def CreateMovie(saveFrame, nFrames, fps, test='Ronchi', fixedLight=True, fringe=stepFringe, nX=1001): '''Generate all the frames, create the video, then delete the individual frames. ''' # file name for the final animation if fixedLight: name = test + "_fixedlight" else: name = test + "_samelightgrating" print("Generate all frames") f = lambda iFrame: saveFrame(iFrame, './figures/_tmp%05d.jpg'%iFrame, test=test, fixedLight=fixedLight) pool = ProcessPool(nodes=3), range(nFrames)) print("Resize images") # resize the images to have even pixel sizes on both dimensions, important for ffmpeg # this commands preserves the aspect ratio, rescales the image to fill HD as much as possible, # without cropping, then pads the rest with white for iFrame in range(nFrames): fname = './figures/_tmp%05d.jpg'%iFrame #os.system("convert "+fname+" -resize 1280x720 -gravity center -extent 1280x720 -background white "+fname) os.system("convert "+fname+" -resize 1000x1000 -gravity center -extent 1000x1000 -background white "+fname) # delete old animation os.system("rm ./figures/"+name+".mp4") print("Create new animation") #os.system("ffmpeg -r "+str(fps)+" -i ./figures/_tmp%05d.jpg -s 1280x720 -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p ./figures/ronchi.mp4") os.system("ffmpeg -r "+str(fps)+" -i ./figures/_tmp%05d.jpg -s 1000x1000 -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p ./figures/"+name+".mp4") # delete images os.system("rm ./figures/_tmp*.jpg")
def make_predictions_by_t_local_map(model_name, chunk_size=(300, 150, 150), allowed_gpus=list(range(8)), timepoints=None): """ Make predictions for all timepoints, using all local gpus """ from division_detection.vol_preprocessing import VOL_DIR_H5 # fetch the number of timepoints num_vols = len(os.listdir(VOL_DIR_H5)) if timepoints is None: timepoints = timepoints or np.arange(3, num_vols - 4) n_gpus = len(allowed_gpus) split_timepoints = np.array_split(timepoints, n_gpus) devices = ['/gpu:{}'.format(idx) for idx in allowed_gpus] starred_args = list(zip(split_timepoints, [model_name] * n_gpus, [chunk_size] * n_gpus, devices)) def _star_helper(args): return _predict_local_helper(*args) print("Creating pool") pool = Pool(n_gpus) print("Dispatching jobs"), starred_args)
def make_predictions_by_t_local_map_general(model_name, in_dir, timepoints, allowed_gpus=[0], chunk_size=(200, 150, 150)): """ Make predictions for all timepoints, using all local gpus Args: model_name: name of model to use, will be looked up in_dir: absolute path to data dir timepoints: list of timepoints to process chunk_size: size of chunks to proces volume in allowed_gpus: CUDA ids of GPUs to use job will be parallelized across GPUs """ n_gpus = len(allowed_gpus) split_timepoints = np.array_split(timepoints, n_gpus) devices = ['/gpu:{}'.format(idx) for idx in allowed_gpus] starred_args = list(zip(split_timepoints, [in_dir] * n_gpus, [model_name] * n_gpus, [chunk_size] * n_gpus, devices)) def _star_helper(args): return _local_predict_helper_general(*args) print("Creating pool") pool = Pool(n_gpus) print("Dispatching jobs"), starred_args)
def get_grid_fill_objs(self, size): max_n_threads = 40 n_rows, n_cols = size n_cameras = n_rows * n_cols # print('n_cameras',n_cameras) n_threads = min(n_cameras, max_n_threads) cam_path = join(self.sample_dir, 'camera.txt') cams = np.loadtxt(cam_path) def f(camera_i): row_i = camera_i // n_cols col_i = camera_i % n_cols y = row_i / (n_rows - 1) x = col_i / (n_cols - 1) camera_pos = (1 - x) * (1 - y) * cams[3] + x * ( 1 - y) * cams[2] + (1 - x) * y * cams[1] + x * y * cams[0] self.write_meshlab_camera( join(self.keys_dir, 'meshlab_camera_{}.txt'.format(camera_i)), camera_pos, np.eye(3)) self.get_fill_obj(camera_pos, postfix=str(camera_i), frame=camera_i, check=False) pool = ProcessPool(nodes=n_threads), range(n_cameras))
def get_circle_fill_objs(self, start_camera_pos, n_cameras): max_n_threads = 40 n_threads = min(n_cameras, max_n_threads) cx, cy = start_camera_pos[0], start_camera_pos[1] cz =[2] r = np.abs(start_camera_pos[2] - cz) def f(camera_i): theta = camera_i / n_cameras * (2 * np.pi) x = r * np.sin(theta) + cx z = r * np.cos(theta) + cz camera_pos = np.array([x, cy, z]) deg = theta / np.pi * 180 deg_str = '{}'.format(int(deg)) meshlab_R = self.get_meshlab_R(camera_pos, np.array([cx, cy, cz])) self.write_meshlab_camera( join(self.frames_dir, 'meshlab_camera_{}.txt'.format(deg_str)), camera_pos, meshlab_R) self.get_fill_obj(camera_pos, postfix=deg_str, frame=camera_i, check=False) pool = ProcessPool(nodes=n_threads), range(n_cameras))
def step_generation(self): ''' evaluate fitness of pop, and create new pop after elitist_selection and mutation ''' global __evolsearch_process_pool # estimate fitness using multiprocessing pool if __evolsearch_process_pool: # pool exists __evolsearch_process_pool = ProcessPool(self.num_processes) = np.asarray(, np.arange(self.pop_size))) else: # re-create pool __evolsearch_process_pool = ProcessPool(self.num_processes) = np.asarray(, np.arange(self.pop_size))) # elitist_selection self.elitist_selection() # mutation self.mutation()
def run_vt(self): cams=self.load_cam() def f(cam_i): cam_pos=cams[cam_i] self.get_fill_obj(cam_pos,'{}'.format(cam_i),cam_i,check=False) n_cams=len(cams) n_threads=n_cams pool=ProcessPool(nodes=n_threads),range(n_cams))
def main(trackingnet_dir="TrackingNet", csv_dir=".", overwrite=False, chunks=[], data=["ANNO", "ZIPS"]): for chunk_folder in chunks: chunk_folder = chunk_folder.upper() #if ("TEST" in chunk_folder): # my_data = ["ZIPS"] #else: my_data = data for datum in my_data: data_folder = os.path.join(trackingnet_dir, chunk_folder, datum.lower()) if (not os.path.exists(data_folder)): os.makedirs(data_folder) csv_file = os.path.join( csv_dir, chunk_folder + "_" + datum.upper() + ".csv") df = pd.read_csv(csv_file) # for index, row in tqdm(df.iterrows(), desc="_".join([chunk_folder,datum]), total=len(df.index)): # Google_drive_file_id = row["link"] # Google_drive_file_name = row["name"] # destination_path = os.path.join(trackingnet_dir, chunk_folder, datum.lower(), Google_drive_file_name) # if (not os.path.exists(destination_path)): #'{id}'.format(id=Google_drive_file_id), # output=destination_path, # quiet=False, # ) pool = ProcessPool(nodes=6) file_attributes_list = [{ 'Google_drive_file_id': Google_drive_file_id, 'Google_drive_file_name': Google_drive_file_name, 'chunk_folder': chunk_folder, 'datum': datum.lower(), 'trackingnet_dir': trackingnet_dir } for Google_drive_file_id, Google_drive_file_name in zip( df['link'], df['name'])], file_attributes_list) return True
def main(args): setup = experiment_setups.parse(args.setup) # use_base_dir = False dirname = fileutil.run_dir(setup.dest_dir,, setup.max_quantifier_length, setup.model_size, setup.pareto_name) file_util = FileUtil(dirname) expressions = language_loader.load_all_evaluated_expressions(file_util) languages_0 = language_generator.generate_sampled( expressions, args.lang_size, int(args.sample_size / args.lang_size)) universe = generator.generate_simplified_models(setup.model_size) measure_complexity = SumComplexityMeasurer(args.lang_size, 1) measure_informativeness = SimMaxInformativenessMeasurer(universe) pool = ProcessPool(nodes=setup.processes) languages = languages_0 #lanuages will be iteratively updated in subsequent loop for gen in range(args.generations): print('GENERATION {0}'.format(gen)) print('measuring') complexity =, languages) informativeness =, languages) measurements = [(1 - inf, comp) for inf, comp in zip(informativeness, complexity)] print('calculating dominating') dominating_indices = pygmo.non_dominated_front_2d(measurements) dominating_languages = [languages[i] for i in dominating_indices] print('mutating') languages = sample_mutated(dominating_languages, args.sample_size, expressions) language_indices = [[e.index for e in lang] for lang in dominating_languages] dominating_complexity = [complexity[i] for i in dominating_indices] dominating_informativeness = [ informativeness[i] for i in dominating_indices ] file_util.dump_dill(dominating_complexity, 'complexity_wordcomplexity.dill') file_util.dump_dill(dominating_informativeness, 'informativeness_simmax.dill') file_util.dump_dill(language_indices, 'language_indices.dill') file_util.save_stringlist([list(map(str, lang)) for lang in languages], 'languages.txt') print(" finished.")
def write_para_record(addrs, labels, split='train', n_shards=10): train_filenames = [ expanduser("~") + '/domain_adaptation/data/syn_data_4_april_2018_norm/{}_{:0>3}_{:0>3}.tfrecords' .format(split, i, n_shards - 1) for i in range(n_shards) ] addrs_split, labels_split = np.array_split(np.array(addrs), n_shards), np.array_split( np.array(labels), n_shards) # print(type(addrs_split), len(addrs_split), addrs_split[0].shape) p = Pool(n_shards), train_filenames, addrs_split, labels_split, [split for i in range(n_shards)]) # write_record(train_filenames[0], addrs_split, labels_split, split) sys.stdout.flush()
def cluster_search(self): _log('CLUSTER SEARCH') target_kwargs = dict(self.cfg) def target(infile): return _process_clusters(infile, **target_kwargs) if self.cfg.ncpu > 1: pool = ProcessPool(nodes=min(self.cfg.ncpu, len(self.infiles))) all_out_arrays =, self.infiles) _log('CLUSTER REDUCTION') all_out_arrays = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, all_out_arrays) _log('CLUSTER OUTPUT') with h5py.File(self.cfg.outfile, 'a', libver=libver) as f: for out_array in all_out_arrays: self._write_cluster(f, out_array) else: for infile in self.infiles: all_out_arrays = target(infile) _log('CLUSTER OUTPUT (PARTIAL)') with h5py.File(self.cfg.outfile, 'a', libver=libver) as f: for out_array in all_out_arrays: self._write_cluster(f, out_array) return
def start_cache(self): pool = Pool(self.WORKERS) for status in, self.nodes): if "ERROR" in status: STREAM.error(status) else: STREAM.success(status)
def fit(self, X, y): """Fit estimator. Args: X : array-like The data to fit. y : array-like The target variable. """ self.X = np.asarray(X) self.y = np.asarray(y).reshape(y.shape[0], ) self._base_score = cross_val_score(self.clf, self.X, y=self.y, scoring=self.metric, print("Base score: {}\n".format(self._base_score)) self._best_score = self._base_score population = self._create_population() gen = 0 total_time = 0 for i in trange(self.max_iter, desc='Generation', leave=False): self.generation_plot.append(population.tolist()) p = ProcessPool(nodes=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) start = timer() self._individuals =, population) total_time = total_time + timer() - start self._Generations.append(self._individuals) best = sorted(self._individuals, key=lambda tup: tup.score, reverse=True)[0] self._best_individuals.append( self._BestIndividual(gen, best.params, best.score)) if (gen == 0): self._best_score = self._best_individuals[gen] if (best.score > self._best_score.score): self._best_score = self._best_individuals[gen] else: pass self._gen_score.append( self._Generation( gen, sum([tup[1] for tup in self._individuals]) / len(self._individuals), self._best_individuals[gen])) population = self._create_next_generation(self._individuals) self._individuals = [] gen += 1 else: print('gen: {}'.format(gen)) print('avg time per gen: {0:0.1f}'.format(total_time / gen))
def interloper_search(self): _log('INTERLOPER SEARCH') # must not put 'self' in the function, so copy the dict target_kwargs = dict(self.cfg) def target(infile): return _process_interlopers(infile, **target_kwargs) if self.cfg.ncpu > 1: pool = ProcessPool(ncpus=min(self.cfg.ncpu, len(self.infiles))) all_out_arrays =, self.infiles) else: all_out_arrays = list() for infile in self.infiles: all_out_arrays.append(target(infile)) _log('INTERLOPER REDUCTION') all_out_arrays = np.vstack(all_out_arrays) unique_keys = np.unique(all_out_arrays['is_near']) _log('INTERLOPER OUTPUT') with h5py.File(self.cfg.outfile, 'a', libver=libver) as f: for ik, cluster_id in enumerate(unique_keys): if ik % 1000 == 0: _log(' ', ik, '/', unique_keys.size) interlopers = all_out_arrays[all_out_arrays['is_near'] == cluster_id] self._write_interlopers(f, cluster_id, interlopers) return
def pairs_construction(seqs: List[List[Union[str, int]]], window_size: int = 2, drop_duplicates: bool = True, n_jobs: int = 4, **kwargs): """ Helper function to make pairs from sequences in parallel Parameters ---------- seqs : input sequences of nodes window_size : int, default is 2 drop_duplicates : bool, default if True Delete pairs where both elements are the same n_jobs : int, default is 4 Number of workers to be created in parallel pool Returns ------- List of pairs of nodes as <cur_vertex, context_vertex> """ set_new_config(window_size=window_size, **kwargs) local_logger = logging.getLogger(f"{__name__}") max_processes = max(n_jobs, os.cpu_count()) pairs_pool = ProcessPool(nodes=max_processes) pairs_pool.terminate() pairs_pool.restart()"Started making pairs from the sequences.") pairs =, seqs)"Total number of raw sampled pairs is {len(pairs)}") if drop_duplicates: pairs = [item for sublist in pairs for item in sublist if item[0] != item[1]] else: pairs = [item for sublist in pairs for item in sublist] pairs = [item for item in pairs if (item[0] != -3) & (item[1] != -3)] pairs_pool.terminate() pairs_pool.restart() return pairs
def map_list_in_chunks(l, f, extra_data): ''' A wrapper around ProcessPool.uimap that processes a list in chunks. Differs from `map_list_as_chunks` in that this method calls `f` once for each item in `l`. uimap already chunks but if you have extra data to pass in it will pickle it for every item. This function passes in the extra data to each chunk which significantly saves on pickling. Parameters ---------- l : list the list f : function the function to process each item takes two parameters: item, extra_data extra_data : object the extra data to pass to each f ''' cpus = cpu_count() chunk_length = max(1, int(len(l) / cpus)) chunks = [l[x:x + chunk_length] for x in range(0, len(l), chunk_length)] pool = Pool(nodes=cpus) f_dumps = cloudpickle.dumps(f) tuples = [(chunk, f_dumps, extra_data) for chunk in chunks] mapped_chunks =, tuples) return (item for chunk in mapped_chunks for item in chunk)
def pareto(callback, budgets : List[float], heuristic, runtime, verbose=True, **kwargs): def safe_callback(rt): result = 'pass' t = time.time() try: callback(rt) except MemoryError: result = 'fail (OOM)' except RematExceededError: result = 'fail (thrashed)' except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() print(flush=True) raise total_time = time.time() - t rt.meta['total_time'] = total_time if verbose: print(' budget {} finished in {} seconds: {}'.format( rt.budget, total_time, result ), flush=True) rt._prepickle() return rt if verbose: print('running pareto trial for budgets: {}'.format(budgets), flush=True) p = Pool() runtimes = list(map(lambda b: runtime(b, heuristic, **kwargs), budgets)) runtimes =, runtimes) return runtimes
def _calculate_powder(self): """ Calculates powder data (a_tensors, b_tensors according to aCLIMAX manual). """ # define container for powder data powder = AbinsModules.PowderData(num_atoms=self._num_atoms) k_indices = sorted(self._frequencies.keys( )) # make sure dictionary keys are in the same order on each machine b_tensors = {} a_tensors = {} if PATHOS_FOUND: threads = AbinsModules.AbinsParameters.threads p_local = ProcessPool(nodes=threads) tensors =, k_indices) else: tensors = [self._calculate_powder_k(k=k) for k in k_indices] for indx, k in enumerate(k_indices): a_tensors[k] = tensors[indx][0] b_tensors[k] = tensors[indx][1] # fill powder object with powder data powder.set(dict(b_tensors=b_tensors, a_tensors=a_tensors)) return powder
def build_coarse_model_voronoi(B, num_samples_per_bin, num_nodes, num_steps): n_bins = B.length() pool = ProcessPool(nodes = num_nodes) num_steps = [num_steps for x in range(num_samples_per_bin)] seed_data = [x for x in range(num_samples_per_bin)] Transitions = [] particle = AlanineDipeptideSimulation() particle.Bins = B particle.temperature = 1000 T = np.zeros((n_bins,n_bins)) for j in range(n_bins): particle.positions = B.Ω[j] Transitions.append(, num_steps, seed_data)) for j in range(len(Transitions)): T[Transitions[j][0], Transitions[j][1]] = T[Transitions[j][0], Transitions[j][1]] + 1 for j in range(n_bins): if (sum(T[j,:])==0): #print('No transitions in row', j, flush = True) T[j,j]=1 T[j,:] = T[j,:] / sum(T[j,:]) return T
def map_list_as_chunks(l, f, extra_data, cpus=None, max_chunk_size=None): ''' A wrapper around `pathos.multiprocessing.ProcessPool.uimap` that processes a list in chunks. Differs from `map_list_in_chunks` in that this method calls `f` once for each chunk. uimap already chunks but if you have extra data to pass in it will pickle it for every item. This function passes in the extra data to each chunk which significantly saves on pickling. Parameters ---------- l : list the list f : function the function to process each item takes two parameters: chunk, extra_data extra_data : object the extra data to pass to each f cpus : int the number of cores to use to split the chunks across max_chunk_size : int the maximum size for each chunk ''' cpus = cpu_count() if cpus is None else cpus max_chunk_size = float('inf') if max_chunk_size is None else max_chunk_size chunk_length = min(max_chunk_size, max(1, ceil(len(l) / cpus))) chunks = [l[x:x + chunk_length] for x in range(0, len(l), chunk_length)] pool = Pool(nodes=cpus) f_dumps = cloudpickle.dumps(f) tuples = [(chunk, f_dumps, extra_data) for chunk in chunks] return, tuples)
def correction_factor(p, number_of_runs, method, X, y, n_jobs=None): # Setup parallel job if n_jobs == -1: n_jobs = cpu_count() elif n_jobs == None: n_jobs = 1 pool = Pool(n_jobs, maxtasksperchild=1000) def run(_): # Artificially falsify y_f = falsify(y, p, random_state=_) # Correct labels y_corrected = method.fit_transform(X, y_f) N = X.shape[0] return ((y == y_corrected).sum() - (1 - p) * N) / (p * N) factor = np.array(, range(number_of_runs))) # Close the pool again pool.close() pool.join() pool.clear() return np.mean(factor), np.std(factor)
def _calculate_powder(self): """ Calculates powder data (a_tensors, b_tensors according to aCLIMAX manual). """ # define container for powder data powder = AbinsModules.PowderData(num_atoms=self._num_atoms) k_indices = sorted(self._frequencies.keys()) # make sure dictionary keys are in the same order on each machine b_tensors = {} a_tensors = {} if PATHOS_FOUND: threads = AbinsModules.AbinsParameters.threads p_local = ProcessPool(nodes=threads) tensors =, k_indices) else: tensors = [self._calculate_powder_k(k=k) for k in k_indices] for indx, k in enumerate(k_indices): a_tensors[k] = tensors[indx][0] b_tensors[k] = tensors[indx][1] # fill powder object with powder data powder.set(dict(b_tensors=b_tensors, a_tensors=a_tensors)) return powder
def AllocateParticlesInBins(B, num_nodes, step_data): #seeds not being used at the moment magnitude = 1000.0 particle_data = [] phi_data = [] psi_data = [] target_ids = [] B_copies = [B] magnitude_copies=[] for j in range(B.length()): angles = BinMidpoints(B, j) phi_data.append(angles[0]) psi_data.append(angles[1]) target_ids.append(j) B_copies.append(B) magnitude_copies.append(magnitude) pool = ProcessPool(nodes = num_nodes) particle = AlanineDipeptideSimulation() #positionsset =, phi_data, psi_data, step_data, seeds, B_copies, target_ids) positionsset =, phi_data, psi_data, magnitude_copies) #positions = particle.move_particle_to_bin(1,1, step_data[0], seeds[0]) return positionsset
def sparsify_predictions(model_name, timepoints=None): """ Computes and saves sparse representations for model predictions Args: model_name: name of model whose predictions you wish to sparsify timepoints: list of timepoints to sparsify - [int] """ from ipp_tools.slurm import slurm_map from division_detection.constants import NUM_TIMEPOINTS pred_dir = '/nrs/turaga/bergera/division_detection/prediction_outbox/{}'.format(model_name) sparse_pred_dir = '{}/sparse'.format(pred_dir) if not os.path.exists(sparse_pred_dir): os.mkdir(sparse_pred_dir) existing_tps = set([int(fname[:-3]) for fname in os.listdir(sparse_pred_dir)]) if timepoints is None: timepoints = np.arange(3, NUM_TIMEPOINTS - 4) timepoints = [t for t in timepoints if t not in existing_tps] def _sparsify_predictions_helper(t_idx): """ Helper function that sparsifies a single timepoint. """ from division_detection.sparse_utils import save_dense_as_coo pred_dir = '/nrs/turaga/bergera/division_detection/prediction_outbox/{}'.format(model_name) dense_pred_dir = '{}/dense'.format(pred_dir) sparse_pred_dir = '{}/sparse'.format(pred_dir) if not os.path.exists('{}/{}.h5'.format(dense_pred_dir, t_idx)): warn('You asked me to sparsify predictions for {} but none exist'.format(t_idx)) try: with h5py.File('{}/{}.h5'.format(dense_pred_dir, t_idx), 'r') as prediction_file: predictions = prediction_file['predictions'] print("Loading ", t_idx) tp_preds = predictions[:] print("Saving ", t_idx) save_dense_as_coo(tp_preds, '{}/{}'.format(sparse_pred_dir, t_idx)) except OSError as os_err: warn("Caught OS error while trying to read {}; continuing".format(t_idx)) pool = Pool(20), timepoints)
def write_data(img_data_path): categories = filter(lambda x: os.path.isdir(os.path.join(img_data_path,x)), os.listdir(img_data_path)) addrs = [i.strip().split(' ')[0] for i in open(img_data_path + 'image_list.txt').readlines()] print(len(addrs)) n_shards = 16 addrs = np.array_split(np.array(addrs), n_shards) write_data_path = expanduser("~") + '/abhinav/RelayVision/data/' + split_str + '_tfrecords/' # for Aggie's laptop # write_data_path = '/home/arna/Project/RelayVision/' + split_str + '_tfrecords/' # for Arna's lab PC filenames = [write_data_path+'{}_{:0>3}_{:0>3}.tfrecords'.format(split_str, i, n_shards-1) for i in range(n_shards)] # for i in range(len(filenames)): # i=0 # write_record(img_data_path, filenames[i], addrs[i], split_str) p = Pool(n_shards), [img_data_path for i in range(n_shards)], filenames, addrs, [split_str for i in range(n_shards)])
def get_square_fill_objs(self): n_threads = 4 cam_path = join(self.sample_dir, 'camera.txt') cams = np.loadtxt(cam_path) def f(camera_i): camera_pos = cams[camera_i] self.write_meshlab_camera( join(self.keys_dir, 'meshlab_camera_{}.txt'.format(camera_i)), camera_pos, np.eye(3)) self.get_fill_obj(camera_pos, postfix=str(camera_i), frame=camera_i, check=False) pool = ProcessPool(nodes=n_threads), range(n_threads))
def obs_temp_p(self, dtobj): ''' get observed temperature in amsterdam parallel ''' self.dtobjP = dtobj pool = Pool() obs =, self.filelist) self.obs = [ob for ob in obs if ob is not None]
def _prepare_eigen(self): """ calculate eigen values and vectors for all kpts and save. Note that the convention 2 is used here, where the phase factor is e^(ik.R), not e^(ik.(R+rj-ri)) """ nkpts = len(self.kpts) self.evals = np.zeros((nkpts, self.nbasis), dtype=float) self.nkpts = nkpts self.H0 = np.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), dtype=complex) self.evecs = np.zeros((nkpts, self.nbasis, self.nbasis), dtype=complex) H = np.zeros((nkpts, self.nbasis, self.nbasis), dtype=complex) if not self.is_orthogonal: self.S = np.zeros((nkpts, self.nbasis, self.nbasis), dtype=complex) else: self.S = None if self.nproc == 1: results = map(self.tbmodel.HSE_k, self.kpts) else: executor = ProcessPool(nodes=self.nproc) results =, self.kpts, [2] * len(self.kpts)) executor.close() executor.join() executor.clear() for ik, result in enumerate(results): if self.is_orthogonal: H[ik], _, self.evals[ik], self.evecs[ik] = result else: H[ik], self.S[ik], self.evals[ik], self.evecs[ik] = result self.H0 += H[ik] / self.nkpts self.evals, self.evecs = self._reduce_eigens(self.evals, self.evecs, emin=self.efermi - 10.0, emax=self.efermi + 10.1) if self._use_cache: evecs = self.evecs self.evecs_shape = self.evecs.shape self.evecs = np.memmap(os.path.join(self.cache_path, 'evecs.dat'), mode='w+', shape=self.evecs.shape, dtype=complex) self.evecs[:, :, :] = evecs[:, :, :] if self.is_orthogonal: self.S = None else: S = self.S self.S = np.memmap(os.path.join(self.cache_path, 'S.dat'), mode='w+', shape=(nkpts, self.nbasis, self.nbasis), dtype=complex) self.S[:] = S[:] del self.evecs if not self.is_orthogonal: del self.S
def _parallel_final_score(self, smiles: List[str]) -> FinalSummary: molecules, valid_indices = self._smiles_to_mols(smiles) component_smiles_pairs = [[ component, molecules, valid_indices, smiles ] for component in self.scoring_components] pool = ProcessPool(nodes=len(self.scoring_components)) mapped_pool =, component_smiles_pairs) pool.clear() return self._score_summary(mapped_pool, smiles, valid_indices)
def para_data_allo_1(Theta, cpu_num, rng, d_struct, Data_struct): time.sleep(1) pub = Data_struct.pub_info[0, ] print(" id: {} , is dealing the auction with {} bidder ".format( threading.get_ident(), pub[2])) JJ = d_struct["JJ"] # number of auctions in the data || maximum length of an auction TT, T_end = Data_struct.data_act.shape TT = int(TT) T_end = int(T_end) ''' take the grid generation outsides ''' # num of bidders in the auction N = int(pub[2]) # setup the env info structure info_flag = pub[3] # setup the env info structure Env = ENV(N, Theta) if info_flag == 0: para = Env.Uninform() else: para = Env.Info_ID() [x_signal, w_x] = signal_DGP(para, rng, N, JJ) results = [] func = partial(para_fun, para, info_flag, rng, T_end, int(JJ * N), x_signal, w_x) pool = ProcessPool(nodes=cpu_num) # pool = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=cpu_num) start = time.time() results = func, zip(range(0, TT), Data_struct.data_act, Data_struct.data_state, Data_struct.pub_info)) MoM = np.nanmean(list(results)) end = time.time() print('time expenditure for the auction estimation under N = {}'.format(N)) print(end - start) return MoM
def run_asymptotics(base, ns, heuristic, bound, runtime, releases=True, **kwargs): config = { 'ns': ns, 'heuristic': str(heuristic), 'heuristic_features': list(heuristic.FEATURES), 'memory': str(bound), 'releases': releases, 'runtime': runtime.ID, 'runtime_features': list(runtime.FEATURES), 'kwargs': kwargs } p = Pool() print('generating asymptotics data for config: {}...'.format( json.dumps(config, indent=2))) args = [] for n in ns: args.append([n, bound(n), heuristic, runtime, releases, kwargs]) t = time.time() rts =, *zip(*args)) t = time.time() - t succ_ns, succ_rts = chop_failures(ns, rts) print(' - succeeded between n={} and n={}'.format(succ_ns[0], succ_ns[-1])) print(' done, took {} seconds.'.format(t)) results = { 'layers': succ_ns, 'computes': list(map(lambda rt: rt.telemetry.summary['remat_compute'], rts)), 'had_OOM': ns[0] != succ_ns[0], 'had_thrash': ns[-1] != succ_ns[-1] } date_str ='%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-%f') base_mod = ASYMPTOTICS_MOD + '/' + base out_file = '{}-{}-{}.json'.format(date_str, heuristic.ID, bound.ID) util.ensure_output_path(base_mod) out_path = util.get_output_path(base_mod, out_file) with open(out_path, 'w') as out_f: out_f.write( json.dumps({ 'config': config, 'results': results }, indent=2)) print('-> done, saved to "{}"'.format(out_path))
def run( self ): # from pathos.multiprocessing import Pool from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessPool as Pool args = self._interpna_setup( ) pool = Pool( processes=self.ncpus ) out = self._interpna, args[:400] ) pool.close() lons = self._lonpc # stack em and roll-its axis so time is dim0 dat = np.rollaxis( np.dstack( out ), -1 ) if self._rotated == True: # rotate it back dat, lons = self.rotate( dat, lons, to_pacific=False ) # place back into a new xarray.Dataset object for further processing # function to make a new xarray.Dataset object with the mdata we need? # ds = self.ds # var = ds[ self.variable ] # setattr( var, 'data', dat ) # self.ds = ds print( 'ds interpolated updated into self.ds' ) return dat
def spaceConvNumbaThreadedOuter2(self): """ `Block` threading example """ def divider(arr_dims, coreNum=1): """ Get a bunch of iterable ranges; Example input: [[[0, 24], [15, 25]]]""" if (coreNum == 1): return arr_dims elif (coreNum < 1): raise ValueError(\ 'partitioner expected a positive number of cores, got %d'\ % coreNum ) elif (coreNum % 2): raise ValueError(\ 'partitioner expected an even number of cores, got %d'\ % coreNum ) total = [] # Split each coordinate in arr_dims in _half_ for arr_dim in arr_dims: dY = arr_dim[0][1] - arr_dim[0][0] dX = arr_dim[1][1] - arr_dim[1][0] if ((coreNum,)*2 > (dY, dX)): coreNum = max(dY, dX) coreNum -= 1 if (coreNum % 2 and coreNum > 1) else 0 new_c1, new_c2, = [], [] if (dY >= dX): # Subimage height is greater than its width half = dY // 2 new_c1.append([arr_dim[0][0], arr_dim[0][0] + half]) new_c1.append(arr_dim[1]) new_c2.append([arr_dim[0][0] + half, arr_dim[0][1]]) new_c2.append(arr_dim[1]) else: # Subimage width is greater than its height half = dX // 2 new_c1.append(arr_dim[0]) new_c1.append([arr_dim[1][0], half]) new_c2.append(arr_dim[0]) new_c2.append([arr_dim[1][0] + half, arr_dim[1][1]]) total.append(new_c1), total.append(new_c2) # If the number of cores is 1, we get back the total; Else, # we split each in total, etc.; it's turtles all the way down return divider(total, coreNum // 2) def numer(start, finish): count = start iteration = 0 while count < finish: yield iteration, count iteration += 1 count += 1 @checkarrays @jit def dotJit(subarray, kernel): total = 0.0 for i in xrange(subarray.shape[0]): for j in xrange(subarray.shape[1]): total += subarray[i][j] * kernel[i][j] return total def outer(subset): a, b, = subset ai, bi, = map(sub, *reversed(zip(*subset))) temp = np.zeros((ai, bi)) for ind, i in numer(*a): for jnd, j in numer(*b): temp[ind, jnd] = dotJit(\ self.array[i:i+self.__rangeKX_, j:j+self.__rangeKY_] , self.kernel ) return temp, a, b # ProcessPool auto-detects processors, but my function above # only accepts an even number; I'm still working on it. # Otherwise I wouldn't mess with cpu_count() cores = cpu_count() cores -= 1 if (cores % 2 == 1 and cores > 1) else 0 # Get partitioning indices and the usable number of cores shape = [[[0, self.__rangeX_ - 1], [0, self.__rangeY_ - 1]]] partitions = divider(shape, cores) # Map partitions to threads and process pool = ProcessPool(nodes=cores) results =, partitions) #pool.close() #pool.join() for ind, res in enumerate(results): X, Y, = results[ind][1:] self.__arr_[slice(*X), slice(*Y)] += results[ind][0] return self.__arr_
# from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pool # import pathos.multiprocessing as mp from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessPool as Pool from ActiveShapeModelsBetter import ASMB, Point, Shape import dill if __name__ == "__main__": asm = ASMB([0, 1], 10) asm.addShape(Shape([Point(100, 200), Point(200, 440), Point(400, 300)])) p = Pool(), asm.allShapes, [[-1, 1], [1, -1]])