def callback(ch, method, properties, body): """ This function will be triggered when an element enter the pastebin_downloader queue. Paste object will be create in order to save the content of the Paste in a text file stored at "tmp/pastebin/<filename>". Then the filename is sent to the queue "pastebin_parser". """ msg = f"Data {body} received from queue {lc.DOWNLOADER_QUEUE}" if gc.DEBUG: log_info('downloader', msg) time.sleep(lc.DOWNLOADING_SLEEP + random.choice(lc.DOWNLOADING_DELAY)) scrape_url = json.loads(body)['scrape_url'] r = requests.get(url=scrape_url) if r.status_code != 200: msg = f"Connection error: GET:{scrape_url}, Status:{r.status_code}" log_info('downloader', msg) return file = Paste(metadata=body, data=r.text) filename = ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag) publish(module='downloader', channel=ch, data=filename, queue=lc.PARSER_QUEUE)
def display_paste(paste_id): now = keep_alive = False try: paste = Paste.load(paste_id) # Delete the paste if it expired: if 'burn_after_reading' in str(paste.expiration): # burn_after_reading contains the paste creation date # if this read appends 10 seconds after the creation date # we don't delete the paste because it means it's the redirection # to the paste that happens during the paste creation try: keep_alive = paste.expiration.split('#')[1] keep_alive = datetime.strptime(keep_alive, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') keep_alive = now < keep_alive + timedelta(seconds=10) except IndexError: keep_alive = False if not keep_alive: paste.delete() elif paste.expiration < now: paste.delete() raise ValueError() except (TypeError, ValueError): return error404(ValueError) context = {'paste': paste, 'keep_alive': keep_alive} return dmerge(context, GLOBAL_CONTEXT)
def create_paste(): try: body = urlparse.parse_qs( * 1.1))) except ValueError: return {'status': 'error', 'message': u"Wrong data payload."} try: content = unicode(''.join(body['content']), 'utf8') except (UnicodeDecodeError, KeyError): return { 'status': 'error', 'message': u"Encoding error: the paste couldn't be saved." } if '{"iv":' not in content: # reject silently non encrypted content return {'status': 'error', 'message': u"Wrong data payload."} if content: # check size of the paste. if more than settings return error # without saving paste. prevent from unusual use of the # system. need to be improved if len(content) < settings.MAX_SIZE: expiration = body.get('expiration', [u'burn_after_reading'])[0] paste = Paste(expiration=expiration, content=content, uuid_length=settings.PASTE_ID_LENGTH) # display counter if settings.DISPLAY_COUNTER: #increment paste counter paste.increment_counter() # if refresh time elapsed pick up new counter value now = timeout = (GLOBAL_CONTEXT['refresh_counter'] + timedelta(seconds=settings.REFRESH_COUNTER)) if timeout < now: GLOBAL_CONTEXT['pastes_count'] = Paste.get_pastes_count() GLOBAL_CONTEXT['refresh_counter'] = now return {'status': 'ok', 'paste': paste.uuid} return { 'status': 'error', 'message': u"Serveur error: the paste couldn't be saved. " u"Please try later." }
def create_paste(): try: content = unicode(request.forms.get('content', ''), 'utf8') except UnicodeDecodeError: return {'status': 'error', 'message': u"Encoding error: the paste couldn't be saved."} if '{"iv":' not in content: # reject silently non encrypted content return '' if content: # check size of the paste. if more than settings return error without saving paste. # prevent from unusual use of the system. # need to be improved if len(content) < settings.MAX_SIZE: expiration = request.forms.get('expiration', u'burn_after_reading') paste = Paste(expiration=expiration, content=content) return {'status': 'ok', 'paste': paste.uuid} return {'status': 'error', 'message': u"Serveur error: the paste couldn't be saved. Please try later."}
def parse_paste_page(self, html, id): soup = bs(html, 'html.parser') removed = True if soup.find_all("div", "content_title")[0] \ .text.find("removed") != -1 \ else False if removed: return None info_box = soup.find_all("div", "paste_box_info")[0] info_line = info_box.find_all("div", "paste_box_line2")[0] paste_box = soup.find_all("div", "textarea_border")[0] title = info_box.find_all("div", "paste_box_line1")[0].text date = info_line.span.get("title") content = paste_box.textarea.text author = info_line.a.text \ if info_line.text.lower().find("guest") == -1 \ else "guest" return Paste(id, author, title, content, date)
def parse_link(url: str) -> Paste: tree = Downloader.downloadPage(url) if tree is None: return None try: date = tree.xpath(DataParser.DATE_SELECTOR)[0] username = tree.xpath(DataParser.USERNAME_SELECTOR)[0] title = tree.xpath(DataParser.TITLE_SELECTOR)[0] content = tree.xpath(DataParser.CONTENT_SELECTOR)[0] except Exception: print("Failed to process url: ", url) return None # todo: validate fetched results return Paste(author=DataParser.norm_author_title(username), title=DataParser.norm_author_title(title), content=DataParser.norm_content(content), datetime=DataParser.strdate_to_arrow(date), link=url.split('/')[-1])
def new_paste(): form = PasteForm() if not hcaptcha.verify(): # TODO: Localize error messages flash('hCaptchan verifiointi epäonnistui.', 'negative') # TODO: Complain about other errors even when there is an hCaptcha error return redirect('/'), 400 if form.validate(): letters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits paste_id = ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(12)) paste = Paste(id=paste_id,, \, db.session.add(paste) db.session.commit() return redirect('/p/' + paste_id + '/') for field, errors in form.errors.items(): if field == 'csrf_token': errors[0] = 'Tapahtui CSRF-virhe. Yritä uudelleen.' for error in errors: flash(error, 'negative') return redirect('/')
def create_paste(): try: body = urlparse.parse_qs( * 1.1))) except ValueError: return {'status': 'error', 'message': u"Wrong data payload."} try: content = unicode(''.join(body['content']), 'utf8') except (UnicodeDecodeError, KeyError): return {'status': 'error', 'message': u"Encoding error: the paste couldn't be saved."} if '{"iv":' not in content: # reject silently non encrypted content return {'status': 'error', 'message': u"Wrong data payload."} if content: # check size of the paste. if more than settings return error # without saving paste. prevent from unusual use of the # system. need to be improved if len(content) < settings.MAX_SIZE: expiration = body.get('expiration', [u'burn_after_reading'])[0] paste = Paste(expiration=expiration, content=content, uuid_length=settings.PASTE_ID_LENGTH) # display counter if settings.DISPLAY_COUNTER: #increment paste counter paste.increment_counter() # if refresh time elapsed pick up new counter value now = timeout = (GLOBAL_CONTEXT['refresh_counter'] + timedelta(seconds=settings.REFRESH_COUNTER)) if timeout < now: GLOBAL_CONTEXT['pastes_count'] = Paste.get_pastes_count() GLOBAL_CONTEXT['refresh_counter'] = now return {'status': 'ok', 'paste': paste.uuid} return {'status': 'error', 'message': u"Serveur error: the paste couldn't be saved. " u"Please try later."}
def api_paste(): if not app.config["ENABLE_API"]: abort(403) letters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits paste_id = ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(12)) try: data = json.loads( except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: return jsonify({"error": "INVALID_JSON"}), 400 for param in ("name", "content", "private"): if not param in data: return jsonify({"error": "MISSING_PARAMETER", "parameter": \ param}), 400 name = data["name"] content = data["content"] private = data["private"] if not isinstance(name, str) or not name or name.isspace(): return jsonify({"error": "WRONG_TYPE_OR_NULL", "parameter": "name"}), \ 400 if not isinstance(content, str) or not content or content.isspace(): return jsonify({"error": "WRONG_TYPE_OR_NULL", "parameter": \ "content"}), 400 if not isinstance(private, bool): return jsonify({"error": "WRONG_TYPE_OR_NULL", "parameter": \ "private"}), 400 paste = Paste(id=paste_id, content=data["content"], \ name=data["name"], private=data["private"]) db.session.add(paste) db.session.commit() return jsonify({"id": paste_id})
def create_paste(): try: content = unicode(request.forms.get('content', ''), 'utf8') except UnicodeDecodeError: return {'status': 'error', 'message': u"Encoding error: the paste couldn't be saved."} if '{"iv":' not in content: # reject silently non encrypted content return '' if content: # check size of the paste. if more than settings return error without saving paste. # prevent from unusual use of the system. # need to be improved if len(content) < settings.MAX_SIZE: expiration = request.forms.get('expiration', u'burn_after_reading') paste = Paste(expiration=expiration, content=content) # display counter if settings.DISPLAY_COUNTER: #increment paste counter paste.increment_counter() # if refresh time elapsed pick up new counter value now = timeout = (GLOBAL_CONTEXT['refresh_counter'] + timedelta(seconds=settings.REFRESH_COUNTER)) if timeout < now: GLOBAL_CONTEXT['pastes_count'] = Paste.get_pastes_count() GLOBAL_CONTEXT['refresh_counter'] = now return {'status': 'ok', 'paste': paste.uuid} return {'status': 'error', 'message': u"Serveur error: the paste couldn't be saved. Please try later."}
def create_paste(): try: body = urlparse.parse_qs( * 1.1))) except ValueError: return {"status": "error", "message": u"Wrong data payload."} try: content = unicode("".join(body["content"]), "utf8") except (UnicodeDecodeError, KeyError): return {"status": "error", "message": u"Encoding error: the paste couldn't be saved."} if '{"iv":' not in content: # reject silently non encrypted content return {"status": "error", "message": u"Wrong data payload."} if content: # check size of the paste. if more than settings return error # without saving paste. prevent from unusual use of the # system. need to be improved if len(content) < settings.MAX_SIZE: expiration = body.get("expiration", [u"burn_after_reading"])[0] paste = Paste(expiration=expiration, content=content) # display counter if settings.DISPLAY_COUNTER: # increment paste counter paste.increment_counter() # if refresh time elapsed pick up new counter value now = timeout = GLOBAL_CONTEXT["refresh_counter"] + timedelta(seconds=settings.REFRESH_COUNTER) if timeout < now: GLOBAL_CONTEXT["pastes_count"] = Paste.get_pastes_count() GLOBAL_CONTEXT["refresh_counter"] = now return {"status": "ok", "paste": paste.uuid} return {"status": "error", "message": u"Serveur error: the paste couldn't be saved. " u"Please try later."}
def get_paste(id): p = Paste() return p.get(id).get_data()
# add project dir and libs dir to the PYTHON PATH to ensure they are # importable from utils import settings import bottle from bottle import Bottle, run, static_file, view, request import clize from paste import Paste from utils import drop_privileges, dmerge app = Bottle() GLOBAL_CONTEXT = {"settings": settings, "pastes_count": Paste.get_pastes_count(), "refresh_counter":} @app.route("/") @view("home") def index(): return GLOBAL_CONTEXT @app.route("/faq/") @view("faq") def faq(): return GLOBAL_CONTEXT @app.route("/paste/create", method="POST")
def put_paste(): data = request.get_data() print(data) p = Paste() return "pasted to id: %s" % (p.put(data))
# importable from utils import settings, SettingsValidationError import bottle from bottle import (Bottle, run, static_file, view, request) import clize from paste import Paste from utils import drop_privileges, dmerge app = Bottle() GLOBAL_CONTEXT = { 'settings': settings, 'pastes_count': Paste.get_pastes_count(), 'refresh_counter': } @app.route('/') @view('home') def index(): return GLOBAL_CONTEXT @app.route('/faq/') @view('faq') def faq(): return GLOBAL_CONTEXT
# add project dir and libs dir to the PYTHON PATH to ensure they are # importable from utils import settings, SettingsValidationError import bottle from bottle import (Bottle, run, static_file, view, request) import clize from paste import Paste from utils import drop_privileges, dmerge app = Bottle() GLOBAL_CONTEXT = { 'settings': settings, 'pastes_count': Paste.get_pastes_count(), 'refresh_counter': } @app.route('/') @view('home') def index(): return GLOBAL_CONTEXT @app.route('/faq/') @view('faq') def faq(): return GLOBAL_CONTEXT