Example #1
    def __init__(self, scale_params, dic=None):

        Params.__init__(self, dic)

        self._scale_params = scale_params

        self.gamma = Parameter(2.e8, units='[J][m^-2][K^-1]', scale_object=scale_params, return_dimensional=True,
                               description='specific heat capacity of the ground')
        self.C = None

        self.T0 = Parameter(285.0, units='[K]', scale_object=scale_params, return_dimensional=True,
                            description="stationary solution for the 0-th order ground temperature")

Example #2
    def __init__(self, scale_params, dic=None):

        Params.__init__(self, dic)

        self._scale_params = scale_params

        # Parameters for the atmosphere
        self.kd = Parameter(0.1, input_dimensional=False, scale_object=scale_params, units='[s^-1]',
                            description="atmosphere bottom friction coefficient")
        self.kdp = Parameter(0.01, input_dimensional=False, scale_object=scale_params, units='[s^-1]',
                            description="atmosphere internal friction coefficient")
        self.sigma = Parameter(0.2e0, input_dimensional=False, scale_object=scale_params, units='[m^2][s^-2][Pa^-2]',
                               description="static stability of the atmosphere")

Example #3
    def __init__(self, scale_params, dic=None):

        Params.__init__(self, dic)

        self._scale_params = scale_params

        self.gp = Parameter(3.1e-2, units='[m][s^-2]', return_dimensional=True, scale_object=scale_params,
                            description='reduced gravity')
        self.r = Parameter(1.e-8, units='[s^-1]', scale_object=scale_params,
                           description="frictional coefficient at the bottom of the ocean")
        self.h = Parameter(5.e2, units='[m]', return_dimensional=True, scale_object=scale_params,
                           description="depth of the water layer of the ocean")
        self.d = Parameter(1.e-8, units='[s^-1]', scale_object=scale_params,
                           description="strength of the ocean-atmosphere mechanical coupling")

Example #4
    def goblocks(self, value):
        self._goms = value

        if self.atemperature_params is not None:
            # disable the Newtonian cooling
            self.atemperature_params.thetas = None  # np.zeros(self.nmod[0])
            self.atemperature_params.hd = None  # Parameter(0.0, input_dimensional=False)

            self.atemperature_params.gamma = Parameter(1.e7, units='[J][m^-2][K^-1]', scale_object=self.scale_params,
                                                       description='specific heat capacity of the atmosphere',
            self.atemperature_params.C = np.array(self.nmod[0] * [Parameter(0.e0, units='[W][m^-2]', scale_object=self.scale_params,
                                                                         description="spectral components of the short-wave radiation of the atmosphere",
                                                                         return_dimensional=True)], dtype=object)
            self.atemperature_params.set_insolation(100.0, 0)
            self.atemperature_params.eps = Parameter(0.76e0, input_dimensional=False,
                                                     description="emissivity coefficient for the grey-body atmosphere")
            self.atemperature_params.T0 = Parameter(270.0, units='[K]', scale_object=self.scale_params,
                                                    description="stationary solution for the 0-th order atmospheric temperature")
            self.atemperature_params.sc = Parameter(1., input_dimensional=False,
                                                    description="ratio of surface to atmosphere temperature")
            self.atemperature_params.hlambda = Parameter(20.00, units='[W][m^-2][K^-1]', scale_object=self.scale_params,
                                                         description="sensible+turbulent heat exchange between ocean and atmosphere")

        if self.gotemperature_params is not None:
            # if setting an ocean, then disable the orography
            if self.gotemperature_params._name == "Oceanic Temperature":
                self._number_of_ground_modes = 0
                self._number_of_oceanic_modes = self.goblocks.shape[0]
                self._number_of_dimensions = 2 * (self._number_of_oceanic_modes + self._number_of_atmospheric_modes)
                self.ground_params.hk = None
                self.gotemperature_params.C = np.array(self.nmod[1] * [Parameter(0.e0, units='[W][m^-2]', scale_object=self.scale_params,
                                                                                 description="spectral components of the short-wave radiation of the ocean")],
                nomod = 0
                for i in range(self.goblocks.shape[0]):
                    if self.ablocks[i, 0] == 1:
                        nomod += 3
                        nomod += 2
                self._number_of_ground_modes = nomod
                self._number_of_oceanic_modes = 0
                self._number_of_dimensions = 2 * self._number_of_atmospheric_modes + self._number_of_ground_modes
                self.gotemperature_params.C = np.array(self.nmod[1] * [Parameter(0.e0, units='[W][m^-2]', scale_object=self.scale_params,
                                                                                 description="spectral components of the short-wave radiation of the ground")],
                self.gotemperature_params.set_insolation(350.0, 0)
Example #5
    def ablocks(self, value):
        self._ams = value

        namod = 0
        for i in range(self.ablocks.shape[0]):
            if self.ablocks[i, 0] == 1:
                namod += 3
                namod += 2

        self._number_of_atmospheric_modes = namod
        self._number_of_dimensions = 2 * (namod + self._number_of_oceanic_modes)

        self.ground_params.hk = np.array(namod * [Parameter(0.e0, scale_object=self.scale_params,
                                         description="spectral components of the orography",
                                         return_dimensional=False, input_dimensional=False)], dtype=object)
        self.ground_params.set_orography(0.1, 1)
        if self.atemperature_params is not None:
            self.atemperature_params.thetas = np.array(namod * [Parameter(0.e0, scale_object=self.scale_params,
                                                                          description="spectral components of the temperature profile",
                                                                          return_dimensional=False, input_dimensional=False)], dtype=object)
            self.atemperature_params.set_thetas(0.1, 0)
Example #6
    def __init__(self, scale_params, dic=None):

        Params.__init__(self, dic)

        self._scale_params = scale_params

        self.hd = Parameter(0.045, input_dimensional=False, units='[s]', scale_object=scale_params,
                            description="Newtonian cooling coefficient")
        self.thetas = None  # Radiative equilibrium mean temperature decomposition on the model's modes

        self.gamma = None
        self.C = None
        self.eps = None
        self.T0 = None
        self.sc = None
        self.hlambda = None

Example #7
    def set_insolation(self, value, pos=None):
        """Function to define the decomposition of the constant short-wave radiation of the ground (insolation)
        :math:`C_{{\\rm g}, i}` (:attr:`~.GroundTemperatureParams.C`).

        value: float, int or ~numpy.ndarray(Parameter)
            Value to set. If a scalar is given, the `pos` parameter should be provided to indicate which component to set.
        pos: int
            Indicate in which component to set the `value`.

        if isinstance(value, (float, int)) and pos is not None and self.C is not None:
            self.C[pos] = Parameter(value, units='[W][m^-2]', scale_object=self._scale_params,
                                    description="spectral component "+str(pos+1)+" of the short-wave radiation of the ground",
        elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
            self.C = value
Example #8
    def set_orography(self, value, pos=None):
        """Function to define the spectral decomposition of the orography profile
         :math:`h_k` (:attr:`~.GroundParams.hk`).

        value: float, int or ~numpy.ndarray(Parameter)
            Value to set. If a scalar is given, the `pos` parameter should be provided to indicate which component to set.
        pos: int
            Indicate in which component to set the `value`.

        if isinstance(value, (float, int)) and pos is not None and self.hk is not None:
            self.hk[pos] = Parameter(value, scale_object=self._scale_params,
                                     description="spectral components "+str(pos+1)+" of the orography",
                                     return_dimensional=False, input_dimensional=False)
        elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
            self.hk = value
Example #9
    def set_thetas(self, value, pos=None):
        """Function to define the spectral decomposition of the Newtonian cooling.
         :math:`\\theta^\\star` (:attr:`~.AtmosphericTemperatureParams.thetas`).

        value: float, int or ~numpy.ndarray(Parameter)
            Value to set. If a scalar is given, the `pos` parameter should be provided to indicate which component to set.
        pos: int
            Indicate in which component to set the `value`.

        if isinstance(value, (float, int)) and pos is not None and self.thetas is not None:
            self.thetas[pos] = Parameter(value, scale_object=self._scale_params,
                                         description="spectral components "+str(pos+1)+" of the temperature profile",
                                         return_dimensional=False, input_dimensional=False)
        elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
            self.thetas = value
Example #10
    def set_params(self, dic):
        """Set the specified parameters values.

        dic: dict(float or Parameter)
            A dictionary with the parameters names and values to be assigned.
        if dic is not None:
            for key, val in zip(dic.keys(), dic.values()):
                if key in self.__dict__.keys():
                    if isinstance(self.__dict__[key], Parameter):
                        if isinstance(val, Parameter):
                            self.__dict__[key] = val
                            d = self.__dict__[key].__dict__
                            self.__dict__[key] = Parameter(val, input_dimensional=d['_input_dimensional'],
                        self.__dict__[key] = val
Example #11
    def __init__(self, dic=None):

        Params.__init__(self, dic)

        # -----------------------------------------------------------
        # Scale parameters for the ocean and the atmosphere
        # -----------------------------------------------------------

        self.scale = Parameter(5.e6, units='[m]', description="characteristic space scale (L*pi)",
        self.f0 = Parameter(1.032e-4, units='[s^-1]', description="Coriolis parameter at the middle of the domain",
        self.n = Parameter(1.3e0, input_dimensional=False, description="aspect ratio (n = 2 L_y / L_x)")
        self.rra = Parameter(6370.e3, units='[m]', description="earth radius", return_dimensional=True)
        self.phi0_npi = Parameter(0.25e0, input_dimensional=False, description="latitude exprimed in fraction of pi")
        self.deltap = Parameter(5.e4, units='[Pa]', description='pressure difference between the two atmospheric layers',
Example #12
    def set_oceanic_modes(self, nxmax, nymax, auto=True):
        """Function to configure contiguous spectral blocks of oceanic modes.

        nxmax: int
            Maximum x-wavenumber to fill the spectral block up to.
        nymax: int
            Maximum y-wavenumber to fill the spectral block up to.
        auto: bool
            Automatically instantiate or not the parameters container needed to describe the oceanic models parameters.
            Default is True.


        >>> from params.params import QgParams
        >>> q = QgParams()
        >>> q.set_atmospheric_modes(2,2)
        >>> q.set_oceanic_modes(2,4)
        >>> q.goblocks
        array([[1, 1],
               [1, 2],
               [1, 3],
               [1, 4],
               [2, 1],
               [2, 2],
               [2, 3],
               [2, 4]])
        if self._ams is None:
            print('Atmosphere modes not set up. Add an atmosphere before adding an ocean!')
            print('Oceanic setup aborted.')
        res = np.zeros((nxmax * nymax, 2), dtype=np.int)
        i = 0
        for nx in range(1, nxmax + 1):
            for ny in range(1, nymax+1):
                res[i, 0] = nx
                res[i, 1] = ny
                i += 1

        if auto:
            if self.gotemperature_params is None or isinstance(self.gotemperature_params, GroundTemperatureParams):
                self.gotemperature_params = OceanicTemperatureParams(self.scale_params)
            if self.oceanic_params is None:
                self.oceanic_params = OceanicParams(self.scale_params)

            self.goblocks = res
            # if setting an ocean, then disable the orography
            self.ground_params.hk = None
            self.gotemperature_params.C = np.array(self.nmod[0] * [Parameter(0.e0, units='[W][m^-2]', scale_object=self.scale_params,
                                                                             description="spectral components of the short-wave radiation of the ocean")],
            self.gotemperature_params.set_insolation(350.0, 0)
            self.goblocks = res

        self._oceanic_latex_var_string = list()
        self._oceanic_var_string = list()
        self._ground_latex_var_string = list()
        self._ground_var_string = list()
        for i in range(self.nmod[1]):
            self._oceanic_latex_var_string.append(r'psi_{\rm o,' + str(i + 1) + "}")
            self._oceanic_var_string.append(r'psi_o_' + str(i + 1))
        for i in range(self.nmod[1]):
            self._oceanic_latex_var_string.append(r'theta_{\rm o,' + str(i + 1) + "}")
            self._oceanic_var_string.append(r'theta_o_' + str(i + 1))
Example #13
    def __init__(self, dic=None, scale_params=None,
                 atmospheric_params=True, atemperature_params=True,
                 oceanic_params=None, otemperature_params=None,
                 ground_params=True, gtemperature_params=None):

        Params.__init__(self, dic)

        # General scale parameters object (Mandatory param block)
        if scale_params is None:
            self.scale_params = ScaleParams(dic)
            self.scale_params = scale_params

        # Atmospheric parameters object
        if atmospheric_params is True:
            self.atmospheric_params = AtmosphericParams(self.scale_params, dic=dic)
            self.atmospheric_params = atmospheric_params

        # Atmospheric temperature parameters object
        if atmospheric_params is True:
            self.atemperature_params = AtmosphericTemperatureParams(self.scale_params, dic=dic)
            self.atemperature_params = atemperature_params

        if oceanic_params is True:
            self.oceanic_params = OceanicParams(self.scale_params, dic)
            self.oceanic_params = oceanic_params

        if ground_params is True:
            self.ground_params = GroundParams(self.scale_params, dic)
            self.ground_params = ground_params

        if otemperature_params is True:
            self.gotemperature_params = OceanicTemperatureParams(self.scale_params, dic)
            self.gotemperature_params = otemperature_params

        if gtemperature_params is True:
            self.gotemperature_params = GroundTemperatureParams(self.scale_params, dic)
            self.gotemperature_params = gtemperature_params

        self._number_of_dimensions = 0
        self._number_of_atmospheric_modes = 0
        self._number_of_oceanic_modes = 0
        self._number_of_ground_modes = 0
        self._ams = None
        self._goms = None

        self._atmospheric_latex_var_string = list()
        self._atmospheric_var_string = list()
        self._oceanic_latex_var_string = list()
        self._oceanic_var_string = list()
        self._ground_latex_var_string = list()
        self._ground_var_string = list()
        self.time_unit = 'days'

        # Physical constants

        self.rr = Parameter(287.058e0, return_dimensional=True, units='[J][kg^-1][K^-1]',
                            scale_object=self.scale_params, description="gas constant of dry air")
        self.sb = Parameter(5.67e-8, return_dimensional=True, units='[J][m^-2][s^-1][K^-4]',
                            scale_object=self.scale_params, description="Stefan-Boltzmann constant")

Example #14
 def L(self):
     """Parameter: Typical length scale :math:`L`  of the model, in meters [:math:`m`]."""
     return Parameter(self.scale / np.pi, units=self.scale.units, description='Typical length scale L',
Example #15
 def L_y(self):
     """Parameter: The meridional extent :math:`L_y = \pi \, L` of the model's domain, in meters [:math:`m`]."""
     return Parameter(self.scale, units=self.scale.units, description='The meridional extent of the model domain',
Example #16
    def set_ground_modes(self, nxmax=None, nymax=None, auto=True):
        """Function to automatically configure contiguous spectral blocks of ground modes based on the atmospheric modes.

        nxmax: int or None
            Maximum x-wavenumber to fill the spectral block up to. If None, use the atmospheric blocks instead.
        nymax: int or None
            Maximum y-wavenumber to fill the spectral block up to.  If None, use the atmospheric blocks instead.
        auto: bool
            Automatically instantiate or not the parameters container needed to describe the ground models parameters.
            Default is True.


        >>> from params.params import QgParams
        >>> q = QgParams()
        >>> q.set_atmospheric_modes(2,4)
        >>> q.set_ground_modes()
        >>> q.goblocks
        array([[1, 1],
               [1, 2],
               [1, 3],
               [1, 4],
               [2, 1],
               [2, 2],
               [2, 3],
               [2, 4]])
        if self._ams is None:
            print('Atmosphere modes not set up. Add an atmosphere before adding the ground!')
            print('Ground setup aborted.')

        if nxmax is None or nymax is None:
            res = self._ams.copy()
            res = np.zeros((nxmax * nymax, 2), dtype=np.int)
            i = 0
            for nx in range(1, nxmax + 1):
                for ny in range(1, nymax+1):
                    res[i, 0] = nx
                    res[i, 1] = ny
                    i += 1

        if auto:
            if self.gotemperature_params is None or isinstance(self.gotemperature_params, OceanicTemperatureParams):
                self.gotemperature_params = GroundTemperatureParams(self.scale_params)
            if self.ground_params is None:
                self.ground_params = GroundParams(self.scale_params)

            self.oceanic_params = None

            self.goblocks = res
            self.gotemperature_params.C = np.array(self.nmod[0] * [Parameter(0.e0, units='[W][m^-2]', scale_object=self.scale_params,
                                                                             description="spectral components of the short-wave radiation of the ocean")],
            self.gotemperature_params.set_insolation(350.0, 0)

            # if orography is disabled, enable it!
            if self.ground_params.hk is None:
                self.ground_params.hk = np.array(self.nmod[0] * [Parameter(0.e0, scale_object=self.scale_params,
                                                                           description="spectral components of the orography",
                                                                           return_dimensional=False, input_dimensional=False)], dtype=object)
                self.ground_params.set_orography(0.1, 1)
            self.goblocks = res

        self._oceanic_var_string = list()
        self._oceanic_latex_var_string = list()
        self._ground_latex_var_string = list()
        self._ground_var_string = list()
        for i in range(self.nmod[1]):
            self._ground_latex_var_string.append(r'theta_{\rm g,' + str(i + 1) + "}")
            self._ground_var_string.append(r'theta_g_' + str(i + 1))
Example #17
 def sig0(self):
     return Parameter(self.sigma / 2, input_dimensional=False, scale_object=self._scale_params, units='[m^2][s^-2][Pa^-2]',
                      description="0.5 * static stability of the atmosphere")
Example #18
 def L_x(self):
     """Parameter: The zonal extent :math:`L_x = 2 \pi \, L / n` of the model's domain, in meters [:math:`m`]."""
     return Parameter(2 * self.scale / self.n, units=self.scale.units,
                      description='The zonal extent of the model domain',
Example #19
 def beta(self):
     """Parameter: The meridional gradient of the Coriolis parameter at :math:`\phi_0`, expressed in [:math:`m^{-1} s^{-1}`]. """
     return Parameter(self.L / self.rra * np.cos(self.phi0) / np.sin(self.phi0), input_dimensional=False,
                      units='[m^-1][s^-1]', scale_object=self,
                      description="Meridional gradient of the Coriolis parameter at phi_0")
Example #20
 def phi0(self):
     """Parameter: The reference latitude :math:`\phi_0` at the center of the domain, expressed in radians [:math:`rad`]."""
     return Parameter(self.phi0_npi * np.pi, units='[rad]',
                      description="The reference latitude of the center of the domain",