Example #1
    def __init__(self, adapter, port):
        :param adapter: The adapter that will serve as an interface for interacting with the broker
        self._port = port
        # A list of items that we will need to discover for.
        # The base protocol will use this dictionary to feed items to
        # the UI
        self.items = []
        self._error_codes = []

        # The list of connected item IDs found in the initial sweep in
        # connectionMade()
        self._item_ids = []

        # Set the LineReceiver to line mode. This causes lineReceived to be called
        # when data is sent to the serial port. We will get a line whenever the END_BYTE
        # appears in the buffer
        self.delimiter = END_BYTE_STR

        # The buffer that we will be storing the data that arrives via the serial connection
        self._binary_buffer = bytearray()

        self.adapter = adapter

        # Event IDs are 16-bit (2 byte) numbers so we need a radix
        # of 65535 or 0xFFFF in hex
        # NOTE: The number of bits in an event ID is subject to change,
        # the constant NUM_EVENT_ID_BITS can easily be changed to accommodate this.
        self._event_id_generator = message_id_generator((2**self.NUM_EVENT_ID_BITS))

        # From parlay.utils, calls _message_queue_handler() whenever
        # a new message is added to the MessageQueue object
        self._message_queue = MessageQueue(self._message_queue_handler)
        self._attached_item_d = None

        # Dictionary that maps ID # to Deferred object
        self._discovery_msg_ids = {}

        # Sequence number is a nibble as of now, so the domain should be
        # 0 <= seq number <= 15
        # which means the radix will be 16, but to be safe I'll do
        # 2^SEQ_BITS where SEQ_BITS is a member constant that can easily be changed
        self._seq_num = message_id_generator((2**self.SEQ_BITS))

        # ACKs should be deferred objects because you want to catch them on the way
        # back via asynchronous communication.
        self._ack_deferred = defer.Deferred()

        # Store discovered item IDs so that we do not push duplicates to the
        # item requesting the discovery

        self._in_progress = False
        self._discovery_deferred = defer.Deferred()

        self._ack_table = {seq_num : defer.Deferred() for seq_num in range(2**self.SEQ_BITS)}

        self._ack_window = SlidingACKWindow(self.WINDOW_SIZE, self.NUM_RETRIES)
Example #2
    def get_open_params_defaults(cls):
        Returns a list of parameters defaults. These will be displayed in the UI.
        :return: default args: the default arguments provided to the user in the UI

        default_args = BaseProtocol.get_open_params_defaults()
        potential_serials = [port_list[0] for port_list in list_ports.comports()]
        default_args['port'] = potential_serials

        return default_args
Example #3
    def get_open_params_defaults(cls):
        """Override base class function to show dropdowns for defaults"""
        from serial.tools import list_ports

        defaults = BaseProtocol.get_open_params_defaults()

        potential_serials = [x[0] for x in list_ports.comports()]
        defaults['port'] = potential_serials
        defaults['baudrate'] = [300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400]
        defaults['delimiter'] = "\n"

        return defaults
Example #4
    def get_open_params_defaults(cls):
        """Override base class function to show dropdowns for defaults"""
        from serial.tools import list_ports

        defaults = BaseProtocol.get_open_params_defaults()

        potential_serials = [x[0] for x in list_ports.comports()]
        defaults['port'] = potential_serials
        defaults['baudrate'] = [
            300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600,
            115200, 230400
        defaults['delimiter'] = "\n"

        return defaults
Example #5
    def get_discovery(self):
        Hitting the "discovery" button on the UI triggers this generator.

        Run a discovery for everything connected to this protocol and return a list of of all connected:
        items, messages, and endpoint types

        print "----------------------------"
        print "Discovery function started!"
        print "----------------------------"

        t1 = time.time()

        # If there is a deferred item, yield that first
        if self._attached_item_d is not None:
            yield self._attached_item_d

        # If we were already in the process of a discovery we should
        # return a deferred object.
        if self._in_progress:

        self._in_progress = True
        self.items = []
        for subsystem_id in self._subsystem_ids:
                yield self._get_item_discovery_info(subsystem_id)
            except Exception as e:
                print("Exception while discovering! Skipping subsystem : " + str(subsystem_id) + "\n    " + str(e))

        self._in_progress = False

        t2 = time.time()

        print "Discovery took", (t2 - t1), "seconds"
        # At this point self.items should be populated with
        # the ParlayStandardItem objects that represent the items we discovered.
        # By calling BaseProtocol's get_discovery() function we can get that information
        # to the adapter and furthermore to the broker.
Example #6
 def __init__(self, port):
     self._parlay_name = port
     if not hasattr(self, "items"):
         self.items = [LineItem(self._parlay_name, self._parlay_name, self)]
Example #7
 def __init__(self, port):
     self._parlay_name = port
     if not hasattr(self, "items"):
         self.items = [LineItem(self._parlay_name, self._parlay_name, self)]