Example #1
def sample_resample(particles, resample_num, landmark_location, measured_angle, measured_distance):
    # Adding uncertainty to the particles 10
    # particle.add_uncertainty_von_mises(particles, 0, 0.02)
    particle.add_uncertainty(particles, 10, 0.08)

    # Calculating weights for angles
    particleAngles = [particle.getTheta() for particle in particles]

    e_l = [((landmark_location[0] - particle.getX()) , (landmark_location[1] - particle.getY())) / np.linalg.norm([(particle.getX() - landmark_location[0]), (particle.getY() - landmark_location[1])]) for particle in particles]

    e_theta = [np.array((np.cos(angle),np.sin(angle))) for angle in particleAngles]
    phi = [np.arccos(np.dot(x,y)) for x, y in zip(e_l, e_theta)]
    e_hat_theta = [(-np.sin(angle),np.cos(angle)) for angle in particleAngles]

    particle_angle_diff_temp = [np.dot(x,y) for x,y in zip(e_l,e_hat_theta)]
    particle_angle_diff = [np.sign(x) * y for x,y in zip(particle_angle_diff_temp, phi)]

    angleWeights = calcWeights(particle_angle_diff, measured_angle, 0.08)

    #print ("angle weights after: {}".format(angleWeights))

    # Weights for distance
    particleLengths = [np.linalg.norm([(particle.getX() - landmark_location[0]), (particle.getY() - landmark_location[1])]) for particle in particles]

    # Var should be roughly 50
    lengthWeights = calcWeights(particleLengths, measured_distance, 20)
    #print ("length weights after: {}".format(lengthWeights))

    # Combining the weight types
    normWeights = []
    for i in range(resample_num):
        normWeights.append(angleWeights[i] * lengthWeights[i])
    normWeights = [x * y for x, y in zip(angleWeights, lengthWeights)]

    normWeights = normWeights/np.sum(normWeights)

    # Setting the weight for each particle
    for i in range(resample_num):

    # Resampling
    # Chooses resample_num random particles from the current particles based on the calculated weights.
    temp = np.random.choice(particles, resample_num, True, normWeights)
    retVal = []
    for elem in temp:

    return retVal
Example #2
def move_robot(oneMeter, particles, direction, amount):

    distNoise = 0.1
    driveAngleNoise = 0.0002 * amount
    turnAngleNoise = 0.001 * amount
    if (direction == 'r' or direction == 'l') and amount < 8:
        amount += 5

    if direction == 'f':
        remaining, stop_dir =  mvmt.goForward(amount/100.0, oneMeter)
        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, (amount - (remaining*100))*distNoise, driveAngleNoise)
        move_particles(particles, (amount - (remaining*100)), 0)
        return remaining, stop_dir, particles
    elif direction == 'b':
        remaining, stop_dir =  mvmt.goBack(amount/100.0, oneMeter)
        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, (amount - (remaining*100))*distNoise, driveAngleNoise)
        move_particles(particles, -(amount - (remaining*100)), 0)
        return remaining, stop_dir, particles
    elif direction == 'r':
        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, 5, turnAngleNoise)
        move_particles(particles, 0, amount)
        return 0,'n', particles
    elif direction == 'l':
        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, 5, turnAngleNoise)
        move_particles(particles, 0, -amount)
        return 0,'n', particles
        print("Not a valid direction")
        return -1, 'n', particles
Example #3
def move_robot(particles, direction, amount):

    distNoise = 0.1 * amount
    driveAngleNoise = 0.0002 * amount
    turnAngleNoise = 0.001 * amount

    if direction == 'f':
        remaining, stopDir = mvmt.goForward(amount / 100.0)
        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, distNoise, driveAngleNoise)
        move_particles(particles, (amount - remaining), 0)
        return remaining, stopDir
    elif direction == 'b':
        remaining, stopDir = mvmt.goBack(amount / 100.0)
        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, distNoise, driveAngleNoise)
        move_particles(particles, -(amount - remaining), 0)
        return remaining, stopDir
    elif direction == 'r':
        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, 0, turnAngleNoise)
        move_particles(particles, 0, -amount)
        return 0, 'n'
    elif direction == 'l':
        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, 0, turnAngleNoise)
        move_particles(particles, 0, amount)
        return 0, 'n'
        print("Not a valid direction")
        return -1, 'n'
Example #4
def stop(wait):
    global nextmove
    global currentmove
    global est_pose

    # send stop command to the adrino
    # calculate and apply the movemt to the particles
    msg = 's'
    runtime = time.time() - movestarttime

    waittime = time.time() + wait
    if runtime > 1.0:
        if currentmove == "F":
            if runtime < 1.2:
                distance = 0

                distance = forward_time_2_cm(runtime)

                for p in particles:
                    x = p.getX() + (np.cos(p.getTheta()) * distance)
                    y = p.getY() + ((-np.sin(p.getTheta())) * distance)
                add_uncertainty(particles, 5, 0.2)
        elif currentmove == "H":
            distance = cw_time_2_deg(runtime) * (np.pi / 180)
            for p in particles:
                theta = p.getTheta()
                p.setTheta(theta - distance)
            add_uncertainty(particles, 1, 0.2)
        elif currentmove == "L":
            distance = ccw_time_2_deg(runtime) * (np.pi / 180)
            for p in particles:
                theta = p.getTheta()
                p.setTheta(theta + distance)
            add_uncertainty(particles, 1, 0.2)

    currentmove = "0"
    est_pose = estimate_pose(particles)
Example #5
def stop(wait):
    global nextmove
    global currentmove
    global est_pose

    # send stop command to the adrino
    # calculate and apply the movemt to the particles
    msg = 's'
    runtime = time.time() - movestarttime

    waittime = time.time() + wait
    if runtime > 1.0:
        if currentmove == "F":
            if runtime < 1.2:
                distance = 0

                distance = forward_time_2_cm(runtime)

                for p in particles:
                    x = p.getX() + (np.cos(p.getTheta()) * distance)
                    y = p.getY() + ((-np.sin(p.getTheta())) * distance)
                add_uncertainty(particles, 5, 0.2)
        elif currentmove == "H":
            distance = cw_time_2_deg(runtime) * (np.pi/180)
            for p in particles:
                theta = p.getTheta()
                p.setTheta(theta - distance)
            add_uncertainty(particles, 1, 0.2)
        elif currentmove == "L":
            distance = ccw_time_2_deg(runtime) * (np.pi/180)
            for p in particles:
                theta = p.getTheta()
                p.setTheta(theta + distance)
            add_uncertainty(particles, 1, 0.2)
    currentmove = "0"
    est_pose = estimate_pose(particles)
Example #6
                if sample >= cumsum[i] and sample < cumsum[i + 1]:

        for i in range(len(particles)):
            particles[i] = samples[i]

        # Draw detected pattern

        LMInSight = False
        # No observation - reset weights to uniform distribution
        for p in particles:
            p.setWeight(1.0 / num_particles)

    par.add_uncertainty(particles, 5, 0.15)

    est_pose = par.estimate_pose(
        particles)  # The estimate of the robots current pose

    print "In sight = {0}".format(LMInSight)
    print "Mean weight = {0}".format(weightMean)
    print "Visited lms: ", visitedLM

    # XXX: Make the robot drive
    if weightMean > 0.6 and LMInSight and not visitedLM[lastSeenLM]:
        turn_counter = 0
        # Turn towards landmark
        if lastMeasuredAngle > 0:
            arlo.go_diff(30, 29, 0, 1)
        elif lastMeasuredAngle < 0:
Example #7
def drive_to_middle(particles, pose, landmarks_seen):
    dest = find_vec_to_mid(pose)
    pos_vec = (np.cos(pose.getTheta()),np.sin(pose.getTheta()))

    angle_to_turn, dist_to_drive, _ = get_directions(pos_vec, dest)
    #print("Drive?:", (len(landmarks_seen) > 1), (abs(angle_to_turn) < 0.18))
    #print("Angle to turn:", angle_to_turn)
    #print("Length to drive:", dist_to_drive)

    dist_thresh = 10
    angle_thresh = 0.15

    stdX = [elem.getX() for elem in particles]
    stdY = [elem.getY() for elem in particles]
    converged = np.std(stdX) < 80 and np.std(stdY) < 80

    if converged and len(landmarks_seen) > 1:
        if abs(angle_to_turn) < angle_thresh and dist_to_drive > dist_thresh:
            move_robot(particles, 'f', dist_to_drive)

        elif angle_to_turn < 0 and abs(angle_to_turn) > angle_thresh and dist_to_drive > dist_thresh:
            print("Turning Left")
            move_robot(particles, 'l', -np.degrees(angle_to_turn))

        elif angle_to_turn > 0 and abs(angle_to_turn) > angle_thresh and dist_to_drive > dist_thresh:
            print("Turning Right")
            move_robot(particles, 'r', np.degrees(angle_to_turn))

        if dist_to_drive <= dist_thresh:
            print("Finding Green Box")
            pos_vec = (np.cos(pose.getTheta()),np.sin(pose.getTheta()))
            angle_to_turn, green_dist, _ = get_directions(pos_vec, (300,0))

            if abs(angle_to_turn) > angle_thresh:
                if angle_to_turn < 0:
                    print("Turning Left to Green Box")
                    move_robot(particles, 'l', -np.degrees(angle_to_turn))
                    return False, 5

                elif angle_to_turn > 0:
                    print("Turning Right to Green Box")
                    move_robot(particles, 'r', np.degrees(angle_to_turn))
                    return False, 5
                move_robot(particles, 'r', 720)
                return True, 1

            return False, 5
    elif converged:
        print("Something went wrong")
        landmarks_seen = []
        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, 200, 1)
        return False, 5

    elif len(landmarks_seen) > 1:
        print("Not converged, but all landmarks seen")

        if angle_to_turn < 0:
            move_robot(particles, 'l', -np.degrees(angle_to_turn))
            return False, 5

        elif angle_to_turn > 0:
            move_robot(particles, 'r', np.degrees(angle_to_turn))
            return False, 5
        print("Finding landmarks")
        move_robot(particles, 'l', 30)
        return False, 5
Example #8
    former_turn += updated_values[2]
    angular_velocity = updated_values[1]
    velocity = updated_values[0]

    num_particles = len(particles)
    for p in particles:
        # calculates new orientation
        if angular_velocity != 0:
            curr_angle = add_to_angular(p.getTheta(), angular_velocity)
        if velocity != 0:
            [x, y] = move_vector(p, velocity)
            particle.move_particle(p, x, y, curr_angle)

    if velocity != 0:
        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, 12, 15)
    if velocity == 0 and angular_velocity != 0:
        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, 0, 15)

    # Fetch next frame
    colour, distorted = cam.get_colour()

    # Detect objects
    objectType, measured_distance, measured_angle, colourProb = cam.get_object(
    if objectType != 'none':
        obs_landmark = ret_landmark(colourProb, objectType)
        print obs_landmark
        sum_of_angle_diff = 0.0
        list_of_particles = weight_particles(particles,
Example #9
def update_particles(particles, cam, velocity, angular_velocity, world,
                     WIN_RF1, WIN_World):
    #print 'update: ' + str(angular_velocity)
    num_particles = len(particles)
    for p in particles:
        # calculates new orientation
        curr_angle = add_to_angular_v2(np.degrees(p.getTheta()),
        if velocity > 0.0:
            [x, y] = move_vector(p, velocity)
            particle.move_particle(p, x, y, curr_angle)
            particle.move_particle(p, 0.0, 0.0, curr_angle)
    if velocity != 0.0:
        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, 12, 5)
    if velocity == 0.0 and angular_velocity != 0.0:
        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, 0, 5)

    # Fetch next frame
    colour, distorted = cam.get_colour()

    # Detect objects
    objectType, measured_distance, measured_angle, colourProb = cam.get_object(

    if objectType != 'none':
        obs_landmark = ret_landmark(colourProb, objectType)
        observed_obj = [
            objectType, measured_distance, measured_angle, obs_landmark

        list_of_particles = weight_particles(particles,
                                             measured_distance, obs_landmark)

        particles = resample_particles(list_of_particles[:, [0, 2]])

        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, 15, 5)

        observed_obj = [None, None, None, None]
        for p in particles:
            p.setWeight(1.0 / num_particles)

        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, 10, 5)

    est_pose = particle.estimate_pose(particles)

    draw_world(est_pose, particles, world)
    #Show frame
    cv2.imshow(WIN_RF1, colour)
    #Show world
    cv2.imshow(WIN_World, world)

    return {
        'est_pos': est_pose,
        'obs_obj': observed_obj,
        'particles': particles
Example #10
def update_particles(particles, cam, velocity, angular_velocity, world,
                     WIN_RF1, WIN_World):
    print 'update: ' + str(angular_velocity)
    num_particles = len(particles)
    for p in particles:
        # calculates new orientation

        curr_angle = add_to_angular_v2(np.degrees(p.getTheta()), angular_velocity)
        print 'theta_rad: ' + str(p.getTheta())
        print 'theta_deg: ' + str(np.degrees(p.getTheta()))
        print 'cur_ang_deg: ' + str(np.degrees(curr_angle))
        if velocity > 0.0:
            [x, y] = move_vector(p, velocity)
            particle.move_particle(p, x, y, curr_angle)
            particle.move_particle(p, 0.0, 0.0, curr_angle)
            print 'cur_ang_rad: ' + str(curr_angle)
    if velocity != 0.0:
        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, 12, 15)
    if velocity == 0.0 and angular_velocity != 0.0:
        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, 0, 15)

    # Fetch next frame
    colour, distorted = cam.get_colour()

    # Detect objects
    objectType, measured_distance, measured_angle, colourProb = cam.get_object(

    if objectType != 'none':
        obs_landmark = ret_landmark(colourProb, objectType)
        observed_obj = [objectType, measured_distance, measured_angle,

        list_of_particles = weight_particles(particles,
                                             measured_distance, obs_landmark)

        particles = []
        for count in range(0, num_particles):
            rando = np.random.uniform(0.0,1.0)  # np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, 1)
            # dicto = {'i': 500,
            #          'n': 2}
            p = when_in_range(list_of_particles,
                particle.Particle(p.getX(), p.getY(), p.getTheta(),
                                  1.0 / num_particles))
        print 'list_of_particles: ' + str(list_of_particles)
        print 'particles: ' + str(particles)

        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, 5, 2)

        # new random particles added
        #for c in range(0, int(math.ceil(num_particles * 0.05))):
        #    p = particle.Particle(500.0 * np.random.ranf() - 100,
        #                          500.0 * np.random.ranf() - 100,
        #                          2.0 * np.pi * np.random.ranf() - np.pi, 0.0)

        #    particles.append(p)

        # Draw detected pattern
        observed_obj = [None, None, None, None]
        # No observation - reset weights to uniform distribution
        for p in particles:
            p.setWeight(1.0 / num_particles)

        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, 5, 2)

    # est_pose = particle.estimate_pose(particles)  # The estimate of the robots current pose
    # return [est_pose, observed_obj]

    est_pose = particle.estimate_pose(
        particles)  # The estimate of the robots current pose

    print 'Updated pose: ' + str([est_pose.getX(), est_pose.getY()])
    draw_world(est_pose, particles, world)
    # Show frame
    cv2.imshow(WIN_RF1, colour)
    # Show world
    cv2.imshow(WIN_World, world)
    return {'est_pos': est_pose,
            'obs_obj': observed_obj,
            'particles': particles}
Example #11
        #             #          'n': 2}
        #             p = when_in_range(list_of_particles,
        #                               0,
        #                               num_particles,
        #                               rando)
        # # rando,
        # #                               {'i': num_particles/2, 'n': 2},
        # #                          num_particles)

        #             #weight_sum += p.getWeight()
        #             particles.append(particle.Particle(p.getX(), p.getY(), p.getTheta(), 1.0/num_particles))
        print "resampled"

        particle.add_uncertainty(particles, 15, 10)

        # 10% new random particles added
        # for c in range(0,int(math.ceil(num_particles*0.05))):
        #     p = particle.Particle(500.0*np.random.ranf() - 100, 500.0*np.random.ranf() - 100, 2.0*np.pi*np.random.ranf()-np.pi, 0.0)

        #     particles.append(p)

        # Draw detected pattern
        # No observation - reset weights to uniform distribution
        for p in particles:
Example #12
        LMInSight = True
        lastMeasuredAngle = measured_angle

        weightMean = sampleWeights()

        # Draw detected pattern

        LMInSight = False
        # No observation - reset weights to uniform distribution
        for p in particles:
            p.setWeight(1.0 / num_particles)

    par.add_uncertainty(particles, 2.5, 0.10)

    # The estimate of the robots current pose
    est_pose = par.estimate_pose(particles)

    print "In sight = {0}".format(LMInSight)
    print "Mean weight = {0}".format(weightMean)
    print "Visited lms: ", visitedLM

    # XXX: Make the robot drive
    if avoiding_box:
    elif LMInSight and weightMean < 0.6:
        print 'waiting for the mean to increase'
    elif weightMean > 0.6 and LMInSight: