Example #1
def psf_builder(data, masks, shifts, fit_parms, fit_vars, parms):
    Build a psf model by scaling data and using a kernel basis.
    xs = parms.patch_grid[0].ravel()[None, :] + shifts[:, 0, None]
    ys = parms.patch_grid[1].ravel()[None, :] + shifts[:, 1, None]

    bkgs = make_background(data, fit_parms, parms.background)
    scaled = np.abs(data - bkgs) / fit_parms[:, 0][:, None]
    assert parms.background == 'constant', 'need to generalize for diff bkgs'
    scaled_vars = (scaled / fit_parms[:, 0][:, None]) ** 2. * \
        fit_vars[:, 0, None]
    scaled_vars += (1. / fit_parms[:, 0][:, None]) ** 2. * fit_vars[:, -1, None]

    ivars = np.zeros(masks[masks == True].size)
    values = np.zeros(masks[masks == True].size)
    masked_xs = np.zeros(masks[masks == True].size)
    masked_ys = np.zeros(masks[masks == True].size)
    ind = 0
    for i in range(data.shape[0]):
        chunk = masks[i][masks[i] == 1].size
        values[ind: ind + chunk] = scaled[i][masks[i]]
        ivars[ind: ind + chunk] = 1. / scaled_vars[i][masks[i]]
        masked_xs[ind: ind + chunk] = xs[i][masks[i]]
        masked_ys[ind: ind + chunk] = ys[i][masks[i]]
        ind += chunk

    return binned_model(masked_xs, masked_ys, values, ivars, parms.patch_shape,
Example #2
def one_datum_nll_diff((datum, shift, psf_model, old_nll, fitparms, mask,
                        steps, parms)):
    Calculate the derivative for a single datum using forward differencing.
    # if not enough good pixels, discard patch
    min_pixels = np.ceil(parms.min_frac * datum.size)
    if datum[mask].size < min_pixels:
        return np.zeros_like(psf_model)

    # background model
    if parms.background == 'linear':
        N = np.sqrt(psf_model.size).astype(np.int)
        x, y = np.meshgrid(range(N), range(N))
        A = np.vstack((np.ones_like(psf), np.ones_like(psf),
                       x.ravel(), y.ravel())).T
        bkg = make_background(datum, A, fitparms, parms.background)
    elif parms.background == None:
        bkg = 0.0
        bkg = fitparms[-1]

    # calculate the difference in nll, tweaking each psf parm.
    steps = parms.h * psf_model
    deriv = np.zeros_like(psf_model)
    for i in range(parms.psf_model_shape[0]):
        for j in range(parms.psf_model_shape[1]):
            temp_psf = psf_model.copy()
            temp_psf[i, j] += steps[i, j]

            psf = render_psfs(temp_psf, shift, parms.patch_shape,

            model = fitparms[0] * psf + bkg
            diff = eval_nll(datum[mask], model[mask], parms) - old_nll[mask]
            deriv[i, j] = np.sum(diff) / steps[i, j]

    return deriv