def test_paste_has_correct_history(self): """ Upload a paste, update it and check that the paste history is displayed correctly """ create_test_account(self) login_test_account(self) test_user = User.objects.get(username="******") paste = Paste() char_id = paste.add_paste(user=test_user, text="This is a test paste number one.", title="Tested paste")"pastes:edit_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id}), {"title": "New paste title", "text": "This is the new text", "syntax_highlighting": "text", "expiration": "never", "visibility": "public", "note": "Testing update note"}, follow=True) response = self.client.get(reverse("pastes:paste_history", kwargs={"char_id": char_id})) self.assertContains(response, "Testing update note")
def test_user_can_edit_paste(self): """ Upload a paste while logged in and edit it """ create_test_account(self) login_test_account(self) test_user = User.objects.get(username="******") paste = Paste() char_id = paste.add_paste(user=test_user, text="This is a test paste number one.", title="Tested paste") self.assertEquals(len(char_id), 8) # Edit the paste response ="pastes:edit_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id}), { "title": "New paste title", "text": "This is the new text", "syntax_highlighting": "text", "expiration": "never", "visibility": "public" }, follow=True) self.assertContains(response, "New paste title") self.assertContains(response, "This is the new text") self.assertNotContains(response, "This is a test paste number one.")
def test_user_can_edit_paste(self): """ Upload a paste while logged in and edit it """ create_test_account(self) login_test_account(self) test_user = User.objects.get(username="******") paste = Paste() char_id = paste.add_paste(user=test_user, text="This is a test paste number one.", title="Tested paste") self.assertEquals(len(char_id), 8) # Edit the paste response ="pastes:edit_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id}), {"title": "New paste title", "text": "This is the new text", "syntax_highlighting": "text", "expiration": "never", "visibility": "public"}, follow=True) self.assertContains(response, "New paste title") self.assertContains(response, "This is the new text") self.assertNotContains(response, "This is a test paste number one.")
def test_paste_has_correct_history(self): """ Upload a paste, update it and check that the paste history is displayed correctly """ create_test_account(self) login_test_account(self) test_user = User.objects.get(username="******") paste = Paste() char_id = paste.add_paste(user=test_user, text="This is a test paste number one.", title="Tested paste")"pastes:edit_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id}), { "title": "New paste title", "text": "This is the new text", "syntax_highlighting": "text", "expiration": "never", "visibility": "public", "note": "Testing update note" }, follow=True) response = self.client.get( reverse("pastes:paste_history", kwargs={"char_id": char_id})) self.assertContains(response, "Testing update note")
def test_paste_versions_can_be_viewed(self): """ Upload a paste, update it twice and check that all versions can be viewed individually """ "" create_test_account(self) login_test_account(self) test_user = User.objects.get(username="******") paste = Paste() char_id = paste.add_paste(user=test_user, text="This is the version one.", title="Tested paste")"pastes:edit_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id}), {"title": "Second version title", "text": "This is the version two", "syntax_highlighting": "python", "expiration": "never", "visibility": "public", "note": "Update two"}, follow=True)"pastes:edit_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id}), {"title": "Third version title", "text": "This is the version three", "syntax_highlighting": "php", "expiration": "never", "visibility": "public", "note": "Testing update note"}, follow=True) # Test that the normal link has the newest version response = self.client.get(reverse("show_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id})) self.assertContains(response, "PHP") self.assertContains(response, "Third version title") # Test the first version response = self.client.get(reverse("show_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id, "version": 1})) self.assertContains(response, "Text only") self.assertContains(response, "Tested paste") # Test the second version response = self.client.get(reverse("show_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id, "version": 2})) self.assertContains(response, "Python") self.assertContains(response, "Second version title") # Test the third version response = self.client.get(reverse("show_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id, "version": 3})) self.assertContains(response, "PHP") self.assertContains(response, "Third version title")
def upload_test_paste(test_case, username="******"): """ Upload a test paste """ paste = Paste() test_user = User.objects.get(username=username) return paste.add_paste(user=test_user, text="This is the test paste.", title="Test paste")
def upload_test_paste(test_case, username="******", text="This is the test paste."): """ Upload a test paste """ paste = Paste() if username != None: test_user = User.objects.get(username=username) else: test_user = None return paste.add_paste(user=test_user, text=text, title="Test paste")
def test_raw_paste_displayed_correctly(self): """ Create a paste and view it in raw format """ text = """This is a raw paste.<b></b>>TEST TEST TEST TEST""" paste = Paste() char_id = paste.add_paste(text) response = self.client.get(reverse("raw_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id})) # The response should contain the next text and nothing else self.assertContains(response, text) self.assertNotContains(response, "Untitled")
def test_raw_paste_displayed_correctly(self): """ Create a paste and view it in raw format """ text = """This is a raw paste.<b></b>>TEST TEST TEST TEST""" paste = Paste() char_id = paste.add_paste(text) response = self.client.get( reverse("raw_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id})) # The response should contain the next text and nothing else self.assertContains(response, text) self.assertNotContains(response, "Untitled")
def _create_paste(request): """ HTTP POST: Creates a paste, and then returns the UID for the paste """ if request.method == 'POST': if request.POST.get('content') is None: err = {'error': 'Paste content cannot be empty'} return JsonResponse(err, status=422) paste = Paste() paste.content = request.POST.get('content') # If a title is defined by the user, use the title provided. # Otherwise, it will fall back to "Untitled Paste" if request.POST.get('title') is not None: paste.title = request.POST.get('title') # If a password is provided, encrypt the password and then store if request.POST.get('password') is not None: paste.password = hashers.make_password(request.POST.get('password')) # Get the IP address from the request, using the helper function. paste.ip_addr = _get_client_ip(request) msg = { 'message': 'The paste has been successfully posted', 'uid': paste.uid, } response = JsonResponse(msg, status=200) response['Location'] = str(paste.uid) # Add Paste UID to Location header return response else: err = {'error': 'Bad Request'} return JsonResponse(err, status=400)
def test_encrypted_paste_versions_shown_correctly(self): """ Upload an encrypted paste and then update that paste to not have encryption Check that both versions are displayed correctly """ create_test_account(self) login_test_account(self) test_user = User.objects.get(username="******") paste = Paste() char_id = paste.add_paste(user=test_user, text="This is the version one.", title="Tested paste", encrypted=True)"pastes:edit_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id}), { "title": "Second version title", "text": "This is the version two", "syntax_highlighting": "python", "expiration": "never", "visibility": "public", "encrypted": False, "note": "Update two" }, follow=True) # Test the first encrypted version response = self.client.get( reverse("show_paste", kwargs={ "char_id": char_id, "version": 1 })) self.assertContains(response, "This paste is encrypted") # Test the second unencrypted version response = self.client.get( reverse("show_paste", kwargs={ "char_id": char_id, "version": 2 })) self.assertNotContains(response, "This paste is encrypted")
def home(request): """ Display the index page with the form to submit a paste, as well as the most recent pastes """ paste_form = SubmitPasteForm(request.POST or None, request=request) latest_pastes = cache.get("home_latest_pastes") if latest_pastes == None: latest_pastes = Paste.objects.get_pastes(include_expired=False, include_hidden=False, count=15) cache.set("home_latest_pastes", latest_pastes, 5) languages = highlighting.settings.LANGUAGES if paste_form.is_valid(): paste_data = paste_form.cleaned_data user = None if request.user.is_authenticated(): user = request.user paste = Paste() char_id = paste.add_paste(title=paste_data["title"], user=user, text=paste_data["text"], expiration=paste_data["expiration"], visibility=paste_data["visibility"], format=paste_data["syntax_highlighting"], encrypted=paste_data["encrypted"]) Limiter.increase_action_count(request, Limiter.PASTE_UPLOAD) # Redirect to the newly created paste return redirect("show_paste", char_id=char_id) return render(request, "home/home.html", { "form": paste_form, "latest_pastes": latest_pastes, "languages": languages })
def random_paste(request): """ Redirect to a random paste """ char_id = Paste.get_random_char_id() if char_id: return redirect("show_paste", char_id=char_id) else: return redirect("home:home")
def test_expiring_paste_expires_correctly(self): """ Upload a paste with an expiration time """ with freeze_time("2015-01-01 12:00:00"): paste = Paste() char_id = paste.add_paste(text="This is a test paste", title="Expiring paste title", expiration=Paste.ONE_HOUR) response ="show_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id})) self.assertContains(response, "Expiring paste title") self.assertNotContains(response, "The paste you tried to view has expired") with freeze_time("2015-01-01 13:00:01"): response ="show_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id})) self.assertContains(response, "The paste you tried to view has expired", status_code=404)
def home(request): """ Display the index page with the form to submit a paste, as well as the most recent pastes """ paste_form = SubmitPasteForm(request.POST or None, request=request) latest_pastes = cache.get("home_latest_pastes") if latest_pastes == None: latest_pastes = Paste.objects.get_pastes(include_expired=False, include_hidden=False, count=15) cache.set("home_latest_pastes", latest_pastes, 5) languages = highlighting.settings.LANGUAGES if paste_form.is_valid(): paste_data = paste_form.cleaned_data user = None if request.user.is_authenticated(): user = request.user paste = Paste() char_id = paste.add_paste(title=paste_data["title"], user=user, text=paste_data["text"], expiration=paste_data["expiration"], visibility=paste_data["visibility"], format=paste_data["syntax_highlighting"], encrypted=paste_data["encrypted"]) Limiter.increase_action_count(request, Limiter.PASTE_UPLOAD) # Redirect to the newly created paste return redirect("show_paste", char_id=char_id) return render(request, "home/home.html", {"form": paste_form, "latest_pastes": latest_pastes, "languages": languages })
def test_encrypted_paste_versions_shown_correctly(self): """ Upload an encrypted paste and then update that paste to not have encryption Check that both versions are displayed correctly """ create_test_account(self) login_test_account(self) test_user = User.objects.get(username="******") paste = Paste() char_id = paste.add_paste(user=test_user, text="This is the version one.", title="Tested paste", encrypted=True)"pastes:edit_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id}), {"title": "Second version title", "text": "This is the version two", "syntax_highlighting": "python", "expiration": "never", "visibility": "public", "encrypted": False, "note": "Update two"}, follow=True) # Test the first encrypted version response = self.client.get(reverse("show_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id, "version": 1})) self.assertContains(response, "This paste is encrypted") # Test the second unencrypted version response = self.client.get(reverse("show_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id, "version": 2})) self.assertNotContains(response, "This paste is encrypted")
def test_expiring_paste_expires_correctly(self): """ Upload a paste with an expiration time """ with freeze_time("2015-01-01 12:00:00"): paste = Paste() char_id = paste.add_paste(text="This is a test paste", title="Expiring paste title", expiration=Paste.ONE_HOUR) response = reverse("show_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id})) self.assertContains(response, "Expiring paste title") self.assertNotContains(response, "The paste you tried to view has expired") with freeze_time("2015-01-01 13:00:01"): response = reverse("show_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id})) self.assertContains(response, "The paste you tried to view has expired", status_code=404)
def _create_paste(request): """ HTTP POST: Creates a paste, and then returns the UID for the paste """ if request.method == 'POST': if request.POST.get('content') is None: err = {'error': 'Paste content cannot be empty'} return JsonResponse(err, status=422) paste = Paste() paste.content = request.POST.get('content') # If a title is defined by the user, use the title provided. # Otherwise, it will fall back to "Untitled Paste" if request.POST.get('title') is not None: paste.title = request.POST.get('title') # If a password is provided, encrypt the password and then store if request.POST.get('password') is not None: paste.password = hashers.make_password( request.POST.get('password')) # Get the IP address from the request, using the helper function. paste.ip_addr = _get_client_ip(request) msg = { 'message': 'The paste has been successfully posted', 'uid': paste.uid, } response = JsonResponse(msg, status=200) response['Location'] = str( paste.uid) # Add Paste UID to Location header return response else: err = {'error': 'Bad Request'} return JsonResponse(err, status=400)
def test_paste_versions_can_be_viewed(self): """ Upload a paste, update it twice and check that all versions can be viewed individually """ "" create_test_account(self) login_test_account(self) test_user = User.objects.get(username="******") paste = Paste() char_id = paste.add_paste(user=test_user, text="This is the version one.", title="Tested paste")"pastes:edit_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id}), { "title": "Second version title", "text": "This is the version two", "syntax_highlighting": "python", "expiration": "never", "visibility": "public", "note": "Update two" }, follow=True)"pastes:edit_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id}), { "title": "Third version title", "text": "This is the version three", "syntax_highlighting": "php", "expiration": "never", "visibility": "public", "note": "Testing update note" }, follow=True) # Test that the normal link has the newest version response = self.client.get( reverse("show_paste", kwargs={"char_id": char_id})) self.assertContains(response, "PHP") self.assertContains(response, "Third version title") # Test the first version response = self.client.get( reverse("show_paste", kwargs={ "char_id": char_id, "version": 1 })) self.assertContains(response, "Text only") self.assertContains(response, "Tested paste") # Test the second version response = self.client.get( reverse("show_paste", kwargs={ "char_id": char_id, "version": 2 })) self.assertContains(response, "Python") self.assertContains(response, "Second version title") # Test the third version response = self.client.get( reverse("show_paste", kwargs={ "char_id": char_id, "version": 3 })) self.assertContains(response, "PHP") self.assertContains(response, "Third version title")