Example #1
    def _validate_message_usage(self):
        msgs = set(self.messages)
        msg_reads = set()
        msg_posts = set()
        for agent_name, agent_def in self.agents.iteritems():
            for st_name, st_class in agent_def.st_classes.iteritems():
                label = "%s.%s" % (agent_name, st_name)
                mr = set(st_class.msg_reads)
                mp = set(st_class.msg_posts)

                undef = mr - msgs
                validate(not undef,
                    "Undefined message in %s.msg_reads: %s" \
                    % (label, ", ".join(undef)))

                undef = mp - msgs
                validate(not undef,
                    "Undefined message in %s.msg_posts: %s" \
                    % (label, ", ".join(undef)))

        for msg in msg_posts - msg_reads:
            warn("'%s' message is posted but never read." % msg)
        for msg in msg_reads - msg_posts:
            warn("'%s' message is read but never posted." % msg)
        for msg in msgs - msg_posts - msg_reads:
            warn("'%s' message is defined but never used." % msg)
Example #2
    def check_mem_access_declarations(self):
        # keep track of mem vars that have been read/written to
        mem_read = set()
        mem_written = set()

        # validate read/write declarations for each state transition function
        for name, inst in self.st_classes.iteritems():
            fname = "%s.%s." % (self.name, name)
            self._val_rw_list(inst.reads, fname + "reads")
            self._val_rw_list(inst.writes, fname + "writes")
            self._val_rw_list(inst.msg_posts, fname + "msg_posts", "MSG")
            self._val_rw_list(inst.msg_reads, fname + "msg_reads", "MSG")

            msg_conflicts = set(inst.msg_posts).intersection(inst.msg_reads)
            validate(not msg_conflicts,
                "access conflict (read AND post) to mesage board - "
                "%s (%s.%s)" % (", ".join(msg_conflicts), self.name, name))

        # validate read/write declarations for each state branch routine
        for name, inst in self.branches.iteritems():
            fname = "%s.%s." % (self.branches, name)
            self._val_rw_list(inst.reads, fname + "reads")
            self._val_rw_list(inst.writes, fname + "writes")

        # ---- Check if all declared agent mem are actually used --
        mem_all = set(self.memory.keys())

        # check for unaccessed memory variables
        unused = mem_all - mem_read - mem_written
        for v in unused:
            warn("%s.%s is never accessed." % (self.name, v))

        # written but never read
        unread = mem_written - mem_read
        for v in unread:
            warn("%s.%s is written to but never read." % (self.name, v))

        # read but never written and not a constant
        unchanged = mem_read - mem_written
        for v in unchanged:
            if not self.memory[v]._constant:
                warn("%s.%s is never updated. "
                      "Consider setting constant=True." % (self.name, v))
Example #3
    def __init__(self, agent_class):
        self.klass = agent_class
        self.name = agent_class.__name__
        self.st_classes = None
        self.branches = None
        #self.state_graph = None  # set by self.load_states()

        validate(issubclass(agent_class, Agent),
                "%s not a subclass of papaya.core.agent.Agent" % self.name)
        validate(not agent_class.abstract,
                "%s is an abstract agent class" % self.name)

        # load agent memory variables
        self.memory = dict((name, inst)
                            for name, inst in inspect.getmembers(agent_class)
                            if isinstance(inst, Variable))
        if not self.memory:
            warn("No memory variables defined for %s" % self.name)

Example #4
 def _val_rw_list(self, rw_list, label, dep_type="MEM"):
     validate(type(rw_list) in (list, tuple),
             "expecting %s to be a list or a tuple" % label)
     for v in rw_list:
         validate(type(v) == str,
             "%s should contain only strings" % label)
         if dep_type == "MEM":
             validate(v in self.memory,
                 "invalid memory var %s declared in %s" % (v, label))
Example #5
    def __init__(self, msg_class):
        self.klass = msg_class
        self.name = msg_class.__name__

        validate(issubclass(msg_class, Message),
            "%s is not a subclass of papaya.core.message.Message" % self.name)
        validate(not msg_class.abstract,
            "%s is an abstract message class" % self.name)

        self.params = dict((name, inst)
                            for name, inst in inspect.getmembers(msg_class)
                            if isinstance(inst, Variable))

            "No memory variables defined for message '%s'" % self.name)
Example #6
    return '\033[93m   !! %s\033[0m\n' % (message,)
warnings.formatwarning = warning_format

    # load settings.py from current directory
        import settings
    except ImportError:
        raise SetupError("settings.py not found")

    # initialise model loader
    model = ModelLoader()

    # load list of message modules
    msg_mod_list = getattr(settings, "message_modules", None)
    validate(msg_mod_list != None,
        "settings.message_modules not defined")

    # from each message module, load agents
    for m in msg_mod_list:

    # load list of agent modules
    agent_mod_list = getattr(settings, "agent_modules", None)
    validate(agent_mod_list != None,
        "settings.agent_modules not defined")

    validate(type(agent_mod_list) in (list, tuple),
        "settings.agent_modules should be a tuple")

    validate(len(agent_mod_list) > 0, "settings.agent_modules is empty")
Example #7
    def check_state_transitions_declarations(self):
        conditions = set()
        st_used = set()
        br_used = set()

        validate(type(self.klass.state_transitions) == list,
            "%s.state_transitions must be a valid list" % self.name)

        for idx, st in enumerate(self.klass.state_transitions):
            validate(type(st) in (list, tuple),
                "%s.state_transitions[%d] should be a tuple" % (st, idx))
            validate(len(st) == 3,
                "%s.state_transitions[%d] has %d entries, expecting 3" \
                    % (st, idx, len(st)))

            st_from, tf, st_to = st
            validate(type(st_from) == str
                        and type(tf) == str
                        and type(st_to) in (str, list, tuple),
                "%s.state_transitions[%d] contains non-string entries")

            if type(st_to) == str:
                validate(tf in self.st_classes,
                    "%s.state_transitions[%d]: "
                    "invalid transition function %s" % (self.name, idx, tf))
                validate(tf in self.branches,
                    "%s.state_transitions[%d]: "
                    "invalid branch function %s" % (self.name, idx, tf))
                for f, s, c in st_to:
                    validate(f in self.st_classes,
                        "%s.state_transitions[%d]: "
                        "invalid transition function %s" % (self.name,
                                                                idx, tf))
                    validate(c not in conditions,
                        "%s.state_transitions[%d]: "
                        "condition labels must be unique. "
                        "Duplicate entry found - %s." % (self.name, idx, c))

        for u in set(self.st_classes).difference(st_used):
            warn("Transition function %s.%s is not used." % (self.name, u))
        for u in set(self.branches).difference(br_used):
            warn("Branch function %s.%s is not used." % (self.name, u))