Example #1
def get_ert(lines, i):
    'Convert an ERT inset into LaTeX.'
    if not lines[i].startswith("\\begin_inset ERT"):
        return ""
    j = find_end_of_inset(lines, i)
    if j == -1:
        return ""
    while i < j and not lines[i].startswith("status"):
        i = i + 1
    i = i + 1
    ret = ""
    first = True
    while i < j:
        if lines[i] == "\\begin_layout Plain Layout":
            if first:
                first = False
                ret = ret + "\n"
            while i + 1 < j and lines[i+1] == "":
                i = i + 1
        elif lines[i] == "\\end_layout":
            while i + 1 < j and lines[i+1] == "":
                i = i + 1
        elif lines[i] == "\\backslash":
            ret = ret + "\\"
            ret = ret + lines[i]
        i = i + 1
    return ret
Example #2
def revert_smash(document):
    " Set amsmath to on if smash commands are used "

    commands = ["smash[t]", "smash[b]", "notag"]
    i = find_token(document.header, "\\use_package amsmath", 0)
    if i == -1:
        document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find \\use_package amsmath.")
    value = get_value(document.header, "\\use_package amsmath", i).split()[1]
    if value != "1":
        # nothing to do if package is not auto but on or off
    j = 0
    while True:
        j = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Formula', j)
        if j == -1:
        k = find_end_of_inset(document.body, j)
        if k == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of Formula inset at line " + str(j))
            j += 1
        code = "\n".join(document.body[j:k])
        for c in commands:
            if code.find("\\%s" % c) != -1:
                # set amsmath to on, since it is loaded by the newer format
                document.header[i] = "\\use_package amsmath 2"
        j = k
Example #3
def revert_use_package(document, pkg, commands, oldauto):
    # oldauto defines how the version we are reverting to behaves:
    # if it is true, the old version uses the package automatically.
    # if it is false, the old version never uses the package.
    regexp = re.compile(r'(\\use_package\s+%s)' % pkg)
    i = find_re(document.header, regexp, 0)
    value = "1" # default is auto
    if i != -1:
        value = get_value(document.header, "\\use_package" , i).split()[1]
        del document.header[i]
    if value == "2": # on
        add_to_preamble(document, ["\\usepackage{" + pkg + "}"])
    elif value == "1" and not oldauto: # auto
        i = 0
        while True:
            i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset Formula', i)
            if i == -1:
            j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
            if j == -1:
                document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of Formula inset at line " + str(i))
                i += 1
            code = "\n".join(document.body[i:j])
            for c in commands:
                if code.find("\\%s" % c) != -1:
                    add_to_preamble(document, ["\\usepackage{" + pkg + "}"])
            i = j
Example #4
def revert_flex_inset(lines, name, LaTeXname):
  " Convert flex insets to TeX code "
  i = 0
  while True:
    i = find_token(lines, '\\begin_inset Flex ' + name, i)
    if i == -1:
    z = find_end_of_inset(lines, i)
    if z == -1:
      document.warning("Can't find end of Flex " + name + " inset.")
      i += 1
    # remove the \end_inset
    lines[z - 2:z + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("}")
    # we need to reset character layouts if necessary
    j = find_token(lines, '\\emph on', i, z)
    k = find_token(lines, '\\noun on', i, z)
    l = find_token(lines, '\\series', i, z)
    m = find_token(lines, '\\family', i, z)
    n = find_token(lines, '\\shape', i, z)
    o = find_token(lines, '\\color', i, z)
    p = find_token(lines, '\\size', i, z)
    q = find_token(lines, '\\bar under', i, z)
    r = find_token(lines, '\\uuline on', i, z)
    s = find_token(lines, '\\uwave on', i, z)
    t = find_token(lines, '\\strikeout on', i, z)
    if j != -1:
      lines.insert(z - 2, "\\emph default")
    if k != -1:
      lines.insert(z - 2, "\\noun default")
    if l != -1:
      lines.insert(z - 2, "\\series default")
    if m != -1:
      lines.insert(z - 2, "\\family default")
    if n != -1:
      lines.insert(z - 2, "\\shape default")
    if o != -1:
      lines.insert(z - 2, "\\color inherit")
    if p != -1:
      lines.insert(z - 2, "\\size default")
    if q != -1:
      lines.insert(z - 2, "\\bar default")
    if r != -1:
      lines.insert(z - 2, "\\uuline default")
    if s != -1:
      lines.insert(z - 2, "\\uwave default")
    if t != -1:
      lines.insert(z - 2, "\\strikeout default")
    lines[i:i + 4] = put_cmd_in_ert(LaTeXname + "{")
    i += 1
def revert_flex_inset(lines, name, LaTeXname):
    " Convert flex insets to TeX code "
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(lines, '\\begin_inset Flex ' + name, i)
        if i == -1:
        z = find_end_of_inset(lines, i)
        if z == -1:
            document.warning("Can't find end of Flex " + name + " inset.")
            i += 1
        # remove the \end_inset
        lines[z - 2:z + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("}")
        # we need to reset character layouts if necessary
        j = find_token(lines, '\\emph on', i, z)
        k = find_token(lines, '\\noun on', i, z)
        l = find_token(lines, '\\series', i, z)
        m = find_token(lines, '\\family', i, z)
        n = find_token(lines, '\\shape', i, z)
        o = find_token(lines, '\\color', i, z)
        p = find_token(lines, '\\size', i, z)
        q = find_token(lines, '\\bar under', i, z)
        r = find_token(lines, '\\uuline on', i, z)
        s = find_token(lines, '\\uwave on', i, z)
        t = find_token(lines, '\\strikeout on', i, z)
        if j != -1:
            lines.insert(z - 2, "\\emph default")
        if k != -1:
            lines.insert(z - 2, "\\noun default")
        if l != -1:
            lines.insert(z - 2, "\\series default")
        if m != -1:
            lines.insert(z - 2, "\\family default")
        if n != -1:
            lines.insert(z - 2, "\\shape default")
        if o != -1:
            lines.insert(z - 2, "\\color inherit")
        if p != -1:
            lines.insert(z - 2, "\\size default")
        if q != -1:
            lines.insert(z - 2, "\\bar default")
        if r != -1:
            lines.insert(z - 2, "\\uuline default")
        if s != -1:
            lines.insert(z - 2, "\\uwave default")
        if t != -1:
            lines.insert(z - 2, "\\strikeout default")
        lines[i:i + 4] = put_cmd_in_ert(LaTeXname + "{")
        i += 1
Example #6
def convert_dateinset(document):
    ' Convert date external inset to ERT '
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset External", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
                "Malformed lyx document: Missing '\\end_inset' in convert_dateinset."
            i += 1
        if get_value(document.body, 'template', i, j) == "Date":
            document.body[i:j + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\today ")
        i += 1
Example #7
def convert_lst_literalparam(document):
    " Add param literal to include inset "

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset CommandInset include', i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
                "Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of command inset at line %d"
                % i)
            i += 1
        while i < j and document.body[i].strip() != '':
            i += 1
        document.body.insert(i, "literal \"true\"")
Example #8
def revert_lst_literalparam(document):
    " Remove param literal from include inset "

    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, '\\begin_inset CommandInset include', i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
                "Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of include inset at line %d"
                % i)
            i += 1
        k = find_token(document.body, 'literal', i, j)
        if k == -1:
            i += 1
        del document.body[k]
Example #9
def lyx2latex(document, lines):
    'Convert some LyX stuff into corresponding LaTeX stuff, as best we can.'

    content = ""
    ert_end = 0
    note_end = 0
    hspace = ""

    for curline in range(len(lines)):
      line = lines[curline]
      if line.startswith("\\begin_inset Note Note"):
          # We want to skip LyX notes, so remember where the inset ends
          note_end = find_end_of_inset(lines, curline + 1)
      elif note_end >= curline:
          # Skip LyX notes
      elif line.startswith("\\begin_inset ERT"):
          # We don't want to replace things inside ERT, so figure out
          # where the end of the inset is.
          ert_end = find_end_of_inset(lines, curline + 1)
      elif line.startswith("\\begin_inset Formula"):
          line = line[20:]
      elif line.startswith("\\begin_inset Quotes"):
          # For now, we do a very basic reversion. Someone who understands
          # quotes is welcome to fix it up.
          qtype = line[20:].strip()
          # lang = qtype[0]
          side = qtype[1]
          dbls = qtype[2]
          if side == "l":
              if dbls == "d":
                  line = "``"
                  line = "`"
              if dbls == "d":
                  line = "''"
                  line = "'"
      elif line.startswith("\\begin_inset Newline newline"):
          line = "\\\\ "
      elif line.startswith("\\noindent"):
          line = "\\noindent " # we need the space behind the command
      elif line.startswith("\\begin_inset space"):
          line = line[18:].strip()
          if line.startswith("\\hspace"):
              # Account for both \hspace and \hspace*
              hspace = line[:-2]
          elif line == "\\space{}":
              line = "\\ "
          elif line == "\\thinspace{}":
              line = "\\,"
      elif hspace != "":
          # The LyX length is in line[8:], after the \length keyword
          length = latex_length(line[8:])[1]
          line = hspace + "{" + length + "}"
          hspace = ""
      elif line.isspace() or \
            line.startswith("\\begin_layout") or \
            line.startswith("\\end_layout") or \
            line.startswith("\\begin_inset") or \
            line.startswith("\\end_inset") or \
            line.startswith("\\lang") or \
            line.strip() == "status collapsed" or \
            line.strip() == "status open":
          #skip all that stuff

      # this needs to be added to the preamble because of cases like
      # \textmu, \textbackslash, etc.
      add_to_preamble(document, ['% added by lyx2lyx for converted index entries',
                                 ' {\\usepackage{textcomp}}{}'])
      # a lossless reversion is not possible
      # try at least to handle some common insets and settings
      if ert_end >= curline:
          line = line.replace(r'\backslash', '\\')
          # No need to add "{}" after single-nonletter macros
          line = line.replace('&', '\\&')
          line = line.replace('#', '\\#')
          line = line.replace('^', '\\textasciicircum{}')
          line = line.replace('%', '\\%')
          line = line.replace('_', '\\_')
          line = line.replace('$', '\\$')

          # Do the LyX text --> LaTeX conversion
          for rep in unicode_reps:
            line = line.replace(rep[1], rep[0] + "{}")
          line = line.replace(r'\backslash', r'\textbackslash{}')
          line = line.replace(r'\series bold', r'\bfseries{}').replace(r'\series default', r'\mdseries{}')
          line = line.replace(r'\shape italic', r'\itshape{}').replace(r'\shape smallcaps', r'\scshape{}')
          line = line.replace(r'\shape slanted', r'\slshape{}').replace(r'\shape default', r'\upshape{}')
          line = line.replace(r'\emph on', r'\em{}').replace(r'\emph default', r'\em{}')
          line = line.replace(r'\noun on', r'\scshape{}').replace(r'\noun default', r'\upshape{}')
          line = line.replace(r'\bar under', r'\underbar{').replace(r'\bar default', r'}')
          line = line.replace(r'\family sans', r'\sffamily{}').replace(r'\family default', r'\normalfont{}')
          line = line.replace(r'\family typewriter', r'\ttfamily{}').replace(r'\family roman', r'\rmfamily{}')
          line = line.replace(r'\InsetSpace ', r'').replace(r'\SpecialChar ', r'')
      content += line
    return content
Example #10
def lyx2latex(document, lines):
    'Convert some LyX stuff into corresponding LaTeX stuff, as best we can.'

    content = ""
    ert_end = 0
    note_end = 0
    hspace = ""

    for curline in range(len(lines)):
        line = lines[curline]
        if line.startswith("\\begin_inset Note Note"):
            # We want to skip LyX notes, so remember where the inset ends
            note_end = find_end_of_inset(lines, curline + 1)
        elif note_end >= curline:
            # Skip LyX notes
        elif line.startswith("\\begin_inset ERT"):
            # We don't want to replace things inside ERT, so figure out
            # where the end of the inset is.
            ert_end = find_end_of_inset(lines, curline + 1)
        elif line.startswith("\\begin_inset Formula"):
            line = line[20:]
        elif line.startswith("\\begin_inset Quotes"):
            # For now, we do a very basic reversion. Someone who understands
            # quotes is welcome to fix it up.
            qtype = line[20:].strip()
            # lang = qtype[0]
            side = qtype[1]
            dbls = qtype[2]
            if side == "l":
                if dbls == "d":
                    line = "``"
                    line = "`"
                if dbls == "d":
                    line = "''"
                    line = "'"
        elif line.startswith("\\begin_inset Newline newline"):
            line = "\\\\ "
        elif line.startswith("\\noindent"):
            line = "\\noindent "  # we need the space behind the command
        elif line.startswith("\\begin_inset space"):
            line = line[18:].strip()
            if line.startswith("\\hspace"):
                # Account for both \hspace and \hspace*
                hspace = line[:-2]
            elif line == "\\space{}":
                line = "\\ "
            elif line == "\\thinspace{}":
                line = "\\,"
        elif hspace != "":
            # The LyX length is in line[8:], after the \length keyword
            length = latex_length(line[8:])[1]
            line = hspace + "{" + length + "}"
            hspace = ""
        elif line.isspace() or \
              line.startswith("\\begin_layout") or \
              line.startswith("\\end_layout") or \
              line.startswith("\\begin_inset") or \
              line.startswith("\\end_inset") or \
              line.startswith("\\lang") or \
              line.strip() == "status collapsed" or \
              line.strip() == "status open":
            #skip all that stuff

        # this needs to be added to the preamble because of cases like
        # \textmu, \textbackslash, etc.
        add_to_preamble(document, [
            '% added by lyx2lyx for converted index entries',
            '\\@ifundefined{textmu}', ' {\\usepackage{textcomp}}{}'
        # a lossless reversion is not possible
        # try at least to handle some common insets and settings
        if ert_end >= curline:
            line = line.replace(r'\backslash', '\\')
            # No need to add "{}" after single-nonletter macros
            line = line.replace('&', '\\&')
            line = line.replace('#', '\\#')
            line = line.replace('^', '\\textasciicircum{}')
            line = line.replace('%', '\\%')
            line = line.replace('_', '\\_')
            line = line.replace('$', '\\$')

            # Do the LyX text --> LaTeX conversion
            for rep in unicode_reps:
                line = line.replace(rep[1], rep[0])
            line = line.replace(r'\backslash', r'\textbackslash{}')
            line = line.replace(r'\series bold', r'\bfseries{}').replace(
                r'\series default', r'\mdseries{}')
            line = line.replace(r'\shape italic',
                                r'\itshape{}').replace(r'\shape smallcaps',
            line = line.replace(r'\shape slanted',
                                r'\slshape{}').replace(r'\shape default',
            line = line.replace(r'\emph on',
                                r'\em{}').replace(r'\emph default', r'\em{}')
            line = line.replace(r'\noun on',
                                r'\scshape{}').replace(r'\noun default',
            line = line.replace(r'\bar under',
                                r'\underbar{').replace(r'\bar default', r'}')
            line = line.replace(r'\family sans', r'\sffamily{}').replace(
                r'\family default', r'\normalfont{}')
            line = line.replace(r'\family typewriter', r'\ttfamily{}').replace(
                r'\family roman', r'\rmfamily{}')
            line = line.replace(r'\InsetSpace ',
                                r'').replace(r'\SpecialChar ', r'')
        content += line
    return content
Example #11
def revert_separator(document):
    " Revert separator insets to layout separators "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass in beamer_classes:
        beglaysep = "\\begin_layout Separator"
        beglaysep = "\\begin_layout --Separator--"

    parsep = [beglaysep, "", "\\end_layout", ""]
    comert = ["\\begin_inset ERT", "status collapsed", "",
              "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", "%", "\\end_layout",
              "", "\\end_inset", ""]
    empert = ["\\begin_inset ERT", "status collapsed", "",
              "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", " ", "\\end_layout",
              "", "\\end_inset", ""]

    i = 0
    while 1:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Separator", i)
        if i == -1:

        lay = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
        if lay == False:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't convert separator inset at line " + str(i))
            i = i + 1

        layoutname = lay[0]
        beg = lay[1]
        end = lay[2]
        kind = get_value(document.body, "\\begin_inset Separator", i, i+1, "plain").split()[1]
        before = document.body[beg+1:i]
        something_before = len(before) > 0 and len("".join(before)) > 0
        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
        after = document.body[j+1:end]
        something_after = len(after) > 0 and len("".join(after)) > 0
        if kind == "plain":
            beg = beg + len(before) + 1
        elif something_before:
            document.body[i:i] = ["\\end_layout", ""]
            i = i + 2
            j = j + 2
            beg = i
            end = end + 2

        if kind == "plain":
            if something_after:
                document.body[beg:j+1] = empert
                i = i + len(empert)
                document.body[beg:j+1] = comert
                i = i + len(comert)
            if something_after:
                if layoutname == "Standard":
                    if not something_before:
                        document.body[beg:j+1] = parsep
                        i = i + len(parsep)
                        document.body[i:i] = ["", "\\begin_layout Standard"]
                        i = i + 2
                        document.body[beg:j+1] = ["\\begin_layout Standard"]
                        i = i + 1
                    document.body[beg:j+1] = ["\\begin_deeper"]
                    i = i + 1
                    end = end + 1 - (j + 1 - beg)
                    if not something_before:
                        document.body[i:i] = parsep
                        i = i + len(parsep)
                        end = end + len(parsep)
                    document.body[i:i] = ["\\begin_layout Standard"]
                    document.body[end+2:end+2] = ["", "\\end_deeper", ""]
                    i = i + 4
                next_par_is_aligned = False
                k = find_nonempty_line(document.body, end+1)
                if k != -1 and check_token(document.body[k], "\\begin_layout"):
                    lay = get_containing_layout(document.body, k)
                    next_par_is_aligned = lay != False and \
                            find_token(document.body, "\\align", lay[1], lay[2]) != -1
                if k != -1 and not next_par_is_aligned \
                        and not check_token(document.body[k], "\\end_deeper") \
                        and not check_token(document.body[k], "\\begin_deeper"):
                    if layoutname == "Standard":
                        document.body[beg:j+1] = [beglaysep]
                        i = i + 1
                        document.body[beg:j+1] = ["\\begin_deeper", beglaysep]
                        end = end + 2 - (j + 1 - beg)
                        document.body[end+1:end+1] = ["", "\\end_deeper", ""]
                        i = i + 3
                    if something_before:
                        del document.body[i:end+1]
                        del document.body[i:end-1]

        i = i + 1
Example #12
def revert_beamer_lemma(document):
    " Reverts beamer lemma layout to ERT "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    consecutive = False
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Lemma", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_layout(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
                "Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of Lemma layout")
            i += 1
        arg1 = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument 1", i, j)
        endarg1 = find_end_of_inset(document.body, arg1)
        arg2 = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument 2", i, j)
        endarg2 = find_end_of_inset(document.body, arg2)
        subst1 = []
        subst2 = []
        if arg1 != -1:
            beginPlain1 = find_token(document.body,
                                     "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", arg1,
            if beginPlain1 == -1:
                    "Malformed LyX document: Can't find arg1 plain Layout")
                i += 1
            endPlain1 = find_end_of_inset(document.body, beginPlain1)
            content1 = document.body[beginPlain1 + 1:endPlain1 - 2]
            subst1 = put_cmd_in_ert("<") + content1 + put_cmd_in_ert(">")
        if arg2 != -1:
            beginPlain2 = find_token(document.body,
                                     "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", arg2,
            if beginPlain2 == -1:
                    "Malformed LyX document: Can't find arg2 plain Layout")
                i += 1
            endPlain2 = find_end_of_inset(document.body, beginPlain2)
            content2 = document.body[beginPlain2 + 1:endPlain2 - 2]
            subst2 = put_cmd_in_ert("[") + content2 + put_cmd_in_ert("]")

        # remove Arg insets
        if arg1 < arg2:
            del document.body[arg2:endarg2 + 1]
            if arg1 != -1:
                del document.body[arg1:endarg1 + 1]
        if arg2 < arg1:
            del document.body[arg1:endarg1 + 1]
            if arg2 != -1:
                del document.body[arg2:endarg2 + 1]

        # index of end layout has probably changed
        j = find_end_of_layout(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
                "Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of Lemma layout")
            i += 1

        begcmd = []

        # if this is not a consecutive env, add start command
        if not consecutive:
            begcmd = put_cmd_in_ert("\\begin{lemma}")

        # has this a consecutive lemma?
        consecutive = document.body[j + 2] == "\\begin_layout Lemma"

        # if this is not followed by a consecutive env, add end command
        if not consecutive:
            document.body[j:j + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\end{lemma}") + [

        document.body[i:i + 1] = ["\\begin_layout Standard", ""
                                  ] + begcmd + subst1 + subst2

        i = j
Example #13
def revert_separator(document):
    " Revert separator insets to layout separators "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass in beamer_classes:
        beglaysep = "\\begin_layout Separator"
        beglaysep = "\\begin_layout --Separator--"

    parsep = [beglaysep, "", "\\end_layout", ""]
    comert = [
        "\\begin_inset ERT", "status collapsed", "",
        "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", "%", "\\end_layout", "", "\\end_inset",
    empert = [
        "\\begin_inset ERT", "status collapsed", "",
        "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", " ", "\\end_layout", "", "\\end_inset",

    i = 0
    while 1:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Separator", i)
        if i == -1:

        lay = get_containing_layout(document.body, i)
        if lay == False:
                "Malformed LyX document: Can't convert separator inset at line "
                + str(i))
            i = i + 1

        layoutname = lay[0]
        beg = lay[1]
        end = lay[2]
        kind = get_value(document.body, "\\begin_inset Separator", i, i + 1,
        before = document.body[beg + 1:i]
        something_before = len(before) > 0 and len("".join(before)) > 0
        j = find_end_of_inset(document.body, i)
        after = document.body[j + 1:end]
        something_after = len(after) > 0 and len("".join(after)) > 0
        if kind == "plain":
            beg = beg + len(before) + 1
        elif something_before:
            document.body[i:i] = ["\\end_layout", ""]
            i = i + 2
            j = j + 2
            beg = i
            end = end + 2

        if kind == "plain":
            if something_after:
                document.body[beg:j + 1] = empert
                i = i + len(empert)
                document.body[beg:j + 1] = comert
                i = i + len(comert)
            if something_after:
                if layoutname == "Standard":
                    if not something_before:
                        document.body[beg:j + 1] = parsep
                        i = i + len(parsep)
                        document.body[i:i] = ["", "\\begin_layout Standard"]
                        i = i + 2
                        document.body[beg:j + 1] = ["\\begin_layout Standard"]
                        i = i + 1
                    document.body[beg:j + 1] = ["\\begin_deeper"]
                    i = i + 1
                    end = end + 1 - (j + 1 - beg)
                    if not something_before:
                        document.body[i:i] = parsep
                        i = i + len(parsep)
                        end = end + len(parsep)
                    document.body[i:i] = ["\\begin_layout Standard"]
                    document.body[end + 2:end + 2] = ["", "\\end_deeper", ""]
                    i = i + 4
                next_par_is_aligned = False
                k = find_nonempty_line(document.body, end + 1)
                if k != -1 and check_token(document.body[k], "\\begin_layout"):
                    lay = get_containing_layout(document.body, k)
                    next_par_is_aligned = lay != False and \
                            find_token(document.body, "\\align", lay[1], lay[2]) != -1
                if k != -1 and not next_par_is_aligned \
                        and not check_token(document.body[k], "\\end_deeper") \
                        and not check_token(document.body[k], "\\begin_deeper"):
                    if layoutname == "Standard":
                        document.body[beg:j + 1] = [beglaysep]
                        i = i + 1
                        document.body[beg:j +
                                      1] = ["\\begin_deeper", beglaysep]
                        end = end + 2 - (j + 1 - beg)
                        document.body[end + 1:end +
                                      1] = ["", "\\end_deeper", ""]
                        i = i + 3
                    if something_before:
                        del document.body[i:end + 1]
                        del document.body[i:end - 1]

        i = i + 1
Example #14
def revert_beamer_lemma(document):
    " Reverts beamer lemma layout to ERT "

    beamer_classes = ["beamer", "article-beamer", "scrarticle-beamer"]
    if document.textclass not in beamer_classes:

    consecutive = False
    i = 0
    while True:
        i = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Lemma", i)
        if i == -1:
        j = find_end_of_layout(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of Lemma layout")
            i += 1
        arg1 = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument 1", i, j)
        endarg1 = find_end_of_inset(document.body, arg1)
        arg2 = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_inset Argument 2", i, j)
        endarg2 = find_end_of_inset(document.body, arg2)
        subst1 = []
        subst2 = []
        if arg1 != -1:
            beginPlain1 = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", arg1, endarg1)
            if beginPlain1 == -1:
                document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find arg1 plain Layout")
                i += 1
            endPlain1 = find_end_of_inset(document.body, beginPlain1)
            content1 = document.body[beginPlain1 + 1 : endPlain1 - 2]
            subst1 = put_cmd_in_ert("<") + content1 + put_cmd_in_ert(">")
        if arg2 != -1:
            beginPlain2 = find_token(document.body, "\\begin_layout Plain Layout", arg2, endarg2)
            if beginPlain2 == -1:
                document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find arg2 plain Layout")
                i += 1
            endPlain2 = find_end_of_inset(document.body, beginPlain2)
            content2 = document.body[beginPlain2 + 1 : endPlain2 - 2]
            subst2 = put_cmd_in_ert("[") + content2 + put_cmd_in_ert("]")

        # remove Arg insets
        if arg1 < arg2:
            del document.body[arg2 : endarg2 + 1]
            if arg1 != -1:
                del document.body[arg1 : endarg1 + 1]
        if arg2 < arg1:
            del document.body[arg1 : endarg1 + 1]
            if arg2 != -1:
                del document.body[arg2 : endarg2 + 1]

        # index of end layout has probably changed
        j = find_end_of_layout(document.body, i)
        if j == -1:
            document.warning("Malformed LyX document: Can't find end of Lemma layout")
            i += 1

        begcmd = []

        # if this is not a consecutive env, add start command
        if not consecutive:
            begcmd = put_cmd_in_ert("\\begin{lemma}")

        # has this a consecutive lemma?
        consecutive = document.body[j + 2] == "\\begin_layout Lemma"

        # if this is not followed by a consecutive env, add end command
        if not consecutive:
            document.body[j : j + 1] = put_cmd_in_ert("\\end{lemma}") + ["\\end_layout"]

        document.body[i : i + 1] = ["\\begin_layout Standard", ""] + begcmd + subst1 + subst2

        i = j