Example #1
        def test_paginapruebavariable(self):
            # Build a request object passing the URI path to be tested.
            # You can also pass headers, query arguments etc.
            request = webapp2.Request.blank('/')
            # Get a response for that request.
            response = request.get_response(pasarelatest.aplicacion())

            # Let's check if the response is correct.
            # self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 200)
            self.assertTrue('<a class="uk-button-danger" href="crearempresa"> Crear Empresa </a>' in response.body)
Example #2
        def test_listarempresas(self):
            # Build a request object passing the URI path to be tested.
            # You can also pass headers, query arguments etc.
            request = webapp2.Request.blank('/listarempresas')
            # Get a response for that request.
            response = request.get_response(pasarelatest.aplicacion())

            # Let's check if the response is correct.
            # self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 200)
            self.assertTrue('<td>' in response.body)
Example #3
        def test_crearusuario(self):
            # Build a request object passing the URI path to be tested.
            # You can also pass headers, query arguments etc.
            request = webapp2.Request.blank('/crearusuario')
            # Get a response for that request.
            response = request.get_response(pasarelatest.aplicacion())

            # Let's check if the response is correct.
            # self.assertEqual(response.status_int, 200)
            self.assertTrue('<input name="nombreUsuario" type="text" placeholder="Nombre Usuario">' in response.body)
Example #4
    def test_modificacion(self):
        request = webapp2.Request.blank('/modificacion')

        response = request.get_response(pasarelatest.aplicacion())
        (response.body).should.contain('Modificacion para CI')
Example #5
    def test_prueba_con_parametro(self):

        request = webapp2.Request.blank('/prueba/valorprueba')

        response = request.get_response(pasarelatest.aplicacion())