def test_velocity(mom_input, mass_input, expected):
    Checks that the velocity method returns the correct velocity
        with a given mass and momentum
    particle = Particle(momentum=mom_input, mass=mass_input)
    assert (particle.velocity() == expected).all()
def test_kinetic_energy(mom_input, mass_input, expected):
    Checks that the kinetic energy method returns the correct kinetic energy
        with a given mass and momentum
    particle = Particle(momentum=mom_input, mass=mass_input)
    assert particle.kinetic_energy() == expected
def test_vector_between(pos1_input, pos2_input, expected):
    Checks that the vector_between method calculates the correct vector
    particle1 = Particle(position=pos1_input)
    particle2 = Particle(position=pos2_input)
    assert (np.abs(Particle.vector_between(particle1, particle2) -
                   expected).value < [1e-15, 1e-15, 1e-15]).all()
def test_get_potential_energy():
    Tests grav_field.get_potential_energy()
    particle1 = Particle(position=[0, 0, 3], mass=3.0)
    particle2 = Particle(position=[0, 4, 0], mass=5.0)
    pot_energy = get_potential_energy(particle1, particle2)
    # Floating point arithmetic has small rounding errors
    assert np.abs(pot_energy - G * -3 * ( ** 2 / u.m)).value < 1e-15
def test_get_force(power, expected):
    Tests grav_field.get_force()
    particle1 = Particle(position=[0, 0, 3 * power], mass=3 * power)
    particle2 = Particle(position=[0, 4 * power, 0], mass=5 * power)
    force = get_force(particle1, particle2)
    # Floating point arithmetic has small rounding errors
    assert(np.abs(force - G * np.array(expected) *
                  ( ** 2 / u.m ** 2)).value < [1e-16, 1e-16, 1e-16]).all()
def test_apply_force(force_input, expected):
    Checks that the apply force method correctly updates the momentum
    Test particle has a mass of 1.0 kg starts stationary at the origin
    Test force is applied for 0.5 s
    particle = Particle()
    particle.apply_force(force_input, 0.5 * u.s)
    assert (np.abs(particle.momentum - expected).value < [1e-16, 1e-16, 1e-16
def test_move_particle(mom_input, time_input, expected):
    Checks that the move_particle method correctly updates the position
    Test particle has a mass of 1.0 kg starts at the origin
        with momentum mom_input
    Test force is applied for time_input s
    particle = Particle(momentum=mom_input)
    assert (np.abs(particle.position - expected).value < [1e-15, 1e-15, 1e-15
Example #8
def get_particles(particle_count):
    Calculates the locations of the particles in the simulation
        and returns a list of them

    particles = []

    total_mass = 3e48
    size = 1e25

    row_length = int(np.round(particle_count**(1 / 3)))

    particle_mass = total_mass / particle_count
    seperation = size / (row_length)
    centre = np.array([size, size, size]) / 2

    for i in range(row_length):
        for j in range(row_length):
            for k in range(row_length):
                particle_pos_x = seperation * (i + 0.5 + (random() - 0.5))
                particle_pos_y = seperation * (j + 0.5 + (random() - 0.5))
                particle_pos_z = seperation * (k + 0.5 + (random() - 0.5))
                particle_pos = np.array(
                    [particle_pos_x, particle_pos_y, particle_pos_z]) - centre

                    Particle(position=particle_pos, mass=particle_mass))

    # Check particle_count is cubic
    assert len(particles) == particle_count

    return particles
def get_potential_energy(particle1, particle2):
    Calculates the potential energy of particle1 in the field of particle2

    Returns the potential energy in J
    pos_diff = Particle.vector_between(particle1, particle2)
    return -1 * (G * particle1.mass * particle2.mass) / np.sqrt(, pos_diff))
Example #10
def w_mass_semi_leptonic(ecm, tree, histdict, reco_level):
    '''Run over the events and fill the histograms'''

    from_tree = TreeInfo()

    nDiscarded = 0
    for iev, evt in enumerate(tree):

        if iev % 5000 == 0:
            print("Processing event {} on {} ".format(iev, tree.GetEntries()))

        # Object from_tree to access the rootfile information
        from_tree.set_evt(evt, reco_level)

        if from_tree.get_dim("lepton") != 1 or from_tree.get_dim("jet") != 2:
            nDiscarded += 1

        if not check_jet_compo(from_tree):
            nDiscarded += 1

        #### Leptonic decay part
        lepton = Particle(from_tree.get_p4("lepton"))
        misenergy = Particle(from_tree.get_p4("misenergy"))

        # Compute W mass from the lepton and the missing energy
        lep_decay = LeptonicDecay(lepton, misenergy)

        #### hadronic decay part
        jets = [Jet() for i in range(from_tree.get_dim("jet"))]
        for jid, jet in enumerate(jets):
            njet = str("jet" + str(jid + 1))

        # Compute W mass from the jet and their angle
        dijet = Dijet(jets[0], jets[1])

        fill_histograms(ecm, histdict, dijet, lep_decay)
    print nDiscarded
def coefficients(tree, histdict):
    '''Computation of the rescaling coefficient, beta, theta and phi uncertainties'''

    from_tree = TreeInfo()

    # Run on events
    for iev, evt in enumerate(tree):

        if iev % 5000 == 0:
            print("Processing events {} over {}".format(
                iev, tree.GetEntries()))

        # Object from_tree to access the rootfile information

        if from_tree.get_dim("reco_jet") != 2:
        if from_tree.get_dim("quark") != 2:
        if from_tree.get_pdgid("reco_lepton") < -90:

        # if evt.gen_jet2_theta < -1. or evt.gen_jet2_theta > 1.:
        #     continue

        ######### Leptonic part
        g_lepton = Particle(from_tree.get_p4("gen_lepton"))
        r_lepton = Particle(from_tree.get_p4("reco_lepton"))
        if not r_lepton:

        histdict["h_uncert_energy"].Fill(r_lepton.get_E() - g_lepton.get_E())

        ######## Hadronic part
        partons = [Particle() for i in range(from_tree.get_dim("quark"))]
        for iparton, parton in enumerate(partons):
            nparton = str("quark" + str(iparton + 1))

        gen_jets = [Jet() for i in range(from_tree.get_dim("gen_jet"))]
        for ijet, jet in enumerate(gen_jets):
            njet = str("gen_jet" + str(ijet + 1))

        rec_jets = [Jet() for i in range(from_tree.get_dim("reco_jet"))]
        for ijet, jet in enumerate(rec_jets):
            njet = str("reco_jet" + str(ijet + 1))

        if not rec_jets:

        association(partons, rec_jets, gen_jets, histdict)
def coefficients(tree, histdict, reco_type=''):
    '''Computation of the rescaling coefficient, theta and phi uncertainty'''

    from_tree = TreeInfo()

    # Run on events
    for iev, evt in enumerate(tree):

        if iev < 50000:

            if iev%5000 == 0:
                print("Processing events {} over {}".format(iev, tree.GetEntries()))

            # Object from_tree to access the rootfile information

            if from_tree.get_dim("reco_jet{}".format(reco_type)) != 4:
            if from_tree.get_dim("quark") != 4:

            partons = [Particle() for i in range(from_tree.get_dim("quark"))]
            for iparton, parton in enumerate(partons):
                nparton = str("quark" + str(iparton + 1))

            gen_jets = [Jet()for i in range(from_tree.get_dim("gen_jet{}".format(reco_type)))]
            for ijet, jet in enumerate(gen_jets):
                njet = str("gen_jet" + str(ijet + 1) + reco_type)
                if from_tree.get_p4(njet).E() < 0:

            rec_jets = [Jet()for i in range(from_tree.get_dim("reco_jet{}".format(reco_type)))]
            for ijet, jet in enumerate(rec_jets):
                njet = str("reco_jet" + str(ijet + 1) + reco_type)

                if from_tree.get_p4(njet).E() < 0:

            if not rec_jets:

            association(partons, rec_jets, gen_jets, histdict)
def get_force(particle1, particle2):
    Calculates the force on particle1 by particle2
    F_g = (G m_1 m_2)/(r.r) * unit vec r

    Returns force in N

    pos_diff = Particle.vector_between(particle1, particle2)
    distance = np.sqrt(

    # If particles in the exact same place return 0
    if (pos_diff == 0.0).all():
        return np.array([0.0] * 3)

    force = ((G * particle1.mass * particle2.mass) / (distance**3)) * pos_diff

    # Soften force if particles are close
    if distance.value < 1e19:
        force = force * (distance / (1e19 * u.m))**3

    return force
    def get_locations(self):
        Calculates the locations for the particles and returns a list
            of particles in those locations

        particles = []

        for _ in range(self.particle_count):
            phi = random.random() * 2 * np.pi
            costheta = random.random() * 2 - 1
            theta = np.arccos(costheta)

            distance = random.random()**0.7 * self.radius

            x_pos = distance * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)
            y_pos = distance * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)
            z_pos = distance * np.cos(theta)

            particle_pos = np.array([x_pos, y_pos, z_pos])
            particle = Particle(particle_pos, mass=self.particle_mass)

        return particles
Example #15
def coefficients(tree, histdict, reco_type=''):
    '''Computation of the rescaling coefficient, theta and phi uncertainty'''

    from_tree = TreeInfo()

    # Run on events
    for iev, evt in enumerate(tree):

        if iev % 5000 == 0:
            print("Processing events {} over {}".format(
                iev, tree.GetEntries()))

        # Object from_tree to access the rootfile information

        #value for normalisation
        histweight = from_tree.get_file_type()
        if (histweight == 1 or histweight == 2 or histweight == 3):
            print histweight

        #value distinguish ZZllll from ZZqqll from ZZqqqq in ZZall
        ZZqqll = 0
        ZZqqqq = 0
        if (histweight == 3 & from_tree.get_dim("quark") == 2):
            ZZqqll = 1
        if (histweight == 3 & from_tree.get_dim("quark") == 4):
            ZZqqqq = 1
#ecarte les evenements purement leptoniques du background ZZAll
#if (histweight == 3 & from_tree.get_dim("quark") == 0):
#    continue

#if (histweight==0 or histweight ==3):
#if from_tree.get_dim("reco_jet{}".format(reco_type)) != 4:
#    continue
#if(histweight==1 or histweight ==2):
#    if from_tree.get_dim("reco_jet{}".format(reco_type)) != 2:
#        continue

#if from_tree.get_dim("quark") != 4:
#    continue

        partons = [Particle() for i in range(from_tree.get_dim("quark"))]
        #print "range partons "+str(from_tree.get_dim("quark"))
        for iparton, parton in enumerate(partons):
            nparton = str("quark" + str(iparton + 1))
            #print "nparton "+str(nparton)

        gen_jets = [
            for i in range(from_tree.get_dim("gen_jet{}".format(reco_type)))
        #print "gen_jets"+str(from_tree.get_dim("gen_jet{}".format(reco_type)))
        for ijet, jet in enumerate(gen_jets):
            #print "range ijet "+str(gen_jets)
            njet = str("gen_jet" + str(ijet + 1) + reco_type)
            #print njet
            if from_tree.get_p4(njet).E() < 0:

        rec_jets = [
            for i in range(from_tree.get_dim("reco_jet{}".format(reco_type)))
        for ijet, jet in enumerate(rec_jets):
            njet = str("reco_jet" + str(ijet + 1) + reco_type)

            if from_tree.get_p4(njet).E() < 0:

        if not rec_jets:
            print "No rec_jets"

#print iev
        association(partons, rec_jets, gen_jets, histdict, histweight, ZZqqll,