Example #1
    def _apply_clip(self, data):
		Apply the Clip filter to the data.
		Returns clipped data.
        # Apply clip only if needed
        if (not self.clip_normal is None) and (not self.clip_origin is None):
            data = pv.Clip(Input=data)
            self._filters += [data]
            # Settings are generated mostly by ParaView Trace function
            data.ClipType = 'Plane'
            data.Scalars = ['CELLS', cfg.coloring_name]
            data.Value = 17.925
            data.ClipType.Origin = self.clip_origin
            data.ClipType.Normal = self.clip_normal
        return data
Example #2
    if options:
        # add coda about extracts generation.
            "if __name__ == '__main__':",
            "    # generate extracts",
            "    SaveExtracts(ExtractsOutputDirectory='%s')" % options.ExtractsOutputDirectory])
    del trace_config
    #print (trace)
    return str(trace) if not raw else trace.raw_data()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print ( "Running test")
    simple.Shrink().ShrinkFactor  = 0.4
    simple.Clip().ClipType.Normal[1] = 1

    rep = simple.Show()
    view = simple.Render()
    view.ViewSize=[500, 500]
    rep.SetScalarBarVisibility(view, True)
#    rep.SetScalarBarVisibility(view, False)

    print ("====================================================================")
    print (get_state())
Example #3
from paraview.web.dataset_builder import *

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# VTK Pipeline creation
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

wavelet = simple.Wavelet()
calc = simple.Calculator()
calc.Function = 'coordsX'
calc.ResultArrayName = 'x'
contour = simple.Contour(PointMergeMethod="Uniform Binning",
                         ContourBy=['POINTS', 'RTData'])
clip = simple.Clip()
clip.ClipType.Normal = [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Data To Export
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

layerMesh = {
    'core1': False,
    'core2': True,
    'core3': True,
    'core4': True,
    'core5': True

fields = ['RTData', 'x']
outputDir = '/Users/seb/Desktop/Geometry-diskout/'
inputFile = '/Users/seb/Downloads/ParaViewData-3.10.1/Data/disk_out_ref.ex2'

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

from paraview import simple
from paraview.web.dataset_builder import *

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Pipeline creation
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

reader = simple.OpenDataFile(inputFile)
reader.PointVariables = ['Temp', 'V', 'Pres', 'AsH3', 'GaMe3', 'CH4', 'H2']

clip = simple.Clip(Input=reader)
clip.ClipType.Normal = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]

streamLines = simple.StreamTracer(Input=reader,
                                  SeedType="High Resolution Line Source",
                                  Vectors=['POINTS', 'V'],
streamLines.SeedType.Point2 = [5.75, 5.75, 10.15999984741211]
streamLines.SeedType.Point1 = [-5.75, -5.75, -10.0]
streamTubes = simple.Tube(Input=streamLines, Radius=0.2)

sections = {
    "LookupTables": {
        "AsH3": {
            "range": [0.0804768, 0.184839],
            "preset": "wildflower"
Example #5
    # Load the LFRic reader plugin if it has not been loaded already. It may be
    # necessary to provide the full path to the library, depending on the installation.
    # As of ParaView v5.7, the library is named "netCDFLFRicReader.so".
    # Set remote=True if you connect ParaView with a separate server.
    pluginPath = ''
    pvs.LoadPlugin(pluginPath + 'libnetCDFLFRicReader.so', remote=False)

# Create a new data source with the LFRic output data, load the pressure field,
# and use Cartesian coordinates rather than lon-lat-rad
filePath = ''
data = pvs.NetCDFLFRicReader(FileName=filePath + 'lfric_output.nc')
data.CellArrayStatus = ['pressure']
data.UseCartesiancoordinates = 1

# Add a clip filter to the pipeline and set plane orientation
clip = pvs.Clip(Input=data)
clip.ClipType = 'Plane'
clip.ClipType.Normal = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]

# Set up a new render view for displaying the grid and data
renderView = pvs.CreateView('RenderView')
renderView.ViewSize = [1600, 800]
renderView.CameraPosition = [-43.0, 39.0, 32.0]
renderView.CameraViewUp = [0.76, 0.44, 0.49]

# Define a colour look-up table using (data value, r, g, b) tuples
# Use value range from first timestep
lut = pvs.GetColorTransferFunction('pressure')
valueRange = data.CellData['pressure'].GetRange()
lut.RGBPoints = [
    valueRange[0], 0.23, 0.30, 0.75, valueRange[1], 0.71, 0.02, 0.15
Example #6
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

from paraview import simple
from paraview.web.dataset_builder import *

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Pipeline creation
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

variables = ['Temp', 'V', 'Pres', 'AsH3', 'GaMe3', 'CH4', 'H2']

reader = simple.OpenDataFile(inputFile)
reader.PointVariables = variables

clip = simple.Clip(Input=reader, Crinkleclip=1)
clip.ClipType.Normal = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]

contourA = simple.Contour( Input = reader,
                           PointMergeMethod = "Uniform Binning",
                           ContourBy = 'AsH3',
                           Isosurfaces = [0.1],
                           ComputeScalars = 1)

contourB = simple.Contour( Input = reader,
                           PointMergeMethod = "Uniform Binning",
                           ContourBy = 'AsH3',
                           Isosurfaces = [0.14],
                           ComputeScalars = 1)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #7
def _add_clip(pv_input, origin, normal):
    clip = pvs.Clip(Input=pv_input)
    clip.ClipType = 'Plane'
    clip.ClipType.Origin = origin
    clip.ClipType.Normal = normal
    return clip