def predictIntegratedConfidence(measure): """ generates a plot of predicted confidence by integrating two individual target group confidences, with weightings based off of inverse standard deviation squared. Measure takes either value "warmth" or "competence" """ global normalized intWarmthMap, intCompMap = parser.extractInformation(parser.getMappings(normalized)[0], parser.getMappings(normalized)[1]) print(intWarmthMap) predictedList = [] observedList = [] labels = [] if measure == "warmth": mapping = intWarmthMap if measure == "competence": mapping = intCompMap for key in mapping.keys(): if "_" in key: g1 = key.split("_")[0] g2 = key.split("_")[1] confidence1 = mapping[g1][2] sig1 = mapping[g1][3] confidence2 = mapping[g2][2] sig2 = mapping[g2][3] sigNew = (math.pow(sig1,2) * math.pow(sig2, 2)) \ / float((math.pow(sig1,2) + math.pow(sig2, 2))) inv1 = 1 / float((math.pow(sig1, 2))) inv2 = 1 / float((math.pow(sig2, 2))) sumInverses = inv1 + inv2 ##inverse standard deviations squared w1 = inv1 / float(sumInverses) w2 = inv2 / float(sumInverses) predValue = confidence1 * w1 + confidence2 * w2 predictedList.append(predValue) observedList.append(mapping[key][2]) labels.append(key) fig = plt.figure(1) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plt.axis([50, 100, 50, 100]) if normalized == True: plt.axis([0, 100, 0, 100]) plt.scatter(observedList, predictedList) plt.plot([0,100], [0,100]) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(observedList, predictedList) text = ax.text(70, 60, "R^2 value: " + str(r_value**2) , \ fontsize = 12, color = 'black') plt.title("Observed vs Predicted " + measure.title() + " Confidence") plt.xlabel("Observed") plt.ylabel("Predicted") plt.savefig("Confidence/predicted" + measure + 'Integrated.png')
def visualizeTargets(): """ generates graph of individual target ratings, based off of Ming's csv file for averaged warmth and competence values """ global normalized intWarmthMap, intCompMap = parser.extractInformation(parser.getMappings(normalized)[0], parser.getMappings(normalized)[1]) targetMap = targetParser.getMappings() allCategories = set() compAxis = [] warmthAxis = [] fig, ax = plt.subplots() for key in intWarmthMap.keys(): integrated = key g1 = integrated.split("_")[0] g2 = integrated.split("_")[1] if g1 != "": allCategories.add(g1) if g2 != "": allCategories.add(g2) #adjusts label positions for annotation catLabelMap = dict() for category in allCategories: if category == "jewish": catLabelMap[category] = (-30, -30) elif category == "farmer": catLabelMap[category] = (0, 20) elif category == "greek" or category == "nurse": catLabelMap[category] = (20, -20) elif category == "british": catLabelMap[category] = (-30, -30) else: catLabelMap[category] = (-20, 20) catLabelMap["japanese"] =(-40, 20) for category in allCategories: x = targetMap[category][1] y = targetMap[category][0] compAxis.append(x) warmthAxis.append(y) ax.annotate(category, (x,y), xytext = catLabelMap[category], textcoords = 'offset points', bbox = dict(boxstyle = 'round,pad=0.2', fc = 'yellow', alpha = 0.5), arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle = '->', connectionstyle = 'arc3,rad=0')) plt.xlabel("warmth") plt.ylabel("competence") plt.title("Individual Ratings") ax.scatter(compAxis, warmthAxis)
def getPlotData(integrated): """ integrated = g1 + "_" + g2 returns two lists, warmthAxis and compAxis, for which axis[0] = g1 value, axis[1] = g2 value, axis[2] = observed integrated value, axis[3] = predicted integrated value """ global normalized g1 = integrated.split("_")[0] g2 = integrated.split("_")[1] compAxis = [] warmthAxis = [] getMappingsWarmth = parser.getMappings(normalized)[0] getMappingsComp = parser.getMappings(normalized)[1] intWarmthMap, intCompMap = parser.extractInformation(getMappingsWarmth, getMappingsComp) #using mean and standard deviation computed from 18aug16 data: compAxis.append(intCompMap[g1][0]) #group 1 compAxis.append(intCompMap[g2][0]) #group 2 compAxis.append(intCompMap[integrated][0]) #combined observed #using mean and standard deviation computed from 18aug16 data: compPrediction = getCombination(float(intCompMap[g1][0]), float(intCompMap[g2][0]), float(intCompMap[g1][1]), float(intCompMap[g2][1]), float(intCompMap[g1][2]), float(intCompMap[g2][2])) compAxis.append(compPrediction[0]) #combined predicted #using mean and standard deviation computed from 18aug16 data: warmthAxis.append(intWarmthMap[g1][0]) warmthAxis.append(intWarmthMap[g2][0]) warmthAxis.append(intWarmthMap[integrated][0]) #using mean and standard deviation computed from 18aug16 data: warmthPrediction = getCombination(float(intWarmthMap[g1][0]), float(intWarmthMap[g2][0]), float(intWarmthMap[g1][1]), float(intWarmthMap[g2][1]), float(intWarmthMap[g1][2]), float(intWarmthMap[g2][2])) warmthAxis.append(warmthPrediction[0]) return warmthAxis, compAxis
def plotConfidence(tar, measure): """ takes parameters tar, which indicates if either "integrated" certainty or "target" certainty should be plotted, and measure, which takes either the value of "warmth" or "competence" """ global normalized integrated = "" if tar == "integrated": integrated = True if tar == "target": integrated = False intWarmthMap, intCompMap = parser.getMappings(normalized) if measure == "warmth": mapping = intWarmthMap else: mapping = intCompMap labels = [] values = [] for key in mapping.keys(): count = 0 if ("_" in key and integrated) or ("_" not in key and not integrated): avgCertainty = 0 for i in range(0, len(mapping[key])): if mapping[key][i][1] != "": avgCertainty += int(mapping[key][i][1]) count += 1 avgCertainty = avgCertainty / float(count) labels.append(key) values.append(int(avgCertainty)) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) N = len(values) ind = np.arange(N) # the x locations for the groups width = 0.35 # the width of the bars rects1 =, values, width, color='blue', error_kw=dict(elinewidth=2,ecolor='red')) # axes and labels ax.set_xlim(-width,len(ind)+width) ax.set_ylim(0,100) ax.set_ylabel('Certainty') if tar == "integrated": ax.set_title('Integrated Certainty Measures for ' + measure) else: ax.set_title('Target Certainty Measures for ' + measure) xTickMarks = labels if tar == "target": k = .3 else: k = 1 ax.set_xticks(ind+width - k) xtickNames = ax.set_xticklabels(xTickMarks) plt.setp(xtickNames, rotation=45, fontsize=10) print("values", values, len(values)) print("labels", labels, len(labels))
def plotPredictedError(): """ generates two plots of predicted vs observed, one for warmth and one for competence, also calculates R^2$ values for both plots """ global normalized warmthPred = [] warmthObserved = [] compPred = [] compObserved = [] SStotalWarmth = 0 SSresWarmth = 0 SStotalComp = 0 SSresComp = 0 keys = parser.getMappings(normalized)[0].keys() for key in keys: if "_" in key: warmthAxis, compAxis = getPlotData(key) warmthPred.append(warmthAxis[3]) warmthObserved.append(warmthAxis[2]) compPred.append(compAxis[3]) compObserved.append(compAxis[2]) meanObservedWarmth = np.mean(warmthObserved) meanObservedComp = np.mean(compObserved) for i in range(0, len(warmthObserved)): SStotalWarmth += (warmthObserved[i] - meanObservedWarmth)**2 SSresWarmth += (warmthObserved[i] - warmthPred[i])**2 SStotalComp += (compObserved[i] - meanObservedComp)**2 SSresComp += (compObserved[i] - compPred[i])**2 plt.axis([0, 100, 0, 100]) fig = plt.figure(1) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(warmthObserved, warmthPred) print(r_value**2) text = ax.text(60, 20, "R^2 value: " + str(r_value**2) , \ fontsize = 12, color = 'black') plt.title("Observed vs Predicted Warmth") plt.ylabel("Predicted Value") plt.xlabel("Observed Value") plt.scatter(warmthObserved, warmthPred) plt.plot([0,100], [0,100]) fig = plt.figure(1) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(compObserved, compPred) print(r_value**2) text = ax.text(60, 20, "R^2 value: " + str(r_value**2) , \ fontsize = 12, color = 'black') plt.axis([0, 100, 0, 100]) plt.title("Observed vs Predicted Competence") plt.ylabel("Predicted Value") plt.xlabel("Observed Value") plt.scatter(compObserved, compPred) plt.plot([0,100], [0,100])