH#7261
        for opname in ['max', 'min']:
            for klass in [Index, Series]:
                arg_op = 'arg' + opname if klass is Index else 'idx' + opname

                obj = klass([np.nan, 2.0])
                assert getattr(obj, opname)() == 2.0

                obj = klass([np.nan])
                assert pd.isna(getattr(obj, opname)())
                assert pd.isna(getattr(obj, opname)(skipna=False))

                obj = klass([])
                assert pd.isna(getattr(obj, opname)())
                assert pd.isna(getattr(obj, opname)(skipna=False))

                obj = klass([pd.NaT, datetime(2011, 11, 1)])
                # check DatetimeIndex monotonic path
                assert getattr(obj, opname)() == datetime(2011, 11, 1)
                assert getattr(obj, opname)(skipna=False) is pd.NaT

                assert getattr(obj, arg_op)() == 1
                result = getattr(obj, arg_op)(skipna=False)
                if klass is Series:
                    assert np.isnan(result)
                    assert result == -1

                obj = klass([pd.NaT, datetime(2011, 11, 1), pd.NaT])
                # check DatetimeIndex non-monotonic path
                assert getattr(obj, opname)(), datetime(2011, 11, 1)
                assert getattr(obj, opname)(skipna=False) is pd.NaT

                assert getattr(obj, arg_op)() == 1
                result = getattr(obj, arg_op)(skipna=False)
                if klass is Series:
                    assert np.isnan(result)
                    assert result == -1

                for dtype in ["M8[ns]", "datetime64[ns, UTC]"]:
                    # cases with empty Series/DatetimeIndex
                    obj = klass([], dtype=dtype)

                    assert getattr(obj, opname)() is pd.NaT
                    assert getattr(obj, opname)(skipna=False) is pd.NaT

                    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="empty sequence"):
                        getattr(obj, arg_op)()
                    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="empty sequence"):
                        getattr(obj, arg_op)(skipna=False)

        # argmin/max
        obj = Index(np.arange(5, dtype='int64'))
        assert obj.argmin() == 0
        assert obj.argmax() == 4

        obj = Index([np.nan, 1, np.nan, 2])
        assert obj.argmin() == 1
        assert obj.argmax() == 3
        assert obj.argmin(skipna=False) == -1
        assert obj.argmax(skipna=False) == -1

        obj = Index([np.nan])
        assert obj.argmin() == -1
        assert obj.argmax() == -1
        assert obj.argmin(skipna=False) == -1
        assert obj.argmax(skipna=False) == -1

        obj = Index([pd.NaT, datetime(2011, 11, 1), datetime(2011, 11, 2),
        assert obj.argmin() == 1
        assert obj.argmax() == 2
        assert obj.argmin(skipna=False) == -1
        assert obj.argmax(skipna=False) == -1

        obj = Index([pd.NaT])
        assert obj.argmin() == -1
        assert obj.argmax() == -1
        assert obj.argmin(skipna=False) == -1
        assert obj.argmax(skipna=False) == -1
Example #5
    def test_align_float(self, float_frame):
        af, bf = float_frame.align(float_frame)
        assert af._mgr is not float_frame._mgr

        af, bf = float_frame.align(float_frame, copy=False)
        assert af._mgr is float_frame._mgr

        # axis = 0
        other = float_frame.iloc[:-5, :3]
        af, bf = float_frame.align(other, axis=0, fill_value=-1)

        tm.assert_index_equal(bf.columns, other.columns)

        # test fill value
        join_idx = float_frame.index.join(other.index)
        diff_a = float_frame.index.difference(join_idx)
        diff_a_vals = af.reindex(diff_a).values
        assert (diff_a_vals == -1).all()

        af, bf = float_frame.align(other, join="right", axis=0)
        tm.assert_index_equal(bf.columns, other.columns)
        tm.assert_index_equal(bf.index, other.index)
        tm.assert_index_equal(af.index, other.index)

        # axis = 1
        other = float_frame.iloc[:-5, :3].copy()
        af, bf = float_frame.align(other, axis=1)
        tm.assert_index_equal(bf.columns, float_frame.columns)
        tm.assert_index_equal(bf.index, other.index)

        # test fill value
        join_idx = float_frame.index.join(other.index)
        diff_a = float_frame.index.difference(join_idx)
        diff_a_vals = af.reindex(diff_a).values

        assert (diff_a_vals == -1).all()

        af, bf = float_frame.align(other, join="inner", axis=1)
        tm.assert_index_equal(bf.columns, other.columns)

        af, bf = float_frame.align(other, join="inner", axis=1, method="pad")
        tm.assert_index_equal(bf.columns, other.columns)

        af, bf = float_frame.align(other.iloc[:, 0],
        tm.assert_index_equal(bf.index, Index([]))

        af, bf = float_frame.align(other.iloc[:, 0],
        tm.assert_index_equal(bf.index, Index([]))

        # Try to align DataFrame to Series along bad axis
        msg = "No axis named 2 for object type DataFrame"
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
            float_frame.align(af.iloc[0, :3], join="inner", axis=2)

        # align dataframe to series with broadcast or not
        idx = float_frame.index
        s = Series(range(len(idx)), index=idx)

        left, right = float_frame.align(s, axis=0)
        tm.assert_index_equal(left.index, float_frame.index)
        tm.assert_index_equal(right.index, float_frame.index)
        assert isinstance(right, Series)

        left, right = float_frame.align(s, broadcast_axis=1)
        tm.assert_index_equal(left.index, float_frame.index)
        expected = {c: s for c in float_frame.columns}
        expected = DataFrame(expected,
        tm.assert_frame_equal(right, expected)

        # see gh-9558
        df = DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [4, 5, 6]})
        result = df[df["a"] == 2]
        expected = DataFrame([[2, 5]], index=[1], columns=["a", "b"])
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)

        result = df.where(df["a"] == 2, 0)
        expected = DataFrame({"a": [0, 2, 0], "b": [0, 5, 0]})
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
Example #6
def makeUIntIndex(k=10, name=None):
    return Index([2**63 + i for i in range(k)], name=name)
Example #7
def makeObjectSeries(name=None):
    data = makeStringIndex(_N)
    data = Index(data, dtype=object)
    index = makeStringIndex(_N)
    return Series(data, index=index, name=name)
Example #8
    def test_string_datetimelike_compat(self):

        # GH 6463
        expected = infer_freq(['2004-01', '2004-02', '2004-03', '2004-04'])
        result = infer_freq(Index(['2004-01', '2004-02', '2004-03', '2004-04']))
Example #9
def _convert_listlike_datetimes(
    Helper function for to_datetime. Performs the conversions of 1D listlike
    of dates

    arg : list, tuple, ndarray, Series, Index
        date to be parced
    name : object
        None or string for the Index name
    tz : object
        None or 'utc'
    unit : string
        None or string of the frequency of the passed data
    errors : string
        error handing behaviors from to_datetime, 'raise', 'coerce', 'ignore'
    infer_datetime_format : boolean
        inferring format behavior from to_datetime
    dayfirst : boolean
        dayfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    yearfirst : boolean
        yearfirst parsing behavior from to_datetime
    exact : boolean
        exact format matching behavior from to_datetime

    Index-like of parsed dates
    from pandas import DatetimeIndex
    from pandas.core.arrays import DatetimeArray
    from pandas.core.arrays.datetimes import (

    if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
        arg = np.array(arg, dtype="O")

    # these are shortcutable
    if is_datetime64tz_dtype(arg):
        if not isinstance(arg, (DatetimeArray, DatetimeIndex)):
            return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
        if tz == "utc":
            arg = arg.tz_convert(None).tz_localize(tz)
        return arg

    elif is_datetime64_ns_dtype(arg):
        if not isinstance(arg, (DatetimeArray, DatetimeIndex)):
                return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
            except ValueError:
        elif tz:
            # DatetimeArray, DatetimeIndex
            return arg.tz_localize(tz)

        return arg

    elif unit is not None:
        if format is not None:
            raise ValueError("cannot specify both format and unit")
        arg = getattr(arg, "_values", arg)

        # GH 30050 pass an ndarray to tslib.array_with_unit_to_datetime
        # because it expects an ndarray argument
        if isinstance(arg, IntegerArray):
            # Explicitly pass NaT mask to array_with_unit_to_datetime
            mask = arg.isna()
            arg = arg._ndarray_values
            mask = None

        result, tz_parsed = tslib.array_with_unit_to_datetime(arg,

        if errors == "ignore":
            from pandas import Index

            result = Index(result, name=name)
            result = DatetimeIndex(result, name=name)
        # GH 23758: We may still need to localize the result with tz
        # GH 25546: Apply tz_parsed first (from arg), then tz (from caller)
        # result will be naive but in UTC
            result = result.tz_localize("UTC").tz_convert(tz_parsed)
        except AttributeError:
            # Regular Index from 'ignore' path
            return result
        if tz is not None:
            if result.tz is None:
                result = result.tz_localize(tz)
                result = result.tz_convert(tz)
        return result
    elif getattr(arg, "ndim", 1) > 1:
        raise TypeError(
            "arg must be a string, datetime, list, tuple, 1-d array, or Series"

    # warn if passing timedelta64, raise for PeriodDtype
    # NB: this must come after unit transformation
    orig_arg = arg
    arg, _ = maybe_convert_dtype(arg, copy=False)

    arg = ensure_object(arg)
    require_iso8601 = False

    if infer_datetime_format and format is None:
        format = _guess_datetime_format_for_array(arg, dayfirst=dayfirst)

    if format is not None:
        # There is a special fast-path for iso8601 formatted
        # datetime strings, so in those cases don't use the inferred
        # format because this path makes process slower in this
        # special case
        format_is_iso8601 = _format_is_iso(format)
        if format_is_iso8601:
            require_iso8601 = not infer_datetime_format
            format = None

    tz_parsed = None
    result = None

    if format is not None:
            # shortcut formatting here
            if format == "%Y%m%d":
                    # pass orig_arg as float-dtype may have been converted to
                    # datetime64[ns]
                    orig_arg = ensure_object(orig_arg)
                    result = _attempt_YYYYMMDD(orig_arg, errors=errors)
                except (ValueError, TypeError, tslibs.OutOfBoundsDatetime):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "cannot convert the input to '%Y%m%d' date format")

            # fallback
            if result is None:
                    result, timezones = array_strptime(arg,
                    if "%Z" in format or "%z" in format:
                        return _return_parsed_timezone_results(
                            result, timezones, tz, name)
                except tslibs.OutOfBoundsDatetime:
                    if errors == "raise":
                    elif errors == "coerce":
                        result = np.empty(arg.shape, dtype="M8[ns]")
                        iresult = result.view("i8")
                        result = arg
                except ValueError:
                    # if format was inferred, try falling back
                    # to array_to_datetime - terminate here
                    # for specified formats
                    if not infer_datetime_format:
                        if errors == "raise":
                        elif errors == "coerce":
                            result = np.empty(arg.shape, dtype="M8[ns]")
                            iresult = result.view("i8")
                            result = arg
        except ValueError as e:
            # Fallback to try to convert datetime objects if timezone-aware
            #  datetime objects are found without passing `utc=True`
                values, tz = conversion.datetime_to_datetime64(arg)
                return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(values, name=name, tz=tz)
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                raise e

    if result is None:
        assert format is None or infer_datetime_format
        utc = tz == "utc"
        result, tz_parsed = objects_to_datetime64ns(

    if tz_parsed is not None:
        # We can take a shortcut since the datetime64 numpy array
        # is in UTC
        return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(result, name=name, tz=tz_parsed)

    utc = tz == "utc"
    return _box_as_indexlike(result, utc=utc, name=name)
class TestRangeIndexConstructors:
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", [None, "foo"])
        "args, kwargs, start, stop, step",
            ((5, ), {}, 0, 5, 1),
            ((1, 5), {}, 1, 5, 1),
            ((1, 5, 2), {}, 1, 5, 2),
            ((0, ), {}, 0, 0, 1),
            ((0, 0), {}, 0, 0, 1),
            ((), {
                "start": 0
            }, 0, 0, 1),
            ((), {
                "stop": 0
            }, 0, 0, 1),
    def test_constructor(self, args, kwargs, start, stop, step, name):
        result = RangeIndex(*args, name=name, **kwargs)
        expected = Index(np.arange(start, stop, step, dtype=np.int64),
        assert isinstance(result, RangeIndex)
        assert result.name is name
        assert result._range == range(start, stop, step)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected, exact="equiv")

    def test_constructor_invalid_args(self):
        msg = "RangeIndex\\(\\.\\.\\.\\) must be called with integers"
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):

        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):

        # we don't allow on a bare Index
        msg = (r"Index\(\.\.\.\) must be called with a collection of some "
               r"kind, 0 was passed")
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):

            Index(["a", "b"]),
            Series(["a", "b"]),
            np.array(["a", "b"]),
            np.arange(0, 10),
    def test_constructor_additional_invalid_args(self, args):
        msg = f"Value needs to be a scalar value, was type {type(args).__name__}"
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("args", ["foo", datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0)])
    def test_constructor_invalid_args_wrong_type(self, args):
        msg = f"Wrong type {type(args)} for value {args}"
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):

    def test_constructor_same(self):

        # pass thru w and w/o copy
        index = RangeIndex(1, 5, 2)
        result = RangeIndex(index, copy=False)
        assert result.identical(index)

        result = RangeIndex(index, copy=True)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, index, exact=True)

        result = RangeIndex(index)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, index, exact=True)

        with pytest.raises(
                "Incorrect `dtype` passed: expected signed integer, received float64",
            RangeIndex(index, dtype="float64")

    def test_constructor_range_object(self):
        result = RangeIndex(range(1, 5, 2))
        expected = RangeIndex(1, 5, 2)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected, exact=True)

    def test_constructor_range(self):

        result = RangeIndex.from_range(range(1, 5, 2))
        expected = RangeIndex(1, 5, 2)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected, exact=True)

        result = RangeIndex.from_range(range(5, 6))
        expected = RangeIndex(5, 6, 1)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected, exact=True)

        # an invalid range
        result = RangeIndex.from_range(range(5, 1))
        expected = RangeIndex(0, 0, 1)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected, exact=True)

        result = RangeIndex.from_range(range(5))
        expected = RangeIndex(0, 5, 1)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected, exact=True)

        result = Index(range(1, 5, 2))
        expected = RangeIndex(1, 5, 2)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected, exact=True)

        msg = (
            r"(RangeIndex.)?from_range\(\) got an unexpected keyword argument( 'copy')?"
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            RangeIndex.from_range(range(10), copy=True)

    def test_constructor_name(self):
        # GH#12288
        orig = RangeIndex(10)
        orig.name = "original"

        copy = RangeIndex(orig)
        copy.name = "copy"

        assert orig.name == "original"
        assert copy.name == "copy"

        new = Index(copy)
        assert new.name == "copy"

        new.name = "new"
        assert orig.name == "original"
        assert copy.name == "copy"
        assert new.name == "new"

    def test_constructor_corner(self):
        arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=object)
        index = RangeIndex(1, 5)
        assert index.values.dtype == np.int64
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match="will not infer"):
            expected = Index(arr).astype("int64")

        tm.assert_index_equal(index, expected, exact="equiv")

        # non-int raise Exception
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r"Wrong type \<class 'str'\>"):
            RangeIndex("1", "10", "1")
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r"Wrong type \<class 'float'\>"):
            RangeIndex(1.1, 10.2, 1.3)

        # invalid passed type
        with pytest.raises(
                "Incorrect `dtype` passed: expected signed integer, received float64",
            RangeIndex(1, 5, dtype="float64")
Example #11
    def test_intersection(self, sort):
        # intersect with Int64Index
        index = RangeIndex(start=0, stop=20, step=2)
        other = Index(np.arange(1, 6))
        result = index.intersection(other, sort=sort)
        expected = Index(np.sort(np.intersect1d(index.values, other.values)))
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        result = other.intersection(index, sort=sort)
        expected = Index(
            np.sort(np.asarray(np.intersect1d(index.values, other.values))))
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        # intersect with increasing RangeIndex
        other = RangeIndex(1, 6)
        result = index.intersection(other, sort=sort)
        expected = Index(np.sort(np.intersect1d(index.values, other.values)))
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        # intersect with decreasing RangeIndex
        other = RangeIndex(5, 0, -1)
        result = index.intersection(other, sort=sort)
        expected = Index(np.sort(np.intersect1d(index.values, other.values)))
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        # reversed (GH 17296)
        result = other.intersection(index, sort=sort)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        # GH 17296: intersect two decreasing RangeIndexes
        first = RangeIndex(10, -2, -2)
        other = RangeIndex(5, -4, -1)
        expected = first.astype(int).intersection(other.astype(int), sort=sort)
        result = first.intersection(other, sort=sort).astype(int)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        # reversed
        result = other.intersection(first, sort=sort).astype(int)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        index = RangeIndex(5)

        # intersect of non-overlapping indices
        other = RangeIndex(5, 10, 1)
        result = index.intersection(other, sort=sort)
        expected = RangeIndex(0, 0, 1)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        other = RangeIndex(-1, -5, -1)
        result = index.intersection(other, sort=sort)
        expected = RangeIndex(0, 0, 1)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        # intersection of empty indices
        other = RangeIndex(0, 0, 1)
        result = index.intersection(other, sort=sort)
        expected = RangeIndex(0, 0, 1)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        result = other.intersection(index, sort=sort)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        # intersection of non-overlapping values based on start value and gcd
        index = RangeIndex(1, 10, 2)
        other = RangeIndex(0, 10, 4)
        result = index.intersection(other, sort=sort)
        expected = RangeIndex(0, 0, 1)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
Example #12
    def test_per_axis_per_level_getitem(self):

        # GH6134
        # example test case
        ix = MultiIndex.from_product([_mklbl('A', 5), _mklbl('B', 7), _mklbl(
            'C', 4), _mklbl('D', 2)])
        df = DataFrame(np.arange(len(ix.get_values())), index=ix)

        result = df.loc[(slice('A1', 'A3'), slice(None), ['C1', 'C3']), :]
        expected = df.loc[[tuple([a, b, c, d])
                           for a, b, c, d in df.index.values
                           if (a == 'A1' or a == 'A2' or a == 'A3') and (
                               c == 'C1' or c == 'C3')]]
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)

        expected = df.loc[[tuple([a, b, c, d])
                           for a, b, c, d in df.index.values
                           if (a == 'A1' or a == 'A2' or a == 'A3') and (
                               c == 'C1' or c == 'C2' or c == 'C3')]]
        result = df.loc[(slice('A1', 'A3'), slice(None), slice('C1', 'C3')), :]
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)

        # test multi-index slicing with per axis and per index controls
        index = MultiIndex.from_tuples([('A', 1), ('A', 2),
                                        ('A', 3), ('B', 1)],
                                       names=['one', 'two'])
        columns = MultiIndex.from_tuples([('a', 'foo'), ('a', 'bar'),
                                          ('b', 'foo'), ('b', 'bah')],
                                         names=['lvl0', 'lvl1'])

        df = DataFrame(
            np.arange(16, dtype='int64').reshape(
                4, 4), index=index, columns=columns)
        df = df.sort_index(axis=0).sort_index(axis=1)

        # identity
        result = df.loc[(slice(None), slice(None)), :]
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df)
        result = df.loc[(slice(None), slice(None)), (slice(None), slice(None))]
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df)
        result = df.loc[:, (slice(None), slice(None))]
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df)

        # index
        result = df.loc[(slice(None), [1]), :]
        expected = df.iloc[[0, 3]]
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)

        result = df.loc[(slice(None), 1), :]
        expected = df.iloc[[0, 3]]
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)

        # columns
        result = df.loc[:, (slice(None), ['foo'])]
        expected = df.iloc[:, [1, 3]]
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)

        # both
        result = df.loc[(slice(None), 1), (slice(None), ['foo'])]
        expected = df.iloc[[0, 3], [1, 3]]
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)

        result = df.loc['A', 'a']
        expected = DataFrame(dict(bar=[1, 5, 9], foo=[0, 4, 8]),
                             index=Index([1, 2, 3], name='two'),
                             columns=Index(['bar', 'foo'], name='lvl1'))
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)

        result = df.loc[(slice(None), [1, 2]), :]
        expected = df.iloc[[0, 1, 3]]
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)

        # multi-level series
        s = Series(np.arange(len(ix.get_values())), index=ix)
        result = s.loc['A1':'A3', :, ['C1', 'C3']]
        expected = s.loc[[tuple([a, b, c, d])
                          for a, b, c, d in s.index.values
                          if (a == 'A1' or a == 'A2' or a == 'A3') and (
                              c == 'C1' or c == 'C3')]]
        tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)

        # boolean indexers
        result = df.loc[(slice(None), df.loc[:, ('a', 'bar')] > 5), :]
        expected = df.iloc[[2, 3]]
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)

        def f():
            df.loc[(slice(None), np.array([True, False])), :]

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, f)

        # ambiguous cases
        # these can be multiply interpreted (e.g. in this case
        # as df.loc[slice(None),[1]] as well
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: df.loc[slice(None), [1]])

        result = df.loc[(slice(None), [1]), :]
        expected = df.iloc[[0, 3]]
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)

        # not lexsorted
        self.assertEqual(df.index.lexsort_depth, 2)
        df = df.sort_index(level=1, axis=0)
        self.assertEqual(df.index.lexsort_depth, 0)
        with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(
                'MultiIndex Slicing requires the index to be fully '
                r'lexsorted tuple len \(2\), lexsort depth \(0\)'):
            df.loc[(slice(None), df.loc[:, ('a', 'bar')] > 5), :]
Example #13
    def test_getitem_duplicates_multiindex(self):
        # GH 5725 the 'A' happens to be a valid Timestamp so the doesn't raise
        # the appropriate error, only in PY3 of course!

        index = MultiIndex(levels=[['D', 'B', 'C'],
                                   [0, 26, 27, 37, 57, 67, 75, 82]],
                           labels=[[0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2],
                                   [1, 3, 4, 6, 0, 2, 2, 3, 5, 7]],
                           names=['tag', 'day'])
        arr = np.random.randn(len(index), 1)
        df = DataFrame(arr, index=index, columns=['val'])
        result = df.val['D']
        expected = Series(arr.ravel()[0:3], name='val', index=Index(
            [26, 37, 57], name='day'))
        tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)

        def f():

        self.assertRaises(KeyError, f)

        def f():

        self.assertRaises(KeyError, f)

        # A is treated as a special Timestamp
        index = MultiIndex(levels=[['A', 'B', 'C'],
                                   [0, 26, 27, 37, 57, 67, 75, 82]],
                           labels=[[0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2],
                                   [1, 3, 4, 6, 0, 2, 2, 3, 5, 7]],
                           names=['tag', 'day'])
        df = DataFrame(arr, index=index, columns=['val'])
        result = df.val['A']
        expected = Series(arr.ravel()[0:3], name='val', index=Index(
            [26, 37, 57], name='day'))
        tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)

        def f():

        self.assertRaises(KeyError, f)

        # GH 7866
        # multi-index slicing with missing indexers
        idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['A', 'B', 'C'],
                                          ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']],
                                         names=['one', 'two'])
        s = pd.Series(np.arange(9, dtype='int64'), index=idx).sort_index()

        exp_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['A'], ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']],
                                             names=['one', 'two'])
        expected = pd.Series(np.arange(3, dtype='int64'),

        result = s.loc[['A']]
        tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)
        result = s.loc[['A', 'D']]
        tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)

        # not any values found
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: s.loc[['D']])

        # empty ok
        result = s.loc[[]]
        expected = s.iloc[[]]
        tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)

        idx = pd.IndexSlice
        expected = pd.Series([0, 3, 6], index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
            [['A', 'B', 'C'], ['foo']], names=['one', 'two'])).sort_index()

        result = s.loc[idx[:, ['foo']]]
        tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)
        result = s.loc[idx[:, ['foo', 'bah']]]
        tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)

        # GH 8737
        # empty indexer
        multi_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product((['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],
                                                  ['alpha', 'beta']))
        df = DataFrame(
            np.random.randn(5, 6), index=range(5), columns=multi_index)
        df = df.sort_index(level=0, axis=1)

        expected = DataFrame(index=range(5),
        result1 = df.loc[:, ([], slice(None))]
        result2 = df.loc[:, (['foo'], [])]
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result1, expected)
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result2, expected)

        # regression from < 0.14.0
        # GH 7914
        df = DataFrame([[np.mean, np.median], ['mean', 'median']],
                       columns=MultiIndex.from_tuples([('functs', 'mean'),
                                                       ('functs', 'median')]),
                       index=['function', 'name'])
        result = df.loc['function', ('functs', 'mean')]
        self.assertEqual(result, np.mean)
Example #14
from pandas import (
import pandas._testing as tm
from pandas.core.arrays import IntervalArray

        (Index([0, 2, 4]), Index([1, 3, 5])),
        (Index([0.0, 1.0, 2.0]), Index([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])),
        (timedelta_range("0 days",
                         periods=3), timedelta_range("1 day", periods=3)),
        (date_range("20170101", periods=3), date_range("20170102", periods=3)),
            date_range("20170101", periods=3, tz="US/Eastern"),
            date_range("20170102", periods=3, tz="US/Eastern"),
    ids=lambda x: str(x[0].dtype),
def left_right_dtypes(request):
    Fixture for building an IntervalArray from various dtypes
Example #15
def makeBoolIndex(k=10, name=None):
    if k == 1:
        return Index([True], name=name)
    elif k == 2:
        return Index([False, True], name=name)
    return Index([False, True] + [False] * (k - 2), name=name)
Example #16
def hash_array(
    encoding: str = "utf8",
    hash_key: str = _default_hash_key,
    categorize: bool = True,
    Given a 1d array, return an array of deterministic integers.

    vals : ndarray, Categorical
    encoding : str, default 'utf8'
        Encoding for data & key when strings.
    hash_key : str, default _default_hash_key
        Hash_key for string key to encode.
    categorize : bool, default True
        Whether to first categorize object arrays before hashing. This is more
        efficient when the array contains duplicate values.

    1d uint64 numpy array of hash values, same length as the vals
    if not hasattr(vals, "dtype"):
        raise TypeError("must pass a ndarray-like")
    dtype = vals.dtype

    # For categoricals, we hash the categories, then remap the codes to the
    # hash values. (This check is above the complex check so that we don't ask
    # numpy if categorical is a subdtype of complex, as it will choke).
    if is_categorical_dtype(dtype):
        return _hash_categorical(vals, encoding, hash_key)
    elif is_extension_array_dtype(dtype):
        vals, _ = vals._values_for_factorize()
        dtype = vals.dtype

    # we'll be working with everything as 64-bit values, so handle this
    # 128-bit value early
    if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complex128):
        return hash_array(np.real(vals)) + 23 * hash_array(np.imag(vals))

    # First, turn whatever array this is into unsigned 64-bit ints, if we can
    # manage it.
    elif isinstance(dtype, np.bool):
        vals = vals.astype("u8")
    elif issubclass(dtype.type, (np.datetime64, np.timedelta64)):
        vals = vals.view("i8").astype("u8", copy=False)
    elif issubclass(dtype.type, np.number) and dtype.itemsize <= 8:
        vals = vals.view(f"u{vals.dtype.itemsize}").astype("u8")
        # With repeated values, its MUCH faster to categorize object dtypes,
        # then hash and rename categories. We allow skipping the categorization
        # when the values are known/likely to be unique.
        if categorize:
            from pandas import factorize, Categorical, Index

            codes, categories = factorize(vals, sort=False)
            cat = Categorical(codes,
            return _hash_categorical(cat, encoding, hash_key)

            vals = hashing.hash_object_array(vals, hash_key, encoding)
        except TypeError:
            # we have mixed types
            vals = hashing.hash_object_array(
                vals.astype(str).astype(object), hash_key, encoding)

    # Then, redistribute these 64-bit ints within the space of 64-bit ints
    vals ^= vals >> 30
    vals *= np.uint64(0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9)
    vals ^= vals >> 27
    vals *= np.uint64(0x94D049BB133111EB)
    vals ^= vals >> 31
    return vals
Example #17
def makeIntIndex(k=10, name=None):
    return Index(list(range(k)), name=name)
Example #18
 def test_to_tuples(self, tuples):
     # GH 18756
     idx = IntervalIndex.from_tuples(tuples)
     result = idx.to_tuples()
     expected = Index(com.asarray_tuplesafe(tuples))
     tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
Example #19
def makeFloatIndex(k=10, name=None):
    values = sorted(np.random.random_sample(k)) - np.random.random_sample(1)
    return Index(values * (10**np.random.randint(0, 9)), name=name)
Example #20
class TestSeriesMisc(TestData, SharedWithSparse):

    series_klass = Series
    # SharedWithSparse tests use generic, series_klass-agnostic assertion
    _assert_series_equal = staticmethod(tm.assert_series_equal)

    def test_tab_completion(self):
        # GH 9910
        s = Series(list('abcd'))
        # Series of str values should have .str but not .dt/.cat in __dir__
        assert 'str' in dir(s)
        assert 'dt' not in dir(s)
        assert 'cat' not in dir(s)

        # similarly for .dt
        s = Series(date_range('1/1/2015', periods=5))
        assert 'dt' in dir(s)
        assert 'str' not in dir(s)
        assert 'cat' not in dir(s)

        # Similarly for .cat, but with the twist that str and dt should be
        # there if the categories are of that type first cat and str.
        s = Series(list('abbcd'), dtype="category")
        assert 'cat' in dir(s)
        assert 'str' in dir(s)  # as it is a string categorical
        assert 'dt' not in dir(s)

        # similar to cat and str
        s = Series(date_range('1/1/2015', periods=5)).astype("category")
        assert 'cat' in dir(s)
        assert 'str' not in dir(s)
        assert 'dt' in dir(s)  # as it is a datetime categorical

    def test_tab_completion_with_categorical(self):
        # test the tab completion display
        ok_for_cat = [
            'name', 'index', 'categorical', 'categories', 'codes', 'ordered',
            'set_categories', 'add_categories', 'remove_categories',
            'rename_categories', 'reorder_categories',
            'remove_unused_categories', 'as_ordered', 'as_unordered'

        def get_dir(s):
            results = [r for r in s.cat.__dir__() if not r.startswith('_')]
            return list(sorted(set(results)))

        s = Series(list('aabbcde')).astype('category')
        results = get_dir(s)
        tm.assert_almost_equal(results, list(sorted(set(ok_for_cat))))

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("index", [
        Index(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] * 2),
        Index([True, False]),
        Index(['a{}'.format(i) for i in range(101)]),
        pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(zip('ABCD', 'EFGH')),
        pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(zip([0, 1, 2, 3], 'EFGH')),
    def test_index_tab_completion(self, index):
        # dir contains string-like values of the Index.
        s = pd.Series(index=index)
        dir_s = dir(s)
        for i, x in enumerate(s.index.unique(level=0)):
            if i < 100:
                assert (not isinstance(x, str) or not x.isidentifier()
                        or x in dir_s)
                assert x not in dir_s

    def test_not_hashable(self):
        s_empty = Series()
        s = Series([1])
        msg = "'Series' objects are mutable, thus they cannot be hashed"
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):

    def test_contains(self):
        tm.assert_contains_all(self.ts.index, self.ts)

    def test_iter(self):
        for i, val in enumerate(self.series):
            assert val == self.series[i]

        for i, val in enumerate(self.ts):
            assert val == self.ts[i]

    def test_keys(self):
        # HACK: By doing this in two stages, we avoid 2to3 wrapping the call
        # to .keys() in a list()
        getkeys = self.ts.keys
        assert getkeys() is self.ts.index

    def test_values(self):
        tm.assert_almost_equal(self.ts.values, self.ts, check_dtype=False)

    def test_iteritems(self):
        for idx, val in self.series.items():
            assert val == self.series[idx]

        for idx, val in self.ts.items():
            assert val == self.ts[idx]

        # assert is lazy (genrators don't define reverse, lists do)
        assert not hasattr(self.series.iteritems(), 'reverse')

    def test_items(self):
        for idx, val in self.series.items():
            assert val == self.series[idx]

        for idx, val in self.ts.items():
            assert val == self.ts[idx]

        # assert is lazy (genrators don't define reverse, lists do)
        assert not hasattr(self.series.items(), 'reverse')

    def test_raise_on_info(self):
        s = Series(np.random.randn(10))
        msg = "'Series' object has no attribute 'info'"
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg):

    def test_copy(self):

        for deep in [None, False, True]:
            s = Series(np.arange(10), dtype='float64')

            # default deep is True
            if deep is None:
                s2 = s.copy()
                s2 = s.copy(deep=deep)

            s2[::2] = np.NaN

            if deep is None or deep is True:
                # Did not modify original Series
                assert np.isnan(s2[0])
                assert not np.isnan(s[0])
                # we DID modify the original Series
                assert np.isnan(s2[0])
                assert np.isnan(s[0])

        # GH 11794
        # copy of tz-aware
        expected = Series([Timestamp('2012/01/01', tz='UTC')])
        expected2 = Series([Timestamp('1999/01/01', tz='UTC')])

        for deep in [None, False, True]:

            s = Series([Timestamp('2012/01/01', tz='UTC')])

            if deep is None:
                s2 = s.copy()
                s2 = s.copy(deep=deep)

            s2[0] = pd.Timestamp('1999/01/01', tz='UTC')

            # default deep is True
            if deep is None or deep is True:
                # Did not modify original Series
                assert_series_equal(s2, expected2)
                assert_series_equal(s, expected)
                # we DID modify the original Series
                assert_series_equal(s2, expected2)
                assert_series_equal(s, expected2)

    def test_axis_alias(self):
        s = Series([1, 2, np.nan])
        assert_series_equal(s.dropna(axis='rows'), s.dropna(axis='index'))
        assert s.dropna().sum('rows') == 3
        assert s._get_axis_number('rows') == 0
        assert s._get_axis_name('rows') == 'index'

    def test_class_axis(self):
        # https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/18147
        # no exception and no empty docstring
        assert pydoc.getdoc(Series.index)

    def test_numpy_unique(self):
        # it works!

    def test_ndarray_compat(self):

        # test numpy compat with Series as sub-class of NDFrame
        tsdf = DataFrame(np.random.randn(1000, 3),
                         columns=['A', 'B', 'C'],
                         index=date_range('1/1/2000', periods=1000))

        def f(x):
            return x[x.idxmax()]

        result = tsdf.apply(f)
        expected = tsdf.max()
        tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)

        # .item()
        s = Series([1])
        result = s.item()
        assert result == 1
        assert s.item() == s.iloc[0]

        # using an ndarray like function
        s = Series(np.random.randn(10))
        result = Series(np.ones_like(s))
        expected = Series(1, index=range(10), dtype='float64')
        tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)

        # ravel
        s = Series(np.random.randn(10))
        tm.assert_almost_equal(s.ravel(order='F'), s.values.ravel(order='F'))

        # compress
        # GH 6658
        s = Series([0, 1., -1], index=list('abc'))
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False):
            result = np.compress(s > 0, s)
        tm.assert_series_equal(result, Series([1.], index=['b']))

        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False):
            result = np.compress(s < -1, s)
        # result empty Index(dtype=object) as the same as original
        exp = Series([], dtype='float64', index=Index([], dtype='object'))
        tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp)

        s = Series([0, 1., -1], index=[.1, .2, .3])
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False):
            result = np.compress(s > 0, s)
        tm.assert_series_equal(result, Series([1.], index=[.2]))

        with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False):
            result = np.compress(s < -1, s)
        # result empty Float64Index as the same as original
        exp = Series([], dtype='float64', index=Index([], dtype='float64'))
        tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp)

    def test_str_accessor_updates_on_inplace(self):
        s = pd.Series(list('abc'))
        s.drop([0], inplace=True)
        assert len(s.str.lower()) == 2

    def test_str_attribute(self):
        # GH9068
        methods = ['strip', 'rstrip', 'lstrip']
        s = Series([' jack', 'jill ', ' jesse ', 'frank'])
        for method in methods:
            expected = Series([getattr(str, method)(x) for x in s.values])
            assert_series_equal(getattr(Series.str, method)(s.str), expected)

        # str accessor only valid with string values
        s = Series(range(5))
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match='only use .str accessor'):

    def test_empty_method(self):
        s_empty = pd.Series()
        assert s_empty.empty

        for full_series in [pd.Series([1]), pd.Series(index=[1])]:
            assert not full_series.empty

    def test_tab_complete_warning(self, ip):
        # https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/16409
        pytest.importorskip('IPython', minversion="6.0.0")
        from IPython.core.completer import provisionalcompleter

        code = "import pandas as pd; s = pd.Series()"
        with tm.assert_produces_warning(None):
            with provisionalcompleter('ignore'):
                list(ip.Completer.completions('s.', 1))

    def test_integer_series_size(self):
        # GH 25580
        s = Series(range(9))
        assert s.size == 9
        s = Series(range(9), dtype="Int64")
        assert s.size == 9
Example #21
def makeCustomIndex(nentries,
    Create an index/multindex with given dimensions, levels, names, etc'

    nentries - number of entries in index
    nlevels - number of levels (> 1 produces multindex)
    prefix - a string prefix for labels
    names - (Optional), bool or list of strings. if True will use default
       names, if false will use no names, if a list is given, the name of
       each level in the index will be taken from the list.
    ndupe_l - (Optional), list of ints, the number of rows for which the
       label will repeated at the corresponding level, you can specify just
       the first few, the rest will use the default ndupe_l of 1.
       len(ndupe_l) <= nlevels.
    idx_type - "i"/"f"/"s"/"u"/"dt"/"p"/"td".
       If idx_type is not None, `idx_nlevels` must be 1.
       "i"/"f" creates an integer/float index,
       "s"/"u" creates a string/unicode index
       "dt" create a datetime index.
       "td" create a datetime index.

        if unspecified, string labels will be generated.
    if ndupe_l is None:
        ndupe_l = [1] * nlevels
    assert is_sequence(ndupe_l) and len(ndupe_l) <= nlevels
    assert names is None or names is False or names is True or len(
        names) is nlevels
    assert idx_type is None or (idx_type in ("i", "f", "s", "u", "dt", "p",
                                             "td") and nlevels == 1)

    if names is True:
        # build default names
        names = [prefix + str(i) for i in range(nlevels)]
    if names is False:
        # pass None to index constructor for no name
        names = None

    # make singleton case uniform
    if isinstance(names, str) and nlevels == 1:
        names = [names]

    # specific 1D index type requested?
    idx_func = {
        "i": makeIntIndex,
        "f": makeFloatIndex,
        "s": makeStringIndex,
        "u": makeUnicodeIndex,
        "dt": makeDateIndex,
        "td": makeTimedeltaIndex,
        "p": makePeriodIndex,
    if idx_func:
        # error: Cannot call function of unknown type
        idx = idx_func(nentries)  # type: ignore[operator]
        # but we need to fill in the name
        if names:
            idx.name = names[0]
        return idx
    elif idx_type is not None:
        raise ValueError(
            f"{repr(idx_type)} is not a legal value for `idx_type`, "
            "use  'i'/'f'/'s'/'u'/'dt'/'p'/'td'.")

    if len(ndupe_l) < nlevels:
        ndupe_l.extend([1] * (nlevels - len(ndupe_l)))
    assert len(ndupe_l) == nlevels

    assert all(x > 0 for x in ndupe_l)

    list_of_lists = []
    for i in range(nlevels):

        def keyfunc(x):
            import re

            numeric_tuple = re.sub(r"[^\d_]_?", "", x).split("_")
            return [int(num) for num in numeric_tuple]

        # build a list of lists to create the index from
        div_factor = nentries // ndupe_l[i] + 1

        # Deprecated since version 3.9: collections.Counter now supports []. See PEP 585
        # and Generic Alias Type.
        cnt: Counter[str] = collections.Counter()
        for j in range(div_factor):
            label = f"{prefix}_l{i}_g{j}"
            cnt[label] = ndupe_l[i]
        # cute Counter trick
        result = sorted(cnt.elements(), key=keyfunc)[:nentries]

    tuples = list(zip(*list_of_lists))

    # convert tuples to index
    if nentries == 1:
        # we have a single level of tuples, i.e. a regular Index
        index = Index(tuples[0], name=names[0])
    elif nlevels == 1:
        name = None if names is None else names[0]
        index = Index((x[0] for x in tuples), name=name)
        index = MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=names)
    return index
Example #22
    def test_categorical_delegations(self):

        # invalid accessor
        msg = r"Can only use \.cat accessor with a 'category' dtype"
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg):
            Series([1, 2, 3]).cat
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg):
            Series([1, 2, 3]).cat()
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg):
            Series(['a', 'b', 'c']).cat
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg):
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg):

        # Series should delegate calls to '.categories', '.codes', '.ordered'
        # and the methods '.set_categories()' 'drop_unused_categories()' to the
        # categorical
        s = Series(Categorical(["a", "b", "c", "a"], ordered=True))
        exp_categories = Index(["a", "b", "c"])
        tm.assert_index_equal(s.cat.categories, exp_categories)
        s.cat.categories = [1, 2, 3]
        exp_categories = Index([1, 2, 3])
        tm.assert_index_equal(s.cat.categories, exp_categories)

        exp_codes = Series([0, 1, 2, 0], dtype='int8')
        tm.assert_series_equal(s.cat.codes, exp_codes)

        assert s.cat.ordered
        s = s.cat.as_unordered()
        assert not s.cat.ordered
        assert s.cat.ordered

        # reorder
        s = Series(Categorical(["a", "b", "c", "a"], ordered=True))
        exp_categories = Index(["c", "b", "a"])
        exp_values = np.array(["a", "b", "c", "a"], dtype=np.object_)
        s = s.cat.set_categories(["c", "b", "a"])
        tm.assert_index_equal(s.cat.categories, exp_categories)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(s.values.__array__(), exp_values)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(s.__array__(), exp_values)

        # remove unused categories
        s = Series(
            Categorical(["a", "b", "b", "a"], categories=["a", "b", "c"]))
        exp_categories = Index(["a", "b"])
        exp_values = np.array(["a", "b", "b", "a"], dtype=np.object_)
        s = s.cat.remove_unused_categories()
        tm.assert_index_equal(s.cat.categories, exp_categories)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(s.values.__array__(), exp_values)
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(s.__array__(), exp_values)

        # This method is likely to be confused, so test that it raises an error
        # on wrong inputs:
        msg = "'Series' object has no attribute 'set_categories'"
        with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg):
            s.set_categories([4, 3, 2, 1])

        # right: s.cat.set_categories([4,3,2,1])

        # GH18862 (let Series.cat.rename_categories take callables)
        s = Series(Categorical(["a", "b", "c", "a"], ordered=True))
        result = s.cat.rename_categories(lambda x: x.upper())
        expected = Series(
            Categorical(["A", "B", "C", "A"],
                        categories=["A", "B", "C"],
        tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)
Example #23
    def test_prod_cumprod(self, df, method):

        expected_columns = Index(["int", "float", "category_int"])
        expected_columns_numeric = expected_columns

        self._check(df, method, expected_columns, expected_columns_numeric)
Example #24
    def test_excel_old_index_format(self, read_ext):
        # see gh-4679
        filename = "test_index_name_pre17" + read_ext

        # We detect headers to determine if index names exist, so
        # that "index" name in the "names" version of the data will
        # now be interpreted as rows that include null data.
        data = np.array(
                [None, None, None, None, None],
                ["R0C0", "R0C1", "R0C2", "R0C3", "R0C4"],
                ["R1C0", "R1C1", "R1C2", "R1C3", "R1C4"],
                ["R2C0", "R2C1", "R2C2", "R2C3", "R2C4"],
                ["R3C0", "R3C1", "R3C2", "R3C3", "R3C4"],
                ["R4C0", "R4C1", "R4C2", "R4C3", "R4C4"],
        columns = ["C_l0_g0", "C_l0_g1", "C_l0_g2", "C_l0_g3", "C_l0_g4"]
        mi = MultiIndex(
                ["R0", "R_l0_g0", "R_l0_g1", "R_l0_g2", "R_l0_g3", "R_l0_g4"],
                ["R1", "R_l1_g0", "R_l1_g1", "R_l1_g2", "R_l1_g3", "R_l1_g4"],
            codes=[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]],
            names=[None, None],
        si = Index(
            ["R0", "R_l0_g0", "R_l0_g1", "R_l0_g2", "R_l0_g3", "R_l0_g4"], name=None

        expected = pd.DataFrame(data, index=si, columns=columns)

        actual = pd.read_excel(filename, "single_names", index_col=0)
        tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)

        expected.index = mi

        actual = pd.read_excel(filename, "multi_names", index_col=[0, 1])
        tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)

        # The analogous versions of the "names" version data
        # where there are explicitly no names for the indices.
        data = np.array(
                ["R0C0", "R0C1", "R0C2", "R0C3", "R0C4"],
                ["R1C0", "R1C1", "R1C2", "R1C3", "R1C4"],
                ["R2C0", "R2C1", "R2C2", "R2C3", "R2C4"],
                ["R3C0", "R3C1", "R3C2", "R3C3", "R3C4"],
                ["R4C0", "R4C1", "R4C2", "R4C3", "R4C4"],
        columns = ["C_l0_g0", "C_l0_g1", "C_l0_g2", "C_l0_g3", "C_l0_g4"]
        mi = MultiIndex(
                ["R_l0_g0", "R_l0_g1", "R_l0_g2", "R_l0_g3", "R_l0_g4"],
                ["R_l1_g0", "R_l1_g1", "R_l1_g2", "R_l1_g3", "R_l1_g4"],
            codes=[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]],
            names=[None, None],
        si = Index(["R_l0_g0", "R_l0_g1", "R_l0_g2", "R_l0_g3", "R_l0_g4"], name=None)

        expected = pd.DataFrame(data, index=si, columns=columns)

        actual = pd.read_excel(filename, "single_no_names", index_col=0)
        tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected)

        expected.index = mi

        actual = pd.read_excel(filename, "multi_no_names", index_col=[0, 1])
        tm.assert_frame_equal(actual, expected, check_names=False)
Example #25
 def test_date(self):
     import datetime
     dates = [datetime.date(2012, 1, x) for x in range(1, 20)]
     index = Index(dates)
     self.assertEqual(index.inferred_type, 'date')
Example #26
def makeStringIndex(k=10, name=None):
    return Index(rands_array(nchars=10, size=k), name=name)
Example #27
 def test_map_str(self):
     # GH 31202
     index = self.create_index()
     result = index.map(str)
     expected = Index([str(x) for x in index], dtype=object)
     tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
Example #28
def makeUnicodeIndex(k=10, name=None):
    return Index(randu_array(nchars=10, size=k), name=name)
Example #29
 def obj(self, dtype):
     i8vals = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=3).asi8
     idx = Index(i8vals, dtype=dtype)
     assert idx.dtype == dtype
     return Series(idx)
Example #30
    def test_index_cast_datetime64_other_units(self):
        arr = np.arange(0, 100, 10, dtype=np.int64).view("M8[D]")
        idx = Index(arr)

        assert (idx.values == conversion.ensure_datetime64ns(arr)).all()