def notify(data,d): if not 'epdoc' in data: return m=db.notifications.find({'dossiers': data['epdoc']},['active_emails']) for g in m: if len(g['active_emails'])==0: continue msg = Message("[PT-Com] %s: %s" % (data['committee'], data['title']), sender = "*****@*****.**", bcc = g['active_emails']) msg.body = (u"Parltrack has detected %s%s on the schedule of %s \n" u"\n on %s" u"\n%s" u"%s" u"\nsee the details here: %s\n" u"\nYour Parltrack team" % (u"a change on " if d else u'', data['epdoc'], data['committee'], data['date'] if 'date' in data else 'unknown date', ("\n - %s" % u'\n - '.join(data['list'])) if 'list' in data and len(data['list'])>0 else u"", "\n %s" % (textdiff(d) if d else ''), "%s/dossier/%s" % (ROOT_URL, data['epdoc']), )) mail.send(msg)
def makemsg(data, d): return (u"Parltrack has detected a change in %s %s on OEIL.\n\nPlease follow this URL: %s/dossier/%s to see the dossier.\n\nChanges follow\n%s\n\n\nsincerly,\nYour Parltrack team" % (data['procedure']['reference'], data['procedure']['title'], ROOT_URL, data['procedure']['reference'], textdiff(d)))
def makemsg(data, d): return ( u"Parltrack has detected a change in %s %s on OEIL.\n\nPlease follow this URL: %s/dossier/%s to see the dossier.\n\nChanges follow\n%s\n\n\nsincerly,\nYour Parltrack team" % (data['procedure']['reference'], data['procedure']['title'], ROOT_URL, data['procedure']['reference'], textdiff(d)))