Example #1
class TestPyStyleTask(PythonTaskTestBase):
  def task_type(cls):
    """Required method"""
    return PythonCheckStyleTask

  def _create_context(self, target_roots=None):
    return self.context(
        'py.check': {
          'interpreter': 'python'  # Interpreter required by PythonTaskTestBase

  def setUp(self):
    """Setup PythonCheckStyleTask with Rage Checker"""
    super(TestPyStyleTask, self).setUp()
    PythonCheckStyleTask.register_plugin(name='angry_test', checker=Rage)
    PythonCheckStyleTask.options_scope = 'py.check'

    self.style_check = PythonCheckStyleTask(self._create_context(), ".")
    self.style_check.options.suppress = None

  def test_noqa_line_filter_length(self):
    """Verify the number of lines filtered is what we expect"""
    nits = list(self.style_check.get_nits(self.no_qa_line))
    assert len(nits) == 1, ('Actually got nits: {}'.format(
      ' '.join('{}:{}'.format(nit._line_number, nit) for nit in nits)

  def test_noqa_line_filter_code(self):
    """Verify that the line we see has the correct code"""
    nits = list(self.style_check.get_nits(self.no_qa_line))
    assert nits[0].code == 'T999', 'Not handling the code correctly'

  def test_noqa_file_filter(self):
    """Verify Whole file filters are applied correctly"""
    nits = list(self.style_check.get_nits(self.no_qa_file))
    assert len(nits) == 0, 'Expected zero nits since entire file should be ignored'