Example #1
def obv(price, volume):
    price = utils.safe_series(price)
    volume = utils.safe_series(volume)
    obv = (roc(price) > 0).astype(int) * volume - (roc(price) <= 0).astype(int) * volume
    obv[0:1] = volume[0:1]
    obv = obv.cumsum()
    rval = obv
    utils.safe_name(rval, name='OBV')
    rval.index = price.index
    return rval
Example #2
def pd_ema(arg, ratio=0.1):
    ''' EMA, implemented with `pandas.stats.moments.ewma` '''
    span = 2.0 / (1-ratio) - 1
    arg = utils.safe_series(arg)
    rval = ewma(arg, span=span)
    utils.safe_name(rval, name='pdEMA')
    return rval
Example #3
def wilder_sum(arg, window=14):
    ''' An internal function of R TTR package '''
    arg = utils.safe_series(arg)
    rval = fast.wilder_sum(arg, window)
    rval.name = arg.name
    utils.safe_name(rval, name='wilderSum')
    rval.index = arg.index
    return rval
Example #4
def emv(hl, volume, window=9, ma_type='sma', vol_divisor=1000):
    high, low = utils.safe_hl(hl)
    volume = utils.safe_series(volume)
    mid = .5 * (high + low)
    volume /= vol_divisor
    rval = (mid - mid.shift(1)) / (volume / (high - low))
    rval_ma = ma.get_ma(ma_type)(rval, window)
    return pd.DataFrame(dict(emv=rval, maEMV=rval_ma), index=hl.index)
Example #5
def trix(price, window=20, n_sig=9, ma_type='ema', percent=True):
    ''' Triple Smoothed Exponential Oscillator '''
    warnings.warn('The parameter of n_sig is not used in TTR. So currently it is not used as well here for unittest purpose.')
    price = utils.safe_series(price)
    mafunc = ma.get_ma(ma_type)
    mavg0 = mafunc(price, window)
    mavg1 = mafunc(mavg0, window)
    mavg2 = mafunc(mavg1, window)
    if percent:
        trix_ = 100 * roc(mavg2, window=1, type_='discrete')
        trix_ = mavg2 - mavg2.shift(1)
    signal = mafunc(trix_, window)
    return pd.DataFrame(dict(TRIX=trix_, signal=signal), index=price.index)
Example #6
def tdi(price, window=20, multiple=2):
    ''' Trend Detection Index '''
    price = utils.safe_series(price)
    mom = price - price.shift(window)
    mom[np.isnan(mom)] = 0
    di = pd.rolling_sum(mom, window)
    di_abs = di.abs()
    mom_2n_abs = pd.rolling_sum(mom.abs(), window*multiple)
    mom_1n_abs = pd.rolling_sum(mom.abs(), window)
    tdi_ = di_abs - (mom_2n_abs - mom_1n_abs)
    return pd.DataFrame(dict(tdi=tdi_, di=di), index=price.index)
Example #7
def mfi(hlc, volume, window=14):
    high, low, close = utils.safe_hlc(hlc)
    volume = utils.safe_series(volume) / 1000
    price = (high+low+close) * 1.0 / 3
    mf = price * volume
    pmf = (mf > mf.shift(1)).astype(int) * mf
    nmf = (mf < mf.shift(1)).astype(int) * mf
    mr = pd.rolling_sum(pmf, window) / pd.rolling_sum(nmf, window)
    rval = 100 - (100/(1 + mr))
    utils.safe_name(rval, name='MFI')
    rval.index = hlc.index
    return rval    
Example #8
def roc(arg, window=1, type_='continuous'):
    arg = utils.safe_series(arg)
    arg = arg.astype(float)
    if type_ == 'continuous':
        rval = np.log(arg) - np.log(arg.shift(window))
    elif type_ == 'discrete':
        rval = arg / arg.shift(window) - 1
        raise NotImplementedError()
    rval.name = arg.name
    utils.safe_name(rval, name='ROC')
    rval.index = arg.index
    return rval
Example #9
def dpo(arg, window, ma_type='sma', shift=None, percent=False):
    if shift is None:
        shift = window / 2 + 1
    arg = utils.safe_series(arg)
    ma_fn = eval('ma.%s'%ma_type)
    arg_mean = ma_fn(arg, window=window)
    arg_mean = arg_mean.shift(-shift)
    if percent:
        rval = 100 * (arg/arg_mean - 1)
        rval = arg - arg_mean
    rval.name = arg.name
    utils.safe_name(rval, name='DPO')
    rval.index = arg.index
    return rval
Example #10
def rsi(arg, window=14, ma_type='ema'):
    ''' Relative strength index '''

    arg = utils.safe_series(arg)
    ma_fn = eval('ma.%s'%ma_type)

    last = arg.shift(1).fillna(0)
    diff = arg - last

    up = diff * (diff > 0)
    down = diff * (diff < 0) * -1

    rs = ma_fn(up, window=window) / ma_fn(down, window=window)
    rval = 100 - 100 / (1+rs)

    rval.name = arg.name
    utils.safe_name(rval, name='RSI')
    rval.index = arg.index

    return rval
Example #11
def sma(arg, window=10):
    ''' Simple Mean Average '''
    arg = utils.safe_series(arg)
    rval = pd.rolling_mean(arg, window)
    utils.safe_name(rval, name='SMA')
    return rval