Example #1
def run_exp(log_file,
    start_clients(threads, rates, log_file, workload)
    if (not is_security) and (not dropping):
        if is_security:
            # for security part
            partition(NODES, TIMEOUT)
            time.sleep(sleep_time - 100 - TIMEOUT)
        else:  # is dropping
            drop(NODES, 4)
            time.sleep(sleep_time - 250)
Example #2
def run_exp(log_file, threads, rates, sleep_time, is_security=False, dropping=False, workload='ycsb'):
    print "sleep 20 for start_parity"
    print "sleep 30 for add_peers"
    start_clients(threads, rates, log_file, workload)
    if (not is_security) and (not dropping):
      print "not security and not dropping"
      print "sleep " + str(sleep_time) + " for start_clients"
      if is_security:
        print "security part"
        # for security part
        partition(NODES, TIMEOUT)
      else: # is dropping
        print "dropping"
        drop(NODES, 4)
Example #3
def test_part1():
    data = [-1, -2, -3]
    j = partition.partition(data, 0)
    assert j == 3
    data = [1, 2, 3]
    j = partition.partition(data, 0)
    assert j == 0
Example #4
def test_part2():
    data = list(range(-5, 5))
    j = partition.partition(data, 0)
    assert j == 5

    data = list(range(5, -5, -1))
    j = partition.partition(data, 0)
    assert j == 4
Example #5
def test_partition():
    def is_part(A, x):
        if all([y<x for y in A]): return true
        if all([y>x for y in A]): return true
        f = A.index(x)
        l = f
        while l<len(A) and A[l] == x:
            l += 1
        print all([y < x for y in A[:f]] + [y==x for x in A[f:l]] + [y>x for x in A[l:]])
    a = [3,45,2345,34,45,64,56,45,34,52,345,34,534]
    assert is_part(a,45)
Example #6
    def test_partition(self):
        TEST_DATA = [
                ([], 0),
                ([1], 1),
                ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3),
                ([3, 2, 5, 1, 2, 4, 2], 3),
                ([3, 5, 8, 5, 10, 2, 1], 5)]
        for test in TEST_DATA:
            list = LinkedList(test[0])
            print "Original list: %s" % list
            partition(list, test[1])
            print "Partitioned list with pivot %d: %s" % (test[1], list)

            self.assertTrue(check_partition(list, test[1]))
def write_processed_tweets(raw_tweet_file, keyword_file, output_file):
    partitioned_tweets = partition.partition(raw_tweet_file, keyword_file)
    sentiment_tweets = {}
    for candidate, tweets in partitioned_tweets.items():
        sentiment_tweets[candidate] = sentiment.run_sentiment_analysis(
            tweets, 'words')

    with open(output_file, 'w') as data_file:
        first_candidate = True
        for candidate, tweets in sentiment_tweets.items():
            if first_candidate:
                first_candidate = False
            data_file.write('"' + candidate + '": [\n')
            first_item = True
            for tweet in tweets:
                if first_item:
                    first_item = False
Example #8
def quick_sort_r(a, lb, ub):
	if lb < ub:
		partition_point = partition(a, lb, ub)
		quick_sort_r(a, lb, partition_point-1)
		quick_sort_r(a, partition_point+1, ub)

	return a
Example #9
    def build_tree(self, rows):
        """Recursively builds decision tree"""

        # Try partitioing the dataset on each of the unique attribute,
        # calculate the information gain,
        # and return the question that produces the highest gain.
        gain, question = find_optimal_split(rows)

        # Base case: no further info gain
        # Since we can ask no further questions,
        # we'll return a leaf.
        if gain == 0:
            return Leaf(rows)

        # If we reach here, we have found a useful feature / value
        # to partition on.
        true_rows, false_rows = partition(rows, question)

        # Recursively build the true branch.
        true_branch = self.build_tree(true_rows)

        # Recursively build the false branch.
        false_branch = self.build_tree(false_rows)

        # Return a Question node.
        # This records the best feature / value to ask at this point,
        # as well as the branches to follow
        # dependingo on the answer.
        return DecisionNode(question, true_branch, false_branch)
Example #10
 def test_partitions_when_partitions_dont_fit_perfectly(self):
     partition_size = 10
     rows = 95
     partitions = partition(rows, partition_size)
     self.assertEqual(10, len(partitions))
     expected_partitions = [{'start': 0, 'end': 9}, {'start': 10, 'end': 19}, {'start': 20, 'end': 29}, {'start': 30, 'end': 39}, {'start': 40, 'end': 49}, {'start': 50, 'end': 59}, {'start': 60, 'end': 69}, {'start': 70, 'end': 79}, {'start': 80, 'end': 89}, {'start': 90, 'end': 94}]
     self.assertEqual(expected_partitions, partitions)
Example #11
def quick2(a):

    :param a:
    total_elements = len(a)
    STACK_SIZE = total_elements

    low = 0
    high = total_elements - 1

    pivot_point = 0
    stack_ptr = -1
    low_stack = [0] * STACK_SIZE
    high_stack = [0] * STACK_SIZE
    pass_count = 1

    while True:

        # is non empty stack? set indexes
        if (stack_ptr > -1):
            low = low_stack[stack_ptr]
            high = high_stack[stack_ptr]
            stack_ptr = stack_ptr - 1

        while low < high:
            print('a, before partition: {0}'.format(a))
            print('low : {0}'.format(low))
            print('high: {0}'.format(high))
            print('pivot_point: {0}'.format(pivot_point))

            pivot_point = partition(a, low, high)

            if pivot_point - low < high - pivot_point:
                if stack_ptr >= STACK_SIZE:
                    print('Stack overflow. Cannot complete sort')
                stack_ptr = stack_ptr + 1
                low_stack[stack_ptr] = pivot_point + 1
                high_stack[stack_ptr] = high
                high = pivot_point - 1
                if stack_ptr >= STACK_SIZE:
                    print('Stack overflow. Cannot complete sort')
                stack_ptr = stack_ptr + 1
                low_stack[stack_ptr] = low
                high_stack[stack_ptr] = pivot_point - 1
                low = pivot_point - 1
                pass_count = pass_count + 1

            print('pass #: {0}'.format(pass_count))
            print('low_stack : {0}'.format(low_stack))
            print('high_stack: {0}'.format(high_stack))
            print('a: {0}'.format(a))

        # is empty stack? break
        if stack_ptr <= -1:
def testConvertPartitionToPacking():
    from packing import packing
    from partition import partition
    instances = [
        '5 6',
        '5 6 7',
        '5 6 7 8',
        '5 7',
        '6 6',
        '6 6 7 7',
        '10 20 30 40 11 21 31 41',
    for instance in instances:
        convertedInstance = convertPartitionToPacking(instance)
        instanceSolution = partition(instance)
        convertedInstanceSolution = packing(convertedInstance)
        revertedSolution = convertedInstanceSolution
        utils.tprint(instance, 'maps to', convertedInstance,\
              ' solutions were: ', instanceSolution, ';', convertedInstanceSolution)

        if revertedSolution == 'no':
            assert instanceSolution == 'no'
            total = sum([int(x) for x in instance.split()])
            solutionTotal = sum([int(x) for x in revertedSolution.split()])
            assert solutionTotal * 2 == total
Example #13
    def test_input_2(self):
        # Failure message:
        # expected partition(["hi", None, 6, "bye"], isString)
        # to equal [ [ "hi", "bye" ], [ None, 6 ] ]

        self.assertEqual(partition(["hi", None, 6, "bye"], self.is_string), [
            ["hi", "bye"], [None, 6]])
Example #14
 def createPartition(self,size=""):
     num_list = range(1,5)
     for i in self.partitions:
     os.system("fdisk %s << EOF\nn\np\n%s\n\n%s\nw" % (self.path, num_list[0],size))
     self.partitions["%s%s" % (self.path,num_list[0])] = partition(self, "%s%s" % (self.path,num_list[0]))
     return self.partitions["%s%s" % (self.path,num_list[0])]
Example #15
def test_partition():
    s = 6
    bound = (5, 4)

    expect = [(2, 4), (3, 3), (4, 2), (5, 1)]
    actual = partition(s, bound)
    for tuple_a, tuple_b in zip(actual, expect):
        array_equal(tuple_a, tuple_b)
Example #16
def incomparable(comparisons, record_list):
    non_comparables = record_list
    comparables = []
    for comp in comparisons:
        dominants, non_dominants, non_comparables = \
            partition(non_comparables, comp)
        comparables += dominants + non_dominants
    return comparables, non_comparables
Example #17
def Inddist(part, nsample, pvariates, iterations):
    T = []
    for i in range(iterations):
        W1 = wishart.rvs(df=nsample - 1, scale=np.eye(pvariates))
        W2 = wishart.rvs(df=nsample - 1, scale=W1 / (nsample - 1))
        W2_11, W2_12, W2_21, W2_22 = partition(W2, part, part)
        T = np.append(T, det(W2) / (det(W2_11) * det(W2_22)))
    return T
Example #18
def ocv_grouping(bboxes, min_neighbours):
    filtering/grouping of overlapping detections (bounding boxes) as done in opencv::detectMultiScale.
    can be used instead of non maximum suppression. test implementation, slow performance
        bboxes: list of tuples of bounding boxes od the corresponding confidence score [(rect, score)]
        min_neighbours: minimum neighbours threshold
        list of bounding boxes [Rect]
    result = []
    avg_bboxes = []
    class_count = []

    # comparator function
    def compare(a, b):
        return Rect.compare(a[0], b[0])
    # cluster candidate bboxes into n classes, each class represents equvalent rectangles
    labels, num_classes = partition(bboxes, compare)
     # init vars
    for i in xrange(num_classes):
    # calc average bounding box of each class
    for i in xrange(len(bboxes)):
        j = labels[i]
        avg_bboxes[j] += bboxes[i][0]
        class_count[j] += 1
    # select valid bboxes
    for i in xrange(num_classes):    
        # reject classes with count < min_neighbours
        if class_count[i] < min_neighbours:
        # calc average
        avg_bboxes[i] /= class_count[i]
        # reject average bounding boxes which are inside other candidates
        reject = False
        for j in range(num_classes):
            if class_count[j] < min_neighbours:
            if i != j and avg_bboxes[j].contains(avg_bboxes[i]):
                reject = True
        # add to results if not rejected
        if not reject:
    return result  
Example #19
def quicksort ( n, p, r ):
    gb.time += 1
    if ( p < r ):
        q = partition ( n, p, r )
        gb.time += 1
        quicksort ( n, p, q - 1 )
        gb.time += 1
        quicksort ( n, q + 1, r )
        gb.time += 1
Example #20
def qselect(start, end, k, data):
    while low<high:
        pivot = partition(start,end,data):
        if k < pivot:
            end = pivot - 1
        elif k > pivot:
            start pivot + 1
            return data[k]
Example #21
def Canodist(part, nsample, pvariates, iterations):
    T = []
    for i in range(iterations):
        W1 = wishart.rvs(df=nsample - 1, scale=np.eye(pvariates))
        W2 = wishart.rvs(df=nsample - 1, scale=W1 / (nsample - 1))
        W2_11, W2_12, W2_21, W2_22 = partition(W2, part, part)
        Q = W2_12.dot(inv(W2_22).dot(W2_21))
        T = np.append(T, det(Q) / det(W2_11 - Q))
    return T
Example #22
def quicksort(my_list, start=0, end=None):
    if end == None:
        end = len(my_list) - 1

    if start >= end:

    pivot_index = partition(my_list, start, end)
    quicksort(my_list, start, pivot_index - 1)
    quicksort(my_list, pivot_index + 1, end)
Example #23
def main(args):
    order_file = args.pop(0)
    order = list(parse_order(_slurp(order_file)))

    data = []
    for path in args:

    for part in partition(order, data):
Example #24
def quicksort(arr, low, high):
    if low < high:

        # pi is partitioning index, arr[p] is now
        # at right place
        pi = partition(arr, low, high)

        # Separately sort elements before
        # partition and after partition
        quicksort(arr, low, pi - 1)
        quicksort(arr, pi + 1, high)
Example #25
def quickSort(arr, begin, end):
    if (end - begin > 1):
        pivot_index = partition(arr, begin, end)
        # 因为partition是直接在原数组上操作,没有再进行拼接操作,所以一定要传begin, end的index
        quickSort(arr, 0, pivot_index - 1)
        quickSort(arr, pivot_index + 1, end)

    return arr
Example #26
def quick2(a):
    This method is an implementation of non recursive quick sort using two stacks.
    :param a: array of data
    :return : sorted array a
    total_elements = len(a)
    STACK_SIZE = total_elements

    low = 0
    high = total_elements - 1

    pivot_point = 0
    stack_ptr = -1
    low_stack = [0] * STACK_SIZE
    high_stack = [0] * STACK_SIZE
    pass_count = 1

    while True:

        # is non empty stack? set indexes
        if (stack_ptr > -1):
            low = low_stack[stack_ptr]
            high = high_stack[stack_ptr]
            stack_ptr = stack_ptr - 1

        while low < high:
            pivot_point = partition(a, low, high)

            if pivot_point - low < high - pivot_point:
                if stack_ptr >= STACK_SIZE:
                    print('Stack overflow. Cannot complete sort')
                stack_ptr = stack_ptr + 1
                low_stack[stack_ptr] = pivot_point + 1
                high_stack[stack_ptr] = high
                high = pivot_point - 1
                if stack_ptr >= STACK_SIZE:
                    print('Stack overflow. Cannot complete sort')
                stack_ptr = stack_ptr + 1
                low_stack[stack_ptr] = low
                high_stack[stack_ptr] = pivot_point - 1
                low = pivot_point - 1
                pass_count = pass_count + 1

        # is empty stack? break
        if stack_ptr <= -1:
Example #27
def recognition_init(base_path):
    train_dir = "%s/%s"%(base_path, TRAIN_DIR)

    # assume crop_images/ exists
    # initial faces are not partitioned
    if (not os.path.exists(train_dir) or (len(os.listdir(train_dir)) == 0)):
        print("Partition initial database into training and test set")

    (train_face_data, train_face_labels) = get_initial_train_data(base_path)
    (mean_face, num_eigen, eigen_vals, eigen_vecs, weights) = train(train_face_data)

    # verify model health
    test(base_path, train_face_labels, mean_face, num_eigen, eigen_vals, eigen_vecs, weights)

    # read the existing label file
    label_file = open("%s/labels"%(base_path), mode="r")
    names = []
    for line in label_file.readlines():

    return (train_face_data, train_face_labels, names, mean_face, num_eigen, eigen_vals, eigen_vecs, weights)
Example #28
 def test_partition(self):
     new_list = partition(self.default_list, 5)
     current = new_list.head
     self.assertTrue(current.get_data() < 5)
     current = current.get_next()
     self.assertTrue(current.get_data() < 5)
     current = current.get_next()
     self.assertTrue(current.get_data() < 5)
     current = current.get_next()
     self.assertTrue(current.get_data() >= 5)
     current = current.get_next()
     self.assertTrue(current.get_data() >= 5)
     current = current.get_next()
     self.assertTrue(current.get_data() >= 5)
Example #29
 def test_partition(self):
     new_list = partition(self.default_list, 5)
     current = new_list.head
     self.assertTrue(current.get_data() < 5)
     current = current.get_next()
     self.assertTrue(current.get_data() < 5)
     current = current.get_next()
     self.assertTrue(current.get_data() < 5)
     current = current.get_next()
     self.assertTrue(current.get_data() >= 5)
     current = current.get_next()
     self.assertTrue(current.get_data() >= 5)
     current = current.get_next()
     self.assertTrue(current.get_data() >= 5)
Example #30
def partition_mbest(theory, record_list):
    Get best records by partitioning the record list
    based on each comparison and separating the dominant
    records and discarding the dominated ones

    dominants = list(record_list)
    dominants, _ = incomparable(theory.get_comparison_list(), dominants)

    # for each comparison, verify dominant records
    for comp in theory.get_comparison_list():
        dominants, _, non_comparables = partition(dominants, comp)
        dominants = dominants + non_comparables
    return dominants
Example #31
def test_partition1():
    Example: 3-> 5 -> 8 -> 5 -> 10 -> 2 -> 1 [partition = 5]
    Output: 3 -> 1 -> 2 -> 10 -> 5 -> 5 -> 8

    list = ll.Node(3)
    list.next = ll.Node(5)
    list.next.next = ll.Node(8)
    list.next.next.next = ll.Node(5)
    list.next.next.next.next = ll.Node(10)
    list.next.next.next.next.next = ll.Node(2)
    list.next.next.next.next.next.next = ll.Node(1)

    newList = partition.partition(list, 5)
    assert newList.next.val == 3
def choose_split(data, treshold):
    """Find the best question to ask by iterating over every feature / value
    and calculating the information gain."""
    n_features = len(data[0]) - 1  # number of columns
    quest_gain = []  # keep track of the gains and questions

    for col in range(1, n_features):  # for each feature
        values = set([row[col] for row in data])  # unique values in the column
        for val in values:  # for each value
            question = Question(col, val)

            # try splitting the dataset
            true_rows, false_rows = partition(data, question)

            # Skip this split if it doesn't divide the dataset.
            if len(true_rows) == 0 or len(false_rows) == 0:

            # Calculate the information gain from this split
            gain = info_gain(data, true_rows, false_rows)
            quest_gain.append(Question_gain(gain, question))

    possible_question = []  # possible questions to ask
    n_quest_gain = len(quest_gain)

    if n_quest_gain == 0:
        return float('Inf'), float('NaN')  #

    for x in range(n_quest_gain):
        if (quest_gain[x].gain >= treshold):
                Question_gain(quest_gain[x].gain, quest_gain[x].question))

    n_possible_question = len(possible_question)
    if n_possible_question == 0:
        return float('Inf'), float('NaN')

    if n_possible_question >= 2:
        [i, j] = random.sample(range(0, n_possible_question), 2)
        i = j = random.randint(0, n_possible_question - 1)

    if possible_question[i].gain >= possible_question[j].gain:
        return possible_question[i].gain, possible_question[i].question
        return possible_question[j].gain, possible_question[j].question
Example #33
def calc_dG_gap(sequence_structure_params_tuple):
    sequence_structure_pair = sequence_structure_params_tuple[:-1]
    params = sequence_structure_params_tuple[-1]

    sequence, structure = sequence_structure_pair[0:2]
    dG_structure = score_structure(sequence, structure, params=params)

    force_base_pairs = None
    if len(sequence_structure_pair) > 2:
        force_base_pairs = sequence_structure_pair[2]
    p = partition(sequence,
    dG = p.dG

    dG_gap = dG_structure - dG  # will be a positive number, best case zero.
    print p.struct_MFE, dG_gap
    return dG_gap
Example #34
def partition_mtopk(theory, record_list, k):
    Separate the top-k most dominant tuples
    The algorithm repeatedly scans the set of dominated tuples
    progressively populating the return list
    # initially assumes all dominant
    return_list = []
    dominant_recs = list(record_list)
    dominant_recs, _ = \
        incomparable(theory.get_comparison_list(), dominant_recs)

    while len(return_list) < k and dominant_recs:
        temporary_list = []
        # for each comparison, verify dominant records
        for comp in theory.get_comparison_list():
            dominant_recs, non_dominant_recs, non_comparable = \
                partition(dominant_recs, comp)
            temporary_list = temporary_list + non_dominant_recs
            dominant_recs = dominant_recs + non_comparable
        return_list = return_list + dominant_recs
        dominant_recs = temporary_list
    return return_list[0:k]
def write_processed_tweets(raw_tweet_file, keyword_file, output_file):
    partitioned_tweets = partition.partition(raw_tweet_file, keyword_file)
    sentiment_tweets = {}
    for candidate, tweets in partitioned_tweets.items():
        sentiment_tweets[candidate] = sentiment.run_sentiment_analysis(tweets, 'words')

    with open(output_file, 'w') as data_file:
        first_candidate = True
        for candidate, tweets in sentiment_tweets.items():
            if first_candidate:
                first_candidate = False
            data_file.write('"' + candidate + '": [\n')
            first_item = True
            for tweet in tweets:
                if first_item:
                    first_item = False
Example #36
def spike(A, b, config, output = True, debug = False) :

    # Check the values
    if (config['partitionNumber'] < 2) :
        raise ValueError("The partitionNumber has to be at least 2 but it is", config['partitionNumber'])
    elif (config['matrixSize'] / config['partitionNumber'] < config['bandwidth']) :
        raise ValueError("The number of partitions must be smaller or equal to", config['matrixSize'] / config['bandwidth'], "but it is", config['partitionNumber'])
    elif (config['matrixSize'] % config['partitionNumber'] != 0) :
        raise ValueError("The matrixSize should be devideable by the number of partitions. given:", config['matrixSize'], config['partitionNumber'])
    else :
        # Determine the size of each partition
        config['partitionSize'] = config['matrixSize'] / config['partitionNumber']

    # make bandwidth even
    if (config['bandwidth'] % 2 != 0) :
        config['bandwidth'] += 1

    config['rhsSize'] = b.shape[1]

    config['offdiagonalSize'] = config['bandwidth']/2 #(bandwidth-1)/2

    if (output) :
        print config
        print "input A:"
        print A.todense()
        print "input b:"
        print b.todense()

    # create prerequirements for OpenCL
    ctx = cl.create_some_context(True)
    #for platform in cl.get_platforms() :
    #    devices = platform.get_devices(cl.device_type.CPU)
    #    ctx = cl.Context(devices)
    queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)

    # compile programm code for CL
    directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    gaussFile = open(os.path.join(directory, "gauss.cl"), 'r')
    gaussCode = ''.join(gaussFile.readlines())
    program = cl.Program(ctx, gaussCode).build()

    # 1. Pre-processing
    # 1.1 Partitioning of the original system onto different processors
    start = time()
    buffers = partition.partition(config, ctx, A, b, debug)

    # 1.2 Factorization of each diagonal block
    # solve A_j[V_j, W_j, G_j] = [(0 ... 0 B_j)T, (C_j 0 ... 0)T, F_j]
    # this step also involves solving of A_j G_j = F_j from (2.1)
    factor.factor(config, ctx, queue, program, buffers)

    # At this point we can free the A buffer (buffers[0])
    # TODO make the memory release dependent on some event

    # 2. Post-processing
    # 2.1 Solving the reduced system
    buffers = solve.reduced(config, ctx, queue, program, buffers, debug)

    # At this point we can free the SG buffer (buffers[2])

    # 2.2 Retrieving the overall solution
    x = solve.final(config, ctx, queue, program, buffers, debug)
    stop = time()
    rt = stop-start
    return [x, rt]
def main():
    definition of main scripting file for debugging purposes.
    # time the execution
    starttime = time()
    # in the serial version, lets just set rank=0 
    rank = 0
    #---------------SET PARAMETERS -----------
    if rank == 0: print "Setting up umbrella sampling parameters."
    params = {}
    # set the scratch directory for the calculation files
    params['scratchdir'] = "/Users/jtempkin/enhanced_sampling_toolkit/neus/debug_US"
    params['inputFilename'] = "/Users/jtempkin/enhanced_sampling_toolkit/neus/input.diala"
    params['logFilename'] = params['scratchdir'] + "/log"
    # here we will set the umbrella sampling parameters in the params dict
    params['ncells'] = 144
    params['cellWidth'] = 15
    params['nwalkers'] = 1
    params['walkerSteps'] = 50000
    params['stepLength'] = 10
    params['Ftype'] = 'transition'
    # lets set the dynamics parameters that are needed to specify the walker 
    params['temperature'] = 310.0
    params['timestep'] = 1.0

    #--------------- INITIALIZATION--------
    # only allow root rank to build files
    if rank == 0: 
        print "Building scratch directory."
        # construct the wkdir. This is where the intermediate dynamcs files will 
        # be written. 

    # construct the umbrella data structure
    if rank == 0: print "Initializing the umbrella structure."
    # create the partition object 
    system = partition.partition(params['ncells'])

    # now we construct the umbrella windows
    if rank == 0: print "Building the umbrellas."
    # specify the list of boundaries, nboxes, 1/2 width of the windows
    umbParams = {}
    # right now, we will hardcode a 12x12 array using Erik's routine for gridding a space
    umbParams['cvrange'] = np.array([map(float,entry.split(",")) for entry in "-180,180,12,15;-180,180,12,15".split(";")])
    umbParams['wrapping'] = np.array(map(float, "1,1".split(',')))
    system.umbrellas = fileIO.createUmbrellas(umbParams)
    # build neighbor list
    #----------------INITIALIZE THE ENTRY POINTS FROM FILE------------
    # now we provide a data structure for entrypoints for each umbrella:
    for i in range(len(system.umbrellas)):
        system.umbrellas[i].entryPoints = []
    # now load each entry point file from the data base and load as an array of
    # ctypes pointers
    for i in range(len(system.umbrellas)):
        # load the numpy array
        data = np.load("entryPoints/in_" + str(i) + "_w0.entryPoints.npy")
        # now add each as a ctypes points to the entry points library
        for j in range(data.shape[0]):
    #------------ GENERATE INITIAL ENTRY POINTS --------------
    # sample umbrellas and construct F
    if rank == 0: print "Seeding entry points from a conventional simulation."
    # this 
    for i in range(len(system.umbrellas)):
        print i
        print "starting walker"
        # lets instantiate a walker object to sample this window. 
        wlkr = lammpsWalker.lammpsWalker(params['inputFilename'])
        print "minimize"
        # minimize structure prior to dynamics
        # set the dynamics to sample by langevin
        wlkr.command("fix 1 all nve")
        wlkr.command("fix 2 all langevin 310.0 310.0 30.0 20874")
        print "setting colvars"
        # set colvars for this walker (currently, alanine dipeptide dihedrals)
        wlkr.colvars.append(['dihedral', 5, 7, 9, 15])
        wlkr.colvars.append(['dihedral', 7, 9, 15, 17]) 
        # set an array of starting/stoping restraints for equilibration
        restraint = [[0.0, 100.0], [0.0, 100.0]]
        # now specify colvars to dynamics routines
        # equilibrate the walker to the target point in CV space
        wlkr.equilibrate(system.umbrellas[i].center, restraint, 100000)
        # enter the sampling routine. This sampling routine will simply generate the initial 
        # entry point distribution 
            system.sample(wlkr, params['walkerSteps'], i, 0, params, rank)
        except errors.DynamicsError:
            print "Rank", rank, "sampling error occured in umbrella", i, "."

        # now we are done populating the samples array, close the walker
    # now we write out the entrypoints for each umbrella:
    for i in range(len(system.umbrellas)):
        np.save(params['scratchdir'] + "/in_" + str(i) + "_w0.entryPoints", system.umbrellas[i].entryPoints)
    #----------------MAIN LOOP----------------
    if rank == 0: print "Sampling via NEUS." 
    # this 
    for i in range(len(system.umbrellas)):
        print "Rank", rank, "sampling umbrella", i, "."
        # lets instantiate a walker object to sample this window. 

        wlkr = lammpsWalker.lammpsWalker(params['inputFilename'], params['logFilename'], index=i)
        # set the dynamics to sample by langevin
        wlkr.command("fix 1 all nve")
        # the langevin fix here sets the temperature to 310K and the friction
        # coefficient to 30 ps-1
        wlkr.command("fix 2 all langevin " + " ".join([str(params['temperature']), str(params['temperature'])]) + " 30.0 20874")    
        # set colvars for this walker (currently, alanine dipeptide dihedrals)
        wlkr.colvars.append(['dihedral', 5, 7, 9, 15])
        wlkr.colvars.append(['dihedral', 7, 9, 15, 17]) 

        # now specify colvars to dynamics routines

        # now we initialize the starting coordinates from the entry points library
        temp_indx = random.randint(0, len(system.umbrellas[i].entryPoints)-1)
        print system.umbrellas[i].entryPoints[temp_indx], temp_indx
        print wlkr.lmp
        wlkr.command("run 0 post no")
        print "drawing velocities"
        # draw the velocities uniformly for now
        wlkr.drawVel(distType = 'gaussian', temperature = params['temperature'])
        # enter the sampling routine. This sampling routine will simply generate the initial 
        # entry point distribution 
            system.sampleNeus(wlkr, params['walkerSteps'], i, 0, params, rank)
        except errors.DynamicsError:
            print "Rank", rank, "sampling error occurred in umbrella", i, "."
        # now we are done populating the samples array, close the walker
        del wlkr

    #----------------WRITE OUT DATA-------------
    # now allow rank 0 to process data. 
    if rank == 0:
        print system.F
        fileIO.writeMat(system.F, params['scratchdir'] + "/F.out")
        print "Entering eigenvalue routine."
        # solve eigenvalue problem for F
        fileIO.writeMat(system.z, params['scratchdir'] + "/z.out")
        print "Computing the sensitivities."
        bounds = system.getlogBound(system.F)
        fileIO.writeMat(bounds, params['scratchdir'] + "/bounds.out")

    # now we will perform an analysis of the data and increase sampling of 
    # windows with high variance

    if rank == 0:
        print "Done!"
        print "Total wallclock time was: " + str(time() - starttime) + " seconds."

    return 0
Example #38
#!/usr/bin/env python

from partition import partition, select_the_one_partition

while True:
    w = input("Cлово:")
    w = w.strip().replace('ь', '').replace('ъ', '')
    partitions = partition(w)
    the_partition = select_the_one_partition(partitions)
    print('and the one is:', the_partition)
def main():
    definition of main scripting file for debugging purposes.
    # time the execution
    starttime = time()
    # in the serial version, lets just set rank=0 
    rank = 0
    #---------------SET PARAMETERS -----------
    if rank == 0: print "Setting up umbrella sampling parameters."
    params = {}
    # set the scratch directory for the calculation files
    params['scratchdir'] = "/Users/jtempkin/enhanced_sampling_toolkit/umbrella_sampling/debug_US"
    params['inputFilename'] = "/Users/jtempkin/enhanced_sampling_toolkit/umbrella_sampling/input.diala"
    # here we will set the umbrella sampling parameters in the params dict
    params['ncells'] = 144
    params['cellWidth'] = 60.0
    params['nwalkers'] = 1
    params['walkerSteps'] = 10000
    params['stepLength'] = 10
    params['Ftype'] = 'transition'
    # lets set the dynamics parameters that are needed to specify the walker 
    params['temperature'] = 310.0

    #--------------- INITIALIZATION--------
    # only allow root rank to build files
    if rank == 0: 
        print "Building scratch directory."
        # construct the wkdir. This is where the intermediate dynamcs files will 
        # be written. 

    # construct the umbrella data structure
    if rank == 0: print "Initializing the umbrella structure."
    # create the partition object 
    system = partition.partition(params['ncells'])

    # now we construct the umbrella windows
    if rank == 0: print "Building the umbrellas."
    # specify the list of boundaries, nboxes, 1/2 width of the windows
    umbParams = {}
    # right now, we will hardcore a 12x12 array using Erik's routine for gridding a space
    umbParams['cvrange'] = np.array([map(float,entry.split(",")) for entry in "-180,180,12,30;-180,180,12,30".split(";")])
    umbParams['wrapping'] = np.array(map(float, "1,1".split(',')))
    system.umbrellas = fileIO.createUmbrellas(umbParams)
    #------------ MAIN LOOP --------------
    # sample umbrellas and construct F
    if rank == 0: print "Entering main loop."
    for i in range(len(system.umbrellas)):
        print "Rank", rank, "sampling umbrella", i, "."
        print "init walker"
        # lets instantiate a walker object to sample this window. 
        wlkr = lammpsWalker.lammpsWalker(params['inputFilename'])
        print "minimize"
        # minimize structure prior to dynamics
        # set the dynamics to sample by langevin
        wlkr.command("fix 1 all nve")
        wlkr.command("fix 2 all langevin 310.0 310.0 30.0 20874")
        # set colvars for this walker (currently, alanine dipeptide dihedrals)
        wlkr.colvars.append(['dihedral', 5, 7, 9, 15])
        wlkr.colvars.append(['dihedral', 7, 9, 15, 17]) 
        # set an array of starting/stoping restraints for equilibration
        restraint = [[0.0, 100.0], [0.0, 100.0]]
        print "setting colvars"
        # now specify colvars to dynamics routines
        print "equilibrating"
        # equilibrate the walker to the target point in CV space
        wlkr.equilibrate(system.umbrellas[i].center, restraint, 100000)

        # enter the sampling routine 
            system.sample(wlkr, params['walkerSteps'], i, 0, params, rank)
        except errors.DynamicsError:
            print "Rank", rank, "sampling error occured in umbrella", i, "."

        # now we are done populating the samples array, close the walker

    #----------------WRITE OUT DATA-------------
    # now allow rank 0 to process data. 
    if rank == 0:
        print system.F
        fileIO.writeMat(system.F, params['wkdir'] + "/F.out")
        print "Entering eigenvalue routine."
        # solve eigenvalue problem for F
        fileIO.writeMat(system.z, params['wkdir'] + "/z.out")
        print "Computing the sensitivities."
        bounds = system.getlogBound(system.F)
        fileIO.writeMat(bounds, params['wkdir'] + "/bounds.out")

    # now we will perform an analysis of the data and increase sampling of 
    # windows with high variance

    if rank == 0:
        print "Done!"
        print "Total wallclock time was: " + str(time() - starttime) + " seconds."

    return 0
Example #40
rank = comm.Get_rank()
host = commands.getoutput("hostname")

# Split frequency vector into smaller chunks, pass each chunk to a process
nProcs = 1.0*comm.Get_size()
nFreqs = 1.0*np.shape(freqs)[0]
nSteps = np.ceil(nFreqs/nProcs).astype(int)

# Shuffle the frequency vector (adjacent frequencies take about as long to run)
# np.random.shuffle(freqs)

# chunks = [freqs[i:i+nSteps] for i in range(0, len(freqs), nSteps)]
chunks = partition(freqs, nProcs)

# print "Subprocess %s on %s:"%(rank, host)

# create output directories, if none exist
if rank==0:
  print "We have %d processes available"%(nProcs)

  if not os.path.exists(out_dir):

  if not os.path.exists(log_dir):
Example #41

    tasklist = None
    sc = None

tasklist = comm.bcast(tasklist, root=0)
sc = comm.bcast(sc, root=0)

nTasks = 1.0*len(tasklist)
nProcs = 1.0*comm.Get_size()
nSteps = np.ceil(nTasks/nProcs).astype(int)

chunks = partition(tasklist, nProcs)

if (rank < len(chunks)):
    print "Process %d on host %s, doing %g jobs"%(rank, host, len(chunks[rank]))
    for job in chunks[rank]:
        inlat = job[0]
        outlat = job[1]
        outlon = job[2]

        figdir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'figures','in_%d/lon_%d'%(inlat, outlon))

        # if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(root_dir, 'figures','in_%d'%inlat)):
        #     os.mkdir(os.path.join(root_dir,'figures','in_%d'%inlat))
        # if not os.path.exists(figdir):
        #     os.mkdir(figdir)
Example #42
 def test_partition(self):
     a = [2, 8, 7, 1, 3, 5, 6, 4]
     partition(a, 0, 7)
     self.assertEquals(a, [2, 1, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8])
Example #43
    def print_alignment_data(self, multiread_reports_and_ties, count=1):
        """ Prints almost-SAM alignments, introns/indels, and exonic coverage.

            Descriptions of output:

            (sam_intron_ties) output only for ties in alignment score (which
                are within some tie margin as decided by multiread_to_report);
            this is the first element of multiread_reports_and_ties
            tab-delimited output tuple columns:
            Standard SAM output except fields are in different order -- and the
            first four fields include sample/intron information. If an
            alignment overlaps k introns, k lines are output. The order of the
            fields is as follows.
            1. The character 'N' so the line can be matched up
                with intron bed lines
            2. Sample index
            3. Number string representing RNAME; see BowtieIndexReference class
                in bowtie_index for conversion information
            4. Intron start position
            5. Intron end position
            6. '+' or '-' indicating which strand is sense strand
            7. '-' to ensure that the line follows all intron lines
            8. POS
            9. QNAME
            10. FLAG
            11. MAPQ
            12. CIGAR
            13. RNEXT
            14. PNEXT
            15. TLEN
            16. SEQ
            17. QUAL
            ... + optional fields

            (sam_clip_ties) output only for ties in alignment score when
            no introns are overlapped -- these alignments are almost invariably
            [SAME AS SAM FIELDS; see SAM format specification]

            (sam) output only for alignments to be reported (first element
            of tuple multiread_reports_and_ties)
            score +/- tie_margin); tab-delimited output tuple columns:
            Standard SAM output except fields are in different order to
            faciliate partitioning by sample/RNAME and coordinate sorting. The
            order of the fields is as follows.
            1. Sample index if outputting BAMs by sample OR
                sample-rname index if outputting BAMs by chr
            2. (Number string representing RNAME; see BowtieIndexReference
                class in bowtie_index for conversion information) OR
                '0' if outputting BAMs by chr
            3. POS
            4. QNAME
            5. FLAG
            6. MAPQ
            7. CIGAR
            8. RNEXT
            9. PNEXT
            10. TLEN
            11. SEQ
            12. QUAL
            ... + optional fields

            Exonic chunks (aka ECs; two formats, any or both of which may be
                emitted -- only if primary alignment is present among
                alignments to be reported):

            Exonic chunks in interval format (exon_ival);
            tab-delimited output tuple columns:
            1. Reference name (RNAME in SAM format) + ';' + bin number
            2. Sample index
            3. EC start (inclusive) on forward strand
            4. EC end (exclusive) on forward strand

            Exonic chunks in diff format (exon_diff) -- only if primary
                alignment is present among alignments to be reported;
            tab-delimited output tuple columns:
            1. Reference name (RNAME in SAM format) + ';' + bin number
            2. Sample index
            3. Position at which diff should be subtracted or added to coverage
            4. '1' if alignment from which diff originates is "unique"
                according to --tie-margin criterion; else '0'
            5. +1 or -1 * count, the number of instances of a read sequence
                for which to print exonic chunks

            Introns (intron_bed) / insertions/deletions (indel_bed);
            tab-delimited output tuple columns:
            1. 'I', 'D', or 'N' for insertion, deletion, or intron line
            2. Number string representing RNAME
            3. Start position (Last base before insertion, first base of
                                deletion, or first base of intron)
            4. End position (Last base before insertion, last base of deletion
                (exclusive), or last base of intron (exclusive))
            5. '+' or '-' indicating which strand is the sense strand for
                introns, inserted sequence for insertions, or deleted sequence
                for deletions
            6. Sample index
            ----Next fields are for introns only; they are '\x1c' for indels---
            7. Number of nucleotides between 5' end of intron and 5' end of
                read from which it was inferred, ASSUMING THE SENSE STRAND IS
                THE FORWARD STRAND. That is, if the sense strand is the reverse
                strand, this is the distance between the 3' end of the read and
                the 3' end of the intron.
            8. Number of nucleotides between 3' end of intron and 3' end of
                read from which it was inferred, ASSUMING THE SENSE STRAND IS
                THE FORWARD STRAND.
            9. Number of instances of intron, insertion, or deletion in sample;
                this is always +1 * count before bed_pre combiner/reducer

            multiread_reports_and_ties: either:
                1) 2-tuple whose second element is a list of "tied" alignments
                    and whose first element is a list of "resolved" alignments
                    that are ready to be output as secondary SAM lines; tied
                    alignments will be resolved by determining primary in a
                    subsequent step. No alignment is primary yet.
                2) Tuple whose sole element is a list of resolved alignments,
                    where one alignment is a primary.
                Every QNAME takes the form
                <original_qname> + '\x1d' + 
                <short hash of original_qname + seq + sample label> + '\x1d' +
            manifest_object: object of type LabelsAndIndices; see manifest.py
            reference_index: object of type BowtieIndexReference; see bowtie.py
            output_stream: where to print output
            exon_ivals: True iff exon_ivals should be output
            exon_diffs: True iff exon_diffs should be output
            count: number of alignments for which to output exon_ivals,
                exon_diffs, indels, and introns

            Return value: output line count
        output_line_count = 0
            primary_flag = int(multiread_reports_and_ties[0][0][1])
        except IndexError:
            # No alignments to report
            sample_index = self.manifest_object.label_to_index[
            if count and not (primary_flag & 256):
                '''First alignment to report is a primary, so output exons,
                introns, and indels.'''
                alignment = multiread_reports_and_ties[0][0]
                cigar = alignment[5]
                rname = alignment[2]
                pos = int(alignment[3])
                seq = alignment[9]
                md = [field for field in alignment
                            if field[:5] == 'MD:Z:'][0][5:]
                insertions, deletions, introns, exons \
                    = indels_introns_and_exons(cigar, md, pos, seq,
                # Output indels
                for insert_pos, insert_seq in insertions:
                    print >>self.output_stream, (
                            % (self.reference_index.rname_to_string[rname],
                                insert_pos, insert_pos, insert_seq,
                                sample_index, count)
                    output_line_count += 1
                for del_pos, del_seq in deletions:
                    print >>self.output_stream, (
                            % (self.reference_index.rname_to_string[rname],
                                del_pos, del_pos + len(del_seq),
                                del_seq, sample_index, count)
                    output_line_count += 1
                # Output exonic chunks
                if self.exon_ivals:
                    for exon_pos, exon_end_pos in exons:
                        partitions = partition.partition(
                                rname, exon_pos, exon_end_pos, self.bin_size
                        for partition_id, _, _ in partitions:
                            for i in xrange(count):
                                print >>self.output_stream, \
                                    'exon_ival\t%s\t%012d\t' \
                                    '%012d\t%s' \
                                    % (partition_id,
                                        exon_pos, exon_end_pos, 
                                output_line_count += 1
                if self.exon_diffs:
                    '''Compare arguments of AS:i: and XS:i: to determine
                    whether an alignment is unique.'''
                    if self.unique(alignment):
                        uniqueness = '1'
                        uniqueness = '0'
                    for exon_pos, exon_end_pos in exons:
                        partitions = partition.partition(
                                rname, exon_pos, exon_end_pos, self.bin_size
                        for (partition_id, partition_start, 
                                partition_end) in partitions:
                            assert exon_pos <= partition_end
                            # Print increment at interval start
                            print >>self.output_stream, \
                                'exon_diff\t%s\t%012d\t%s\t%s\t%d' \
                                % (partition_id,
                                    max(partition_start, exon_pos),
                            output_line_count += 1
                            assert exon_end_pos > partition_start
                            if exon_end_pos <= partition_end:
                                '''Print decrement at interval end 
                                iff exon ends before partition
                                print >>self.output_stream, \
                                    'exon_diff\t%s\t%012d\t' \
                                    '%s\t%s\t-%d' \
                                    % (partition_id,
                                output_line_count += 1
                    reverse_strand_string = [field for field in alignment
                                    if field[:5] == 'XS:A:'][0][5:]
                except IndexError:
                    # No introns
                    # Output introns
                    for (intron_pos, intron_end_pos,
                            left_displacement, right_displacement) \
                        in introns:
                        print >>self.output_stream, (
                                 % (self.reference_index.\
                                    intron_pos, intron_end_pos,
                                    reverse_strand_string, sample_index,
                                    left_displacement, right_displacement,
                        output_line_count += 1
            # Write SAM output
            for alignment in multiread_reports_and_ties[0]:
                print >>self.output_stream, 'sam\t' \
                        + '\t'.join(
                                ), '%012d' % int(alignment[3]),
                                alignment[1]) + alignment[4:]
            ties_to_print = multiread_reports_and_ties[1]
        except IndexError:
            # No ties
            for alignment in ties_to_print:
                qname = alignment[0]
                flag = alignment[1]
                cigar = alignment[5]
                rname = alignment[2]
                pos = int(alignment[3])
                seq = alignment[9]
                md = [field for field in alignment
                            if field[:5] == 'MD:Z:'][0][5:]
                insertions, deletions, introns, exons \
                    = indels_introns_and_exons(cigar, md, pos, seq,
                    sense = [field[5:] for field in alignment
                            if field[:5] == 'XS:A:'][0]
                except IndexError:
                if introns:
                    for intron in introns:
                        print >>self.output_stream, (
                                         '\t%012d\t%s\t%s\t') % (
                                    intron[0], intron[1], sense,
                                            ], pos, qname, flag)
                                ) + '\t'.join(alignment[4:])
                    print >>self.output_stream, '\t'.join(('sam_clip_ties',) \
                                                            + alignment)
        return output_line_count
def run_analysis(filename, keyword_file, print_all = True):
    partitioned_tweets = partition.partition(filename, keyword_file)
    analyzed_tweets = {}
    for candidate, tweets in partitioned_tweets.items():
        analyzed_tweets[candidate] = sentiment.run_sentiment_analysis(tweets, 'words')
    predict.predict(analyzed_tweets, print_all)
Example #45
 def __init__(self, path):
     self.path = path
     self.partitions = {}
     for i in self.__getPartitions():
         self.partitions[i] = partition(self, i)
Example #46
def quicksort(L, p, r):
    if p < r:
        k = partition(L, p, r)
        quicksort(L, p, k-1)
        quicksort(L, k+1, r)