def test_thesis_switch(): parse_me( """ my_packet struct { header struct { type UINT8 } payload switch (header.type) { case (1): payload_1 case (2): payload_2 } } payload_1 struct { aaa INT8 } payload_2 struct { bbb UINT8 } """, " 02 FF ", { 'header': { 'type': 2 }, 'payload': { 'bbb': 255 } })
def test_repeat_struct_union(): parse_me( """ DEFAULT repeat struct(endianness=">", charset="utf-8") { type UINT16(base="HEX") aaa union { x UINT32 y BYTES(size=(4)) } } """, "0001 12345678 0002 41424344 0003 00000001 ", [ { 'type': 1, 'aaa': { 'x': 0x12345678, 'y': b"\x12\x34\x56\x78" } }, { 'type': 2, 'aaa': { 'x': 0x41424344, 'y': b"ABCD" } }, { 'type': 3, 'aaa': { 'x': 1, 'y': b"\0\0\0\x01" } }, ])
def test_repeated_struct(): parse_me( """ DEFAULT repeat(endianness=">", charset="utf-8") struct { type UINT16(base="HEX") length UINT8 value STRING(size=(length)) } """, "0001 05 3132333435 0002 01 42 0003 0a 41414141414141414141", [ { 'type': 1, 'length': 5, 'value': '12345' }, { 'type': 2, 'length': 1, 'value': 'B' }, { 'type': 3, 'length': 10, 'value': 'AAAAAAAAAA' }, ])
def test_ws_bytes(): parse_me( """ DEFAULT struct(endianness=">", charset="ascii") { string STRING(size=(3)) stringz STRINGZ uint_string UINT_STRING(size_len=(3)) ether ETHER bytes BYTES(size=(3)) uint_bytes UINT_BYTES(size_len=(3)) ipv4 IPv4 ipv6 IPv6 idocument GUID idispatch GUID } """, " 414243 414243444500 000005 4142434445 aabbccddeeff 010203 000005 0102030405 0a010164" " fe80 0000 0000 0000 14df 5963 6159 0eac" "bf1b29c2987341b79b45f22c50432bb1 0004020000000000c000000000000046", { 'bytes': b'\x01\x02\x03', 'ether': 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff', 'idispatch': uuid.UUID('00040200-0000-0000-c000-000000000046'), 'idocument': uuid.UUID('bf1b29c2-9873-41b7-9b45-f22c50432bb1'), 'ipv4': '', 'ipv6': 'fe80:0000:0000:0000:14df:5963:6159:0eac', 'string': 'ABC', 'stringz': 'ABCDE', 'uint_bytes': b'\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05', 'uint_string': 'ABCDE' })
def test_thesis_union(): parse_me(""" u_s union { unsigned UINT16 signed INT16 } """, " FF ", { 'unsigned': 255, 'signed': -127 })
def test_ws_numbers(): parse_me( """ DEFAULT struct(endianness=">", charset="ascii") { none NONE bool BOOLEAN char CHAR euint E_UINT(size=(9)) uint8 UINT8 uint16 UINT16 uint24 UINT24 uint32 UINT32 uint40 UINT40 uint48 UINT48 uint56 UINT56 uint64 UINT64 eint E_INT(size=(9)) int8 INT8 int16 INT16 int24 INT24 int32 INT32 int40 INT40 int48 INT48 int56 INT56 int64 INT64 float FLOAT double DOUBLE } """, " 01 41 000000000000000001 01 0001 0000 01 0000 0001 0000 0000 01 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 01 0000 0000 0000 0001" "000000000000000001 01 0001 0000 01 0000 0001 0000 0000 01 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 01 0000 0000 0000 0001" "00000000 0000000000000000 ", { 'none': None, 'bool': True, 'char': 65, 'euint': 1, 'uint8': 1, 'uint16': 1, 'uint24': 1, 'uint32': 1, 'uint40': 1, 'uint48': 1, 'uint56': 1, 'uint64': 1, 'eint': 1, 'int16': 1, 'int24': 1, 'int32': 1, 'int40': 1, 'int48': 1, 'int56': 1, 'int64': 1, 'int8': 1, 'float': 0.0, 'double': 0.0, })
def test_thesis_struct(): parse_me( """ pascal_string struct { length UINT16(endianness=">") value STRING(size=(length)) } """, " 0004 41414141 ", { 'length': 4, 'value': 'AAAA' })
def test_thesis_variant(): parse_me( """ capture_file variant { pcap_file(endianness=">") pcap_file(endianness="<") } pcap_file struct { magic_number UINT32(description="'A1B2C3D4' means the endianness is correct", magic=2712847316) } """, " A1B2C3D4 ", {'magic_number': 0xA1B2C3D4})
def test_thesis_repeat(): parse_me( """ int32_array struct(endianness=">") { count UINT16 items repeat(times=(count)) INT32 } """, " 0004 00000001 00000002 00000003 00000004 ", { 'count': 4, 'items': [1, 2, 3, 4] })
def test_union(): parse_me( """ DEFAULT union(endianness=">") { x UINT32 y BYTES(size=(4)) } """, "41424344 ", { 'x': 0x41424344, 'y': b"ABCD" })
def test_strings_types(): parse_me( def1, "abcd1100 02 0005 0000000000 0004 f09f8c88 0009 4dfcdf696767616e67 4dc3bcc39f696767616e67 00 4dfcdf696767616e67 00", { 'magic_value': 0xabcd1100, 'vb': { 'len_length': 2, 'length': 5, 'value': b'\0\0\0\0\0' }, 'pascal_utf8': { 'length': 4, 'value': "🌈" }, 'pascal_iso': { 'length': 9, 'value': "Müßiggang" }, 'c_utf8': "Müßiggang", 'c_iso': "Müßiggang", })
def test_variant_strings_endianness(): parse_me( """ DEFAULT repeat variant_type variant_type struct { type_id UINT16(endianness=">") value switch (type_id) { case (3): UINT32(endianness="<") case (4): UINT32(endianness=">") case (5): UINT64(endianness="<") case (6): UINT64(endianness=">") case (7): DOUBLE case (8): ETHER case (9): IPv4 case (10): varlen_bytes case (16): pascal_string(charset="utf-8") case (17): pascal_string(charset="iso-8859-1") case (32): c_string(charset="utf-8") case (33): c_string(charset="iso-8859-1") } } pascal_string struct { length UINT16(endianness=">") value STRING(size=(length)) } c_string STRINGZ varlen_bytes struct { len_length UINT8(endianness=">") length E_INT(endianness=">", size=(len_length)) value BYTES(size=(length)) } """, "0010 0005 4142434445 0020 4141414100 0004 00000001 0003 01000000 0006 0000000000000001 0008 aabbccddeeff 0009 0a010164 000a 01 01 01 000a 02 0001 01 000a 02 0005 0000000000 ", [{ 'type_id': 16, 'value': { 'length': 5, 'value': 'ABCDE' } }, { 'type_id': 32, 'value': 'AAAA' }, { 'type_id': 4, 'value': 1 }, { 'type_id': 3, 'value': 1 }, { 'type_id': 6, 'value': 1 }, { 'type_id': 8, 'value': 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff' }, { 'type_id': 9, 'value': '' }, { 'type_id': 10, 'value': { 'len_length': 1, 'length': 1, 'value': b'\x01' } }, { 'type_id': 10, 'value': { 'len_length': 2, 'length': 1, 'value': b'\x01' } }, { 'type_id': 10, 'value': { 'len_length': 2, 'length': 5, 'value': b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' } }])
def test_magic_fail(): with pytest.raises(invalid): parse_me( def1, "11223344 02 0005 0000000000 0004 f09f8c88 0009 4dfcdf696767616e67 4dc3bcc39f696767616e67 00 4dfcdf696767616e67 00", {})