Example #1
def build_land_draw_database(use_last=False):
    Log('Starting land draw database construction')
    if use_last:
        f_in = open('draw_database_last.txt', 'r')
        f_in = open('draw_database.txt', 'r')
    f_out = open('land_draws_last.txt', 'w')
    if use_last:
        f_prod = None
        f_prod = open('land_draws.txt', 'w')
    land_mapper = utils.LoadLandMapping()
    already_processed = set()
    cnt = 0
    for row in f_in:
        data = row.split(';')
        transact = data[0]
        # Eat redundant rows.
        if transact in already_processed:
        delim = str(utils.draw_database_separator)
        for pos in range(utils.draw_database_header_size,len(data)):
            if not data[pos] == delim:
                data[pos] = land_mapper.get(int(data[pos].strip()), '?')
        out_row = ';'.join(data) + '\n'
        if f_prod is not None:
def run_land_counts():
    For now, just copy the code. Should refactor into a single function.
    f = open('land_draws.txt', 'r')
    already_processed = set()
    test_list = [TestLands()]
    for row in f:
        data = row.strip().split(';')
        user = data[3]
        mode = data[4]
        mulligan_count = int(data[8])
        card_info = data[(utils.draw_database_header_size):]
        # card_info = [int(x) for x in card_info]

            idx = card_info.index(str(utils.draw_database_separator))
        except ValueError:
            Log('Row missing deck separator: {0}\n'.format(row))
        for t in test_list:
            t.ProcessRow(user, card_info[0:idx], card_info[(idx + 1):],
                         mulligan_count, mode)
    f_out = open('summary_land.txt', 'w')
    for t in test_list:
        s = t.GetOutput()
def GetCardDefinitions(filename, land_mapping):
    Log('Processing: ' + filename + '\n')
    f = open(filename, 'r')
    for row in f:

        # We are only looking for logged transactions, which are saved in a format that is compatible with w Python dict
        if not row.startswith('{ "transactionId":'):
        # They use true instead of True... Must be a better way of doing this, but...
        row = row.replace('true', 'True')
        row = row.replace('false', 'False')
        # This should be safe; just allows low-level Python objects, no code execution
        d = ast.literal_eval(row)

        if 'greToClientEvent' in d:
            transact = d['transactionId']
            msg_list = d['greToClientEvent']['greToClientMessages']
            # Log('Transaction: {0}\n'.format(transact))
            for msg in msg_list:
                    data = msg['gameStateMessage']['gameObjects']
                    for obj in data:
                        if obj['type'] == 'GameObjectType_Card':
                            grpId = obj['grpId']
                            is_land = 'CardType_Land' in obj['cardTypes']
                            if is_land:
                                land_mapping[grpId] = 'L'
                                land_mapping[grpId] = 'N'
                except KeyError:
            # Nothing to process
def FindDeck(transact, msg_list):
    Returns None if not a deck message.
    :param transact:
    :param msg_list:
    for msg in msg_list:
        if 'connectResp' in msg:
                deck = msg['connectResp']['deckMessage']['deckCards']
                Log('Found Deck in new game connection')
                Log(str(deck) + '\n')
            except KeyError:
            obj = DeckInfo(transact, deck)
            return obj
    def handle_message(self, transact, msg, row):
        if 'gameStateMessage' in msg and 'ClientMessageType_MulliganResp' in row:
            if 'gameStateMessage' in msg:
                Log('Found a game state message during mulligan\n')
                hand = []
                state_msg = msg['gameStateMessage']
                # pprint.pprint(state_msg)
                # pprint.pprint(state_msg['zones'])
                self.transact = transact
                if 'gameObjects' in state_msg:
                    objects = state_msg['gameObjects']
                    mapping = {}
                    for obj in objects:
                        mapping[obj['instanceId']] = obj['grpId']
                    for z in state_msg['zones']:
                        # Player number parsing was not working for some reason vs. Sparky, so just
                        # look at all hands. If the wrong player's hand, will get an error when
                        # we try to map object ID's. Fails in a wacky game mode where you can see opponent's
                        # hands.
                        if (z['type'] == 'ZoneType_Hand'): # and z['ownerSeatId'] == self.player_number):
                            hand = (z['objectInstanceIds'])
                            # Note: the object seems to be in reverse order. Sort by objectId, since we might
                            # eventually extend to look at draws into the library.
                            # Log('Hand: ' + str(hand) + '\n')
                                card_ids = [mapping[x] for x in hand]
                                Log('Card IDs: ' + str(card_ids) +'\n')
                                # Note: this will fail if they change away from the London Mulligan,
                                # or in alternate play modes. Eliminate?
                                if not len(card_ids) == 7:
                                    Log('Logic error - initial draw does not have 7 cards.')
                                    self.draw = card_ids
                            except KeyError:
                                # Opponent's hand, can't map

        if 'mulliganReq' in msg:
            # mulliganCount is not defined if zero. get(x,0) returns 0, if the key "x" does not exist.
            self.mulligan = msg['mulliganReq'].get('mulliganCount', 0)
            Log('Found mulligan count = {0}\n'.format(self.mulligan))
    def Format(self, game_info, timestamp):
        Log('Formating draw\n')
        draw = [str(x) for x in self.draw]
        deck = [str(x) for x in self.deck]
        cut_name = self.user_name
        # Eliminate # digits.
        pos = cut_name.find('#')
        if pos > -1:
            cut_name = cut_name[0:pos]

        row = [self.transact, str(timestamp), self.build, cut_name, game_info.match_type, self.file_name, game_info.other_player, self.Paremeters,
               str(self.mulligan)] + draw
        row += deck
        out = ';'.join(row)
        return out + '\n'
def run_tests(test_list):
    f = open('draw_database.txt', 'r')
    already_processed = set()
    for row in f:
        data = row.strip().split(';')
        user = data[3]
        mode = data[4]
        mulligan_count = int(data[8])
        card_info = data[(utils.draw_database_header_size):]
        card_info = [int(x) for x in card_info]

            idx = card_info.index(utils.draw_database_separator)
        except ValueError:
            Log('Row missing deck separator: {0}\n'.format(row))
        for t in test_list:
            t.ProcessRow(user, card_info[0:idx], card_info[(idx + 1):],
                         mulligan_count, mode)
    f_out = open('summary.txt', 'w')
    for t in test_list:
        s = t.GetOutput()
def ProcessFile(filename, append_production=False, verbose=False):
    Log('Processing: ' + filename + '\n')
    f = open(filename, 'r')
    deck_handler = None
    # Metadata that needs to be added to the row
    user_name = '?'
    build = '?'
    draw_time = '?'
    match_type = '?'
    handle_last = open('draw_database_last.txt', 'a')
    # Move game info into an object. Will delete "floating variables" later.
    game_info = GameInfo()
    if append_production:
        handle_prod = open('draw_database.txt', 'a')
        handle_prod = None
    for row in f:
        # Look for the client version
        if build == '?':
            pos = row.find('\\"clientVersion\\":')
            # We have the build, ignore
            pos = -1
        if pos > -1:
            cut = row[pos:(pos+80)]
            cut = cut.split(':')
            if len(cut) > 1:
                build = cut[1]
                pos = build.find(',')
                build = build[0:pos]
                build = build.replace('"', '')
                build = build.replace('\\', '').strip()
                Log('Build = {0}\n'.format(build))

        # We are only looking for logged transactions, which are saved in a format that is compatible with w Python dict
        if not row.startswith('{ "transactionId":'):
        # They use true instead of True... Must be a better way of doing this, but...
        row = row.replace('true', 'True')
        row = row.replace('false', 'False')
        if verbose:
            Log('Found a transaction row\n')
            Log(row + '\n')
        # This should be safe; just allows low-level Python objects, no code execution
        d = ast.literal_eval(row)
        # We need to get some initial information in early "transactions"
        # Find user name if it exists
        if 'authenticateResponse' in d:
            if 'screenName' in d['authenticateResponse']:
                user_name = d['authenticateResponse']['screenName']
                Log('Found screen name: ' + user_name + '\n')
        # This message tells us what players are in the game. We need this
        # information to get the player ID ("systemSeatId"). The deck will have already been found,
        # or otherwise we cannot tell what is going on.
        if 'matchGameRoomStateChangedEvent' in d:
            Log('Found matchGameRoomStateChangedEvent; clearing GameInfo')
            game_info = GameInfo()
                match_type =  d['matchGameRoomStateChangedEvent']['gameRoomInfo']['gameRoomConfig']['eventId']
                Log('Found match type: {0}\n'.format(match_type))
                game_info.match_type = match_type
                # if deck_handler is not None:
                #     deck_handler.match_type = match_type
                #     # Clear now that it is stored in the deck
                #     match_type = '?'
            except KeyError:
                player_list = d['matchGameRoomStateChangedEvent']['gameRoomInfo']['gameRoomConfig']['reservedPlayers']
            except KeyError:
                Log('Mangled matchGameRoomStateChangedEvent event')
            for p in player_list:
                if p['playerName'] == user_name:
                    player_number = p['systemSeatId']
                    game_info.player_number = player_number
                    if deck_handler is not None:
                        deck_handler.player_number = player_number
                    game_info.other_player = p['playerName']
                    Log('Found other player: {0}\n'.format(game_info.other_player))
                    # if deck_handler is not None:
                    #     deck_handler.other_player = p['playerName']
                    #     Log('Found other player: {0}\n'.format(deck_handler.other_player))
        # greToClientEvents are broadcast messages. Includes the deck list.
        # Can split information between multiple "messages" within the transaction.
        if 'greToClientEvent' in d:
            transact = d['transactionId']
            msg_list = d['greToClientEvent']['greToClientMessages']
            Log('Transaction: {0}\n'.format(transact))
            # pprint.pprint(msg.keys())
            # Nothing to process
        if 'timestamp' in d:
            # TODO: figure out how to convert timestamp to useful format.
            # The other format (XML) has clean time stamps, but the formatting is multi-line and less stable.
            timestamp = d['timestamp']
            timestamp = '?'
        # We need see whether a new deck message has been sent.
        new_handler = FindDeck(transact, msg_list)
        if new_handler is not None:
            deck_handler = new_handler
            deck_handler.user_name = user_name
            deck_handler.file_name = filename
            deck_handler.build = build
            deck_handler.match_type = match_type
            player_number = None

        # If we have a deck handler, we can now attempt to process messages, which are mulligan responses.
        if deck_handler is not None:
            for msg in msg_list:
                deck_handler.handle_message(transact, msg, row)
            # Once we have the deck, the mulligan count, and the initial draw, that's it.
            if deck_handler.IsDone():
                if deck_handler.user_name.startswith('DeadlyK1tten'):
                    deck_handler.user_name = 'Amaz1ngK1tten'
                lline = deck_handler.Format(game_info, timestamp)
                if handle_prod is not None: