Example #1
def _match_path(path, included_patterns, excluded_patterns, case_sensitive):
    """Internal function same as :func:`match_path` but does not check arguments."""
    if case_sensitive:
        path = PurePosixPath(path)
        included_patterns = {pattern.lower() for pattern in included_patterns}
        excluded_patterns = {pattern.lower() for pattern in excluded_patterns}
        path = PureWindowsPath(path)

    common_patterns = included_patterns & excluded_patterns
    if common_patterns:
        raise ValueError(
            'conflicting patterns `{}` included and excluded'.format(
    return (any(path.match(p) for p in included_patterns)
            and not any(path.match(p) for p in excluded_patterns))
Example #2
def create_client(
    notebook: NotebookNode,
    source: str,
    nb_config: NbParserConfig,
    logger: LoggerType,
    read_fmt: None | dict = None,
) -> NotebookClientBase:
    """Create a notebook execution client, to update its outputs.

    This function may execute the notebook if necessary, to update its outputs,
    or populate from a cache.

    :param notebook: The notebook to update.
    :param source: Path to or description of the input source being processed.
    :param nb_config: The configuration for the notebook parser.
    :param logger: The logger to use.
    :param read_fmt: The format of the input source (to parse to jupyter cache)

    :returns: The updated notebook, and the (optional) execution metadata.
    # path should only be None when using docutils programmatically,
    # e.g. source="<string>"
        path = Path(source) if Path(source).is_file() else None
    except OSError:
        path = None  # occurs on Windows for `source="<string>"`

    # check if the notebook is excluded from execution by pattern
    if path is not None and nb_config.execution_excludepatterns:
        posix_path = PurePosixPath(path.as_posix())
        for pattern in nb_config.execution_excludepatterns:
            if posix_path.match(pattern):
                logger.info(f"Excluded from execution by pattern: {pattern!r}")
                return NotebookClientBase(notebook, path, nb_config, logger)

    # 'auto' mode only executes the notebook if it is missing at least one output
    missing_outputs = (len(cell.outputs) == 0 for cell in notebook.cells
                       if cell["cell_type"] == "code")
    if nb_config.execution_mode == "auto" and not any(missing_outputs):
        logger.info("Skipped execution in 'auto' mode (all outputs present)")
        return NotebookClientBase(notebook, path, nb_config, logger)

    if nb_config.execution_mode in ("auto", "force"):
        return NotebookClientDirect(notebook, path, nb_config, logger)

    if nb_config.execution_mode == "cache":
        return NotebookClientCache(notebook,

    if nb_config.execution_mode == "inline":
        return NotebookClientInline(notebook, path, nb_config, logger)

    return NotebookClientBase(notebook, path, nb_config, logger)
Example #3
def youtube_id(url):
    """Extract the YouTube ID from a YouTube URL

    >>> youtube_id("http://www.youtube.com/user/Scobleizer#p/u/1/1p3vcRhsYGo")

    >>> youtube_id("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKZDdG9FTKY&feature=channel")

    >>> youtube_id('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZ-K7nCVnBI&playnext_from=TL&videos=osPknwzXEas&feature=sub')

    >>> youtube_id('http://www.youtube.com/ytscreeningroom?v=NRHVzbJVx8I')

    >>> youtube_id('http://www.youtube.com/user/SilkRoadTheatre#p/a/u/2/6dwqZw0j_jY')

    >>> youtube_id('http://youtu.be/6dwqZw0j_jY')

    >>> youtube_id('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dwqZw0j_jY&feature=youtu.be')

    >>> youtube_id('http://youtu.be/afa-5HQHiAs')

    >>> youtube_id('http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKZDdG9FTKY&feature=channel')

    >>> youtube_id('http://www.youtube.com/user/Scobleizer#p/u/1/1p3vcRhsYGo?rel=0')

    >>> youtube_id('//www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/up_lNV-yoK4?rel=0')

    More from :url:`https://stackoverflow.com/a/27728417/297797`:


    url_parts = urlsplit(url)
    p = PurePosixPath(url_parts.path)
    q = parse_qs(url_parts.query)
    f = url_parts.fragment
    if (q and 'v' in q):
        return q['v'][0]
    elif f:
        # f is a URL!
        fp = PurePosixPath(urlsplit(f).path)
        if fp.match("u/*/*"):
            return fp.name
        return p.name