def __init__(self, screen): self.balls = [] self.bonuses = [] self.hooks = [] self.obstacles = [] self.ladders = [] self.player = None self.background = None self.balls_paused = False self.balls_timer = 0 self.current_level = -1 self.level_pause = False self.pause_remaining = 0 = False self.sound_library = {} self.text_cache = {} self.score = 0 self.lives = 3 self.font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, MENU_LABEL_FONT_SIZE) self.game_over = False self.screen = screen self.gui_drawer = GUIDrawer(screen, '')
class World: def __init__(self, screen): self.balls = [] self.bonuses = [] self.hooks = [] self.obstacles = [] self.ladders = [] self.player = None self.background = None self.balls_paused = False self.balls_timer = 0 self.current_level = -1 self.level_pause = False self.pause_remaining = 0 = False self.sound_library = {} self.text_cache = {} self.score = 0 self.lives = 3 self.font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, MENU_LABEL_FONT_SIZE) self.game_over = False self.screen = screen self.gui_drawer = GUIDrawer(screen, '') def process_event(self, event): key = pygame.key.get_pressed() direction = Vec2D() if key[pygame.K_LEFT]: direction -= (1, 0) if key[pygame.K_RIGHT]: direction += (1, 0) if key[pygame.K_UP]: direction -= (0, 1) if key[pygame.K_DOWN]: direction += (0, 1) self.player.set_direction(direction) if key[pygame.K_SPACE]: self.player_shoot() def update(self, time_passed): if not self.level_pause: if not self.balls_paused: for ball in self.balls: ball.update(time_passed) else: self.balls_timer -= time_passed if self.balls_timer < 0: self.balls_paused = False for hook in self.hooks: hook.update(time_passed) for bonus in self.bonuses: bonus.update(time_passed) self.player.update(time_passed) self.check_collisions() if not len(self.balls): self.play_sound('LevelFinish.wav') self.current_level += 1 if not self.load_level(self.current_level): self.game_over = True self.current_level -= 1 else: self.pause_remaining -= time_passed if self.pause_remaining <= 0: self.level_pause = False def check_collisions(self): for ball in self.balls: for obstacle in self.obstacles: result = ball_to_box(ball, obstacle, True) if result: ball.calculate_force(result) if self.player.invulnerable: for ball in self.balls: result = ball_to_box(ball, self.player, True) if result: ball.calculate_force(result) self.player.can_climb = False for ladder in self.ladders: if player_to_ladder(self.player, ladder): self.player.can_climb = True self.player.ladder_span = Vec2D(ladder.y, ladder.y + ladder.height) if not self.player.is_climbing: for obstacle in self.obstacles: box_to_box(self.player, obstacle, player=True) for hook in self.hooks: for obstacle in self.obstacles: if box_to_box(hook, obstacle, hook=True): break for hook_index in range(len(self.hooks) - 1, -1, -1): hook = self.hooks[hook_index] if hook.to_kill: del self.hooks[hook_index] else: for ball_index in range(len(self.balls) - 1, -1, -1): ball = self.balls[ball_index] if ball_to_box(ball, hook): self.split_ball(ball) del self.balls[ball_index] del self.hooks[hook_index] break for bonus_index in range(len(self.bonuses) - 1, -1, -1): bonus = self.bonuses[bonus_index] if bonus.to_kill: del self.bonuses[bonus_index] elif box_to_box(bonus, self.player): self.activate_bonus(bonus) del self.bonuses[bonus_index] for bonus_index in range(len(self.bonuses) - 1, -1, -1): bonus = self.bonuses[bonus_index] for obstacle in self.obstacles: box_to_box(bonus, obstacle, bonus=True) for ball in self.balls: if ball_to_box(ball, self.player): self.lives -= 1 if self.lives: self.load_level(self.current_level) break else: self.game_over = True break def player_shoot(self): if not self.player.is_climbing and \ self.player.max_hooks > len(self.hooks) and self.player.can_shoot: self.play_sound('HookShoot.wav') self.hooks.append(Hook(20, Vec2D(self.player.x + self.player.width/2, self.player.y + self.player.height - 20), self.player.hook_type)) self.player.last_shooting = HOOK_RELOAD_TIME self.player.can_shoot = False def split_ball(self, ball): self.play_sound('BallPop.wav') if ball.radius > MIN_BALL_RADIUS: self.balls.append(Ball(ball.radius//2, Vec2D(ball.x - ball.radius//2, ball.y), Vec2D(-abs(ball.force.x), -GRAVITY))) self.balls.append(Ball(ball.radius//2, Vec2D(ball.x + ball.radius//2, ball.y), Vec2D(abs(ball.force.x), -GRAVITY))) self.spawn_bonus(ball.position) self.score += ball.radius def spawn_bonus(self, position): if random.randint(1, 100) / 100. < BONUS_SPAWN_CHANCE: bonus_type = random.randint(0, len(BonusType()) - 1) self.bonuses.append(Bonus(position, bonus_type)) def activate_bonus(self, bonus): self.play_sound('Bonus.wav') if bonus.bonus_type == BonusType.stop_time: self.balls_paused = True self.balls_timer = 3 elif bonus.bonus_type == BonusType.extra_hook: self.player.max_hooks += 1 elif bonus.bonus_type == BonusType.chain_hook: self.player.hook_type = HookType.chain elif bonus.bonus_type == BonusType.break_balls_once: for ball_index in range(len(self.balls) - 1, -1, -1): ball = self.balls[ball_index] if ball.radius > MIN_BALL_RADIUS: self.split_ball(ball) del self.balls[ball_index] elif bonus.bonus_type == BonusType.break_balls_max: big_ballz = True while big_ballz: big_ballz = False for ball_index in range(len(self.balls) - 1, -1, -1): ball = self.balls[ball_index] if ball.radius > MIN_BALL_RADIUS: big_ballz = True self.split_ball(ball) del self.balls[ball_index] elif bonus.bonus_type == BonusType.invulnerability: self.player.invulnerable = True self.player.invulnerability_timer = INVULNERABILITY_DURATION def play_sound(self, file_name): sound = self.sound_library.get(file_name) if sound is None: sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('assets/sfx/' + file_name) self.sound_library[file_name] = sound def get_text(self, string): text = self.text_cache.get(string) if text is None: text = self.font.render(string, True, (255, 0, 0)) self.text_cache[string] = text return text def draw(self, screen): screen.blit(self.background, (0, 0)) for obstacle in self.obstacles: self.gui_drawer.draw(obstacle) for ladder in self.ladders: self.gui_drawer.draw(ladder) for hook in self.hooks: self.gui_drawer.draw(hook) self.player.draw(screen) for ball in self.balls: self.gui_drawer.draw(ball) for bonus in self.bonuses: self.gui_drawer.draw(bonus) lives_text = self.get_text('Lives: ' + str(self.lives)) screen.blit(lives_text, (20, 20)) score_text = self.get_text('Score: ' + str(self.score)) screen.blit(score_text, (SCREEN_WIDTH - score_text.get_rect().width - 20, 20)) if self.level_pause: pause_text = self.get_text(str(int(self.pause_remaining + 1))) screen.blit(pause_text, ((SCREEN_WIDTH-pause_text.get_rect().width) / 2, (SCREEN_HEIGHT-pause_text.get_rect().height) / 2)) def load_level(self, level_index, scene_only=False, keep_score=True): = True file_path = 'assets/levels/' + str(level_index) + '.pang' if not os.path.isfile(file_path): return None self.balls = [] self.bonuses = [] self.hooks = [] self.obstacles = [] self.ladders = [] self.sound_library = {} self.text_cache = {} self.balls_paused = False self.balls_timer = 0 if not keep_score: self.score = 0 self.current_level = level_index self.level_pause = True self.pause_remaining = PAUSE_ON_LEVEL_LOAD file = open(file_path, 'r') lines = file.readlines() lines = list(map(str.rstrip, lines)) match = re.match(r'background (\S+)', lines[0]) background = list(map(str, match.groups()))[0] self.background = pygame.image.load('assets/gfx/' + background) tile_name = '' ball_regex = (r'ball radius (\d+) pos (\d+), ' + '(\d+) force (-?\d+), (-?\d+)') obstacle_regex = r'obstacle size (\d+), (\d+) pos (\d+), (\d+)' for line in lines[1:]: if not scene_only and re.match(ball_regex, line): match = re.match(ball_regex, line) radius, x, y, force_x, force_y = list(map(int, match.groups())) self.balls.append(Ball(radius, Vec2D(x, y), Vec2D(force_x, force_y))) elif re.match(obstacle_regex, line): match = re.match(obstacle_regex, line) width, height, x, y = list(map(int, match.groups())) self.obstacles.append(Obstacle(Vec2D(width, height), Vec2D(x, y))) elif not scene_only and re.match(r'player pos (\d+), (\d+)', line): match = re.match(r'player pos (\d+), (\d+)', line) point_x, point_y = list(map(int, match.groups())) point = Vec2D(point_x, point_y) self.player = Player(point) elif re.match(r'ladder height (\d+) pos (\d+), (\d+)', line): match = re.match(r'ladder height (\d+) pos (\d+), (\d+)', line) height, point_x, point_y = list(map(int, match.groups())) point = Vec2D(point_x, point_y) self.ladders.append(Ladder(height, point)) elif re.match(r'music (\S+)', line): match = re.match(r'music (\S+)', line) music = list(map(str, match.groups()))[0] self.music_path = 'assets/music/' + music elif re.match(r'bricktile (\S+)', line): match = re.match(r'bricktile (\S+)', line) tile_name = list(map(str, match.groups()))[0] self.gui_drawer.obstacle_image = 'assets/gfx/' + tile_name return True def load_game(self, file_name): file_path = 'assets/save/' + str(file_name) + '.save' if not os.path.isfile(file_path): return None file = open(file_path, 'r') lines = file.readlines() lines = list(map(str.rstrip, lines)) match = re.match(r'level (\d+)', lines[0]) level_id = list(map(int, match.groups()))[0] self.load_level(level_id, scene_only=True, keep_score=False) ball_regex = (r'ball radius (\d+) pos (\d+), ' + '(\d+) force (-?\d+), (-?\d+)') player_regex = (r'player pos (\d+), (\d+) hooktype (\d+) maxhooks ' + '(\d+) force (-?\d+), (-?\d+)') bonus_regex = (r'bonus pos (\d+), (\d+) bonustype (\d+) duration ' + '(\d+.\d+|\d+) force (-?\d+), (-?\d+) fall (\d+) ' + 'tokill (\d+)') hook_regex = (r'hook pos (\d+), (\d+) hooktype (\d+) height (\d+) ' + 'duration (\d+.\d+|\d+) expand (\d+) tokill (\d+)') world_regex = r'world ballstimer (\d+.\d+|\d+) score (\d+) lives (\d+)' for line in lines[1:]: if re.match(ball_regex, line): match = re.match(ball_regex, line) radius, x, y, force_x, force_y = list(map(int, match.groups())) self.balls.append(Ball(radius, Vec2D(x, y), Vec2D(force_x, force_y))) elif re.match(player_regex, line): match = re.match(player_regex, line) pos_x = int( pos_y = int( hook_type = int( max_hooks = int( force_x = int( force_y = int( self.player = Player(Vec2D(pos_x, pos_y)) self.player.hook_type = hook_type self.player.max_hooks = max_hooks self.player.force = Vec2D(force_x, force_y) elif re.match(bonus_regex, line): match = re.match(bonus_regex, line) pos_x = int( pos_y = int( bonus_type = int( duration = float( force_x = int( force_y = int( fall = bool(int( to_kill = bool(int( bonus = Bonus(Vec2D(pos_x, pos_y), bonus_type) bonus.timer = duration bonus.force = Vec2D(force_x, force_y) bonus.fall = fall bonus.to_kill = to_kill self.bonuses.append(bonus) elif re.match(hook_regex, line): match = re.match(hook_regex, line) pos_x = int( pos_y = int( hook_type = int( height = int( duration = float( expand = bool(int( to_kill = bool(int( hook = Hook(height, Vec2D(pos_x, pos_y), hook_type) hook.timer = duration hook.expand = expand hook.to_kill = to_kill self.hooks.append(hook) elif re.match(world_regex, line): match = re.match(world_regex, line) balls_timer, score, lives = list(map(float, match.groups())) self.balls_timer = balls_timer if balls_timer > 0: self.balls_paused = True else: self.balls_paused = False self.score = int(score) self.lives = int(lives) def save_game(self, file_name): if not return None file_path = 'assets/save/' + str(file_name) + '.save' file = open(file_path, 'w') file.write('level ' + str(self.current_level) + '\n') for ball in self.balls: file.write('ball radius ' + str(ball.radius) + ' pos ' + str(int(ball.x)) + ', ' + str(int(ball.y)) + ' force ' + str(int(ball.force.x)) + ', ' + str(int(ball.force.y)) + '\n') file.write('player pos ' + str(int(self.player.x)) + ', ' + str(int(self.player.y)) + ' hooktype ' + str(self.player.hook_type) + ' maxhooks ' + str(self.player.max_hooks) + ' force ' + str(int(self.player.force.x)) + ', ' + str(int(self.player.force.y)) + '\n') for bonus in self.bonuses: file.write('bonus pos ' + str(int(bonus.x)) + ', ' + str(int(bonus.y)) + ' bonustype ' + str(int(bonus.bonus_type)) + ' duration ' + str(bonus.timer) + ' force ' + str(int(bonus.force.x)) + ', ' + str(int(bonus.force.y)) + ' fall ' + str(int(bonus.fall)) + ' tokill ' + str(int(bonus.to_kill)) + '\n') for hook in self.hooks: file.write('hook pos ' + str(int(hook.x)) + ', ' + str(int(hook.y)) + ' hooktype ' + str(int(hook.hook_type)) + ' height ' + str(int(hook.height)) + ' duration ' + str(hook.timer) + ' expand ' + str(int(hook.expand)) + ' tokill ' + str(int(hook.to_kill)) + '\n') file.write('world ballstimer ' + str(self.balls_timer) + ' score ' + str(self.score) + ' lives ' + str(self.lives) + '\n')