def main(pdb): os.system('cp %s/%s/pdb%s.ent %s.pdb' %(path_pdb,pdb[1:3],pdb,pdb,)) ## ## Tommy crystal contacts ## ## create biounit biounit.biounit().main(pdb, '/data/remediated_pdb/', exclude_ligands = True) ## ## parse header (just use the asu instead!!!) ## fd = open('%s/%s/pdb%s.ent' %(path_pdb,pdb[1:3],pdb,),'r') lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() for i in range(len(lines)): line = lines[i] record = line[:6].strip() if record in ['MODEL','ATOM',]: break lines_header = lines[:i] ## ## parse coordinates ## fd = open('%s_1.pdb' %(pdb),'r') lines_biounit = fd.readlines() fd.close() fd = open('%s.pdb' %(pdb),'r') lines_asu = fd.readlines() fd.close() ## fd = open('C:\Users\Tommy Carstensen\pdb\%s.pdb' %(pdb),'r') ## lines = fd.readlines() ## fd.close() d_header = parse_pdb.parse_header(lines_header) d_coordinates_biounit, d_ATOMseq = parse_pdb.parse_coordinates( lines_biounit,d_header, parse_atom_seq = False, parse_ligands = False, ) d_coordinates_asu, d_ATOMseq = parse_pdb.parse_coordinates( lines_asu,d_header, parse_atom_seq = False, parse_ligands = False, ) ## set new chain IDs l_old_chains = d_coordinates_asu['chains'].keys() l_new_chains = list( set(s_alphabet)-set(l_old_chains) ) l_old_chains.sort() l_new_chains.sort() d_chains = {} for i in range(len(l_old_chains)): d_chains[l_old_chains[i]] = l_new_chains[i] ## a = d_header['CRYST1']['edges'][0] ## b = d_header['CRYST1']['edges'][1] ## c = d_header['CRYST1']['edges'][2] ## alpha = math.pi*d_header['CRYST1']['angles'][0]/180. ## beta = math.pi*d_header['CRYST1']['angles'][1]/180. ## gamma = math.pi*d_header['CRYST1']['angles'][2]/180. ## ## unit cell voumne ## volume = a*b*c*math.sqrt(1-math.cos(alpha)**2-math.cos(beta)**2-math.cos(gamma)**2+2*(math.cos(alpha)*math.cos(beta)*math.cos(gamma))) ## matrix_fractional2cartesian = numpy.array([ ## [a, b*math.cos(gamma), c*math.cos(beta),], ## [0, b*math.sin(gamma), c*(math.cos(alpha)-math.cos(beta)*math.cos(gamma))/math.sin(gamma),], ## [0,0,volume/(a*b*math.sin(gamma)),], ## ]) matrix_scale = d_header['SCALE'] matrix_scalei = numpy.linalg.inv(matrix_scale) ## lines = [] l_symop = d_header['REMARK290'].keys() l_symop.sort() ## l_symop = [1] for symop in l_symop: ## if symop != 1: ## continue matrix_symop = d_header['REMARK290'][symop]['4x4matrix'] for i in range(len(l_translations)): vector_translation = l_translations[i] ## if vector_translation != [-1,0,0]: ## continue vector_translation = numpy.array([vector_translation[0],vector_translation[1],vector_translation[2],0,]) ## if i != 0: ## continue ## if vector_translation[0] != 1: ## continue ## if vector_translation[1] != -1: ## continue ## if vector_translation[2] != -1: ## continue for chain2 in d_coordinates_asu['chains'].keys(): for res_no2 in d_coordinates_asu['chains'][chain2]['residues'].keys(): ## if res_no2 != 1: ## continue print '%4s %2i/%2i %2i/26 %1s %4i' %(pdb, symop, len(l_symop), i+1, chain2, res_no2) for iCode2 in d_coordinates_asu['chains'][chain2]['residues'][res_no2]['d_iCodes'].keys(): for chain1 in d_coordinates_biounit['chains'].keys(): for res_no1 in d_coordinates_biounit['chains'][chain1]['residues'].keys(): for iCode1 in d_coordinates_biounit['chains'][chain1]['residues'][res_no1]['d_iCodes'].keys(): for atom_name1 in d_coordinates_biounit['chains'][chain1]['residues'][res_no1]['d_iCodes'][iCode1]['atoms'].keys(): coordinate1 = d_coordinates_biounit['chains'][chain1]['residues'][res_no1]['d_iCodes'][iCode1]['atoms'][atom_name1]['coordinate'] for atom_name2 in d_coordinates_asu['chains'][chain2]['residues'][res_no2]['d_iCodes'][iCode2]['atoms'].keys(): coordinate2 = d_coordinates_asu['chains'][chain2]['residues'][res_no2]['d_iCodes'][iCode2]['atoms'][atom_name2]['coordinate'] ## coordinate2 =,coordinate2)+vector_symop ## coordinate2 +=,vector_translation) ## coordinate2[0] = round(coordinate2[0],3) ## coordinate2[1] = round(coordinate2[1],3) ## coordinate2[2] = round(coordinate2[2],3) ## conversion from 3x1 vector to 4x1 vector coordinate2 = numpy.array([coordinate2[0],coordinate2[1],coordinate2[2],1.,]) ## conversion from cartesian to fractional coordinates coordinate2 =,coordinate2) ## symmetry operator (before unit cell translation???) coordinate2 =,coordinate2) ## unit cell translation coordinate2 += vector_translation ## conversion from fractional to cartesian coordinates coordinate2 =,coordinate2) ## conversion from 4x1 vector to 3x1 vector coordinate2 = numpy.array([coordinate2[0],coordinate2[1],coordinate2[2],]) vicinity = False distant = False dist = math.sqrt(sum((coordinate2-coordinate1)**2)) if dist < 5: print vector_translation print,vector_translation) print matrix_fractional2cartesian print '%2i %2i %.2f %.2f %1s %4i %4s %s %1s %4i %4s %s %s' %( symop, i, round(dist,2), dist_treshold, chain2, res_no2, atom_name2, coordinate2, chain1, res_no1, atom_name1, coordinate1, d_coordinates_asu['chains'][chain2]['residues'][res_no2]['d_iCodes'][iCode2]['atoms'][atom_name2]['coordinate'], ) ## break atom_name2 loop if dist > 80.: distant = True break dist = 0 ## tmp!!! temp!!! get *all* translations dist_treshold = d_radii_vdw[atom_name1[0]]+d_radii_vdw[atom_name2[0]]+.25 ## break atom_name2 loop if dist < dist_treshold: vicinity = True break ## break atom_name1 loop (append line and check next iCode1) if vicinity == True: for atom_name3 in d_coordinates_asu['chains'][chain2]['residues'][res_no2]['d_iCodes'][iCode2]['atoms'].keys(): coordinate3 = d_coordinates_asu['chains'][chain2]['residues'][res_no2]['d_iCodes'][iCode2]['atoms'][atom_name3]['coordinate'] ## conversion from 3x1 vector to 4x1 vector coordinate3 = numpy.array([coordinate3[0],coordinate3[1],coordinate3[2],1.,]) ## conversion from cartesian to fractional coordinates coordinate3 =,coordinate3) ## symmetry operator (before unit cell translation???) coordinate3 =,coordinate3) ## unit cell translation coordinate3 += vector_translation ## conversion from fractional to cartesian coordinates coordinate3 =,coordinate3) ## conversion from 4x1 vector to 3x1 vector coordinate3 = numpy.array([coordinate3[0],coordinate3[1],coordinate3[2],]) line = build_line( atom_name3,d_coordinates_asu,coordinate3, chain2,res_no2,iCode2, d_chains, ) lines += [line] break ## break atom_name1 loop (check next iCode1) if distant == True: break ## break iCode1 loop (check next iCode2) if vicinity == True: break if distant == True: break ## break resno1 loop (check next iCode2) if vicinity == True: break if distant == True: break ## break chain1 loop (check next iCode2) if vicinity == True: break if distant == True: break fd = open('%s_biou_cc.pdb' %(pdb),'w') fd.writelines(lines) fd.close() return
def main(): import os, numpy, math import sys sys.path.append('/home/people/tc/svn/tc_sandbox/misc/') import parse_pdb path = '/oxygenase_local/data/pdb/' dirs = os.listdir(path) dirs.sort() for dir in dirs: if dir < sys.argv[1][1:3]: continue print dir ents = os.listdir('%s%s' % (path, dir)) ents.sort() for ent in ents: pdb = ent[3:7] if dir == sys.argv[-1][1:3] and pdb < sys.argv[-1]: continue print pdb if pdb in [ '1a0k', ## 310 helix? '2aeb', ## helix kink '2aoc', '2aod', '2aog', ## some error... '2c03', '2c04', '3bxd', ## bent helix '4fbp', '5fbp', ## pro residue in i+6 position '1a2f', '1a2g', ## gly residue in i+1,i+3 position (310 helix?) ]: continue if pdb in [ ## from phipsiparseall ## std_res_name in neither REMARK465 nor SEQRES (large peptide length) '1a3q', '1c3w', '1c3x', '1ad5', ## hetID in SEQRES and HETATM but not MODRES '2b2u', '2a2x', '2b7f', '2c2k', '2c2m', '2c2o', '2c2z', '2aal', '1bdu', '2ag3', '2age', '2agg', '1an5', '2ci1', '2ank', ## ## hetID in SEQRES and REMARK465 but not MODRES ## '1aco','7acn','8acn','2aig','3aig','1g1f','1g1s','2f4i', ## hetID in MODRES but not SEQRES '2a4o', '3bbd', '1orw', ## std_res in REMARK465 but not SEQRES '2uva', '2uva', '2uvc', ## hetID in SEQRES but not REMARK465,ATOM '2vhn', ## REMARK465 records missing '1c04', '3b9v', '1fka', '1deq', '2jcc', '2jj4', '1i3q', '1i50', '1i6h', '1iw7', '1p0t', '1smy', '1uf2', '2v0z', '2v7n', '2vs4', '1zbb', '1zlv', ## remark470 records missing (alpha carbon only in most cases) '1cc0', '1f1o', '1ffk', '3b5d', '3b5w', '3b5x', '3b5y', '3b5z', '3b61', '3b62', '1bdx', '1d3l', '1gix', '1e8s', '1j5a', '4cro', '1i9w', '1giy', '2v9l', ## SEQRES/ATOM conflict (incorrect res_name) '2c38', '2j01', '2j03', '4icd', '2aew', '2plv', '1d2q', ## remark465 initiation line missing '2iwq', '2v07', ## incorrect residue numbers (N-terminal) '1ef0', '2ji5', '1eu3', ## incorrect residue numbers (reversed) '9lpr', ## incorrect residue numbers (insertion) '1a4k', '2ged', '1cj0', ## incorrect residue numbers (altloc) '2bb3', ## incorrect residue numbers (C-terminal) '1a7l', '1ce0', '2ci0', '2cib', '1f32', ## inccorect residue numbers (type error) '1f7o', '1f7p', '1ke8', '1kj4', '1n3f', '1nlq', '1nv8', '1nv9', '1pxx', '2by6', '1ll0', '2bfk', '2gnk', '1e5r', '1lox', '1ca8', '1x11', ## incorrect residue numbers (REMARK465) '1jn6', ## incorrect residue numbers (ATOM) '2qqh', ## incorrect residue numbers ("reset"/"broken"... 28,29,30,1,2,3) '1jpl', '1juq', '1k4j', '1q6j', '1q6m', '2oxg', '2oxr', '2qzl', '1swf', '1swg', '2z5s', '1yr6', '1yr7', '1yr8', '1yr9', ## incorrect residue numbers (iCodes) '1iao', '2iad', '1dki', '1es0', '7pck', '1pfz', '1qdm', '1ygp', '2qri', '2qrs', '2qrt', '3dgv', ## incorrect residue numbers (none) '2om7', ## incorrect chain ID (ATOM) '1bml', '1h74', '1jwt', ## incorrect iCode (ATOM) '2ius', ## incorrect SEQRES sequence '1clw', ## identical ATOM/HETATM IDs (coordinate section) '1h9h', '427d', '2olb', '11gs', '121p', '12gs', '13gs', '16gs', '16pk', '17gs', '185d', '18gs', '193d', '19gs', '1a05', '1a0i', '1a25', '1a3l', '1a44', '1a48', '1a4a', '1a4b', '1a4c', '1a4f', '1a4g', '1a4k', '1a4q', '1a52', '1a5a', '1a5b', '1a5z', '1a65', '1a69', '1a6g', '1a6m', '1a6q', '1a71', '1a78', '1a79', '1a8i', '1a8s', '1a8u', '1a9c', '1a9m', '1a9x', '1a9y', '1a9z', '1aal', '1aax', '1aaz', '1aba', '1abw', '1aby', '1ad8', '1ad9', '1adb', '1adc', '1adf', '1adg', '1adj', '1aec', '1af6', '1afa', '1afb', '1ag0', '1ah8', '1ahe', '1ahf', '1ahx', '1ahy', '1ai4', '1ai5', '1ai6', '1ai7', '1ai8', '1aix', '1aj6', '1aj9', '1ajn', '1ajp', '1ajq', '1aku', '1akv', '1all', '1ami', '1ao5', '1aok', '1aor', '1apm', '1aq1', '1aq6', '1aq7', '1ar1', '1ari', '1art', '1arx', '1asm', '1asn', '1aso', '1asp', '1asq', '1at1', '1atg', '1atl', '1atn', '1atp', '1au1', '1aua', '1auj', '1aus', '1av4', '1av6', '1avb', '1avf', '1avq', '1awb', '1axa', '1axd', '1axs', '1aya', '1ayo', '1ayr', '1azr', '1azs', '1b08', '1b0m', '1b25', '1b4k', '1b4n', '1b55', '1b6h', '1b8t', '1b92', '1b9f', '1bb1', '1bch', '1bcj', '1bcr', '1bcs', '1bd0', '1be3', '1beh', '1ben', '1bfn', '1bgy', '1bh3', '1bij', '1biq', '1biz', '1bj3', '1bja', '1bk5', '1bks', '1bnl', '1bow', '1bps', '1bqa', '1bqd', '1bqh', '1brh', '1brk', '1brt', '1bsk', '1btc', '1bvc', '1bvd', '1bwn', '1bwo', '1cdk', '1cdm', '1cel', '1ces', '1cf5', '1cgk', '1ch0', '1ch4', '1cls', '1cml', '1cnt', '1coh', '1con', '1cow', '1cpc', '1cpq', '1cpr', '1crx', '1ctf', '1ctp', '1cxe', '1cxf', '1cxh', '1czf', '1d33', '1d35', '1d39', '1d40', '1d61', '1d8h', '1daj', '1dan', '1dbj', '1dbk', '1dbp', '1dbr', '1dff', '1dhy', '1dif', '1djc', '1dkk', '1dl4', '1dlr', '1dls', '1dmr', '1dms', '1dpe', '1dpm', '1drf', '1drj', '1drk', '1dut', '1eas', '1ecc', '1ecg', '1efg', '1eg6', '1elp', '1ent', '1epm', '1epn', '1epp', '1epq', '1eta', '1etb', '1eth', '1etj', '1fax', '1fbt', '1fdh', '1fgh', '1fgj', '1fig', '1fiv', '1fkb', '1fki', '1fn1', '1fpc', '1fpi', '1fpj', '1fpl', '1fsa', '1fui', '1fuo', '1fup', '1fuq', '1fur', '1fv7', '1fyl', '1g5l', '1gac', '1gaf', '1gan', '1gbu', '1gdi', '1gic', '1gj2', '1glc', '1gld', '1gle', '1gli', '1gmk', '1gmp', '1gmr', '1gnm', '1gnn', '1gno', '1gnw', '1gpa', '1gpd', '1gqh', '1gsu', '1gsy', '1gti', '1gtm', '1gtp', '1hab', '1hac', '1hah', '1hbg', '1hbi', '1hbs', '1hbt', '1hcn', '1hcs', '1hct', '1hds', '1hdt', '1hfp', '1hfq', '1hfr', '1hga', '1hgb', '1hgc', '1hgt', '1hho', '1hih', '1hii', '1hiv', '1hmd', '1hmo', '1hpc', '1hr3', '1hro', '1hrp', '1htp', '1huj', '1huk', '1hur', '1hvq', '1hvr', '1hxp', '1hya', '1i3t', '1i47', '1i7v', '1iak', '1ibg', '1icj', '1idc', '1ide', '1iea', '1ieb', '1igt', '1igy', '1ils', '1ilu', '1imc', '1imd', '1ipw', '1irn', '1iro', '1ith', '1ixx', '1izb', '1j8l', '1jaw', '1jdb', '1jfd', '1jka', '1jkb', '1jkc', '1jkd', '1jlx', '1jpc', '1jsa', '1jst', '1jsu', '1kao', '1kpe', '1kr7', '1krb', '1krc', '1krn', '1ksa', '1kvq', '1kvr', '1kvs', '1kvt', '1kvu', '1lam', '1lcj', '1lck', '1lcp', '1ldp', '1len', '1lia', '1lkk', '1lkl', '1llo', '1lml', '1loa', '1lob', '1lpa', '1lpb', '1lth', '1ltr', '1lu2', '1lya', '1lyb', '1lyw', '1m5k', '1mae', '1maf', '1mbd', '1mfr', '1mhe', '1mhk', '1mmb', '1mmo', '1mmp', '1mmq', '1mmr', '1mpa', '1mpg', '1mpq', '1mpr', '1mwe', '1myf', '1myh', '1myj', '1nah', '1nai', '1nas', '1nbb', '1nbc', '1nbe', '1nci', '1nco', '1nec', '1nfd', '1nfp', '1nlk', '1nn2', '1nnc', '1np1', '1nrs', '1nsa', '1nsc', '1nsd', '1nzr', '1oaa', '1oat', '1ohj', '1olc', '1ord', '1otg', '1ouu', '1ova', '1ovw', '1p35', '1pag', '1pam', '1pbo', '1pea', '1pgt', '1php', '1ply', '1pnk', '1pnl', '1pnm', '1poi', '1ppm', '1ppr', '1psc', '1psh', '1ptv', '1pty', '1pyt', '1qbi', '1qd6', '1qdc', '1qf8', '1qge', '1qha', '1qhf', '1qpr', '1qrd', '1qs8', '1qsg', '1raa', '1rab', '1rac', '1rad', '1rae', '1raf', '1rag', '1rah', '1rai', '1rbl', '1rcm', '1rcp', '1rdg', '1rdi', '1rdj', '1rdk', '1rdl', '1rdm', '1rdn', '1rdv', '1rdx', '1rdy', '1rdz', '1rem', '1rge', '1rgf', '1rgg', '1rgh', '1rn1', '1rnc', '1rsy', '1rtf', '1rth', '1rti', '1rtj', '1rtm', '1rvw', '1sac', '1scu', '1sda', '1sdk', '1sdl', '1sep', '1sfi', '1sft', '1sgc', '1shb', '1shd', '1skj', '1sky', '1slb', '1slc', '1sli', '1slt', '1slu', '1smp', '1sps', '1stc', '1sty', '1swd', '1swe', '1swn', '1swp', '1swr', '1taq', '1tar', '1tat', '1taw', '1tcb', '1tcf', '1tco', '1tei', '1tet', '1thb', '1ths', '1tlc', '1tlg', '1tli', '1tlp', '1tmb', '1tmn', '1tmu', '1tn4', '1tpf', '1tpk', '1try', '1trz', '1tsd', '1ttp', '1ttq', '1tub', '1tyl', '1tym', '1tyu', '1tyw', '1tyx', '1udg', '1udh', '1uma', '1uz8', '1vdr', '1vrt', '1vru', '1vwt', '1wav', '1wgi', '1wgj', '1whs', '1wht', '1wyk', '1xel', '1xgm', '1xgn', '1xgs', '1xik', '1xso', '1yag', '1yec', '1yef', '1yeg', '1yeh', '1yrq', '1zeg', '1zeh', '1zni', '1znj', '20gs', '211d', '219d', '21gs', '221p', '22gs', '253d', '256b', '258d', '25c8', '277d', '2a3h', '2aaa', '2aac', '2aae', '2ahj', '2arc', '2at1', '2atc', '2ay1', '2ay2', '2ay3', '2ay4', '2ay5', '2ay6', '2ay7', '2ay8', '2ay9', '2azu', '2btf', '2bvw', '2c7e', '2cah', '2cht', '2cmm', '2cpk', '2cst', '2d34', '2d95', '2da8', '2dhb', '2dhn', '2dmr', '2dri', '2ecp', '2fbj', '2fus', '2gli', '2glr', '2gls', '2gsa', '2gss', '2hck', '2hhb', '2hhd', '2hk6', '2hmq', '2hmz', '2hr7', '2iep', '2kau', '2lal', '2lhb', '2mas', '2mcp', '2mhb', '2mpa', '2mpr', '2msb', '2nac', '2np1', '2otc', '2ovw', '2oxi', '2pax', '2pcp', '2pfl', '2pgh', '2pgt', '2phk', '2pk4', '2pld', '2ple', '2prc', '2prg', '2q41', '2qwa', '2qwb', '2qwc', '2qwd', '2qwe', '2qwf', '2qwg', '2qwh', '2qwi', '2qwj', '2qwk', '2r2f', '2ran', '2rkm', '2rus', '2scp', '2sec', '2shk', '2sli', '2sn3', '2sni', '2sod', '2taa', '2tgd', '2tli', '2tmn', '2tn4', '2trc', '2tsc', '2wea', '2web', '2wec', '308d', '367d', '380d', '381d', '382d', '3a3h', '3at1', '3azu', '3chb', '3cyt', '3dmr', '3eng', '3fru', '3fx2', '3grs', '3gss', '3gst', '3hat', '3hhb', '3ljr', '3lkf', '3np1', '3p2p', '3pax', '3pca', '3pcb', '3pcc', '3pcd', '3pce', '3pcf', '3pcg', '3pch', '3pci', '3pcj', '3pck', '3pcn', '3pmg', '3prc', '3prn', '3pro', '3sc2', '3sli', '3sqc', '3tli', '3tmn', '421p', '455d', '456c', '4a3h', '4at1', '4cts', '4dfr', '4dmr', '4eng', '4fx2', '4gr1', '4gsa', '4gss', '4hhb', '4hmg', '4mdh', '4np1', '4ovw', '4pax', '4rub', '4sli', '4tgl', '4tmn', '5at1', '5bir', '5dnb', '5fx2', '5gss', '5hmg', '5mdh', '5prn', '5tmn', '621p', '6abp', '6adh', '6at1', '6gsp', '6gss', '6gsu', '6gsv', '6gsw', '6gsx', '6ins', '6prn', '6tmn', '721p', '7aat', '7abp', '7at1', '7gss', '7odc', '7prn', '7taa', '830c', '8aat', '8abp', '8at1', '8gss', '8prn', '966c', '9gss', '9pap', '9rub', '2q44', ## identical IDs in REMARK465 and ATOM records '3c9u', ## altloc not in MODRES records '354d', ]: continue file = '%s%s/%s' % (path, dir, ent) fd = open(file, 'r') lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() ## ## parse header ## d_header = parse_pdb.parse_header(lines) if not 'HELIX' in d_header.keys(): continue if d_header['EXPDTA'] != 'X-RAY': continue ## ## parse coordinates ## d_coordinates, d_ATOMseq = parse_pdb.parse_coordinates( lines, d_header, ) for chain in d_header['SEQRES']['chains']: if chain not in d_header['HELIX'].keys(): continue for helix_no in d_header['HELIX'][chain].keys(): res_no = d_header['HELIX'][chain][helix_no]['res_no'] iCode = d_header['HELIX'][chain][helix_no]['iCode'] helix_len = d_header['HELIX'][chain][helix_no]['len'] if not res_no in d_coordinates['chains'][chain][ 'residues'].keys(): continue seq_no = d_coordinates['chains'][chain]['residues'][ res_no]['d_iCodes'][iCode]['seq_no'] if seq_no == -1: continue ## hoeker-loesning if seq_no >= len(d_ATOMseq[chain]['res_nos']): continue ## hoeker-loesning if d_ATOMseq[chain]['res_nos'][seq_no] != res_no: stop if d_ATOMseq[chain]['iCodes'][seq_no] != iCode: stop ## if d_ATOMseq[chain]['altlocs'][seq_no] != ' ': ## stop if helix_len < 11: continue l_angles = [] for i in range( seq_no + 1, min(seq_no + helix_len, len(d_ATOMseq[chain]['res_nos'])) - 4 - 1): res_no1 = d_ATOMseq[chain]['res_nos'][i] res_no2 = d_ATOMseq[chain]['res_nos'][i + 4] iCode1 = d_ATOMseq[chain]['iCodes'][i] iCode2 = d_ATOMseq[chain]['iCodes'][i + 4] record1 = d_ATOMseq[chain]['records'][i] record2 = d_ATOMseq[chain]['records'][i + 4] if not res_no1 in d_coordinates['chains'][chain][ 'residues'].keys() and record1 == 'REMARK465': continue if not res_no2 in d_coordinates['chains'][chain][ 'residues'].keys() and record2 == 'REMARK465': continue res_name1 = d_coordinates['chains'][chain]['residues'][ res_no1]['d_iCodes'][iCode1]['res_name'] if not 'O' in d_coordinates['chains'][chain][ 'residues'][res_no1]['d_iCodes'][iCode1][ 'atoms'].keys(): continue if not 'H' in d_coordinates['chains'][chain][ 'residues'][res_no2]['d_iCodes'][iCode2][ 'atoms'].keys(): continue O = d_coordinates['chains'][chain]['residues'][ res_no1]['d_iCodes'][iCode1]['atoms']['O'][ 'coordinate'] N = d_coordinates['chains'][chain]['residues'][ res_no2]['d_iCodes'][iCode2]['atoms']['N'][ 'coordinate'] H = d_coordinates['chains'][chain]['residues'][ res_no2]['d_iCodes'][iCode2]['atoms']['H'][ 'coordinate'] vNH = N - H vOH = O - H angle = (180 / math.pi) * math.acos(, vOH) / math.sqrt(sum(vNH**2) * sum(vOH**2))) print pdb, chain, res_no1, res_no2, angle if res_name1 != 'GLY' and angle < 78: ## 113 print res_name1 stop1 if res_name1 == 'GLY' and angle < 101: stop1 l_angles += [angle] if len(l_angles) > 0: print helix_len, sum(l_angles) / len(l_angles) if sum(l_angles) / len(l_angles) > 171: stop3 if sum(l_angles) / len(l_angles) < 149: stop4
def main(): for pdb in [ ## '2hhb', ## '1hho', ## '1hv4', '2lzm', ## '2lzt', ## '1c76', ## '1c77', ## '1c78', ]: ## os.system('cp /local/data/pdb/%s/pdb%s.ent %s.pdb' %(pdb[1:3],pdb,pdb,)) ## #### biounit.biounit().main(pdb, '/data/remediated_pdb/', exclude_ligands = True) #### #### os.system('cp %s_1.pdb %s.pdb' %(pdb,pdb,)) ## ## fd = open('%s.pdb' %(pdb),'r') ## lines = fd.readlines() ## fd.close() fd = open('C:\Users\Tommy Carstensen\pdb\%s.pdb' % (pdb), 'r') lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() d_header = parse_pdb.parse_header(lines) d_coordinates, d_ATOMseq = parse_pdb.parse_coordinates( lines, d_header, ) l_coordinates = [] a = d_header['CRYST1']['edges'][0] b = d_header['CRYST1']['edges'][1] c = d_header['CRYST1']['edges'][2] alpha = math.pi * d_header['CRYST1']['angles'][0] / 180. beta = math.pi * d_header['CRYST1']['angles'][1] / 180. gamma = math.pi * d_header['CRYST1']['angles'][2] / 180. ## unit cell voumne volume = a * b * c * math.sqrt( 1 - math.cos(alpha)**2 - math.cos(beta)**2 - math.cos(gamma)**2 + 2 * (math.cos(alpha) * math.cos(beta) * math.cos(gamma))) matrix_fractional2cartesian = numpy.array([ [ a, b * math.cos(gamma), c * math.cos(beta), ], [ 0, b * math.sin(gamma), c * (math.cos(alpha) - math.cos(beta) * math.cos(gamma)) / math.sin(gamma), ], [ 0, 0, volume / (a * b * math.sin(gamma)), ], ]) ## lines = [] for symop in d_header['REMARK290'].keys(): print 'symop', symop matrix_symop = d_header['REMARK290'][symop]['matrix'] vector_symop = d_header['REMARK290'][symop]['vector'] for i_translation in range(len(l_translations)): print 'symop', symop, 'translation', i_translation vector_translation = l_translations[i_translation] for chain2 in d_coordinates['chains'].keys(): for res_no2 in d_coordinates['chains'][chain2][ 'residues'].keys(): ## print symop, i, chain2, res_no2 for iCode2 in d_coordinates['chains'][chain2][ 'residues'][res_no2]['d_iCodes'].keys(): for chain1 in d_coordinates['chains'].keys(): for res_no1 in d_coordinates['chains'][chain1][ 'residues'].keys(): ## if res_no2 != 75: ## continue for iCode1 in d_coordinates['chains'][ chain1]['residues'][res_no1][ 'd_iCodes'].keys(): for atom_name1 in d_coordinates[ 'chains'][chain1]['residues'][ res_no1]['d_iCodes'][ iCode1]['atoms'].keys( ): coordinate1 = d_coordinates[ 'chains'][chain1]['residues'][ res_no1]['d_iCodes'][ iCode1]['atoms'][ atom_name1][ 'coordinate'] for atom_name2 in d_coordinates[ 'chains'][chain2][ 'residues'][res_no2][ 'd_iCodes'][iCode2][ 'atoms'].keys( ): coordinate2 = d_coordinates[ 'chains'][chain2]['residues'][ res_no2]['d_iCodes'][ iCode2]['atoms'][ atom_name2][ 'coordinate'] coordinate2 = matrix_symop, coordinate2) + vector_symop coordinate2 += matrix_fractional2cartesian, vector_translation) coordinate2[0] = round( coordinate2[0], 3) coordinate2[1] = round( coordinate2[1], 3) coordinate2[2] = round( coordinate2[2], 3) vicinity = False distant = False dist = math.sqrt( sum((coordinate2 - coordinate1)**2)) dist = 0 ## if dist < 5: ## print '%2i %.2f %.2f %4i %4s %s %4i %4s %s ' %( ## i, round(dist,2), dist_treshold, ## res_no2, atom_name2, coordinate2, res_no1, atom_name1, coordinate1 ## ) dist_treshold = d_radii_vdw[ atom_name1[ 0]] + d_radii_vdw[ atom_name2[ 0]] + 0.25 ## break atom_name2 loop if dist < dist_treshold: vicinity = True break ## break atom_name2 loop if dist > 10.: ## length of lysine is 7-8Angstrom distant = True break ## break atom_name1 loop (append line and check next iCode1) if vicinity == True: for atom_name3 in d_coordinates[ 'chains'][chain2][ 'residues'][res_no2][ 'd_iCodes'][ iCode2][ 'atoms'].keys( ): coordinate3 = d_coordinates[ 'chains'][chain2]['residues'][ res_no2]['d_iCodes'][ iCode2]['atoms'][ atom_name3][ 'coordinate'] coordinate3 = matrix_symop, coordinate3, ) + vector_symop coordinate3 += matrix_fractional2cartesian, vector_translation, ) line = build_line( atom_name3, d_coordinates, coordinate3, chain2, res_no2, iCode2, symop, i_translation, ) lines += [line] break ## break atom_name1 loop (check next iCode1) if distant == True: break ## break iCode1 loop (check next iCode2) if vicinity == True: break ## break resno1 loop (check next iCode2) if vicinity == True: break ## break chain1 loop (check next iCode2) if vicinity == True: break fd = open('%s_crystalcontacts.pdb' % (pdb), 'w') fd.writelines(lines) fd.close() source = 'whatif.src' fd = open(source, 'w') fd.writelines([ '/software/whatif/DO_WHATIF.COM <<EOF\n', 'GETMOL %s.pdb\n' % (pdb, ), '%s\n' % (pdb, ), '%DELWAT\n', '%DELLIG\n', '%SOUSHL\n', ## crystal contacts '%MAKMOL\n', '\n', ## The file header will be copied from a PDB file. Hit return for the default header that has no information in it. 'soushl_%s.pdb\n' % (pdb), 'TOT 0\n', '\n', ## REMARKS 'STOP\n', 'Y\n', ]) fd.close() os.system('source %s > whatif_surface/%s.out' % (source, pdb)) os.system( 'rm DRG* DAVADRUG.PDB ALTERR.LOG PDBFILE whatif.src FOR*.DAT WHATIF.FIG' ) return
def main(): import os, numpy, math import sys sys.path.append('/home/people/tc/svn/tc_sandbox/misc/') import parse_pdb path = '/oxygenase_local/data/pdb/' dirs = os.listdir(path) dirs.sort() for dir in dirs: if dir < sys.argv[1][1:3]: continue print dir ents = os.listdir('%s%s' %(path,dir)) ents.sort() for ent in ents: pdb = ent[3:7] if dir == sys.argv[-1][1:3] and pdb < sys.argv[-1]: continue print pdb if pdb in [ '1a0k', ## 310 helix? '2aeb', ## helix kink '2aoc','2aod','2aog', ## some error... '2c03','2c04','3bxd', ## bent helix '4fbp','5fbp', ## pro residue in i+6 position '1a2f','1a2g', ## gly residue in i+1,i+3 position (310 helix?) ]: continue if pdb in [ ## from phipsiparseall ## std_res_name in neither REMARK465 nor SEQRES (large peptide length) '1a3q','1c3w','1c3x','1ad5', ## hetID in SEQRES and HETATM but not MODRES '2b2u','2a2x','2b7f','2c2k','2c2m','2c2o','2c2z','2aal','1bdu', '2ag3','2age','2agg','1an5','2ci1','2ank', ## ## hetID in SEQRES and REMARK465 but not MODRES ## '1aco','7acn','8acn','2aig','3aig','1g1f','1g1s','2f4i', ## hetID in MODRES but not SEQRES '2a4o','3bbd','1orw', ## std_res in REMARK465 but not SEQRES '2uva','2uva','2uvc', ## hetID in SEQRES but not REMARK465,ATOM '2vhn', ## REMARK465 records missing '1c04','3b9v','1fka','1deq','2jcc','2jj4','1i3q','1i50','1i6h', '1iw7','1p0t','1smy','1uf2','2v0z','2v7n','2vs4','1zbb','1zlv', ## remark470 records missing (alpha carbon only in most cases) '1cc0','1f1o','1ffk','3b5d','3b5w','3b5x','3b5y','3b5z','3b61', '3b62','1bdx','1d3l','1gix','1e8s','1j5a','4cro','1i9w','1giy', '2v9l', ## SEQRES/ATOM conflict (incorrect res_name) '2c38','2j01','2j03','4icd','2aew','2plv','1d2q', ## remark465 initiation line missing '2iwq','2v07', ## incorrect residue numbers (N-terminal) '1ef0','2ji5','1eu3', ## incorrect residue numbers (reversed) '9lpr', ## incorrect residue numbers (insertion) '1a4k','2ged','1cj0', ## incorrect residue numbers (altloc) '2bb3', ## incorrect residue numbers (C-terminal) '1a7l','1ce0','2ci0','2cib','1f32', ## inccorect residue numbers (type error) '1f7o','1f7p','1ke8','1kj4','1n3f','1nlq','1nv8','1nv9','1pxx', '2by6','1ll0','2bfk','2gnk','1e5r','1lox','1ca8','1x11', ## incorrect residue numbers (REMARK465) '1jn6', ## incorrect residue numbers (ATOM) '2qqh', ## incorrect residue numbers ("reset"/"broken"... 28,29,30,1,2,3) '1jpl','1juq','1k4j','1q6j','1q6m','2oxg','2oxr','2qzl', '1swf','1swg','2z5s','1yr6','1yr7','1yr8','1yr9', ## incorrect residue numbers (iCodes) '1iao','2iad','1dki','1es0','7pck','1pfz','1qdm','1ygp', '2qri','2qrs','2qrt','3dgv', ## incorrect residue numbers (none) '2om7', ## incorrect chain ID (ATOM) '1bml','1h74','1jwt', ## incorrect iCode (ATOM) '2ius', ## incorrect SEQRES sequence '1clw', ## identical ATOM/HETATM IDs (coordinate section) '1h9h','427d','2olb','11gs','121p','12gs','13gs','16gs','16pk','17gs','185d','18gs','193d','19gs','1a05','1a0i','1a25','1a3l','1a44','1a48','1a4a','1a4b','1a4c','1a4f','1a4g','1a4k','1a4q','1a52','1a5a','1a5b','1a5z','1a65','1a69','1a6g','1a6m','1a6q','1a71','1a78','1a79','1a8i', '1a8s', '1a8u', '1a9c', '1a9m', '1a9x', '1a9y', '1a9z', '1aal', '1aax', '1aaz', '1aba', '1abw', '1aby', '1ad8', '1ad9', '1adb', '1adc', '1adf', '1adg', '1adj', '1aec', '1af6', '1afa', '1afb', '1ag0', '1ah8', '1ahe', '1ahf', '1ahx', '1ahy', '1ai4', '1ai5', '1ai6', '1ai7', '1ai8', '1aix', '1aj6', '1aj9', '1ajn', '1ajp', '1ajq', '1aku', '1akv', '1all', '1ami', '1ao5', '1aok', '1aor', '1apm', '1aq1', '1aq6', '1aq7', '1ar1', '1ari', '1art', '1arx', '1asm', '1asn', '1aso', '1asp', '1asq', '1at1', '1atg', '1atl', '1atn', '1atp', '1au1', '1aua', '1auj', '1aus', '1av4', '1av6', '1avb', '1avf', '1avq', '1awb', '1axa', '1axd', '1axs', '1aya', '1ayo', '1ayr', '1azr', '1azs', '1b08', '1b0m', '1b25', '1b4k', '1b4n', '1b55', '1b6h', '1b8t', '1b92', '1b9f', '1bb1', '1bch', '1bcj', '1bcr', '1bcs', '1bd0', '1be3', '1beh', '1ben', '1bfn', '1bgy', '1bh3', '1bij', '1biq', '1biz', '1bj3', '1bja', '1bk5', '1bks', '1bnl', '1bow', '1bps', '1bqa', '1bqd', '1bqh', '1brh', '1brk', '1brt', '1bsk', '1btc', '1bvc', '1bvd', '1bwn', '1bwo', '1cdk', '1cdm', '1cel', '1ces', '1cf5', '1cgk', '1ch0', '1ch4', '1cls', '1cml', '1cnt', '1coh', '1con', '1cow', '1cpc', '1cpq', '1cpr', '1crx', '1ctf', '1ctp', '1cxe', '1cxf', '1cxh', '1czf', '1d33', '1d35', '1d39', '1d40', '1d61', '1d8h', '1daj', '1dan', '1dbj', '1dbk', '1dbp', '1dbr', '1dff', '1dhy', '1dif', '1djc', '1dkk', '1dl4', '1dlr', '1dls', '1dmr', '1dms', '1dpe', '1dpm', '1drf', '1drj', '1drk', '1dut', '1eas', '1ecc', '1ecg', '1efg', '1eg6', '1elp', '1ent', '1epm', '1epn', '1epp', '1epq', '1eta', '1etb', '1eth', '1etj', '1fax', '1fbt', '1fdh', '1fgh', '1fgj', '1fig', '1fiv', '1fkb', '1fki', '1fn1', '1fpc', '1fpi', '1fpj', '1fpl', '1fsa', '1fui', '1fuo', '1fup', '1fuq', '1fur', '1fv7', '1fyl', '1g5l', '1gac', '1gaf', '1gan', '1gbu', '1gdi', '1gic', '1gj2', '1glc', '1gld', '1gle', '1gli', '1gmk', '1gmp', '1gmr', '1gnm', '1gnn', '1gno', '1gnw', '1gpa', '1gpd', '1gqh', '1gsu', '1gsy', '1gti', '1gtm', '1gtp', '1hab', '1hac', '1hah', '1hbg', '1hbi', '1hbs', '1hbt', '1hcn', '1hcs', '1hct', '1hds', '1hdt', '1hfp', '1hfq', '1hfr', '1hga', '1hgb', '1hgc', '1hgt', '1hho', '1hih', '1hii', '1hiv', '1hmd', '1hmo', '1hpc', '1hr3', '1hro', '1hrp', '1htp', '1huj', '1huk', '1hur', '1hvq', '1hvr', '1hxp', '1hya', '1i3t', '1i47', '1i7v', '1iak', '1ibg', '1icj', '1idc', '1ide', '1iea', '1ieb', '1igt', '1igy', '1ils', '1ilu', '1imc', '1imd', '1ipw', '1irn', '1iro', '1ith', '1ixx', '1izb', '1j8l', '1jaw', '1jdb', '1jfd', '1jka', '1jkb', '1jkc', '1jkd', '1jlx', '1jpc', '1jsa', '1jst', '1jsu', '1kao', '1kpe', '1kr7', '1krb', '1krc', '1krn', '1ksa', '1kvq', '1kvr', '1kvs', '1kvt', '1kvu', '1lam', '1lcj', '1lck', '1lcp', '1ldp', '1len', '1lia', '1lkk', '1lkl', '1llo', '1lml', '1loa', '1lob', '1lpa', '1lpb', '1lth', '1ltr', '1lu2', '1lya', '1lyb', '1lyw', '1m5k', '1mae', '1maf', '1mbd', '1mfr', '1mhe', '1mhk', '1mmb', '1mmo', '1mmp', '1mmq', '1mmr', '1mpa', '1mpg', '1mpq', '1mpr', '1mwe', '1myf', '1myh', '1myj', '1nah', '1nai', '1nas', '1nbb', '1nbc', '1nbe', '1nci', '1nco', '1nec', '1nfd', '1nfp', '1nlk', '1nn2', '1nnc', '1np1', '1nrs', '1nsa', '1nsc', '1nsd', '1nzr', '1oaa', '1oat', '1ohj', '1olc', '1ord', '1otg', '1ouu', '1ova', '1ovw', '1p35', '1pag', '1pam', '1pbo', '1pea', '1pgt', '1php', '1ply', '1pnk', '1pnl', '1pnm', '1poi', '1ppm', '1ppr', '1psc', '1psh', '1ptv', '1pty', '1pyt', '1qbi', '1qd6', '1qdc', '1qf8', '1qge', '1qha', '1qhf', '1qpr', '1qrd', '1qs8', '1qsg', '1raa', '1rab', '1rac', '1rad', '1rae', '1raf', '1rag', '1rah', '1rai', '1rbl', '1rcm', '1rcp', '1rdg', '1rdi', '1rdj', '1rdk', '1rdl', '1rdm', '1rdn', '1rdv', '1rdx', '1rdy', '1rdz', '1rem', '1rge', '1rgf', '1rgg', '1rgh', '1rn1', '1rnc', '1rsy', '1rtf', '1rth', '1rti', '1rtj', '1rtm', '1rvw', '1sac', '1scu', '1sda', '1sdk', '1sdl', '1sep', '1sfi', '1sft', '1sgc', '1shb', '1shd', '1skj', '1sky', '1slb', '1slc', '1sli', '1slt', '1slu', '1smp', '1sps', '1stc', '1sty', '1swd', '1swe', '1swn', '1swp', '1swr', '1taq', '1tar', '1tat', '1taw', '1tcb', '1tcf', '1tco', '1tei', '1tet', '1thb', '1ths', '1tlc', '1tlg', '1tli', '1tlp', '1tmb', '1tmn', '1tmu', '1tn4', '1tpf', '1tpk', '1try', '1trz', '1tsd', '1ttp', '1ttq', '1tub', '1tyl', '1tym', '1tyu', '1tyw', '1tyx', '1udg', '1udh', '1uma', '1uz8', '1vdr', '1vrt', '1vru', '1vwt', '1wav', '1wgi', '1wgj', '1whs', '1wht', '1wyk', '1xel', '1xgm', '1xgn', '1xgs', '1xik', '1xso', '1yag', '1yec', '1yef', '1yeg', '1yeh', '1yrq', '1zeg', '1zeh', '1zni', '1znj', '20gs', '211d', '219d', '21gs', '221p', '22gs', '253d', '256b', '258d', '25c8', '277d', '2a3h', '2aaa', '2aac', '2aae', '2ahj', '2arc', '2at1', '2atc', '2ay1', '2ay2', '2ay3', '2ay4', '2ay5', '2ay6', '2ay7', '2ay8', '2ay9', '2azu', '2btf', '2bvw', '2c7e', '2cah', '2cht', '2cmm', '2cpk', '2cst', '2d34', '2d95', '2da8', '2dhb', '2dhn', '2dmr', '2dri', '2ecp', '2fbj', '2fus', '2gli', '2glr', '2gls', '2gsa', '2gss', '2hck', '2hhb', '2hhd', '2hk6', '2hmq', '2hmz', '2hr7', '2iep', '2kau', '2lal', '2lhb', '2mas', '2mcp', '2mhb', '2mpa', '2mpr', '2msb', '2nac', '2np1','2otc', '2ovw', '2oxi', '2pax', '2pcp', '2pfl', '2pgh', '2pgt', '2phk', '2pk4', '2pld', '2ple', '2prc', '2prg', '2q41', '2qwa', '2qwb', '2qwc', '2qwd', '2qwe', '2qwf', '2qwg', '2qwh', '2qwi', '2qwj', '2qwk', '2r2f', '2ran', '2rkm', '2rus', '2scp', '2sec', '2shk', '2sli', '2sn3', '2sni', '2sod', '2taa', '2tgd', '2tli', '2tmn', '2tn4', '2trc', '2tsc', '2wea', '2web', '2wec', '308d', '367d', '380d', '381d', '382d', '3a3h', '3at1', '3azu', '3chb', '3cyt', '3dmr', '3eng', '3fru', '3fx2', '3grs', '3gss', '3gst', '3hat', '3hhb', '3ljr', '3lkf', '3np1', '3p2p', '3pax', '3pca', '3pcb', '3pcc', '3pcd', '3pce', '3pcf', '3pcg', '3pch', '3pci', '3pcj', '3pck', '3pcn', '3pmg', '3prc', '3prn', '3pro', '3sc2', '3sli', '3sqc', '3tli', '3tmn', '421p', '455d', '456c', '4a3h', '4at1', '4cts', '4dfr', '4dmr', '4eng', '4fx2', '4gr1', '4gsa', '4gss', '4hhb', '4hmg', '4mdh', '4np1', '4ovw', '4pax', '4rub', '4sli', '4tgl', '4tmn', '5at1', '5bir', '5dnb', '5fx2', '5gss', '5hmg', '5mdh', '5prn', '5tmn', '621p', '6abp', '6adh', '6at1', '6gsp', '6gss', '6gsu', '6gsv', '6gsw', '6gsx', '6ins', '6prn', '6tmn', '721p', '7aat', '7abp', '7at1', '7gss', '7odc', '7prn', '7taa', '830c', '8aat', '8abp', '8at1', '8gss', '8prn', '966c', '9gss', '9pap', '9rub','2q44', ## identical IDs in REMARK465 and ATOM records '3c9u', ## altloc not in MODRES records '354d', ]: continue file = '%s%s/%s' %(path,dir,ent) fd = open(file,'r') lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() ## ## parse header ## d_header = parse_pdb.parse_header(lines) if not 'HELIX' in d_header.keys(): continue if d_header['EXPDTA'] != 'X-RAY': continue ## ## parse coordinates ## d_coordinates, d_ATOMseq = parse_pdb.parse_coordinates(lines, d_header,) for chain in d_header['SEQRES']['chains']: if chain not in d_header['HELIX'].keys(): continue for helix_no in d_header['HELIX'][chain].keys(): res_no = d_header['HELIX'][chain][helix_no]['res_no'] iCode = d_header['HELIX'][chain][helix_no]['iCode'] helix_len = d_header['HELIX'][chain][helix_no]['len'] if not res_no in d_coordinates['chains'][chain]['residues'].keys(): continue seq_no = d_coordinates['chains'][chain]['residues'][res_no]['d_iCodes'][iCode]['seq_no'] if seq_no == -1: continue ## hoeker-loesning if seq_no >= len(d_ATOMseq[chain]['res_nos']): continue ## hoeker-loesning if d_ATOMseq[chain]['res_nos'][seq_no] != res_no: stop if d_ATOMseq[chain]['iCodes'][seq_no] != iCode: stop ## if d_ATOMseq[chain]['altlocs'][seq_no] != ' ': ## stop if helix_len < 11: continue l_angles = [] for i in range(seq_no+1,min(seq_no+helix_len,len(d_ATOMseq[chain]['res_nos']))-4-1): res_no1 = d_ATOMseq[chain]['res_nos'][i] res_no2 = d_ATOMseq[chain]['res_nos'][i+4] iCode1 = d_ATOMseq[chain]['iCodes'][i] iCode2 = d_ATOMseq[chain]['iCodes'][i+4] record1 = d_ATOMseq[chain]['records'][i] record2 = d_ATOMseq[chain]['records'][i+4] if not res_no1 in d_coordinates['chains'][chain]['residues'].keys() and record1 == 'REMARK465': continue if not res_no2 in d_coordinates['chains'][chain]['residues'].keys() and record2 == 'REMARK465': continue res_name1 = d_coordinates['chains'][chain]['residues'][res_no1]['d_iCodes'][iCode1]['res_name'] if not 'O' in d_coordinates['chains'][chain]['residues'][res_no1]['d_iCodes'][iCode1]['atoms'].keys(): continue if not 'H' in d_coordinates['chains'][chain]['residues'][res_no2]['d_iCodes'][iCode2]['atoms'].keys(): continue O = d_coordinates['chains'][chain]['residues'][res_no1]['d_iCodes'][iCode1]['atoms']['O']['coordinate'] N = d_coordinates['chains'][chain]['residues'][res_no2]['d_iCodes'][iCode2]['atoms']['N']['coordinate'] H = d_coordinates['chains'][chain]['residues'][res_no2]['d_iCodes'][iCode2]['atoms']['H']['coordinate'] vNH = N-H vOH = O-H angle = (180/math.pi)*math.acos(,vOH)/math.sqrt( sum(vNH**2)*sum(vOH**2) ) ) print pdb, chain, res_no1, res_no2, angle if res_name1 != 'GLY' and angle < 78: ## 113 print res_name1 stop1 if res_name1 == 'GLY' and angle < 101: stop1 l_angles += [angle] if len(l_angles) > 0: print helix_len, sum(l_angles)/len(l_angles) if sum(l_angles)/len(l_angles) > 171: stop3 if sum(l_angles)/len(l_angles) < 149: stop4
def main(): for pdb in [ ## '2hhb', ## '1hho', ## '1hv4', '2lzm', ## '2lzt', ## '1c76', ## '1c77', ## '1c78', ]: ## os.system('cp /local/data/pdb/%s/pdb%s.ent %s.pdb' %(pdb[1:3],pdb,pdb,)) ## #### biounit.biounit().main(pdb, '/data/remediated_pdb/', exclude_ligands = True) #### #### os.system('cp %s_1.pdb %s.pdb' %(pdb,pdb,)) ## ## fd = open('%s.pdb' %(pdb),'r') ## lines = fd.readlines() ## fd.close() fd = open('C:\Users\Tommy Carstensen\pdb\%s.pdb' %(pdb),'r') lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() d_header = parse_pdb.parse_header(lines) d_coordinates, d_ATOMseq = parse_pdb.parse_coordinates(lines,d_header,) l_coordinates = [] a = d_header['CRYST1']['edges'][0] b = d_header['CRYST1']['edges'][1] c = d_header['CRYST1']['edges'][2] alpha = math.pi*d_header['CRYST1']['angles'][0]/180. beta = math.pi*d_header['CRYST1']['angles'][1]/180. gamma = math.pi*d_header['CRYST1']['angles'][2]/180. ## unit cell voumne volume = a*b*c*math.sqrt(1-math.cos(alpha)**2-math.cos(beta)**2-math.cos(gamma)**2+2*(math.cos(alpha)*math.cos(beta)*math.cos(gamma))) matrix_fractional2cartesian = numpy.array([ [a, b*math.cos(gamma), c*math.cos(beta),], [0, b*math.sin(gamma), c*(math.cos(alpha)-math.cos(beta)*math.cos(gamma))/math.sin(gamma),], [0,0,volume/(a*b*math.sin(gamma)),], ]) ## lines = [] for symop in d_header['REMARK290'].keys(): print 'symop', symop matrix_symop = d_header['REMARK290'][symop]['matrix'] vector_symop = d_header['REMARK290'][symop]['vector'] for i_translation in range(len(l_translations)): print 'symop', symop, 'translation', i_translation vector_translation = l_translations[i_translation] for chain2 in d_coordinates['chains'].keys(): for res_no2 in d_coordinates['chains'][chain2]['residues'].keys(): ## print symop, i, chain2, res_no2 for iCode2 in d_coordinates['chains'][chain2]['residues'][res_no2]['d_iCodes'].keys(): for chain1 in d_coordinates['chains'].keys(): for res_no1 in d_coordinates['chains'][chain1]['residues'].keys(): ## if res_no2 != 75: ## continue for iCode1 in d_coordinates['chains'][chain1]['residues'][res_no1]['d_iCodes'].keys(): for atom_name1 in d_coordinates['chains'][chain1]['residues'][res_no1]['d_iCodes'][iCode1]['atoms'].keys(): coordinate1 = d_coordinates['chains'][chain1]['residues'][res_no1]['d_iCodes'][iCode1]['atoms'][atom_name1]['coordinate'] for atom_name2 in d_coordinates['chains'][chain2]['residues'][res_no2]['d_iCodes'][iCode2]['atoms'].keys(): coordinate2 = d_coordinates['chains'][chain2]['residues'][res_no2]['d_iCodes'][iCode2]['atoms'][atom_name2]['coordinate'] coordinate2 =,coordinate2)+vector_symop coordinate2 +=,vector_translation) coordinate2[0] = round(coordinate2[0],3) coordinate2[1] = round(coordinate2[1],3) coordinate2[2] = round(coordinate2[2],3) vicinity = False distant = False dist = math.sqrt(sum((coordinate2-coordinate1)**2)) dist = 0 ## if dist < 5: ## print '%2i %.2f %.2f %4i %4s %s %4i %4s %s ' %( ## i, round(dist,2), dist_treshold, ## res_no2, atom_name2, coordinate2, res_no1, atom_name1, coordinate1 ## ) dist_treshold = d_radii_vdw[atom_name1[0]]+d_radii_vdw[atom_name2[0]]+0.25 ## break atom_name2 loop if dist < dist_treshold: vicinity = True break ## break atom_name2 loop if dist > 10.: ## length of lysine is 7-8Angstrom distant = True break ## break atom_name1 loop (append line and check next iCode1) if vicinity == True: for atom_name3 in d_coordinates['chains'][chain2]['residues'][res_no2]['d_iCodes'][iCode2]['atoms'].keys(): coordinate3 = d_coordinates['chains'][chain2]['residues'][res_no2]['d_iCodes'][iCode2]['atoms'][atom_name3]['coordinate'] coordinate3 =,coordinate3,)+vector_symop coordinate3 +=,vector_translation,) line = build_line( atom_name3,d_coordinates,coordinate3, chain2,res_no2,iCode2, symop, i_translation, ) lines += [line] break ## break atom_name1 loop (check next iCode1) if distant == True: break ## break iCode1 loop (check next iCode2) if vicinity == True: break ## break resno1 loop (check next iCode2) if vicinity == True: break ## break chain1 loop (check next iCode2) if vicinity == True: break fd = open('%s_crystalcontacts.pdb' %(pdb),'w') fd.writelines(lines) fd.close() source = 'whatif.src' fd = open(source,'w') fd.writelines([ '/software/whatif/DO_WHATIF.COM <<EOF\n', 'GETMOL %s.pdb\n' %(pdb,), '%s\n' %(pdb,), '%DELWAT\n', '%DELLIG\n', '%SOUSHL\n', ## crystal contacts '%MAKMOL\n', '\n', ## The file header will be copied from a PDB file. Hit return for the default header that has no information in it. 'soushl_%s.pdb\n' %(pdb), 'TOT 0\n', '\n', ## REMARKS 'STOP\n', 'Y\n', ]) fd.close() os.system('source %s > whatif_surface/%s.out' %(source, pdb)) os.system('rm DRG* DAVADRUG.PDB ALTERR.LOG PDBFILE whatif.src FOR*.DAT WHATIF.FIG') return