Example #1
def test_clmin_round_trip(clm):
    path = Path(get_absolute_path('drv_clmin.dat'))
    if path.exists():


    new_clm = Run('clm', __file__)
Example #2
def test_vegp_round_trip(clm):
    path = Path(get_absolute_path('drv_vegp.dat'))
    if path.exists():


    new_clm = Run('clm', __file__)
    veg_params = new_clm.Solver.CLM.Vegetation.Parameters

    # Set the land cover items
    veg_params.LandNames = veg_params.LandNames

# Import the ParFlow package
from parflow import Run
import os
import shutil


# copy CLM files
shutil.copyfile('../inputs/drv_clmin.dat', 'drv_clmin.dat')
shutil.copyfile('../inputs/drv_vegm.dat', 'drv_vegm.dat')
shutil.copyfile('../inputs/drv_vegp.dat', 'drv_vegp.dat')

# Set our Run Name
PFCLM_SC = Run("PFCLM_SC", __file__)

stopt = 8760

# File input version number
PFCLM_SC.FileVersion = 4

# Process Topology

PFCLM_SC.Process.Topology.P = 1
PFCLM_SC.Process.Topology.Q = 1
PFCLM_SC.Process.Topology.R = 1
Example #4
import sys
from parflow import Run

yamlHierarchy = Run('hierarchical', __file__)
generatedFile, runFile = yamlHierarchy.write(file_format='yaml')

with open(generatedFile) as new, open(f'{generatedFile}.ref') as ref:
    if new.read() == ref.read():
        print('Success we have the same file')
        print('Files are different')
Example #5
#  This runs the a Little Washita Test Problem with variable dz
#  and a constant rain forcing.  The full Jacobian is use and there is no dampening in the
#  overland flow.

from parflow import Run
from parflow.tools.fs import cp, mkdir, chdir, get_absolute_path

LWvdz = Run("LWvdz", __file__)

# Copying slope files

dir_name = get_absolute_path('test_output/LWvdz')



LWvdz.FileVersion = 4

LWvdz.Process.Topology.P = 1
LWvdz.Process.Topology.Q = 1
LWvdz.Process.Topology.R = 1

Example #6
#running different configuraitons of tilted V

tcl_precision = 17

# Import the ParFlow TCL package
from parflow import Run

overland_tiltedV_DWE = Run("overland_tiltedV_DWE", __file__)

overland_tiltedV_DWE.FileVersion = 4

overland_tiltedV_DWE.Process.Topology.P = 1
overland_tiltedV_DWE.Process.Topology.Q = 1
overland_tiltedV_DWE.Process.Topology.R = 1

# Computational Grid
overland_tiltedV_DWE.ComputationalGrid.Lower.X = 0.0
overland_tiltedV_DWE.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Y = 0.0
overland_tiltedV_DWE.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Z = 0.0

overland_tiltedV_DWE.ComputationalGrid.NX = 5
overland_tiltedV_DWE.ComputationalGrid.NY = 5
overland_tiltedV_DWE.ComputationalGrid.NZ = 1

overland_tiltedV_DWE.ComputationalGrid.DX = 10.0
overland_tiltedV_DWE.ComputationalGrid.DY = 10.0
overland_tiltedV_DWE.ComputationalGrid.DZ = .05
Example #7
# This runs a test case with the Richards' solver
# with simple flow domains, like a wall or a fault.

# set runname richards_FBx
tcl_precision = 17

# Import the ParFlow TCL package
from parflow import Run
richards_FBx = Run("richards_FBx", __file__)

richards_FBx.FileVersion = 4

richards_FBx.Process.Topology.P = 1
richards_FBx.Process.Topology.Q = 1
richards_FBx.Process.Topology.R = 1

# Computational Grid
richards_FBx.ComputationalGrid.Lower.X = 0.0
richards_FBx.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Y = 0.0
richards_FBx.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Z = 0.0

richards_FBx.ComputationalGrid.DX = 1.0
richards_FBx.ComputationalGrid.DY = 1.0
richards_FBx.ComputationalGrid.DZ = 1.0

richards_FBx.ComputationalGrid.NX = 20
richards_FBx.ComputationalGrid.NY = 20
richards_FBx.ComputationalGrid.NZ = 20
Example #8
            'DispHeight': 11.0
        'water': {
            'WaterType': 3,
            'StemAI': 2.0,
            'RoughLength': 0.002,
            'StemTransNir': -99.0
    for name, item in check_list.items():
        for key, val in item.items():
            assert veg_params[name][key] == val

if __name__ == '__main__':
    clm = Run('clm', __file__)

    clm.ComputationalGrid.NX = 5
    clm.ComputationalGrid.NY = 5


    # Test export then loading the file back in

    # Make sure things are working for fewer land names
Example #9
# Testing various methods that use locations for selections

from parflow import Run
from parflow.tools.fs import get_absolute_path

run = Run("run", __file__)


# Some modifications for testing
run.Solver = 'Richards'

# select() tests
porosity = run.Geom.Porosity
assert run.Geom.Porosity.select('.')[0] is porosity
assert porosity.select('.')[0] is porosity
assert porosity.select()[0] is porosity
assert porosity.select('..')[0] is run.Geom
assert porosity.select('GeomNames')[0] is porosity.GeomNames
assert porosity.select('./GeomNames')[0] is porosity.GeomNames
assert run.Geom.select('Porosity/GeomNames')[0] is porosity.GeomNames
assert porosity.select('/')[0] is run
assert porosity.select('/Geom')[0] is run.Geom
assert porosity.select('/Geom/Porosity')[0] is porosity
assert porosity.select('../../Solver/../Geom/./Porosity/..')[0] is run.Geom
assert porosity.select('../..')[0] is run
assert run.Geom.select('.Porosity.GeomNames')[0] is porosity.GeomNames
Example #10
#  This runs the basic default_richards test case.
#  This run, as written in this input file, should take
#  3 nonlinear iterations.

# Import the ParFlow TCL package
from parflow import Run
default_richards_with_silopmpio = Run("default_richards_with_silopmpio", __file__)

# Examples of compression options for SILO
# Note compression only works for HDF5
#pfset SILO.Filetype "HDF5"
#pfset SILO.CompressionOptions "METHOD=GZIP"
#pfset SILO.CompressionOptions "METHOD=SZIP"
#pfset SILO.CompressionOptions "METHOD=FPZIP"

default_richards_with_silopmpio.FileVersion = 4

default_richards_with_silopmpio.Process.Topology.P = 1
default_richards_with_silopmpio.Process.Topology.Q = 1
default_richards_with_silopmpio.Process.Topology.R = 2

# Computational Grid
default_richards_with_silopmpio.ComputationalGrid.Lower.X = -10.0
default_richards_with_silopmpio.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Y = 10.0
default_richards_with_silopmpio.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Z = 1.0
Example #11
#  This runs the tilted-v catchment problem
#  similar to that in Kollet and Maxwell (2006) AWR

# Import the ParFlow TCL package
from parflow import Run
BC_test = Run("BC_test", __file__)

BC_test.FileVersion = 4

BC_test.Process.Topology.P = 1
BC_test.Process.Topology.Q = 2
BC_test.Process.Topology.R = 1

# Computational Grid
BC_test.ComputationalGrid.Lower.X = 0.0
BC_test.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Y = 0.0
BC_test.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Z = 0.0

BC_test.ComputationalGrid.NX = 30
BC_test.ComputationalGrid.NY = 30
BC_test.ComputationalGrid.NZ = 30

BC_test.ComputationalGrid.DX = 10.0
BC_test.ComputationalGrid.DY = 10.0
BC_test.ComputationalGrid.DZ = .05

Example #12
# Flux on the top surface

rain_flux = -0.05
rec_flux = 0.0

# Import ParFlow

from parflow import Run
from parflow.tools.fs import mkdir, get_absolute_path

wbx = Run("wbx", __file__)


wbx.FileVersion = 4

# Processor topology

wbx.Process.Topology.P = 1
wbx.Process.Topology.Q = 1
wbx.Process.Topology.R = 1

# Computational Grid
#  This runs the tilted-v catchment problem
#  similar to that in Kollet and Maxwell (2006) AWR

tcl_precision = 17

# set runname default_overland

# Import the ParFlow TCL package
from parflow import Run
default_overland_pfmg_octree_jac = Run("default_overland_pfmg_octree_jac", __file__)

default_overland_pfmg_octree_jac.FileVersion = 4

default_overland_pfmg_octree_jac.Process.Topology.P = 1
default_overland_pfmg_octree_jac.Process.Topology.Q = 1
default_overland_pfmg_octree_jac.Process.Topology.R = 1

# Computational Grid
default_overland_pfmg_octree_jac.ComputationalGrid.Lower.X = 0.0
default_overland_pfmg_octree_jac.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Y = 0.0
default_overland_pfmg_octree_jac.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Z = 0.0

default_overland_pfmg_octree_jac.ComputationalGrid.NX = 30
default_overland_pfmg_octree_jac.ComputationalGrid.NY = 30
default_overland_pfmg_octree_jac.ComputationalGrid.NZ = 30

default_overland_pfmg_octree_jac.ComputationalGrid.DX = 10.0
Example #14
# This runs a test case with the Richards' solver
# with simple flow domains, like a wall or a fault.

from parflow import Run
from parflow.tools.fs import mkdir, get_absolute_path

rbp = Run("rbp", __file__)


rbp.FileVersion = 4

rbp.Process.Topology.P = 1
rbp.Process.Topology.Q = 1
rbp.Process.Topology.R = 1

# Computational Grid

rbp.ComputationalGrid.Lower.X = 0.0
rbp.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Y = 0.0
rbp.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Z = 0.0

rbp.ComputationalGrid.DX = 1.0
rbp.ComputationalGrid.DY = 1.0
rbp.ComputationalGrid.DZ = 1.0

rbp.ComputationalGrid.NX = 20
Example #15
#  This runs the basic pfmg test case based off of default richards
#  This run, as written in this input file, should take
#  3 nonlinear iterations.

from parflow import Run
from parflow.tools.fs import mkdir, get_absolute_path

pfmg = Run("pfmg_octree", __file__)


pfmg.FileVersion = 4

pfmg.Process.Topology.P = 1
pfmg.Process.Topology.Q = 1
pfmg.Process.Topology.R = 1

# Computational Grid

pfmg.ComputationalGrid.Lower.X = -10.0
pfmg.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Y = 10.0
pfmg.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Z = 1.0

pfmg.ComputationalGrid.DX = 8.8888888888888893
pfmg.ComputationalGrid.DY = 10.666666666666666
pfmg.ComputationalGrid.DZ = 1.0
# This runs a test case with the Richards' solver
# with a simple flow domain and different BCs on the top.
# The domain geometry is purposefully smaller than the computational grid
# making more than 1/2 the domain inactive in Y.  When run with topology
# 1 2 1 this will test PF behavior for inactive processors, for different BCs
# and solver configurations.

# set runname richards_ptest_vdz
tcl_precision = 17

# Import the ParFlow TCL package
from parflow import Run
richards_box_proctest_vardz = Run("richards_box_proctest_vardz", __file__)

richards_box_proctest_vardz.FileVersion = 4

richards_box_proctest_vardz.Process.Topology.P = 1
richards_box_proctest_vardz.Process.Topology.Q = 1
richards_box_proctest_vardz.Process.Topology.R = 1

# Computational Grid
richards_box_proctest_vardz.ComputationalGrid.Lower.X = 0.0
richards_box_proctest_vardz.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Y = 0.0
richards_box_proctest_vardz.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Z = 0.0

richards_box_proctest_vardz.ComputationalGrid.DX = 1.0
richards_box_proctest_vardz.ComputationalGrid.DY = 1.0
richards_box_proctest_vardz.ComputationalGrid.DZ = 1.0
Example #17
# Runs a simple sand draining problem, rectangular domain
# with variable dz and a heterogenous subsurface with different K the top and bottom layers

# Import the ParFlow TCL package
from parflow import Run
var_dz_1D = Run("var_dz_1D", __file__)

var_dz_1D.FileVersion = 4

var_dz_1D.Process.Topology.P = 1
var_dz_1D.Process.Topology.Q = 1
var_dz_1D.Process.Topology.R = 1

# Computational Grid
var_dz_1D.ComputationalGrid.Lower.X = 0.0
var_dz_1D.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Y = 0.0
var_dz_1D.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Z = 0.0

var_dz_1D.ComputationalGrid.DX = 1.0
var_dz_1D.ComputationalGrid.DY = 1.0
var_dz_1D.ComputationalGrid.DZ = 0.1

var_dz_1D.ComputationalGrid.NX = 1
var_dz_1D.ComputationalGrid.NY = 1
var_dz_1D.ComputationalGrid.NZ = 14

# The Names of the GeomInputs
Example #18
def test_fewer_land_names(clm):
    vegm_file = Path(get_absolute_path('drv_vegm.dat'))
    vegp_file = Path(get_absolute_path('drv_vegp.dat'))
    for path in (vegm_file, vegp_file):
        if path.exists():


    new_clm = Run('clm', __file__)
    veg_params = new_clm.Solver.CLM.Vegetation.Parameters
    veg_map = new_clm.Solver.CLM.Vegetation.Map

    # Set only two land cover items
    veg_params.LandNames = 'forest_en forest_eb'

    CLMImporter(new_clm) \
        .map_file(vegm_file) \

    assert veg_params.LandNames == ['forest_en', 'forest_eb']
    assert 'water' not in veg_params.keys()
    assert 'water' not in veg_map.keys()

    veg_map.LandFrac.forest_en.Value = 0.6
    veg_map.LandFrac.forest_eb.Value = 0.4
    veg_map.LandFrac.forest_en.Type = 'Constant'
    veg_map.LandFrac.forest_eb.Type = 'Constant'

    new_clm.ComputationalGrid.NX = 5
    new_clm.ComputationalGrid.NY = 5


    vegm_data = read_clm(vegm_file, type='vegm')
    vegp_data = read_clm(vegp_file, type='vegp')

    # These should be 0.6 and 0.4
    shape = vegm_data.shape[:2]
    assert np.array_equal(vegm_data[:, :, 5], np.full(shape, 0.6))
    assert np.array_equal(vegm_data[:, :, 6], np.full(shape, 0.4))

    # All of the vegm data after the 2 land types should be zero
    last_land_ind = 6
    zeros = np.zeros(shape)
    for i in range(last_land_ind + 1, vegm_data.shape[2]):
        assert np.array_equal(vegm_data[:, :, i], zeros)

    # All of the vegp data after the second land type should be equal
    # to the default
    default_vegp = CLMExporter(new_clm)._default_vegp_values
    for key, val in vegp_data.items():
        for i in range(2, len(val)):
            assert val[i] == default_vegp[key]

    # Make sure at least one of the other values is correct
    key = 'z0m'
    ind = 1
    val = 2.2
    assert vegp_data[key][ind] != default_vegp[key]
    assert vegp_data[key][ind] == val
Example #19
# 0 = flat top (no overland flow)
# 1 = slope to upper-y
use_slopes = 1

# Flux on the top surface
rain_flux = -0.05
rec_flux = 0.0

# Import the ParFlow TCL package
from parflow import Run
water_balance_y = Run("water_balance_y", __file__)

# Name of the run
# set runname water_balance

water_balance_y.FileVersion = 4

# Processor topology
water_balance_y.Process.Topology.P = 1
water_balance_y.Process.Topology.Q = 1
water_balance_y.Process.Topology.R = 1
Example #20
# Testing pfset with a .pfidb file

from pathlib import Path

from parflow import Run
from parflow.tools.fs import get_absolute_path

dsingle = Run("dsingle", __file__)


# Test pfidb
generated, _ = dsingle.write()
old_text = Path(generated).read_text()

dsingle2 = Run.from_definition(generated)
generated, _ = dsingle2.write()

new_text = Path(generated).read_text()

assert old_text and new_text
assert old_text == new_text

# Test yaml
generated, _ = dsingle.write(file_format='yaml')
old_text = Path(generated).read_text()
Example #21
# Test CLM with multiple reuse values for input.  The same test is run
# with different timesteps and reuse values set to match.   E.G. 1s = reuse 1, 0.1s = reuse 10.

from parflow import Run
from parflow.tools.fs import cp, mkdir, get_absolute_path

clm = Run("clm_reuse", __file__)

# Copying input files

dir_name = get_absolute_path('test_output/clm_reuse')

cp('$PF_SRC/test/tcl/clm/clm-reuse/drv_clmin.dat', dir_name)
cp('$PF_SRC/test/tcl/clm/clm-reuse/drv_vegm.dat', dir_name)
cp('$PF_SRC/test/tcl/clm/clm-reuse/drv_vegp.dat', dir_name)
cp('$PF_SRC/test/tcl/clm/clm-reuse/forcing_1.txt', dir_name)

# Setting test variables

# Total runtime of simulation
stopt = 100

# Reuse values to run with
reuseValues = [1, 4]
Example #22
#  Testing overland flow diffusive wave
# Running a parking lot sloping slab pointed in 8 directions
# With diffusive BC options

from parflow import Run
from parflow.tools.fs import mkdir, get_absolute_path

overland = Run("overland_slopingslab_DWE", __file__)


overland.FileVersion = 4

overland.Process.Topology.P = 1
overland.Process.Topology.Q = 1
overland.Process.Topology.R = 1

# Computational Grid

overland.ComputationalGrid.Lower.X = 0.0
overland.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Y = 0.0
overland.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Z = 0.0

overland.ComputationalGrid.NX = 5
overland.ComputationalGrid.NY = 5
overland.ComputationalGrid.NZ = 1
Example #23
#  This runs the tilted-v catchment problem
#  similar to that in Kollet and Maxwell (2006) AWR

from parflow import Run
from parflow.tools.fs import mkdir, get_absolute_path

dover = Run("default_overland_pfmg_jac", __file__)


dover.FileVersion = 4

dover.Process.Topology.P = 1
dover.Process.Topology.Q = 1
dover.Process.Topology.R = 1

# Computational Grid

dover.ComputationalGrid.Lower.X = 0.0
dover.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Y = 0.0
dover.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Z = 0.0

dover.ComputationalGrid.NX = 30
dover.ComputationalGrid.NY = 30
dover.ComputationalGrid.NZ = 30

dover.ComputationalGrid.DX = 10.0
#  This runs the basic default_richards test case.
#  This run, as written in this input file, should take
#  3 nonlinear iterations.

from parflow import Run
from parflow.tools.fs import mkdir, get_absolute_path

drich = Run("default_richards_wells", __file__)


drich.FileVersion = 4

drich.Process.Topology.P = 1
drich.Process.Topology.Q = 1
drich.Process.Topology.R = 1

# Computational Grid

drich.ComputationalGrid.Lower.X = -10.0
drich.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Y = 10.0
drich.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Z = 1.0

drich.ComputationalGrid.DX = 8.8888888888888893
drich.ComputationalGrid.DY = 10.666666666666666
drich.ComputationalGrid.DZ = 1.0
Example #25
#  This runs the basic default_richards test case.
#  This run, as written in this input file, should take
#  3 nonlinear iterations.

from parflow import Run
from parflow.tools.fs import mkdir, get_absolute_path

octree = Run("octree_simple", __file__)


octree.FileVersion = 4

octree.Process.Topology.P = 1
octree.Process.Topology.Q = 1
octree.Process.Topology.R = 1

# Computational Grid

octree.ComputationalGrid.Lower.X = -10.0
octree.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Y = 10.0
octree.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Z = 1.0

octree.ComputationalGrid.DX = 20.0
octree.ComputationalGrid.DY = 20.0
octree.ComputationalGrid.DZ = 1.0

octree.ComputationalGrid.NX = 8
octree.ComputationalGrid.NY = 8
Example #26
#  This runs a Little Washita test problem with variable dz
#  in spinup mode with overland dampening turned on

from parflow import Run
from parflow.tools.fs import cp, mkdir, chdir, get_absolute_path

LWvdz = Run("LW_var_dz_spinup", __file__)

# Copying slope files

dir_name = get_absolute_path('test_output/LWvdz_s')



LWvdz.FileVersion = 4

LWvdz.Process.Topology.P = 1
LWvdz.Process.Topology.Q = 1
LWvdz.Process.Topology.R = 1

# Computational Grid
Example #27
#  This runs the basic default_richards test case.
#  This run, as written in this input file, should take
#  3 nonlinear iterations.

# Import the ParFlow TCL package
from parflow import Run
octree_simple = Run("octree_simple", __file__)

octree_simple.FileVersion = 4

octree_simple.Process.Topology.P = 1
octree_simple.Process.Topology.Q = 1
octree_simple.Process.Topology.R = 1

# Computational Grid

# Computational Grid
octree_simple.ComputationalGrid.Lower.X = -10.0
octree_simple.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Y = 10.0
octree_simple.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Z = 1.0

octree_simple.ComputationalGrid.DX = 20.0
octree_simple.ComputationalGrid.DY = 20.0
octree_simple.ComputationalGrid.DZ = 1.0
Example #28
tcl_precision = 17

# Import the ParFlow TCL package
from parflow import Run
extract_plane_z_equal_zero = Run("extract_plane_z_equal_zero", __file__)

in_filename = [lindex $::argv 0]
out_filename = [lindex $::argv 1]

in_file = [pfload $in_filename]

code = [catch {eval pfgetgrid $in_file} grid]

# Extract grid size information
dimension = [lindex $grid 0]
origin = [lindex $grid 1]
interval = [lindex $grid 2]

nx = [lindex $dimension 0]
ny = [lindex $dimension 1]
nz = [lindex $dimension 2]

x = [lindex $origin 0]
y = [lindex $origin 1]
z = [lindex $origin 2]

dx = [lindex $interval 0]
dy = [lindex $interval 1]
Example #29
#  Testing pfset python function for setting keys that aren't in the library

import sys
from parflow import Run
from parflow.tools.fs import get_absolute_path

pfset_test = Run('pfset_test', __file__)

# Domain
pfset_test.Domain.GeomName = 'domain'

# The Names of the GeomInputs
pfset_test.GeomInput.Names = "domain_input background_input source_region_input concen_region_input"

# Domain Geometry Input
pfset_test.GeomInput.domain_input.InputType = 'Box'
pfset_test.GeomInput.domain_input.GeomName = 'domain'

# Background Geometry Input
pfset_test.GeomInput.background_input.InputType = 'Box'
pfset_test.GeomInput.background_input.GeomName = 'background'
Example #30
# example for pfsol generation
# Testing pfb to mask generation

from parflow import Run
from parflow.tools.fs import get_absolute_path
from parflow.tools.io import load_patch_matrix_from_pfb_file
from parflow.tools.builders import SolidFileBuilder

sabino = Run("sabino", __file__)

# Set Processor topology

sabino.Process.Topology.P = 1
sabino.Process.Topology.Q = 1
sabino.Process.Topology.R = 1

# Computational Grid

sabino.ComputationalGrid.Lower.X = 0.0
sabino.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Y = 0.0
sabino.ComputationalGrid.Lower.Z = 0.0

sabino.ComputationalGrid.DX = 90.0
sabino.ComputationalGrid.DY = 90.0
sabino.ComputationalGrid.DZ = 100.0