if sync_command: viewer_status = call(sync_command, shell=True) else: print("The viewer {} does not support pdfsync".format(viewer)) exit(EXIT_SHOW_TOOL_TIP) else: print("Either you need to include `pdfsync.sty` in your document" + "or you need to use an engine that supports pdfsync.") exit(EXIT_SHOW_TOOL_TIP) elif command == 'chktex': command = "{} '{}'".format(command, filename) process = Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True, universal_newlines=True) parser = ChkTexParser(process.stdout, verbose, filename) fatal_error, number_errors, number_warnings = parser.parse_stream() tex_status = process.wait() # Check status of running the viewer if viewer_status != 0: print('<p class="error"><strong>Error {} '.format(viewer_status) + 'opening viewer</strong></p>') if tex_status > 0: print('<p class="warning"> Command {} '.format(command) + 'exited with status {}'.format(tex_status)) elif tex_status < 0: print('<p class="error"> Command {} exited '.format(command) + 'with error code {}</p>'.format(tex_status))
else: print("Either you need to include `pdfsync.sty` in your document" + "or you need to use an engine that supports pdfsync.") exit(EXIT_SHOW_TOOL_TIP) elif command == 'chktex': command = "{} '{}'".format(command, filename) process = Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True, universal_newlines=True) parser = ChkTexParser(process.stdout, verbose, filename) fatal_error, number_errors, number_warnings = parser.parse_stream() tex_status = process.wait() # Check status of running the viewer if viewer_status != 0: print('<p class="error"><strong>Error {} '.format(viewer_status) + 'opening viewer</strong></p>') if tex_status > 0: print('<p class="warning"> Command {} '.format(command) + 'exited with status {}'.format(tex_status)) elif tex_status < 0: print('<p class="error"> Command {} exited '.format(command) + 'with error code {}</p>'.format(tex_status))