def deleteDownstream(input=None): """Delete downstream filters for a given input. If no input provided, all filters on the pipeline will be deleted. Args: input (str): The name of the object on the pipeline to preserve. """ import paraview.simple as pvs if input is None: # The below snippet deletes all Filters on the pipeline #- i.e. deletes anything that has an input #- preserves readers and sources for f in pvs.GetSources().values(): if f.GetProperty("Input") is not None: pvs.Delete(f) else: # Be able to specify upstream source src = pvs.FindSource(input) #print('src: ', src) # Delete ALL things downstream of input for f in pvs.GetSources().values(): #print('f: ', f) #print('f.Input: ', f.GetProperty("Input")) if f.GetPropertyValue("Input") is src: #print('Deleting: ', f) pvs.Delete(f) # Done return None
def extractParaviewLineData(caseDir, varList, coords, calcDict, csvOutputVar, time): try: reader = ps.OpenFOAMReader(FileName=caseDir + '/case.foam') except: ps.Connect() reader = ps.OpenFOAMReader(FileName=caseDir + '/case.foam') try: reader.CellArrays = varList except: print("Variables {} were not found in results. Exiting ...".format( varList)) reader.MeshRegions = ['internalMesh'] if (time in reader.TimestepValues): reader.SMProxy.UpdatePipeline(time) reader.UpdatePipelineInformation() #view = ps.CreateRenderView() #view.ViewTime = time else: print("Time-directory {} does not exist. Exiting ...".format(time)) sys.exit(1) if (calcDict): calc = ps.Calculator(reader) calc.Function = calcDict["Function"] calc.ResultArrayName = calcDict["ResultArrayName"] plotLine = ps.PlotOverLine(Source="High Resolution Line Source") plotLine.Source.Resolution = 450 plotLine.Source.Point1 = coords[0] # [0.0, 0.0008, 0.0] plotLine.Source.Point2 = coords[1] # [0.59, 0.0008, 0.0] filePath = caseDir + "/tmp.csv" writer = ps.CreateWriter(filePath, plotLine) writer.WriteAllTimeSteps = False writer.UseScientificNotation = 1 #print("Writing file tmp.csv ... ") writer.UpdatePipeline() #print("Done!") ps.Delete(reader) ps.Delete(calc) #; ps.Delete(writer) ps.Delete(plotLine) reader = None del reader calc = None del calc plotLine = None del plotLine del writer if (np.mod((100. * time), 1) == 0): print("Disconnecting ... ") ps.Disconnect() # Clear memory occasionally. data = extractFromCSV("tmp.csv", csvOutputVar) return data
def loadDatasets(self, datafiles): # initially, we'll only support loading 1 dataset. for item in _DataProber.PipelineObjects: simple.Delete(item["Probe"]) simple.Delete(item["ReaderRepresentation"]) simple.Delete(item["Reader"]) _DataProber.PipelineObjects = [] for path in datafiles: self.loadData(path) bounds = self.update3DWidget() self.resetCameraWithBounds(bounds) return True
def calc_surf_to_vol(filename, arr_name, sample_rate): import paraview.simple as ps import numpy as np import paraview as pv from vtk.util.numpy_support import vtk_to_numpy # have paraview open the vtk data file reader = ps.OpenDataFile(filename) sys_data = pv.servermanager.Fetch(reader) nx, ny, nz = sys_data.GetDimensions() dx, dy, dz = sys_data.GetSpacing() # downsample the data (makes for a smoother contour surface) ds = ps.ExtractSubset() ds.SampleRateI = sample_rate ds.SampleRateJ = sample_rate ds.SampleRateK = sample_rate ds.VOI[1] = nx - 1 ds.VOI[3] = ny - 1 ds.VOI[4] = 1 # leave off bottom layer for CHBDThinFilm ds.VOI[5] = nz - 2 # leave off top layer for CHBDThinFilm ds.IncludeBoundary = 1 ds.UpdatePipeline() # have paraview apply a contour surface at a concentration value of cont_val contour = ps.Contour() cont_val = 0.5 # this might change depending on order parameter contour.ContourBy = ['POINTS', arr_name] # Viz is the name of the vtk array contour.Isosurfaces = [cont_val] contour.SetPropertyWithName('ComputeNormals', 0) contour.UpdatePipeline() # integrate the surface area and curvature summed_curv = ps.IntegrateVariables() summed_curv_data = pv.servermanager.Fetch(summed_curv) surf_area = summed_curv_data.GetCellData().GetArray(0).GetValue(0) # calculate the surface area to volume ratio volume = nx * dx * ny * dy * nz * dz surf_to_vol = surf_area / volume # delete paraview sources and filters ps.Delete(reader) ps.Delete(ds) ps.Delete(contour) ps.Delete(summed_curv) del (sys_data) del (summed_curv_data) return surf_to_vol, surf_area, volume
def probe(self, variable, point): """Return the value of a variable at a given point. Args: variable (str): Name of the variable. Probing a vector return its magnitude. Components of the vector are available by adding a suffix ' X', ' Y' or ' Z' to the vector name. Physical coordinates are available under the name 'X', 'Y' or 'Z'. point (tuple): x, y and z coordinates. Returns: float: Queried value or None. None is returned if the variable does not exist or the point is not defined at the given point. """ pvs.SetActiveSource(self.reader) prob_loc = pvs.ProbeLocation(ProbeType="Fixed Radius Point Source") prob_loc.ProbeType.Center = point array = _get_variable_array(prob_loc, variable) pvs.Delete(prob_loc) if array is None or len(array) == 0: return None elif len(array) != 1: raise Exception("Unexpected length of the array.") else: return array[0]
def destroy(self): if self.source is not None: paraview.Delete(self.source) if self.display is not None: paraview.Delete(self.display) if self.view is not None: paraview.Delete(self.view) del self.source del self.display del self.view self.source = None self.display = None self.view = None
def deleteFilters(input=None): import paraview.simple as pvs """if input is not None: src = pvs.FindSource(dataNm)""" #TODO: be able to specify upstream source for f in pvs.GetSources().values(): if f.GetProperty("Input") is not None: pvs.Delete(f) return None
def fitPlane(): src = smp.GetActiveSource() selection = GetSelectionSource(src) if not selection: return extracter = smp.ExtractSelection() extracter.Selection = selection extracter.Input = src smp.Show(extracter) try: pd = extracter.GetClientSideObject().GetOutput() origin = range(3) normal = range(3) mind, maxd, stddev = vtk.mutable(0), vtk.mutable(0), vtk.mutable(0) channelMean = range(32) channelStdDev = range(32) channelNpts = range(32) vvmod.vtkPlaneFitter.PlaneFit(pd, origin, normal, mind, maxd, stddev, channelMean, channelStdDev, channelNpts) rows = [['overall', origin, normal, 0.0, stddev, stddev, pd.GetNumberOfPoints()]] rows = rows + [['%d' % i, origin, normal, channelMean[i], channelStdDev[i], math.sqrt(channelMean[i]**2 + channelStdDev[i]**2), channelNpts[i]] for i in range(32)] def rowconverter(x): try: return '\t'.join(['%.4f' % d for d in x]) except TypeError: try: x = x.get() except AttributeError: pass if type(x) == float: return '%.4f' % x elif type(x) in (int, long): return '%d' % x else: return x print '\t'.join(['channel','originx','originy','originz','normalx','normaly','normalz', 'mean','stddev','RMS','npts']) for r in rows: if r[-1] == 0: r[-4:-1] = ['nan', 'nan', 'nan'] print '\t'.join([rowconverter(x) for x in r]) finally: smp.Delete(extracter) smp.SetActiveSource(src)
def remove(self): """ Reset ParaView and Vizard stuff to default. """ self.origin_node.remove() for filter in reversed(self._filters): pv.Delete(filter) pv.servermanager.ProxyManager().UnRegisterProxies() pv.Disconnect() pv.Connect()
def deleteAllTemporalTransformsAxes(): namesToDelete = [ getCalculatorName("RX"), getCalculatorName("RY"), getCalculatorName("RZ") ] sToDelete = [] for s in smp.GetSources(): if s[0] in namesToDelete: smp.Delete(smp.GetSources()[s]) smp.Render()
def RequestData(): # R.0.2018.080 import sys import numpy as np import os import paraview.simple as simple sys.path.insert(0, r'EMC_SRC_PATH') import IrisEMC_Paraview_Lib as lib views = simple.GetViews(viewtype="SpreadSheetView") if len(views) > 0: simple.Delete(views[0]) else: view = simple.GetActiveView() layout = simple.GetLayout(view) pdo = self.GetOutput() # vtkTable if Coordinate_Type == 0: lon = X_or_Longitude lat = Y_or_Latitude depth = Z_or_Depth x, y, z = lib.llz2xyz(lat, lon, depth) else: x = X_or_Longitude y = Y_or_Latitude z = Z_or_Depth lat, lon, depth = lib.xyz2llz(x, y, z) # store metadata fieldData = pdo.GetFieldData() fieldData.AllocateArrays(3) # number of fields fieldData = pdo.GetFieldData() data = vtk.vtkFloatArray() data.SetName('Longitude, Latitude, Depth') data.InsertNextValue(lon) data.InsertNextValue(lat) data.InsertNextValue(depth) fieldData.AddArray(data) data = vtk.vtkFloatArray() data.SetName('X, Y, Z') data.InsertNextValue(x) data.InsertNextValue(y) data.InsertNextValue(z) fieldData.AddArray(data) pdo.SetFieldData(fieldData)
def openFile(self, files): id = "" if _FileOpener.reader: try: simple.Delete(_FileOpener.reader) except: _FileOpener.reader = None try: _FileOpener.reader = simple.OpenDataFile(files) simple.Show() simple.Render() simple.ResetCamera() id = _FileOpener.reader.GetGlobalIDAsString() except: _FileOpener.reader = None return id
def showSphere(self, params): if self.sphere is not None: simple.Delete(self.sphere) maxDim = max(self.bounds[1] - self.bounds[0], self.bounds[3] - self.bounds[2], self.bounds[5] - self.bounds[4]) self.sphere = simple.Sphere() self.sphere.Radius = maxDim / 100.0 self.sphere.Center = params['point'] rep = simple.Show() rep.Representation = 'Surface' rep.DiffuseColor = params['color'] simple.SetActiveSource(self.srcObj)
def extractSubgrid(self, bounds): if (self.subgrid is not None): simple.Delete(self.subgrid) simple.SetActiveSource(self.srcObj) self.subgrid = simple.ExtractSubset() self.subgrid.VOI = bounds simple.SetActiveSource(self.subgrid) self.rep = simple.Show() self.rep.ScalarOpacityFunction = self.sof self.rep.ColorArrayName = self.colorArrayName self.rep.Representation = 'Volume' self.rep.SelectionPointFieldDataArrayName = self.colorArrayName self.rep.LookupTable = self.lookupTable simple.Hide(self.srcObj) simple.SetActiveSource(self.subgrid) simple.Render()
def _sliceSurfaces(self, slice): if self.meshSlice is not None: simple.Delete(self.meshSlice) self.meshSlice = None for surface in self.surfaces: rep = simple.Show(surface) if self.sliceMode == 'XY Plane': origin = [ 0.0, 0.0, math.cos(math.radians(rep.Orientation[2])) * slice ] normal = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] elif self.sliceMode == 'XZ Plane': origin = [ 0.0, math.cos(math.radians(rep.Orientation[1])) * slice, 0.0 ] normal = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] else: origin = [ math.cos(math.radians(rep.Orientation[0])) * slice, 0.0, 0.0 ] normal = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] simple.Hide(surface) self.meshSlice = simple.Slice(Input=surface, SliceType='Plane') simple.SetActiveSource(self.srcObj) self.meshSlice.SliceOffsetValues = [0.0] self.meshSlice.SliceType = 'Plane' self.meshSlice.SliceType.Origin = origin self.meshSlice.SliceType.Normal = normal meshDataRep = simple.Show(self.meshSlice) meshDataRep.Representation = 'Points' meshDataRep.LineWidth = self.CONTOUR_LINE_WIDTH meshDataRep.PointSize = self.CONTOUR_LINE_WIDTH meshDataRep.AmbientColor = rep.DiffuseColor meshDataRep.Orientation = rep.Orientation simple.SetActiveSource(self.srcObj)
def getTargetLutImages(presetNames, numSamples): colorArray = vtk.vtkUnsignedCharArray() colorArray.SetNumberOfComponents(3) colorArray.SetNumberOfTuples(numSamples) pxm = simple.servermanager.ProxyManager() lutProxy = pxm.NewProxy('lookup_tables', 'PVLookupTable') lut = lutProxy.GetClientSideObject() dataRange = lut.GetRange() delta = (dataRange[1] - dataRange[0]) / float(numSamples) # Add the color array to an image data imgData = vtk.vtkImageData() imgData.SetDimensions(numSamples, 1, 1) imgData.GetPointData().SetScalars(colorArray) # Use the vtk data encoder to base-64 encode the image as png, using no compression encoder = vtk.vtkDataEncoder() # Result container result = {} # Loop over all presets for name in presetNames: lutProxy.ApplyPreset(name, True) rgb = [0, 0, 0] for i in range(numSamples): lut.GetColor(dataRange[0] + float(i) * delta, rgb) r = int(round(rgb[0] * 255)) g = int(round(rgb[1] * 255)) b = int(round(rgb[2] * 255)) colorArray.SetTuple3(i, r, g, b) result[name] = encoder.EncodeAsBase64Png(imgData, 0) simple.Delete(lutProxy) return result
def fitPlane(): src = smp.GetActiveSource() if not src: return selection = GetSelectionSource(src) if not selection: return extracter = smp.ExtractSelection() extracter.Selection = selection extracter.Input = src smp.Show(extracter) try: pd = extracter.GetClientSideObject().GetOutput() if pd.IsTypeOf("vtkMultiBlockDataSet"): appendFilter = vtk.vtkAppendFilter() for i in range(pd.GetNumberOfBlocks()): appendFilter.AddInputData(pd.GetBlock(i)) appendFilter.Update() pd = appendFilter.GetOutput() max_laser_id = pd.GetPointData().GetArray("laser_id").GetRange()[1] nchannels = 2**vtk.vtkMath.CeilLog2(int(max_laser_id)) origin = range(3) normal = range(3) mind, maxd, stddev = vtk.mutable(0), vtk.mutable(0), vtk.mutable(0) channelMean = range(nchannels) channelStdDev = range(nchannels) channelNpts = range(nchannels) vvmod.vtkPlaneFitter.PlaneFit(pd, origin, normal, mind, maxd, stddev, channelMean, channelStdDev, channelNpts, nchannels) rows = [[ 'overall', origin, normal, 0.0, stddev, stddev, pd.GetNumberOfPoints() ]] rows = rows + [[ '%d' % i, origin, normal, channelMean[i], channelStdDev[i], math.sqrt(channelMean[i]**2 + channelStdDev[i]**2), channelNpts[i] ] for i in range(nchannels)] def rowconverter(x): try: return '\t'.join(['%.4f' % d for d in x]) except TypeError: try: x = x.get() except AttributeError: pass if type(x) == float: return '%.4f' % x elif type(x) in (int, long): return '%d' % x else: return x print '\t'.join([ 'channel', 'originx', 'originy', 'originz', 'normalx', 'normaly', 'normalz', 'mean', 'stddev', 'RMS', 'npts' ]) for r in rows: if r[-1] == 0: r[-4:-1] = ['nan', 'nan', 'nan'] print '\t'.join([rowconverter(x) for x in r]) finally: smp.Delete(extracter) smp.SetActiveSource(src)
print('the last argument should be a number') numsteps = 10 #imageData2 = vtk.vtkImageData() for step in range(numsteps): print("Timestep %d" % step) # assume simulation time starts at 0 time = step / float(numsteps) # create the input to the coprocessing library. normally # this will come from the adaptor wavelet = pvsimple.Wavelet() wholeExtent = wavelet.WholeExtent # put in some variation in the point data that changes with time wavelet.Maximum = 255 + 200 * math.sin(step * math.pi / 100) wavelet.UpdatePipeline() imageData = pvsimple.servermanager.Fetch(wavelet) # note that we delete wavelet now since. if not, it will # get deleted automatically in the coprocessing script pvsimple.Delete(wavelet) wavelet = None # "perform" coprocessing. results are outputted only if # the passed in script says we should at time/step coProcess(imageData, time, step, sys.argv[1], wholeExtent) imageData = None import time time.sleep(1)
def deleteSource(self, proxy_id): self.pipeline.removeNode(proxy_id) proxy = helper.idToProxy(proxy_id) simple.Delete(proxy) simple.Render()
def solve(filename,resolution,meshType, testColor): start = time.time() test_desc["Mesh_type"]=meshType test_desc["Test_color"]=testColor #Chargement du maillage triangulaire de la sphère #======================================================================================= my_mesh = cdmath.Mesh(filename+".med") if(not my_mesh.isTriangular()) : raise ValueError("Wrong cell types : mesh is not made of triangles") if(my_mesh.getMeshDimension()!=2) : raise ValueError("Wrong mesh dimension : expected a surface of dimension 2") if(my_mesh.getSpaceDimension()!=3) : raise ValueError("Wrong space dimension : expected a space of dimension 3") nbNodes = my_mesh.getNumberOfNodes() nbCells = my_mesh.getNumberOfCells() test_desc["Space_dimension"]=my_mesh.getSpaceDimension() test_desc["Mesh_dimension"]=my_mesh.getMeshDimension() test_desc["Mesh_number_of_elements"]=my_mesh.getNumberOfNodes() test_desc["Mesh_cell_type"]=my_mesh.getElementTypes() print("Mesh building/loading done") print("nb of nodes=", nbNodes) print("nb of cells=", nbCells) #Discrétisation du second membre et détermination des noeuds intérieurs #====================================================================== my_RHSfield = cdmath.Field("RHS_field", cdmath.NODES, my_mesh, 1) maxNbNeighbours = 0#This is to determine the number of non zero coefficients in the sparse finite element rigidity matrix #parcours des noeuds pour discrétisation du second membre et extraction du nb max voisins d'un noeud for i in range(nbNodes): Ni=my_mesh.getNode(i) x = Ni.x() y = Ni.y() z = Ni.z() my_RHSfield[i]=12*y*(3*x*x-y*y)/pow(x*x+y*y+z*z,3/2)#vecteur propre du laplacien sur la sphère if my_mesh.isBorderNode(i): # Détection des noeuds frontière raise ValueError("Mesh should not contain borders") else: maxNbNeighbours = max(1+Ni.getNumberOfCells(),maxNbNeighbours) test_desc["Mesh_max_number_of_neighbours"]=maxNbNeighbours print("Right hand side discretisation done") print("Max nb of neighbours=", maxNbNeighbours) print("Integral of the RHS", my_RHSfield.integral(0)) # Construction de la matrice de rigidité et du vecteur second membre du système linéaire #======================================================================================= Rigidite=cdmath.SparseMatrixPetsc(nbNodes,nbNodes,maxNbNeighbours)# warning : third argument is number of non zero coefficients per line RHS=cdmath.Vector(nbNodes) # Vecteurs gradient de la fonction de forme associée à chaque noeud d'un triangle GradShapeFunc0=cdmath.Vector(3) GradShapeFunc1=cdmath.Vector(3) GradShapeFunc2=cdmath.Vector(3) normalFace0=cdmath.Vector(3) normalFace1=cdmath.Vector(3) #On parcourt les triangles du domaine for i in range(nbCells): Ci=my_mesh.getCell(i) #Contribution à la matrice de rigidité nodeId0=Ci.getNodeId(0) nodeId1=Ci.getNodeId(1) nodeId2=Ci.getNodeId(2) N0=my_mesh.getNode(nodeId0) N1=my_mesh.getNode(nodeId1) N2=my_mesh.getNode(nodeId2) #Build normal to cell Ci normalFace0[0]=Ci.getNormalVector(0,0) normalFace0[1]=Ci.getNormalVector(0,1) normalFace0[2]=Ci.getNormalVector(0,2) normalFace1[0]=Ci.getNormalVector(1,0) normalFace1[1]=Ci.getNormalVector(1,1) normalFace1[2]=Ci.getNormalVector(1,2) normalCell = normalFace0.crossProduct(normalFace1) test = normalFace0.tensProduct(normalFace1) normalCell = normalCell/normalCell.norm() cellMat=cdmath.Matrix(4) cellMat[0,0]=N0.x() cellMat[0,1]=N0.y() cellMat[0,2]=N0.z() cellMat[1,0]=N1.x() cellMat[1,1]=N1.y() cellMat[1,2]=N1.z() cellMat[2,0]=N2.x() cellMat[2,1]=N2.y() cellMat[2,2]=N2.z() cellMat[3,0]=normalCell[0] cellMat[3,1]=normalCell[1] cellMat[3,2]=normalCell[2] cellMat[0,3]=1 cellMat[1,3]=1 cellMat[2,3]=1 cellMat[3,3]=0 #Formule des gradients voir EF P1 -> calcul déterminants GradShapeFunc0[0]= cellMat.partMatrix(0,0).determinant()/2 GradShapeFunc0[1]=-cellMat.partMatrix(0,1).determinant()/2 GradShapeFunc0[2]= cellMat.partMatrix(0,2).determinant()/2 GradShapeFunc1[0]=-cellMat.partMatrix(1,0).determinant()/2 GradShapeFunc1[1]= cellMat.partMatrix(1,1).determinant()/2 GradShapeFunc1[2]=-cellMat.partMatrix(1,2).determinant()/2 GradShapeFunc2[0]= cellMat.partMatrix(2,0).determinant()/2 GradShapeFunc2[1]=-cellMat.partMatrix(2,1).determinant()/2 GradShapeFunc2[2]= cellMat.partMatrix(2,2).determinant()/2 #Création d'un tableau (numéro du noeud, gradient de la fonction de forme GradShapeFuncs={nodeId0 : GradShapeFunc0} GradShapeFuncs[nodeId1]=GradShapeFunc1 GradShapeFuncs[nodeId2]=GradShapeFunc2 # Remplissage de la matrice de rigidité et du second membre for j in [nodeId0,nodeId1,nodeId2] : #Ajout de la contribution de la cellule triangulaire i au second membre du noeud j RHS[j]=Ci.getMeasure()/3*my_RHSfield[j]+RHS[j] # intégrale dans le triangle du produit f x fonction de base #Contribution de la cellule triangulaire i à la ligne j du système linéaire for k in [nodeId0,nodeId1,nodeId2] : Rigidite.addValue(j,k,GradShapeFuncs[j]*GradShapeFuncs[k]/Ci.getMeasure()) print("Linear system matrix building done") # Résolution du système linéaire #================================= LS=cdmath.LinearSolver(Rigidite,RHS,100,1.E-2,"CG","ILU")#Remplacer CG par CHOLESKY pour solveur direct LS.isSingular()#En raison de l'absence de bord LS.setComputeConditionNumber() SolSyst=LS.solve() print "Preconditioner used : ", LS.getNameOfPc() print "Number of iterations used : ", LS.getNumberOfIter() print "Final residual : ", LS.getResidu() print("Linear system solved") test_desc["Linear_solver_algorithm"]=LS.getNameOfMethod() test_desc["Linear_solver_preconditioner"]=LS.getNameOfPc() test_desc["Linear_solver_precision"]=LS.getTolerance() test_desc["Linear_solver_maximum_iterations"]=LS.getNumberMaxOfIter() test_desc["Linear_system_max_actual_iterations_number"]=LS.getNumberOfIter() test_desc["Linear_system_max_actual_error"]=LS.getResidu() test_desc["Linear_system_max_actual_condition number"]=LS.getConditionNumber() # Création du champ résultat #=========================== my_ResultField = cdmath.Field("ResultField", cdmath.NODES, my_mesh, 1) for j in range(nbNodes): my_ResultField[j]=SolSyst[j];#remplissage des valeurs pour les noeuds intérieurs #sauvegarde sur le disque dur du résultat dans un fichier paraview my_ResultField.writeVTK("FiniteElementsOnSpherePoisson_"+meshType+str(nbNodes)) end = time.time() print("Integral of the numerical solution", my_ResultField.integral(0)) print("Numerical solution of poisson equation on a sphere using finite elements done") #Calcul de l'erreur commise par rapport à la solution exacte #=========================================================== #The following formulas use the fact that the exact solution is equal the right hand side divided by 12 max_abs_sol_exacte=0 erreur_abs=0 max_sol_num=0 min_sol_num=0 for i in range(nbNodes) : if max_abs_sol_exacte < abs(my_RHSfield[i]) : max_abs_sol_exacte = abs(my_RHSfield[i]) if erreur_abs < abs(my_RHSfield[i]/12 - my_ResultField[i]) : erreur_abs = abs(my_RHSfield[i]/12 - my_ResultField[i]) if max_sol_num < my_ResultField[i] : max_sol_num = my_ResultField[i] if min_sol_num > my_ResultField[i] : min_sol_num = my_ResultField[i] max_abs_sol_exacte = max_abs_sol_exacte/12 print("Absolute error = max(| exact solution - numerical solution |) = ",erreur_abs ) print("Relative error = max(| exact solution - numerical solution |)/max(| exact solution |) = ",erreur_abs/max_abs_sol_exacte) print ("Maximum numerical solution = ", max_sol_num, " Minimum numerical solution = ", min_sol_num) test_desc["Computational_time_taken_by_run"]=end-start test_desc["Absolute_error"]=erreur_abs test_desc["Relative_error"]=erreur_abs/max_abs_sol_exacte #Postprocessing : #================ # save 3D picture PV_routines.Save_PV_data_to_picture_file("FiniteElementsOnSpherePoisson_"+meshType+str(nbNodes)+'_0.vtu',"ResultField",'NODES',"FiniteElementsOnSpherePoisson_"+meshType+str(nbNodes)) # save 3D clip VTK_routines.Clip_VTK_data_to_VTK("FiniteElementsOnSpherePoisson_"+meshType+str(nbNodes)+'_0.vtu',"Clip_VTK_data_to_VTK_"+ "FiniteElementsOnSpherePoisson_"+meshType+str(nbNodes)+'_0.vtu',[0.25,0.25,0.25], [-0.5,-0.5,-0.5],resolution ) PV_routines.Save_PV_data_to_picture_file("Clip_VTK_data_to_VTK_"+"FiniteElementsOnSpherePoisson_"+meshType+str(nbNodes)+'_0.vtu',"ResultField",'NODES',"Clip_VTK_data_to_VTK_"+"FiniteElementsOnSpherePoisson_"+meshType+str(nbNodes)) # save plot around circumference finiteElementsOnSphere_0vtu = pvs.XMLUnstructuredGridReader(FileName=["FiniteElementsOnSpherePoisson_"+meshType+str(nbNodes)+'_0.vtu']) slice1 = pvs.Slice(Input=finiteElementsOnSphere_0vtu) slice1.SliceType.Normal = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] renderView1 = pvs.GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView') finiteElementsOnSphere_0vtuDisplay = pvs.Show(finiteElementsOnSphere_0vtu, renderView1) pvs.ColorBy(finiteElementsOnSphere_0vtuDisplay, ('POINTS', 'ResultField')) slice1Display = pvs.Show(slice1, renderView1) pvs.SaveScreenshot("./FiniteElementsOnSpherePoisson"+"_Slice_"+meshType+str(nbNodes)+'.png', magnification=1, quality=100, view=renderView1) plotOnSortedLines1 = pvs.PlotOnSortedLines(Input=slice1) pvs.SaveData('./FiniteElementsOnSpherePoisson_PlotOnSortedLines'+meshType+str(nbNodes)+'.csv', proxy=plotOnSortedLines1) lineChartView2 = pvs.CreateView('XYChartView') plotOnSortedLines1Display = pvs.Show(plotOnSortedLines1, lineChartView2) plotOnSortedLines1Display.UseIndexForXAxis = 0 plotOnSortedLines1Display.XArrayName = 'arc_length' plotOnSortedLines1Display.SeriesVisibility = ['ResultField (1)'] pvs.SaveScreenshot("./FiniteElementsOnSpherePoisson"+"_PlotOnSortedLine_"+meshType+str(nbNodes)+'.png', magnification=1, quality=100, view=lineChartView2) pvs.Delete(lineChartView2) with open('test_Poisson'+str(my_mesh.getMeshDimension())+'D_EF_'+meshType+str(nbCells)+ "Cells.json", 'w') as outfile: json.dump(test_desc, outfile) return erreur_abs/max_abs_sol_exacte, nbNodes, min_sol_num, max_sol_num, end - start
wavelet = pvsimple.Wavelet() wavelet.Maximum = 300+50*math.sin(step * 2 * 3.1415927 / 10) wavelet.YMag = yMag wavelet.ZMag = zMag contour = pvsimple.Contour(guiName="Contour", Isosurfaces=[230.0], ContourBy=['RTData'], PointMergeMethod="Uniform Binning" ) fileName = currentDir + "/wavelet_{:0d}_{:0d}_{:0d}.vtp".format ( yMag, zMag, step) writer = pvsimple.XMLPolyDataWriter(Input = contour, FileName=fileName) writer.UpdatePipeline() pvsimple.Show() pvsimple.Render() pvsimple.Delete(wavelet) pvsimple.Delete(contour) pvsimple.Delete(writer) wavelet = None contour = None writer = None fTime.write(fileName) fTime.write("\n") fTime.close() fEnsemble.close()
def cleanup(): global DTMPythonFilter smp.Delete(DTMPythonFilter)
def RequestData(): # R.0.2018.080 import sys import numpy as np import os import paraview.simple as simple sys.path.insert(0, "EMC_SRC_PATH") import IrisEMC_Paraview_Lib as lib views = simple.GetViews(viewtype="SpreadSheetView") if len(views) > 0: simple.Delete(views[0]) else: view = simple.GetActiveView() layout = simple.GetLayout(view) locationId = layout.SplitViewVertical(view=view, fraction=0.7) pdo = self.GetOutput() # vtkTable if Coordinate_Type == 0: lon = X_or_Longitude lat = Y_or_Latitude depth = Z_or_Depth x, y, z = lib.llz2xyz(lat, lon, depth) else: x = X_or_Longitude y = Y_or_Latitude z = Z_or_Depth lat, lon, depth = lib.xyz2llz(x, y, z) # VTK arrays for columns #name = vtk.vtkStringArray() #name.SetNumberOfComponents(1) #name.SetNumberOfTuples(6) #name.SetName("Component Name") #name.InsertNextValue("X") #name.InsertNextValue("Y") #name.InsertNextValue("Z") #name.InsertNextValue("Latitude") #name.InsertNextValue("Longitude") #name.InsertNextValue("Depth") #pdo.Array(name) # store metadata fieldData = pdo.GetFieldData() fieldData.AllocateArrays(3) # number of fields fieldData = pdo.GetFieldData() data = vtk.vtkFloatArray() data.SetName('Longitude, Latitude, Depth') data.InsertNextValue(lon) data.InsertNextValue(lat) data.InsertNextValue(depth) fieldData.AddArray(data) data = vtk.vtkFloatArray() data.SetName('X, Y, Z') data.InsertNextValue(x) data.InsertNextValue(y) data.InsertNextValue(z) fieldData.AddArray(data) pdo.SetFieldData(fieldData)
def clear(self): version = self.version rv = self.rv simple = self.simple print 'Clear the pipeline.' # Reset time so that color range is detected correctly on build(). rv.ViewTime = 0 rv.StillRender() def name(proxy): # Return name of proxy. return (type(proxy)).__name__ def cmp_tubes_filters_glyphs_blocks(x,y): # Using this function to sort the proxies will assure they are # removed in the right order. if name(x) in ['GenerateTubes', 'TubeFilter', 'Tube']: return -1 elif name(y) in ['GenerateTubes', 'TubeFilter', 'Tube']: return 1 if name(x) == 'ProgrammableFilter': return -1 elif name(y) == 'ProgrammableFilter': return 1 elif name(x) == 'Glyph' or name(x)[:11] == 'TensorGlyph': return -1 elif name(y) == 'Glyph' or name(y)[:11] == 'TensorGlyph': return 1 if name(x) == 'ExtractBlock': return -1 elif name(y) == 'ExtractBlock': return 1 return cmp(x,y) # Remove lookup tables first. pxm = servermanager.ProxyManager() for proxy in pxm.GetProxiesInGroup('lookup_tables').itervalues(): servermanager.UnRegister(proxy) if version == 4: # Then remove the source proxies. for proxy in sorted(pxm.GetProxiesInGroup('sources').itervalues(), cmp_tubes_filters_glyphs_blocks): if name(proxy) == 'TensorGlyphWithCustomSource': # Do nothing. # Setting Source or Input gives: # 'QAbstractItemModel::endRemoveRows: # Invalid index ( 2 , 0 ) in model # pqPipelineModel(0x26340b0)' # pass else: # Avoid error: # 'Connection sink not found in the pipeline model'. if hasattr(proxy, "Source"): proxy.Source = None if hasattr(proxy, "Input"): proxy.Input = None servermanager.UnRegister(proxy) # Finally remove the representations. for proxy in pxm.GetProxiesInGroup('representations').itervalues(): servermanager.UnRegister(proxy) rv.Representations = [] else: for proxy in sorted(simple.GetSources().itervalues(), cmp_tubes_filters_glyphs_blocks): # Avoid error: # 'Connection sink not found in the pipeline model'. if hasattr(proxy, "Input"): proxy.Input = None if hasattr(proxy, "GlyphType"): proxy.GlyphType = None simple.Delete(proxy) rv.ResetCamera() rv.StillRender()
def RequestData(): # R.0.2018.080 import sys sys.path.insert(0, "EMC_SRC_PATH") from datetime import datetime import numpy as np from vtk.numpy_interface import dataset_adapter as dsa from vtk.util import numpy_support import IrisEMC_Paraview_Lib as lib import paraview.simple as simple views = simple.GetViews(viewtype="SpreadSheetView") if len(views) > 0: simple.Delete(views[0]) else: view = simple.GetActiveView() layout = simple.GetLayout(view) locationId = layout.SplitViewVertical(view=view ,fraction=0.7) myId = simple.GetActiveSource().Input.GetGlobalIDAsString() proxies = simple.GetSources() proxyList = [] for key in proxies: listElt = {} listElt['name'] = key[0] listElt['id'] = key[1] proxy = proxies[key] parentId = '0' if hasattr(proxy, 'Input'): parentId = proxy.Input.GetGlobalIDAsString() listElt['parent'] = parentId proxyList.append(listElt) pdi = self.GetInput() # VTK PolyData Type np = pdi.GetNumberOfPoints() depthMin = 9999999999999.0 depthMax = -9999999999999.0 latitude = {} longitude = {} pdo = self.GetOutput() # VTK Table Type polyData = vtk.vtkPolyData() dataPoints = vtk.vtkPoints() if len(Label.strip()) <= 0: pid = simple.GetActiveSource().Input.GetGlobalIDAsString() proxies = simple.GetSources() for key in proxies: if key[1] == pid: Label = " ".join(["Coordinates View:",key[0]]) break for i in range(np): point = pdi.GetPoints().GetPoint(i) (lat,lon,depth) = lib.xyz2llz(point[0],point[1],point[2]) dataPoints.InsertNextPoint((lat,lon,depth)) key = "%0.1f"%(depth) if depthMin >= float(key): depthMin = float(key) depthMinKey = key if depthMax <= float(key): depthMax = float(key) depthMaxKey = key if key not in latitude.keys(): latitude[key] =[] longitude[key] = [] latitude[key].append(float("%0.1f"%(lat))) longitude[key].append(float("%0.1f"%(lon))) # store boundary metadata fieldData = polyData.GetFieldData() fieldData.AllocateArrays(3) # number of fields depthData = vtk.vtkStringArray() depthData.SetName('Depth\n(km)') data = vtk.vtkStringArray() data.SetName('Corners (lat,lon)\n(degrees)') depthKeys = [depthMinKey,depthMaxKey] if depthMinKey == depthMaxKey: depthKeys = [depthMinKey] for i in range(len(depthKeys)): depthKey = depthKeys[i] borderLat = [] borderLon = [] oldMin = 999999999.0 oldMax = -99999999.0 lonList = list(set(sorted(longitude[depthKey]))) for j in range(len(lonList)): lon = lonList[j] minVal = 999999999.0 maxVal = -99999999.0 for i in range(len(longitude[depthKey])): if longitude[depthKey][i] == lon: if latitude[depthKey][i] > maxVal: maxVal = latitude[depthKey][i] if latitude[depthKey][i] < minVal: minVal = latitude[depthKey][i] if oldMin != minVal or j==len(lonList)-1: if abs(oldMin) < 9999.0: borderLat.append(oldMin) borderLon.append(lon) borderLat.append(minVal) borderLon.append(lon) oldMin = minVal if oldMax != maxVal or j==len(lonList)-1: if abs(oldMax) < 9999.0: borderLat.append(oldMax) borderLon.append(lon) borderLat.append(maxVal) borderLon.append(lon) oldMax = maxVal borderList = zip(borderLat, borderLon) borderList.sort() borderList = list(set(borderList)) min1 = borderList[0][0] max1 = borderList[0][0] for i in range(len(borderList)): if borderList[i][0] < min1: min1 = borderList[i][0] if borderList[i][0] > max1: max1 = borderList[i][0] minList = [] maxList = [] for i in range(len(borderList)): if borderList[i][0] == min1: minList.append(borderList[i][1]) if borderList[i][0] == max1: maxList.append(borderList[i][1]) depthData.InsertNextValue(depthKey) data.InsertNextValue("%0.1f, %0.1f"%(min1,min(minList))) if min(minList) != max(minList): depthData.InsertNextValue(" ") data.InsertNextValue("%0.1f, %0.1f"%(min1,max(minList))) depthData.InsertNextValue(" ") data.InsertNextValue("%0.1f, %0.1f"%(max1,max(maxList))) if min(maxList) != max(maxList): depthData.InsertNextValue(" ") data.InsertNextValue("%0.1f, %0.1f"%(max1,min(maxList))) fieldData.AddArray(data) fieldData.AddArray(depthData) if len(Label.strip()) > 0: simple.RenameSource(Label) pdo.SetFieldData(fieldData)
def get_curvatures(vtk_file, vtk_file_dir, output_file, output_file_dir, arr_name, sample_rate, gauss_filter, mean_filter): import paraview.simple as ps import numpy as np import paraview as pv from vtk.util.numpy_support import vtk_to_numpy # have paraview open the vtk data file reader = ps.OpenDataFile(vtk_file_dir + vtk_file) sys_data = pv.servermanager.Fetch(reader) nx, ny, nz = sys_data.GetDimensions() dx, dy, dz = sys_data.GetSpacing() # downsample the data (makes for a smoother contour surface) ds = ps.ExtractSubset(reader) ds.SampleRateI = sample_rate ds.SampleRateJ = sample_rate ds.SampleRateK = sample_rate ds.VOI[1] = nx - 1 ds.VOI[3] = ny - 1 ds.VOI[5] = nz - 1 ds.IncludeBoundary = 1 ds.UpdatePipeline() # have paraview apply a contour surface at a concentration value of cont_val contour = ps.Contour(ds) cont_val = 0.0 # this might change depending on order parameter contour.ContourBy = ['POINTS', arr_name] # Viz is the name of the vtk array contour.Isosurfaces = [cont_val] contour.SetPropertyWithName('ComputeNormals', 0) contour.UpdatePipeline() # have paraview calculate the curvature (default is Gaussian) curvature = ps.Curvature(contour) # filter the curvatures threshold = ps.Threshold(curvature) threshold.Scalars = ['POINTS', 'Gauss_Curvature'] threshold.ThresholdRange = [-gauss_filter, gauss_filter] threshold.AllScalars = 1 threshold.UpdatePipeline() gauss_data = pv.servermanager.Fetch(threshold) size_gauss = gauss_data.GetPointData().GetArray(0).GetSize() # convert vtk array to numpy array gauss_curv = vtk_to_numpy(gauss_data.GetPointData().GetArray(0)) # integrate the surface area and curvature summed_curv = ps.IntegrateVariables(threshold) summed_curv_data = pv.servermanager.Fetch(summed_curv) g_surf_area = summed_curv_data.GetCellData().GetArray(0).GetValue(0) # have paraview recalculate the mean curvature curvature.SetPropertyWithName('CurvatureType', 'Mean') curvature.UpdatePipeline() threshold = ps.Threshold(curvature) threshold.Scalars = ['POINTS', 'Mean_Curvature'] threshold.ThresholdRange = [-mean_filter, mean_filter] threshold.UpdatePipeline() summed_curv = ps.IntegrateVariables(threshold) summed_curv.UpdatePipeline() summed_curv_data = pv.servermanager.Fetch(summed_curv) m_surf_area = summed_curv_data.GetCellData().GetArray(0).GetValue(0) mean_data = pv.servermanager.Fetch(threshold) # convert vtk array to numpy array mean_curv = vtk_to_numpy(mean_data.GetPointData().GetArray(0)) # calculate the surface area to volume ratio g_surf_to_vol = g_surf_area / (nx * dx * ny * dy * nz * dz) m_surf_to_vol = m_surf_area / (nx * dx * ny * dy * nz * dz) # calculate percent of data used in threshold curvature_data = pv.servermanager.Fetch(curvature) size_curv = curvature_data.GetPointData().GetArray(0).GetSize() # save the numpy arrays for later manipulation np.savez(output_file_dir + output_file, gauss_curv, mean_curv, g_surf_to_vol, g_surf_area, m_surf_to_vol, m_surf_area) # delete paraview sources and filters ps.Delete(summed_curv) ps.Delete(contour) ps.Delete(ds) ps.Delete(reader) del (sys_data) del (summed_curv_data) return 0
def openFile(self, files): id = "" if _FileOpener.reader: try: simple.Delete(_FileOpener.reader) except: _FileOpener.reader = None try: #_FileOpener.reader = simple.OpenDataFile(files) #simple.Show() #simple.Render() #simple.ResetCamera() #id = _FileOpener.reader.GetGlobalIDAsString() m000_ = simple.GenericIOReader(FileName=files) m000_.xAxis = 'x' m000_.yAxis = 'y' m000_.zAxis = 'z' m000_.PointArrayStatus = ['vx', 'vy', 'vz', 'id', 'fof_halo_tag'] #_FileOpener.view = simple.GetRenderView() DataRepresentation1 = simple.Show() DataRepresentation1.ScaleFactor = 12.799999237060547 DataRepresentation1.ScalarOpacityUnitDistance = 1.7320512506334491 DataRepresentation1.SelectionPointFieldDataArrayName = 'fof_halo_tag' DataRepresentation1.EdgeColor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.50000762951094835] _FileOpener.view.CenterOfRotation = [ 63.999996662139893, 63.999996185302734, 63.999996185302734 ] Calculator1 = simple.Calculator() _FileOpener.view.CameraPosition = [ 63.999996662139893, 63.999996185302734, 492.29631710692331 ] _FileOpener.view.CameraFocalPoint = [ 63.999996662139893, 63.999996185302734, 63.999996185302734 ] _FileOpener.view.CameraClippingRange = [ 296.65336530365192, 595.04075617962826 ] _FileOpener.view.CameraParallelScale = 110.85124480185661 DataRepresentation2 = simple.Show() DataRepresentation2.ScaleFactor = 12.799999237060547 DataRepresentation2.ScalarOpacityUnitDistance = 1.7320512506334491 DataRepresentation2.SelectionPointFieldDataArrayName = 'fof_halo_tag' DataRepresentation2.EdgeColor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.50000762951094835] DataRepresentation1.Visibility = 0 Calculator1.Function = 'iHat*vx + jHat*vy + kHat*vz' Calculator1.ResultArrayName = 'velocity' _FileOpener.view.Background2 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.16470588235294117] _FileOpener.view.Background = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] _FileOpener.view.CenterAxesVisibility = 0 a3_velocity_PVLookupTable = GetLookupTableForArray( "velocity", 3, RGBPoints=[ 22.220290592721472, 0.27843099999999998, 0.27843099999999998, 0.85882400000000003, 2772.329145661583, 0.0, 0.0, 0.36078399999999999, 5503.2064702754178, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 8272.5468557993063, 0.0, 0.50196099999999999, 0.0, 11003.42418041314, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 13753.533035482002, 1.0, 0.38039200000000001, 0.0, 16503.641890550865, 0.41960799999999998, 0.0, 0.0, 19253.750745619727, 0.87843099999999996, 0.30196099999999998, 0.30196099999999998 ], VectorMode='Magnitude', NanColor=[1.0, 1.0, 0.0], ColorSpace='RGB', ScalarRangeInitialized=1.0) a3_velocity_PiecewiseFunction = CreatePiecewiseFunction(Points=[ 22.220290592721472, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 19253.750745619727, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0 ]) ScalarBarWidgetRepresentation1 = CreateScalarBar( ComponentTitle='Magnitude', Title='velocity', Enabled=1, LabelFontSize=8, TitleFontSize=8) ScalarBarWidgetRepresentation1.LookupTable = a3_velocity_PVLookupTable _FileOpener.view.Representations.append( ScalarBarWidgetRepresentation1) DataRepresentation2.ScalarOpacityFunction = a3_velocity_PiecewiseFunction DataRepresentation2.ColorArrayName = ('POINT_DATA', 'velocity') DataRepresentation2.PointSize = 1.0 DataRepresentation2.LookupTable = a3_velocity_PVLookupTable a3_velocity_PVLookupTable.ScalarOpacityFunction = a3_velocity_PiecewiseFunction simple.Render() # Fix lookup table range data = simple.Calculator1.GetPointDataInformation() (minValue, maxValue) = data.GetArray('velocity').GetRange(-1) rgbPoints = a3_velocity_PVLookupTable.RGBPoints rgbPointsMod = [] for i in range(8): alpha = i / 7.0 rgbPointsMod.append((1 - alpha) * minValue + alpha * maxValue) rgbPointsMod.append(rgbPoints[4 * i + 1]) rgbPointsMod.append(rgbPoints[4 * i + 2]) rgbPointsMod.append(rgbPoints[4 * i + 3]) a3_velocity_PVLookupTable.RGBPoints = rgbPointsMod simple.Render() _FileOpener.reader = m000 id = _FileOpener.reader.GetGlobalIDAsString() except: _FileOpener.reader = None return id
def Save_PV_data_to_picture_file(inputFileName, field_name, node_or_cell,outputFileName ): pvs._DisableFirstRenderCameraReset() #pvs.HideAll(view=None)#Not available in paraview 5.1.2 view = pvs.GetActiveView() sources = pvs.GetSources().values() for aSource in sources: pvs.Hide(aSource, view) # create a new 'XML Unstructured Grid Reader' reader = pvs.XMLUnstructuredGridReader(FileName=[inputFileName]) if node_or_cell== 'CELLS': reader.CellArrayStatus = [field_name] elif node_or_cell== 'NODES': reader.PointArrayStatus = [field_name] else: raise ValueError("unknown type : should be CELLS or NODES") # get active view renderView1 = pvs.GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView') # uncomment following to set a specific view size # renderView1.ViewSize = [1057, 499] # show data in view display = pvs.Show(reader, renderView1); # trace defaults for the display properties. display.ColorArrayName = [None, ''] display.GlyphType = 'Arrow' display.ScalarOpacityUnitDistance = 0.02234159571242408 # reset view to fit data renderView1.ResetCamera() # set scalar coloring if node_or_cell== 'CELLS': pvs.ColorBy(display, ('CELLS', field_name)) elif node_or_cell== 'NODES': pvs.ColorBy(display, ('POINTS', field_name)) else: raise ValueError("unknown type : should be CELLS or NODES") # rescale color and/or opacity maps used to include current data range display.RescaleTransferFunctionToDataRange(True) # show color bar/color legend display.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, True) pvs.SaveScreenshot(outputFileName+".png", magnification=1, quality=100, view=renderView1) display.SetScalarBarVisibility(renderView1, False) if field_name=='Velocity' : #pvs.HideAll(view=None)#Not available in paraview 5.1.2 view = pvs.GetActiveView() sources = pvs.GetSources().values() for aSource in sources: pvs.Hide(aSource, view) # create a new 'Stream Tracer' streamTracer1 = pvs.StreamTracer(Input=reader, SeedType='Point Source') streamTracer1.Vectors = ['CELLS', 'Velocity'] # init the 'Point Source' selected for 'SeedType' streamTracer1.SeedType.Center = [0.5, 0.5, 0.0] streamTracer1.SeedType.Radius = 0.0 # Properties modified on streamTracer1 streamTracer1.SeedType = 'High Resolution Line Source' # Properties modified on streamTracer1.SeedType streamTracer1.SeedType.Point1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] streamTracer1.SeedType.Point2 = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0] streamTracer1.SeedType.Resolution = 20# Pb : claims attribute Resolution does not exist # show data in view streamTracer1Display = pvs.Show(streamTracer1, renderView1) # create a new 'Stream Tracer' streamTracer2 = pvs.StreamTracer(Input=reader, SeedType='Point Source') streamTracer2.Vectors = ['CELLS', 'Velocity'] # init the 'Point Source' selected for 'SeedType' streamTracer2.SeedType.Center = [0.5, 0.5, 0.0] streamTracer2.SeedType.Radius = 0.0 # Properties modified on streamTracer2 streamTracer2.SeedType = 'High Resolution Line Source' # Properties modified on streamTracer2.SeedType streamTracer2.SeedType.Point1 = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] streamTracer2.SeedType.Point2 = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] streamTracer2.SeedType.Resolution = 25# Pb : claims attribute Resolution does not exist # show data in view streamTracer2Display = pvs.Show(streamTracer2, renderView1) pvs.SaveScreenshot(outputFileName+"_streamlines.png", magnification=1, quality=100, view=renderView1) pvs.Delete()
slice1Display = pvs.Show(slice1, renderView1) pvs.SaveScreenshot("./FiniteElementsOnSphere" + "_Slice" + '.png', magnification=1, quality=100, view=renderView1) plotOnSortedLines1 = pvs.PlotOnSortedLines(Input=slice1) lineChartView2 = pvs.CreateView('XYChartView') plotOnSortedLines1Display = pvs.Show(plotOnSortedLines1, lineChartView2) plotOnSortedLines1Display.UseIndexForXAxis = 0 plotOnSortedLines1Display.XArrayName = 'arc_length' plotOnSortedLines1Display.SeriesVisibility = ['ResultField (1)'] pvs.SaveScreenshot("./FiniteElementsOnSphere" + "_PlotOnSortedLine_" + '.png', magnification=1, quality=100, view=lineChartView2) pvs.Delete(lineChartView2) print("Integral of the numerical solution", my_ResultField.integral(0)) print( "Numerical solution of Poisson equation on a sphere using finite elements done" ) #Calcul de l'erreur commise par rapport à la solution exacte #=========================================================== #The following formulas use the fact that the exact solution is equal the right hand side divided by 12 max_abs_sol_exacte = 0 erreur_abs = 0 max_sol_num = 0 min_sol_num = 0 for i in range(nbNodes): if max_abs_sol_exacte < abs(my_RHSfield[i]):
def batchVis(c1File,particleFile,step,saveAs): """Renders a bijel top down view in paraview and saves a screenshot.""" import paraview.simple as pv # visualize a vtk file c1 = pv.LegacyVTKReader(FileNames=c1File) p = pv.LegacyVTKReader(FileNames=particleFile) renderView1 = pv.GetActiveViewOrCreate('RenderView') renderView1.ViewSize = [1298, 860] renderView1.Background = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] renderView1.InteractionMode = '2D' pDisplay = pv.Show(p, renderView1) c1Display = pv.Show(c1, renderView1) # create particle glyphs glyph = pv.Glyph(Input=p,GlyphType="Sphere") glyph.ScaleFactor = 1.0 glyph.GlyphMode = 'All Points' glyph.GlyphType.Radius = 1.0 glyph.GlyphType.ThetaResolution = 20 glyph.GlyphType.PhiResolution = 20 glyph.Scalars = ['POINTS','radius'] glyph.Vectors = ['POINTS','None'] glyph.ScaleMode = 'scalar' # show data in view glyphDisplay = pv.Show(glyph, renderView1) pv.ColorBy(glyphDisplay, None) pv.SetActiveSource(c1) pv.ColorBy(c1Display, ('POINTS', 'c1')) c1Display.RescaleTransferFunctionToDataRange(True) c1Display.SetRepresentationType('Volume') # make box outline # box = pv.Box() # box.XLength = 128.0 # box.YLength = 128.0 # box.ZLength = 64.0 # box.Center = [64.0, 64.0, 32.0] # boxDisplay = pv.Show(box, renderView1) # boxDisplay.SetRepresentationType('Outline') # boxDisplay.AmbientColor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # set coloring of c1 c1LUT = pv.GetColorTransferFunction('c1') c1LUT.RGBPoints = [0.006000000052154064, 0.231373, 0.298039, 0.752941, 0.5120000033639371, 0.865003, 0.865003, 0.865003, 1.0180000066757202, 0.705882, 0.0156863, 0.14902] c1LUT.ColorSpace = 'Diverging' c1LUT.BelowRangeColor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] c1LUT.AboveRangeColor = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] c1LUT.NanColor = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0] c1LUT.Discretize = 1 c1LUT.NumberOfTableValues = 256 c1LUT.ScalarRangeInitialized = 1.0 c1LUT.AllowDuplicateScalars = 1 c1PWF = pv.GetOpacityTransferFunction('c1') c1PWF.Points = [0.0, 0.05, 0.5, 0.0, 0.3, 0.05, 0.5, 0.0, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.6, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.7, 0.05, 0.5, 0.0, 1., 0.05, 0.5, 0.0] # annotate time step in rendering # text = pv.Text # text.Text = 'Step '+str(step) # textDisplay = pv.Show(text,renderView1) # textDisplay.Color = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # textDisplay.WindowLocation = 'UpperCenter' # reset view to fit data renderView1.ResetCamera() # pv.Render() # save screen shot viewLayout1 = pv.GetLayout() print(saveAs) pv.SaveScreenshot(saveAs, layout=viewLayout1, magnification=1, quality=100) # clean up # pv.Delete(box) pv.Delete(glyph) pv.Delete(p) pv.Delete(c1) del c1 del p del glyph