Example #1
 def test_create_missing_types__raises_error_if_primary_type_is_missing(
     # -- HINT: primary type is not provided in type_dict (existing_types)
     existing_types = {}
     for schema, missing_types in self.SPECIAL_FIELD_TYPES_DATA:
         with self.assertRaises(MissingTypeError):
             Parser.create_missing_types(schema, existing_types)
Example #2
    def test_create_missing_types__if_special_types_exist(self):
        existing_types = dict(Number=parse_number)
        for schema, missing_types in self.SPECIAL_FIELD_TYPES_DATA:
            # -- FIRST STEP: Prepare
            new_types = Parser.create_missing_types(schema, existing_types)
            self.assertGreater(len(new_types), 0)

            # -- SECOND STEP: Now all needed special types should exist.
            existing_types2 = existing_types.copy()
            new_types2 = Parser.create_missing_types(schema, existing_types2)
            self.assertEqual(len(new_types2), 0)
Example #3
    def __call__(self, step_text, step_impl):
            parser = Parser(step_impl.pattern, parsetype_registry.types)
        except ValueError:
            raise Exception("Cannot create parser")
            # raise StepPatternError(step_impl.pattern, func.__name__, e)

        match = parser.search(step_text, evaluate_result=False)
        if match:
            return self.Match(match), len(match.match.group())

        return None, 0
Example #4
    def test_create_missing_types__if_special_types_exist(self):
        existing_types = dict(Number=parse_number)
        for schema, missing_types in self.SPECIAL_FIELD_TYPES_DATA:
            # -- FIRST STEP: Prepare
            new_types = Parser.create_missing_types(schema, existing_types)
            self.assertGreater(len(new_types), 0)

            # -- SECOND STEP: Now all needed special types should exist.
            existing_types2 = existing_types.copy()
            new_types2 = Parser.create_missing_types(schema, existing_types2)
            self.assertEqual(len(new_types2), 0)
Example #5
 def test_create_missing_types__without_cardinality_fields_in_schema(self):
     schemas = ["{}", "{:Number}", "{number3}", "{number4:Number}", "XXX"]
     existing_types = {}
     for schema in schemas:
         new_types = Parser.create_missing_types(schema, existing_types)
         self.assertEqual(len(new_types), 0)
         self.assertEqual(new_types, {})
Example #6
def test_parse_step_arguments_object(parse_pattern, string, expected_args,
    Test functionality of ParseStepArguments object
    # given
    parser = Parser(parse_pattern)
    match = parser.search(string, evaluate_result=False)
    args = matcher.ParseStepArguments(match)

    # when
    actual_args, actual_kwargs = args.evaluate()

    # then
    assert actual_args == expected_args
    assert actual_kwargs == expected_kwargs
Example #7
 def test_create_missing_types__without_cardinality_fields_in_schema(self):
     schemas = ["{}", "{:Number}", "{number3}", "{number4:Number}", "XXX"]
     existing_types = {}
     for schema in schemas:
         new_types = Parser.create_missing_types(schema, existing_types)
         self.assertEqual(len(new_types), 0)
         self.assertEqual(new_types, {})
Example #8
def match_step(sentence, steps):
        Tries to find a match from the given sentence with the given steps

        :param string sentence: the step sentence to match
        :param dict steps: the available registered steps

        :returns: the arguments and the func which were matched
        :rtype: tuple
    potentional_matches = []
    for pattern, func in steps.items():
        if isinstance(pattern, re_pattern):  # pylint: disable=protected-access
            match = pattern.search(sentence)
            argument_match = RegexStepArguments(match)
            if match:
                longest_group = get_longest_group(match)
                longest_group = 0
                parser = Parser(pattern, CustomTypeRegistry().custom_types)
            except ValueError as e:
                raise StepPatternError(pattern, func.__name__, e)

            match = parser.search(sentence, evaluate_result=False)
            argument_match = ParseStepArguments(match)
            if match:
                longest_group = get_longest_group(match.match)
                longest_group = 0

        if match:
            step_match = StepMatch(argument_match=argument_match, func=func)
            if len(sentence) == longest_group:
                # if perfect match can be made we return it no
                # matter of the other potentional matches
                return step_match

            distance_to_perfect = abs(len(sentence) - longest_group)
            potentional_matches.append((step_match, distance_to_perfect))

    if potentional_matches:
        # get best match
        return min(potentional_matches, key=lambda x: x[1])[0]

    return None
Example #9
def match_step(sentence, steps):
        Tries to find a match from the given sentence with the given steps

        :param string sentence: the step sentence to match
        :param dict steps: the available registered steps

        :returns: the arguments and the func which were matched
        :rtype: tuple
    potentional_matches = []
    for pattern, func in steps.items():
        if isinstance(pattern, re._pattern_type):  # pylint: disable=protected-access
            match = pattern.search(sentence)
            argument_match = RegexStepArguments(match)
            if match:
                longest_group = get_longest_group(match)
                longest_group = 0
                parser = Parser(pattern, CustomTypeRegistry().custom_types)
            except ValueError as e:
                raise StepPatternError(pattern, func.__name__, e)

            match = parser.search(sentence, evaluate_result=False)
            argument_match = ParseStepArguments(match)
            if match:
                longest_group = get_longest_group(match.match)
                longest_group = 0

        if match:
            step_match = StepMatch(argument_match=argument_match, func=func)
            if len(sentence) == longest_group:
                # if perfect match can be made we return it no
                # matter of the other potentional matches
                return step_match

            distance_to_perfect = abs(len(sentence) - longest_group)
            potentional_matches.append((step_match, distance_to_perfect))

    if potentional_matches:
        # get best match
        return min(potentional_matches, key=lambda x: x[1])[0]

    return None
Example #10
 def test_parser__can_parse_normal_fields(self):
     existing_types = dict(Number=parse_number)
     schema = "Number: {number:Number}"
     parser = Parser(schema, existing_types)
     self.assert_match(parser, "Number: 42", "number", 42)
     self.assert_match(parser, "Number: 123", "number", 123)
     self.assert_mismatch(parser, "Number: ")
     self.assert_mismatch(parser, "Number: XXX")
     self.assert_mismatch(parser, "Number: -123")
Example #11
    def test_parser__can_parse_cardinality_field_optional(self):
        # -- CARDINALITY: 0..1 = zero_or_one = optional
        existing_types = dict(Number=parse_number)
        self.assertFalse("Number?" in existing_types)

        # -- ENSURE: Missing type variant is created.
        schema = "OptionalNumber: {number:Number?}"
        parser = Parser(schema, existing_types)
        self.assertTrue("Number?" in existing_types)

        # -- ENSURE: Newly created type variant is usable.
        self.assert_match(parser, "OptionalNumber: 42", "number", 42)
        self.assert_match(parser, "OptionalNumber: 123", "number", 123)
        self.assert_match(parser, "OptionalNumber: ", "number", None)
        self.assert_mismatch(parser, "OptionalNumber:")
        self.assert_mismatch(parser, "OptionalNumber: XXX")
        self.assert_mismatch(parser, "OptionalNumber: -123")
Example #12
    def test_parser__can_parse_cardinality_field_many0(self):
        # -- CARDINALITY: 0..* = zero_or_more = many0
        existing_types = dict(Number=parse_number)
        self.assertFalse("Number*" in existing_types)

        # -- ENSURE: Missing type variant is created.
        schema = "List0: {numbers:Number*}"
        parser = Parser(schema, existing_types)
        self.assertTrue("Number*" in existing_types)

        # -- ENSURE: Newly created type variant is usable.
        self.assert_match(parser, "List0: 42", "numbers", [42])
        self.assert_match(parser, "List0: 1, 2, 3", "numbers", [1, 2, 3])
        self.assert_match(parser, "List0: ", "numbers", [])
        self.assert_mismatch(parser, "List0:")
        self.assert_mismatch(parser, "List0: XXX")
        self.assert_mismatch(parser, "List0: -123")
Example #13
    def test_parser__can_parse_cardinality_field_many_with_own_type_builder(
        # -- CARDINALITY: 1..* = one_or_more = many
        class MyCardinalityFieldTypeBuilder(CardinalityFieldTypeBuilder):
            listsep = ';'

        type_builder = MyCardinalityFieldTypeBuilder
        existing_types = dict(Number=parse_number)
        self.assertFalse("Number+" in existing_types)

        # -- ENSURE: Missing type variant is created.
        schema = "List: {numbers:Number+}"
        parser = Parser(schema, existing_types, type_builder)
        self.assertTrue("Number+" in existing_types)

        # -- ENSURE: Newly created type variant is usable.
        # NOTE: Use other list separator.
        self.assert_match(parser, "List: 42", "numbers", [42])
        self.assert_match(parser, "List: 1; 2; 3", "numbers", [1, 2, 3])
        self.assert_match(parser, "List: 4;5;6", "numbers", [4, 5, 6])
        self.assert_mismatch(parser, "List: ")
        self.assert_mismatch(parser, "List:")
        self.assert_mismatch(parser, "List: XXX")
        self.assert_mismatch(parser, "List: -123")
Example #14
 def test_create_missing_types__if_special_types_are_missing(self):
     existing_types = dict(Number=parse_number)
     for schema, missing_types in self.SPECIAL_FIELD_TYPES_DATA:
         new_types = Parser.create_missing_types(schema, existing_types)
         self.assertSequenceEqual(set(new_types.keys()), set(missing_types))
Example #15
 def test_create_missing_types__if_special_types_are_missing(self):
     existing_types = dict(Number=parse_number)
     for schema, missing_types in self.SPECIAL_FIELD_TYPES_DATA:
         new_types = Parser.create_missing_types(schema, existing_types)
         self.assertSequenceEqual(set(new_types.keys()), set(missing_types))
Example #16
 def test_create_missing_types__raises_error_if_primary_type_is_missing(self):
     # -- HINT: primary type is not provided in type_dict (existing_types)
     existing_types = {}
     for schema, missing_types in self.SPECIAL_FIELD_TYPES_DATA:
         with self.assertRaises(MissingTypeError):
             Parser.create_missing_types(schema, existing_types)