Example #1
    def convert_win32_to_posix(rootfs, cwd, path):
        # rootfs is a concrete path.
        rootfs = Path(rootfs)
        # cwd and path are pure paths
        cwd = PurePosixPath(cwd[1:])

        result = None
        # Things are complicated here.
        # See https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file?redirectedfrom=MSDN
        if PureWindowsPath(path).is_absolute():
            if (len(path) >= 2 and path[0] == '\\' and path[1] == '\\') or \
                (len(path) >= 3 and path[0].isalpha() and path[2] == '\\'): # \\.\PhysicalDrive0 or \\Server\Share\Directory or X:\
                # UNC path should be handled in fs mapping. If not, append it to rootfs directly.
                pw = PureWindowsPath(path)
                result = rootfs / pw.relative_to(pw.anchor)
                # code should never reach here.
                result = rootfs / path
            if len(
            ) >= 3 and path[:3] == r'\\?' or path[:3] == r'\??':  # \??\ or \\?\ or \Device\..
                # Similair to \\.\, it should be handled in fs mapping.
                pw = PureWindowsPath(path)
                result = rootfs / cwd / pw.relative_to(pw.anchor)
                # a normal relative path
                result = rootfs / cwd / PureWindowsPath(path)
        return result
Example #2
    def convert_win32_to_posix(rootfs: Union[str, Path], cwd: str,
                               path: str) -> Path:
        _rootfs = Path(rootfs)
        _cwd = PurePosixPath(cwd[1:])

        # Things are complicated here.
        # See https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file?redirectedfrom=MSDN
        if PureWindowsPath(path).is_absolute():
            if (len(path) >= 2 and path.startswith(r'\\')) or \
                (len(path) >= 3 and path[0].isalpha() and path[1:3] == ':\\'): # \\.\PhysicalDrive0 or \\Server\Share\Directory or X:\
                # UNC path should be handled in fs mapping. If not, append it to rootfs directly.
                pw = PureWindowsPath(path)
                result = _rootfs / QlPathManager.normalize(pw)
                # code should never reach here.
                result = _rootfs / QlPathManager.normalize(path)
            if len(
            ) >= 3 and path[:3] == r'\\?' or path[:3] == r'\??':  # \??\ or \\?\ or \Device\..
                # Similair to \\.\, it should be handled in fs mapping.
                pw = PureWindowsPath(path)
                result = _rootfs / QlPathManager.normalize(
                    _cwd / pw.relative_to(pw.anchor).as_posix())
                # a normal relative path
                result = _rootfs / QlPathManager.normalize(
                    _cwd / PureWindowsPath(path).as_posix())

        return result
def main(playlist_dir, output_dir, replace=None, overwrite=False, update_only=False, preserve_comments=False):
    for playlist in playlist_dir.rglob('*.m3u*'):
        dest = playlist.relative_to(playlist_dir)
        dest = output_dir / dest
        if not (overwrite or update_only) and dest.exists():
            print(f'{dest} already exists, skipping.')
        if (update_only and dest.exists()
                and dest.stat().st_mtime > playlist.stat().st_mtime):

        dest.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        if dest.exists() and preserve_comments:
            smart_update(playlist, dest, replace)
            # dumb write with path updates
            with open(playlist) as fin, open(dest, 'wb') as fout:
                for track in fin:
                    track = track.strip()
                    if re.match(r'\w:', track) or '\\' in track:
                        track = PureWindowsPath(track)
                        track = Path(track)
                    if replace:
                        old_m_dir, new_m_dir = replace
                        track = new_m_dir / track.relative_to(old_m_dir)
                    fout.write(bytes(str(track), 'utf8'))
Example #4
    def write(self, filename, arcname=None, compress_type=None, unk1=None):
        """Write the file named `filename` into the archive.

            filename: File to write into archive.
            arcname: If given, the archive file entry will be named `arcname`.
                By default, `arcname` will be the same as `filename`,
                but with any drive letter and leading path separators removed.
                Posix paths will be replaced with equivalent Windows paths.
            compress_type (`LMCompressType`): If given, the file will be compressed
                with the specified method (defaults to uncompressed for files < 5MB
                in size, and zlib compressed for files >= 5MB).

            The number of (compressed) bytes written.

            FileExistsError: If an entry matching `arcname` already exists in this archive.
            UnsupportedLiveMakerCompression: If the `compress_type` is unsupported.

        if self.closed:
            raise ValueError("Archive is already closed.")
        if self.mode != "w":
            raise ValueError("Cannot write to archive opened for reading.")
        if arcname is None:
            arcpath = PureWindowsPath(filename)
            arcpath = PureWindowsPath(arcname)
        # strip drive and leading pathsep
        name = str(arcpath.relative_to(arcpath.anchor))
        if name in self.name_info:
            raise FileExistsError(
                "{} already exists in this archive.".format(name))
        if compress_type is not None and compress_type not in SUPPORTED_COMPRESSIONS:
            raise UnsupportedLiveMakerCompression(
                "{} is not supported.".format(compress_type))
        info = LMArchiveInfo(name)
        with open(filename, "rb") as f:
            data = f.read()
        if compress_type is None:
            if len(data) >= 0x500000:
                compress_type = LMCompressType.ZLIB
                compress_type = LMCompressType.NONE
        if compress_type == LMCompressType.ZLIB:
            data = zlib.compress(data)
        if unk1 is not None:
            info.unk1 = unk1
        info.compress_type = compress_type
        info.compressed_size = len(data)
        info.checksum = LMArchiveDirectory.checksum(data)
        info._offset = self.tmpfp.tell()
        self.name_info[name] = info
        return info.compressed_size
Example #5
def remove_drive_letter(path):
    Given a Windows path string, remove the leading drive letter and return the
    path string as a POSIX-styled path.
    # Remove leading drive letter ("C:\\")
    path = PureWindowsPath(path)
    path_no_drive_letter = path.relative_to(*path.parts[:1])
    # POSIX-ize the path
    posixed_path = path_no_drive_letter.as_posix()
    return posixed_path
def make_merge_structs(source, dest, replace=None):
    """get linked lists and lookup tables for both files as well as a duplicate table"""
    if replace:
        old_m_dir, new_m_dir = replace
        if '\\' in str(old_m_dir) or re.match(r'\w:', str(old_m_dir)):
            old_m_dir = PureWindowsPath(old_m_dir)
    heads = []
    maps = []
    dups = defaultdict(list)
    for fl in (source, dest):
        s_head = None
        s_map = {}
        with open(fl) as s:
            for i, a in enumerate(s):
                a = a.strip()
                if replace and fl is source:
                    if re.match(r'\w:', a) or '\\' in a:
                        p = PureWindowsPath(a)
                        p = Path(a)
                    a = str(new_m_dir / p.relative_to(old_m_dir))

                a = Node(a, index=i)
                if s_head is None:
                    s_head = a
                    prev_a = None
                if fl is source:
                    if a.value in s_map:
                s_map[a.value] = a
                if prev_a:
                    prev_a.next = a
                    a.prev = prev_a
                prev_a = a
    return maps[0], heads[0], maps[1], heads[1], dups
Example #7
from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath, PureWindowsPath
from platform import uname
import os
appdata = PureWindowsPath(os.getenv('APPDATA'))

if 'Microsoft' in uname().release:
    if Path.cwd().drive == "":
        appdata = Path(appdata.relative_to(Path(appdata.drive) / '\\'))
        appdata = Path('/mnt/c/') / appdata

data_dir = appdata / 'league-picker'

def run():
    if not data_dir.exists():
    if not (data_dir / '.tmp').exists():
        (data_dir / '.tmp').mkdir()
    if not (data_dir / 'lists').exists():
        (data_dir / 'lists').mkdir()
    champ_file = Path(__file__).parent / "champ_data.json"
    data_file = Path(__file__).parent / "game_data.json"
    champ_data = data_dir / "champ_data.json"
    data_data = data_dir / "game_data.json"
    if not champ_data.exists():

    if not data_data.exists():