Example #1
 def lookup_app(self, environ):
     # Check again if the branch is blocked from being served, this is
     # mostly for tests. It's already checked in apps/transport.py
     if not self.branch.get_config().get_user_option_as_bool('http_serve',
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()
     self._url_base = environ['SCRIPT_NAME']
     self._path_info = environ['PATH_INFO']
     self._static_url_base = environ.get('loggerhead.static.url')
     if self._static_url_base is None:
         self._static_url_base = self._url_base
     self._environ = environ
     if self.served_url is _DEFAULT:
         public_branch = self.public_branch_url()
         if public_branch is not None:
             self.served_url = public_branch
             self.served_url = wsgiref.util.application_uri(environ)
     for hook in self.hooks['controller']:
         controller = hook(self, environ)
         if controller is not None:
             return controller
     path = request.path_info_pop(environ)
     if not path:
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPMovedPermanently(
     if path == 'static':
         return static_app
     elif path == '+json':
         environ['loggerhead.as_json'] = True
         path = request.path_info_pop(environ)
     cls = self.controllers_dict.get(path)
     if cls is not None:
         return cls(self, self.get_history)
     raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()
Example #2
 def _resolve_map_match(self,
     # Get the controller class
     controller_name = map_match.pop('controller', None)
     controller = controllers.get(controller_name, None)
     if controller is None:
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("No controller for " + path_info)
     # Resolve action method on controller
     # This is the easiest way to make the controller/action accessible for
     # url_for invocations.  Specifically, grids.
     action = map_match.pop('action', 'index')
     method = getattr(controller, action, None)
     if method is None and not use_default:
         # Skip default, we do this, for example, when we want to fail
         # through to another mapper.
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("No action for " + path_info)
     if method is None:
         # no matching method, we try for a default
         method = getattr(controller, 'default', None)
     if method is None:
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("No action for " + path_info)
     # Is the method exposed
     if not getattr(method, 'exposed', False):
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("Action not exposed for " +
     # Is the method callable
     if not callable(method):
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("Action not callable for " +
     return (controller_name, controller, action, method)
Example #3
 def handle_request(self, environ, start_response):
     # Grab the request_id (should have been set by middleware)
     request_id = environ.get('request_id', 'unknown')
     # Map url using routes
     path_info = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '')
     map = self.mapper.match(path_info, environ)
     if path_info.startswith('/api'):
         environ['is_api_request'] = True
         controllers = self.api_controllers
         environ['is_api_request'] = False
         controllers = self.controllers
     if map == None:
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("No route for " + path_info)
     self.trace(path_info=path_info, map=map)
     # Setup routes
     rc = routes.request_config()
     rc.mapper = self.mapper
     rc.mapper_dict = map
     rc.environ = environ
     # Setup the transaction
     trans = self.transaction_factory(environ)
     trans.request_id = request_id
     rc.redirect = trans.response.send_redirect
     # Get the controller class
     controller_name = map.pop('controller', None)
     controller = controllers.get(controller_name, None)
     if controller_name is None:
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("No controller for " + path_info)
     # Resolve action method on controller
     action = map.pop('action', 'index')
     # This is the easiest way to make the controller/action accessible for
     # url_for invocations.  Specifically, grids.
     trans.controller = controller_name
     trans.action = action
     method = getattr(controller, action, None)
     if method is None:
         method = getattr(controller, 'default', None)
     if method is None:
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("No action for " + path_info)
     # Is the method exposed
     if not getattr(method, 'exposed', False):
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("Action not exposed for " +
     # Is the method callable
     if not callable(method):
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("Action not callable for " +
     # Combine mapper args and query string / form args and call
     kwargs = trans.request.params.mixed()
     # Special key for AJAX debugging, remove to avoid confusing methods
     kwargs.pop('_', None)
         body = method(trans, **kwargs)
     except Exception, e:
         body = self.handle_controller_exception(e, trans, **kwargs)
         if not body:
Example #4
 def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
     Call interface as specified by WSGI. Wraps the environment in user
     friendly objects, finds the appropriate method to handle the request
     and calls it.
     # Map url using routes
     path_info = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '')
     map = self.mapper.match(path_info, environ)
     if map is None:
         environ['is_api_request'] = True
         map = self.api_mapper.match(path_info, environ)
         mapper = self.api_mapper
         controllers = self.api_controllers
         mapper = self.mapper
         controllers = self.controllers
     if map == None:
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("No route for " + path_info)
     # Setup routes
     rc = routes.request_config()
     rc.mapper = mapper
     rc.mapper_dict = map
     rc.environ = environ
     # Setup the transaction
     trans = self.transaction_factory(environ)
     rc.redirect = trans.response.send_redirect
     # Get the controller class
     controller_name = map.pop('controller', None)
     controller = controllers.get(controller_name, None)
     if controller_name is None:
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("No controller for " + path_info)
     # Resolve action method on controller
     action = map.pop('action', 'index')
     method = getattr(controller, action, None)
     if method is None:
         method = getattr(controller, 'default', None)
     if method is None:
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("No action for " + path_info)
     # Is the method exposed
     if not getattr(method, 'exposed', False):
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("Action not exposed for " +
     # Is the method callable
     if not callable(method):
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("Action not callable for " +
     # Combine mapper args and query string / form args and call
     kwargs = trans.request.params.mixed()
     # Special key for AJAX debugging, remove to avoid confusing methods
     kwargs.pop('_', None)
         body = method(trans, **kwargs)
     except Exception, e:
         body = self.handle_controller_exception(e, trans, **kwargs)
         if not body:
Example #5
 def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
     # /download/<rev_id>/<filename>
     h = self._history
     args = self.get_args(environ)
     if len(args) < 2:
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPMovedPermanently(
     revid = h.fix_revid(args[0])
         path, filename, content = h.get_file(args[1], revid)
     except (NoSuchFile, NoSuchRevision):
         # Compatibility API for /download/rev_id/file_id/<filename>
             path, filename, content = h.get_file_by_fileid(
                 args[1].encode('UTF-8'), revid)
         except (NoSuchId, NoSuchRevision):
             raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()
     mime_type, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
     if mime_type is None:
         mime_type = 'application/octet-stream'
     self.log.info('/download %s @ %s (%d bytes)',
     encoded_filename = self.encode_filename(filename)
     headers = [
         ('Content-Type', mime_type),
         ('Content-Length', str(len(content))),
          "attachment; filename*=utf-8''%s" % (encoded_filename,)),
     start_response('200 OK', headers)
     return [content]
Example #6
 def not_found(self, environ, start_response, debug_message=None):
     exc = httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound(
         'The resource at %s could not be found' %
         comment='SCRIPT_NAME=%r; PATH_INFO=%r; looking in %r; debug: %s' %
         (environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME'), environ.get('PATH_INFO'),
          self.directory, debug_message or '(none)'))
     return exc.wsgi_application(environ, start_response)
Example #7
 def handle_request(self, environ, start_response, body_renderer=None):
     # Grab the request_id (should have been set by middleware)
     request_id = environ.get('request_id', 'unknown')
     # Map url using routes
     path_info = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '')
     client_match = self.clientside_routes.match(path_info, environ)
     map_match = self.mapper.match(path_info, environ) or client_match
     if path_info.startswith('/api'):
         environ['is_api_request'] = True
         controllers = self.api_controllers
         environ['is_api_request'] = False
         controllers = self.controllers
     if map_match is None:
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("No route for " + path_info)
     self.trace(path_info=path_info, map_match=map_match)
     # Setup routes
     rc = routes.request_config()
     rc.mapper = self.mapper
     rc.mapper_dict = map_match
     rc.environ = environ
     # Setup the transaction
     trans = self.transaction_factory(environ)
     trans.request_id = request_id
     rc.redirect = trans.response.send_redirect
     # Resolve mapping to controller/method
         # We don't use default methods if there's a clientside match for this route.
         use_default = client_match is None
         controller_name, controller, action, method = self._resolve_map_match(
             map_match, path_info, controllers, use_default=use_default)
     except httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound:
         # Failed, let's check client routes
         if not environ['is_api_request'] and client_match is not None:
             controller_name, controller, action, method = self._resolve_map_match(
                 client_match, path_info, controllers)
     trans.controller = controller_name
     trans.action = action
     environ['controller_action_key'] = "%s.%s.%s" % (
         'api' if environ['is_api_request'] else 'web', controller_name,
         action or 'default')
     # Combine mapper args and query string / form args and call
     kwargs = trans.request.params.mixed()
     # Special key for AJAX debugging, remove to avoid confusing methods
     kwargs.pop('_', None)
         body = method(trans, **kwargs)
     except Exception as e:
         body = self.handle_controller_exception(e, trans, **kwargs)
         if not body:
     body_renderer = body_renderer or self._render_body
     return body_renderer(trans, body, environ, start_response)
Example #8
def serve_file(filename):
    """Create a WSGI application that return a static file

     - ``filename`` -- path of the file to serve

     - a WSGI application
    return httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound(
    ) if filename is None else fileapp.FileApp(filename)
Example #9
 def new_application(environ, start_response):
         return application(environ, start_response)
     except (IOError, OSError), e:
         import errno
         from paste import httpexceptions
         if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
             raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()
         elif e.errno == errno.EACCES:
             raise httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden()
Example #10
 def debug(self, environ, start_response):
     assert request.path_info_pop(environ) == '_debug'
     next_part = request.path_info_pop(environ)
     method = getattr(self, next_part, None)
     if not method:
         exc = httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound(
             '%r not found when parsing %r' %
             (next_part, wsgilib.construct_url(environ)))
         return exc.wsgi_application(environ, start_response)
     if not getattr(method, 'exposed', False):
         exc = httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden('%r not allowed' % next_part)
         return exc.wsgi_application(environ, start_response)
     return method(environ, start_response)
Example #11
 def lookup_app(self, environ):
     # Check again if the branch is blocked from being served, this is
     # mostly for tests. It's already checked in apps/transport.py
     if self.branch.get_config().get_user_option('http_serve') == 'False':
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()
     self._url_base = environ['SCRIPT_NAME']
     self._static_url_base = environ.get('loggerhead.static.url')
     if self._static_url_base is None:
         self._static_url_base = self._url_base
     self._environ = environ
     if self.served_url is _DEFAULT:
         public_branch = self.public_branch_url()
         if public_branch is not None:
             self.served_url = public_branch
             # Loggerhead only supports serving .bzr/ on local branches, so
             # we shouldn't suggest something that won't work.
                 self.served_url = self.url([])
             except breezy.errors.InvalidURL:
                 self.served_url = None
     for hook in self.hooks['controller']:
         controller = hook(self, environ)
         if controller is not None:
             return controller
     path = request.path_info_pop(environ)
     if not path:
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPMovedPermanently(
     if path == 'static':
         return static_app
     elif path == '+json':
         environ['loggerhead.as_json'] = True
         path = request.path_info_pop(environ)
     cls = self.controllers_dict.get(path)
     if cls is not None:
         return cls(self, self.get_history)
     raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()
 def not_found_app(self, environ, start_response):
     mapper = environ.get('paste.urlmap_object')
     if mapper:
         matches = [p for p, a in mapper.applications]
         extra = 'defined apps: %s' % (',\n  '.join(map(repr, matches)))
         extra = ''
     extra += '\nSCRIPT_NAME: %r' % html.escape(environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME'))
     extra += '\nPATH_INFO: %r' % html.escape(environ.get('PATH_INFO'))
     extra += '\nHTTP_HOST: %r' % html.escape(environ.get('HTTP_HOST'))
     app = httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound(
         environ['PATH_INFO'], comment=html.escape(extra)).wsgi_application
     return app(environ, start_response)
Example #13
 def app_for_bazaar_data(self, relpath):
     if relpath == '/.bzr/smart':
         root_transport = get_transport_for_thread(self.root.base)
         wsgi_app = wsgi.SmartWSGIApp(root_transport)
         return wsgi.RelpathSetter(wsgi_app, '', 'loggerhead.path_info')
         # TODO: Use something here that uses the transport API
         # rather than relying on the local filesystem API.
         base = self.transport.base
             path = util.local_path_from_url(base)
         except errors.InvalidURL:
             raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()
             return urlparser.make_static(None, path)
Example #14
 def not_found_exception(self, environ, start_response, debug_message=None):
     :param environ: add???
     :param start_response: add??
     :param debug_message: add???. Default value is ``None``
     :returns: add???
     exc = httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound(
             'The resource at %s could not be found'
             % paste_request.construct_url(environ),
             comment='SCRIPT_NAME=%r; PATH_INFO=%r; debug: %s'
             % (environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME'), environ.get('PATH_INFO'),
                debug_message or '(none)'))
     return exc.wsgi_application(environ, start_response)
Example #15
 def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
     path = environ['PATH_INFO']
         b = branch.Branch.open_from_transport(self.transport)
     except errors.NotBranchError:
         if path.startswith('/.bzr'):
             return self.app_for_bazaar_data(path)(environ, start_response)
         if not self.transport.listable() or not self.transport.has('.'):
             raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()
         return self.app_for_non_branch(environ)(environ, start_response)
         if path.startswith('/.bzr'):
             return self.app_for_bazaar_data(path)(environ, start_response)
             return self.app_for_branch(b)(environ, start_response)
Example #16
    def dispatch(self, controller, environ, start_response):
        """Dispatches to a controller, will instantiate the controller if
        Override this to change how the controller dispatch is handled.
        log_debug = self.log_debug
        if not controller:
            if log_debug:
                log.debug("No controller found, returning 404 HTTP Not Found")
            not_found = httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()
            return not_found.wsgi_application(environ, start_response)

        match = environ['pylons.routes_dict']

        # Older subclass of Controller
        if inspect.isclass(controller) and \
                not issubclass(controller, WSGIController) and \
                issubclass(controller, Controller):
            controller = controller()
            controller.start_response = start_response
            controller._pylons_log_debug = log_debug
            if log_debug:
                log.debug("Calling older Controller subclass")
            return controller(**match)

        # If it's a class, instantiate it
        if not hasattr(controller, '__class__') or \
            getattr(controller, '__class__') == type:
            if log_debug:
                log.debug("Controller appears to be a class, instantiating")
            controller = controller()
            controller._pylons_log_debug = log_debug

        # Controller is assumed to handle a WSGI call
        if log_debug:
            log.debug("Calling controller class with WSGI interface")
        return controller(environ, start_response)
 def handle_request(self, environ, start_response):
     # Grab the request_id (should have been set by middleware)
     request_id = environ.get('request_id', 'unknown')
     # Map url using routes
     path_info = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '')
     map = self.mapper.match(path_info, environ)
     if path_info.startswith('/api'):
         environ['is_api_request'] = True
         controllers = self.api_controllers
         environ['is_api_request'] = False
         controllers = self.controllers
     if map is None:
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("No route for " + path_info)
     self.trace(path_info=path_info, map=map)
     # Setup routes
     rc = routes.request_config()
     rc.mapper = self.mapper
     rc.mapper_dict = map
     rc.environ = environ
     # Setup the transaction
     trans = self.transaction_factory(environ)
     trans.request_id = request_id
     rc.redirect = trans.response.send_redirect
     # Get the controller class
     controller_name = map.pop('controller', None)
     controller = controllers.get(controller_name, None)
     if controller_name is None:
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("No controller for " + path_info)
     # Resolve action method on controller
     action = map.pop('action', 'index')
     # This is the easiest way to make the controller/action accessible for
     # url_for invocations.  Specifically, grids.
     trans.controller = controller_name
     trans.action = action
     method = getattr(controller, action, None)
     if method is None:
         method = getattr(controller, 'default', None)
     if method is None:
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("No action for " + path_info)
     # Is the method exposed
     if not getattr(method, 'exposed', False):
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("Action not exposed for " +
     # Is the method callable
     if not callable(method):
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("Action not callable for " +
     environ['controller_action_key'] = "%s.%s.%s" % (
         'api' if environ['is_api_request'] else 'web', controller_name,
         action or 'default')
     # Combine mapper args and query string / form args and call
     kwargs = trans.request.params.mixed()
     # Special key for AJAX debugging, remove to avoid confusing methods
     kwargs.pop('_', None)
         body = method(trans, **kwargs)
     except Exception as e:
         body = self.handle_controller_exception(e, trans, **kwargs)
         if not body:
     # Now figure out what we got back and try to get it to the browser in
     # a smart way
     if callable(body):
         # Assume the callable is another WSGI application to run
         return body(environ, start_response)
     elif isinstance(body, types.FileType):
         # Stream the file back to the browser
         return send_file(start_response, trans, body)
     elif isinstance(body, tarfile.ExFileObject):
         # Stream the tarfile member back to the browser
         body = iterate_file(body)
         return body
         return self.make_body_iterable(trans, body)
Example #18
 def check_serveable(self, config):
     value = config.get_user_option('http_serve')
     if value is None:
     elif not _bools.get(value.lower(), True):
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()
Example #19
 def error_extra_path(self, environ, start_response):
     exc = httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound(
         'The trailing path %r is not allowed' % environ['PATH_INFO'])
     return exc.wsgi_application(environ, start_response)
Example #20
 def not_found(self, environ, start_response, debug_message=None):
     exc = httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound(
         'The resource at %s could not be found' %
     return exc.wsgi_application(environ, start_response)
Example #21
 def check_serveable(self, config):
     if not config.get_user_option_as_bool('http_serve', default=True):
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()
Example #22
 def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
     if environ['HTTP_HOST'] == self.domain:
         environ['PATH_INFO'] = self.static_path.rstrip(
             '/') + environ['PATH_INFO']
         return self.app(environ, start_response)
     raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()
Example #23
 def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
     Call interface as specified by WSGI. Wraps the environment in user
     friendly objects, finds the appropriate method to handle the request
     and calls it.
     # Setup the transaction
     trans = self.transaction_factory(environ)
     # Map url using routes
     path_info = trans.request.path_info
     map = self.mapper.match(path_info)
     if map == None:
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("No route for " + path_info)
     # Save the complete mapper dict, we pop things off so they don't get passed down
     raw_map = dict(map)
     # Get the controller class
     controller_name = map.pop('controller', None)
     controller = self.controllers.get(controller_name, None)
     if controller_name is None:
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("No controller for " + path_info)
     # Resolve action method on controller
     action = map.pop('action', 'index')
     method = getattr(controller, action, None)
     if method is None:
         method = getattr(controller, 'default', None)
     if method is None:
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("No action for " + path_info)
     # Is the method exposed
     if not getattr(method, 'exposed', False):
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("Action not exposed for " +
     # Is the method callable
     if not callable(method):
         raise httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("Action not callable for " +
     # Setup routes
     rc = routes.request_config()
     rc.mapper = self.mapper
     rc.mapper_dict = raw_map
     rc.environ = environ
     rc.redirect = trans.response.send_redirect
     # Combine mapper args and query string / form args and call
     kwargs = trans.request.params.mixed()
     body = method(trans, **kwargs)
     # Now figure out what we got back and try to get it to the browser in
     # a smart way
     if callable(body):
         # Assume the callable is another WSGI application to run
         return body(environ, start_response)
         if isinstance(body, types.FileType):
             # Stream the file back to the browser
             return iterate_file(body)
         elif isinstance(body, (types.GeneratorType, list, tuple)):
             # Recursively stream the iterable
             return flatten(body)
         elif isinstance(body, basestring):
             # Wrap the string so it can be iterated
             return [body]
         elif body is None:
             # Returns an empty body
             return []
     # Worst case scenario
     return [str(body)]