Example #1
def test_write_codelist():
    # Retrieve codelists from a test specimen and convert to pandas
    with specimen('common-structure.xml') as f:
        dsd_common = sdmx.read_sdmx(f)
    codelists = sdmx.to_pandas(dsd_common)['codelist']

    # File contains 5 code lists
    assert len(codelists) == 5

    # Code lists have expected number of items
    assert len(codelists['CL_FREQ']) == 8

    # Items names can be retrieved by ID
    freq = codelists['CL_FREQ']
    assert freq['A'] == 'Annual'

    # Non-hierarchical code list has a string name
    assert freq.name == 'Code list for Frequency (FREQ)'

    # Hierarchical code list
    with specimen('codelist_partial.xml') as f:
        msg = sdmx.read_sdmx(f)

    # Convert single codelist
    CL_AREA = sdmx.to_pandas(msg.codelist['CL_AREA'])

    # Hierichical list has a 'parent' column; parent of Africa is the World
    assert CL_AREA.loc['002', 'parent'] == '001'

    # Pandas features can be used to merge parent names
    area_hierarchy = pd.merge(CL_AREA, CL_AREA,
                              how='left', left_on='parent', right_index=True,
                              suffixes=('', '_parent'))
    assert area_hierarchy.loc['002', 'name_parent'] == 'World'
Example #2
def test_read_sdmx(tmp_path):
    # Copy the file to a temporary file with an urecognizable suffix
    target = tmp_path / "foo.badsuffix"
    with specimen("flat.json", opened=False) as original:

    # With unknown file extension, read_sdmx() peeks at the file content

    # Format can be inferred from an already-open file without extension
    with specimen("flat.json") as f:

    # Exception raised when the file contents don't allow to guess the format
    bad_file = BytesIO(b"#! neither XML nor JSON")
    exc = (
        "cannot infer SDMX message format from path None, format={}, or content "
        "'#! ne..'")
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=exc.format("None")):

    # Using the format= argument forces a certain reader to be used
    # Create new open file:
    bad_file = BytesIO(b"#! neither XML nor JSON")
    with pytest.raises(json.JSONDecodeError):
        pandasdmx.read_sdmx(bad_file, format="JSON")
 def test_freq_in_series_attribute(self, req):
     # Test that we don't have regression on Issues #39 and #41
     # INSEE time series provide the FREQ value as attribute on the series
     # instead of a dimension. This caused a runtime error when writing as
     # pandas dataframe.
     data_response = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(SERIES["UNEMPLOYMENT_CAT_A_B_C"]["data-fp"])
Example #4
    def test_gh_75(self, req):
        """Test of https://github.com/dr-leo/pandaSDMX/pull/75."""

        df_id = "47_850"

        # # Reported Dataflow query works
        # df = req.dataflow(df_id).dataflow[df_id]

        with specimen("47_850-structure") as f:
            df = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(f).dataflow[df_id]

        # dict() key for the query
        data_key = dict(

        # Dimension components are in the correct order
        assert [dim.id for dim in df.structure.dimensions.components] == list(
        ) + ["TIME_PERIOD"]

        # Reported data query works
        req.data(df_id, key="A.001001+001002.1.AUTP.ALL.ALL")

        # Use a dict() key to force Request to make a sub-query for the DSD
        req.data(df_id, key=data_key)
Example #5
def test_write_conceptscheme():
    with specimen('common-structure.xml') as f:
        msg = sdmx.read_sdmx(f)
        data = sdmx.to_pandas(msg)

    cdc = data['concept_scheme']['CROSS_DOMAIN_CONCEPTS']
    assert cdc.loc['UNIT_MEASURE', 'name'] == 'Unit of Measure'
Example #6
def test_write_dataflow():
    # Read the INSEE dataflow definition
    with specimen('INSEE/dataflow') as f:
        msg = sdmx.read_sdmx(f)

    # Convert to pandas
    result = sdmx.to_pandas(msg, include='dataflow')

    # Number of Dataflows described in the file
    assert len(result['dataflow']) == 663

    # ID and names of first Dataflows
    mbop = 'Monthly Balance of Payments - '
    expected = pd.Series({
        'Activity by sex and age - Quarterly series',
        '{}Capital account'.format(mbop),
        '{}Financial account'.format(mbop),
        '{}Current transactions account'.format(mbop),
        '{}Overall total and main headings'.format(mbop),
    assert_pd_equal(result['dataflow'].head(), expected)
Example #7
def test_write_constraint():
    """'constraint' argument to writer.write_dataset."""
    with specimen("ng-ts.xml") as f:
        msg = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(f)

    # Fetch the message's DSD
    assert msg.structure.is_external_reference
    # NB the speciment included in tests/data has 'ECB_EXR_NG' as the
    #    data structure ID; but a query against the web service gives
    #    'ECB_EXR1' for the same data structure.
    id = "ECB_EXR1"
    dsd = (
        .get("datastructure", id)

    # Create a ContentConstraint
    cc = dsd.make_constraint({"CURRENCY": "JPY+USD"})

    # Write the message without constraint
    s1 = pandasdmx.to_pandas(msg)
    assert len(s1) == 12
    assert set(s1.index.to_frame()["CURRENCY"]) == {"CHF", "GBP", "JPY", "USD"}

    # Writing using constraint produces a fewer items; only those matching the
    # constraint
    s2 = pandasdmx.to_pandas(msg, constraint=cc)
    assert len(s2) == 6
    assert set(s2.index.to_frame()["CURRENCY"]) == {"JPY", "USD"}
Example #8
def test_write_conceptscheme():
    with specimen("common-structure.xml") as f:
        msg = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(f)
        data = pandasdmx.to_pandas(msg)

    cdc = data["concept_scheme"]["CROSS_DOMAIN_CONCEPTS"]
    assert cdc.loc["UNIT_MEASURE", "name"] == "Unit of Measure"
Example #9
def test_doc_howto_timeseries():
    with specimen("sg-ts.xml") as f:
        ds = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(f).data[0]

    # Convert to pd.Series and unstack the time dimension to columns
    base = pandasdmx.to_pandas(ds)
    s1 = base.unstack("TIME_PERIOD")

    # DatetimeIndex on columns
    s1.columns = pd.to_datetime(s1.columns)
    assert isinstance(s1.columns, pd.DatetimeIndex)

    # DatetimeIndex on index
    s2 = base.unstack("TIME_PERIOD").transpose()
    s2.index = pd.to_datetime(s2.index)
    assert isinstance(s2.index, pd.DatetimeIndex)

    # Same with pd.PeriodIndex
    s3 = s1.to_period(axis=1)
    assert isinstance(s3.columns, pd.PeriodIndex)
    assert s3.columns.freqstr == "M"

    s4 = s2.to_period(axis=0)
    assert isinstance(s4.index, pd.PeriodIndex)
    assert s4.index.freqstr == "M"
Example #10
def test_write_constraint():
    """'constraint' argument to writer.write_dataset."""
    with specimen('ng-ts.xml') as f:
        msg = sdmx.read_sdmx(f)

    # Fetch the message's DSD
    assert msg.structure.is_external_reference
    # NB the speciment included in tests/data has 'ECB_EXR_NG' as the
    #    data structure ID; but a query against the web service gives
    #    'ECB_EXR1' for the same data structure.
    id = 'ECB_EXR1'
    dsd = sdmx.Request(msg.structure.maintainer.id) \
              .get('datastructure', id) \

    # Create a ContentConstraint
    cc = dsd.make_constraint({'CURRENCY': 'JPY+USD'})

    # Write the message without constraint
    s1 = sdmx.to_pandas(msg)
    assert len(s1) == 12
    assert set(s1.index.to_frame()['CURRENCY']) == {'CHF', 'GBP', 'JPY', 'USD'}

    # Writing using constraint produces a fewer items; only those matching the
    # constraint
    s2 = sdmx.to_pandas(msg, constraint=cc)
    assert len(s2) == 6
    assert set(s2.index.to_frame()['CURRENCY']) == {'JPY', 'USD'}
Example #11
def test_message_repr(pattern, expected):
    with specimen(pattern) as f:
        msg = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(f)
    if isinstance(expected, re.Pattern):
        assert expected.fullmatch(repr(msg))
        assert expected == repr(msg)
    def test_load_dataset(self, req):
        dataset_code = "IPI-2010-A21"

        # Load all dataflows
        dataflows_response = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(DATAFLOW_FP)
        dataflows = dataflows_response.dataflow

        assert len(dataflows) == 663
        assert dataset_code in dataflows

        # Load datastructure for current dataset_code
        fp_datastructure = DATASETS[dataset_code]["datastructure-fp"]
        datastructure_response = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(fp_datastructure)
        assert dataset_code in datastructure_response.dataflow
        dsd = datastructure_response.dataflow[dataset_code].structure

        # Verify dimensions list
        dimensions = OrderedDict(
            [dim.id, dim]
            for dim in dsd.dimensions
            if dim.id not in ["TIME", "TIME_PERIOD"]
        dim_keys = list(dimensions.keys())
        assert dim_keys == ["FREQ", "PRODUIT", "NATURE"]

        # Load datas for the current dataset
        fp_data = DATASETS[dataset_code]["data-fp"]
        data = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(fp_data)

        # Verify series count and values
        series = data.data[0].series
        series_count = len(series)
        assert series_count == DATASETS[dataset_code]["series_count"]

        first_series = series[0]
        observations = first_series

        first_obs = observations[0]
        last_obs = observations[-1]

        assert first_obs.dim == "2015-10"
        assert first_obs.value == "105.61"

        assert last_obs.dim == "1990-01"
        assert last_obs.value == "139.22"
def test_structure_roundtrip(pytestconfig, specimen_id, strict, tmp_path):
    """Test that pandasdmx.ML StructureMessages can be 'round-tripped'."""

    # Read a specimen file
    with specimen(specimen_id) as f:
        msg0 = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(f)

    # Write to file
    path = tmp_path / "output.xml"
    path.write_bytes(pandasdmx.to_xml(msg0, pretty_print=True))

    # Read again
    msg1 = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(path)

    # Contents are identical
    assert msg0.compare(msg1, strict), (
        path.read_text() if pytestconfig.getoption("verbose") else path
Example #14
def test_write_data_arguments():
    msg = sdmx.read_sdmx(test_files(kind='data')['argvalues'][0])

    # Attributes must be a string
    with raises(TypeError):
        sdmx.to_pandas(msg, attributes=2)

    # Attributes must contain only 'dgso'
    with raises(ValueError):
        sdmx.to_pandas(msg, attributes='foobarbaz')
Example #15
def test_write_data_arguments():
    msg = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(test_files(kind="data")["argvalues"][0])

    # Attributes must be a string
    with raises(TypeError):
        pandasdmx.to_pandas(msg, attributes=2)

    # Attributes must contain only 'dgso'
    with raises(ValueError):
        pandasdmx.to_pandas(msg, attributes="foobarbaz")
Example #16
    def test_load_dataset(self, req):
        dataset_code = 'IPI-2010-A21'

        # Load all dataflows
        dataflows_response = sdmx.read_sdmx(DATAFLOW_FP)
        dataflows = dataflows_response.dataflow

        assert len(dataflows) == 663
        assert dataset_code in dataflows

        # Load datastructure for current dataset_code
        fp_datastructure = DATASETS[dataset_code]['datastructure-fp']
        datastructure_response = sdmx.read_sdmx(fp_datastructure)
        assert dataset_code in datastructure_response.dataflow
        dsd = datastructure_response.dataflow[dataset_code].structure

        # Verify dimensions list
        dimensions = OrderedDict([dim.id, dim] for dim in dsd.dimensions
                                 if dim.id not in ['TIME', 'TIME_PERIOD'])
        dim_keys = list(dimensions.keys())
        assert dim_keys == ['FREQ', 'PRODUIT', 'NATURE']

        # Load datas for the current dataset
        fp_data = DATASETS[dataset_code]['data-fp']
        data = sdmx.read_sdmx(fp_data)

        # Verify series count and values
        series = data.data[0].series
        series_count = len(series)
        assert series_count == DATASETS[dataset_code]['series_count']

        first_series = series[0]
        observations = first_series

        first_obs = observations[0]
        last_obs = observations[-1]

        assert first_obs.dim == '2015-10'
        assert first_obs.value == '105.61'

        assert last_obs.dim == '1990-01'
        assert last_obs.value == '139.22'
Example #17
def test_write_categoryscheme():
    with specimen("IPI-2010-A21-structure.xml") as f:
        msg = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(f)
        data = pandasdmx.to_pandas(msg)

    cs = data["category_scheme"]["CLASSEMENT_DATAFLOWS"]

    assert cs.loc["COMPTA-NAT", "name"] == "National accounts (GDP, consumption...)"

    # Children appear
    assert cs.loc["CNA-PIB-2005", "parent"] == "CNA-PIB"
Example #18
def test_read_xml_structure_insee():
    with specimen('IPI-2010-A21-structure.xml') as f:
        msg = sdmx.read_sdmx(f)

    # Same objects referenced
    assert (id(msg.dataflow['IPI-2010-A21'].structure) ==

    # Number of dimensions loaded correctly
    dsd = msg.structure['IPI-2010-A21']
    assert len(dsd.dimensions) == 4
Example #19
def test_read_xml_structure_insee():
    msg = sdmx.read_sdmx(test_data_path / 'insee' /

    # Same objects referenced
    assert (id(msg.dataflow['IPI-2010-A21'].structure) ==

    # Number of dimensions loaded correctly
    dsd = msg.structure['IPI-2010-A21']
    assert len(dsd.dimensions) == 4
    def test_fixe_key_names(self, req):
        """Verify key or attribute contains '-' in name."""
        dataset_code = "CNA-2010-CONSO-SI-A17"

        fp_datastructure = DATASETS[dataset_code]["datastructure-fp"]
        datastructure_response = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(fp_datastructure)
        assert dataset_code in datastructure_response.dataflow
        dsd = datastructure_response.dataflow[dataset_code].structure

        dimensions = OrderedDict(
            [dim.id, dim]
            for dim in dsd.dimensions
            if dim.id not in ["TIME", "TIME_PERIOD"]
        dim_keys = list(dimensions.keys())
        assert dim_keys == ["SECT-INST", "OPERATION", "PRODUIT", "PRIX"]

        fp_data = DATASETS[dataset_code]["data-fp"]
        data = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(fp_data)
        series = data.data[0].series
        series_key = list(series.keys())[0]

        assert list(series_key.values.keys()) == [

        assert list(series_key.attrib.keys()) == [
Example #21
def test_write_data(data_path):
    msg = sdmx.read_sdmx(data_path)

    result = sdmx.to_pandas(msg)

    expected = expected_data(data_path)
    if expected is not None:
        print(expected, result, sep='\n')
    assert_pd_equal(expected, result)

    # TODO incomplete
    assert isinstance(result, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, list)), type(result)
Example #22
def _read_structure_message(path):
    # Need to support pandasdmx==0.9 because 1.0 is not available for Python3.6
    if pandasdmx.__version__.startswith("0.9"):
        req = pandasdmx.Request()
        structure = req.get(fromfile=str(path),
        return structure.write()

    if pandasdmx.__version__.startswith("1."):
        return pandasdmx.read_sdmx(path)

    raise Exception(f"pandasdmx version is {pandasdmx.__version__}")
Example #23
def test_exr_constraints():
    with specimen('1/structure-full.xml') as f:
        m = sdmx.read_sdmx(f)
    ECB_EXR1 = m.structure['ECB_EXR1']

    # Test DimensionDescriptor
    dd = ECB_EXR1.dimensions

    # Correct order
    assert dd[0].id == 'FREQ'

    # Correct number of dimensions
    assert len(dd.components) == 6

    # Dimensions can be retrieved by name; membership can be tested
    assert 'W' in dd.get('FREQ')

    # Similar tests for AttributeDescriptor
    ad = ECB_EXR1.attributes
    assert len(ad.components) == 24
    assert ad[-1].id == 'UNIT_MULT'
    assert '5' in ad.get('UNIT_MULT')

    pytest.xfail('constrained codes not implemented')  # TODO
    assert len(m._constrained_codes), 14

    assert 'W' not in m._constrained_codes.FREQ

    key = {'FREQ': ['W']}

    assert m.in_codes(key)

    assert not m.in_constraints(key, raise_error=False)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    assert m.in_constraints({'CURRENCY': ['CHF']})

    # test with invalid key
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        m._in_constraints({'FREQ': 'A'})

    # structure writer with constraints
    out = sdmx.to_pandas(m)
    cl = out.codelist
    assert cl.shape == (3555, 2)

    # unconstrained codelists
    out = sdmx.to_pandas(m, constraint=False)
    cl = out.codelist
    assert cl.shape, (4177, 2)
Example #24
def test_exr_constraints():
    with specimen("1/structure-full.xml") as f:
        m = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(f)
    ECB_EXR1 = m.structure["ECB_EXR1"]

    # Test DimensionDescriptor
    dd = ECB_EXR1.dimensions

    # Correct order
    assert dd[0].id == "FREQ"

    # Correct number of dimensions
    assert len(dd.components) == 6

    # Dimensions can be retrieved by name; membership can be tested
    assert "W" in dd.get("FREQ")

    # Similar tests for AttributeDescriptor
    ad = ECB_EXR1.attributes
    assert len(ad.components) == 24
    assert ad[-1].id == "UNIT_MULT"
    assert "5" in ad.get("UNIT_MULT")

    pytest.xfail("constrained codes not implemented")
    assert len(m._constrained_codes), 14

    assert "W" not in m._constrained_codes.FREQ

    key = {"FREQ": ["W"]}

    assert m.in_codes(key)

    assert not m.in_constraints(key, raise_error=False)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    assert m.in_constraints({"CURRENCY": ["CHF"]})

    # test with invalid key
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        m._in_constraints({"FREQ": "A"})

    # structure writer with constraints
    out = pandasdmx.to_pandas(m)
    cl = out.codelist
    assert cl.shape == (3555, 2)

    # unconstrained codelists
    out = pandasdmx.to_pandas(m, constraint=False)
    cl = out.codelist
    assert cl.shape, (4177, 2)
Example #25
def test_write_codelist():
    # Retrieve codelists from a test specimen and convert to pandas
    with specimen("common-structure.xml") as f:
        dsd_common = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(f)
    codelists = pandasdmx.to_pandas(dsd_common)["codelist"]

    # File contains 5 code lists
    assert len(codelists) == 5

    # Code lists have expected number of items
    assert len(codelists["CL_FREQ"]) == 8

    # Items names can be retrieved by ID
    freq = codelists["CL_FREQ"]
    assert freq["A"] == "Annual"

    # Non-hierarchical code list has a string name
    assert freq.name == "Code list for Frequency (FREQ)"

    # Hierarchical code list
    with specimen("codelist_partial.xml") as f:
        msg = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(f)

    # Convert single codelist
    CL_AREA = pandasdmx.to_pandas(msg.codelist["CL_AREA"])

    # Hierichical list has a 'parent' column; parent of Africa is the World
    assert CL_AREA.loc["002", "parent"] == "001"

    # Pandas features can be used to merge parent names
    area_hierarchy = pd.merge(
        suffixes=("", "_parent"),
    assert area_hierarchy.loc["002", "name_parent"] == "World"
def test_data_roundtrip(pytestconfig, data_id, structure_id, tmp_path):
    """Test that SDMX-ML DataMessages can be 'round-tripped'."""

    # Read structure from file
    with specimen(structure_id) as f:
        dsd = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(f).structure[0]

    # Read data from file, using the DSD
    with specimen(data_id) as f:
        msg0 = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(f, dsd=dsd)

    # Write to file
    path = tmp_path / "output.xml"
    path.write_bytes(pandasdmx.to_xml(msg0, pretty_print=True))

    # Read again, using the same DSD
    msg1 = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(path, dsd=dsd)

    # Contents are identical
    assert msg0.compare(msg1, strict=True), (
        path.read_text() if pytestconfig.getoption("verbose") else path
Example #27
def test_write_categoryscheme():
    with specimen('IPI-2010-A21-structure.xml') as f:
        msg = sdmx.read_sdmx(f)
        data = sdmx.to_pandas(msg)

    cs = data['category_scheme']['CLASSEMENT_DATAFLOWS']

    assert (cs.loc['COMPTA-NAT',
                   'name'] == 'National accounts (GDP, consumption...)')

    # Children appear
    assert cs.loc['CNA-PIB-2005', 'parent'] == 'CNA-PIB'
Example #28
def test_flat():
    # Create a bare Message
    msg = DataMessage()

    # Recreate the content from exr-flat.json
    header = Header(
    msg.header = header

    ds = DataSet()

    # Create a Key and attributes
    key = Key(
    obs_status = DataAttribute(id="OBS_STATUS")
    attr = {"OBS_STATUS": AttributeValue(value_for=obs_status, value="A")}

        Observation(dimension=key, value=1.5931, attached_attribute=attr))

    key = key.copy(TIME_PERIOD="2013-01-21")
        Observation(dimension=key, value=1.5925, attached_attribute=attr))

    key = key.copy(CURRENCY="RUB", TIME_PERIOD="2013-01-18")
        Observation(dimension=key, value=40.3426, attached_attribute=attr))

    key = key.copy(TIME_PERIOD="2013-01-21")
        Observation(dimension=key, value=40.3000, attached_attribute=attr))


    # Write to pd.Dataframe
    df1 = pandasdmx.to_pandas(msg)

    with specimen("flat.json") as f:
        ref = pandasdmx.read_sdmx(f)
    df2 = pandasdmx.to_pandas(ref)

    assert_pd_equal(df1, df2)
Example #29
def test_read_ss_xml():
    base_path = test_data_path / 'exr' / '1'
    dsd_path = base_path / 'structure.xml'
    msg_path = base_path / 'M.USD.EUR.SP00.A.xml'

    # Read the DSD
    dsd = sdmx.read_sdmx(dsd_path).structure['ECB_EXR1']

    # Read a data message
    msg = sdmx.read_sdmx(msg_path, dsd=dsd)
    ds = msg.data[0]

    # The dataset in the message is structured by the DSD
    assert ds.structured_by is dsd

    # Structures referenced in the dataset are from the dsd

    s0_key = list(ds.series.keys())[0]

    # AttributeValue.value_for
    assert s0_key.attrib['DECIMALS'].value_for \
        is dsd.attributes.get('DECIMALS')

    # SeriesKey.described_by
    assert s0_key.described_by is dsd.dimensions

    # Key.described_by
    assert ds.obs[0].key.described_by is dsd.dimensions

    # KeyValue.value_for
    assert ds.obs[0].key.values[0].value_for \
        is dsd.dimensions.get('FREQ')

    # DSD information that is not in the data message can be looked up through
    # navigating object relationships
    TIME_FORMAT = s0_key.attrib['TIME_FORMAT'].value_for
    assert len(TIME_FORMAT.related_to.dimensions) == 5
Example #30
def test_flat():
    # Create a bare Message
    msg = DataMessage()

    # Recreate the content from exr-flat.json
    header = Header(
    msg.header = header

    ds = DataSet()

    # Create a Key and attributes
    key = Key(FREQ='D',
    obs_status = DataAttribute(id='OBS_STATUS')
    attr = {'OBS_STATUS': AttributeValue(value_for=obs_status, value='A')}

        Observation(dimension=key, value=1.5931, attached_attribute=attr))

    key = key.copy(TIME_PERIOD='2013-01-21')
        Observation(dimension=key, value=1.5925, attached_attribute=attr))

    key = key.copy(CURRENCY='RUB', TIME_PERIOD='2013-01-18')
        Observation(dimension=key, value=40.3426, attached_attribute=attr))

    key = key.copy(TIME_PERIOD='2013-01-21')
        Observation(dimension=key, value=40.3000, attached_attribute=attr))


    # Write to pd.Dataframe
    df1 = sdmx.to_pandas(msg)

    with specimen('flat.json') as f:
        ref = sdmx.read_sdmx(f)
    df2 = sdmx.to_pandas(ref)

    assert_pd_equal(df1, df2)