def examine(player, args, ex): # look to see if this is an attr examine command args = args.split('/', 1) args[0] = evalString(args[0], player.dbref) dbref = findDbref(player, args[0]) if (dbref == None): mush.message(player.dbref, f"Could not find an object with id {args[0]}.") return if (len(args) > 1): examineAttr(player, dbref, evalString(args[1], player.dbref)) return o = mush.db[dbref] mush.message(player.dbref, f"{o['NAME']}(#{dbref})") mush.message( player.dbref, f"Type: {mush.db[dbref].typeString()} Flags: {' '.join([ for x in ObjectFlags if o.flags & x])}" ) mush.message( player.dbref, f"Owner: {mush.db[o.owner].name}(#{mush.db[o.owner].dbref}) Location: {mush.db[o.location].name}(#{mush.db[o.location].dbref})" ) if not o.flags & (ObjectFlags.ROOM): mush.message( player.dbref, f"Home: {mush.db[o.home].name}(#{mush.db[o.home].dbref})") mush.message(player.dbref, f"Created: {time.ctime(o.creationTime)}") mush.message(player.dbref, f"Modified: {time.ctime(o.lastModified)}") if (o.flags & ObjectFlags.JUNK): mush.message(player.dbref, f"Destroyed: {time.ctime(o.destroyedTime)}") if ex == "ALL": mush.message( player.dbref, "\n".join([f"{x} [#{o.getAttrOwner(x)}]: {o[x]}" for x in o])) # filter into content and exits and show. Right now all (even DARK) are shown. Should check # for see_all or similar. contents = [ f"{mush.db[x]['NAME']} (#{mush.db[x].dbref})" for x in o.contents if not mush.db[x].flags & ObjectFlags.EXIT ] exits = [ f"{mush.db[x]['NAME']} (#{mush.db[x].dbref})" for x in o.contents if mush.db[x].flags & ObjectFlags.EXIT ] if len(contents): s = '\n'.join(contents) mush.message(player.dbref, f"\nContents:\n{s}") if len(exits): s = '\n'.join(exits) mush.message(player.dbref, f"\nExits:\n{s}")
def lemit(player, args, ex): args = args.split('=', 1) if (len(args) != 2): mush.message(player.dbref, "huh? Usage @LEMIT <location>=<msg>.") return loc = findDbref(player, evalString(args[0], player.dbref)) mush.message(loc, args[1])
def dig(player, args, ex): name = None eout = None eback = None # unpack command string to name and exits if they exist l = args.split("=", 1) name = evalString(l[0], player.dbref) if (len(l) > 1): l2 = l[1].split(",", 1) eout = evalString(l2[0], player.dbref) if (len(l2) > 1): eback = evalString(l2[1], player.dbref) doDig(player, name, eout, eback)
def teleport(player, args, ex): args = args.upper() args = args.split('=', 1) if (len(args) > 1): to = findDbref(player, evalString(args[1], player.dbref)) obj = findDbref(player, evalString(args[0], player.dbref)) else: to = findDbref(player, evalString(args[0], player.dbref)) obj = player.dbref # Need to be a WIZARD or own an object in order to telpeort to it. if player.flags & ObjectFlags.WIZARD or mush.db[to].owner == player.dbref: moveObject(obj, to) if (mush.db[obj].flags & ObjectFlags.PLAYER): look(mush.db[obj], "", "") else: mush.message(player.dbref, "Teleported.")
def take(player, args, ex): args = evalString(args, player.dbref) dbref = findDbref(player, args) if dbref not in mush.db[player.location].contents: mush.message(player.dbref, "You don't see that here.") return if (testLock(player, dbref)): moveObject(dbref, player.dbref)
def setfn(player, args, ex): l = args.split('=', 1) if (len(l) == 1): mush.message(player.dbref, "Huh?") return if (l[0].find('/') != -1): # BUGBUG implement set attrflag here... return if (l[1].find(':') != -1): #BUGBUG implmeent set attribute here... return # set flag value. l[0] = evalString(l[0], player.dbref) dbref = findDbref(player, l[0]) if (dbref == None): mush.message(player.dbref, f"Could not find an object with id {l[0]}.") return # find the flag name to set, and see if we are setting or clearing. l[1] = evalString(l[1], player.dbref).upper() clear = l[1][0] == '!' if (clear): l[1] = l[1][1:] for flag in ObjectFlags: if == l[1]: if (clear): mush.db[dbref].flags = mush.db[dbref].flags & ~flag mush.message( player.dbref, f"Flag {} reset on {mush.db[dbref].name} (#{dbref})" ) else: mush.db[dbref].flags |= flag mush.message( player.dbref, f"Flag {} set on {mush.db[dbref].name} (#{dbref})" )
def delete(player, args, ex): args = evalString(args, player.dbref) dbref = findDbref(player, args) if dbref != None and (player.dbref == mush.db[dbref].owner or player.flags & ObjectFlags.WIZARD): mush.message(player.dbref, f"You delete object {mush.db[dbref].name} (#{dbref})") if dbref == player.location: mush.message(player.dbref, f"You delete the room you are in! Sending you home!") moveObject(player.dbref, player.home) del mush.db[dbref]
def create(player, args, ex): args = evalString(args, player.dbref) dbref = mush.db.newObject(player) mush.db[dbref]["NAME"] = args mush.message(player.dbref, f"Object named {args} created with ref #{dbref}.") mush.log( 2, f"{}(#{player.dbref}) created object named {args} (#{dbref})." ) return dbref
def link(player, args, ex): args = args.upper() args = args.split('=', 1) if (len(args) != 2): mush.message(player.dbref, "huh? Usage: @LINK <obj>=<destination>.") return obj = findDbref(player, evalString(args[0], player.dbref)) to = findDbref(player, evalString(args[1], player.dbref)) if (player.flags & ObjectFlags.WIZARD or \ (player.dbref == mush.db[obj].owner and (player.dbref == mush.db[to].owner or mush.db[to].flags & LINK_OK))): if (mush.db[obj].flags & (ObjectFlags.ROOM | ObjectFlags.EXIT)): mush.db[obj].location = to else: mush.db[obj].home = to mush.message(player.dbref, "Linked.") else: mush.message(plsyer.dbref, "You don't have permission to do that.")
def drop(player, args, ex): args = evalString(args, player.dbref) dbref = findDbref(player, args) if dbref not in player.contents: mush.message(player.dbref, "You don't have that.") return # drop the object moveObject(dbref, player.location) mush.message(player.dbref, evalAttribute(dbref, "DROP", player.dbref)) mush.message(player.location, evalAttribute(dbref, "ODROP", player.dbref), player.dbref)
def enter(player, args, ex): args = evalString(args, player.dbref) dbref = findDbref(player, args) if (dbref == None): mush.message(player.dbref, f"Could not find an object with id {args}.") return o = mush.db[dbref] if (o.flags & ObjectFlags.ENTER_OK): moveObject(player.dbref, dbref) look(player, "", None) else: mush.message(player.dbref, "You can't enter that.")
def attrset(player, args, attr): args = args.split('=', 1) if (len(args) < 2): mush.message(player.dbref, "huh?") return args[0] = evalString(args[0], player.dbref) dbref = findDbref(player, args[0]) if (dbref == None): mush.message(player.dbref, f"You don't see anything named {args[0]} here.") return if mush.db[ dbref].owner != player.dbref and not player.flags & ObjectFlags.WIZARD: mush.message(player.dbref, f"You don't own that.") return mush.db[dbref][attr] = evalString(args[1], player.dbref) mush.db[dbref].setAttrOwner(attr, player.dbref) mush.message(player.dbref, "Set.")
def look(player, args, ex): args = evalString(args, player.dbref) dbref = findDbref(player, args) if (dbref == player.location): lookRoom(player, dbref, None) return if (dbref == None): mush.message(player.dbref, f"You don't see anything named {args} here.") return o = mush.db[dbref] mush.message(player.dbref, mush.message(player.dbref, o["DESCRIPTION"])
def think(player, args, ex): mush.message(player.dbref, evalString(args, player.dbref))
def say(player, args, ex): args = evalString(args, player.dbref) mush.message(player.location, f"{} says \"{args}\"", player.dbref) mush.message(player.dbref, f"You say \"{args}\"")