def main(): #load data returns = data.get_data_google('SPY', start='2008-5-1', end='2009-12-1')['Close'].pct_change() returns.plot() plt.ylabel('daily returns in %'); with pm.Model() as sp500_model: nu = pm.Exponential('nu', 1./10, testval=5.0) sigma = pm.Exponential('sigma', 1./0.02, testval=0.1) s = pm.GaussianRandomWalk('s', sigma**-2, shape=len(returns)) r = pm.StudentT('r', nu, lam=pm.math.exp(-2*s), observed=returns) with sp500_model: trace = pm.sample(2000) pm.traceplot(trace, [nu, sigma]); plt.figure() returns.plot() plt.plot(returns.index, np.exp(trace['s',::5].T), 'r', alpha=.03) plt.legend(['S&P500', 'stochastic volatility process'])
def test_dtypes(self): #GH3995, #GH8980 data = web.get_data_google('F', start='JAN-01-10', end='JAN-27-13') assert np.issubdtype(data.Open.dtype, np.number) assert np.issubdtype(data.Close.dtype, np.number) assert np.issubdtype(data.Low.dtype, np.number) assert np.issubdtype(data.High.dtype, np.number) assert np.issubdtype(data.Volume.dtype, np.number)
def test_get_multi1(self): for locale in self.locales: sl = ['AAPL', 'AMZN', 'GOOG'] with tm.set_locale(locale): pan = web.get_data_google(sl, '2012') ts = pan.Close.GOOG.index[pan.Close.AAPL < pan.Close.GOOG] if (hasattr(pan, 'Close') and hasattr(pan.Close, 'GOOG') and hasattr(pan.Close, 'AAPL')): self.assertEqual(ts[0].dayofyear, 3) else: self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: pan.Close)
def test_get_multi2(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: for locale in self.locales: with tm.set_locale(locale): pan = web.get_data_google(['GE', 'MSFT', 'INTC'], 'JAN-01-12', 'JAN-31-12') result = pan.Close.ix['01-18-12'] assert_n_failed_equals_n_null_columns(w, result) # sanity checking assert np.issubdtype(result.dtype, np.floating) result = pan.Open.ix['Jan-15-12':'Jan-20-12'] self.assertEqual((4, 3), result.shape) assert_n_failed_equals_n_null_columns(w, result)
def updateAxes(self): # clear figure self.figure.clf() self.figure.canvas.draw() # get contents of ticker_widget in a list, return if empty z = self.ticker_widget.items_model contents = [z.item(x).text() for x in range(z.rowCount()) if z.item(x).checkState() == 2] if contents == []: return # get data with pandas_datareader try: data = get_data_google(contents, self.start_edit.text(), self.end_edit.text()) except: return # plot every selected symbol for symbol in contents: data_tmp = data.minor_xs(symbol)['Close'] ax = self.figure.add_subplot(111) x = data_tmp.index # scale by the max price if scale_box is checked, set label accordingly if self.scale_box.checkState() == 0: label = symbol yLabel = '$' y = data_tmp else: label = symbol + ', %' yLabel = '' y = 100 * data_tmp / data_tmp[0] ax.plot(x, y, self.linesty,, lw=self.lw, label=label) # clean up plot ax.set_title('Daily Closing Price') ax.legend(loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), numpoints=3) ax.grid(True) ax.set_ylabel(yLabel) self.figure.tight_layout() self.figure.subplots_adjust(right=0.75) self.figure.canvas.draw()
def historical_data(ticker, components): # Prices adjusted for splits today, dates = current_date(), [] for each in components: if PATTERNS['valid_date'].match(each): dates.append(each) if not dates: return {"message": Response.missing_dates(ticker)} # Validate dates for each in dates: if each > today: return {"message": Response.invalid_date(each)} try: date = datetime.datetime.strptime(each, '%Y-%m-%d') except ValueError: return {"message": Response.invalid_date(each)} # Validate ticker and fetch data try: quotes = data.get_data_google(ticker) except Exception: return {"message": Response.data_notfound(ticker)} # Return price data for one day if len(dates)==1: date = dates[0] try: quote = quotes.loc[date] except KeyError: return {"message": Response.no_data_for_date(date)} return {"message": Response.historical_price( ticker, date, quote['Open'], quote['High'], quote['Low'], quote['Close'], int(quote['Volume']))} # If 2 dates are entered, returned the range during the given period elif len(dates)==2: dates = sorted(dates) start, end = dates[0], dates[1] quotes = quotes.loc[start:end] high = round(quotes['High'].max(),2) low = round(quotes['Low'].min(),2) return {"message": Response.historical_range(ticker, start, end, high, low)} else: return {"message": Response.too_many_dates(ticker)}
def create_series(ticker): time_ago = - relativedelta(months=12) ticker_data = web.get_data_google(ticker, time_ago)['Close'].pct_change().dropna() ticker_data_len = len(ticker_data) x = [0] * 17 y = [0] * 17 x_test = [0] * 17 y_test = [0] * 17 a = 0 b = 6 for i in range(0, 17): x[i] = ticker_data[a:b] y[i] = ticker_data[b] a = b b = a + 6 for i in range(0, 17): x_test[i] = ticker_data[a:b] y_test[i] = ticker_data[b] a = b b = a + 6 return y, x, y_test, x_test
def get_symbol_returns_from_yahoo(symbol, start=None, end=None): #从雅虎或者谷歌获取数据会报错,雅虎谷歌更改了接口 """ Wrapper for Retrieves prices for symbol from yahoo and computes returns based on adjusted closing prices. Parameters ---------- symbol : str Symbol name to load, e.g. 'SPY' start : pandas.Timestamp compatible, optional Start date of time period to retrieve end : pandas.Timestamp compatible, optional End date of time period to retrieve Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Returns of symbol in requested period. """ try: px = web.get_data_yahoo(symbol, start=start, end=end) px['date'] = pd.to_datetime(px['date']) px.set_index('date', drop=False, inplace=True) rets = px[['adjclose']].pct_change().dropna() except Exception as e: warnings.warn( 'Yahoo Finance read failed: {}, falling back to Google'.format(e), UserWarning) px = web.get_data_google(symbol, start=start, end=end) rets = px[['Close']].pct_change().dropna() rets.index = rets.index.tz_localize("UTC") rets.columns = [symbol] return rets
def test_get_goog_volume(self): for locale in self.locales: with tm.set_locale(locale): df = web.get_data_google('GOOG').sort_index() self.assertEqual(df.Volume.ix['OCT-08-2010'], 2863473)
def test_unicode_date(self): #GH8967 data = web.get_data_google('F', start='JAN-01-10', end='JAN-27-13') self.assertEquals(, 'Date')
def test_bad_retry_count(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): web.get_data_google('F', retry_count=-1)
def test_get_goog_volume(self): for locale in self.locales: with tm.set_locale(locale): df = web.get_data_google('GOOG').sort_index() self.assertEqual(df.Volume.ix['JAN-02-2015'], 1446662)
def test_bad_retry_count(self): with tm.assertRaises(ValueError): web.get_data_google('F', retry_count = -1)
def test_get_multi_all_invalid(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): sl = ['INVALID', 'INVALID2', 'INVALID3'] with pytest.raises(RemoteDataError): web.get_data_google(sl, '2012')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Name : Book : Python for Finance (2nd ed.) Publisher: Packt Publishing Ltd. Author : Yuxing Yan Date : 6/6/2017 email : [email protected] [email protected] """ import as getData df = getData.get_data_google("IBM") print(df.head())
def test_bad_retry_count(self): with tm.assertRaises(ValueError): web.get_data_google('F', retry_count=-1)
from pandas_datareader import data import pymc3 as pm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np returns = data.get_data_google('SPY', start='2008-5-1', end='2009-12-1')['Close'].pct_change() print(returns) with pm.Model() as sp500_model: nu = pm.Exponential('nu', 1. / 10, testval=5.) sigma = pm.Exponential('sigma', 1. / .02, testval=.1) s = pm.GaussianRandomWalk('s', sigma**-2, shape=len(returns)) volatility_process = pm.Deterministic('volatility_process', pm.math.exp(-2 * s)) r = pm.StudentT('r', nu, lam=volatility_process, observed=returns) with sp500_model: trace = pm.sample(2000) pm.traceplot(trace, [nu, sigma]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 8)) returns.plot(ax=ax) ax.plot(returns.index, 1 / np.exp(trace['s', ::5].T), 'r', alpha=.03) ax.set(title='volatility_process', xlabel='time', ylabel='volatility') ax.legend(['S&P500', 'stochastic volatility process'])
import pandas as pd pd.core.common.is_list_like = pd.api.types.is_list_like import as dataRetrieve import datetime beg_date = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 5) end_date = datetime.datetime(2012, 12, 1) df = dataRetrieve.get_data_google('AAPL', beg_date, end_date) # always worth trying both yahoo and google in case one fails print(df.head())
import datetime as dt import sys import numpy as np import pandas as pd import as web import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from arch import arch_model start = dt.datetime(2000, 1, 1) end = dt.datetime(2017, 1, 1) sp500 = web.get_data_google('SPY', start=start, end=end) returns = 100 * sp500['Close'].pct_change().dropna() returns.plot() model = arch_model(returns, vol='Garch', p=1, o=0, q=1, dist='Normal') results = print(results.summary()) forecasts = results.forecast(horizon=30, method='simulation') sims = forecasts.simulations lines = plt.plot(sims.values[-1, ::30].T, alpha=0.33) lines[0].set_label('Simulated paths') plt.plot() print(np.percentile(sims.values[-1, 30].T, 5)) plt.hist(sims.values[-1, 30], bins=50) plt.title('Distribution of Returns')
features_indiv[0, 6] += 1 i += 1 #计算余弦距离确定该文本所属分组 dist1 = pdist(np.vstack([features_indiv, proArray]), 'cosine') dist2 = pdist(np.vstack([features_indiv, nproArray]), 'cosine') if dist1 > dist2: Polarity[t, 0] += Polarity_init * 1.3 else: Polarity[t, 0] += Polarity_init k += 1 Polarity[t, 0] = Polarity[t, 0] / vol t += 1 ##获取公司股票信息并绘制相关折线图 #获取沃尔玛股票信息 WMT = dt.get_data_google('wmt', start='2015-12-31', end='2018-01-01') print WMT.head() WMT.to_csv('walmart.csv') #绘制折线图 style.use('ggplot') plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False #用来正常显示负号 df = pd.read_csv('walmart.csv', index_col='Date', parse_dates=True) df['H-L'] = df.High - df.Low ma = pd.rolling_mean(df.Close, 10) #股价相关信息折线图 ax1 = plt ax1.plot(df.Close, label='Walmart') ax1.plot(ma, label='10MA') plt.legend() ax1.xlabel('date') ax1.ylabel('price')
def _get_nasdaq_csv(self, ticker): return data.get_data_google(ticker, start='1996-05-06')
def downloadQuotes(tickers, date1=None, date2=None, adjust=True, Verbose=False): """ Given a ticker sequence, return historical Yahoo! quotes as a pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- tickers : sequence A sequence (such as a list) of string tickers. For example: ['aapl', 'msft'] date1 : {, tuple}, optional The first date to grab historical quotes on. For example:, 1, 1) or (2010, 1, 1). By default the first date is (1900, 1, 1). date2 : {, tuple}, optional The last date to grab historical quotes on. For example:, 12, 31) or (2010, 12, 31). By default the last date is 10 days beyond today's date. adjust : bool, optional Adjust (default) the open, close, high, and low prices. The adjustment takes splits and dividends into account such that the corresponding returns are correct. Volume is already split adjusted by Yahoo so it is not changed by the value of `adjust`. Verbose : bool, optional Print the ticker currently being loaded. By default the tickers are not printed. Returns ------- quotes_df : DataFrame A pandas dataframe is returned. In order, the axes contain: dates, quotes (adjusted close). The elements along the item axis depend on the value of `adjust`. When `adjust` is False, the items are ['open', 'close', 'high', 'low', 'volume', 'adjclose'] When adjust is true (default), the adjusted close ('adjclose') is not included. The dates are objects. Examples -------- items = ['Adj Close'] date1 = '2012-01-01' date2 = ticker = 'GOOGL' data = get_data_yahoo(ticker, start = date1, end = date2)[items] dates = data.index data.columns = [ticker] ticker = 'AMZN' data2 = get_data_yahoo(ticker, start = date1, end = date2)[items] dates2 = data2.index data2.columns = [ticker] data = data.join(data2, how='outer') data.sort_index( axis=0, inplace=True ) data.tail() GOOGL AMZN Date 2014-04-07 540.63 317.76 2014-04-08 557.51 327.07 2014-04-09 567.04 331.81 2014-04-10 546.69 317.11 2014-04-11 537.76 311.73 """ from time import sleep from import * #from la.external.matplotlib import quotes_historical_yahoo import pandas as pd from import DataReader, get_data_yahoo, get_data_google ##from import DataReader ##from import get_data_yahoo, get_data_google #import la if date1 is None: date1 =, 1, 1) if date2 is None: date2 = + datetime.timedelta(+10) #quotes_df = None #lar = None items = ['Adj Close','volume'] items_to_drop = ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close'] google_items = ['Close'] if Verbose: print "Load data" i=0 number_tries = 0 re_tries = 0 for itick, ticker in enumerate(tickers): if Verbose: print "\t" + ticker + " ", data = [] dates = [] #number_tries = 0 ##try: # read in dataframe containing adjusted close quotes for a ticker in the list #print "number_tries = ", number_tries if number_tries < 11: #print "number_tries = ", number_tries, " trying with yahoo" ''' try: data = get_data_yahoo(ticker, start = date1, end = date2)[items,:] number_tries = 0 except: pass ''' print "items = ", items data = get_data_yahoo(ticker, start = date1, end = date2) print "data = ", data print "type(data) = ", type(data) data = data['Adj Close'] #data = data.drop(items_to_drop) else: #print "number_tries = ", number_tries, " trying with google" print " ...retrieving quotes using google" try: data = get_data_google(ticker, start = date1, end = date2)[google_items] number_tries = 0 except: pass #print ' data = ', data dates = data.index #print ' dates = ', dates dates = [d.to_datetime() for d in dates] data.columns = [ticker] #print ' ticker = ', [ticker] #print ' data.columns = ', data.columns if Verbose: print i," of ",len(tickers)," ticker ",ticker," has ",data.shape[0]," quotes" if itick-re_tries == 0: #print " creating dataframe..." quotes_df = data else: #print " joining to dataframe..." quotes_df = quotes_df.join( data, how='outer' ) #print " joined to dataframe..." i += 1 ''' except: print "could not get quotes for ", ticker, " will try again and again.", number_tries sleep(3) number_tries += 1 re_tries += 1 if number_tries < 20: tickers[itick+1:itick+1] = [ticker] ''' print "number of tickers successfully processed = ", i if i > 0 : quotes_df.sort_index( axis=0, inplace=True ) return quotes_df else : # return empty DataFrame quotes_df = pd.DataFrame( [0,0], ['Dates',date2]) quotes_df.columns = ['None'] return quotes_df
import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime from pandas_datareader import data start = datetime(2017, 1, 1) end = datetime(2017, 4, 30) df = data.get_data_google("KRX:KOSPI", start, end) df.head()
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from pandas_datareader import data as dr import datetime import seaborn start_date=end_date-datetime.timedelta(days=365) data=dr.get_data_google('AMD',start=start_date,end=end_date) print(data.head())
from pandas_datareader import data import pandas as pd import numpy as np import talib as ta import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.dates as mdates import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec from matplotlib.dates import date2num from import candlestick_ohlc as candlestick import datetime ticker = 'OPK' # Download sample data sec_id = data.get_data_google(ticker, '2014-06-01') # Data for matplotlib finance plot sec_id_ochl = np.array( pd.DataFrame({ '0': date2num(sec_id.index.to_pydatetime()), '1': sec_id.Open, '2': sec_id.Close, '3': sec_id.High, '4': sec_id.Low })) # Technical Analysis SMA_FAST = 50 SMA_SLOW = 200 RSI_PERIOD = 14 RSI_AVG_PERIOD = 15
def test_get_multi_invalid(self): with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): sl = ['AAPL', 'AMZN', 'INVALID'] pan = web.get_data_google(sl, '2012') assert 'INVALID' in pan.minor_axis
df.sum() df.sum(axis=1) df.mean(axis=1,skipna=False) df.mean(axis=1) df.idxmax() df.cumsum() df.cumsum(axis=1) df.describe() obj = Series(['a','a','b','c'] * 4) obj.describe() obj %run from pandas_datareader import data all_data = {} for ticker in ['AAPL','IBM','MSFT','GOOG']: all_data[ticker] = data.get_data_google(ticker,'1/1/2000','1/1/2010') price = DataFrame({tic: data['Adj Close'] for tic, data in all_data.iteriterms()}) price = DataFrame({tic: data['Adj Close'] for tic, data in all_data.iteritems()}) all_data.iteritems() a,b in for a, b in all_data.iteritems() a,b for a, b in all_data.iteritems() [(a,b) for a, b in all_data.iteritems()] price = DataFrame({tic: data['Close'] for tic, data in all_data.iteriterms()}) price = DataFrame({tic: data['Close'] for tic, data in all_data.iteritems()}) volume = DataFrame({tic: data['Volumn'] for tic, data in all_data.iteritems()}) volume = DataFrame({tic: data['Volume'] for tic, data in all_data.iteritems()}) returns = price.pct_change() returns.tail() returns.MSFT.corr(returns.IBM) returns.MSFT.cov(returns.IBM) returns.corr()
def test_unicode_date(self): # see gh-8967 data = web.get_data_google('F', start='JAN-01-10', end='JAN-27-13') assert == 'Date'
Created on Mon Jun 12 16:07:55 2017 @author: Varun Divakar """ from pandas_datareader import data as web import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn import mixture as mix import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import talib as ta from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.svm import SVC df = web.get_data_google('SPY', start='2015-01-01', end='2016-08-01') df = df[['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close']] n = 10 t = 0.8 split = int(t * len(df)) df['high'] = df['High'].shift(1) df['low'] = df['Low'].shift(1) df['close'] = df['Close'].shift(1) df['RSI'] = ta.RSI(np.array(df['close']), timeperiod=n) df['SMA'] = df['close'].rolling(window=n).mean() df['Corr'] = df['SMA'].rolling(window=n).corr(df['close']) df['SAR']=ta.SAR(np.array(df['high']),np.array(df['low']),\ 0.2,0.2) df['ADX']=ta.ADX(np.array(df['high']),np.array(df['low']),\
def test_get_multi_invalid(self): sl = ['AAPL', 'AMZN', 'INVALID'] pan = web.get_data_google(sl, '2012') self.assertIn('INVALID', pan.minor_axis)
def _get(cls, symbol, date_from, date_to): # FIXME: temporary fix from import GoogleDailyReader GoogleDailyReader.url = '' return get_data_google(symbol, date_from, date_to)
def _mine_from_url(self, url): html = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url, headers=self.HEADERS).text, "html5lib")'searching for table with class - {}'.format(self.PRICING_TABLE_CLASS)) table = html.find('div', {'class': 'genTable'}) if not table or not table.text or not table.tbody or not table.tbody.text or not table.tbody.find_all('tr'): self.logger.warn('did not find anything for url - {}; skipping'.format(url)) return [] entries = [] rows = table.tbody.find_all('tr') for i, row in enumerate(rows): columns = row.find_all('td') if not columns: self.logger.warn('skipping entry #{} - no columns found'.format(i)) continue company = columns[0].a.text company_url = columns[0].a.attrs['href'] symbol = columns[1].a.text market = columns[2].text price = columns[3].text shares = columns[4].text amount = columns[5].text date = columns[6].text price_num = float(re.sub('[^\d\.]+', '', price))'Mining entry #{} for company - {}'.format(i, company)) try: ipo_data = self._mine_company_url(company_url) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception('failed fetching company data for - #{} - {}'.format(i, company)) ipo_data = {} try: end_date = dateutil.parser.parse(date) + timedelta(days=1) trade_data = web.get_data_google(symbol, date, end_date.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')) first_day_open = trade_data.ix[0].Open first_day_close = trade_data.ix[0].Close first_day_change = float((first_day_close - first_day_open) / first_day_open * 100) if trade_data is not None else None first_day_ipo_change = float((first_day_close - price_num) / price_num * 100) if trade_data is not None else None first_day_positive = first_day_change > 0 if first_day_change is not None else None trade_data = json.loads(trade_data.to_json()) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception('failed fetching finance data for - #{} - {}'.format(i, company)) trade_data = {} first_day_change = None first_day_positive = None first_day_open = None first_day_close = None first_day_ipo_change = None entries.append({ 'company': company, 'company_url': company_url, 'symbol': symbol, 'market': market, 'price': price, 'shares': shares, 'amount': amount, 'date': date, 'ipo_data': ipo_data, 'trade_data': trade_data, 'first_day_market_change': first_day_change, 'first_day_market_positive': first_day_positive, 'first_day_open': first_day_open, 'first_day_close': first_day_close, 'price_num': price_num, 'first_day_ipo_change': first_day_ipo_change }) return entries
def test_get_multi_invalid(self): sl = ['AAPL', 'AMZN', 'INVALID'] data = web.get_data_google(sl, '2012') assert 'INVALID' in data.columns.levels[1]
def test_get_multi_all_invalid(self): sl = ['INVALID', 'INVALID2', 'INVALID3'] with pytest.raises(RemoteDataError): web.get_data_google(sl, '2012')
def downloadQuotes(tickers, date1=None, date2=None, adjust=True, Verbose=False): """ Given a ticker sequence, return historical Yahoo! quotes as a pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- tickers : sequence A sequence (such as a list) of string tickers. For example: ['aapl', 'msft'] date1 : {, tuple}, optional The first date to grab historical quotes on. For example:, 1, 1) or (2010, 1, 1). By default the first date is (1900, 1, 1). date2 : {, tuple}, optional The last date to grab historical quotes on. For example:, 12, 31) or (2010, 12, 31). By default the last date is 10 days beyond today's date. adjust : bool, optional Adjust (default) the open, close, high, and low prices. The adjustment takes splits and dividends into account such that the corresponding returns are correct. Volume is already split adjusted by Yahoo so it is not changed by the value of `adjust`. Verbose : bool, optional Print the ticker currently being loaded. By default the tickers are not printed. Returns ------- quotes_df : DataFrame A pandas dataframe is returned. In order, the axes contain: dates, quotes (adjusted close). The elements along the item axis depend on the value of `adjust`. When `adjust` is False, the items are ['open', 'close', 'high', 'low', 'volume', 'adjclose'] When adjust is true (default), the adjusted close ('adjclose') is not included. The dates are objects. Examples -------- items = ['Adj Close'] date1 = '2012-01-01' date2 = ticker = 'GOOGL' data = get_data_yahoo(ticker, start = date1, end = date2)[items] dates = data.index data.columns = [ticker] ticker = 'AMZN' data2 = get_data_yahoo(ticker, start = date1, end = date2)[items] dates2 = data2.index data2.columns = [ticker] data = data.join(data2, how='outer') data.sort_index( axis=0, inplace=True ) data.tail() GOOGL AMZN Date 2014-04-07 540.63 317.76 2014-04-08 557.51 327.07 2014-04-09 567.04 331.81 2014-04-10 546.69 317.11 2014-04-11 537.76 311.73 """ from time import sleep from import * #from la.external.matplotlib import quotes_historical_yahoo import pandas as pd from import DataReader, get_data_yahoo, get_data_google ##from import DataReader ##from import get_data_yahoo, get_data_google #import la if date1 is None: date1 =, 1, 1) if date2 is None: date2 = + datetime.timedelta(+10) #quotes_df = None #lar = None items = ['Adj Close', 'volume'] items_to_drop = ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close'] google_items = ['Close'] if Verbose: print "Load data" i = 0 number_tries = 0 re_tries = 0 for itick, ticker in enumerate(tickers): if Verbose: print "\t" + ticker + " ", data = [] dates = [] #number_tries = 0 ##try: # read in dataframe containing adjusted close quotes for a ticker in the list #print "number_tries = ", number_tries if number_tries < 11: #print "number_tries = ", number_tries, " trying with yahoo" ''' try: data = get_data_yahoo(ticker, start = date1, end = date2)[items,:] number_tries = 0 except: pass ''' print "items = ", items data = get_data_yahoo(ticker, start=date1, end=date2) print "data = ", data print "type(data) = ", type(data) data = data['Adj Close'] #data = data.drop(items_to_drop) else: #print "number_tries = ", number_tries, " trying with google" print " ...retrieving quotes using google" try: data = get_data_google(ticker, start=date1, end=date2)[google_items] number_tries = 0 except: pass #print ' data = ', data dates = data.index #print ' dates = ', dates dates = [d.to_datetime() for d in dates] data.columns = [ticker] #print ' ticker = ', [ticker] #print ' data.columns = ', data.columns if Verbose: print i, " of ", len( tickers), " ticker ", ticker, " has ", data.shape[0], " quotes" if itick - re_tries == 0: #print " creating dataframe..." quotes_df = data else: #print " joining to dataframe..." quotes_df = quotes_df.join(data, how='outer') #print " joined to dataframe..." i += 1 ''' except: print "could not get quotes for ", ticker, " will try again and again.", number_tries sleep(3) number_tries += 1 re_tries += 1 if number_tries < 20: tickers[itick+1:itick+1] = [ticker] ''' print "number of tickers successfully processed = ", i if i > 0: quotes_df.sort_index(axis=0, inplace=True) return quotes_df else: # return empty DataFrame quotes_df = pd.DataFrame([0, 0], ['Dates', date2]) quotes_df.columns = ['None'] return quotes_df