Example #1
    def test_sub_timedeltalike_mismatched_reso(self, ts_tz):
        # case with non-lossy rounding
        ts = ts_tz

        # choose a unit for `other` that doesn't match ts_tz's;
        #  this construction ensures we get cases with other._reso < ts._reso
        #  and cases with other._reso > ts._reso
        unit = {
            NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_us.value: "ms",
            NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_ms.value: "s",
            NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_s.value: "us",
        other = Timedelta(0)._as_unit(unit)
        assert other._reso != ts._reso

        result = ts + other
        assert isinstance(result, Timestamp)
        assert result == ts
        assert result._reso == min(ts._reso, other._reso)

        result = other + ts
        assert isinstance(result, Timestamp)
        assert result == ts
        assert result._reso == min(ts._reso, other._reso)

        msg = "Timestamp addition with mismatched resolutions"
        if ts._reso < other._reso:
            # Case where rounding is lossy
            other2 = other + Timedelta._from_value_and_reso(1, other._reso)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
                ts + other2
            with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
                other2 + ts
            ts2 = ts + Timedelta._from_value_and_reso(1, ts._reso)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
                ts2 + other
            with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
                other + ts2

        msg = "Addition between Timestamp and Timedelta with mismatched resolutions"
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
            # With a mismatched td64 as opposed to Timedelta
            ts + np.timedelta64(1, "ns")
Example #2
    def test_as_unit_overflows(self):
        # microsecond that would be just out of bounds for nano
        us = 9223372800000000
        td = Timedelta._from_value_and_reso(us, NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_us.value)

        msg = "Cannot cast 106752 days 00:00:00 to unit='ns' without overflow"
        with pytest.raises(OutOfBoundsTimedelta, match=msg):

        res = td._as_unit("ms")
        assert res.value == us // 1000
        assert res._reso == NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_ms.value
Example #3
    def test_sub_datetimelike_mismatched_reso(self, ts_tz):
        # case with non-lossy rounding
        ts = ts_tz

        # choose a unit for `other` that doesn't match ts_tz's;
        #  this construction ensures we get cases with other._reso < ts._reso
        #  and cases with other._reso > ts._reso
        unit = {
            NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_us.value: "ms",
            NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_ms.value: "s",
            NpyDatetimeUnit.NPY_FR_s.value: "us",
        other = ts._as_unit(unit)
        assert other._reso != ts._reso

        result = ts - other
        assert isinstance(result, Timedelta)
        assert result.value == 0
        assert result._reso == min(ts._reso, other._reso)

        result = other - ts
        assert isinstance(result, Timedelta)
        assert result.value == 0
        assert result._reso == min(ts._reso, other._reso)

        msg = "Timestamp subtraction with mismatched resolutions"
        if ts._reso < other._reso:
            # Case where rounding is lossy
            other2 = other + Timedelta._from_value_and_reso(1, other._reso)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
                ts - other2
            with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
                other2 - ts
            ts2 = ts + Timedelta._from_value_and_reso(1, ts._reso)
            with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
                ts2 - other
            with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
                other - ts2
Example #4
 def test_sub_preserves_reso(self, td, unit):
     res = td - td
     expected = Timedelta._from_value_and_reso(0, unit)
     assert res == expected
     assert res._reso == unit
Example #5
 def test_from_value_and_reso(self, unit, val):
     # Just checking that the fixture is giving us what we asked for
     td = Timedelta._from_value_and_reso(val, unit)
     assert td.value == val
     assert td._reso == unit
     assert td.days == 106752
Example #6
 def td(self, unit, val):
     return Timedelta._from_value_and_reso(val, unit)
Example #7
 def test_resolution(self, td):
     expected = Timedelta._from_value_and_reso(1, td._reso)
     result = td.resolution
     assert result == expected
     assert result._reso == expected._reso