def file_chunks(filepath: Path2, chunk_size: int): with'r') as f: while True: chunk = list(itertools.islice(f, chunk_size)) if len(chunk) == 0: return yield chunk
def resume(resume_file: Path2, weights: Path2, q_estimator: QEstimator) -> \ Tuple[List[LabeledTransition], List[Job], List[Tuple[str, ReinforceGraph]]]: eprint("Looks like there was a session in progress for these weights! " "Resuming") q_estimator_name, *saved = \ torch.load(str(weights)) q_estimator.load_saved_state(*saved) replay_memory = [] with'r') as f: num_samples = sum(1 for _ in f) if num_samples > args.buffer_max_size: samples_to_use = random.sample(range(num_samples), args.buffer_max_size) else: samples_to_use = None with'r') as f: for (idx, line) in enumerate(f, start=1): if num_samples > args.buffer_max_size and \ idx not in samples_to_use: continue try: replay_memory.append(LabeledTransition.from_dict( json.loads(line))) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: eprint(f"Problem loading line {idx}: {line}") raise already_done = [] graphs_done = [] with weights.with_suffix('.done').open('r') as f: for line in f: next_done = json.loads(line) already_done.append((Path2(next_done[0]), next_done[1], next_done[2])) graphpath = (args.graphs_dir / next_done[1])\ .with_suffix(".png") graph = ReinforceGraph.load(graphpath + ".json") graphs_done.append((graphpath, graph)) return replay_memory, already_done, graphs_done
def file_chunks(filepath : Path2, chunk_size : int): with'r') as f: while True: chunk = list(itertools.islice(f, chunk_size)) if len(chunk) == chunk_size: while chunk[-1] != "-----\n": nextline = f.readline() if not nextline: break chunk += [nextline] assert len(chunk) < chunk_size * 2 elif len(chunk) == 0: return yield chunk
def save_weights(self, filename: Path2, args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: with cast(BinaryIO,'wb')) as f: ("features evaluator", args, sys.argv, (self.tactic_map, self.token_map), self.model.state_dict()), f)
def save_weights(self, filename: Path2, args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: with cast(BinaryIO,'wb')) as f:"polyarg evaluator", args, sys.argv, True, self.model.state_dict()), f)
def write_summary_html(filename : Path2, options : Sequence[Tuple[str, str]], unparsed_args : List[str], cur_commit : str, cur_date : datetime.datetime, weights_hash: str, individual_stats : List[ReportStats], combined_stats : ReportStats) -> None: def report_header(tag : Any, doc : Doc, text : Text) -> None: html_header(tag, doc, text,index_css, index_js, "Proverbot Report") doc, tag, text, line = Doc().ttl() with tag('html'): report_header(tag, doc, text) with tag('body'): with tag('h4'): text("{} files processed".format(len(individual_stats))) with tag('h5'): text("Commit: {}".format(cur_commit)) with tag('h5'): text("Run on {}".format(cur_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"))) with tag('img', ('src', 'logo.png'), ('id', 'logo')): pass with tag('h2'): text("Proofs Completed: {}% ({}/{})" .format(stringified_percent(combined_stats.num_proofs_completed, combined_stats.num_proofs), combined_stats.num_proofs_completed, combined_stats.num_proofs)) with tag('ul'): for k, v in options: if k == 'filenames': continue elif not v: continue with tag('li'): text("{}: {}".format(k, v)) with tag('table'): with tag('tr', klass="header"): line('th', 'Filename') line('th', 'Number of Proofs in File') line('th', '% Proofs Completed') line('th', '% Proofs Incomplete') line('th', '% Proofs Failed') line('th', 'Details') sorted_rows = sorted(individual_stats, key=lambda fresult:fresult.num_proofs, reverse=True) for fresult in sorted_rows: if fresult.num_proofs == 0: continue with tag('tr'): line('td', fresult.filename) line('td', str(fresult.num_proofs)) line('td', stringified_percent(fresult.num_proofs_completed, fresult.num_proofs)) line('td', stringified_percent(fresult.num_proofs - (fresult.num_proofs_completed + fresult.num_proofs_failed), fresult.num_proofs)) line('td', stringified_percent(fresult.num_proofs_failed, fresult.num_proofs)) with tag('td'): with tag('a', href=escape_filename(fresult.filename) + ".html"): text("Details") with tag('tr'): line('td', "Total") line('td', str(combined_stats.num_proofs)) line('td', stringified_percent(combined_stats.num_proofs_completed, combined_stats.num_proofs)) line('td', stringified_percent(combined_stats.num_proofs - (combined_stats.num_proofs_completed + combined_stats.num_proofs_failed), combined_stats.num_proofs)) line('td', stringified_percent(combined_stats.num_proofs_failed, combined_stats.num_proofs)) text(f'Trained as: {unparsed_args}') doc.stag('br') text(f"Reported as: {sys.argv}") doc.stag('br') text(f"Weights hash: {weights_hash}") with"w") as fout: fout.write(doc.getvalue())