Example #1
def parse_preamble_data(statements, pobj, spec_name, endmatch, logger):
    """Parse module variables or DDT definitions from a module preamble
    or parse program variables from the beginning of a program.
    inspec = True
    mheaders = list()
    var_dict = VarDictionary(spec_name)
    psrc = ParseSource(spec_name, 'MODULE', pobj)
    active_table = None
    while inspec and (statements is not None):
        while len(statements) > 0:
            statement = statements.pop(0)
            # End program or module
            pmatch = endmatch.match(statement)
            asmatch = arg_table_start_re.match(statement)
            type_def = fortran_type_definition(statement)
            if asmatch is not None:
                active_table = asmatch.group(1).lower()
            elif (pmatch is not None) or is_contains_statement(
                    statement, inspec):
                # We are done with the specification
                inspec = False
                if len(var_dict.variable_list()) > 0:
                    mheader = MetadataHeader(title=spec_name,
                # End if
            elif (type_def is not None) and (type_def[0].lower()
                                             == active_table):
                statements, ddt = parse_type_def(statements, type_def,
                                                 spec_name, pobj, logger)
                active_table = None
                # We should have a variable definition to add
                if ((not is_comment_statement(statement, logger)) and
                    (not parse_use_statement({}, statement, pobj, logger))
                        and (active_table == spec_name)):
                    vars = parse_fortran_var_decl(statement,
                    for var in vars:
                    # End for
                # End if
            # End if
        # End while
        if inspec and (len(statements) == 0):
            statements = read_statements(pobj)
        # End if
    # End while
    return statements, mheaders
Example #2
 def _new_var(self, standard_name, units, dimensions, vtype, vkind=''):
     """Create and return a new Var object with the requested properties"""
     context = ParseContext(linenum=self.__linenum, filename="foo.meta")
     source = ParseSource("foo", "host", context)
     prop_dict = {'local_name' : f"foo{self.__linenum}",
                  'standard_name' : standard_name,
                  'units' : units,
                  'dimensions' : f"({', '.join(dimensions)})",
                  'type' : vtype, 'kind' : vkind}
     self.__linenum += 5
     return Var(prop_dict, source, self.__run_env)
Example #3
def parse_type_def(statements, type_def, mod_name, pobj, logger):
    """Parse a type definition from <statements> and return the
    remaining statements along with a MetadataTable object representing
    the type's variables."""
    psrc = ParseSource(mod_name, 'ddt', pobj)
    seen_contains = False
    mheader = None
    var_dict = VarDictionary(type_def[0])
    inspec = True
    while inspec and (statements is not None):
        while len(statements) > 0:
            statement = statements.pop(0)
            # End program or module
            pmatch = _END_TYPE_RE.match(statement)
            if pmatch is not None:
                # We hit the end of the type, make a header
                mheader = MetadataTable(table_name_in=type_def[0],
                                        module=mod_name, var_dict=var_dict,
                inspec = False
            elif is_contains_statement(statement, inspec):
                seen_contains = True
            elif not seen_contains:
                # Comment of variable
                if ((not is_comment_statement(statement)) and
                    (not parse_use_statement(statement, logger))):
                    dvars = parse_fortran_var_decl(statement, psrc,
                    for var in dvars:
                    # End for
                # End if
                # We are just skipping lines until the end type
            # End if
        # End while
        if inspec and (len(statements) == 0):
            statements = read_statements(pobj)
        # End if
    # End while
    return statements, mheader
Example #4
def parse_type_def(statements, type_def, mod_name, pobj, logger):
    psrc = ParseSource(mod_name, 'DDT', pobj)
    seen_contains = False
    mheader = None
    var_dict = VarDictionary(type_def[0])
    inspec = True
    while inspec and (statements is not None):
        while len(statements) > 0:
            statement = statements.pop(0)
            # End program or module
            pmatch = end_type_re.match(statement)
            if pmatch is not None:
                # We hit the end of the type, make a header
                mheader = MetadataHeader(title=type_def[0],
                inspec = False
            elif is_contains_statement(statement, inspec):
                seen_contains = True
            elif not seen_contains:
                # Comment of variable
                if ((not is_comment_statement(statement, logger)) and
                    (not parse_use_statement({}, statement, pobj, logger))):
                    vars = parse_fortran_var_decl(statement,
                    for var in vars:
                    # End for
                # End if
                # We are just skipping lines until the end type
            # End if
        # End while
        if inspec and (len(statements) == 0):
            statements = read_statements(pobj)
        # End if
    # End while
    return statements, mheader
Example #5
from parse_tools import ParseObject, ParseSource, ParseContext

_HEADER = "cap for {host_model} calls to CCPP API"

_SUBHEAD = '''
   subroutine {host_model}_ccpp_physics_{stage}({api_vars})

_SUBFOOT = '''
   end subroutine {host_model}_ccpp_physics_{stage}



_SUITE_NAME_VAR = Var({'local_name':'suite_name',
                       'intent':'in', 'type':'character',
                       'kind':'len=*', 'units':'', 'protected':'True',
                       'dimensions':'()'}, _API_SOURCE)

_SUITE_PART_VAR = Var({'local_name':'suite_part',
                       'intent':'in', 'type':'character',
                       'kind':'len=*', 'units':'', 'protected':'True',
                       'dimensions':'()'}, _API_SOURCE)

# Used to prevent loop substitution lookups
_BLANK_DICT = VarDictionary(_API_SRC_NAME)
Example #6
class VarDictionary(OrderedDict):
    A class to store and cross-check variables from one or more metadata
    headers. The class also serves as a scoping construct so that a variable
    can be found in an innermost available scope.
    The dictionary is organized by standard_name. It is an error to try
    to add a variable if its standard name is already in the dictionary.
    Scoping is a tree of VarDictionary objects.
    >>> VarDictionary('foo')
    >>> VarDictionary('bar', variables={})
    >>> VarDictionary('baz', Var({'local_name' : 'foo', 'standard_name' : 'hi_mom', 'units' : 'm/s', 'dimensions' : '()', 'type' : 'real', 'intent' : 'in'}, ParseSource('vname', 'SCHEME', ParseContext()))) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    VarDictionary(baz, [('hi_mom', <__main__.Var hi_mom: foo at 0x...>)])
    >>> print("{}".format(VarDictionary('baz', Var({'local_name' : 'foo', 'standard_name' : 'hi_mom', 'units' : 'm/s', 'dimensions' : '()', 'type' : 'real', 'intent' : 'in'}, ParseSource('vname', 'SCHEME', ParseContext())))))
    VarDictionary(baz, ['hi_mom'])
    >>> VarDictionary('qux', [Var({'local_name' : 'foo', 'standard_name' : 'hi_mom', 'units' : 'm/s', 'dimensions' : '()', 'type' : 'real', 'intent' : 'in'}, ParseSource('vname', 'SCHEME', ParseContext()))]) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    VarDictionary(qux, [('hi_mom', <__main__.Var hi_mom: foo at 0x...>)])
    >>> VarDictionary('boo').add_variable(Var({'local_name' : 'foo', 'standard_name' : 'hi_mom', 'units' : 'm/s', 'dimensions' : '()', 'type' : 'real', 'intent' : 'in'}, ParseSource('vname', 'SCHEME', ParseContext())))

    >>> VarDictionary('who', variables=[Var({'local_name' : 'foo', 'standard_name' : 'hi_mom', 'units' : 'm/s', 'dimensions' : '()', 'type' : 'real', 'intent' : 'in'}, ParseSource('vname', 'SCHEME', ParseContext()))]).prop_list('local_name')
    >>> VarDictionary('glitch', Var({'local_name' : 'foo', 'standard_name' : 'hi_mom', 'units' : 'm/s', 'dimensions' : '()', 'type' : 'real', 'intent' : 'in'}, ParseSource('vname', 'SCHEME', ParseContext()))).add_variable(Var({'local_name' : 'bar', 'standard_name' : 'hi_mom', 'units' : 'm/s', 'dimensions' : '()', 'type' : 'real', 'intent' : 'in'}, ParseSource('vname2', 'DDT', ParseContext()))) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ParseSyntaxError: Invalid Duplicate standard name, 'hi_mom', at <standard input>:

    # Loop variables
    __ccpp_loop_vars__ = ['horizontal_loop_begin', 'horizontal_loop_end',
                          'thread_block_number', 'horizontal_loop_extent']
    # Loop substitutions
    __ccpp_loop_subst__ = {'horizontal_loop_extent' :
                           ('horizontal_loop_begin', 'horizontal_loop_end'),
                           'thread_block_begin:thread_block_end' :
    # Dimension substitutions
    __ccpp_dim_subst__ = {'horizontal_loop_extent' : 'horizontal_dimension'}

    # Variable representing the constant integer, 1
    __var_one = Var({'local_name' : 'ccpp_one', 'constant' : 'True',
                     'standard_name' : 'ccpp_constant_one',
                     'units' : '1', 'dimensions' : '()', 'type' : 'integer'},
                    ParseSource('VarDictionary', 'REGISTRY', ParseContext()))

    def __init__(self, name, variables=None, parent_dict=None, logger=None):
        "Unlike dict, VarDictionary only takes a Var or Var list"
        super(VarDictionary, self).__init__()
        self._name = name
        self._logger = logger
        self._parent_dict = parent_dict
        if parent_dict is not None:
        # End if
        self._sub_dicts = list()
        if isinstance(variables, Var):
        elif isinstance(variables, list):
            for var in variables:
            # End for
        elif isinstance(variables, VarDictionary):
            for stdname in variables.keys():
                self[stdname] = variables[stdname]
            # End for
        elif isinstance(variables, dict):
            # variables will not be in 'order', but we accept them anyway
            for stdname in variables.keys():
                self[stdname] = variables[stdname]
            # End for
        elif variables is not None:
            raise ParseInternalError('Illegal type for variables, {} in {}'.format(type(variables), self.name))
        # End if

    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def parent(self):
        return self._parent_dict

    def include_var_in_list(self, var, std_vars, loop_vars, consts):
        '''Return True iff <var> is of a type allowed by the logicals,
        <std_vars> (not constants or loop_vars),
        <loop_vars> a variable ending in "_extent", "_begin", "_end", or
        <consts> a variable with the "constant" property.
        const_val = var.get_prop_value('constant')
        const_var = Var.get_prop('constant').valid_value(const_val)
        include_var = consts and const_var
        if not include_var:
            standard_name = var.get_prop_value('standard_name')
            loop_var = VarDictionary.loop_var_match(standard_name)
            include_var = loop_var and loop_vars
            if not include_var:
                std_var = not (loop_var or const_var)
                include_var = std_vars and std_var
            # End if
        # End if
        return include_var

    def variable_list(self, recursive=False,
                      std_vars=True, loop_vars=True, consts=True):
        "Return a list of all variables"
        if recursive and (self._parent_dict is not None):
            vlist = self._parent_dict.variable_list(recursive=recursive,
            vlist = list()
        # End if
        for sn in self.keys():
            var = self[sn]
            if self.include_var_in_list(var, std_vars=std_vars,
                                        loop_vars=loop_vars, consts=consts):
            # End if
        # End for
        return vlist

    def add_variable(self, newvar, exists_ok=False):
        """Add a variable if it does not conflict with existing entries"""
        standard_name = newvar.get_prop_value('standard_name')
        if (standard_name in self) and (not exists_ok):
            # We already have a matching variable, error!
            if self._logger is not None:
                self._logger.error("Attempt to add duplicate variable, {} from {}".format(standard_name, newvar.source.name))
            # End if
            raise ParseSyntaxError("Duplicate standard name in {}".format(self.name),
                                   token=standard_name, context=newvar._context)
        # End if
        cvar = self.find_variable(standard_name)
        if (cvar is not None) and (not cvar.compatible(newvar, self._logger)):
            if self._logger is not None:
                self._logger.error("Attempt to add incompatible variable, {} from {}".format(standard_name, newvar.source.name))
            # End if
            errstr = "standard name, incompatible with {}"
            raise ParseSyntaxError(errstr.format(cvar.context),
        # End if
        # If we make it to here without an exception, add the variable
        self[standard_name] = newvar

    def remove_variable(self, standard_name):
        """Remove <standard_name> from the dictionary.
        Ignore if <standard_name> is not in dict
        if standard_name in self:
            del self[standard_name]
        # End if

    def find_variable(self, standard_name, any_scope=True, loop_subst=False):
        """Return the variable matching <standard_name> or None
        If any_scope is True, search parent scopes if not in current scope.
        if standard_name in self:
            var = self[standard_name]
        elif any_scope and (self._parent_dict is not None):
            var = self._parent_dict.find_variable(standard_name, any_scope)
            var = None
        # End if
        if (var is None) and loop_subst:
            var = self.find_loop_subst(standard_name, any_scope=any_scope)
        # End if
        return var

    def add_sub_scope(self, sub_dict):
        'Add a child dictionary to enable traversal'

    def prop_list(self, prop_name, std_vars=True, loop_vars=True, consts=True):
        '''Return a list of the <prop_name> property for each variable.
        std_vars are variables which are neither constants nor loop variables.
        plist = list()
        for standard_name in self.keys():
            var = self.find_variable(standard_name, any_scope=False, loop_subst=False)
            if self.include_var_in_list(var, std_vars=std_vars, loop_vars=loop_vars, consts=consts):
            # End if
        # End for
        return plist

    def declare_variables(self, outfile, indent,
                          std_vars=True, loop_vars=True, consts=True):
        "Write out the declarations for this dictionary's variables"
        for standard_name in self.keys():
            var = self.find_variable(standard_name, any_scope=False, loop_subst=False)
            if self.include_var_in_list(var, std_vars=std_vars, loop_vars=loop_vars, consts=consts):
                self[standard_name].write_def(outfile, indent, self)
            # End if
        # End for

    def merge(self, other_dict):
        "Add new entries from <other_dict>"
        for ovar in other_dict.variable_list():
        # End for

    def __str__(self):
        return "VarDictionary({}, {})".format(self.name, self.keys())

    def __repr__(self):
        srepr = super(VarDictionary, self).__repr__()
        vstart = len("VarDictionary") + 1
        if len(srepr) > vstart + 1:
            comma = ", "
            comma = ""
        # End if
        return "VarDictionary({}{}{}".format(self.name, comma, srepr[vstart:])

    def __del__(self):
            for key in self.keys():
                del self[key]
            # End for
        except Exception as e:
            pass # python does not guarantee object state during finalization
        # End try

    def loop_var_match(cls, standard_name):
        'Return True iff <standard_name> is a loop variable'
        return standard_name in cls.__ccpp_loop_vars__

    def loop_subst_match(cls, standard_name):
        'Return a loop substitution match, if any, for <standard_name>'
        if standard_name in cls.__ccpp_loop_subst__:
            return cls.__ccpp_loop_subst__[standard_name]
            return None
        # End if

    def find_loop_subst(self, standard_name, any_scope=True, context=None):
        """If <standard_name> is of the form <standard_name>_extent and that
        variable is not in the dictionary, substitute a tuple of variables,
        (<standard_name>_begin, <standard_name>_end), if those variables are
        in the dictionary.
        If <standard_name>_extent *is* present, return that variable as a
        range, (__var_one, <standard_name>_extent)
        In other cases, return None
        loop_var = VarDictionary.loop_subst_match(standard_name)
        logger_str = None
        if loop_var is not None:
            # Let us see if we can fix a loop variable
            dict_var = self.find_variable(standard_name,
                                          any_scope=any_scope, loop_subst=False)
            if dict_var is not None:
                my_var = (VarDictionary.__var_one, dict_var)
                if self._logger is not None:
                    logger_str = "loop_subst: found {}{}".format(standard_name, context_string(context))
                # End if
                my_vars = [self.find_variable(x) for x in loop_var]
                if None not in my_vars:
                    my_var = tuple(my_vars)
                    if self._logger is not None:
                        names = [x.get_prop_value('local_name') for x in my_vars]
                        logger_str = "loop_subst: {} ==> (){}".format(standard_name, ', '.join(names), context_string(context))
                    # End if
                    if self._logger is not None:
                        logger_str = "loop_subst: {} ==> ({}, {}) FAILED{}".format(standard_name, beg_name, end_name, context_string(context))
                    # End if
                    my_var = None
                # End if
            # End if
            if self._logger is not None:
                logger_str = "loop_subst: {} is not a loop variable{}".format(standard_name, context_string(context))
            # End if
            my_var = None
        # End if
        if logger_str is not None:
        # End if
        return my_var

    def find_dimension_subst(self, standard_name, any_scope=True, context=None):
        """If <standard_name> is of the form <standard_name>_loop_extent
        attempt to find a variable of the form <standard_name>_dimension
        and return that. If such a variable is not found, raise an exception.
        If <standard_name> is not of the form <standard_name>_extent, return
        loop_var = standard_name in VarDictionary.__ccpp_dim_subst__
        logger_str = None
        if loop_var:
            # Let us see if we can replace the variable
            dim_name = VarDictionary.__ccpp_dim_subst__[standard_name]
            my_var = self.find_variable(dim_name, any_scope=any_scope)
            if my_var is None:
                raise CCPPError("Dimension variable, {} not found{}".format(dim_name, context_string(context)))
            # End if
            my_var = None
        # End if
        return my_var
Example #7
def parse_scheme_metadata(statements, pobj, spec_name, table_name, logger):
    "Parse dummy argument information from a subroutine"
    psrc = None
    mheader = None
    var_dict = None
    scheme_name = None
    # Find the subroutine line, should be first executable statement
    inpreamble = False
    insub = True
    while insub and (statements is not None):
        while len(statements) > 0:
            statement = statements.pop(0)
            smatch = subroutine_re.match(statement)
            esmatch = end_subroutine_re.match(statement)
            pmatch = endmodule_re.match(statement)
            asmatch = arg_table_start_re.match(statement)
            if asmatch is not None:
                # We have run off the end of something, hope that is okay
                # Put this statement back for the caller to deal with
                statements.insert(0, statement)
                insub = False
            elif (pmatch is not None):
                # We have run off the end of the module, hope that is okay
                pobj.leave_region('MODULE', region_name=spec_name)
                insub = False
            elif smatch is not None:
                scheme_name = smatch.group(1)
                inpreamble = scheme_name == table_name
                if inpreamble:
                    if smatch.group(2) is not None:
                        scheme_args = [
                            for x in smatch.group(2).split(',')
                        scheme_args = list()
                    # End if
                    scheme_set = set(scheme_args)
                    var_dict = VarDictionary(scheme_name)
                    psrc = ParseSource(scheme_name, 'SCHEME', pobj)
                # End if
            elif inpreamble:
                # Process a preamble statement (use or argument declaration)
                if esmatch is not None:
                    inpreamble = False
                    insub = False
                elif ((not is_comment_statement(statement, logger)) and
                      (not parse_use_statement({}, statement, pobj, logger))
                      and ('intent' in statement.lower())):
                    vars = parse_fortran_var_decl(statement,
                    for var in vars:
                        lname = var.get_prop_value('local_name').lower()
                        if lname in scheme_set:
                            raise ParseSyntaxError('dummy argument',
                        # End if
                    # End for
                # End if
            # End if
        # End while
        if insub and (len(statements) == 0):
            statements = read_statements(pobj)
        # End if
    # End while
    if (scheme_name is not None) and (var_dict is not None):
        mheader = MetadataHeader(title=scheme_name,
    # End if
    return statements, mheader
Example #8
def parse_scheme_metadata(statements, pobj, spec_name, table_name, logger):
    "Parse dummy argument information from a subroutine"
    psrc = None
    mheader = None
    var_dict = None
    scheme_name = None
    # Find the subroutine line, should be first executable statement
    inpreamble = False
    insub = True
    if logger is not None:
        ctx = context_string(pobj, nodir=True)
        msg = "Parsing specification of {}{}"
        logger.debug(msg.format(table_name, ctx))
    # End if
    ctx = context_string(pobj) # Save initial context with directory
    vdict = None # Initialized when we parse the subroutine arguments
    while insub and (statements is not None):
        while statements:
            statement = statements.pop(0)
            smatch = _SUBROUTINE_RE.match(statement)
            esmatch = _END_SUBROUTINE_RE.match(statement)
            pmatch = _ENDMODULE_RE.match(statement)
            asmatch = _ARG_TABLE_START_RE.match(statement)
            if asmatch is not None:
                # We have run off the end of something, hope that is okay
                # Put this statement back for the caller to deal with
                statements.insert(0, statement)
                insub = False
            # End if
            if pmatch is not None:
                # We have run off the end of the module, hope that is okay
                pobj.leave_region('MODULE', region_name=spec_name)
                insub = False
            # End if
            if smatch is not None:
                scheme_name = smatch.group(1)
                inpreamble = scheme_name.lower() == table_name.lower()
                if inpreamble:
                    if smatch.group(2) is not None:
                        smstr = smatch.group(2).strip()
                        if len(smstr) > 0:
                            smlist = smstr.strip().split(',')
                            smlist = list()
                        # End if
                        scheme_args = [x.strip().lower() for x in smlist]
                        scheme_args = list()
                    # End if
                    # Create a dict template with all the scheme's arguments
                    # in the correct order
                    vdict = OrderedDict()
                    for arg in scheme_args:
                        if len(arg) == 0:
                            errmsg = 'Empty argument{}'
                            raise ParseInternalError(errmsg.format(pobj))
                        # End if
                        if arg in vdict:
                            errmsg = 'Duplicate dummy argument, {}'
                            raise ParseSyntaxError(errmsg.format(arg),
                        # End if
                        vdict[arg] = None
                    # End for
                    psrc = ParseSource(scheme_name, 'scheme', pobj)
                # End if
            elif inpreamble:
                # Process a preamble statement (use or argument declaration)
                if esmatch is not None:
                    inpreamble = False
                    insub = False
                elif ((not is_comment_statement(statement)) and
                      (not parse_use_statement(statement, logger)) and
                    dvars = parse_fortran_var_decl(statement, psrc,
                    for var in dvars:
                        lname = var.get_prop_value('local_name').lower()
                        if lname in vdict:
                            if vdict[lname] is not None:
                                emsg = "Error: duplicate dummy argument, {}"
                                raise ParseSyntaxError(emsg.format(lname),
                            # End if
                            vdict[lname] = var
                            raise ParseSyntaxError('dummy argument',
                                                   token=lname, context=pobj)
                        # End if
                    # End for
                # End if
            # End if
        # End while
        if insub and (len(statements) == 0):
            statements = read_statements(pobj)
        # End if
    # End while
    # Check for missing declarations
    missing = list()
    if vdict is None:
        errmsg = 'Subroutine, {}, not found{}'
        raise CCPPError(errmsg.format(scheme_name, ctx))
    # End if
    for lname in vdict.keys():
        if vdict[lname] is None:
        # End if
    # End for
    if len(missing) > 0:
        errmsg = 'Missing local_variables, {} in {}'
        raise CCPPError(errmsg.format(missing, scheme_name))
    # End if
    var_dict = VarDictionary(scheme_name, variables=vdict)
    if (scheme_name is not None) and (var_dict is not None):
        mheader = MetadataTable(table_name_in=scheme_name,
                                table_type_in='scheme', module=spec_name,
                                var_dict=var_dict, logger=logger)
    # End if
    return statements, mheader
Example #9
def parse_preamble_data(statements, pobj, spec_name, endmatch, logger):
    """Parse module variables or DDT definitions from a module preamble
    or parse program variables from the beginning of a program.
    inspec = True
    mheaders = list()
    var_dict = VarDictionary(spec_name)
    psrc = ParseSource(spec_name, 'MODULE', pobj)
    active_table = None
    if logger is not None:
        ctx = context_string(pobj, nodir=True)
        msg = "Parsing preamble variables of {}{}"
        logger.debug(msg.format(spec_name, ctx))
    # End if
    while inspec and (statements is not None):
        while len(statements) > 0:
            statement = statements.pop(0)
            # End program or module
            pmatch = endmatch.match(statement)
            asmatch = _ARG_TABLE_START_RE.match(statement)
            type_def = fortran_type_definition(statement)
            if asmatch is not None:
                active_table = asmatch.group(1)
            elif (pmatch is not None) or is_contains_statement(statement,
                # We are done with the specification
                inspec = False
                # Put statement back so caller knows where we are
                statements.insert(0, statement)
                # Add the header (even if we found no variables)
                mheader = MetadataTable(table_name_in=spec_name,
                                        var_dict=var_dict, logger=logger)
                if logger is not None:
                    ctx = context_string(pobj, nodir=True)
                    msg = 'Adding header {}{}'
                    logger.debug(msg.format(mheader.table_name, ctx))
            elif ((type_def is not None) and
                  (type_def[0].lower() == active_table.lower())):
                # Put statement back so caller knows where we are
                statements.insert(0, statement)
                statements, ddt = parse_type_def(statements, type_def,
                                                 spec_name, pobj, logger)
                if ddt is None:
                    ctx = context_string(pobj, nodir=True)
                    msg = "No DDT found at '{}'{}"
                    raise CCPPError(msg.format(statement, ctx))
                # End if
                if logger is not None:
                    ctx = context_string(pobj, nodir=True)
                    msg = 'Adding DDT {}{}'
                    logger.debug(msg.format(ddt.table_name, ctx))
                # End if
                active_table = None
            elif active_table is not None:
                # We should have a variable definition to add
                if ((not is_comment_statement(statement)) and
                    (not parse_use_statement(statement, logger)) and
                    (active_table.lower() == spec_name.lower())):
                    dvars = parse_fortran_var_decl(statement, psrc,
                    for var in dvars:
                    # End for
                # End if
            # End if (else we are not in an active table so just skip)
        # End while
        if inspec and (len(statements) == 0):
            statements = read_statements(pobj)
        # End if
    # End while
    return statements, mheaders