def test_quotes_129(): #pf text = [pf.Str("Some"), pf.Space, pf.Str("quoted text")] quoted_text = pf.Quoted(*text) para = pf.Para(quoted_text) output = pf.stringify(para, False) assert output == '"Some quoted text"'
def handleStringPattern2(elem, doc): splt = recomp2.split(elem.text) logging.debug("Pattern2 text: " + elem.text + " \t " + str(splt)) if len(splt) == 3 and isinstance(, pf.Space): logging.debug("Replacing " + elem.text + " to " + splt[1] + "(Halfspace)/ at recomp2") return [pf.Str(splt[1]), getInline(doc), pf.Str("/")]
def filter_hatena_footnote(elem, doc): """ 脚注をはてな記法に置き換え. <code> が含まれていると機能しないので平文に変換する. """ if isinstance(elem, pf.Note): content_without_code = [pf.Str(f'`{pf.stringify(x)}`') if isinstance(x, pf.Code) else x for x in elem.content[0].content] return [pf.Str('((')] + content_without_code + [pf.Str('))')]
def action(self, elem, doc): if isinstance(elem, pf.RawBlock): if elem.text == r"\newpage": if (doc.format == "docx"): pf.debug("Page Break") elem = self.pagebreak elif elem.text == r"\newsection": if (doc.format == "docx"): pf.debug("Section Break") elem = self.sectionbreak else: elem = [] elif elem.text == r"\toc": if (doc.format == "docx"): pf.debug("Table of Contents") para = [ pf.Para(pf.Str("Table"), pf.Space(), pf.Str("of"), pf.Space(), pf.Str("Contents")) ] div = pf.Div(*para, attributes={"custom-style": "TOC Heading"}) elem = [div, self.toc] else: elem = [] return elem
def test_cancel_emph(self): ast = deepcopy(self.ast_double_type) ast.walk(self.cancel_repeated_type) res = convert_text(ast, input_format="panflute", output_format="native") ref = pf.Para(pf.Str("a"), pf.Space, self.ElementType(pf.Str("b"))) ref_native = convert_text(ref, input_format="panflute", output_format="native") assert res == ref_native
def _nonnormative(name): _wrap( pf.Span(pf.Str('[ '), pf.Emph(pf.Str('{}:'.format(name.title()))), pf.Space), pf.Span(pf.Str(' — '), pf.Emph(pf.Str('end {}'.format(name.lower()))), pf.Str(' ]')))
def test_to_emph_simple(self): ast = deepcopy(self.simple) ast.walk(self.to_type) res = convert_text(ast, input_format="panflute", output_format="native") ref = pf.Para(self.ElementType(pf.Str("a")), pf.Space, self.ElementType(pf.Str("b"))) ref_native = convert_text(ref, input_format="panflute", output_format="native") assert res == ref_native
def test_merge_emph2(self): ast = deepcopy(self.ast2) ast.walk(self.merge_consecutive_type) res = convert_text(ast, input_format="panflute", output_format="native") ref = pf.Para(self.ElementType(pf.Str("a"), pf.Space, pf.Str("b"))) ref_native = convert_text(ref, input_format="panflute", output_format="native") assert res == ref_native
def exercise_filter(elem, doc): if isinstance(elem, pf.Para) and len(elem.content) == 0: return [] ## Remove empty paragraphs ... elif isinstance(elem, pf.Header) and ( "exercise" in elem.classes): # No need to use level 3 and elem.level==3: if "reset" in elem.classes: doc.exercisecount = 1 else: doc.exercisecount += 1 #print(sys.stderr,"Exercise detected",file=sys.stderr) doc.inside_exercise = True return [] elif isinstance(elem, pf.Header) and ( "question" in elem.classes): # No need to use level 3 and elem.level==3: if "reset" in elem.classes: doc.questioncount = 1 else: doc.questioncount += 1 #print(sys.stderr,"Exercise detected",file=sys.stderr) doc.inside_question = True return [] elif doc.inside_exercise: if isinstance(elem, pf.Para) and len(elem.content) > 0: cogollo = pf.Str(str(doc.exercisecount) + ".-") elem.content = [pf.Strong(cogollo), pf.Space] + list(elem.content) doc.inside_exercise = False return elem elif doc.inside_question: if isinstance(elem, pf.Para) and len(elem.content) > 0: cogollo = pf.Str(str(doc.questioncount) + ".-") elem.content = [pf.Strong(cogollo), pf.Space] + list(elem.content) doc.inside_question = False return elem
def render_citations(elem, doc, string=False): if isinstance(elem, pf.Cite): if doc.format == "latex" and not doc.get_metadata( "doit_citeproc_for_latex", True ): latex_commands = [] latex_command = "\\autocite{{{ids}}}" if hasattr(elem, "latex_command") and elem.latex_command: for command in elem.latex_command: head = "" if command.startswith("\\") else "\\cite" latex_command = "{head}{command}{{{{{{ids}}}}}}".format( head=head, command=command ) latex_commands.append(latex_command) else: latex_commands.append(latex_command) citations = ",".join([ for c in elem.citations]) raw = "".join(lc.format(ids=citations) for lc in latex_commands) if string: return raw else: return pf.RawInline(raw, format="latex") else: if hasattr(elem, "latex_command") and "author" in elem.latex_command: names = [] amount_citations = len(elem.citations) for i in range(1, amount_citations + 1): citation = elem.citations[i - 1] citation = doc.bibliography.get(, False) if citation: names_list = citation.get( "author", citation.get("editor", False) ) if names_list: names.extend(utils.format_names(names_list)) if not i == amount_citations: names.extend([pf.Str(", "), pf.Space]) if names: if if pf.stringify(names[-1]).endswith(".") and pf.stringify( ).startswith("."): names[-1] = pf.Str(pf.stringify(names[-1])[:-1]) return pf.Span(*names) return pf.Cite(citations=elem.citations)
def finalize(doc): reader_options = pf.load_reader_options() definitions = [] for k, v in reader_options.items(): term = [pf.Str(k)] definition = pf.Definition(pf.Para(pf.Str(repr(v)))) definitions.append(pf.DefinitionItem(term, [definition])) doc.content.append(pf.DefinitionList(*definitions))
def str_to_metainline(raw_str): tokens=raw_str.split(" ") mi=pf.MetaInlines(pf.Str(tokens[0])) i=0 for i in range(1,len(tokens)): mi.content.append(pf.Space) mi.content.append(pf.Str(tokens[i])) return mi
def test_valid_content_strs_html(self): doc = common.MockDoc('html') span = pf.Span(pf.Str('a'), pf.Str('b'), pf.Str('c'), classes=['gloss']) gloss.parse(span, doc) self.assertEqual(pf.stringify(span), 'a<br/>b<br/>c')
def test_all_emph_together(self): ast = deepcopy(self.combined) ast.walk(self.to_type) ast.walk(self.cancel_repeated_type) ast.walk(self.merge_consecutive_type) res = convert_text(ast, input_format="panflute", output_format="native") ref = pf.Para(pf.Str("a"), pf.Str("b"), pf.Space, self.ElementType(pf.Str("c"), pf.Str("d"))) ref_native = convert_text(ref, input_format="panflute", output_format="native") assert res == ref_native
def action2(elem,doc) : pattern = re.compile("\[\!(.*?)\]") if isinstance(elem,pf.Str) : for m in pattern.finditer(elem.text) : span = m.span() i = heq = [ x for x in doc.backmatter if x.i == i ] if len(heq) != 0 : return [pf.Str(elem.text[0:span[0]]), heq[0].toLink(), pf.Str(elem.text[span[1]:]) ]
def test_valid_content_strs(self): doc = common.MockDoc('html') span = pf.Span(pf.Str('a'), pf.Str('b'), pf.Str('c'), pf.Str('d'), classes=['phonrule']) phonrule.parse(span, doc) self.assertEqual(pf.stringify(span), 'a -> b/c_d')
def test_valid_content_strs_and_spans_latex(self): doc = common.MockDoc('latex') span1 = pf.Span(pf.Str('a')) str1 = pf.Str('b') span2 = pf.Span(pf.Str('c')) str2 = pf.Str('d') span = pf.Span(span1, str1, span2, str2, classes=['phonrule']) phonrule.parse(span, doc) self.assertEqual(pf.stringify(span), '\\phonb{a}{b}{c}{d}')
def test_valid_content_strs_and_spans_latex(self): doc = common.MockDoc('latex') span1 = pf.Span(pf.Str('a')) str1 = pf.Str('b') span2 = pf.Span(pf.Str('c')) span = pf.Span(span1, str1, span2, classes=['gloss']) gloss.parse(span, doc) self.assertEqual( pf.stringify(span), '\\begin{exe}\n\\ex\n\\gll a\\\\\nb\\\\\n\\trans c\n\\end{exe}')
def finalize(doc): c1 = pf.TableCell(pf.Plain(pf.Str("Element"))) c2 = pf.TableCell(pf.Plain(pf.Str("Frequency"))) header = pf.TableRow(c1, c2) rows = [] for tag in doc.counter: c1 = pf.TableCell(pf.Plain(pf.Str(tag))) c2 = pf.TableCell(pf.Plain(pf.Str(str(doc.counter[tag])))) rows.append(pf.TableRow(c1, c2)) table = pf.Table(*rows, header=header) doc.content = [table] # bugbug?
def finalize(doc: pf.Doc): #raise Exception("input file %s header_level %s" % (doc.input_file, doc.header_level)) header = pf.Header(pf.Str(doc.meta_title), level=doc.header_level) doc.content.insert(0, header) doc.content.insert(1, pf.Para(pf.Str(doc.description))) del doc.header_level del doc.input_file del doc.meta_title del doc.description del doc.images_path del doc.out_meta
def format_names(names): first = pf.Emph(pf.Str(split_name(names[0])[0])) if len(names) == 0: return [first] elif len(names) == 1: second = pf.Emph(pf.Str(split_name(names[0])[0])) return [first, pf.Str("and"), second] elif len(names) > 1: return [first, pf.Str("et al.")]
def autounderlined(elem, doc): if doc.autounderlined and type(elem) == pf.Link: ##Create a span with bogus content but class underline span = pf.Span(pf.Str('More'), pf.Space, pf.Str('words.'), classes=["underline"]) ## Force link's content to become the span's content span.content = elem.content ## Put the span inside the link elem.content = [span] #return the modified link return elem
def test_merge_root_multiple_nodes(self): doc = common.MockDoc('html') filename = os.path.join('linguafilter', 'test_lexicon.csv') attributes = {'file': filename, 'merge_root': 'foo'} div = pf.Div(pf.Para(pf.Str('{field1}')), pf.Para(pf.Str('{field2}')), attributes=attributes, classes=['lexicon']) with self.assertRaisesRegexp( Exception, 'if merge_root is specified, there can be only one node under the lexicon div' ): lexicon.parse(div, doc)
def fenced_action(options, data, element, doc): modalid = options.get('id', 'modal1') title = options.get('title') closebtn = options.get('closebtn', True) size = options.get('size', 'default') size2class = { 'default': None, 'small' : 'modal-sm', 'sm' : 'modal-sm', 'large' : 'modal-lg', 'lg' : 'modal-lg', 'xlarge' : 'modal-xl', 'xl' : 'modal-xl', } components = [] if title: modal_header1 = pf.Header(pf.Str(title), classes=['modal-title'], level=5, identifier=modalid + 'Title') modal_header2 = pf.Div( pf.Div(pf.Para(pf.Str('x')), attributes = {'aria-hidden': "true"}), classes = ['close', 'button'], attributes = { 'type': 'button', 'data-dismiss': 'modal', 'aria-label': 'Close' }) components.append(pf.Div(modal_header1, modal_header2, classes = ['modal-header'])) components.append(pf.Div(*data, classes = ['modal-body'])) if closebtn: components.append(pf.Div( pf.Div(pf.Para(pf.Str('Close')), classes = ['button', 'btn', 'btn-secondary'], attributes = { 'type': 'button', 'data-dismiss': 'modal', }), classes = ['modal-footer'] )) modal_content = pf.Div(*components, classes = ['modal-content']) mainclasses = ['modal-dialog', 'modal-dialog-centered', 'modal-dialog-scrollable'] sizeclass = size2class.get(size) if sizeclass: mainclasses.append(sizeclass) model_dialog = pf.Div(modal_content, classes = mainclasses, attributes = {'role': 'document'}) return pf.Div(model_dialog, classes = ['modal', 'fade'], identifier = modalid, attributes = { 'tabindex' : '-1', 'role' : 'dialog', 'aria-labelledby': modalid + 'Title', 'aria-hidden' : "true" })
def action(elem, doc): global collect_tags, tag_sequence if isinstance( elem, pf.Header) and "course-title" in elem.classes and collect_tags: # this is a course separator, we should reset state build_course_barcode(doc) collect_tags = False tag_sequence = [] if isinstance(elem, pf.Header) and pf.stringify(elem) == "Learning objectives": collect_tags = elem.index + 1 if isinstance(elem, pf.Span) and "used-in" in elem.attributes: courses = ", ".join(elem.attributes['used-in'].split()) used_in = pf.Span(pf.Str(f"(Depended on by {courses})")) elem.content.append(pf.Space()) elem.content.append(used_in) if isinstance(elem, pf.Span) and "outcomes" in elem.attributes: outcomes = elem.attributes["outcomes"].split() outcome_spans = [] for outcome in outcomes: # only include outcomes in the sequence if there's an ID if collect_tags: tag_sequence.append(outcome) outcome_spans.append(pf.Space()) if outcome not in outcome_colours: outcome_colours[outcome] = colours.popleft() colour = outcome_colours[outcome] if doc.format in ('html', 'html5'): outcome_spans.append( pf.Span( pf.Str(outcome), attributes={ 'style': f"color:{colour[0]};background-color:{colour[1]};border:1px solid black;" })) elif doc.format == 'latex': outcome_spans.append( pf.Span( pf.RawInline(f""" \\tcbox[on line,arc=0pt, outer arc=0pt,boxsep=0pt,boxrule=1pt,top=2pt,bottom=2pt,left=1pt,right=1pt,colback={colour[1]}]{{ \\color{{{colour[0]}}}{outcome} }} """, format='latex'))) elem.content.extend(outcome_spans)
def test_remove_empty_paragraphs(self): """It should remove empty paras in document""" doc = pf.Doc( pf.Para(pf.Str("Foo"), pf.Space(), pf.Str("Bar")), pf.Para(), pf.Para(pf.Str("Bar"), pf.Space(), pf.Str("Baz")), ) remove_empty_paragraphs(doc) self.assertEqual(len(doc.content), 2) para1 = doc.content[0] self.assertEqual(para1.content[0].text, "Foo") self.assertEqual(para1.content[2].text, "Bar") para2 = doc.content[1] self.assertEqual(para2.content[0].text, "Bar") self.assertEqual(para2.content[2].text, "Baz")
def listingtable(self, filename, idn, caption, options): if self.doc.format in ["latex"]: for c in caption: if isinstance(c, (pf.Str)): c.text = c.text.replace("_", r"\textunderscore ") # pf.debug(c.text) basename = os.path.basename(filename) # /path/to/file.txt -> file.txt file_type = options.get("type", "plain") types = [file_type, "numberLines"] startFrom = options.get("startFrom", "1") numbers = options.get("numbers", "left") attr = {"startFrom": startFrom, "numbers": numbers} linefrom = options.get("from") lineto = options.get("to") linefrom = None if not linefrom else (int(linefrom) - 1) lineto = None if not lineto else (int(lineto)) if self.doc.format in ["latex"]: file_title = basename.replace("_", r"\textunderscore") else: file_title = basename temp_caption = [pf.Str("%s" % (file_title))] caption = temp_caption if not len(caption) else caption with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = list(f) if (not linefrom) and (not lineto): raw = "".join(lines) elif linefrom and (not lineto): raw = "".join(lines[linefrom:]) elif not linefrom and lineto: raw = "".join(lines[:lineto]) else: raw = "".join(lines[linefrom:lineto]) # pf.debug(linefrom, lineto, raw) label = basename.lower().replace(".", "_").replace("/", "_") + str( self.counter) idn = idn if idn else "lst:{label:s}".format(label=label) read = pf.CodeBlock(raw, classes=types, identifier=idn, attributes=attr) ret = [pf.Para(pf.Str("Listing:"), pf.Space(), *caption), read] return ret
def fenced_action(options, data, element, doc): # We'll only run this for CodeBlock elements of class 'csv' title = options.get('title', 'Untitled Table') title = [pf.Str(title)] has_header = options.get('has-header', False) with io.StringIO(data) as f: reader = csv.reader(f) body = [] for row in reader: cells = [pf.TableCell(pf.Plain(pf.Str(x))) for x in row] body.append(pf.TableRow(*cells)) header = body.pop(0) if has_header else None table = pf.Table(*body, header=header, caption=title) return table
def finalize(doc): objectives = materialize_unused(doc, all_ids) unused_section = pfp.find_by_id('missing-objectives', doc) spot = itertools.count(start=unused_section.index + 1) for course in sorted(objectives): identifier = course.lower().replace(" ", "") + "-missing" doc.content.insert( next(spot), pf.Header(pf.Str(course), level=2, identifier=identifier, classes=["unnumbered"])) for header in objectives[course]: unit_list = pf.OrderedList() for objective in objectives[course][header]: if objective.identifier not in referenced_ids: # we've got a handle on the original `pf.Span`, so ask # for its grandparent to get the `pf.ListItem`. unit_list.content.append(objective.ancestor(2)) # Only put the header into the document *if* the unit actually # has learning objectives that were not referenced. if len(unit_list.content): doc.content.insert(next(spot), header) doc.content.insert(next(spot), unit_list) # Any appendices (anything *after* the "missing objectives" section) should # be unnumbered, because numbering gets difficult after that. for elem in doc.content[next(spot):]: if isinstance(elem, pf.Header): elem.classes.append("unnumbered")
def action_clean_link(elem, doc, job, context): """Cleans some nodes in the syntax tree: - removing "wikilink" title from links - remove "fig:" prefix from title in links - remove linebreaks if first in paragraph Args: elem (Element): current element in the Panflute syntax tree doc (Doc): representing full document job (Job): a job object holding the batch job context Returns: [type]: [description] """ if isinstance(elem, pf.Link): # Read at end for explanation of why wikilink if elem.title == "wikilink": elem.title = "" if len(elem.content) == 0: s = elem.title or elem.url elem.content = [pf.Str(s)] elif isinstance(elem, pf.Image): if elem.title.startswith("fig:"): elem.title = elem.title[4:] elem.attributes.clear() elif isinstance(elem, pf.LineBreak): if elem.index == 0: # No need for a LineBreak at beginning of a paragraph job.debug("Removed hard line break at start of paragraph") return []