Example #1
from parcon import number, Forward, InfixExpr
import operator
expr = Forward()
term = number[float] | "(" + expr + ")"
term = InfixExpr(term, [("*", operator.mul), ("/", operator.truediv)])
term = InfixExpr(term, [("+", operator.add), ("-", operator.sub)])

expr << term(name="expr")

print expr.parse_string("1+2")  # prints 3
print expr.parse_string("1+2+3")  # prints 6
print expr.parse_string("1+2+3+4")  # prints 10
print expr.parse_string("3*4")  # prints 12
print expr.parse_string("5+3*4")  # prints 17
print expr.parse_string("(5+3)*4")  # prints 32
print expr.parse_string("10/4")  # prints 2.5
Example #2
m_keywords = m_and | m_or | m_not

m_identifier = W(alphanum_chars + alphas8bit + '_',
                 init_chars=alpha_chars + alphas8bit + '_') - m_keywords

m_identifier = m_identifier(name='NAME')

test('m_identifier', '''

m_expression = Forward()
m_infix_operator = m_logical_operator(name='⧽X⧼')
m_prefix_operator = m_not
m_subexpression = '(' + m_expression + ')'

m_term = m_literal | (m_identifier) | (m_subexpression)

m_expression_tail = Forward()
m_infix_expression = m_term + m_expression_tail
m_expression_tail << ((m_infix_operator + m_expression + m_expression_tail)
                      | (Return(None)))
m_infix_expression = (
    | (m_term + m_infix_operator + m_expression)
    | (m_expression + m_infix_operator + m_term)
Example #3
  return None

def anyIdentifier(_):
  """Matches any identifier."""
  return None

@rule(sp(1) + ':' + sp(1) + className + (',' + sp(1) + className)[...])
def baseClasses(value):
  """List of base classes."""
  return justErrors(value)

filePart = Forward() # Breaking naming scheme to match functions. # pylint: disable=C0103

def end(_):
  """End of an interface, protocol, or implementation."""
  return None

@rule(First('long', 'short') + ' ' + xsp)
def cTypeSizeModifier(value):
  """A type size modifier."""
  return justErrors(value)

  return expressions.ApplyExpression("plus", [left, right])
def make_minus_expression(left, right):
  """simple post-parsing creation method for subtract expressions"""
  return expressions.ApplyExpression("minus", [left, right])
def make_times_expression(left, right):
  """simple post-parsing creation method for multiply expressions"""
  return expressions.ApplyExpression("times", [left, right])
def make_divide_expression(left, right):
  """simple post-parsing creation method for divide expressions"""
  return expressions.ApplyExpression("divide", [left, right])
def make_power_expression(left, right):
  """simple post-parsing creation method for power expressions"""
  return expressions.ApplyExpression("power", [left, right])

expr = Forward()

argument_list = Optional(create_separated_by(expr, ","))

# This way seems to work, provided in 'term' we have apply_expr
# before name_expr. We could also try something like:
# apply_expr = parcon.alpha_word + Optional("(" + argument_list + "))
# provided we can then interpret the result correctly, in particular
# we must make sure that "h()" is different from "h", the former being
# an application of the function h to no arguments and the latter being
# just a name expression referencing the 'h' variable.
# Note also that parcon.alphanum_word may be incorrect here, it should
# be alphchar followed by alphanum_word, or something like that.
variable_name = parcon.Word(parcon.alphanum_chars + "_", 
Example #5
from parcon import number, Forward, InfixExpr
import operator
expr = Forward()
term = number[float] | "(" + expr + ")"
term = InfixExpr(term, [("*", operator.mul), ("/", operator.truediv)])
term = InfixExpr(term, [("+", operator.add), ("-", operator.sub)])

expr << term(name="expr")

print expr.parse_string("1+2") # prints 3
print expr.parse_string("1+2+3") # prints 6
print expr.parse_string("1+2+3+4") # prints 10
print expr.parse_string("3*4") # prints 12
print expr.parse_string("5+3*4") # prints 17
print expr.parse_string("(5+3)*4") # prints 32
print expr.parse_string("10/4") # prints 2.5
Example #6
  if not value[0].islower():
    return Error('BadParameterName', 'Parameter names must not be capitalized', position, LINES)
  return None

@rule(sp(1) + ':' + sp(1) + className + (',' + sp(1) + className)[...])
def baseClasses(value):
  """List of base classes."""
  return justErrors(value)

@rule('(' + -anyIdentifier + ')')
def category(value):
    return justErrors(value)

filePart = Forward() # Breaking naming scheme to match functions. # pylint: disable=C0103

def end(_):
  """End of an interface, protocol, or implementation."""
  return None

@rule(First('long', 'short') + ' ' + xsp)
def cTypeSizeModifier(value):
  """A type size modifier."""
  return justErrors(value)

Example #7
def parse_newick(text):
    import operator
    from parcon import Alpha, Digit, ZeroOrMore, Optional, Forward, OneOrMore, Longest, flatten, InfixExpr, CharIn

    labels = {}

    class ZNode(object):
        def __init__(self, label=None, length=None):
            self.label = label
            self.length = length
            self.children = []
            self.parent = None

        def add_child(self, node):
            node.parent = self

        def ancestors(self):
            pairs = [(self, 0)]
            node = self
            while node.parent:
                pairs.append((node.parent, pairs[-1][1] + 1))
                node = node.parent
            return pairs

        def __str__(self):
            return "{}[{}]:{}".format(self.label,
                                                  self.children)), self.length)

        def __repr__(self):
            s = "<%s" % (self.label or "?", )
            if self.children:
                s += " " + ", ".join(map(repr, self.children))
            s += ">"
            return s

    def make_leaf(ast):
        # print "leaf ast", ast
        label = ast
        node = ZNode(label=label)
        if label:
            labels[label] = node
        return node

    def make_internal(ast):
        # print "internal ast", ast
        if isinstance(ast[0], ZNode):
            node = ZNode()
            children = ast
            label = ast[-1]
            node = ZNode(label=label)
            if label:
                labels[label] = node
            children = ast[-2]
        for n in children:
        return node

    def test(args):
        # print "matched:", args
        return args

    Name = ZeroOrMore(Alpha() | CharIn("_"))[''.join]
    Leaf = Name
    Node = Forward()
    Internal = ("(" + InfixExpr(Node[lambda x: [x]], [(",", operator.add)]) +
                ")") + Optional(Name)
    Node << (Internal[make_internal] | Leaf[make_leaf])
    Tree = Node + ";"

    return Tree.parse_string(text), labels
Example #8

VALUE_CHAR_REGEX = u"[\u0020\u0021\u0023-\uD7FF\u0009\u000A\u000D\uE000-\uFFFD\u10000-\u10FFFF]+"

compare_op = (SL(">=") | SL("<=") | SL(">") | SL("<") | SL("eq"))(name="compare_op")
attr_name = Word(string.letters + string.digits + "_" + "-" + ".")(desc="attribute")
value = Expected(Regex(VALUE_CHAR_REGEX), "value")(desc="value")
bare_value = UntilRegex(u"\s*(?:\sor\s|\sand\s|[)(])", flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE) | value  # may end with or | and | ( | )
maybe_quoted = (L('"') + value + L('"')) | bare_value

attr_match = (attr_name + "=" + maybe_quoted)(name="attr_match")[AttributeMatch.tup]
full_match = (L("full") + "=" + maybe_quoted)(name="full_match")[FullMatch]
schema_match = (L("schema") + "=" + maybe_quoted)(name="schema_match")[SchemaMatch]
type_match = (L("objtype") + "=" + maybe_quoted)(name="type_match")[TypeMatch]
fulltext_match = (L("fulltext") + "=" + maybe_quoted)(name="fulltext_match")[FulltextMatch]
attr_compare = (attr_name + compare_op + maybe_quoted)(name="attr_compare")[AttributeCompare.tup]
atom = (schema_match | type_match | fulltext_match | full_match | attr_match | attr_compare)(name="atom")

expr = Forward()
t = atom | "(" + expr + ")"
t = InfixExpr(t, [(AC("and"), And)])
t = InfixExpr(t, [(AC("or"), Or)])
negated = (AC("not") + t)[Not]
t = negated | t

expr << t(name="search_expr")

# expr is used for parsing the search language, name it `parser` to make it clearer ;)
parser = expr