Example #1
def say(*args):
    inputlist = parse.checkArgs(args,"Say what?","","say")
    if inputlist:
        name = find.nameFromID(["player"],"people")
        print(name[0],"says \""+parse.liToStr(inputlist)+"\"")
Example #2
def take(*args):
    inputlist = parse.checkArgs(args, "Take what?", "", "take")

    if inputlist:
        charid = "player"
        itemid = parse.removeDuplicates(find.idFromName(inputlist, "item"))

        while len(itemid) > 1:
            itemid = ask.which(itemid, "item")

        if len(itemid) != 0 and itemid[0] == "altar":
            print("\"That is way too heavy to carry, let alone move.\"")

        elif itemid:
            slot = find.invSlotByItemID(None)

            if g.debug:
                print("[DBG] take TO SLOT:", slot)

            if slot != 0:
                    "update item set locid = \"INV\" where itemid = \"" +
                    itemid[0] + "\";")
                db.cur.execute("update inventory set item" + str(slot) +
                               " = \"" + itemid[0] + "\" where charid = \"" +
                               charid + "\";")
                print(find.nameFromID(itemid, "item")[0] + " taken.")
                print("Your inventory is full.")
            print(parse.liToStr(inputlist) + " is not here.")
Example #3
def topics(charid):
    db.cur.execute("select topic from dialogue where charid = \"" + charid[0] +
    result = parse.noneStrip(parse.multiTupleListToList(db.cur.fetchall()))

    if g.debug:
        print("[DBG] get.topics:", charid, result)

    #print("DEBUG TOPICS:",result)

    #if "Greet" in result:
    #    i = result.index("Greet")
    #    del result[i]
    #print("DEBUG TOPICS2:",result)

    if len(result) > 0:
        print("You can talk to " +
              parse.liToStr(find.nameFromID(charid, "people")) + " about " +
              parse.naturalList(result, "and") + ".")
Example #4
def askPlayerName():    # Ask the player character's name.
    invalid = True      # Go into the loop.
    while invalid:
        plname = []                       # Reset old player name.
        plname = parse.sanitize(str(input("Character Name: ")),True)
        newname = parse.liToStr(plname)   # Concatenate list into a single string with item separated by space.
        if len(newname) == 0:                # Nothing was input, use default.
            plname = "Andrea Álvarez"
            print("Do you wish to be called "+str(plname)+"? (Y/N)")
            if ask.yn():   # The yes/no check is done in a function that returns True for a positive answer and False for a negative answer.
                invalid = False
        elif len(newname) > 64:
            print("Name must be under 64 characters.")
            print("Do you wish to be called "+str(newname)+"? (Y/N)")
            if ask.yn():   # The yes/no check is done in a function that returns True for a positive answer and False for a negative answer.
                invalid = False
                db.cur.execute("update people set name = \""+str(newname)+"\" where charid = \"player\";")
Example #5
def drop(*args):
    inputlist = parse.checkArgs(args, "Drop what?", "", "drop")

    if inputlist:
        charid = "player"
        itemid = parse.removeDuplicates(
            find.idFromName(inputlist, "item", ["player"]))

        while len(itemid) > 1:
            itemid = ask.which(itemid, "item", ["player"])

        if itemid:
            if len(itemid) != 0:
                slot = find.invSlotByItemID(itemid)
                loc = find.plLoc()
                db.cur.execute("update inventory set item" + str(slot) +
                               " = NULL where charid = \"" + charid + "\";")
                db.cur.execute("update item set locid = \"" + loc +
                               "\" where itemid = \"" + itemid[0] + "\";")
                print(find.nameFromID(itemid, "item")[0] + " dropped.")
                print("You do not have " + " ".join(inputlist) + ".")
            print("You do not have " + parse.liToStr(inputlist) + ".")
Example #6
def rent(*args):
    if find.plLoc() in g.rentlocs:
        inputlist = parse.checkArgs(args, "Rent what?", "", "rent")

        if g.debug:
            print("[DBG] rent INPUTLIST:", inputlist)

        if inputlist:
            count = 0
            seller = [g.rentppl[g.rentlocs.index(find.plLoc())]]

            if g.debug:
                print("[DBG] rent ARGS:", seller, find.plLoc())

            if find.plLoc() == "grinn1":
                if inputlist[0] == "room":
                    if action.checkTopic("kolrule") and item.valTrans(
                            100, ["player"], ["grinnkee"], " to rent a room"
                    ):  # Player has spoken to Kolbiorn and has enough money.
                            "update people set val = val - 100 where charid = \"player\";"
                            "update people set val = val + 100 where charid = \""
                            + seller[0] + "\";")

                        action.rent("", seller[0], True)
                        count += 1
                    if count < 1:  # Not an elegant solution but it works. (When found many items.)
                        print("There is no", parse.liToStr(inputlist),
                              "to rent here.")
                    count += 1

            elif seller[0] == "grportma":
                if action.getVis("grbay"):  # Player knows about ship.
                    itemid = parse.removeDuplicates(
                        find.idFromName(inputlist, "item", seller, False))

                    if g.debug:
                        print("[DBG] rent SELLER HAS:", itemid)

                    while len(itemid) > 1:
                        itemid = ask.which(itemid, "item", seller)

                    if g.debug:
                        print("[DBG] rent BUYING:", itemid)

                    if len(itemid) == 1:
                        fromSlot = find.invSlotByItemID(itemid, seller)

                        if fromSlot != 0:  # Found item in inventory.
                            val = find.listValueByID(itemid, "item")[0]
                            string = " to rent " + find.nameFromID(
                                itemid, "item")[0]

                            if item.valTrans(
                                    val, ["player"], seller,
                                    string):  # Player has enough money.
                                item.transfer(itemid, ["player"], seller,
                                              "rent", val)
                                action.rent(itemid[0], seller[0])
                                count += 1
                    if count < 1:  # Not an elegant solution but it works. (When found many items.)
                            "\"What would I need that for?\" you think to yourself."
                    count += 1

                    if g.debug:
                        print("[DBG] rent BAY VIS:", action.getVis("grbay"))
            if count < 1:  # Not an elegant solution but it works. (When found many items.)
                print("There is no", parse.liToStr(inputlist), "to rent here.")
            count += 1
        print("There's nothing to rent here.")
Example #7
def say(inputlist, loc):
    if loc == "grfornw":
        words = ["mother", "father", "master", "leader", "chief"]
        if inputlist[0] in words:
            if g.wolvesGuided == "0":
                    "\nYou say the words \"" + parse.liToStr(inputlist) +
                    "\". The ears of both wolves perk up and they freeze. They slowly walk towards you and the other one lets out a slight howl. They brush your knees as they walk past you towards the edge of the crater. You turn around and see the wolves staring at you, waiting.\n"
                    "update save set val = 1 where var = \"wolvesGuided\";")
                    "update people set locid = \"gredgecr\" where name = \"Tribal Wolf\";"
                setVis("grlair1", 1)

    if inputlist[0] == "cheat":
        if len(inputlist) > 1:
            if inputlist[1] == "loadsamoney":
                print("MONEY MONEY MONEY")
                    "update people set val = val + 1000000 where charid = \"player\";"
                #g.cheatsUsed += 1

    if inputlist[0] == "dev":
        #if inputlist[0] == "eval":
        #    eval(input("EVAL: "))

        #if inputlist[0] == "exec":
        #    exec(input("EXEC: "))

        if inputlist[1] == "debug":
            print("[DEV] Debug messages toggled.")

        if inputlist[1] == "win":

        if inputlist[1] == "tele":
            db.cur.execute("select locid from location;")
            ids = parse.multiTupleListToList(db.cur.fetchall())

            if inputlist[2] in ids:
                db.cur.execute("update people set locid = \"" + inputlist[2] +
                               "\" where charid = \"player\";")
                #g.cheatsUsed += 1
                print("[DEV] locid \"" + inputlist[2] + "\" not found.")

        if inputlist[1] == "get":
            print("GET OVER HERE")
            empty = find.invSlotByItemID(None)

            db.cur.execute("select itemid from item;")
            ids = parse.multiTupleListToList(db.cur.fetchall())

            if inputlist[2] in ids:
                if empty != 0:
                    db.cur.execute("update inventory set item" + str(empty) +
                                   " = \"" + inputlist[2] + "\";")
                    #g.cheatsUsed += 1
                    print("[DEV] INVENTORY FULL")
                print("[DEV] itemid \"" + inputlist[2] + "\" not found.")

        if inputlist[1] == "vis":
            db.cur.execute("update location set vis = 1;")
            print("[DEV] All locations visible.")