Example #1
def find_content(project, mail):
    patchbuf = None
    commentbuf = ''
    pullurl = None

    for part in mail.walk():
        if part.get_content_maintype() != 'text':

        payload = part.get_payload(decode=True)
        charset = part.get_content_charset()
        subtype = part.get_content_subtype()

        # if we don't have a charset, assume utf-8
        if charset is None:
            charset = 'utf-8'

        if not isinstance(payload, unicode):
            payload = unicode(payload, charset)

        if subtype in ['x-patch', 'x-diff']:
            patchbuf = payload

        elif subtype == 'plain':
            c = payload

            if not patchbuf:
                (patchbuf, c) = parse_patch(payload)

            if not pullurl:
                pullurl = find_pull_request(payload)

            if c is not None:
                commentbuf += c.strip() + '\n'

    patch = None
    comment = None

    if pullurl or patchbuf:
        name = clean_subject(mail.get('Subject'), [project.linkname])
        patch = Patch(name = name, pull_url = pullurl, content = patchbuf,
                    date = mail_date(mail), headers = mail_headers(mail))

    if commentbuf:
        if patch:
            cpatch = patch
            cpatch = find_patch_for_comment(project, mail)
            if not cpatch:
                return (None, None)
        comment = Comment(patch = cpatch, date = mail_date(mail),
                content = clean_content(commentbuf),
                headers = mail_headers(mail))

    return (patch, comment)
Example #2
def find_content(project, mail):
    patchbuf = None
    commentbuf = ''

    for part in mail.walk():
        if part.get_content_maintype() != 'text':

        payload = part.get_payload(decode=True)
        subtype = part.get_content_subtype()

        if not isinstance(payload, six.text_type):
            charset = part.get_content_charset()

            # Check that we have a charset that we understand. Otherwise,
            # ignore it and fallback to our standard set.
            if charset is not None:
                except LookupError:
                    charset = None

            # If there is no charset or if it is unknown, then try some common
            # charsets before we fail.
            if charset is None:
                try_charsets = ['utf-8', 'windows-1252', 'iso-8859-1']
                try_charsets = [charset]

            for cset in try_charsets:
                    payload = six.text_type(payload, cset)
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
                    payload = None

            # Could not find a valid decoded payload.  Fail.
            if payload is None:
                return None, None

        if subtype in ['x-patch', 'x-diff']:
            patchbuf = payload
        elif subtype == 'plain':
            c = payload

            if not patchbuf:
                patchbuf, c = parse_patch(payload)

            if c is not None:
                commentbuf += c.strip() + '\n'

    commentbuf = clean_content(commentbuf)

    return patchbuf, commentbuf
Example #3
def find_content(project, mail):
    patchbuf = None
    commentbuf = ''
    pullurl = None
    is_attachment = False

    for part in mail.walk():
        if part.get_content_maintype() != 'text':

        payload = part.get_payload(decode=True)
        subtype = part.get_content_subtype()

        if not isinstance(payload, six.text_type):
            charset = part.get_content_charset()

            # Check that we have a charset that we understand. Otherwise,
            # ignore it and fallback to our standard set.
            if charset is not None:
                except LookupError:
                    charset = None

            # If there is no charset or if it is unknown, then try some common
            # charsets before we fail.
            if charset is None:
                try_charsets = ['utf-8', 'windows-1252', 'iso-8859-1']
                try_charsets = [charset]

            for cset in try_charsets:
                decoded_payload = try_decode(payload, cset)
                if decoded_payload is not None:
            payload = decoded_payload

            # Could not find a valid decoded payload.  Fail.
            if payload is None:
                return None

        if subtype in ['x-patch', 'x-diff']:
            is_attachment = True
            patchbuf = payload

        elif subtype == 'plain':
            c = payload

            if not patchbuf:
                (patchbuf, c) = parse_patch(payload)

            if not pullurl:
                pullurl = find_pull_request(payload)

            if c is not None:
                commentbuf += c.strip() + '\n'

    ret = MailContent()

    drop_prefixes = [project.linkname] + project.get_subject_prefix_tags()
    (name, prefixes) = clean_subject(mail.get('Subject'), drop_prefixes)
    (x, n) = parse_series_marker(prefixes)
    refs = build_references_list(mail)
    is_root = refs == []
    is_cover_letter = is_root and x == 0
    patch_prefix = re.match('(\s*\[[^]]*\]\s*)*\[\s*PATCH', mail.get('Subject'))
    is_patch = patchbuf is not None and patch_prefix

    drop_patch = not is_attachment and \
        project.git_send_email_only and not is_git_send_email(mail)

    if pullurl or (is_patch and not drop_patch):
        if project.git_send_email_only or not is_cover_letter:
            ret.patch_order = x or 1
            ret.patch = Patch(name=name, pull_url=pullurl, content=patchbuf,
                              date=mail_date(mail), headers=mail_headers(mail))

    if patchbuf:
        ret.filenames = patch_get_filenames(patchbuf)

    # Create/update the Series and SeriesRevision objects
    if is_cover_letter or is_patch:
        msgid = mail.get('Message-Id').strip()
        # check if msgid already exists in db
        ex_msgid=get_object_by_msgid(Patch, msgid)
        if not ex_msgid:
            ex_msgid=get_object_by_msgid(Comment, msgid)
        if ex_msgid and ex_msgid.content:
            # modify msgid to allow processing new message only if it
            # contains different content than existing Patch or Comment
            if patchbuf and patchbuf!=ex_msgid.content:
                msgid=datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() + '-' + msgid

        # Series get a generic name when they don't start by a cover letter or
        # when they haven't received the root message yet. Except when it's
        # only 1 patch, then the series takes the patch subject as name.
        series_name = None
        if is_cover_letter or n is None:
            series_name = strip_prefixes(name)

        (ret.series, ret.revision, ret.patch_order, n) = \
            find_series_for_mail(project, series_name, msgid, is_patch,
                                 ret.patch_order, n, refs)
        ret.revision.n_patches = n or 1

        date = mail_date(mail)
        if not ret.series.submitted or date < ret.series.submitted:
            ret.series.submitted = date

    if is_cover_letter:
        ret.revision.cover_letter = clean_content(commentbuf)
        return ret

    if commentbuf:
        # If this is a new patch, we defer setting comment.patch until
        # patch has been saved by the caller
        if ret.patch:
            ret.comment = Comment(date=mail_date(mail),

            cpatch = find_patch_for_comment(project, refs)
            if not cpatch:
                return ret
            ret.comment = Comment(patch=cpatch, date=mail_date(mail),

    # make sure we always have a valid (series,revision) tuple if we have a
    # patch. We don't consider pull requests a series.
    if ret.patch and not pullurl and (not ret.series or not ret.revision):
        raise Exception("Could not find series for: %s" % name)

    return ret
Example #4
def find_content(project, mail):
    patchbuf = None
    commentbuf = ''
    pullurl = None
    is_attachment = False

    for part in mail.walk():
        if part.get_content_maintype() != 'text':

        payload = part.get_payload(decode=True)
        subtype = part.get_content_subtype()

        if not isinstance(payload, unicode):
            charset = part.get_content_charset()

            # Check that we have a charset that we understand. Otherwise,
            # ignore it and fallback to our standard set.
            if charset is not None:
                except LookupError:
                    charset = None

            # If there is no charset or if it is unknown, then try some common
            # charsets before we fail.
            if charset is None:
                try_charsets = ['utf-8', 'windows-1252', 'iso-8859-1']
                try_charsets = [charset]

            for cset in try_charsets:
                decoded_payload = try_decode(payload, cset)
                if decoded_payload is not None:
            payload = decoded_payload

            # Could not find a valid decoded payload.  Fail.
            if payload is None:
                return None

        if subtype in ['x-patch', 'x-diff']:
            is_attachment = True
            patchbuf = payload

        elif subtype == 'plain':
            c = payload

            if not patchbuf:
                (patchbuf, c) = parse_patch(payload)

            if not pullurl:
                pullurl = find_pull_request(payload)

            if c is not None:
                commentbuf += c.strip() + '\n'

    ret = MailContent()

    drop_prefixes = [project.linkname] + project.get_subject_prefix_tags()
    (name, prefixes) = clean_subject(mail.get('Subject'), drop_prefixes)
    (x, n) = parse_series_marker(prefixes)
    refs = build_references_list(mail)
    is_root = refs == []
    is_cover_letter = is_root and x == 0
    is_patch = patchbuf is not None
    is_git_send_email = mail.get('X-Mailer', '').startswith('git-send-email ')

    drop_patch = not is_attachment and \
                 project.git_send_email_only and not is_git_send_email

    if pullurl or (is_patch and not drop_patch):
        ret.patch_order = x or 1
        ret.patch = Patch(name=name,

    # Create/update the Series and SeriesRevision objects
    if is_cover_letter or is_patch:
        msgid = mail.get('Message-Id').strip()

        # Series get a generic name when they don't start by a cover letter or
        # when they haven't received the root message yet. Except when it's
        # only 1 patch, then the series takes the patch subject as name.
        series_name = None
        if is_cover_letter or n is None:
            series_name = strip_prefixes(name)

        (ret.series, ret.revision, ret.patch_order) = \
            find_series_for_mail(project, series_name, msgid, is_patch,
                                 ret.patch_order, refs)
        ret.series.n_patches = n or 1

        date = mail_date(mail)
        if not ret.series.submitted or date < ret.series.submitted:
            ret.series.submitted = date

    if is_cover_letter:
        ret.revision.cover_letter = clean_content(commentbuf)
        return ret

    if commentbuf:
        # If this is a new patch, we defer setting comment.patch until
        # patch has been saved by the caller
        if ret.patch:
            ret.comment = Comment(date=mail_date(mail),

            cpatch = find_patch_for_comment(project, refs)
            if not cpatch:
                return ret
            ret.comment = Comment(patch=cpatch,

    # make sure we always have a valid (series,revision) tuple if we have a
    # patch. We don't consider pull requests a series.
    if ret.patch and not pullurl and (not ret.series or not ret.revision):
        raise Exception("Could not find series for: %s" % name)

    return ret
Example #5
def find_content(project, mail):
    patchbuf = None
    commentbuf = ''
    pullurl = None

    for part in mail.walk():
        if part.get_content_maintype() != 'text':

        payload = part.get_payload(decode=True)
        subtype = part.get_content_subtype()

        if not isinstance(payload, unicode):
            charset = part.get_content_charset()

            # Check that we have a charset that we understand. Otherwise,
            # ignore it and fallback to our standard set.
            if charset is not None:
                    codec = codecs.lookup(charset)
                except LookupError:
                    charset = None

            # If there is no charset or if it is unknown, then try some common
            # charsets before we fail.
            if charset is None:
                try_charsets = ['utf-8', 'windows-1252', 'iso-8859-1']
                try_charsets = [charset]

            for cset in try_charsets:
                decoded_payload = try_decode(payload, cset)
                if decoded_payload is not None:
            payload = decoded_payload

            # Could not find a valid decoded payload.  Fail.
            if payload is None:
                return (None, None)

        if subtype in ['x-patch', 'x-diff']:
            patchbuf = payload

        elif subtype == 'plain':
            c = payload

            if not patchbuf:
                (patchbuf, c) = parse_patch(payload)

            if not pullurl:
                pullurl = find_pull_request(payload)

            if c is not None:
                commentbuf += c.strip() + '\n'

    patch = None
    comment = None

    if pullurl or patchbuf:
        name = clean_subject(mail.get('Subject'), [project.linkname])
        patch = Patch(name = name, pull_url = pullurl, content = patchbuf,
                    date = mail_date(mail), headers = mail_headers(mail))

    if commentbuf:
        if patch:
            cpatch = patch
            cpatch = find_patch_for_comment(project, mail)
            if not cpatch:
                return (None, None)
        comment = Comment(patch = cpatch, date = mail_date(mail),
                content = clean_content(commentbuf),
                headers = mail_headers(mail))

    return (patch, comment)