def _setNewVersion( self ): """ get the new version based on the previous tag, increment patch version""" if self._nextRealRelease is not None: self._newTag = Version(self._nextRealRelease, makePreRelease=self.isPreRelease ) self._nextRealRelease = str( self._newTag ).split("-pre")[0] return str( self._newTag ) lastVersion = self._getLatestTagInfo()['name'] self._newTag = Version(lastVersion, makePreRelease=self.isPreRelease ) self._newTag.increment() self._nextRealRelease = str( self._newTag ).split("-pre")[0] "Set new version: %s", self._nextRealRelease )
class Repo(object): """ class representing a given repository""" def __init__( self, owner, repo, branch='master', newVersion=None, preRelease=True, dryRun=True, lastTag=None): self.owner = owner self.repo = repo self.branch = branch self._options = dict( owner=self.owner, repo=self.repo ) self.log = getLogger( repo ) self._lastTag = lastTag self.latestTagInfo = None self._releaseNotes = None self.releaseNotesFilename = "doc/" self.cmakeBaseFile = "CMakeLists.txt" self._lastCommitOnBranch = None self._prsSinceLastTag = None ## members dealing with difference between the new full version and the next ## tag which can be different because of pre-prereleaseness self.isPreRelease = preRelease self._nextRealRelease = None self._newTag = None self.newVersion = newVersion self._getLatestTagInfo() self._setNewVersion() self._dryRun = dryRun self._checkConsistency() def __str__( self ): return self.owner+"/"+self.repo @property def newTag( self ): """ return next tag version, differs from nextRealRelease by pre release """ return str( self._newTag ) @newTag.setter def newTag( self, val): """ cannot set this property """ raise NotImplementedError( "not allowed to change newTag, user 'newVersion' instead ") @property def newVersion( self ): """ return new version """ if self._nextRealRelease is not None: return self._nextRealRelease self._setNewVersion() return self._nextRealRelease @newVersion.setter def newVersion( self, val ): """ set newVersion to value""" if val is None: self._setNewVersion() else: self._nextRealRelease = str(val) def _setNewVersion( self ): """ get the new version based on the previous tag, increment patch version""" if self._nextRealRelease is not None: self._newTag = Version(self._nextRealRelease, makePreRelease=self.isPreRelease ) self._nextRealRelease = str( self._newTag ).split("-pre")[0] return str( self._newTag ) lastVersion = self._getLatestTagInfo()['name'] self._newTag = Version(lastVersion, makePreRelease=self.isPreRelease ) self._newTag.increment() self._nextRealRelease = str( self._newTag ).split("-pre")[0] "Set new version: %s", self._nextRealRelease ) def _checkConsistency( self ): """ check for invalid version requirements""" lastTag = self.latestTagInfo['name'] if self._nextRealRelease == lastTag \ or versionComp( self._nextRealRelease, lastTag ) <= 0 \ or versionComp( self.newTag, lastTag ) <= 0: self.log.error("Required (pre-)version (%r) is the same as or older than the last tag(%r)", self.newVersion, lastTag) raise RuntimeError( "Invalid version required" ) def _getLatestTagInfo( self ): """ fill the information about the latest tag in the repository""" if self.latestTagInfo is not None: self.log.debug( "Latest Tag Info already filled" ) return self.latestTagInfo ## already filled tags = self.getGithubTags() if not tags: self.log.warning( "No tags found for %s", self ) self.latestTagInfo={} self.latestTagInfo['pre'] = False self.latestTagInfo['date'] = "1977-01-01T" self.latestTagInfo['sha'] = "SHASHASHA" self.latestTagInfo['name'] = "00-00" else: sortedTags = sorted(tags, key=itemgetter("name"), reverse=True, cmp=versionComp) if self._lastTag is None: di = sortedTags[0] else: try: di = [ tagInfo for tagInfo in tags if tagInfo['name'] == self._lastTag][0] except IndexError: raise RuntimeError( "LastTag given, but not found in tags for this package") self.latestTagInfo = di self.latestTagInfo['pre'] = True if 'pre' in di['name'] else False self.latestTagInfo['sha'] = di['commit']['sha'] "Found latest tag %s", di['name'] ) commitInfo = curl2Json(url=self._github("git/commits/%s" % self.latestTagInfo['sha'])) self.latestTagInfo['date'] = commitInfo['committer']['date'] lastCommitInfo = curl2Json(url=self._github("branches/%s" % self.branch)) self._lastCommitOnBranch = lastCommitInfo['commit'] # tags = self.getGithubReleases() # for di in sorted(tags, key=itemgetter('created_at') ): # self.latestTagInfo = di # self.latestTagInfo['pre'] = di['prerelease'] # self.latestTagInfo['date'] = di['created_at'] # "Found latest tag %s", di['name'] ) # break return self.latestTagInfo def _github( self, action ): """ return the url to perform actions on github :param str action: command to use in the gitlab API, see documentation there :returns: url to be used by curl """ options = dict(self._options) options["action"] = action ghURL = "" % options return ghURL def getGithubPRs( self, state="open", mergedOnly=False, perPage=100): """ get all PullRequests from github :param str state: state of the PRs, open/closed/all, default open :param bool merged: if PR has to be merged, only sensible for state=closed :returns: list of githubPRs """ url = self._github( "pulls?state=%s&per_page=%s" % (state, perPage) ) prs = curl2Json(url=url) #pprint(prs) if not mergedOnly: return prs ## only merged PRs prsToReturn = [] for pr in prs: if pr.get( 'merged_at', None ) is not None: prsToReturn.append(pr) return prsToReturn def getGithubTags( self): """ get all tags from github u'commit': {u'sha': u'49680c32f9c0734dcbf0efe2f01e2363dab3c64e', u'url': u''}, u'name': u'v01-02-01', u'tarball_url': u'', u'zipball_url': u''}, :returns: list of tags """ result = curl2Json(url=self._github("tags")) if isinstance( result, dict ) and 'Not Found' in result.get('message'): raise RuntimeError( "Package not found: %s" % str(self) ) return result def getGithubReleases( self): """ get the last few releases from github :returns: list of releases """ result = curl2Json(url=self._github("releases")) #pprint(result) return result def getHeadOfBranch( self ): """return the commit sha of the head of the branch""" result = curl2Json(url=self._github("git/refs/heads/%s" % self.branch)) if 'message' in result: raise RuntimeError( "Error:",result['message'] ) commitsha = result['object']['sha'] return commitsha ## also get the sha of the tree def getTreeShaForCommit( self, commit ): """ return the sha of the tree for given commit""" result = curl2Json(self._github( "git/commits/%s" % commit)) if 'sha' not in result: raise RuntimeError( "Error: Commit not found" ) treesha = result['tree']['sha'] return treesha def createGithubRelease( self ): """ make a release on github """ if self.isUpToDate(): self.log.warning( "Package %s is up to date, will not make new release", self ) return releaseDict = dict( tag_name=self.newTag, target_commitish=self.branch, name=self.newTag, body=self.formatReleaseNotes(), prerelease=self.isPreRelease, ) if self._dryRun: "DryRun: not actually making Release: %s", releaseDict ) return {} result = curl2Json(url=self._github( "releases" ), parameterDict=releaseDict, requestType='POST') #pprint(result) return result def _getPRsSinceLatestTag( self ): """ return the PRs since the last tag """ self._getLatestTagInfo() if self.isUpToDate(): return mergedPRs = self.getGithubPRs( state="closed", mergedOnly=True ) #pprint(mergedPRs) lastTagDate = self.latestTagInfo['date'] "Last tag was done: %s ", lastTagDate ) self._prsSinceLastTag = [] "Getting PRs...") for pr in mergedPRs: if pr['merged_at'] > lastTagDate: self.log.debug( "PR %s was merged _AFTER_ the last tag", pr['number'] ) self._prsSinceLastTag.append(pr) else: self.log.debug( "PR %s was merged _BEFORE_ the last tag", pr['number'] ) if self._prsSinceLastTag: "... PRs merged after Tag: %s", ", ".join( sorted(str( pr['number'] ) for pr in self._prsSinceLastTag )) ) return def getCommentsForPR( self, prID ): """get the comments for a PR :param int prID: pull request ID to get the comments from :returns: list of comments """ self.log.debug( "Getting comments for PR %s", prID ) comments = curl2Json(url=self._github("issues/%s/comments" % prID)) commentTexts = [] for comment in comments: commentTexts.append( comment['body'] ) return commentTexts def getAuthorForPR( self, pr ): """ return the author name of given PR, check cache if username already known """ username = pr['user']['login'] prID = pr['number'] url=self._github("pulls/%s/commits" % prID) authorName = authorMapping(username, url) return authorName def _getReleaseNotes( self ): """ parses the PRs and comments for ReleaseNotes to collate them """ if self._prsSinceLastTag is None: self._getPRsSinceLatestTag() if not self._prsSinceLastTag: self._releaseNotes = defaultdict( OrderedDict ) "No PRs found" ) return relNotes = defaultdict( OrderedDict ) "Getting release notes from PR comments ... ") for pr in self._prsSinceLastTag: prID = pr['number'] self.log.debug( "Looking for comments for PR %s", prID ) date = pr['merged_at'][:10] ## only YYYY-MM-DD author = self.getAuthorForPR( pr ) relNotes[date][prID] = dict( author=author, notes=[], date=pr['merged_at'], prID=pr['number'] ) notes = parseForReleaseNotes( pr['body'] ) if notes: relNotes[date][prID]['notes'].extend( notes ) commentTexts = self.getCommentsForPR( prID ) for comment in commentTexts: notes = parseForReleaseNotes( comment ) if notes: relNotes[date][prID]['notes'].extend( notes ) self._releaseNotes = relNotes "... finished getting release notes" ) return def formatReleaseNotes( self ): """ print the release notes """ if self._releaseNotes is None and not self.isUpToDate(): self._getReleaseNotes() if self.isUpToDate(): return releaseNotesString = "# " + self.newVersion.split("-pre")[0] ## never write comments for new releases for date, prs in self._releaseNotes.iteritems(): for prID,content in prs.iteritems(): if not content.get( 'notes' ): continue for line in content['notes']: thisContent = line.strip() indentedContent = " " + "\n ".join(thisContent.split("\n")) relNoteDict = dict( author=content['author'], prLink="[PR#%s](" % (prID, self.owner, self.repo, prID ), date=date, content=indentedContent.rstrip(), ) releaseNotesString += """ * %(date)s %(author)s (%(prLink)s) %(content)s""" % relNoteDict ## cleanup "\r" from strings releaseNotesString = releaseNotesString.replace("\r","") return releaseNotesString def commitNewReleaseNotes( self ): """ get the new release notes and commit them to the filename """ content, sha, encodedOld= self.getFileFromBranch( self.releaseNotesFilename ) if self.latestTagInfo['pre']: content = "\n".join(content.split("\n")[2:]) ## remove first line which is the release name contentNew = self.formatReleaseNotes() + "\n\n" + content contentEncoded = contentNew.encode('base64') if encodedOld.replace("\n","") == contentEncoded.replace("\n",""):"No changes in %s, not making commit", self.releaseNotesFilename ) return message = "Release Notes for %s" % self.newVersion self.createGithubCommit(self.releaseNotesFilename, sha, contentEncoded, message=message) def getFileFromBranch( self, filename ): """return the content of the file in the given branch, filename needs to be the full path""" result = curl2Json(url=self._github( "contents/%s?ref=%s" %(filename,self.branch))) encoded = result.get( 'content', None ) if encoded is None: self.log.error( "File %s not found for %s", filename, self ) raise RuntimeError( "File not found" ) content = encoded.decode("base64") sha = result['sha'] return content, sha, encoded def updateVersionSettings( self ): """ update the version settings in CMakeLists """ content, sha, encodedOld = self.getFileFromBranch( self.cmakeBaseFile ) major, minor, patch = self._newTag.getMajorMinorPatch() pMajor = re.compile('_VERSION_MAJOR [0-9]*') pMinor = re.compile('_VERSION_MINOR [0-9]*') pPatch = re.compile('_VERSION_PATCH [0-9a-zA-Z]*') content = pMajor.sub( "_VERSION_MAJOR %s" % major, content ) content = pMinor.sub( "_VERSION_MINOR %s" % minor, content ) content = pPatch.sub( "_VERSION_PATCH %s" % patch, content ) contentEncoded = content.encode('base64') if encodedOld.replace("\n","") == contentEncoded.replace("\n",""):"No changes in %s, not making commit", self.cmakeBaseFile ) else: "Update %s is to %s" , self.cmakeBaseFile, self.newVersion ) message = "Updating version to %s" % self.newVersion self.createGithubCommit(self.cmakeBaseFile, sha, contentEncoded, message=message) # if self.repo.lower() == "dd4hep" and self.cmakeBaseFile == "CMakeLists.txt": # self.cmakeBaseFile = "DDSegmentation/CMakeLists.txt" # self.updateVersionSettings() def createGithubCommit( self, filename, fileSha, content, message ): """ create a commit on the repository with `version` and on `branch`, makes tag on last commit of the branch :param str treeSha: sha of the tree the commit will go :param str filename: full path to the file :param str content: base64 encoded content of the file PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path Parameters Name Type Description path string Required. The content path. message string Required. The commit message. content string Required. The updated file content, Base64 encoded. sha string Required. The blob SHA of the file being replaced. branch string The branch name. Default: the repository's default branch (usually master) Optional Parameters """ coDict = dict( path=filename, content=content, branch=self.branch, sha=fileSha, message=message, force='true' ) if self._dryRun: coDict.pop('content') "DryRun: not actually making commit: %s", coDict ) return result = curl2Json(requestType='PUT', parameterDict=coDict, url=self._github("contents/%s" % filename)) if 'commit' not in result: raise RuntimeError( "Failed to update file: %s" % result['message'] ) return result def isUpToDate( self ): """ return True/False wether we have to make a new tag or not""" if self.latestTagInfo['sha'] != self._lastCommitOnBranch['sha']: return False ## this means the commits are the same, but maybe we want to make a proper tag now if 'pre' in self.latestTagInfo['name'] and 'pre' not in self.newTag: return False return True
class Repo(object): """ class representing a given repository""" def __init__( self, owner, repo, branch='master', newVersion=None, preRelease=True, dryRun=True, lastTag=None): self.owner = owner self.repo = repo self.branch = branch self._options = dict( owner=self.owner, repo=self.repo ) self.log = getLogger( repo ) self._lastTag = lastTag self.latestTagInfo = None self._releaseNotes = None self.releaseNotesFilename = "doc/" self.cmakeBaseFile = "CMakeLists.txt" self._lastCommitOnBranch = None self._prsSinceLastTag = None ## members dealing with difference between the new full version and the next ## tag which can be different because of pre-prereleaseness self.isPreRelease = preRelease self._nextRealRelease = None self._newTag = None self.newVersion = newVersion self._getLatestTagInfo() self._setNewVersion() self._dryRun = dryRun self._checkConsistency() def __str__( self ): return self.owner+"/"+self.repo @property def newTag( self ): """ return next tag version, differs from nextRealRelease by pre release """ return str( self._newTag ) @newTag.setter def newTag( self, val): """ cannot set this property """ raise NotImplementedError( "not allowed to change newTag, user 'newVersion' instead ") @property def newVersion( self ): """ return new version """ if self._nextRealRelease is not None: return self._nextRealRelease self._setNewVersion() return self._nextRealRelease @newVersion.setter def newVersion( self, val ): """ set newVersion to value""" if val is None: self._setNewVersion() else: self._nextRealRelease = str(val) def _setNewVersion( self ): """ get the new version based on the previous tag, increment patch version""" if self._nextRealRelease is not None: self._newTag = Version(self._nextRealRelease, makePreRelease=self.isPreRelease ) self._nextRealRelease = str( self._newTag ).split("-pre")[0] return str( self._newTag ) lastVersion = self._getLatestTagInfo()['name'] self._newTag = Version(lastVersion, makePreRelease=self.isPreRelease ) self._newTag.increment() self._nextRealRelease = str( self._newTag ).split("-pre")[0] "Set new version: %s", self._nextRealRelease ) def _checkConsistency( self ): """ check for invalid version requirements""" lastTag = self.latestTagInfo['name'] if self._nextRealRelease == lastTag \ or versionComp( self._nextRealRelease, lastTag ) <= 0 \ or versionComp( self.newTag, lastTag ) <= 0: self.log.error("Required (pre-)version (%r) is the same as or older than the last tag(%r)", self.newVersion, lastTag) raise RuntimeError( "Invalid version required" ) def _getLatestTagInfo( self ): """ fill the information about the latest tag in the repository""" if self.latestTagInfo is not None: self.log.debug( "Latest Tag Info already filled" ) return self.latestTagInfo ## already filled tags = self.getGithubTags() sortedTags = sorted(tags, key=itemgetter("name"), reverse=True, cmp=versionComp) if self._lastTag is None: di = sortedTags[0] else: try: di = [ tagInfo for tagInfo in tags if tagInfo['name'] == self._lastTag][0] except IndexError: raise RuntimeError( "LastTag given, but not found in tags for this package") self.latestTagInfo = di self.latestTagInfo['pre'] = True if 'pre' in di['name'] else False self.latestTagInfo['sha'] = di['commit']['sha'] "Found latest tag %s", di['name'] ) if not tags: self.log.warning( "No tags found for %s", self ) self.latestTagInfo={} self.latestTagInfo['date'] = "1977-01-01T" self.latestTagInfo['sha'] = "SHASHASHA" self.latestTagInfo['name'] = "00-00" else: commitInfo = curl2Json(url=self._github("git/commits/%s" % self.latestTagInfo['sha'])) self.latestTagInfo['date'] = commitInfo['committer']['date'] lastCommitInfo = curl2Json(url=self._github("branches/%s" % self.branch)) self._lastCommitOnBranch = lastCommitInfo['commit'] # tags = self.getGithubReleases() # for di in sorted(tags, key=itemgetter('created_at') ): # self.latestTagInfo = di # self.latestTagInfo['pre'] = di['prerelease'] # self.latestTagInfo['date'] = di['created_at'] # "Found latest tag %s", di['name'] ) # break return self.latestTagInfo def _github( self, action ): """ return the url to perform actions on github :param str action: command to use in the gitlab API, see documentation there :returns: url to be used by curl """ options = dict(self._options) options["action"] = action ghURL = "" % options return ghURL def getGithubPRs( self, state="open", mergedOnly=False, perPage=100): """ get all PullRequests from github :param str state: state of the PRs, open/closed/all, default open :param bool merged: if PR has to be merged, only sensible for state=closed :returns: list of githubPRs """ url = self._github( "pulls?state=%s&per_page=%s" % (state, perPage) ) prs = curl2Json(url=url) #pprint(prs) if not mergedOnly: return prs ## only merged PRs prsToReturn = [] for pr in prs: if pr.get( 'merged_at', None ) is not None: prsToReturn.append(pr) return prsToReturn def getGithubTags( self): """ get all tags from github u'commit': {u'sha': u'49680c32f9c0734dcbf0efe2f01e2363dab3c64e', u'url': u''}, u'name': u'v01-02-01', u'tarball_url': u'', u'zipball_url': u''}, :returns: list of tags """ result = curl2Json(url=self._github("tags")) if isinstance( result, dict ) and 'Not Found' in result.get('message'): raise RuntimeError( "Package not found: %s" % str(self) ) return result def getGithubReleases( self): """ get the last few releases from github :returns: list of releases """ result = curl2Json(url=self._github("releases")) #pprint(result) return result def getHeadOfBranch( self ): """return the commit sha of the head of the branch""" result = curl2Json(url=self._github("git/refs/heads/%s" % self.branch)) if 'message' in result: raise RuntimeError( "Error:",result['message'] ) commitsha = result['object']['sha'] return commitsha ## also get the sha of the tree def getTreeShaForCommit( self, commit ): """ return the sha of the tree for given commit""" result = curl2Json(self._github( "git/commits/%s" % commit)) if 'sha' not in result: raise RuntimeError( "Error: Commit not found" ) treesha = result['tree']['sha'] return treesha def createGithubRelease( self ): """ make a release on github """ if self.isUpToDate(): self.log.warning( "Package %s is up to date, will not make new release", self ) return releaseDict = dict( tag_name=self.newTag, target_commitish=self.branch, name=self.newTag, body=self.formatReleaseNotes(), prerelease=self.isPreRelease, ) if self._dryRun: "DryRun: not actually making Release: %s", releaseDict ) return {} result = curl2Json(url=self._github( "releases" ), parameterDict=releaseDict, requestType='POST') #pprint(result) return result def _getPRsSinceLatestTag( self ): """ return the PRs since the last tag """ self._getLatestTagInfo() if self.isUpToDate(): return mergedPRs = self.getGithubPRs( state="closed", mergedOnly=True ) #pprint(mergedPRs) lastTagDate = self.latestTagInfo['date'] "Last tag was done: %s ", lastTagDate ) self._prsSinceLastTag = [] "Getting PRs...") for pr in mergedPRs: if pr['merged_at'] > lastTagDate and pr['base']['label'].endswith(self.branch): self.log.debug( "PR %s was merged _AFTER_ the last tag", pr['number'] ) self._prsSinceLastTag.append(pr) else: self.log.debug( "PR %s was merged _BEFORE_ the last tag", pr['number'] ) if self._prsSinceLastTag: "... PRs merged after Tag: %s", ", ".join( sorted(str( pr['number'] ) for pr in self._prsSinceLastTag )) ) return def getCommentsForPR( self, prID ): """get the comments for a PR :param int prID: pull request ID to get the comments from :returns: list of comments """ self.log.debug( "Getting comments for PR %s", prID ) comments = curl2Json(url=self._github("issues/%s/comments" % prID)) commentTexts = [] for comment in comments: commentTexts.append( comment['body'] ) return commentTexts def getAuthorForPR( self, pr ): """ return the author name of given PR, check cache if username already known """ username = pr['user']['login'] prID = pr['number'] url=self._github("pulls/%s/commits" % prID) authorName = authorMapping(username, url) return authorName def _getReleaseNotes( self ): """ parses the PRs and comments for ReleaseNotes to collate them """ if self._prsSinceLastTag is None: self._getPRsSinceLatestTag() if not self._prsSinceLastTag: self._releaseNotes = defaultdict( OrderedDict ) "No PRs found" ) return relNotes = defaultdict( OrderedDict ) "Getting release notes from PR comments ... ") for pr in self._prsSinceLastTag: prID = pr['number'] self.log.debug( "Looking for comments for PR %s", prID ) date = pr['merged_at'][:10] ## only YYYY-MM-DD author = self.getAuthorForPR( pr ) relNotes[date][prID] = dict( author=author, notes=[], date=pr['merged_at'], prID=pr['number'] ) notes = parseForReleaseNotes( pr['body'] ) if notes: relNotes[date][prID]['notes'].extend( notes ) commentTexts = self.getCommentsForPR( prID ) for comment in commentTexts: notes = parseForReleaseNotes( comment ) if notes: relNotes[date][prID]['notes'].extend( notes ) self._releaseNotes = relNotes "... finished getting release notes" ) return def formatReleaseNotes( self ): """ print the release notes """ if self._releaseNotes is None and not self.isUpToDate(): self._getReleaseNotes() if self.isUpToDate(): return releaseNotesString = "# " + self.newVersion.split("-pre")[0] ## never write comments for new releases for date, prs in sorted(self._releaseNotes.iteritems(), reverse=True): for prID, content in sorted(prs.iteritems(), reverse=True): if not content.get( 'notes' ): continue for line in content['notes']: thisContent = line.strip() indentedContent = " " + "\n ".join(thisContent.split("\n")) relNoteDict = dict( author=content['author'], prLink="[PR#%s](" % (prID, self.owner, self.repo, prID ), date=date, content=indentedContent.rstrip(), ) releaseNotesString += """ * %(date)s %(author)s (%(prLink)s) %(content)s""" % relNoteDict ## cleanup "\r" from strings releaseNotesString = releaseNotesString.replace("\r","") return releaseNotesString def commitNewReleaseNotes( self ): """ get the new release notes and commit them to the filename """ content, sha, encodedOld= self.getFileFromBranch( self.releaseNotesFilename ) if self.latestTagInfo['pre']: content = "\n".join(content.split("\n")[2:]) ## remove first line which is the release name contentNew = self.formatReleaseNotes() + "\n\n" + content contentEncoded = contentNew.encode('base64') if encodedOld.replace("\n","") == contentEncoded.replace("\n",""):"No changes in %s, not making commit", self.releaseNotesFilename ) return message = "Release Notes for %s" % self.newVersion self.createGithubCommit(self.releaseNotesFilename, sha, contentEncoded, message=message) def getFileFromBranch( self, filename ): """return the content of the file in the given branch, filename needs to be the full path""" result = curl2Json(url=self._github( "contents/%s?ref=%s" %(filename,self.branch))) encoded = result.get( 'content', None ) if encoded is None: self.log.error( "File %s not found for %s", filename, self ) raise RuntimeError( "File not found" ) content = encoded.decode("base64") sha = result['sha'] return content, sha, encoded def updateVersionSettings( self ): """ update the version settings in CMakeLists """ content, sha, encodedOld = self.getFileFromBranch( self.cmakeBaseFile ) major, minor, patch = self._newTag.getMajorMinorPatch() pMajor = re.compile('_VERSION_MAJOR [0-9]*') pMinor = re.compile('_VERSION_MINOR [0-9]*') pPatch = re.compile('_VERSION_PATCH [0-9a-zA-Z]*') content = pMajor.sub( "_VERSION_MAJOR %s" % major, content ) content = pMinor.sub( "_VERSION_MINOR %s" % minor, content ) content = pPatch.sub( "_VERSION_PATCH %s" % patch, content ) contentEncoded = content.encode('base64') if encodedOld.replace("\n","") == contentEncoded.replace("\n",""):"No changes in %s, not making commit", self.cmakeBaseFile ) else: "Update %s is to %s" , self.cmakeBaseFile, self.newVersion ) message = "Updating version to %s" % self.newVersion self.createGithubCommit(self.cmakeBaseFile, sha, contentEncoded, message=message) # if self.repo.lower() == "dd4hep" and self.cmakeBaseFile == "CMakeLists.txt": # self.cmakeBaseFile = "DDSegmentation/CMakeLists.txt" # self.updateVersionSettings() def createGithubCommit( self, filename, fileSha, content, message ): """ create a commit on the repository with `version` and on `branch`, makes tag on last commit of the branch :param str treeSha: sha of the tree the commit will go :param str filename: full path to the file :param str content: base64 encoded content of the file PUT /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path Parameters Name Type Description path string Required. The content path. message string Required. The commit message. content string Required. The updated file content, Base64 encoded. sha string Required. The blob SHA of the file being replaced. branch string The branch name. Default: the repository's default branch (usually master) Optional Parameters """ coDict = dict( path=filename, content=content, branch=self.branch, sha=fileSha, message=message, force='true' ) if self._dryRun: coDict.pop('content') "DryRun: not actually making commit: %s", coDict ) return result = curl2Json(requestType='PUT', parameterDict=coDict, url=self._github("contents/%s" % filename)) if 'commit' not in result: raise RuntimeError( "Failed to update file: %s" % result['message'] ) return result def isUpToDate( self ): """ return True/False wether we have to make a new tag or not""" if self.latestTagInfo['sha'] != self._lastCommitOnBranch['sha']: return False ## this means the commits are the same, but maybe we want to make a proper tag now if 'pre' in self.latestTagInfo['name'] and 'pre' not in self.newTag: return False return True