Example #1
    def testCommandRecognized(self):
        from parser import Parser
        commandWords = MagicMock()
        commandWords.isCommand = MagicMock(return_value=True)
        p = Parser(commandWords)

        result = p._commandRecognized("valid command")

        errorMsg = "Expected Parser._commandRecognized() to return True."
        self.assertTrue(result, errorMsg)
Example #2
    def testCommandRecognized(self):
        from parser import Parser
        commandWords = MagicMock()
        commandWords.isCommand = MagicMock(return_value=True)
        p = Parser(commandWords)

        result = p._commandRecognized("valid command")

        errorMsg = "Expected Parser._commandRecognized() to return True."
        self.assertTrue(result, errorMsg) 
Example #3
    def testGetNextCommand(self):
        from parser import Parser
        commandWords = MagicMock()
        p = Parser(commandWords)

        #Create mock objects
        #raw_input = MagicMock(side_effect=["unrecognized command", "good command"])
        p._commandRecognized = MagicMock(side_effect=[False, True])
        fakeCommand = MagicMock()
        p._commandWords.getCommand = MagicMock(return_value=fakeCommand)

        #Patch raw_input and call getNextCommand()
        rawInputMock = MagicMock(side_effect=["unrecognized cmd", "valid cmd"])
        with patch('parser.raw_input', create=True, new=rawInputMock):
            command = p.getNextCommand()

        #Assert calls made
        errorMsg = "Expected raw_input to be called twice."
        self.assertEqual(rawInputMock.call_count, 2, errorMsg)
        errorMsg = "Expected Parser._commandRecognized() to be called twice."
        self.assertEqual(p._commandRecognized.call_count, 2, errorMsg)
        errorMsg = "Parser.getNextCommand() did not respond expected command."
        self.assertEqual(command, fakeCommand, errorMsg)
Example #4
    def testGetNextCommand(self):
        from parser import Parser
        commandWords = MagicMock()
        p = Parser(commandWords)

        #Create mock objects
        #raw_input = MagicMock(side_effect=["unrecognized command", "good command"])
        p._commandRecognized = MagicMock(side_effect=[False, True])
        fakeCommand = MagicMock()
        p._commandWords.getCommand = MagicMock(return_value=fakeCommand) 

        #Patch raw_input and call getNextCommand()
        rawInputMock = MagicMock(side_effect=["unrecognized cmd", "valid cmd"])
        with patch('parser.raw_input', create=True, new=rawInputMock):
            command = p.getNextCommand()

        #Assert calls made
        errorMsg = "Expected raw_input to be called twice."
        self.assertEqual(rawInputMock.call_count, 2, errorMsg)
        errorMsg = "Expected Parser._commandRecognized() to be called twice."
        self.assertEqual(p._commandRecognized.call_count, 2, errorMsg)
        errorMsg = "Parser.getNextCommand() did not respond expected command."
        self.assertEqual(command, fakeCommand, errorMsg)