Example #1
# Joined Function and RBW Value Readout

# <headingcell level=2>

# Load Traces into Arrays, Plot and Read out the Resolution Bandwidth RBW

# <codecell>

my_name			= 'Joined_Function.csv'

import numpy as np # numpy for array handling and numeric calculations
import panna as p # panna will search for all csv files and read them into one data array
from pylab import *

data = p.load_all()
len_files = p.number_of_files()
RBW = p.load_RBW()

# <codecell>

x, y = [0]*len_files, [0]*len_files
for i in arange(0,len_files):
    x[i], y[i] = array(data[i][:,0]), array(data[i][:,1])

# <codecell>

def center(x_values, y_values):
	y_values = list(y_values)
	maximum_index 	= y_values.index(max(y_values))	
	centerfreq	= x_values[maximum_index]
	return centerfreq
Example #2
amplifier = 40.0 
# index of the data file that contains the system floor (read off from output from last cell)
ifloor = 1
# index of the data file that contains the phase noise measurement (read off from output from last cell)
iphase = 0

# <codecell>

### Calculation of Phase Noise Spectrum after substracting the floor, amplifier, K_phi
y_res	= 10*log10(abs(10**(array(p.y[iphase])/10.) - 10**(array(p.y[ifloor])/10.))) - 20*log10(K_phi)-amplifier
y_res_lin = 10**(y_res/10.)
x_res	= p.x[iphase]

# <codecell>

n = p.number_of_files()

# integration limits: see footnote in text
xmin = 1.2 # Hz
xmax = 1e6 # Hz

x, y, y_lin, start, stop, phi = [0]*n,[0]*n,[0]*n,[0]*n,[0]*n,[0]*n

# <codecell>

########## Step 1: plot all found input data ############
for i in arange(0,n): 
	plot(p.x[i], p.y[i], label = str(i))